Favorable cities in the middle zone for living. Find the best place to live in Russia – the most comfortable and favorable cities

To answer the question “What are the places with the best climate in the world?” First we need to clarify what we mean by “better climate”, because most people would probably give different answers. Some prefer warmer weather, others prefer cooler climates.

In essence, the best one should be the one that is easier to tolerate from the body throughout the year and does not require any serious adaptation to extreme temperatures. The best climate is not too humid or too cold or warm.

Places must be unaffected by extreme weather events such as regular floods, hurricanes, heat waves, snowstorms and others. We must also be completely objective. Places that travel magazines tout as slices of paradise are indeed fabulously beautiful, but very often the climate there is too hot or humid.

We tried to choose places in such a way that their climate was the healthiest. Very often, when it comes to the best climate, everyone thinks first of all about the Caribbean. Yes, the weather there is really wonderful, but the summer half of the year is too rainy and the region often becomes a victim of hurricanes.

During the summer months, Caribbean holidays can be hit hard by rain and tropical storms. In general, the most popular tourist destinations do not always have the best weather conditions. You'll probably notice that most of these places are either extremely densely populated or a popular tourist destination.

And it cannot be otherwise - after all, the weather is of paramount importance. You may also notice that almost all the places that claim to have the most pleasant climate are located near a large body of water (sea or ocean). This is no coincidence. Around large bodies of water the weather is usually the mildest and most pleasant.

1. Canary Islands. They are located near the coast of Africa, the Canary Islands are a Spanish possession. They enjoy probably the best climate you can imagine. It's eternal summer, or rather eternal spring. Typically, places that are located south of the 30th parallel have a very hot tropical climate, but these islands are no exception.

The cold Canary Current cools the islands as ocean temperatures range between 19-25 degrees throughout the year and prevent air temperatures from getting too hot or cold. In summer the daytime temperature is about 26°C, and in winter about 21. The weather is very easily tolerated even by the most pretentious people.

Most places are generally not rainy, so at any time of the year if you go there it is unlikely that rain will ruin your holiday. The exception is the northern part of the island of Tenerife, which experiences quite heavy rainfall, with sometimes rainy days reaching up to 15 per month.

There are no hurricanes because they form in water basins that are too warm, and here there is ocean water with a moderate temperature. Annual temperature amplitudes are quite small, and the islands know neither cold nor heat. And in addition, it’s good to know that the Canary Islands are among the places with the cleanest air and lowest dust levels on the planet.

2. Located near the equator, Kenya's second largest city and neighboring resorts enjoy luxurious weather throughout the year. Here from January to December it is always about 25-30°C. No more, no less.

It's almost always partly cloudy here, which reminds you that you're on the equator and should always be prepared for a little rain.

Light clouds make the weather feel a little cooler - around 24-26°C throughout the year, as we know it's the sun that makes the heat unbearable. In addition, near the equator the weather is usually almost never windy. In general, the conditions are ideal for tourism and recreation throughout the year.

3. Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii is the sunniest and warmest American state, but without extreme high temperatures in the summer. There is no rainy season, no hurricanes and generally no adverse weather conditions. Dust levels in Hawaii are very low, similar to the Canary Islands.

The mild climate is mainly due to the location of the islands in the very center of the Pacific Ocean. This justifies Hawaii's fame as one of the best tourist destinations. Temperatures here range from 26 to 30°C throughout the year. Precipitation increases slightly in winter, but is generally normal throughout the year.

4. Costa Rica. Similar to Kenya, Costa Rica also has a very pleasant warm subequatorial climate. Temperatures are constant, ranging between 24 and 26°C all year round, making the country extremely popular for people looking for a tropical paradise to buy property in.

The climate is humid, but precipitation is usually short. There are almost rarely days when there is no sun. You will feel comfortable without feeling the weather too warm or cold.

5. Situated near the equator in the Pacific Ocean, the Galapago Islands enjoy a magnificent equatorial climate. Temperatures range from 21 to 28°C. Usually the weather is relatively dry. The first 6 months of the year are warmer and slightly wetter.

