Conditions for migrants to the Far East. Far Eastern hectare. As it is, without propaganda

Due to the complexity of developing the territory and its difficult climatic conditions, special government programs, allowing to stimulate the population of the country and everyone who has long dreamed of changing their place of residence to move.

Priority zones

Back in 2012, the president signed a program for the settlement of the so-called priority zones of the country, which usually includes the lands of the Far East. In accordance with the government’s decision, a family that decides to move away from their home is supposed to be allocated lifting funds in the amount of more than 200 thousand rubles per head and 120 thousand for each member of the displaced family, which usually includes parents and siblings , sisters and even grandparents.

A special government program for the development of the Far Eastern region is valid until 2025. In accordance with this program, all voluntary migrants receive special benefits, which are a special measure of support. For example, income tax for new residents of the Far East is reduced from 30 to the usual 13 percent, and the state duty for registration in the territory is abolished altogether.

Social support measures

Travel to a new place of residence, including luggage, is compensated by government agencies, regardless of what type of transport was chosen. It should be noted that an ordinary family of three people receives a five-ton container free of charge, and a family of 4 or more receives a ten-ton container.

Citizens are allocated a certain amount for the initial improvement of living conditions, the so-called northern lifts. If it is impossible to find a decent job for the first six months of life in a new place, a benefit is paid that is half the subsistence minimum established in the region. Participants in the resettlement program are entitled to full use of the services of hospitals, kindergartens, and employment services.

A starting point

The starting point for relocating to the Far East is to contact the regional body that regulates relations in the field of labor and employment (the address can be found in the regional administration). The Labor Committee will need to fill out a form and provide copies of documents confirming:
- citizenship (Russian passport),
- education (certificates and diplomas),
- professional skill (work book),
- family relations (marriage certificate, birth certificates of children).

Within a month, the applicant’s application will be reviewed and, if a positive decision is made, the migrants will be offered a choice of 3-5 places of residence (both cities and rural settlements), as well as possible places of employment. Once an agreement is reached, the resettlers will only have to pack their things and, having collected all checks and receipts for the sent luggage and issued documents, including travel cards, arrive at their new place of residence.

Not only Russians, but also compatriots

Both Russian residents themselves and foreign citizens who have submitted an application and received a certificate of participation in the program for the resettlement of compatriots living outside Russia may well become participants in such programs. As a rule, these are citizens of the former Union who ended up as foreigners in Russia after its collapse.

Compatriots do not need to go to Russia to obtain a Program participant certificate; they just need to contact the representative office of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in their country or the Consular Section. There, future resettlers will be asked to fill out a form, and will also be given a package of documents, with which, if a positive decision is made from the outside, migration service will need to arrive in Russia.

In the future, the government of the Far East plans to develop measures related to subsidizing families under programs for acquiring their own living space. There are also plans to provide assistance in finding permanent work, comprehensive development of infrastructure and economic complex, which may make the Far East a desirable place of residence for many citizens.

The Russian Federation has a huge territory where it is constantly happening. In particular, many Russians living in remote corners of the country strive to move to its European part and settle, if not in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then in one of the cities or towns in the central part of Russia. Unregulated migration is fraught with the emergence of an imbalance in the socio-economic sphere of certain regions, primarily located in the east of the country. It is for this reason that resettlement to the Far East is one of the priority government tasks in the field of migration, the solution of which is given priority attention.

To support this region, a special federal program, which is aimed at providing all possible assistance to those who decided to leave for this region to live there permanently. In order to choose the most optimal moving option, spend a minimum of financial resources on it and arrange everything correctly Required documents Those wishing to leave for the North, the Far East or another region should consult with a lawyer competent in these matters, who will provide comprehensive explanations on all issues that arise.

Focus of the resettlement program

The development program for remote regions, which includes the North, the Far East and some other territories, is aimed at sending there the required amount of labor resources and thus ensuring their planned socio-economic development. The implementation of this program will ensure that the north and east of the country will receive an additional impetus for development, and ultimately become regions capable of competing with other parts of the country, and living in them will become comfortable and prestigious.

