10 most dangerous places in the world. The most dangerous places on the planet

On our planet there are a wide variety of dangerous places, which have recently begun to attract a special category of extreme tourists seeking thrills in life. In such places they find what they are looking for first of all - a source of adrenaline. Visiting many of these places can pose a direct threat to health or life. Such exclusion zones can be the most different places: cities, bodies of water, desert and mountainous places that have had a bad reputation for centuries.

1. Chernobyl and Pripyat (Ukraine)

On April 26, 1986, a terrible disaster occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Losing control of a modern nuclear reactor resulted in the release of tons of radioactive materials that mixed with dust, air and water, contaminating the area with radiation for hundreds of kilometers around. Due to untimely notification of the population, many people managed to become radioactively contaminated and began to get seriously ill and subsequently die. Little-known cities before this fateful day, leading a calm, measured lifestyle, became known throughout the world. Residents hastily left the cities, not having time to collect and take their belongings with them. This is how these deserted ghost towns stand now, in which it is impossible to stay for a long time without the risk of receiving a strong dose of radiation. And such a sad fate is destined for them for several more centuries, and perhaps thousands of years.

2. Snake Island Queimada Grande (Brazil)

The Brazilian island of Queimada Grande, located near the mainland in the waters Atlantic Ocean, not too hospitable. One of the subspecies of bothrops, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world, has settled on this island. Apart from snakes, there are no other animals on the island (which is understandable), and only migratory birds fly here, which are food for reptiles. Scientists have turned this island into a natural serpentarium, where they are trying to preserve this endemic species of bothrops. Ordinary people are not allowed here, and there are hardly any among them who want to find painful and certain death here. Even the beacon installed here has been operating in automatic mode for some time now.

3. Danakil Desert (Ethiopia)

Despite the unique beautiful landscapes, the Ethiopian Danakil Desert is a very unforgiving place to live due to the peculiarities of the local climate. The temperature in these places often exceeds 50 degrees in the shade - it is impossible to breathe such hot air for a long time. In addition, the air contains a very high content of poisonous gases that pose a mortal danger to life. In addition, since this desert is located above the Arabian Rift, powerful earthquakes often occur here.

As for such natural wonders as waterfalls, Europe has not been very successful with them, because the most enormous in power are located on other continents...

4. California coast (USA)

The entire California coast is a fairly dangerous area to live in. The “Pacific Belt of Fire” passes through here - a zone of high geological activity, accompanied by powerful earthquakes. It is also unsafe near the California coast, because in local waters Pacific Ocean Great white sharks often migrate, posing a serious threat to divers and surfers who love to ride high waves.

5. Death Valley (Russia)

The Geysernaya River runs down from the slopes of the Kikhpinych volcano in Kamchatka, just downstream of which is the famous Valley of Geysers. However, upstream relatively recently (in 1975) a more sinister place was discovered, which was called Death Valley. The land here is full of thermal springs, and also various gases escape through it, including carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and, in some places, even cyanide compounds. Inhaling all this, animals and birds of various sizes that enter a small area of ​​territory quickly die and remain there.

6. “Road of Death” (Bolivia)

Perhaps this is the most dangerous road in the world. It winds along a 600-meter abyss, and its width does not exceed three meters. It takes a long time to drive along such a nerve-wracking path - 70 kilometers. Moreover, even buses and trucks manage to move along this route. Since there are no sidings here, the meeting of two cars on this road puts them in an almost hopeless situation - backing down such a narrow ledge means almost certainly dying. But, despite such a gloomy prospect, traffic along the “road of death” is quite brisk - all because it is the only one connecting the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, with the town of Coroisco. Moreover, periodically, during the rainy season (November-March), the narrow road is washed away by tropical downpours, blocked by landslides and hidden from view by thick fogs. Therefore, dozens of people die on this road every year.

For the average person, the difference between “dormant” and “extinct” volcanoes is not obvious. But the differences between them are quite significant,...

7. Summit of Mount Washington (USA)

In the northeastern United States in the state of New Hampshire there is a relatively low (1917 m) Mount Washington. It stands out not at all for its height, but for the very harsh weather conditions that prevail at its peak. Until 1996, it held the wind speed record, recorded in 1934 at a weather station on the top of the mountain - 372 km/h. All technical buildings at the top of the mountains are designed to withstand such winds, many of them are chained to the ground to prevent them from being blown away. Heavy snow storms are common here at any time of the year.

8. Merapi or “Fire Mountain” (Indonesia)

The active Indonesian volcano Merapi should by definition be a dangerous place. During the period of observation alone, more than a hundred eruptions were observed. The volcano never falls asleep, constantly releasing a stream of smoke into the sky to a height of three kilometers. The last significant eruption, which occurred in 2014, killed about 20 people, but in 1930, when the lava descended lower than usual, death took a more abundant harvest here - about a thousand victims. The fault of these tragedies is the people themselves, who, in spite of everything, continue to settle too close to the volcano.

9. Bermuda Triangle (Atlantic Ocean)

Legendary Bermuda Triangle is considered a dangerous anomalous zone of the Atlantic. It is in a triangle with vertices in Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico (hence the area's name). How many articles and testimonies have been written about the disappearance of planes and ships in local waters, the failure of navigation instruments, and gaps in time! This area of ​​the ocean is dangerous due to the large number of shoals and the fact that many Atlantic storms and cyclones originate here. There are, however, more esoteric explanations for local miracles.

