Sights of India: photo and description of the republic. India: the main sights and interesting places (with photos) The most beautiful places in India

India is amazing and mysterious eastern country, the birthplace of Hinduism, yoga, meditation and the ancient Vedas. Its culture itself is very exotic for us, but popular sights like the Taj Mahal or the Lotus Temple have become almost something familiar to tourists. It is much more interesting to visit unusual India - impressive little-known places that surprise, frighten or reveal the culture and nature of this country from a completely different side.

Jantar Mantar Observatory

This complex looks like a futuristic space city from sci-fi movies and stories. In fact, this is a huge laboratory, which was built at the beginning of the 18th century to observe the sun and stars by Maharaja Jai ​​Singh II, the ruler of the kingdom of Amber. There were five such laboratories in the country, but this one is the best preserved. Instruments are still used by scientists to predict certain weather events.

Entrance to the museum open sky costs 50 rupees, for 150 rupees you can book a tour, during which you will be told the purpose of all the buildings. Jantar Mantar itself is located in the city of Jaipur - you can get here by direct plane, and then get to the museum by bus or walk.

great wall of india

About Great Chinese wall almost everyone has heard, but among the interesting places in India there is the second longest continuous wall surrounding the Kumbalgarh Fort. It is located in the state of Rajasthan, 84 kilometers north of Udaipur. The length of the wall is 34 kilometers, the width reaches 8 meters - and all this was created to protect one fort. The construction of the wall began in 1443 and lasted almost a hundred years. Thanks to this wall, Kumbalgarh Castle was taken only once, and then only by cunning - the enemy poisoned the water entering inside.

Tourists visit both the wall and the castle itself with ancient buildings. It is most convenient to do this as part of excursions - it will be easier to get there and learn more about the history of the ancient fort. You can take a taxi from Ranakpur or Udaipur, but it will cost from 1500 rupees and more.

Temple with rodents Karni Mata

Outwardly, the building of the temple is unremarkable, so rare tourists visiting the town of Deshnok often pass by. But those who still decide to look into the temple are in for a surprise - thousands of ordinary gray rats live in it. Parishioners and monks take care of them in memory of Karni Mata, the legendary woman who traveled around India and called people to goodness and peace. When, according to legend, the god Yama refused to revive her drowned nephew, she said that all the men of her caste, Charan, would not go to Yama after death, but would temporarily turn into rats in order to immediately acquire human form in the next incarnation. Therefore, all rodents in the temple are highly revered, with special preference for white rats, which are considered relatives of Carney.

You can get here from the city of Bikaner by bus, rickshaw or taxi.

living bridges

Unusual places India is not only temples and ancient fortresses. The state of Meghalaya is covered with subtropical forests so densely that it is impossible to build normal roads there. Therefore, the locals invented an original way of laying bridges, forming them from living tree roots.

Centuries ago, people noticed that ficus roots could grow outwards. Then they were adapted to create bridges. The roots are placed in hollowed-out palm trunks and wait until they grow to the opposite bank. The result is a reliable and safe crossing - although its creation can take up to 15 years. Over the years, the bridge only grows stronger, because the roots grow and develop. The oldest reach 30 meters in length and can withstand fifty people.

To see the bridges, it is best to visit the town of Cherrapunji, the wettest and rainiest place in the world. It is best to take a tour here, as it is quite difficult to find bridges and local settlements in the jungle on your own.

Brahmin City of Jodhpur

Johpur is a whole city in the state of Rajasthan, standing in the arid Thar Desert. The settlement itself is not very remarkable - it is made beautiful by the houses of the Brahmins, painted in blue. The Brahmins are the highest caste of India, the priests, and therefore their houses differ from the dwellings of ordinary citizens. Visually, it looks like a huge sky-blue lake in the middle of an almost dead desert.

The city can be reached by plane from Jaipur or Udaipur, by train or by bus. Jodhpur has hotels, shops and attractions like the huge Mehrangarh Fort, which sits on a cliff and dominates the city.