The implementation of such programs is designed in most cases until 2025, and they themselves are closely linked to the Development Concept migration policy The Russian Federation, in which the direction of labor resources to the north and east of the country is given priority.

The implementation of these programs, designed to stimulate the movement of Russians to the east and north, should lead to the following results:

  • contribute economic development regions;
  • lead to improved infrastructure in the respective regions;
  • promote increased investment;
  • improve the demographic situation;
  • contribute to the fact that the north and east of the country will be integrated at an accelerated pace into the national economic complex.

This program is designed to create appropriate conditions for Russians who will be able to take advantage of significant benefits when moving, and will be provided with the necessary government support during the period of adaptation to their new place of residence.

Problematic issues in implementing the resettlement program

Despite the fact that government funding in these regions is among the country’s priorities, there are a number of bottlenecks in its implementation that hinder the intentions of those wishing to move to these regions to live there permanently.

First of all, the housing problem needs to be solved, since after moving, displaced persons must immediately be provided with an apartment or house where they can live. To resolve this issue, intensive construction of housing intended specifically for migrants is underway in regions interested in the arrival of migrants. It is stipulated that after a certain time, those living in the house will be able to buy it out on preferential terms.

The problem of employment also poses certain difficulties. Usually people express a desire to go to the Far East, best case scenario with secondary specialized education, while the region needs highly qualified personnel. At the same time, there are not enough financial resources to attract such specialists, and vacancies remain unfilled or are filled with not the most suitable personnel, which affects the process of managing business facilities.

All these shortcomings must be eliminated in the process of implementing the Concept for the Development of the Migration Sphere of the Russian Federation, which gives these issues primary attention and provides for the allocation of financial resources to support resettlement programs.

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has no form yet single document. The starting points in creating conditions for attracting Russians to the Far East at the moment are the expected allocation of a hectare of land and the establishment of the Agency for the Development of Human Capital (hereinafter referred to as the Agency). We’ll talk about them in our article.

Resettlement program to the Far East implemented by the Agency

The Far East was recognized as a priority for settlement. This helped attract compatriots who move to Russia. They are provided with lifting and various benefits. But human resources can also be attracted from Russia, especially from single-industry towns with high unemployment.

The Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East, created in September 2015, was entrusted with working on this task. Its tasks include searching for qualified workers throughout Russia and attracting them to vacant jobs in the region. It is assumed that the Agency’s services will be used by investors who decide to invest money in the development of subjects economic activity who will need human resources to implement their projects.

For reference! The state program “Socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region” predicts an increase in the population of this macro-region to 10.75 million people by 2025. For comparison: in 2016, the population of the Far Eastern Federal District is 6.21 million people. Despite the fact that since 1992 the population has been constantly falling.

Free land for agricultural needs

On May 1, 2016, the law “On the specifics of providing citizens with land plots in the Far Eastern Federal District" No. 119-FZ. In accordance with this regulatory act, any citizen of Russia can apply for a free lease of a plot of land measuring 1 hectare for agricultural purposes in the Far East for a period of 5 years with the possibility of further extension.

This program only implies the distribution of land and the simplicity of its registration, but there is no mention of allowances for resettlers or even compensation for moving expenses.

The Ministry of Eastern Development, reporting on the work done, states that the beginning of attracting labor reserves to the Far East has been made, but they are not going to stop there. So far, Russians are offered employment and land here, but work is underway to improve the infrastructure, as well as the situation with education and medical care. Relevant government programs have already been created and begun to be implemented.

The development of the Far Eastern territories has become an important task for the authorities. However, given the complex climatic conditions, not all Russians want to leave their usual places and go to the Far Eastern regions. The authorities are fully committed to supporting those who decide to change their habitat. Options to stimulate this process are developed annually. So, the resettlement program to the Far East - how to take part.

Program description

A project that aims to attract people to regions located in remote corner Russia, was introduced not so long ago. In 2012, the authorities decided that it was necessary to attract different specialists to this region.