The territory of Russia is huge, so it is not surprising that dozens of waterfalls are scattered across it, in its most diverse corners. Some of them are so...

10. “Royal Path” (Spain)

That's what they call artificial walking trail, walking along the El Chorro gorge, which is located not far from Malaga near the village of Alora. Now it has a width of 3 meters and a length of about three kilometers, hanging over cliffs hundreds of meters deep. Previously, it was intended for technical purposes and had a width of no more than 1 m and did not have railings - it was in those days that it was deadly. And it was named royal for the episode when the King of Spain Alfonso XIII personally walked along it. It allowed passage from the Gaitanejo waterfall through the gorge to another Chorro waterfall. In 2000, due to the danger, the trail was officially closed, but since it was very popular among extreme tourists, the authorities reconstructed it and reopened it in 2015. Now the 3-meter path is lined with boards and has railings, so that even unprepared tourists can walk along it.

11. City of Port Moresby (New Guinea)

Capital island state Papua - New Guinea the city of Port Moresby (locals call it Nyujini) is located in the east of this island. This is the most dangerous capital in the world. Although it contains the president and government of the country, the real power here belongs to bandit groups. It is better for a civilized white man not to show his face here at all. The Papuans inhabiting the city can easily kill a stranger just to eat him. They can even be understood - here traditionally there is not enough animal protein in the diet. But this is more likely in the outback of the country, and in the capital a stranger will be killed in order to rob, or simply because there is nothing to do. This is because the residents were spoiled by Australian humanitarian handouts. As a result, the country's residents do not want to work at all, but even if any of them were to look for work, it is unlikely that they would find it here. Therefore, all they can do is join armed gangs and get money for women, alcohol and drugs through robberies. Local thugs are not even afraid of the police, because the authorities themselves are either bribed or completely intimidated.

North American relief can be divided into several types: in the central and northern parts you can admire the delightful plains, ...

12. South Luangwa National Park (Zambia)

This huge reserve is very beautiful, but if the hippopotamuses living here suddenly lose their temper, then the guests here may have a hard time. These agile living “tanks” really don’t like it when annoying visitors interfere with their education of the younger generation and their weddings. An angry hippopotamus does not need claws or even impressive fangs - it just needs to step on the object of irritation to kill it. In South Luangwa for every kilometer river bank there are about five hippos. For some reason, in children's fairy tales these herbivorous giants are presented as such good-natured hulks, but in fact, due to their sky-high testosterone levels, they are the most aggressive of the large African animals. Second in size only to elephants, hippos kill more people each year than lions, leopards and buffaloes combined.

13. Lake Natron (Tanzania)

The ominous uniqueness of the Tanzanian Lake Natron is that animals that approach it not only die, but are also mummified right there. They forever freeze in their natural poses, as if they were bewitched and turned into stone sculptures. The fact is that the water in the lake is highly alkaline; a lot of soda, lime, and other salts are dissolved here, which mummify the bodies of the victims, preventing them from decomposing. The mineralized water has an intense red tint, but closer to the shores it changes to orange and bluish. The victims of the insidious alkaline lake are mainly birds, while large animals prudently avoid it. But this lake is not so cruel to all birds - pink flamingos, taking advantage of the absence of predators, arrange their nesting here, flocking here in colossal flocks.

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14. Lake Karachay (Russia)

Lake Karachay, located in the Urals, is a striking example of a man-made disaster. In the post-war years it was used as a repository for radioactive materials. Later, the water level in the lake dropped, and the radiation came out and began to generously flood everything around with its deadly rays. Authorities now have to spend huge amounts of money filling up the lake in an attempt to reduce exposure to radiation, but even approaching this body of water is still deadly.

15. Acid lake in Sicily (Italy)

This miniature lake looks incredibly picturesque. It can also be classified as one of the most poisonous bodies of water, but only for natural reasons. At the bottom there are a couple of sources of sulfuric acid, which is diluted with water. No one and nothing lives in this solution of sulfuric acid, and the birds wisely do not even try to approach it. But, according to rumor, the Sicilian mafia likes to hide their crimes here - once a victim is thrown there, after a few hours there is nothing left of him. Nothing grows around this lake at a fairly large distance. Any living creature will be in trouble if it gets too close to him. Surprisingly, the composition of the water of this lake was first studied only in 1999. At the same time, it was possible to establish that the sources of sulfuric acid were two underground crevices. In such an environment, it is impossible for any life to exist, at least not the kind we imagine.

Why do people travel? It would seem that the answer is obvious. Going to distant lands, spending a lot of money and dragging heavy suitcases makes you have an irresistible desire to see and get to know new places and unfamiliar people. And also unusual cities and countries attract with their exoticism and the opportunity to experience a unique drive, surrendering to the power of the spirit of adventurism.

However, there are places on our planet where you cannot attract ordinary tourists. Here you won’t see a respectable father of a family with three children or long-legged young ladies with expensive manicures. Five-star hotels are not built here and animation and shows are not offered in the evenings. Women will not be able to visit spas, and men cannot hope to find even the slightest decent beer.

These places are not for tourists accustomed to comfort and entertainment. Even with the usual mention, they evoke horror and a desire to switch thoughts to more pleasant topics. But nevertheless, they exist and continue to create panic.

Today we will talk about the most dangerous places on our planet.

The most terrible and dangerous places on our planet... They are everywhere: in prosperous Europe and in poor Africa, in big countries and on tiny islands. Today we are creating a rating of terrible places where only the most reckless adventurer would dare to go. Our selection includes places that may be undesirable to visit for various reasons: environmental pollution, dangerous criminal conditions, murderous natural conditions. So here we go.

