10 common mistakes of novice hikers. Memo to a novice tourist

Updated 02/07/2019

I haven’t written life hacks for a long time, so I decided to improve and present my useful tips for tourists. They will be especially relevant for those who are going on a trip for the first time. Very often, beginners make serious mistakes during preparation and during the trip, which cannot but affect the overall impression of the holiday. The article contains the most common mistakes and gives my experience in solving them.

Large luggage

On my first trip (it was in Egypt), I packed a huge suitcase of things, taking with me almost my entire wardrobe, half of my existing shoes and two bags of medicine. Now it’s funny for me to look at myself 10 years ago, but then I was sure that this was the only way it should be. Now I travel with and usually have room in it.

Research only confirms my experience. They say that the more often a person flies, the less things he takes with him. Because he understands perfectly well that most wardrobe items will continue to gather dust in the belly of a huge suitcase.

My helpful advice: take one thing for two days of rest (two for four, three for six, and so on). We'll talk more about shoes below.

Hotel in the center

Beginning travelers most often do not see any other accommodation option other than living in the city center. Perhaps without even suspecting that hotels in the center are usually several times more expensive. You can find a hotel about 20-30 minutes drive from historical center, and it will probably be cheaper. And I will immediately object to those who say that the entire difference will be eaten up by public transport to the center. This is not the case if you approach your movements wisely. For example, in Budapest there is a large number of types of tickets and passes that will allow you to save money.

The advice is especially relevant for expensive European cities such as Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam and others. Let's take Paris hotels as an example.

The center of the Parisian capital is considered to be the 1st arrondissement, where the Louvre, the Tuileries Garden, Place Vendôme and many other attractions are located. When searching under the conditions: two adults, a week of rest, we see that in District I there are no accommodation options up to 3 thousand rubles and only three options in the range from 3 to 7 thousand rubles.

If you look at hotels located in the 18th arrondissement (Montmartre), then there is one accommodation option up to 3 thousand rubles and as many as 68 in the price category up to 7 thousand rubles.

You can compare hotel prices in this way in any city. The main thing is to know where the center is and where its surroundings are. And don't forget to find out if the area you're looking for is safe.

New shoes

For some reason, many novice travelers consider it their duty to go on vacation in new shoes, but in this case the saying “an old friend is better than two new ones” comes in handy. Your usual shoes, to which your feet have long been accustomed, are much better suited for long walks and conquering new places. New shoes threaten rapid fatigue, calluses and other troubles.

But, as with clothes, this does not mean that you need to take with you all your favorite sneakers, sneakers, shoes, sandals, and so on. I won’t say what kind of shoes you should take, since a lot depends on the type of your vacation (beach, bus tour, cruise, excursion and so on).

Race for souvenirs

When traveling, you want to spend a lot and, as practice shows, most of these expenses are impulsive, made out of emotion. Your hotel room is gradually filled with magnets, mugs, fans, ashtrays, lighters, endlessly...

Upon arrival home, most of these souvenirs end up in closets and nightstands. Yes, perhaps you will give away all the purchased “goods” to relatives and friends, but believe me, these souvenirs will have the same fate – a dark and dusty corner. It’s especially a shame if the souvenir cost a lot of money.

Therefore, if during a visit to a souvenir shop you like something and your hand reaches for your wallet, stop. Return there in a day or two. The desire to make a purchase will almost certainly leave you.

A million and one photos

Too many photos is not always good. Clicking your camera shutter left and right prevents you from fully enjoying the place you are in. And when you return home, I’m sure that hardly anyone, including yourself, will review the gigabytes of images you captured.

Personally, I hardly take pictures for myself, and if I visit a new attraction, I take photos only to post them on the blog. You will remember your holiday in Anapa 2017 much more if you click the camera shutter less, believe me!

Street food is not dangerous

For some reason, most novice tourists are afraid to try national street food. There is usually only one argument: what if I get poisoned. Trust me and my experience: stories about how 20 people were poisoned by shawarma, as a rule, are typical for Russia, and not for Asia, and especially for European countries.