The program involves the participation of both university graduates and experienced workers. All regions of this region, with the support of the Russian authorities, agreed to facilitate the resettlement of people, which will eliminate the problem of the development of this finished place.

The entire text of the document regulating resettlement to the Far East in 2017 can be seen at the office. Federation Council website.

Who can take part

Both Russian citizens and foreigners arriving in Russia under the “Compatriot” program can become participants in the project under consideration. These are:
people who have relatives in Russia or have Russian roots;
Russian emigrants who became citizens of other powers;
immigrants from Post-Soviet countries.

All that is required is to provide documented proof of belonging to one of the above categories, which will allow you to become the owner of a participant in the “Compatriot” program.

At the same time, foreigners applicants for participation in the project do not necessarily have to be in the Russian Federation at the time of consideration of the application. Documentation can be submitted to the Russian representative office in the state of its citizenship.

How to participate

The resettlement program for the Far East for Russians involves the following actions:
1. Providing internal passport, capable of confirming citizenship and identifying.
2. Provide educational documents.
3. Provide labor. a book with work experience in the specialty.
4. If the move will be carried out by the whole family, documents and marital status must be agreed upon.

Having collected everything necessary certificates, they must be taken to the employment committee and wait for the verdict. I usually receive a response within 30 days. If the decision is positive, then the applicant is offered a plan indicating priority regions for relocation and a list of vacancies that exist there.

Having chosen your departure point, you can pack your bags and hit the road. It is important to keep receipts, which will serve as the basis for compensation for the money spent.

Regarding foreigners, they are in their homeland all the way - from the verdict to receiving a migrant certificate. Today, the resettlement of Ukrainians to the Far East is a rather acute issue. This is explained by the difficult political situation, which provoked a massive crossing of Ukrainians into the Russian border. To solve the issue of overcrowding in the border areas, it was decided to involve Ukrainians in the resettlement process.

Where can I move?

So, let's figure out which regions accept their new residents. In the main document of the program, the territory of the Far East is the following areas:
Transbaikal region;
Saha Republic;
Jewish Autonomous Region;
Tyva Republic;
Amur region;
Irkutsk region;
Primorsky Krai;

The list of regions for the “Compatriot” program is much larger. The Far Eastern resettlement program outlines only the previously mentioned areas. The most popular destinations is Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories.

Benefits for displaced people

Since few people want to change their lives, the government has begun to actively develop activities that are aimed at increasing desire. What benefits do the authorities provide to migrants to the Far East:
land plots located outside the regional center are distributed free of charge.
temporary housing will be provided;
the period for consideration of an application for obtaining citizenship of the Federation for foreigners is reduced;
the tax rate for employees is reduced from 30% to 13;
disabled people can travel free of charge to places of treatment in other regions of the Federation, including free air travel;
free travel to other holiday destinations Russian regions;
special payment rate utilities;

obtaining an education with benefits and presenting a job in the specialty;
shorter labor duration. days for women, the salary remains the same;
monthly payments, but not longer than 6 months, until the state program participant finds a job;
compensation for moving expenses;
one-time assistance for the applicant and his family members;
partial repayment of expenses for the purchase of housing or construction on the primary market for people who are not yet 30 years old;
providing a subsidy for the purchase of mortgage housing in the amount of 10% of the purchase price.

The program in question was initially supposed to operate until 2016, but it has been extended until 2025. During this time period, the authorities plan to increase the population of the region to 21 million inhabitants.


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How can you obtain citizenship under the Compatriot Resettlement Program?

In February of this year, it was announced that the Far Eastern hectare program had become available to all Russian citizens. The Kremlin was proud of this apparent PR move ahead of the presidential elections. The media drew historical analogies of a hectare with Stolypin’s land reform. But moving away from unnecessary emotions and hasty conclusions, let’s try to understand the essence of the issue.