Excellent climatic conditions are one of the reasons why exceptional flora and fauna thrive here. The climate of Galapagos is very easily tolerated by tourists, since there are no extreme costs. In addition, there are no hurricanes here, and the water of the Pacific Ocean has very pleasant moderate temperatures.

6. Bermuda. Bermuda is one of the places in the world with the best climate. They are located quite north in the subtropics, but have a mild and not very hot tropical climate. The reason is the warm Gulf Stream, which brings warm waters far to Europe.

Temperatures here range from 21°C in January to 30°C in August. The ocean acts as a natural air conditioner and the temperatures are at a pleasant level.

7. The capital of Mexico has a cool tropical mountain climate. The high altitude above sea level saves the city from the unbearable heat typical of the tropics. Temperatures here range from 21 to a maximum of 27°C with heavy rainfall during the summer months.

The warmest weather is in May and the coldest in December. The mild climate is one of the reasons for the huge population of the Mexican capital.

8. Sao Paulo. The largest Brazilian city is located in the tropics of South America. It is located on a high plateau, near the shores of the ocean. Although Rio de Janeiro is at almost the same latitude, São Paulo has a much cooler and milder climate.

Temperatures here range from 22 to 27°C throughout the year. Both Mexico City and Sao Paulo have such large populations, to some extent due to their mild climate.

9. Costa del Sol. The southernmost coast of Spain is a popular winter destination for millions of Europeans, as well as people visiting from colder countries around the world.

The Mediterranean coast of Andalusia is the warmest and sunniest place in Europe. Unlike the Caribbean, there is a short winter, but in fact 2-3 months with daytime temperatures around 17-18 degrees are easier to bear than 6 months of the rainy season.

The Mediterranean Sea has a strong influence, maintaining pleasant and healthy temperatures throughout the year. Even according to some scientists, the coast itself on the Costa del Sole has a tropical microclimate, the temperatures of which are abnormally high for Europe. Summers are very warm with temperatures around 29°C. The climate is generally quite dry and sunshine is plentiful 12 months a year.

10. San Diego. The southernmost of all the Pacific cities of the United States, San Diego, has an excellent climate, formed under the influence of the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The cold streams that pass near California make summers pleasant without much heat. At the same time, constant ocean temperatures keep winter values ​​relatively high.

Temperatures in the city range from 19 to 25°C, and the weather is sunny and dry throughout the year. The local climate bears striking similarities to that of the southern Spanish province of Andalusia.

The pleasant climate in San Diego is repeatedly mentioned in many Hollywood movies and is the reason that many wealthy Americans live here.

In contact with

In the age of the Internet, everyone can get the information they need without leaving home. Thanks to this, some people can find out from others how they live in other cities, read statistics on housing and food prices in different regions of the country. By analyzing this information, people can seriously think about moving and determine for themselves where it is better to live in Russia. Moreover, everyone will have their own selection criteria. Let's consider the advantages of different cities in the country from the point of view of different categories of citizens.

Favorable cities for relocation

  1. What is the average salary level for people in the region?
  2. How developed is the infrastructure and amenities of the city?
  3. Is the city's environment heavily polluted?
  4. What is the quality of medical care and education in the region.

If we take into account all these factors, then the leading cities stand out, where it is good to live in Russia, according to the majority. The top 5 such cities are below.

  1. Krasnodar.
  2. Moscow.
  3. Kazan.
  4. Saint Petersburg.
  5. Tyumen.

Families with children and pensioners want to live in Krasnodar because it is warm and close to the sea, they go to Moscow and Tyumen to work, Kazan is loved for its cleanliness and amenities, St. Petersburg is preferred by lovers of architecture and art.

Regions of the Russian Federation participating in the resettlement program

While our compatriots are thinking about which city to move to to live in Russia, a special resettlement program is provided for foreign citizens who are native speakers of Russian. Under it, foreigners can receive a Russian passport and assistance for moving in the form of lifting aids, provided they live in one of the less populated regions of the country. These regions received priority status for resettlement:

  • Far East;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Amur and Khabarovsk territories;
  • Buryatia;
  • Sakhalin.