Your fear of getting poisoned while traveling is unjustified in 99% of cases. Street pad thai in Bangkok, sandwiches with herring in Amsterdam, lángos in Hungary - I enjoyed all this and much more and tried it many times during my travels.

Currency exchange at the airport

At most airports major cities exchanging currency is very unprofitable, since here the real exchange rate is underestimated from 20 to 50%. Take Budapest, for example - at the exchange office that operates at Ferihegy Airport, for 1 euro they give about 240-250 forints, and in Budapest itself the rate ranges from 305 to 315 forints. That is, from every euro you lose on average 60 forints or 15 rubles.

In addition, changing money at the airport is also inappropriate from a security point of view.

Always yours, Daniil Privonov.

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Rules for tourists.

Everyone learns from their own mistakes in one area of ​​life or another. Tourist trips are no exception. Most people have a vacation once a year, so you need to try to be as careful as possible so as not to spoil your vacation.
There are little things that absolutely all tourists encounter: both experienced and beginners. There are much more serious mistakes that occur primarily due to lack of knowledge, so read the basic rules for tourists and the main mistakes abroad. Analysts give examples of the following mistakes made by vacationers.

Price of the trip.

Many are sure that a trip from a qualified agency costs more than from a tour operator. There is still logic in this. Operators create tours, and agents sell them. The first ones have more offers, but there are commissions. Travel agents do not ask for commissions, they receive a percentage from the resort or hotel. The deciding factor in your choice should be that you can ask tour operators for an agreement with your future place of residence. Travel agents do not have such documents.
If a travel agency offers a last minute trip, novice tourists, as a rule, purchase it. You shouldn't do this, because she's like lottery ticket or a seasonal sale - there are many offers, but there is a minimum amount of what is really worthwhile.


If you are traveling to an unfamiliar country for the first time, do not hesitate to clarify what documents you need to take. As a rule, this is a standard set:

  • international passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • 2 photos 3x4;
  • copies of civil and foreign passports.

Do not carry them with you, even if you are afraid of theft. All documents, like most It is better to leave money in the hotel safe. If you lose your documents, you will need to go to the nearest police station with 2-3 fellow citizens, write a statement, get a certificate and go to the consulate. There you pay 50 dollars and receive a “Certificate of entry into the territory of the Russian Federation.” It is valid for 15 days.


Many people refuse to travel to the desired country, citing the difficulty of obtaining a visa. This is another misconception for beginners. A visa can be easily obtained from a travel agency. Its employees give you a list of documents, you collect them and bring them. Before departure, your passport with visa and other documents will be returned to you.


Those who are going abroad for the first time often do not want to take out insurance due to its cost. Wrong opinion again. It’s better to pay 4%, and if you cancel your flight, get your money back. Another myth among vacationers is that medical insurance covers absolutely everything. If you break your leg while practicing, your insurance will cover the cost of treatment, not the cost of a taxi. Do not try to resolve unforeseen cases on your own; it is better to contact the agent and explain the situation.


Inexperienced travelers usually take with them the amount they read about in a guidebook or magazine, and then live from hand to mouth, thinking about it. This is again a flaw. Think through everything carefully: food, attractions, excursions, souvenirs, discos. Take a little more than you need. As an option - a bank card with a money reserve.


A vacationing person always needs everything. As you fill your suitcase, think about where you will go in heels or a classic suit. Take universal things: several T-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, sneakers. In case of cool weather, take jeans, socks, and a cardigan. Put your swimsuit and swimming trunks in your suitcase too. Everything else can be bought locally, so bring a little extra money with you.

Hotels and tips.

Don't forget about the asterisks. The more there are, the better service. If you stay in a cheap hotel, be prepared for the fact that the breakfast will be monotonous, and the bed linen will not be changed as often as you would like. The all-inclusive system also has its pitfalls. In most hotels you cannot take food from the buffet to your room, and minibars usually cost a fee.