The law on the Far Eastern hectare was born under the influence of two circumstances. Firstly, a populist move with the aim of creating the appearance that Russia’s natural heritage is people’s, and not oligarchic, as one might think, looking at the picture with exports natural resources. And a hectare of land as a gift is a clear reference to Putin’s association with a generous ruler who distributes land to the people. Secondly, this is an attempt to solve the problem of developing the Far East. When it became obvious that the priority development areas were not working to the required extent, and the task of developing the Far East had not been resolved, alternative solutions were required. Settling the Far East with a free hectare is another ploy to statistically improve the demographic picture in the federal district.

But still about the good. Land as a gift to the people is, of course, the right thing, but if all the possible consequences of this act are taken into account. The law came into force on June 1, 2016 for residents of the Far East, and on February 1, 2017 for all citizens. According to it, any resident of the country has the opportunity to receive a Far Eastern hectare free of charge once for residential construction, farming or business activities. To get a plot, there is no need to move to the region, but at the development stage a person will be forced to move. Individuals can team up and get one land plot for general purposes. This is a so-called collective application, on which the authorities have high hopes. After the expiration of the period of gratuitous use (five years), a person has the right to take ownership of the plot or lease it for forty-nine years. If we are talking about a plot of land from the forest fund, then only rent is allowed. The success of the transaction will depend on the authorities who will decide to grant ownership of the site. However, the site needs to be developed and accountable for it.

The state promises support measures: preferential mortgages at 4% per annum, business subsidies and lifting allowances. By the way, none of the support measures in the law “On the specifics of providing citizens with land plots that are in state or municipal ownership and located on the territories of constituent entities” Russian Federation, part of the Far Eastern federal district, and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” is not spelled out. However, there is no exact data on lifting equipment. The Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East Galushka A., speaking about the hectare, spoke not about lifting funds, but about the funds provided for moving within the framework of the labor mobility program. Because of his mistake, the media reported that the allowance for the displaced would amount to 250 thousand rubles. But within the framework of the labor mobility program, 225 thousand rubles are provided, which are received not by immigrants, but by enterprises participating in the program as compensation for organizing relocation, renting housing, training a specialist and other purposes. The migrant will still have to work at the enterprise for three years. Therefore, even the government cannot answer what kind of lifting benefits the owners of a hectare will receive.

Immediately after the opening of registration for land plots, the Anti-Corruption Foundation conducted its research and found that on the very first day of registration, when the site was not yet operational, there were already “lucky ones” who were able to register their plots in the Primorsky Territory on the shore of Lake Khanka. All coastline It turned out to be already busy on the second day. And the most interesting thing is that among the plots there was a land plot formed by several persons, the so-called collective application. That is, already on the first day there were individuals who took advantage of the opportunity to obtain a large plot by attracting additional individuals or “dead souls.” Such efficiency on a day when the site did not make it possible to book a plot clearly speaks of a corruption component. And it is very likely that this is only one of the schemes.


The history of Russia has known several examples of mass resettlement of the population as part of land development. Firstly, this is the Stolypin reform, according to which peasants were given the right to resettlement, land in Siberia, subsidies and lifts. The state allocated funds for laying roads, landscaping in the new place, medical service, public needs. By 1910, funds for food and medical services had been significantly increased. As a result of these initiatives, 2.44 million people were resettled, about 500 thousand of them returned. What is noteworthy about this project is that the state did not abandon citizens, but initially focused on creating the necessary infrastructure. Although, of course, it is worth noting that government support was insufficient even then. Secondly, this is a program for the development of virgin lands, when specialists with their families, Komsomol members, were sent to virgin lands. They worked within the framework of the general state task, undoubtedly receiving private allotments on collective farms or state farms.

Of course, this is a different example, since the land was not given for ownership, but only for use (which, however, was little different then), but it is indicative from the point of view that the state did not throw its own into the field without guarantees of infrastructural support. Of course, there were enough excesses in the program for the development of virgin lands, but still it was carried out within the framework of a large task, on which both the state and the people worked together. And young Komsomol members left to conquer virgin lands, accompanied by an orchestra, with posters, songs and a big idea in their souls. The Central Committee of the Communist Party established certificates of honor, medals, and orders in honor of this event.