The city of Sochi with its subtropical climate is known throughout Russia as the most popular resort. Everyone who vacations here involuntarily thinks about how wonderful it would be to move here from their city for permanent residence. The gentle climate of Sochi is due to its favorable location: the Caucasus Range protects the city from sudden temperature changes. Warm weather prevails here more than 200 days a year. There is no sweltering heat in summer, and winter is mild and frost-free. The resort town is very beautiful. There are palm trees, gorgeous flower beds, fountains, and amusement parks everywhere. The following factors oppose moving to Sochi:

  • work in the city is seasonal, there is practically no work in winter, there is no industry;
  • exorbitant prices for goods and services;
  • very expensive housing to buy or rent.

Therefore, just like that, right off the bat, it will be difficult to move and “survive” in Sochi. This city is suitable for those who have a remote source of income, for example, a profitable business in their previous city of residence.

Where is the available property?

Another important factor that is useful to consider when people think about how to choose a city to move to is the availability of a square meter of residential real estate. Moving is always associated with the sale of housing in the previous city of residence and the purchase of living space in a new city. The following rules apply here.

  1. Proximity to the center: Moscow and the Moscow region have the most expensive housing. The further away, the cheaper.
  2. City size: the larger the city, the more jobs there are, which means more expensive real estate.
  3. Proximity to the resort area: buying your own home within the popular resorts is quite expensive.

Based on statistics for the 4th quarter of 2018, the cost per square meter of housing in different regions of the country is presented in the table.

There is another important criterion for choosing a region of residence - the cost of the shopping basket. This includes a basic set of goods and services. According to this criterion, the cheapest place to live is in the Kursk, Lipetsk, Saratov or Belgorod regions.

Big cities

Those who are thinking about where to move to live in Russia to earn money make their choice in favor of large cities. The first on the list, of course, are Moscow and St. Petersburg, but besides them, there are several other cities where you can find work with a high salary.


The Russian capital rightfully occupies a leading position in the top cities for moving. Almost all of it is concentrated here thanks to the endless stream of citizens from neighboring countries coming for work. According to official data alone, the population of Moscow now numbers more than 12 million people.

The main advantage of the capital region, which attracts thousands of provincials and guests from other countries to this city, is the large number of jobs with decent pay. People with a variety of qualifications, with or without work experience, with or without higher education, will be able to find high-paying jobs in Moscow.

However, there is another side to the coin - life in the city is very expensive. Starting from the cost of housing (a one-room apartment, even in the Moscow region, can no longer be found for less than 2 million rubles, and a rented apartment costs within the minimum wage in the city - 30 thousand rubles) to expensive travel and food, all this takes up a significant part of earnings. In addition to the high cost, there are also traffic jams, so city residents spend a lot of their time traveling from work and back.

It is worth adding here the poor ecology, which makes the capital city not the most suitable place for families with small children to live. Despite this, foreigners flock to Moscow every year, for whom the main thing is to work with permanent residence in Russia. There are also many students here - the city is home to the most prestigious universities in the country, such as Moscow State University, MGIMO, VGIK, etc. The bustle in the city never ceases, so life here is not suitable for everyone.

Saint Petersburg

Northern capital, Russian Venice, cultural capital, “metropolis for the soul”, city of rains - all these names are assigned to St. Petersburg and characterize its features. There are 2 times fewer people living in the city than in Moscow (slightly more than 5 million), and the average monthly income here is lower (40 thousand rubles). But many people still come to this city for permanent residence. Some people are attracted by the beauty of St. Petersburg: palaces, canals, fountains, drawbridges, squares. Some people value this city more for the abundance of the most prestigious educational institutions, including military universities famous throughout the country.

St. Petersburg does not have the bustle of Moscow; life in the city is always calm and measured. The same features are characteristic of the mentality of St. Petersburg residents. People of a special poetic nature, who are not afraid of the always rainy weather, will find this city the most suitable place for themselves. Well, if life in the city is not to someone’s taste, let’s consider a few more places where to move from St. Petersburg to live in Russia.