Pripyat (Ukraine)

It was the youngest city of the Ukrainian SSR. It was built to house workers servicing the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Pripyat had everything that was best by Soviet standards: shops without shortages, well-appointed high-rise buildings, many parks, a swimming pool, and an amusement park.

This entire idyllic world collapsed in one minute after the most terrible man-made disaster in human history. April 26, 1986 forever crossed out the peaceful life of the city. All residents had to leave their homes in a hurry. They left for three days, and some did not even think of taking documents and warm clothes with them, because the end of April that year turned out to be hot like summer. Many could not imagine that they would never return to their city.

Today Pripyat belongs to the most famous ghost towns in the world. It is located within a 30-kilometer exclusion zone. Time here is forever frozen in the past: Soviet symbols have been preserved on the former streets, and you won’t see air conditioners or intercoms on the houses.

There are many creepy stories associated with Pripyat and its surroundings. Mutant animals are supposedly found here: huge rats, hares with five legs and wild boars with horns on their heads. In fact, most of these stories are ordinary inventions of horror movie lovers. The real reality is much worse.

The richest and most beautiful corner of the country, located just 90 kilometers from Kyiv, will be uninhabited for decades to come. The level of radiation pollution in some places is off the scale to levels that can cause health problems even after a short stay.

Awe is caused not by hares with paws on their bellies, but by deserted ruined streets, where children’s laughter once rang, houses frozen in a silent question with broken windows, former schools where notebooks and toys are still gathering dust on the shelves, rusty trees, everything their appearance testifying to a terrible tragedy and lasting pain.

The scariest place in Pripyat is the former hospital, or rather its basement. There still lie the smelling clothes of the firefighters who, on that distant April night, extinguished the fire at the nuclear power plant, saving the country, and maybe all of humanity, from imminent death.

These people have been dead for a long time - they received too high a dose of radiation. But the clothes remained, and will be stored there for a long time, in the basement, where even the most inveterate daredevils do not risk entering.

Today there are excursions to Pripyat. Their routes are laid in places with minimal pollution and the risk of receiving a dose of radiation is almost zero. However, the city will long remain a silent reproach to the people who interrupted its life and forced it to become an eternal ghost.

Bermuda Triangle

About this gloomy and mysterious place Almost everyone on earth knows, although many have never wondered in what part of the world this triangle is located and why it is, in fact, Bermuda.

Anomalous zone, associated with the tragic disappearances of ships and aircraft, is located in the Atlantic Ocean, near the shores of North America, and it got its name from the nearby islands.

The first tragic disappearance happened back in 1840, when the Rosalia ship was found near the ocean shores with all the utensils and ship's instruments, but without a single passenger. Where the people could have gone remains a mystery.

Tragic disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle continued to occur regularly. As 300 people from the Cyclops ship sank into the water, not a trace remained of the Japanese and Norwegian ships. Later, when humanity mastered airplanes, the Bermuda Triangle expanded its influence on this type of transport. We found ourselves powerless in the face of the anomalous zone military transport aircraft, gas station and torpedo bombers.

There has been a significant decrease in those wishing to fly in the Bermuda Triangle area. Scientists around the world are trying to find an explanation for the strange phenomenon. The most popular versions: the influence of aliens and the presence of a huge depression with methane. Under unfavorable conditions, gas exhausts into the atmosphere vibrate at the height of infrasound, which makes people feel an incomprehensible fear and panic. Trying to escape, they unconsciously throw themselves into the water to certain death...

However, there is another version. The Bermuda Triangle is no different from other places on the planet, and stories of disappearances are greatly exaggerated. Ship wrecks here happened quite often for prosaic reasons related to difficult navigation conditions. Plane crashes also had a realistic explanation: bad weather and the insufficiently developed technical level of those times.

However, these opinions of scientific skeptics are drowned in the mass of terrible stories about the innocent victims of the triangle, who for many years have been unsuccessfully trying to reach the desired shore.

Death Valley (Russia, Kamchatka)

Its name speaks for itself. The anomalous zone occupies a small area at the foot of the Kikhpinych volcano, not far from the famous Valley of Geysers. The place is so deserted and remote that its existence was not known until 1975.

The picturesque area could become frequently visited by tourists, if not for one of its features. He kills. Death Valley leaves no chance for small animals such as rodents or birds and their large relatives - lynxes, foxes, bears. In search of food, they wander into a dangerous place that will never let them go again.

What is the reason for this phenomenon? The answer lies in a deadly gas that is released in large quantities through cracks in the earth's crust.. Since the valley is located in a depression, a kind of pit, an incredible concentration of gas occurs, which becomes fatal for the unfortunate animals. Toxic substances can even kill microbes that destroy the corpses of victims.

Man is also uncomfortable in Death Valley. A few guests of the eerie place recall that even a short stay in the valley caused headaches, dizziness and nausea. It remains a mystery why the animals remain in the valley until death and do not try to escape and save themselves.

While staying in Death Valley, it is difficult not only physically, but also mentally. The bones scattered throughout the area, as well as the half-rotten corpses of large and small animals, make a depressing impression.

There are no tours to Death Valley. Fortunately or unfortunately, decide for yourself.

Road of Death (Bolivia)

Watching a video or looking at a photo taken in this extremely dangerous place is not recommended for people with a fine mental structure. A narrow strip of road surface, on which two cars can hardly pass each other, is located at an altitude of 330 to 3600 meters above sea level. Every day thousands of cars, mopeds and bicycles travel along it on a difficult journey.