Meenakshi Amman Temple

Almost everyone knows about the snow-white Taj Mahal, but the bright temple of Meenakshi Amman in the town of Madurai is much less known. This sacred building is dedicated to the wife of Shiva, Parvati, who combines both the creative and destructive principles.

The temple is a complex of 14 towers (gopurams). The towers have different heights: the highest, southern one, reaches 52 meters. Also on its territory there are two gilded sculptural towers, which store the main shrines of the temple.

The complex is open to the public, but remember that this is not only an attraction, but also a place of pilgrimage - you need to behave there accordingly.

The city of Madurai can be reached from Delhi and other major settlements by train, bus and plane. The entrance ticket costs 50 rupees, excursions are allowed from 5 to 13 and from 16 to 22 hours.

Ajanta caves

This ancient place of India appeared two thousand years ago. For hundreds of years, monks carved caves in the rock, decorating them with columns, statues and intricate carvings. In the thousandth year of our era, the complex was abandoned, and only in 1819 it was accidentally found by the British officer John Smith. In 1843, James Ferguson began to study the temple in detail - he discovered Buddha sculptures and well-preserved magnificent murals inside.

In 1983, the monument was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Tourists often come here, but this does not stop the place from being majestic and mysterious. There are regular buses to the caves from Mumbai, Aurangabad and Delhi. The museum is closed on Mondays.

Shetpal snake village

A small village near the Indian city of Sholapur became famous due to the fact that the locals here worship snakes. Cobras live in the rafters of the ceiling of each house, snakes crawl freely along the streets and indoors. However, not a single case of a snake bite was registered here.

Marshes of Kerala

India is rich not only in architectural, but also in natural attractions. Parallel to the Arabian Sea, the marshes and lagoons of Kerala are inhabited by numerous crabs, frogs, turtles, otters and rare waterfowl. Boat trips are regularly organized in these swamps.

Kanha National Park

This wild reserve is considered one of the most beautiful in Asia. Here you can see tigers in their natural habitat, look at the slender bamboo forests and the picturesque gorges of Kanha, which inspired Kipling to write his famous Jungle Book. In addition to tigers, birds, deer (including rare barasing) and Indian wolves live here.

It is better to go to the reserve from the city of Mandla, from February to June, during the less rainy season. In Mandla you can take a tourist bus and a jeep - the tour costs about 2 thousand rupees.

Harmandir Sahiab Temple

Pretty famous Holy place India - representatives of the Sikh religion from all over the world come here on pilgrimage. This temple amazes tourists with the fact that it is really covered with gold. It looks especially majestic at night, illuminated by lanterns and reflected in the smooth surface of the sacred lake Amritsar (the city was named after him). Buses and trains from major cities regularly run to Amritsar, you can fly by plane from Delhi.

Village without thieves Shani Shignapur

This unusual village in the state of Maharashtra, according to legend, is under the auspices of Shani Dev. The level of crime here is zero - in the houses there are not only locks, but even entrance doors. According to legend, any thief simply will not be able to escape from the village - he will walk all night, and at dawn he will find himself standing in the same place.

Bhangarh fort

This fort in Rajasthan was built in 1613. It was abandoned shortly after construction. Hindus are sure that this happened due to the curse of the magician. The grandson of the builder, Aja Singh, built a palace there a few years later, but the curse befell him too - the roofs of the houses under construction were constantly collapsing, so all the Indians left this place. According to legend, if you stay in the fort for the night, you will never return from here - there is even a sign hanging here with the inscription: "Staying after sunset is strictly prohibited!". There are many mystical stories about the fort - people see ghosts and strange creatures, hear music and screams, and misfortunes befall tourists who stay overnight.

Getting to the Fort is easy. You can take a taxi from Jaipur, but it will cost about 3 thousand rupees. Much easier to get to by bus. small town Daws and from there take a ticket to the village near the fort. You can walk from the village to the fort. The buses also run back.

Ecovillage Guda Bishnoy

If you value an eco-friendly lifestyle, then it makes sense to visit the village of Guda Bishnoy. The locals live in harmony with nature - they don't even cremate, but bury the dead in order to preserve the trees that are usually used when burning the dead. The locals are very hardworking and friendly, they live according to ancient traditions. But it is especially striking that wild animals walk freely among people here. You can get to the village from the city of Jodhpur.