Tipping for our compatriots is akin to robbery. However, it is still worth giving them - this is the custom. You are a guest of the country, and you express your disrespect if you leave the service without remuneration. This is a generally accepted rule for tourists. There is no unified tipping system; it is better to scroll through several Internet sources about the country you want to visit.

Recreation, excursions, souvenirs, communication.

Having arrived to soak up the sun, many vacationers run to the beach, barely unpacking their suitcases. This is not entirely correct, since you have not yet adapted to the climate. Acclimatization occurs within 3-5 days. It is better to sunbathe before lunch and in the evening - then you run less risk of “burning out.” Another point is the difference in time zones. Until you get used to it, go to bed early.
If you want to go on an excursion, it is better to book it on a tour package or at a hotel. A tour purchased on the street may cost more. If you want to see the sights on your own, learn about local traditions. It is no secret that Buddhist temples should be visited without shoes, and in Christian shrines women should wear a headdress.
When taking photographs, do not be like the Japanese or modern girls who “take pictures” of everything and everyone. Let you take few photos, but you won’t be ashamed to show them. A couple of photos is still better than 300 shots of a hand against a blue sky.

Arriving on vacation in an unfamiliar country, due to inexperience, you immediately rush to souvenirs. There are two options here. Firstly, they will instantly recognize you as a newbie and charge you a price ten times higher than the real one. Experienced tourists make a list of gifts and purchase them strictly according to the regulations.
Those who have not yet traveled abroad activate roaming. "Shoot sparrows" use international card Goodline. Please keep in mind that many hotels have Wi-Fi, so you can communicate with your family via social media or Skype.
If this is your first time flying abroad on vacation, it is better to make a list of everything you don’t know and, when choosing a tour, do not hesitate to ask questions. Ignorance of the basics of a safe holiday has never freed anyone from its not very pleasant consequences.

1. Cooking inside the tent

It may seem like a good idea to cook lunch in a tent, especially if it's damp and cold outside. But before you take the burner inside, you should consider the possible serious consequences. Firstly, it is obvious that you risk burning your tent, and this will cause a lot of trouble. Secondly, and not so obvious, carbon monoxide burner fumes are poisonous and can kill you, which is even more unpleasant.
There may be times when shelter is needed for cooking, for example, when parked in winter during stormy weather. Therefore, if you have no way out, cook in the vestibule of the tent (not inside) and make sure there is sufficient air ventilation. If you don't have this opportunity, don't cook at all.

2. Damp sleeping bag

Surprising pro tip: There's nothing worse than sleeping in a wet sleeping bag. What insight! But this blunder can be a real rite of passage for new hikers. At home, it’s not clear what’s going on here, but you look at things completely differently when you’re forced to climb into a completely wet sleeping bag. That's when the epiphany comes.
Make it your obsession to keep your sleeping bag dry.
At the first sign of rain, pack it in a waterproof cover inside your backpack. Heavy-duty trash bags also work well for this. Even if your backpack is advertised as waterproof (very few are), it never hurts to have some extra protection for such an important piece of gear.

3. Calluses on feet

There is little that can compare with how quickly severely worn feet can ruin a hike. When you're walking and every step hurts, it's hard to enjoy the view around you.
Blisters are caused by friction if your boots are too tight, too hard, or simply rub in a certain area. Calluses will also appear more quickly if your skin is very soft or damp.

This is one reason why sometimes it's worth packing a little lighter and wearing running shoes instead of boots. They have better ventilation, keep your feet comfortable, and are significantly less likely to develop blisters, no matter how long you plan to walk.
If you plan to wear hiking boots, break them in as much as possible before your hike. Also, no matter what shoe you're wearing, always stop immediately when you feel a burning sensation and find the source. It's not hard to keep walking when the pain isn't too bad, but you'll only make your legs worse, making it much more painful and difficult to move in the days to come.

By the way, socks play a vital role in foot comfort. For hiking, choose models of special socks for trekking. They “breathe” well, quickly remove moisture from the surface of the skin and dry. Also avoid coarse fabrics, do not skimp on such seemingly trifles.