The Road of Death is a forced journey for passengers traveling to La Paz and Coroico. It is to connect these settlements and the infamous road was built. Although it appeared less than a hundred years ago, there is no exact information about its builders. According to one version, it was built by prisoners from Paraguay, and according to another, by an American construction company.

This historical information is hardly of interest to the local population, who are forced to set off on a dangerous journey. Travel conditions are complicated by the extremely poor quality of roads in many areas and predominantly unfavorable weather. Frequent tropical downpours and dense fogs also increase the danger of travel.

The statistics are inexorable: hundreds of residents and tourists die on the Death Road every year. The tragedy involving tourists from Israel in 1999, when 8 people died, received the greatest resonance. It was after this accident bad place received its current name. And the most a large number of casualties were recorded in 1983, when more than 100 people died in a bus that fell into an abyss.

Locals forced to regularly use the road as the only way to get from one part of the country to another. It’s a completely different matter for desperate extreme cyclists. Nowhere else will you be able to tickle your nerves and get a huge dose of adrenaline. Available in Bolivia and travel companies who, for a fee, will give you a ride... like a breeze.

Recently, the Bolivian government has allocated significant amounts of money to modernize the road. New asphalt is being laid here, railings and road signs are being installed. Whether Death Valley will be interesting when it becomes safe, only time will tell.

Aokigahara - suicide forest (Japan)

Aokigahara is a dense forest at the foot of Mount Fuji on the island of Honshu. Bizarrely intertwined tree trunks, mysterious caves, rocky fragments - this is how the forest, which has a sad reputation, appears before the gaze of the traveler.

Many centuries ago, desperate poor people brought here weak relatives whom they were unable to feed, and left them to certain and painful death. Today no one is starving in Japan, but the number of deaths in Aokigaharo is not decreasing.

Mystical thickets mysteriously attract those who have decided to commit suicide. Going for an innocent walk along the path, you risk seeing the corpse of a hanged man or stepping on the remains of a body hidden by dense foliage.

Local authorities are trying their best to stop the flow of suicides. The shops at the foot of the mountain do not sell medicine or ropes; posters with calls to think about relatives and promises of psychological help are placed throughout the territory. There are even special patrols that help detect potential suicides in the forest.

But the flow of those wishing to commit suicide does not stop. Oddly enough, there are also many people who want to gaze at the mystical place. But excursions through the forest are conducted under the strict supervision of a guide and only in places approved for this. So far, there have been no reports of tourist suicides in Aokigahara.

Danakil Desert (Ethiopia)

This place successfully claims to be the setting for filming a horror film about alien life. The Danakil Desert in Ethiopia is recognized as a geological depression and one of the most dangerous places in the world.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, people did not even know about the existence of this inhospitable place. Since it is almost impossible to live here, only nomads who traded salt came to the desert.

The harsh place is full of demonic beauty landscapes, dark volcanoes, sulfur lakes, toxic fumes. The air temperature never drops below 34 C, and no more than 100-200 ml of rain falls here per year.

Anyone who dares to appear on the territory of Danakil faces the danger of dehydration, poisoning by toxic fumes, death from lava flow and even attacks by militants from neighboring Eritrea. The danger to life is posed by the high seismic and volcanic activity of the ominous place.

Nevertheless, the Danakil Desert attracts extreme tourists. The main attraction, reminiscent of the gates of hell, is the lake of the Erta Ale volcano. The huge growing lava, the demonic seething and crackling of the lake, its absorption of entire pieces of earth are not a sight for the most impressionable. Attracts tourists and the most salt Lake Assale. There is evidence that once the territory of the current desert was the bottom of the ocean, hence the salt lakes along with the reefs.

The local population also has a legend about the desert. It says that many years ago there was beautiful place. The demons of the four elements destroyed the fertile soil, destroyed the trees, and dried up the seas and rivers. And to this day they fight for supremacy in this unusual land.

Tours to Danakil are in demand among Europeans. Those who are willing to pay money will be taken through safe places deserts. Go to independent travel highly not recommended.

Somalia (Africa)

Complete anarchy, appalling poverty, constant military conflicts, fragmentation of the country. This is what the former power, located in the eastern part of the African continent, looks like today. The country was unable to maintain a single state as a result of ongoing civil wars. The only more or less stable autonomy where you can go outside without security is Somaliland, which declared its independence in 1991.

In the 2000s, all media were full of news about attacks by Somali pirates. Armed groups of young people aged 18-35 robbed ships, captured and killed people. Somali pirates were notorious throughout the world as the most brutal and ruthless. But since 2012, piracy has been defeated.

Solving the country's problems and establishing legitimate authority turned out to be much more difficult. Today Somalia is an uncontrolled territory. Naturally, there can be no talk of any tourism, although Somalia has its own attractions, as well as historical and cultural traditions. Here are located picturesque parks, which have retained their original attractiveness, ancient mosques, ancient temples. Most of them are in Mogadishu, ancient city, which was founded in the 12th century.

It is unlikely that we will be able to buy last-minute tours to Somalia in the coming years. This area is still the most dangerous and unattractive place in the world.

Beware of these terrible places on our planet.

Each continent has its own special places. Some fascinate with their beauty, while others pose a mortal danger and, moreover, are strictly prohibited from visiting. TravelAsk found information about the most dangerous places on our planet.