Yekaterinburg is a city with a population of one million, which is called the “capital of the Urals”. A well-developed industry and a service market that is not inferior to it in development in Yekaterinburg makes it as easy as possible for people to find a job. People of various specialties will be able to find work here without any problems, and the average salary level is very pleasing - 35-40 thousand rubles per month. Despite the fact that Yekaterinburg has the status of a million-plus population, housing prices here are very affordable. The level of medicine and education in the city is also at a high level.


It is among the top most popular cities to move to. Every year thousands of new residents buy housing here, despite this their number has not yet reached a million, but fluctuates between 800-900 thousand, while Krasnodar residents do not complain about the bustle of the city. Migrants are attracted here by the mild climate of the southern city, good ecology due to the absence of large industrial enterprises, soil fertility and abundance of crops, and long warm summers. Excellent conditions have been created here for developing your own business, and the average salary exceeds 30 thousand rubles. Most Russians choose Krasnodar because of its proximity to the sea coast, which can be reached from the city within a couple of hours’ drive.


It is one of the best Russian cities with a high standard of living, so many people dream of moving here to earn money. The city is located in Western Siberia, the population is more than 700 thousand people. Every tenth Tyumen resident is employed in the oil and gas sector, which is very developed here. Hence the highest salaries, which even exceed those in Moscow.

The average monthly income in the city exceeds 40 thousand rubles, but even ordinary engineers and other highly qualified personnel receive over 100 thousand. A wealthy region can afford to invest in infrastructure development, housing and communal services, city improvement and social projects, so this is all at the highest level.


This Russian city is known for its unique geographical location. Being part of Russia, it is located far from it, in the central part of Europe on the Baltic coast. The economy here is well developed - thanks to oil production, the largest amber deposit and shipbuilding.

Therefore, there will be no problems with finding employment and receiving a decent salary. The city is famous for its rich history. European influence is also felt here. Kaliningrad is multinational, since representatives of many nationalities live in the city.

Are you planning to change your permanent place of residence and go to another country? We bring to your attention a fresh ranking of 17 cities in the world that are best suited for expat life. On the menu: a high standard of living, good job prospects, rich leisure time and the opportunity to make new friends!

The rating was compiled based on data from the international company InterNations, which helps expats around the world adapt to life in a foreign country. More than 14,000 people took part in the survey.

New York, USA

The city is known for its high cost of living, but its strong point is its great career prospects.

Photo: choicehotels.com 16

Zurich, Switzerland

Swiss cities now and then shoot high in various rankings. Zurich is no exception, as it has one of the best quality of life in the world.

Photo: swisskyline.ch 15

Berlin, Germany

The German capital is considered not only a great place to find work and have fun, but also a great city for raising children.

Photo: go2festival.com

Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva is attractive to expats for its excellent job opportunities and high standard of living. Some of the richest people in the world also live here.

Photo: alamy.com 13

Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt is a true hub for migrant jobs, which is why it is included in this ranking.

Photo: flickr.com by Rudy 12

Basel, Switzerland

A quiet and cozy town with picturesque landscapes. Basel borders France and Germany, providing excellent job opportunities. Is it worth repeating ourselves and talking about a high standard of living?

Photo: myswitzerland.com 11

Barcelona, ​​Spain

The sunny city has a lot of advantages for the life of an immigrant: career prospects, a beach on the Mediterranean Sea, excellent cuisine and many options for a noisy and fun holiday at any time of the year.

Photo: 2015.phpconference.es 10

Toronto, Canada

Expats rank Toronto as an ideal city for making friends.

Photo: jumpshell.com 9

Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico's densely populated capital boasts excellent weather conditions and reasonable prices. Expats note that the salary here can last for a long time.

Photo: mentesalternas.com 8

Sydney, Australia

Sydney, one of Australia's largest cities, is a center of trade. It is suitable for employment and also has an abundance of places to have fun.

Photo: visitnsw.com 7

Munich, Germany

Munich scores highly with expats thanks to its annual beer festivals, as well as its high standard of living and excellent job opportunities.

Photo: protrav.ru 6

Vienna, Austria

Expats noted Vienna's excellent weather and high standard of living.