The Far Eastern hectare is now empty of value: the state does not call on the population to raise and revive the Far East, it tells the citizens - do you want free land? Come get it to the Far East. But on our own, without us, I already did a lot - I gave the land, and then you are on your own...


The authorities were counting on the free-of-charge effect that would attract Russians. However, after the first cry of joy, I remembered the classic proverb: “free cheese is only in a mousetrap.” When discussing the benefits of this hectare for an ordinary Russian, you ask a lot of questions. Of course, we are not talking about those who take a hectare on the principle of “so that there is one”, since they give it away for free. With this approach, in 5 years these applicants will not register the hectare as their property. We are talking about those who really plan to use it for its intended purpose.

Question one. How to live in isolation without infrastructure?

People come to the region, even if not people, but their intentions. They are given a plot of land, which, according to the law, must be located outside the boundaries of urban districts, urban settlements and rural settlements. Distance to settlements also specified. And now attention, question. Where should people go? To the forest and field? No infrastructure is provided for them. The authorities can consider the issue of building a road and installing energy only with a collective application from 20 people. But this is what they say for now, after 2018 the magic formula “there is no money, but you hold on” will be heard. Is there car roads- big question. Probably the road corresponds to the concept of “off-road”; in this case, in rainy times, the owner will only be able to get there by helicopter. And this, as we understand, is a fairly limited contingent of owners. And if a person moves there to live, then the natural question is not only about heat, energy, water and gas supply, but also about the accessibility of kindergartens, schools, medical institutions and shops. All this does not exist and probably will not happen. As well as gas stations, so that the equipment is always on the go. And in this case, why come to an empty place, when you can just as easily buy this hectare inexpensively in the center, in an abandoned village, where at least there is some kind of infrastructure and transport links. And development will be cheaper.

Only wealthy people who will come to develop the land with their own means and will not need work, which is in short supply in the region, will be able to get a return on a hectare. In Yakutia, rallies have already been held against this initiative under the slogans: “Let's save the land for future generations,” “No to raider seizure of land,” “Vouchers, free hectare, what next, gentlemen oligarchs?” It is obvious that the current owners of land plots understand what can be done with their area if a wealthy person joins forces with the “dead souls” and submits a collective request not for 1 hectare, but for much larger plots.

And to build housing, you either need your own funds or a mortgage. But in the case of a mortgage, on what collateral will the bank give it? For an unfinished house - doubtful. For a plot of land - it does not belong, but is transferred for free use. It turns out that property in another region is guaranteed. But if there is housing in another region, why drive yourself into bondage and go to distant undeveloped lands?

And those who are ready to take a risk and expect that the state will help collective applicants and build infrastructure should look at at least one direct line with the president, when people from central Russia for decades have not been able to get a road fixed, a school or kindergarten repaired, water, sewerage, gas or light. What then can we say about the Far East?

Question two. What is the Far Eastern hectare suitable for?

16% of applicants plan to engage in crop production, beekeeping, livestock farming and other types of agricultural activities on the hectare. However, let's look at the picture objectively. One hectare of land for professional farming is not enough. To cultivate a hectare you will need special machinery and other equipment. And the harvest from one hectare will not even cover all this. And the question of the suitability of these lands for conducting Agriculture it's very sharp. Is not Krasnodar region where everything grows. This is the Far East with its mosquitoes, forty degree frosts, short summers with extreme temperatures. There are, of course, areas where everything will have time to mature. But then the question will arise about the cost of such products, which will be higher than products grown by the Chinese. And it is doubtful that residents of the Far East will line up for quality rather than price.

And to engage in a more suitable type of economic activity - reindeer breeding, you need special skill. And if we assume that there are those who can build their own business there, then the problem of selling finished products will follow. The state will not act as a customer, which means the new entrepreneur will also have to intensively search for distribution channels, which will not be so easy to do in the conditions of the low population of the Far East.

Question three. How will the displaced person be helped?

Most main question, which any migrant asks - what can he count on besides a hectare of land?