A place where the wind can blow away

Mount Washington in New Hampshire is recognized as one of the most dangerous places on the planet. Here in 1934, a record wind speed on the surface of the Earth was recorded - 372 kilometers per hour! For comparison, the maximum recorded speed of a tornado is 480 kilometers per hour.

Moreover, the winds blow here all year round on average 16 hours a day. Yes, with such gusts that they can easily knock you off your feet. In addition to the winds, there is another feature here - the thermometer can easily drop to -40°C.

However, this does not prevent tourists from visiting the mountain. There is even a funicular leading to the top. There are also meteorological stations and observatories here. But they are imprinted into the mountain and installed in such a way that they can withstand wind speeds of up to 500 km/h.

A place to burn

Want to visit Mars? Then you are in the Danakil desert, or, as it is also called, hell on Earth. It is located in Africa, in northern Ethiopia. And do you know why they called her that? The fact is that the air here warms up to 50, and sometimes 60 degrees, and the ground - up to 70. And in the desert there are many volcanoes that periodically erupt right under your feet, so you can easily burn here while walking on the sand. Volcanoes form crevices from which toxic fumes escape. In addition, there are lakes of sulfuric acid and gas everywhere.

The reason for this is the location of the desert. The fact is that Danakil is located right on the territory of the fault of the Arabian tectonic plate. Because of this, it is very restless here: here it is quite possible to die or be poisoned by gases, ruining your health.

But this territory is dangerous not only due to natural anomalies. The desert is home to semi-wild Ethiopian tribes that can easily kill.

Despite all these “charms”, the desert is very popular among tourists. True, it seems that people are coming here to communicate with aliens: the landscapes are quite suitable, plus thin air and unbearable heat. And you won’t believe that this is our planet.

Prohibited place

Well, the most dangerous place on the planet is considered to be the island of Queimada Grande or Snake Island. It is even closed to the public.

Queimada Grande is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 35 kilometers from, and belongs to Brazil. This island is simply teeming with snakes: according to some reports, there are from one to five reptiles per square meter. Moreover, one of the most dangerous snakes, the island bothrops, lives here. This reptile is capable of killing in a very short time, since its poison causes rapid death of the body. In addition, it contains a substance that can break down tissue for further processing, so the bite site rots down to the bones. And this snake is big - up to 1 meter in length.

Snakes are everywhere on the island: on the ground, hanging from branches, hiding in the shade of bushes. They mainly feed on birds, which, unsuspectingly, sit on branches.

Bothrops is endemic here and has lived in these forests for many centuries. Once the island separated from the mainland, so the individuals remained cut off from the world. Naturally, the hot climate and the absence of any interventions had a positive effect on their population, so the island is literally swarming with snakes.

Queimada Grande is so dangerous that Brazilian authorities have banned visitors from visiting it. Only the navy and periodically researchers can come here.

There is a lighthouse on the island, where a family once lived. In fact, it was built in order to divert ships from a dangerous place. However, 11 years after its construction, in 1920, all family members were found dead. The snakes climbed into the home and bit the caretakers. For some time the lighthouse did not work, but thanks to technology it was made automated.

But still, Queimada Grande is of particular value from a scientific point of view: after all, it is the largest natural serpentarium in the world. Therefore, visiting the island is prohibited not only in order to protect the lives of tourists, but also in order not to disturb this fragile ecosystem.

Although, considering how the snakes subjugated the entire island and “evicted” people from here, they cannot be called fragile)

The most dangerous places on the planet TOP-7

Planet Earth never ceases to amaze us with its beautiful and amazing places. But there are also places where it is better not for a person to set foot.

Summit of Mount Washington

In the northeastern United States there is a mountain called Washington. This is a very beautiful and wonderful place. But, despite all its charm, it is also one of the most dangerous places on the planet. The height of the mountain is 1917 meters. If you count from the point of view of mountaineering, then this is not very much. The difficulty is that the wind blows at a speed of 372 km/h all year round. Even at the foot of the mountain it is very dangerous, and especially in winter, when snow storms rage every day. At this foot they managed to build a weather station that can withstand wind gusts of up to 500 km/h. This station received the title of the most extreme station in the world. Before climbing Mount Washington, you should think about whether it's worth it. Yes, the view is simply amazing, but human life is more valuable.


The most dangerous state in the world is Somalia. It is located on the east of the African coast. For 20 years now, wars, violence, and poverty have been raging in it. Humanitarian aid cannot enter because no one guarantees safety. The sea is ruled by Somali pirates, from whom you should not expect mercy. Even ships that sail very far from the Horn of Africa become victims of pirates. Therefore, swimming to these shores is very dangerous. In the north of the country, wars are chronic. The capital of Somalia is Mogadishu. It is made like a fortress, and it is impossible to move around it calmly. There are checkpoints, either from the government or peacekeepers, at literally every step.

Some time ago, the government managed to move aggressive peacekeepers outside the city and maintain peace.

Today, Somalis who left the city more than 20 years ago are slowly returning. Since 2012, embassies of more than 10 countries have opened in the city. Although Mogadishu has become stronger, a strong threat has emerged from the united groups of Al-Qaeda and Al-Shabaab. The main goal of the government now is vocational training and the growth of the country's armed forces. They send soldiers to training in Uganda without paying them, so the militants themselves pose a threat to the population.

Queimada Grande

At first glance, very beautiful and amazing. It is located near the Brazilian coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Most main feature is the number of snakes living there. To be more precise, there are up to 5 snakes per square meter. It would seem that with such an amount they would not have food, but no, snakes feed on quails. These birds travel from one continent to another, using Queimada Grande as a respite point.