Photo: austria-time.ru 5


The city-state is known as one of the cleanest in the world and has a high standard of living with an enviable average salary.

Photo: fourseasons.com 4

Dusseldorf, Germany

The city in western Germany scored very high in terms of quality of life.

Photo: nice-places.com 3

Madrid, Spain

Expats praise the Spanish city. According to them, it is easy to get comfortable here and make new friends. The low cost of living also played a role in receiving high ratings from respondents.

Photo: edificiosenventamadrid.com

Houston, USA

The fourth largest city in the United States took second place thanks to its relatively low cost of living.

Photo: businessinsider.com 1

Melbourne, Australia

Australia's second most populous city took first place in the ranking because 79% of respondents were satisfied with their employment and personal life here. The presence of a variety of leisure activities also raised the city to the top of the ranking.

Photo: wallpapersdsc.net

Every year, experts evaluate cities around the world on many parameters, such as medicine, level of culture and education, infrastructure, ecology, etc. The following are best cities to live in the world 2016— top 10 rating.

10. Hamburg (95 points)

The list of the best cities to live in 2016 opens with the German Hamburg, which received 95 points out of 100.

In terms of population density, Hamburg is second only to Berlin; the number of city residents is more than 1 million 800 thousand people. Hamburg is known for its museums, the most famous of which is the Hamburg Kunsthalle, as well as its theaters. For lovers of walks, more than 120 parks were built in Hamburg. Additionally, a botanical garden is open all year round, containing much of the flora of Asia and Europe. Another attraction is the artificial lake Alster, as well as the nearby “health path”. Hamburg is considered the largest of all port cities in Europe, its industry includes oil refineries, shipyards, and factories for processing raw materials supplied from abroad.

9. Helsinki (95.6 points)

Helsinki is the ninth most livable city. It is the capital of Finland and the largest city in the country with a population of 600 thousand inhabitants. Helsinki is currently experiencing a period of rapid development as large numbers of people migrate there from neighboring provinces. This is a cozy city, with many small cafes and comfortable hotels. Visitors here are treated with great attention and care.

8. Auckland (95.7 points)

Auckland was included in the top ten best cities to live in 2016. It is the most populous city in New Zealand. More than 1.3 million people live within its borders, which is 32% of the population of the entire country. One of Auckland's main sources of income is attracting foreign students to study, since the city is home to a large number of universities and other educational institutions. People from all over the world come here to study. Often students study in parallel not only in English courses, but also in technological institutes or universities.

7. Perth (95.9 points)

The city of Perth was also recognized as one of the best places to live. It is located in the southwestern part of Australia. The number of residents is about 2 million people, which is about 75% of the total population of the state. Another name is “City of Lights”. This city became famous in 1962, when local residents turned on all their lights en masse as the American spaceship Friendship flew overhead. Perth has also become home to such actors as Heath Ledger and Toby Schmitz. The founders and members of such musical groups as Make Them Suffer, Karnivool, Knife Party, Tame Impala came from this city.

6. Adelaide (96.6 points)

On the 6th line is one of the best cities to live in Australia - Adelaide. This large city is located in the state of South Australia and is also its administrative center. It is the fifth most populous city with 1.2 million inhabitants. In the center of this city, many gardens have been erected, which has a positive effect on its appearance and ecology. Adelaide was previously known as a zone of religious freedom, civil rights, and progressive politics. Today the city is better known for its festivals, wines and sporting achievements.

5. Calgary (96.6 points)

Calgary occupies the middle of the ranking of the best cities to live. This is a fairly famous city in Canada; according to the latest statistics, it is inhabited by 1.1 million people. The main business is tied to industry, agriculture, and tourism. Of all the sports, football and hockey are the most popular. Calgary is located in a temperate latitude, but the weather is largely determined by the altitude and how close the Rocky Mountains are. Therefore, this area can have quite cold winters, but the warm Chinook wind can raise the temperature to +15 degrees Celsius in just a couple of hours. Such changes pose a health hazard to visitors who are not accustomed to this lifestyle. Despite this, Calgary is developing very actively and its suburbs are growing literally by the hour.