4. Too many unnecessary things

There are 2,200 steps in every mile, and the ground is rarely level. Keep this in mind when checking the weight of your backpack at home. With a heavy backpack, the route will quickly become difficult for you.
The skill of saving weight comes with experience and confidence, accumulated hike after hike, year after year. The more you travel, the more you realize what you need, what you don't, and what you can improve.

The most common mistakes:
- beginners take too much clothing;
- too much food;
- unnecessary items like camping chairs, camping shoes and extra kitchen equipment.

When you start cutting down on gear weight, start with the Big Three - your tent, backpack and sleeping bag. Manufacturers have made great strides in making lightweight gear over the past few years. For example, a backpack, a two-person tent and a sleeping bag together can weigh a little less than two kilograms. A lightweight backpack will make your travel much more enjoyable.

5. Tent flooding

When setting up a tent, always ask yourself: if it rains, where will the water flow? It always seems that flat surfaces are the ideal place for a tent, but they are also where water collects. If it rains at night, you could easily wake up with a few centimeters of water in your tent, and it won't be fun anymore.
When choosing a tent site, look for a drainage ditch and never choose a site that looks like a former puddle. Choose established campsites to reduce environmental impact, stay at least 60 meters from water, and avoid low-lying valleys to reduce condensation and low temperatures.

6. Easy prey for animals

Unfortunately, it is very rare for wilderness travelers to store their food properly. Thoughtfully stocked is very important, not only for you, but also for wildlife. Feeding animals in this way changes their ability to obtain food and teaches them to associate people with food. For example, when bears learn to associate humans with food, they often have to be captured, relocated, and sometimes killed.

Poorly stored supplies are essentially the same as hand-feeding animals, so don't take it lightly. It's not that difficult and will help keep wildlife wild. There are various options for how to properly hide supplies. Reliable ones, for example, are bear canisters, yursaks and properly hung bear bags.
Even if the threat of bears in the area of ​​your hike seems incredible, preserving food supplies from small rodents will become a fairly pressing issue.

7. Using untested equipment

Testing your equipment is a critical step in preparing for a hike. Never take untested things with you, something can always go wrong. You may have the wrong type of gas headlamp With low batteries, you may be forced to pitch your tent in the dark and in the rain.
You can avoid these and many other mistakes by checking your equipment before leaving. Also use a packing list before each trip so you don’t forget the most important things.

8. Not taking drinking water seriously

Clean water is one of the most important factors for survival in wildlife. It is also one of the heaviest things you will have to carry in your backpack. Therefore, on the route it is important to find a balance between water supply and optimal weight. Be sure to think about where you will get water next time, and drink while you get it. Then you won't have to take so much with you.
It is logical that filling a three-liter container with liquid will add about three kilograms of weight to your backpack. This is relevant if you are traveling through the desert, but a useless load if your route runs along clean rivers all day.
By the way, the concept of a clean river is quite relative. You will never know what was upstream. Be sure to bring a water filter to the group.

9. Insufficient planning

Planning a hike takes time and is not always fun, but it is very important, especially for beginners. Planning your trek will help you avoid countless blunders that can completely derail your trip. During preparation, you should find the correct maps, get passes (if necessary), find out about the conditions on the ground in this moment(snow, fires, insects, etc.), about closed routes or fire bans and much more.

If you miss something, the trip can easily be derailed, or your entire group will have to leave the route. It doesn't seem that bad at first, until you get lost on the way to the start of the trek, realize you don't have the required pass, or find that you forgot some important equipment after relying on each other.

10. Not paying attention to the weather

Weather in the wild is inherently unpredictable. Temperatures in the mountains can drop very quickly and conditions can change from relaxing to treacherously unpleasant faster than you think. Facing the elements without the proper gear is one of the most dangerous things for any hiker, so don't be reckless about it.

Even if the forecast is sunny, take a light rain jacket. In addition, in the morning and evening it can be quite cold in the forest, so on every trip do not forget a warm jacket, or even a hat and gloves. If you are not prepared for cold and damp, you should not end up in the forest.