The most dangerous snake is Bothrops. Its bite causes instant death of the skin tissue and rots right down to the bone. Vomiting of blood, cerebral hemorrhage and death also begin. The Brazilian government prohibits tourists or local residents from visiting the island, because there is no guarantee of safety.

According to Brazilian legend, pirates brought snakes to the island, supposedly to protect their gold. But according to research, more than 11,000 thousand years ago, sea levels became so high that they separated the mainland of Brazil from the island of Queimada Grande. This created excellent conditions for reproduction. If there were predators on the island, the population would decrease, so it turns out that there were no predators.

Legends about terrible things are spreading among the residents of the nearby area. scary island. Rumor has it that one fisherman, who was fishing nearby the island, decided to swim to the shore and pick bananas. While he was picking bananas, he was bitten by a snake. He did not give this any importance and swam further to the ship that was nearby. In the morning, the sailors found the fisherman on the deck in a pool of blood.

Those who want to feel the thrill should think twice before going to the island, because a fatal bite awaits at every turn.

Death Road

The Road of Death or the Road of Destiny, as it is also called, is located in Bolivia. The length reaches 70 kilometers, and the width is no more than 3.2 meters. It lies over a deep abyss of 600 meters. This road has very wet surfaces and very steep slopes. Despite this, it is the only way to get from the city of Coroico to the capital of Bolivia, La Paz. Most of the cars that drive here are trucks and buses. But there are places where one car can hardly pass, let alone two. They say that passing buses drive with one wheel literally over the abyss. No matter how scary it was, there is no other way.

Drivers who constantly drive there, or are just planning to drive, should take into account that only 20 kilometers of the road are covered with asphalt, the rest is clay and dirt. But that's not all. Heavy fogs, visibility of which is no more than a few meters, make one think about an oncoming collision. Tropical downpours are also dangerous, as they can wash away half the road along the way. Such is the dangerous road of death.

The road received its name in 1999. At this time, a car in which 7 tourists were traveling fell into the abyss from this road. But the most terrible, terrible tragedy on the road of death happened in 1983, then a bus with 100 people fell into a cliff. According to statistics, approximately 300 people a year die on this road. Tourists, adrenaline junkies, prefer this type of transport as a bicycle. When setting out on a journey, you should remember safe type There is no transport on the Death Road.

Danakil Desert

It is located between the southwest of Eritrea and the north of Ethiopia. It is very hot and poisonous; people also call it Hell on Earth. The air temperature reaches +50 degrees. Nature has made it dangerous due to volcanoes, poisonous gases, and sulfuric waters. The desert landscape is so beautiful at first glance, as if it were a completely different new planet.

The desert lies on the fault of the Arabian tectonic plate. Therefore, earthquakes often occur there, which triggers volcanoes and releases toxic gases from the bowels of the Earth. By inhaling them, you can harm your health for many years, or even your whole life.

According to legend, once upon a time in the place of the desert there was a beautiful oasis with valleys unprecedented beauty. But a certain magician living in the valley summoned demons of 4 elements. He was weak and could not hold them. When they escaped, everyone wanted to rule this beauty themselves and sow fear there. A war began between them. The demons of earth, fire, water and air were very strong. A few days later the valley turned into ruins, and there was nothing left to divide. Today, the beauty, albeit dangerous, that covers the desert is the consequences of an inhuman battle.

The Danikil desert is inhabited by two tribes, the red and white Afars, as they call themselves. They are already so hardened by poisonous gases and heat that there is no harm to their body. These tribes are constantly at war with each other, since each considers itself the master of the desert.

Port Moresby

The capital of New Guinea is Port Moresby. Locals call it the state gate or Nyujini. It is among the top most dangerous capitals in the world. Looking at Nyujini from a bird's eye view, we can say with confidence that it is very beautiful and Big city. It is washed by the sea, high-rise buildings, beautiful greenery all around. But as soon as a person sets foot on the soil of the capital, you understand that this is only an illusion. There is a lot of garbage and slums all around. The land is controlled by bandit groups, despite the fact that the president and his team live there. People have turned into ruthless beasts. No work, no food. A tourist can be killed like an animal to quench hunger or just for fun. Although Australia is trying to introduce humanitarian aid, but all in vain. Because of such handouts, people simply don’t want to work and study. It’s easier for them to join the bandits and do nothing. The bandits, in turn, supply them with drugs, money, and women of easy virtue. The authorities do nothing, they are either bought or they are very intimidated. A sober person should take these facts into account before heading to the capital. Women first of all, unless they want to fall into slavery.

Forest of Polite Killers

Which is located at the foot of Mount Fuji. Got its name due to the large number of suicides. Over 60 years, 500 Japanese killed themselves there. People say as soon as the book Black Sea of ​​Trees came out, people started going there and killing themselves. The plot of the book tells about the main characters who, holding hands, went to hang themselves in a dark forest.

The forest of polite killers is very dark and tangled, around the bone, the skull. The government is very concerned about such fame, in order to somehow convince people not to go there, they put up signs around the forest with the inscription “Think again!”

Our planet really has quite a lot beautiful places. There would be enough energy, time and money to visit them. But in contrast, there are also places where most people would prefer never to go. Nevertheless, tickets to these unpleasant corners and objects are officially sold by some travel companies. So, when choosing exotic vacation options, you should be careful. And in the ones mentioned in this article terrible places should be avoided at all costs, without being fooled by tour operator discounts.