4. Toronto (97.2 points)

Toronto is the largest metropolis in Canada and at the same time the administrative center of the province of Ontario. Almost half of the city's population consists of immigrants from distant countries. For example, about 10% of Toronto's total citizens are from India. The most interesting feature of the city is the active support of the emigrant culture, so assimilation is not as pronounced as in other places with a large number of newcomers. However, Toronto is one of the safest cities in the entire American continent, making it one of the best places to live.

3. Vancouver (97.3 points)

According to the authoritative British publication The Economist, Vancouver has been recognized three times as the world's best city to live. In 2016 he took third place, which is also not bad. Vancouver is located on the west coast of Canada. The city is home to 2.3 million people. The climate is quite mild and warm. Heavy precipitation occurs in spring, autumn and winter, with the exception of dry summers. Interestingly, more than half of Vancouver's citizens do not speak English as their first language, making the city the most linguistically diverse in all of Canada. Vancouver has a highly developed industry, with businesses in programming, biotechnology, and the film industry also gaining momentum. Thanks to the picturesque landscapes and a large number of different attractions, the city is often visited by tourists. Travelers are mainly interested in the gardens, Stanley Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, mountains, and the forests that surround the city. About a million tourists visit Vancouver every year on cruise ships heading to Alaska.

9. Vienna (97.4 points)

Second place in the ranking of the most favorable cities for living was taken by the capital of Austria - Vienna. The city's population is more than 1.8 million people, and taking into account the suburbs this figure increases to 2.3 million, which is almost 25% of the total population. Vienna is the center of economic and political life in Austria, the seat of the UN. The city regularly receives high marks in the areas of infrastructure, environmental protection, culture and safety. Vienna has long been famous for its music festivals. In addition, the real estate market in Vienna is constantly developing, unlike the rest of Europe, which has been in crisis for a long time.

1. Melbourne (97.5 points)

According to The Economist, Melbourne is the best city to live in the world for 2016. It is the second most important and largest city in Australia. The number of its inhabitants is more than four million, including the suburbs. Melbourne is also the cultural and sports capital of the country, as all major events take place here. The city's population is extremely diverse. People from all over the world have found their home in it, but there is no national discord in it. Melbourne's architectural style is modern, with a touch of Victorian. For lovers of fresh air, a large number of parks and gardens have been built in the city, so Melbourne has a good environment.

When choosing a locality for further residence, we advise you to look at the rating of Russian cities in 2020 and the rating of the best cities in Russia for living in 2020.


Krasnodar by level
square city

Using open sources of information, you can conduct an analysis to identify the best cities to live in.

Selection criteria:

  • income level of the population;
  • employment and labor market;
  • living conditions of the population;
  • safety of residence;
  • demographic situation;
  • environmental and climatic conditions;
  • population health and level of education;
  • provision of social infrastructure facilities;
  • level of economic development;
  • level of small business development;
  • development of the territory and development of transport infrastructure.

Why not the capital

Every year, sociologists conduct surveys and studies to find the best cities in the world or individual countries. Today you will learn about the best cities in Russia. The leader of the rating of Russian cities in terms of living standards 2020, oddly enough, is not Moscow.

  1. Tyumen.
  2. This locality has the best education, a high level of income, there are many places for recreation, including with children, the roads are in good condition, and healthcare works like clockwork. The honorable first place in the ranking of which city is best to move to live in Russia in 2020 is deservedly awarded to Tyumen.

  3. Moscow.
  4. The capital continues to enjoy a high standard of living. This is due to a number of factors: Muscovites have the best social package in the country, high salary levels, and interesting leisure opportunities. Compared to the inconveniences experienced by northerners, the standard of living of a Muscovite improves in proportion to their salary.

  5. Kazan.
  6. In the ranking of Russian cities in terms of quality of life in 2020, the top three is Kazan, which is the sixth largest city in Russia in terms of population. The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan can boast of the quality of the education sector, the condition and quality of service of the housing stock, as well as the state of the road infrastructure.