The allowance of 225 thousand rubles is within the framework of a completely different program and goes to the employer’s cash desk, and even then this figure is not spelled out in the measures to support migrants. If an unemployed person moves to the Far East, he receives allowances in the amount of a one-time payment from one to five unemployment benefits, that is, the amount of allowances is from 4.9 thousand to 24.5 thousand rubles. The record holder was the Jewish Autonomous Region. There, allowances for unemployed citizens and members of their families when moving to another area to a new place of residence for employment in the direction of the employment service authorities amount to 500 rubles! Amazing generosity. However, the largest payment is due in the Kamchatka Territory: to an unemployed citizen in the amount of five times the subsistence minimum (for Koryak district- twelve times the amount), family members - two times the amount. Living wage in Kamchatka amounted to 19,451 rubles at the end of 2016. That is, for a family with two children, the amount of allowances will be 250 thousand rubles. And this is the most generous region.

Preferential mortgages seem to have been mentioned by officials, but on the project’s official website it is not listed among the support measures. True, there is a clause about the deduction of 0.2 percentage points from the mortgage interest rate. in the primary housing market, and this with a mortgage rate of 13%. This is clearly not the 4% that officials used to talk about.

As for work, there are two options: assistance in finding a job, which boils down to the fact that the migrant is invited to respond to a vacancy on the website and send your resume, and employment at a ASEZ resident enterprise by sending a resume. It is difficult to understand what kind of support there is when a resident is looking for work on his own. But the most interesting thing is that on this site there are only 13 vacancies; there are already over 69.5 thousand applications submitted per hectare, and over 6.5 thousand approved.

But in some areas a quota for timber harvesting from 60 to 200 cubic meters is provided. once every ten to twenty years. But, firstly, according to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, a person in need of housing has the opportunity to receive it free of charge or on preferential terms and without a Far Eastern hectare. And secondly, the settlers would have paid for the permitted 100 cubic meters at an average preferential price 63 rub. a little over 6,000 rubles. And this, you see, is very modest support from the state.

Grants are provided for the development of agriculture, and even then mainly on a competitive basis. The size ranges from 1.5 to 10 million rubles, and the grant does not assume that the state will cover the entire amount. As a rule, this is no more than 60%. And reimbursement of costs for loans and leasing. But, as we remember, the compensation mechanism is extremely complicated and the person moving will first pay his part in full, and only after some time the state will compensate him for the money spent. To obtain more complete information about grants, the Nadalniyvostok.rf website redirects to local ministries, but no information on grants can be found there.

Beginning entrepreneurs are provided with one-time financial assistance upon their registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. This is respectively from 2 to 10 thousand rubles. And a zero tax rate for two years, which is also a very modest measure of government support.

Small and medium-sized businesses are provided with subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of purchasing equipment. They also get access to preferential lending: to replenish working capital for a period of up to 3 years with a maximum rate of 12.5% ​​per annum; and for investments for a period of up to 10 years with a maximum rate of up to 13.5% per annum. A loan at a preferential rate for small businesses at the level of 10.6% per annum, for medium-sized businesses - 9.6% per annum, with a loan amount of 10 million rubles. And this is by no means small bank interest. If you remember the Industrial Development Fund, they provided loans at 6% per annum. With such rates and no guarantee of product sales, it is difficult to imagine crowds of people wanting to move to the Far East.

The issue of support for displaced people is calculated in tens of thousands, not even hundreds of thousands, while it is estimated that millions are needed to move. Even without running a business, your home will require about 3-5 million rubles, you will need an off-road vehicle - a jeep, that's another 2 million. You can also add the costs of doctors, schools and kindergartens for children. And the money offered by the state is only enough to fill the gas tank of a car for a month. Considering that 55% of program participants plan to build a house and set up a plot of land for personal farming, expecting good developments, we can predict that 55% of the land received will not be developed.

Question four. Can the word of officials be trusted?