11. Poor navigation skills

Do you know how to use a map and compass? Do you know what to do if you are lost in the wild? Do you know how to signal for help and how to increase your chances of finding other people? If not, you are taking a very big risk.
Every hiker should have basic knowledge of orienteering. If you're not good at it, you really shouldn't go too far. You shouldn’t take the risk and find out from your own experience what it’s like to be lost in the wild. The consequences can be more than serious.

12. Garbage after parking

Picking up trash after yourself is not very popular in Russia, but it is really necessary. The more we travel into wild places, the more influence we have on the plants and animals of specific areas. If we don't do our part to reduce harm, we will destroy our most pristine places.

Here are some simple rules:

  • Do not use biodegradable soap in or near water sources.
  • Take your trash with you.
  • Dig behind you when you go to the toilet.
  • Do not neglect fire safety rules.
  • Be careful when throwing and storing food.
  • Don't feed the animals.
  • Find out the features of this territory and take them into account.

These are very simple rules, but you'd be surprised how many travelers don't know about them and don't follow them. So take seriously your contribution to keeping wild areas as wild as possible.


No matter how hard you try, epic mistakes will always happen. When this happens, remember them, draw the right conclusions and get out of the situation. Eventually, all the fun and positive experiences during travel will replace those moments when you are stuck in the mud.

Believe me, planning any trip on your own is a very exciting experience. Much more interesting than choosing a ready-made tour, and very often much more profitable. In addition, by preparing for your trip yourself, you are not limited in offers for hotels, travel around the country and attractions. Yes, you are not led by the hand, but you decide where to go and what to see.

Have you ever traveled to an unfamiliar country yourself, have you always bought a tour and are you afraid, don’t know where to start? We'll tell you in detail.

In order to start traveling on your own, you only need three things - a bank card, a passport and the Internet. But since you are reading this article, it means you have the Internet.

Usually, many people are held back by the language barrier. Unnecessary worry! Did you know that 90% of the billion traveling Chinese don't speak a word of English? If your English (German, Spanish, etc.) is at least at a primary school level, or you know how to say hello, this is already good. And if your imagination allows you to use facial expressions, body language, drawings and improvised objects to supplement this knowledge, feel free to go to any country. Do you order meat at a restaurant and don’t know whether it’s chicken, pork or beef? Can you depict it?

You will definitely be understood everywhere. And after my first independent trip you will significantly expand your vocabulary. You will have an incentive to devote at least a small amount of time a day to memorizing new words. Remember - not all travelers are fluent in a second language. If you watched “Heads and Tails,” you saw that Badoeva cannot connect two words in English.

Download and install auto translators on your smartphone. For example, Google-translate will help you very quickly translate phrases from Russian into any language. When you check into a hotel and have any questions, you type a text on your smartphone and show it to the manager. He did the same to you in response. In some countries, we won’t even go far - no tourist cities in Spain, not everyone speaks English. Translating menus in cafes and signs on the street is as easy as shelling pears - launch the application, point the smartphone camera, and immediately receive an online translation.

How to get there.

The first thing to start planning a trip is, of course, to decide where you want to go. Then start searching for the cheapest way to get there. You can find and buy the cheapest air tickets online using aviasales or skyscanner. These are the two largest metasearch engines for air tickets.

How to find housing.

Most first-time tourists are afraid of booking hotels online. What if I made a reservation and they won’t let me into the hotel? What if someone moves in with me? Suddenly things like this don’t happen. All hotels sell their rooms through booking systems. This is their main sales channel. Nobody searches “country-city-hotel” in Yandex or Google. All travelers use reservation systems. In systems online booking you choose a hotel and immediately see reviews. If you don’t like it, see the next one. This is not a tour package, you choose what you want!

The most popular hotel booking system among Russian travelers is booking.com. Many limit themselves only to it. And completely in vain. Booking.com is an excellent, long-established hotel booking system. But she is just one of many. And using only booking.com is the same as looking for tickets only through Aeroflot or one booking agency. You need to use metasearch engines, similar to searching for cheap air tickets. Of these systems we can recommend and.