Each person has his own dark corners, not only in his biography, but also in his home. Every culture on every continent has its own terrible and cursed places. The scariest places on the planet seem to compete with themselves in the intensity of their quiet horror, like brands or sports leagues. But without such places on the planet, life would probably be much more boring.

The summit of Mount Washington. In fact, this place is very beautiful, but it is extremely dangerous to be here. Mount Washington is located in the northeastern United States. Don’t let tourists be scared by the fact that the height of the peak here is only 1917 meters. In fact, visiting this place is as risky as Everest. The fact is that Mount Washington is the world leader in wind speed on the surface of the Earth. The highest figure was reached in April 1934, when the air moved here at a speed of 372 km/h. If it's winter, the wind turns into snow storms. The complex of buildings of the local observatory is instantly swept away, save only by tightly sealed windows and doors. The station is truly extreme, its instruments and buildings can withstand wind speeds of up to 500 km/h, which is quite possible in this area. In winter, Mount Washington turns into a winter wonderland, but a very dangerous one. So a casual companion or a professional photographer should be extremely careful in these places. No one wants to become suicidal by being blown into a snowdrift by a hurricane.

The poisonous beauty of the Danakil Desert. What do people look for in the Ethiopian deserts? An opportunity to relax and new experiences. But in everything you need to know when to stop. In the north of this African country is the Danakil Desert. Those who returned from there call it nothing less than hell on Earth. It only attracts fans of horror and risk, who are not afraid of eloquent photographs. As a result, traveling there can become extremely dangerous, because it is a rather strange and scary place. It seems that one visit to Danakil is enough to lose the desire to visit Mars. There is virtually no breathable oxygen above the volcanic wasteland, and the local air is stinking with foul gases. The ground under your feet is literally boiling, and even the stones are melting.

Traveling through this desert is fraught with loss of health. Not only is there fifty-degree heat all around, but a volcano might be about to wake up under your feet. Scarlet lava will quickly cook a person. And you can breathe in sulfur vapor for the rest of your life, which isn’t long then. And the Afar region itself is criminal. Here, semi-wild Ethiopian tribes constantly fight for food. No one here is surprised by ten-year-olds with weapons in their hands. But for a tourist such a meeting in African desert Danakil can be an unpleasant surprise.

The capital of the descendants of cannibals. In the east of New Guinea is located main city of this country, he is also the sea gate of the state. Port Moresby, or locally known as Nyujini, is the most dangerous capital in the world. Looking at this city from the sky, it does not seem scary - high-rise buildings surrounded by greenery, a hospitable sea. But up close, a completely different picture appears - slums and mountains of garbage. Although the president and the government of New Guinea live in the capital, in reality life is subordinated to gangster associations. A white man has nothing to do here - it’s the same as an intellectual ending up in a cell with embittered youngsters.

A stranger can be killed by Papuans simply for food. After all, this region traditionally lacks protein. In the city, the natives kill either out of laziness or due to lack of work. The country is spoiled by humanitarian handouts from Australia. As a result, residents of New Guinea simply do not want to work, and even if such a desire appears, there are simply no jobs. Therefore, there is only one way out - to join a gang and get money for alcohol, women and drugs through criminal means. All that remains is to find a gullible victim. People are killed in Port Moresby three times more often than in Moscow. But the thugs are not afraid of the police, because the authorities have either been bought or intimidated.

Forest of Polite Suicides. At the foot sacred mountain Fuji has an unusual old forest. People don’t come to Aokigahara to find mushrooms or fry meat. Recently, these places have been chosen by Japanese suicides. They began counting the number of people who committed suicide in these places about 60 years ago. During this time, Aukigahara received the souls of more than 500 suicides. It is believed that this fashion appeared after the publication of Seiko Matsumoto’s book “Black Sea of ​​Trees.” So the main characters join hands and go to hang themselves in this old forest. After all, there is a special atmosphere here. It is completely filled with shadows; even at noon it will not be difficult to find the terrible place where the darkness of the grave lives.

It is not surprising that in Aokigahara you can meet not only dead people in nooses and skulls with nooses. The authorities are concerned about the bad reputation of the area. So numerous billboards appeared everywhere with the inscriptions “Please think again!”, “Life is priceless gift" or "Remember your family." The problem was identified in the 70s, causing close attention throughout the country. Since then, every year special units are sent to clear the forest of fresh bodies of suicides. The area of ​​​​the entire forest occupies 35 square kilometers. This is enough, so that 70-100 new dead people are found there every year.

And not so long ago, looters also appeared in Aokigahara. They clean the pockets of the hanged men, tearing off their gold and silver chains. Well, such work requires courage, and you also need to be able not to get lost.

Civilized ossuary. Who can call the civilized and cozy Czech Republic a scary country? Tourists really like it here - the beer is very tasty, beautiful houses and girls, it's not hard to find cheap drugs. But it is in the Czech Republic that one of the most scary places throughout Western Europe. Having visited the ossuary in the city of Kutna Hora, you will retain those memories for a long time.

In the Kutná Hora Suburb there was the Sedlec Abbey. His cemetery was very fashionable in medieval Europe. The fact is that in 1278, one monk brought earth from Jerusalem, from Golgotha ​​itself, and scattered it in small clusters throughout the churchyard. Therefore, thousands of people sought to be buried in a cemetery with sacred soil. It is not surprising that this churchyard has grown greatly. People began to be buried in 2-3 tiers, which completely violated ethical standards. In 1400, an unusual tomb was created in the abbey. In fact, it was an ordinary warehouse for bones, the graves of which were not cared for by anyone.