Mount Kalipara

In the temple of Kalipara Lokambika, standing on the top of Mount Kalipara, prayers and meditations are held at sunset. It is generally accepted that for complete cleansing of negative thoughts, it is enough to spend only five minutes on this mountain. There is a small hotel at the foot of the mountain. You can get to the mountain from Kerala.

Kolukkumalai tea plantation

Ordinary tea plantations are not very interesting, but Kolukkumalai, located 32 kilometers from Munnar, is an exception. Tea bushes here cover the slopes of the mountains - the plantation is located at an altitude of 2.5 kilometers above sea level. On the plantation, you can not only admire the growing bushes, but also taste real Indian tea.

India is the largest country in South Asia. It has a large area and a very large population. Included in the top ten countries in the world for these two indicators. Birthplace of ancient Indian culture. On its territory there are many historical and architectural monuments. The current rapid development of the country contributes to technological progress and improvement in the quality of life of the population, but, by European standards, they are still low.

The natural wealth of the country makes it an incredibly popular travel destination. Since ancient times, other nations have sought to see all its wonders with their own eyes. Each state is a hotel set of attractions, among which it is easy to find places for every taste.

Large cities (New Delhi, Mumbai) are megacities, noisy and active. Outback - jungle villages, secluded beaches. There are many exotics in the country, in all spheres of life. The nature of the tropics, intricate palaces and temples, the great Ganges and Indian Ocean, colorful saris and spices. In India, there is almost nothing familiar to a resident of another country. The main directions of tours: excursions ("Golden Triangle"), beach (Goa), Ayurveda and spiritual practices. A separate direction is the Himalayas. As souvenirs, you can bring wonderful fabrics, spices, tea, jewelry. Best time visiting the country - from October to March.

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What to see in India?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photos and a short description.

1. Taj Mahal

The most famous and majestic mausoleum of the country. Snow-white huge tomb of Shah Jahan and his wife. The building is made of rare marble inlaid with semi-precious stones. Visited by millions of tourists, protected by UNESCO.

2. City of Varanasi

The oldest city in India. Located on the Ganges River, serves as a place of pilgrimage for many local residents and visitors. Ritual actions are performed on the banks. The center of the world for Hindus, the most important and revered place for them. It has a unique history, architecture, way of life.

3. River Ganges

The largest and longest river in India. Has a huge economic and cultural significance for the country. Sacred river for Hindus, a place of numerous rituals. It originates in the Himalayas, descends to the Bay of Bengal. Partially navigable. Flora and fauna are gradually becoming poorer, but are still of interest to tourists. Many cities and temples were built along the banks.

4. Lotus Temple

A relatively young temple in New Delhi, built in 1986. Outwardly, it is very similar to a huge, snow-white lotus flower. The main temple of the Baha'i religion in India. Exceptional, in terms of architectural design, the building is unusually spectacular at any time of the day. There is a garden next to the temple. One of the most popular places for tourists in Delhi.

5. Chhatrapati Shivaji Station

Most unusual building in Mumbai, its symbol. The architecture of the station is bizarre and very decorative, reminiscent of the Maharaja's palace. Built by British architects, during the colonization, but stylized according to local traditions. Formerly named after Queen Victoria. It was used for filming Slumdog Millionaire.

6. Cave temples of Ajanta

Buddhist temple complex. It is a set of rooms for prayers and the life of monks, carved in stone and decorated with rich carvings and columns. The wall paintings of the complex are interesting and valuable; many of the surviving fragments are classified as traditional Indian miniatures.

7. Humpy

Place ancient city capital of the Vijayanagar Empire. Now there are the remains of ancient buildings and functioning Hindu temples. The Hampi area houses 18 ancient architectural and historical monuments. Protected by UNESCO.

8. Minaret Qutub Minar

One of the tallest minarets in the world. It is a 72-meter building made of brick, decorated with carvings and artistic masonry. It was built in Delhi by several generations of sultan rulers. Protected by UNESCO.