Pay attention to reviews from previous travelers. All reviews and ratings in booking systems can only be left by those who have stayed at the hotel.

All you need to do to make a reservation is bank card. There are hotels that can be booked on a prepaid basis, in which case the cost of the reservation will be immediately charged to your bank card. There are hotels where prepayment is not required. Also pay attention to the conditions for canceling your reservation - in most cases, reservations made before a certain date (for example, a day or two before arrival) are canceled without a penalty, in some cases with a penalty.

In addition to hotels - check how much it costs to rent an apartment from local residents by using . In some major cities renting an apartment is much cheaper than renting a hotel room. In addition, you will have a kitchen and you will be able to save on food. , if you have never used this popular system.

Obtaining a visa.

Why pay intermediaries? Obtaining a visa on your own is just a matter of time and a little effort on your part to collect the documents. But thanks to this you will save a significant amount. All “assistant companies” do not issue you a visa, do not make certificates for you, but simply give you a list of documents that you must provide and create a set of documents. Well, do you really have to pay for this and pay quite a lot of money? Moreover, they do not give you any guarantees of obtaining a visa.

To apply for any visa yourself, your request in Yandex should not be “apply for a US visa”, but “US consulate visas”. The website of the consulate of any country contains a list and procedure for submitting documents. Don’t bother yourself with the reviews and horror stories of other tourists who were denied a visa for some reason. Even if you have a clean passport, but your intentions to visit the country are exclusively for tourism, you will be given a visa - regardless of whether you applied yourself or through “assistants”. Exceptions can only be for countries where one of the documents required for issuing a visa is, for example, an invitation from the destination country - Japan, China and a number of others.

Even if an interview is required to obtain a visa, such as the initial US visa, you do not need to take any special preparatory courses. The task of the consular inspector is to determine whether your purpose of travel is immigration. If you confidently talk about your purpose of visiting the country, your route, and so on, you are guaranteed success. The percentage of refusals to issue visas at the consulates of any country is very small.

Still afraid and ready to overpay? Take advantage.

Insurance for those traveling abroad.

Remember, you can’t skimp on your health. If you catch a cold while traveling, a pharmacy abroad will only sell you cough drops and iodine without a doctor’s prescription! And for a visit to the doctor, get ready to pay a very large sum. Therefore, first of all, assemble a first aid kit with high quality. And secondly, formalize it. And since you are now a novice independent traveler, .

The policy that you issue will be accepted by all consulates, if necessary.

How to get from the airport to the hotel.

In all countries, you can get from the airport to the city center by bus or train. Signs with pictures at the airport will help you. Prepare in advance - there are obviously already some tourists in the city where you have arrived. Therefore, information about public transport is available on the Internet.

If you prefer to travel by taxi, book a transfer in advance. We can recommend two trusted agencies - and.

But keep in mind that, for example, a transfer from the airport in Prague to the city center will cost 25 euros, and a bus + metro only 1.5 euros.

What to see in the city and country.

You need to prepare for each trip in advance. And planning the route of any trip is no less interesting than organizing the trip itself.

Let's say you want to go to Italy for two weeks. Plan your itinerary based on reviews from other travelers. Read guidebooks. Write down the sights and cities that interest you.

Did you like someone's photos of Florence? Quickly go to the search engine - and write out - Uffizi, Duomo, Ponte Vecchio, Palazzo Piti and so on. You may not even need to go out of your way to buy paper guidebooks. 300-400 pages of text, which you then have to drag around with you. Enter a brief description of all objects in Word. Descriptions of all the sights, museums, museum exhibits - everything is there, everything is described more than once. Save it to your smartphone or print it if you prefer.

Many museums have audio guides. However, not all audio guides have Russian. But you have already prepared for this and wrote down in advance what is interesting.

Plan your route for the day. Open maps.google.com and plot the attractions you want to see. This way you can understand how many days to stay in a particular city.

Install the maps.me navigator application on your smartphone. The application and maps for it are free. You won’t get lost in the city and will easily find your way to any object on your own.

Learn in advance how to use public transport, the cost of travel and the availability of passes for a day or two.