According to Russian legislators, people should move to the Far East and develop new lands. In five years, the time will come to take stock and register ownership of the land. And at this stage, problems may arise that are no longer related to legislation, but to the specifics of the work of Russian officials. There are no guarantees that a person who has settled in and invested all his savings in this hectare will not be asked for monetary compensation for the free transfer of ownership, bypassing government agencies. And there can be any pretext: misuse of land, or violation of forestry or land legislation. Therefore, it is one thing to invest in your own plot, and quite another in one that can only potentially become your own. Considering the traditional schemes for “squeezing out” business in Russia, there is a possibility that a representative of the law enforcement agencies will want to receive the hectare where they will build their business as a gift. And the law, as we know, will be on their side.

Question five. Who will lose?

We should not forget that these hectares may already have owners, both informal ones who develop them, and unrecognized by the state due to cadastre errors. For example, in the Khankaisky district of the Primorsky Territory, which fell under the law on the Far Eastern hectare, there is a plot of 150 hectares located in the area of ​​​​the villages of Rasskazovo - Kirovka - Turiy Rog. In fact, these are unclaimed shares; their status has not been settled with the peasants and their heirs. All this can become the basis for disputes.

The second point is the rights of indigenous peoples living in the areas where the hectare is provided. In the Khabarovsk Territory, the Association of Indigenous Minorities of the North (AIPN) opposed the reduction in the area of ​​traditional environmental management territories of the peoples of the Amur region by more than 50%: from 30.6 thousand hectares to 14.8 thousand hectares, which, according to its members, is associated with the implementation of the law about the Far Eastern hectare. Moreover, the reduction took place without coordination with local governments.

Question six. Doesn't the environment count?

And environmental issues - who thought about them? According to the hectare law, any activity not prohibited by Russian law is permitted. Even the forest can be sold. This means there are no barriers for enterprising businessmen to cut down forests and sell them to China, especially since the land on which the forest stands was given to them for free. And in 15 years, when, according to the law, forest fund lands can be rented, there may no longer be a forest there. The situation will be similar with areas located on the shores of reservoirs: no services will monitor compliance with the environment during the operation of the site. And although the potential owner may not register the plot in 5 years, during this period he can significantly undermine the ecology of this hectare.

Yes, already at the stage of submitting applications, unexpected oddities arise. A resident of Primorye, for example, was able to obtain a plot of land in the center of the Lazovsky Federal Reserve; the system did not refuse to register the application. According to a representative of the Amur branch World Fund wildlife(WWF) Russia Anna Barma color designations protected areas disappeared from the map in October 2016. Environmentalists are concerned that no one checks the correctness of the issuance of hectares near specially protected natural areas, on the lands of indigenous peoples or hunting grounds. Many organizations are involved in this monitoring, but not all of them have the right to refuse an application.

Question seven. Protection from foreigners.

There is a possibility that these lands will eventually go to foreigners. However, the law established a restriction in this regard: “It is not allowed to conclude contracts of purchase and sale, donation, lease, agreements for gratuitous use, agreements for trust management of property, other agreements providing for the transfer of ownership rights, possession and (or) use in relation to land plots, provided to citizens in accordance with this Federal Law, and land plots formed from them, including when making subsequent transactions, if a party to such an agreement is a foreign state, international organization, foreign citizen, stateless person, foreign legal entity or legal entity, in the authorized (share) capital of which there is a share of a foreign state, international organization, foreign citizens, foreign legal entities, stateless persons” (Article 11).

Legislatively, a plot of land seems to be insured, but no one will prohibit its copyright holder from allowing the Chinese onto these lands, bypassing the official lease documents. And this is the moment: when it becomes obvious that the idea is untenable in the form in which they now want to implement it, the government will say that the Russians do not want to develop the Far East, the only sure way is to allow foreigners to develop it by leasing these areas to them. After all, if not themselves, then at least let foreign investors try. Considering the “far-sightedness” of our government, this option cannot be ruled out.

Question eight. Are they sane?

The question is not an idle one, but it concerns not the displaced people, but the authorities. Do they understand that no one needs this hectare in the Far East under such conditions of self-elimination of the state? And the submitted applications, of which there are now about 70 thousand, are applications from those who have no intention or desire to move and develop the Far East, with the exception of those who already live there. But judging by the speeches of government officials, they believe, or pretend to believe, in this idea.