9. Gateway of India in New Delhi

Monument to Indian soldiers who died in the First World War. Opened in 1931. Located right in the center of the capital. It looks like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The monument is made of sandstone, about 40 meters high. The names of the dead are engraved on the walls of the arch. Nearby is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There is a large park around the memorial.

10. Gateway of India in Mumbai

Symbolic arch gate built on the embankment in Mumbai. It was established in honor of the visit of the country by King George V. Through this symbolic gate, the last British soldiers left India after gaining independence.

11. Hawa Mahal Palace

Located in the city of Jaipur, its second name is the Palace of the Winds. An architecturally unique structure, all pierced with windows. Since the palace was built for a harem, all the windows were covered with marble bars, the white color of which goes well with the red walls of the building. Five floors, about a thousand windows framed in lacy stone.

12. Red Fort in Agra

A grandiose fortress built of red sandstone. Located in Agra, is one of the two most significant attractions in the region. It was built by several generations of the Great Mughals, the beginning of construction is attributed to the middle of the 16th century. Inside the impregnable walls is a whole complex of buildings, palaces and parks. Listed world heritage UNESCO.

13. Mehrangarh Fortress

A huge fortress-palace on top of a mountain. Located in the state of Rajasthan, directly above the city of Jodhpur. Construction began in the middle of the 15th century, along with the construction of the city. The walls and gates were erected for several centuries and became simply monumental. Until the middle of the 20th century, local rulers lived in the fortress. Inside there is a museum, palaces and viewing platforms to the city.

14. Pikola Lake Palace

The palace of the local ruler was built right in the center of the reservoir. On the surface of the water is a white-stone eastern castle, richly decorated with carvings. Currently, it is rented to tourists and there are about a hundred luxurious rooms inside. One of the James Bond films, Octopussy, was filmed here.

15. Dudhsagar Waterfall

The largest waterfall in India. Is in nature park- the largest in Goa. The road runs through rainforest, in the real jungle, which is home to many animals and birds. You can get to it only by special transport (jeeps). The jets fall from a height of 300 meters and are white in color. There is a romantic legend explaining this feature.

16. Goa

Indian state, where about 100 km of beaches go one after another. It is divided into North and South. The northern coast is more “youthful”, it can be noisy and fun here. The southern one is quieter, there are fewer hotels on it and they are more expensive. Almost all beaches are sandy and ideal for relaxation. The proximity of the sea determines the richest diet of fresh seafood.

17. Holi Festival of Colors

Spring Festival, which is celebrated annually in India. It is celebrated for several days, has its obligatory traditions. One of the brightest and most popular is sprinkling each other with a special coloring powder. All participants in the fun are painted in different colors head to toe.

18 Bollywood

An Indian film factory named after Hollywood. Located in Mumbai, one of the largest film concerns in the country. It releases films in several languages, both sharply social and entertaining. Works with great productivity, film production never stops.

India is the seventh largest country in the world, stretching from high mountains Himalayas to the tropical greenery of Kerala, and from the sacred Ganges to the sands of the Thar Desert.Its more than one billion inhabitants are divided into two thousand ethnic groups that speak more than 200 different languages.

Top 10 attractions in India

1. Taj Mahal

India's main attraction is Taj Mahal, oh a huge mausoleum of white marble, inlaid with semi-precious stones, including jade, crystal, lapis lazuli, amethyst and turquoise, built in Agra between 1631 and 1648 by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife. The Taj Mahal is a gem of Muslim art and the greatest architectural achievement of Indo-Islamic architecture. The Taj Mahal is named after Mumtaz Mahal, the emperor's wife. The Taj Mahal is the most famous and main attraction of India, every year tens of millions of travelers travel to India to admire the beauty of the Taj Mahal.

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2. Varanasi

Varanasi, the holy city in India, is also known as Kashi and Benares.Varanasi is the most popular Hindu pilgrimage site. The city is sacred to Hindus and Jains, aboutone of the seven sacred cities of India. It is believed that this is whereThe abode of Shiva, Varanasi is located on the banks of the Ganges River, in which, according to the Hindus, you can wash away all your sins.