All major cities have tourist buses. You will immediately see them - large, brightly painted touristic buses, citysightseen. Typically this is double-decker buses, which run along specific routes that include major attractions.

This is a very good way to get to know the city. The bus travels in circles, stopping at certain places. Having bought a tour (ticket) for such a bus, you can get off and on again an unlimited number of times. Hop on system hop off. Headphones are provided on the bus and an audio guide is built into the seat. Most countries have Russian language! Find out in advance - there are tickets for 1 or 2 days, you may also want to use a tourist bus on the second day and this can help save on public transport.

If you are sure that you cannot do without a guide who speaks Russian, use the following services -,.

How to move between cities. How to rent a car.

Buses and trains are very convenient ways to travel between cities. Especially in Europe, where the distances not only between cities, but between countries are not so great.

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Almost everyone who works tirelessly has the desire to have a good rest at least once a year. Some people prefer to spend their holidays actively, others go to quiet places where they have the opportunity to relax and put their thoughts in order. In order not to spoil your vacation and spend your free time usefully, you need to adhere to a few simple rules. A novice tourist, having no experience in the field of travel, can find himself in an awkward situation with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before going to an unfamiliar city or country, you should prepare well.

Many people love to travel spontaneously. As soon as free days become available, they rush to go wherever their eyes take them. Such travel can be dangerous and accompanied by not at all positive emotions.

It is worth planning your vacation or weekend in advance. Preparation is very important. For example, for outdoor recreation you need to collect a large number of things that will definitely come in handy during camping conditions. These include:

  1. Tent, sleeping bags, bedding, folding chairs, etc. That is, all the necessary things for spending the night, relaxing, preparing and eating food (kitchen utensils and sets).
  2. Food and drinking water. Mostly vegetables and cereals are taken on a hike. That is, those products that do not spoil without refrigeration.
  3. Protective means. When going into nature, it is imperative to take a first aid kit. It should contain not only remedies for insect bites, but also antiseptics, painkillers, antiviral, and antipyretic drugs. As well as medications that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
  4. Tools. When going into nature, you need to take a shovel, a saw, an ax, etc. It is also advisable to take a barbecue, a grill net, and fishing equipment (if the vacation is planned to take place near a river). I advise you to take a closer look at multitools and .
  5. Warm clothes. In nature, the weather changes frequently, so you should take care not to freeze when it rains or at night.

All the details should be thought through so that nothing can ruin your vacation later. Those who go on holiday to a resort and plan to stay in hotels or boarding houses should also plan everything well. You need to decide in advance on your choice of hotel. Make sure that the rooms have all the conditions for a comfortable stay. You need to take things with you that are appropriate for the season. It’s also worth finding out in advance what better way you can get to your place of residence.

  • type of recreation (outdoors or resort);
  • pastime of vacation (time of year, duration);
  • geographical location of the vacation spot;
  • necessary things and documents that will be needed;
  • cash costs;
  • the number of vacationers, as well as their age and gender;

You should not go on vacation if you have serious health problems. Changes in climate and normal environment can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. Subsequently, acute attacks, severe pain and other complications occur. It is advisable to undergo a comprehensive medical examination before your vacation and make sure that there are no contraindications for this or that type of vacation.

Also, you should not go on a trip with unfamiliar people. It's better to relax with your family or friends. In this way, you can only strengthen your relationship.

What does a novice tourist need?

Always take care of your safety when leaving your home. Valuables, documents and money should be kept with you, and in such a way that you can get to them quickly, but it is difficult for a stranger. A tourist is visible to scammers from afar. Therefore, it is easy to steal. When going on a trip you need:

  1. Be vigilant. It is important to carefully fill out all documents and carefully check the data. Keep track of the departure and arrival times of buses, trains and planes (if the trip involves traveling by these methods). It is advisable to show up early for each flight to avoid rushing and losing things. And in order not to get bored on your trip, be sure to read the article about.
  2. To make yours more interesting, make a travel route, as well as a vacation plan. It is better to schedule each rest day in advance. This will help you spend your weekend better and also avoid wasting money. On the first day you can take an introductory tour, on the second you can visit the main ones, on the third you can go to the spa, etc.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the laws and traditions of the country where you plan to vacation. It is also advisable to learn a few basic words and expressions of a foreign language. Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility, therefore, in order not to answer to the state for certain actions, it is better not to spoil your mood to find out all the important information.