In 1870, the new land owners decided to restore order to the lands and the old monastery. Local carver Rint was invited to arrange the ossuary. With taste and some strange humor, he created an unusual room from the remains of 40 thousand people. Rint not only organized the chaotic deposits of bones and skulls, but also made interior items from them, including the coat of arms of his owner, as well as a magnificent chandelier with garlands. In a room like this you really start to think about death. And the entrance here is open to visitors 7 days a week.

Museum for maniacs. This place is the real pride of doctors, but even some maniac would want to get here. The Museum of the History of Medicine is located in Philadelphia. For a long time, the most terrible samples were selected here human body. This museum was founded in 1858 by Dr. Thomas Dent Mutter. The entrance ticket here costs 14 dollars. The museum's exhibition is dedicated to various pathologies, ancient and unusual medical equipment, as well as creepy biological samples. The museum also houses the most substantial collection of American skulls.

The most popular exhibits in the Mütter Museum are a wax sculpture of a female unicorn, a three-meter-long human intestine with 16 kilograms of excrement inside, a “soap lady” whose corpse turned into wax in the ground, a tumor removed from US President Cleveland, a fused liver of Siamese twins, part of the brain of Charles Guiteau, who killed President Garfield. Rumor has it that something strange happens in the museum at night. It’s not clear whether it’s funny or scary.

A prison for the enlightened. This establishment is located in Tibet and is called Drapchi. The prison lies directly on the road from the city of Lhasa to the airport of the same name. Many believe that Drapchi is the most terrible correctional institution in the world. It is here that the soulless Chinese have kept rebellious enlightened Tibetan lamas captive since 1965. It is said that there are more monks behind bars than in any Buddhist monastery. The Chinese authorities themselves, who are considered occupiers in Tibet, cynically declare these institutions not prisons, but rehabilitation centers.

Just by casting the wrong glance in the direction of the warden, you can get a bullet from him. Any protest by the imprisoned monks results in their beating. There is such a prisoner that, after a long stay in solitary confinement, he completely forgot how to speak. Another prisoner has been in prison for 20 years simply for distributing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To re-educate Buddhists, they are forced to attend classes on scientific communism. Ignorance of the subject leads to beatings. Bamboo blows go to those who did not come to class at all.

Terrible Africa. What could be more terrible civil war? The most terrible, bloody and senseless massacre of this kind took place in Rwanda. The country's population was more than 10 million people, and the density was quite high - 421 people per square kilometer. During a military coup in 1994, a provisional government came to power and carried out the genocide of national minorities. As a result, about a million people were killed in the country in just 100 days. The murder rate was 5 times higher than in German concentration camps. The country was drenched in blood and strewn with corpses. Having learned from neighbors' reports about the chaos that was happening, the UN slowly decided to intervene. Those scoundrels who were most involved in the murders were sent to Gitarama prison. It became the most crowded and unsanitary on the planet.

The barracks there are designed to accommodate 500 prisoners, and there are about 6 thousand criminals there. They are forced to wait 8-10 years for their trial. Hunger reigns here, so it is not uncommon for prisoners to try to eat their neighbor. There is nowhere to even lie down, so the prisoners' feet begin to rot. And doctors perform amputations without anesthesia. The earth is constantly wet and polluted with human waste. The stench from the prison spreads half a kilometer away, disgracing the capital in the eyes of civilized people. According to statistics, every eighth prisoner does not live to see the court verdict. This is due to illness or violence. And if an educated white man gets caught in the Guitarama, it means his immediate death.

Home of a slum millionaire. For many of us, India is an enlightened country, smelling of incense, cremations and sweet marijuana. Meanwhile, real India smells much worse - industrial waste, sewage and slop. Almost all of these flavors are available to residents of ordinary areas of Dharavi, where for $4 you can rent a room for a month. This thicket structure is located in the heart of the multi-million metropolis of Mumbai.

It is from Dharavi that the main character of the Oscar-winning “Slumdog Millionaire” comes from. The area spreads over 75 hectares, and in total more than a million Muslims and Hindus live here. They feed themselves by recycling garbage brought here from all over the city. Tens of tons of it arrive daily. Residents of Dharavi recycle plastic, waste paper, glass and cans. Women and children crawl barefoot through garbage containers, looking for what else they can recycle. The authorities of the Indian metropolis plan to completely get rid of Dharavi by 2013. But where should its inhabitants go? After all, few of them managed to become millionaires. Some will return to the village, but I don’t even want to think about the fate of the rest.

The capital of the country of violence. If in India people wake up and go to collect and then return bottles, the people of Somalia still dream while hugging a Kalashnikov assault rifle. This is a favorite toy, a means of protection and a working tool. Somalis need to be on their guard, because pirates are also rampaging on the shore, threatening to take away everything valuable. Today, fear and violence are commonplace in the country's capital, Mogadishu.

It is interesting that people of the Somali anthropological type are beautiful and tall. But all this goes to the graves, because here it is customary to die young. However, more and more future robbers and pirates are being born. They are ready to do anything to appear strong and grab their piece of the spoils. The war is forcing people to flee Mogadishu. But this is not a solution either. Last year, 100 thousand people left the capital; the risk of death from a bullet was replaced by the risk of dying from thirst. And even the UN can’t do anything. After all, no one can give any guarantee of the safety of the cargo and envoys.