Varanasi is considered the oldest city in the world, it is over 3000 years old. Also Varanasi or Kashi is known as the city of temples, temples are everywhere. The most famous temple in Varanasi is the Golden Temple, rebuilt in 1776, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

3. Ajanta Caves

Ajanta caves are Buddhist monuments in rock caves dating back to the 2nd century BC, which are masterpiecesBuddhist religious art. magicalthe caves of Ajanta were abandoned around 650 AD and forgotten by everyone until 1819, when the British came across them while hunting.Their isolation contributed to the fact that they are perfectly preserved.

The caves are located 100 km northeast of Ellora, 104 km from Aurangabad and 52 km from railway station Jalgaone.They crash into the Deccan volcanic lava in the forested gorges of the Sahardi Hills in the scenic surroundings. Ajanta cavescontain drawings and sculptures that depict the life of the Buddha.

4. Jaisalmer

Jaisalmer or "Golden City", is a city in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is located 575 kilometers west of the state capital of Jaipur, near the border of Pakistan. Jaisalmer stands on a ridge of yellowish sandstone, in the middle of the great Indian desert or Thar Desert. The city is crowned with a fort that houses a palace and temples.

Jaisalmer was founded at the crossroads of camel caravans traveling through the desert,with exotic spices and precious silks.This strategic location of Jaisalmer made it possible to collect tribute from traders, as the main caravan routes connecting India with Persia and Egypt passed through it.

5. Harmandir Sahib

Sri Harmandir Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple in amritsar, is a shrine in the Sikh religion. Harmandir Sahib is located in the center of the old city of Amritsar, Punjab province in India. The golden temple sits on a rectangular platform, surrounded by a pool of water. The temple building has four entrances instead of the usual one. It is a symbol of the openness of Sikhism and indicates that followers of all faiths can enter it. The walls of the temple are decorated with carved wood panels and intricate inlays of silver and gold. The Golden Temple is open to everyone. Pilgrims and visitors to the Golden Temple must remove their shoes and cover their heads before entering.

6. Kanha National Park

national park Kanha is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, in the heart of India. Kanha National Park is one oftiger reserves. Kanha is considered one of the best areas wildlife in the world.

Kanha is definitely a paradise for wild animal species that live in their natural habitat. It was Kanha who became source of inspiration forRudyard Kiplingto write his famous novelThe jungle book.

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7. Palolem

Palolem is undoubtedly one of the most open ideal Goa beaches, palm trees, soft sand and a calm bay, this is the perfect place for a beach holiday. Considered the ideal place for family vacation in a tropical paradise with a turquoise sea.

8. Virupaksha Temple

The Virupaksha Temple is located in Humpy 350 km from Bangalore , in state Karnataka insouthern India. Hampi was once the seat of the Vijayanagara Empire and the Virupaksha Temple is part of a group of monuments built between 1336-1570 AD. Temple Virupakshi is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is known as one of the most sacred temples in Karnataka.

9. Lek Palace (Lake Palace)

Lek Palace was built between 1743-1746 like a royal summer palace. In the 20th century, the palace was converted into a hotel for millionaires.

10. Backwaters of Kerala (Kerala backwaters)

Backwaters of Kerala are a chain brackish lagoons and lakes located in parallel The Arabian Sea in the state of Kerala in southern India includes five large lakes connected by a network of interconnected canals, rivers, lakes and bays, with more than 900 km of waterways, both artificial and natural, 38 rivers flow into the backwaters of Kerala.

India and the sights of India among the countries of South Asia occupy a special place. India is located on the Hindustan Peninsula, surrounded by Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Afghanistan, has a territory of almost 3.3 million km 2 and a population of more than 1.2 thousand million people. The natural and relief conditions of the country are diverse - from the majestic ranges of the Himalayas to the fertile valleys with the great rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus.

Sights of India - photo and description.

On this land covered with legends, ancient cities and temples have been preserved, which are considered a true treasury of the world heritage of history and architecture. There are 30 UNESCO protected sites in India. Therefore, it annually attracts millions of tourists who want to get acquainted with its history and culture. Most of the architectural monuments of ancient India that have come down to us are a unique mixture of cultural and building traditions not only from different regions of the country, but also from the principles of foreign architecture that influenced them.