  7. Krasnodar.
  8. The sharply increased number of people wishing to move to this city speaks of its growing popularity. Krasnodar is a large industrial center in the south of the country. It has been repeatedly named one of the best cities to build a business. It is in Krasnodar that the minimum unemployment rate is registered.

  9. Saint Petersburg.
  10. St. Petersburg is considered one of the best metropolitan areas in the areas of healthcare, education and life safety. The cultural significance of St. Petersburg is quite great. It is also a major tourist center. There are the most famous historical and cultural monuments here.

Millionaire cities

To find out which major cities in Russia have more than one million inhabitants, just look at our list.

  1. Moscow.
  2. The capital's population is over 12 million people. The most populous of the cities located entirely in Europe, it is among the top ten cities in the world by population.

  3. Saint Petersburg.
  4. Novosibirsk
  5. The city is the center of the Novosibirsk agglomeration - the largest in Siberia. According to the latest data, the number of inhabitants is 1,584,138 people. Trade, business, cultural, industrial, transport and scientific center of federal significance.

  6. Ekaterinburg.
  7. One of the country's largest transport and logistics hubs, an important industrial center. The population of Yekaterinburg is over 1,428,000 people.

  8. Nizhny Novgorod.
  9. Nizhny Novgorod is one of the centers of Russian information technologies. More than 1,268,000 people live in the city.

What about the environment?

Ecology is an important factor in choosing a permanent place of residence. Therefore, it is worth compiling an environmental rating of Russian cities in 2020 to identify the most polluted.

  1. Norilsk.
  2. The main pollution is associated with the work of the largest complex, Norilsk Nickel. This enterprise emits 2 million tons of air pollution per year, which is almost 100% of all city emissions.

  3. Moscow.
  4. The total annual emissions are 995.4 thousand tons, of which 92.8% come from cars.

  5. Saint Petersburg.
  6. The annual emission of atmospheric pollution from the cultural capital is 488.2 thousand tons, of which 85.9% is vehicular emissions.

  7. Cherepovets (Vologda region).
  8. The total annual volume of emissions is 364.5 thousand tons, 95% comes from stationary sources, and the Severstal metallurgical plant makes the main contribution to air pollution.

  9. Asbestos (Sverdlovsk region).

And now about the pleasant things

Let's find out which cities are considered the cleanest in terms of environmental indicators and, accordingly, the most favorable for life. What do experts pay attention to when researching the issue of “clean cities?”

  • presence of green spaces;
  • concentrations of hazardous industries;
  • waste collection and disposal;
  • quality of drinking water.
  1. Pskov.
  2. This locality is famous for its many green spaces, gardens and park areas. Dense coniferous forests located outside the city limits play a big role in air purification. Therefore, the degree of air pollution remains consistently low.

  3. Smolensk
  4. Smolensk is surrounded by forests; in addition, the city is rich in functioning eight recreation parks, over ten public gardens and gardens, and four forest parks. The level of air and water pollution is low.

  5. Murmansk.
  6. Murmansk deserves the title of one of the cleanest cities, therefore it occupies an honorable third place in the rating of environmentally friendly cities of Russia 2020. Forests occupy 43% of the total area of ​​the city. The dust content in the air is much lower than the sanitary standard, and the water is perfectly clean.

  7. Nizhnevartovsk
  8. Despite the harmful enterprises, environmental pollution in this locality is at the normal level, and the streets of Nizhnevartovsk are completely clean and well-groomed.

  9. Sochi.
  10. The absence of heavy industrial enterprises, which cause the greatest damage to the environment, coupled with beautiful nature, allows Sochi to be considered one of the most environmentally friendly cities in Russia.

Dear Life

Russia is a large country, the standard of living in each region is different. Somewhere you need to open your wallet wider so that you have enough for the essentials. But in some places, a small amount is enough to live luxuriously. Where are such heavenly places and which ones should you not even lay your eyes on? We present the most expensive cities in Russia.

The leader in the ranking of Russian cities in terms of wages in 2020 was Moscow, where the average salary is 45,000 rubles. Also, do not forget that the most expensive settlement is Bilibino, which beats the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world in 2020.