When choosing a company that will provide all the conditions for a comfortable stay, you should also be guided by some recommendations. This is the key to having a good time. A travel company is selected according to the following criteria (both beginners and experienced tourists should know this):

  1. Reputation. The company must have a predominant number of positive reviews from clients. Before you finally decide on the choice of company, it is worth monitoring all organizations involved in tourism activities in your area. locality or nearby cities.
  2. Experience. It is better to choose a company that has been working in this field for a long period and has managed to gain the trust of tourists. There are many cases where “young” organizations defraud their clients of large sums of money.
  3. Personnel qualifications. Only specialists can choose a tour for any client based on his taste preferences and financial capabilities. It's better to trust the professionals.
  4. Cost and quality of services provided. The price of tours and resorts must be justified. Many travel companies provide their clients with a system of discounts.

Beginners, as well as experienced tourists, should also take care of medical insurance. When going to travel to another country, it is necessary to obtain it. If you suddenly need hospitalization, medical insurance will help reduce the cost of treatment several times.

Rules for a novice tourist

Travelers should always observe:

  1. Personal hygiene. You should always take personal care products with you on vacation. The set includes toilet soap, toothpaste and brush, shampoo, etc. Also, do not forget about washing powder or its equivalent.
  2. Proper nutrition. Many people, when traveling, prefer to eat food on the go. You should avoid excessive consumption of fatty, smoked, fried foods, as well as fast food and fast food products.
  3. General rules of conduct in in public places, on the street, etc. Discipline must be adhered to. A huge number of people do unacceptable things while in a foreign city, country or nature, which is unacceptable.

You should not provide personal information to strangers. It won't do any good. Especially you should not indicate your financial situation, number and numbers of credit cards, etc.

It is strongly recommended to monitor the dose and degree of alcoholic beverages you drink. An intoxicated person is easier to deceive, rob, and also involve in hooliganism. The main rule of a vacationer is to improve your health and recharge your vital energy. Drinking alcohol, drugs, and smoking have nothing to do with healthy tourism.

You should also give up holiday romances and casual sex. One passionate night spent with a stranger can lead to long-term treatment for different but related diseases.

A couple more tips:

  1. Transport. Upon arrival in another city or country, you should not use the services of taxi drivers who are on duty at the entrance to the station (airport). They usually charge their clients an amount 2-3 times higher than the real price, based on the fact that the tourist is not aware of the real cost of travel. It is better to use local transport or call a taxi by phone, clarifying all the details with the dispatcher.
  2. Purchases. When purchasing souvenirs, it is worth checking what can be transported abroad and in what quantities. Prohibited goods will be forced to be left at customs and money for their purchase will not be returned. In each country there are specially designated places for tourists, where they have the opportunity to buy clothes, dishes and other things.
  3. Exotic foods and extreme hobbies. Having arrived on vacation in another country, almost everyone wants to try something new - taste unusual food, take part in a traditional ritual, etc. This may not always have a good effect on your health. Therefore, caution should be exercised. For example, acclimatization took a bit of a beating after us.
  4. Book your accommodation in advance! Especially when there is a long and painful journey ahead. There is nothing better than taking a shower after a long journey and falling on the bed: http://hochu-na-yuga.ru/

People who treat their vacation wisely can have a pleasant time, relax their soul and body. Those tourists who rely on chance usually end up in the police station, as their documents and money quickly disappear.

You can have a good rest in nature, and at a high-class resort, no matter how much you have to spend on it. The choice of type of vacation depends on each individual individually, since everyone has different desires and preferences.

I’ll end my article with one of them. The main thing to remember is, don’t complicate your life, but travel more! Bye everyone! =)

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