The visiting card of the country and the most recognizable landmark of India can be called one of the seven wonders of the world - in Agra. It was erected by order of Emperor Shah Jahan on the banks of the Yamuna River in memory of the beloved wife of the ruler. More than 3 million tourists from different countries come here every year to look at this luxurious architectural monument, erected from snow-white marble and take a walk along picturesque park, broken near him.

Minaret Qutub Minar in Delhi.

No less famous landmark of India is the Qutub Minar minaret, located in Delhi. It is considered the tallest building of its type in the world. Its construction, which began in 1199, took more than 150 years. The material for the construction was the remains of 27 destroyed Hindu temples. Thanks to the corrugated surface of the walls, created by the alternation of round and acute-angled edges, the 72-meter tower soaring into the sky seems light and airy. 379 steps lead to its top.

Pillar of Chandragupta.

Next to the minaret on the territory of the complex of ancient ruins stands the iron pillar of Chandragupta, which came out from under the hammer of ancient blacksmiths in the 4th century BC. The height of this cultural landmark of India is more than 7 m, and the weight exceeds 6 tons. The uniqueness of the creation of human hands lies in the fact that, despite the almost 100% iron content in it, it does not rust. According to local legends, if you hug this column and make a wish, it will certainly come true. Therefore, in order to keep the pillar from intrusive visitors, it was fenced off and armed guards were placed.

Amber Fort.

One of the examples of the palace and defense structures of India is the Amber Fort, located near Jaipur. A rocky hill near Lake Maota was chosen as a place for its construction. Tourists can climb the fortress on foot or by car, and exotic lovers can ride elephants.

There are many interesting places on the territory of the complex, including the Museum of Iron Figures and the "Ganesha Gate", leading to the royal chambers, where you can stroll through the magnificent "Hall of a Thousand Mirrors".

Tourists will be eloquently told about the greatness of the Mughal dynasty by another attraction of India - the Lal-Kila complex, or the Red Fort. It consists of many buildings built in the Muslim architectural tradition of red sandstone. The height of the walls of the octagonal fortress reaches 33 meters. The interior design of the halls and columns strikes with the elegance of ornaments, intricate mosaics made of marble, openwork forged lattices and weightless domes. There are several museums on the territory of Lal Qila, where you can get acquainted with ancient treasures and personal belongings of members of the dynasty.

One of the pearls of Buddhist temple construction is the Ajanta caves. This is an ancient monastery, which consists of 29 temples and numerous monastic cells carved into the rock. Work on the creation of this ensemble began in the 2nd century BC. and continued until the 7th century AD.

The uniqueness of the caves is given by the beautifully preserved colorful wall paintings and carefully carved statues of the Buddha. The Indian monastery is located at a considerable distance from civilization, so you can get into it only as part of an excursion group.

India has many attractions, including ancient temples built by Krishna. However, there are many modern buildings dedicated to this deity. One of them stands in New Delhi on Mandir Marg Street. Lakshmi Narayana Temple is built of pink and white marble blocks in the Nagar style. The decoration of its numerous towers, arches and galleries strikes with the elegance of the carving, which was performed by master stone cutters. Pilgrims and tourists can relax in a cozy park with fountains located near the temple, meditate in man-made caves or buy souvenirs in a shop located at the temple.

Nearby is the landmark of India - the Lotus Temple, erected in 1986 and resembling a lotus flower with its outlines. It is one of the most visited places in India. Its 27 marbled petals create indelible impression on visitors, especially in the evening, when they are illuminated by special lighting.

In 2005, a new landmark of India was built - the Akshardham Temple of pink marble, which outshines even the Taj Mahal with its splendor. This is a whole complex, which, in addition to the temple, includes a park area, man-made canals with light and music fountains, sculptures, souvenir shops and numerous cafeterias. All the splendid marble work was done by hand.