Minister of the Far East Galushka, for example, discussed the importance of a hectare in the context of the demographic revival of the region. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev stood out even more, declaring at the forum in Sochi that “we are looking for even larger applications, those that can become the embryos of new cities and settlements.” It would be interesting to imagine new cities in which each resident would own a hectare of land. But, however, officials are not embarrassed by the absurdity of such reasoning.

As for the country's prime minister, he was more restrained in his assessments: “I don’t think that it will give the same effect as the well-known decision made during the Stolypin period, but there will be a certain positive effect for the development of the Far East in terms of labor mobility and movement he will undoubtedly give people there.” The Prime Minister, like many officials who are looking at applications from Moscow and St. Petersburg, is convinced that residents of these cities will be able to open their own business there and start a business, while changing their place of residence? But could the Kremlin, for example, at least move its forums from Sochi and St. Petersburg to the open fields of the Far East? It’s unlikely, but for some reason they believe in the stupidity of the people. So, the distribution of one hectare without infrastructural support and powerful material support cannot be called anything other than absurdity. Moreover, the development of underdeveloped lands did not take place in such an absurd manner either under the Tsar or under the Soviet regime.

For what?

What was the purpose of this whole high-profile campaign for a Far Eastern hectare of land?

Firstly, extra PR wouldn’t hurt the president, especially on the eve of the presidential elections. Hectare is a typical populist trick aimed at gullible voters. Exactly the same as the one-time payment to pensioners in the amount of five thousand rubles, announced before the 2016 State Duma elections.

Secondly, hidden two-way. At the first step, the government provides the people with a free hectare without appropriate conditions for its development. At the second step, he admits that the hectare program has failed, only a few hectares have been developed, therefore it is advisable to attract forces from abroad for the development of the region. If Russians are not ready to move to the Far East, then the government will open the gates to the Chinese. Although this has already been done a long time ago, nevertheless, after the failure of the hectare, efforts to attract neighboring peoples will only increase. It is quite possible that the hectare became a sort of distraction from China’s expansion in the Far East as a result of the agreements signed with Moscow. After all, there were many agreements, they involved attracting Chinese investments and work force. And talk about leasing land to China is still not abating.

Third, the development program of the Far East with its priority development territories has exhausted itself. It became obvious that the region is not developing, but is standing still. The population is declining as a result of migration outflow to other regions of Russia (Fig. 1-2). At the same time, natural growth increases only due to Yakutia.

Rice. 1. Population of the Far Eastern Federal District (according to Rosstat)

Rice. 2. Migration of the population of the Far Eastern Federal District (according to Rosstat)

You can see how things got worse with Putin's re-election in 2012. Vimo. There was nothing left for people to hope for. A region that prospers would not become demographically depressed. The local population migrates en masse, and mainly residents of the CIS and neighboring China come; the latter, however, is extremely insignificantly present in Russian statistics, which can rather be considered a shortcoming of migration registration.

Far Eastern hectare could be an attempt to return to the region Russian citizens. On this moment Over 69 thousand applications have already been submitted. If all this mass of people really had the intention and determination to move, then the statistical indicators of the region would be significantly improved.

Fourth, the distribution of a free plot of land is very similar to voucher privatization. In the context of the authorities’ joy for the collective applications, there are increasing fears that a number of wealthy individuals have already started concentrating the lands of the Far East in their hands. Well, then the land will become a market commodity.

So what are officials hoping for? That the people, having rejoiced at the free lands, will en masse begin to develop them or at least move to the Far East? But the euphoria over the “freebie” will quickly give way to new apathy and will not be crowned with success. Or do they expect that the people will not see the light before the presidential elections? No matter what tricks the elite and power circles resort to, it is no longer possible to hide the scale of the disaster in the liberal Russian economy. For now, the regions associate devastation with local authorities, but the day is not far off when the connection in the cause-and-effect chain will finally be restored, and the people will come to the realization that the fish rots from the head. Where is the fish head located in the Russian state is a simple question. They show it on TV every day.