Strings of tourists are drawn to Madurai - a temple city located in South India and dedicated to the goddess Meenakshi. This architectural ensemble, covering an area of ​​more than 6 hectares, is surrounded by high walls and 12 majestic towers decorated with painted miniature sculptures. Only on the Western tower there are about 730 of them. Tourists can look into the local museum, which contains many different interesting exhibits.

A little unusual for Europeans are the temples of Khajuraho, decorated with bas-reliefs with scenes from the Kamasutra. The complex of these places of worship covers an area of ​​more than 20 km 2 . Of the 85 buildings, only 22 "survived" to this day, the rest were destroyed by Muslim troops. The art of the ancient builders made it possible to create the impression that each temple was carved from a solid mass and decorated with stone lace and figurines.

The skill of the ancient builders is evidenced by the Chand Baori well, built in the 9th century to collect groundwater and rainwater. This grandiose 13-tier reservoir, equipped with 3.5 thousand steps, which made it possible to draw water in any place, has a depth of more than 30 m.

In addition to temples, among the popular attractions in India, there are many museums, the exhibits of which will tell about the history and life of this beautiful, truly wonderful country, impregnated with aromas of spices and exotic incense.

India is for real mysterious country. On its territory there are many historical and natural monuments. Some of them are already protected by UNESCO, and some are planned to be taken under protection in the near future. The modern life of India has many faces - centuries-old traditions are successfully combined with the realities of megacities. You can not only enjoy unusual sights, but give interesting things as a gift.

One of the most important wonders of the republic is the cave monastery complex, located in the granite mountains of Vindhya. It is a huge rock in the shape of a horseshoe with 29 caves, divided into prayer halls and places of residence of Buddhist monks.

Temples were built in the rocks for several centuries - starting from the 1st century BC. The most active construction was carried out in the V-VI centuries. It was during this period that murals and the most interesting examples of sculptures were created.

On the territory of India there is a very interesting architectural monument - a palace made of white marble, which is a mausoleum-mosque. The square facade of the building contains semicircular niches. Because of this, the structure as a whole looks quite neat and compact, despite its massiveness.

The most amazing thing is that the palace is able to change color. In rainy weather, it seems translucent, in the morning - pinkish, and in the evening - golden. Inside the walls are decorated with painted tiles, semi-precious and precious stones are everywhere.

Of the modern sights, it is worth taking a look at the main temple of the representatives of the Baha'i religion. It was built relatively recently - in 1986. The structure is made of snow-white marble in the form of a blossoming lotus. The attraction is popular with tourists of all ages. The building itself has received architectural awards.

Nine entrance doors lead visitors to the central hall, which is about 40 meters high. The room can accommodate up to 2500 people. There is a garden in the surrounding area.

An amazing natural attraction is the Dudhsagar waterfall, which resembles a multi-level composition with a length of about 600 m and a height of 310 m. The waterfall got its name because of the milky-white color of the water. This effect is created due to the large number of small splashes.

Tourists can get to the reserve on any public transport, but on its territory you need to go by SUV. After reaching the final destination, it will take only 15 minutes to walk.

In India, you can see one of the most beautiful water parks in Asia. It is divided into five separate zones. For visitors of all age categories, a play pool is provided, occupying an area of ​​​​about 30 thousand square meters.

People who prefer extreme descents and turns will find a lot of interesting things for themselves. Children are only allowed into this area if accompanied by an adult. Ticket price for children is determined by height, not age.

In a small Indian village, you can see the ruins of an ancient family, which was the center of the powerful Vijayanagar Empire. Its main attraction is the Virupaksha Temple. Tourists usually start visiting the ruins with it.

In the immediate vicinity is another temple - Vithala, built of red stone. Only the lower part of the building has been preserved. Nearby there are also auxiliary buildings designed to host dance, music and other gatherings. Of the other buildings, the palace in the form of a lotus flower and buildings for elephants will be of interest. That's not all interesting places ancient city. There are enough of them.

Many will like the palace, which is shaped like a huge anthill. Window openings and all kinds of niches play a significant role in the architectural appearance. The facade of the building is decorated with a large number of miniature balconies decorated with lace ornaments.

The windows of the building act not only as an interesting element of the design solution, but are also a link in a specific ventilation system. Interestingly, there are no stairs in the building itself. Transitions between floors are carried out along gentle descents and ascents.

The fortification erected on the Yamuna River is of historical value. The fort was built in the 11th century. At that time, the building had the form of a small brick wall. After 400 years, the building was converted into the residence of the Sultan. Now the fort serves as a military base, so part of the territory is closed to visitors.

In the courtyard of the object there is a stone bowl with numerous inscriptions. It was not possible to find out what it was for. There is an assumption that it was used to prepare rose water.

One of the interesting architectural structures is the fortress of Mehrangarh. It is located on high cliffs, representing a powerful and impregnable refuge. It successfully combines oriental luxury with the sophistication of a royal residence and the minimalism typical of fortress buildings.

A museum has been created in one of the palaces, which is considered the most equipped institution of its kind in the entire state. It contains interesting collections of costumes, weapons and other items.

India has a special railroad station, which belongs to the main attractions of the country. It was designed by a British architect. In outline, the building resembles a European building, typical of the 19th century, but with an excessive Mughal style.

The station plays an important role in terms of rail traffic. It serves not only suburban lines, but also trains. long distance. In 2004, the building was included in the UNESCO list.

An amazing structure for tourists may seem like a palace located on the rocky base of Lake Pikola. Previously, the building was the royal residence. During its construction, white marble was used, the deposits of which were found in the local mountains.

Now the building has been turned into a five-star hotel. The palace covers an area of ​​16,000 square meters. The configuration of the rooms on the second floor is unusual. They are round in shape.

While in the capital of India, it is worth visiting a special temple that is important for many pilgrims. From afar, it resembles a toy palace with red turrets. Believers come here to change their fate and be cleansed from sins. The main shrine is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. It can bring happiness and abundance.

The construction of the temple was carried out in 1933-1934. The initiators of the construction were the families of wealthy industrialists. Hundreds of stone carvers worked on the marble decoration of the temple.

Another no less famous attraction is the Mysore Palace. Its architectural style has Gothic, Hindu and Muslim touches. The building is made of stone and has three floors. Above the central arch you can see a sculpture of the goddess of fortune and wealth.

Inside the palace there are several important rooms. The private audience hall was used by the king for negotiations with ministers and guests. The armory acted as an arsenal for members of the royal family. The assembly hall made it possible to meet with the population to discuss certain issues.

In one of the villages there is a system of caves, inside of which there are temples related to three religious cults at once. Miracles abound here. All individual attractions are combined into a complex that requires a very long inspection.

Some scholars who study the history of India believe that the temples in this area did not appear by chance. In ancient times, one of the largest trade routes ran here.

Tourists in Mumbai should definitely take a look at the triumphal structure, which has become a symbol of the state. Near the arch is almost always very crowded. There are many Indians and tourists here. This is the first attraction met by guests who have reached India by sea.

During the construction, the architect combined individual elements Hindu and Muslim styles. Yellow basalt was used as the main building material.

The Indian capital has the tallest brick minaret in the world. The design is a unique monument medieval architecture of Indian and Islamic styles. The beginning of the construction was laid by the Muslim ruler, who managed to complete only the foundation.

Qutub Minar Minaret is a complex of historical buildings belonging to different eras, among which graceful gates, a mosque, as well as a column made of unique iron stand out.

Fans of Indian films will certainly want to visit the well-known film industry. Since 2011, the entrance to the pavilions has been open to tourists. Regular excursions are arranged there. You can easily get acquainted with the life of famous heroes, being on the other side of the screen.

Bollywood releases movies in several languages. They can be entertaining or have an acute social character.

Summing up

India has a huge number of historical sites of architecture that are worth visiting. However, in cases where they are mentioned, it often comes to beaches. This state is famous for them. As for the architectural heritage, it is associated with the Indo-Portuguese style, which was formed during the entire period of Portuguese expansion.

It is important not to get into, because then you will not be able to fully feel beach holiday. It is in summer that the monsoons begin to blow here and a large amount of precipitation falls.