Where is Tanzania located in Africa? Map of tanzania in Russian 2 what are the names of the largest lakes in tanzania.

Tanzania is a country wildlife and velvet beaches

Geographic reference

The intriguing state of Tanzania is the largest in East Africa. The territory of the country with an area of ​​​​more than 945 thousand km² is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean in its eastern part and includes several small islands (Pemba, Zanzibar, Mafia). Tanzania borders Kenya and Uganda to the north, Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi to the south, Rwanda, Burundi and Zaire to the west.

In Tanzania, very diverse nature and landscape. Plateaus occupy most of the country, low relief is inherent only in the coastal zone. Kilimanjaro is the most high mountain continent - rises up to a mark of 5895 m. Here are the largest reserves (Serengeti Park and Selous Game Reserve), as well as lakes (Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyasa).

Tanzania has two capitals. The city of Dar es Salaam serves as the historical and administrative center, while Dodoma serves as the legislative center.

Almost the entire population of the country, and its total number is more than 36 million people, is of African origin; there is a small percentage of people from Arab, European and Asian countries.

The official languages ​​of Tanzania are Swahili and English. Some residents also speak Arabic or local African languages.

Christianity, Islam and local cults are equally practiced on the mainland. In Zanzibar, 99% of the population is Muslim.


The climatic conditions of Tanzania combine hot and humid weather on the coast (+ 26 °C) and islands, dry weather on the mainland (+ 20 °C .. + 32 °C). The season of "short rains" falls on October-November, "long rains" - in March-May. The dry period lasts an average of 5-7 months. The most favorable time to visit Tanzania are the months of February-March and July-August. Holidays on the islands of Zanzibar and Mafia are wonderful in December-March and July-October. The water in the Indian Ocean is warmed up to + 24 °C .. + 26 °C all year round.

Visa regime

To visit Tanzania Russian citizens you need to apply for a visa. This can be done both at the embassy in Moscow, and directly at the entrance to the country.

Transport connection

Tanzania's transport is a wide network of air routes, two railway lines, ferry lines and highways.

Ferry service exists on lakes Victoria, Nyassa and Tanganyika, and also links Dar es Salaam and the islands of Pemba and Zanzibar.

Intracity transport is represented mainly by buses. Scandinavian cars are air conditioned. Passing in such a bus past fully filled matatu minibuses or residents on donkeys, you feel more than comfortable.

Renting a car in Tanzania is a risky business. The fact is that the quality of cars here leaves much to be desired, to say the least, and the roads are broken. Therefore, if you decide to sightseeing tour in Tanzania on your own, we strongly recommend using the services of a chauffeur.


There are more than enough places to stay in Tanzania. There are expensive "lodges", and unpretentious campsites or two-, three-star hotels. Safari lodges most often offer full board meals, Zanzibar establishments, as a rule, offer half board.


The national currency of Tanzania is the Tanzanian shilling (TZS). Currency exchange is carried out by banks that are open from 08:30 to 16:00 on weekdays, from 08:30 to lunch on Saturday. You can also use the services of money changers on the streets, but you should not accept such offers.

Credit cards are not very popular in Tanzania. Few shops or hotels accept credit cards for payment, and it is sometimes impossible to get cash on them.

It is allowed to import cigarettes (200 pcs.), Cigars (50 pcs.), Tobacco (250 g), alcoholic beverages (1 l), personal items and food products into the country.

The import and export of the Tanzanian shilling (TZS) is prohibited. It is forbidden to export the skins of wild animals, ivory and rhinoceros horns, diamonds, gold and some spices. It is forbidden to import drugs, pornography and weapons without special permission.

It is allowed to export jewelry, coins, stamps and food.

Shopping and cuisine

Shops in Tanzania offer a wide range of souvenirs: figurines, figurines, batik, wickerwork, products made from soapstone, wood, leather and malachite. Delicious local coffee is also a popular gift. You will find unusually beautiful diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies in jewelry stores.

Shops are open from 09:00 to 19:00 seven days a week. Many large shopping centers open until late evening. Restaurants in Tanzania usually offer not traditional African dishes, but European dishes - fried chicken, soups and steaks. The basis of the national food is banana and goat meat.

The traditional drink of the country is beer, quite tasty and cheap. More expensive beer is brought from neighboring Kenya and South Africa. They also drink wine here (it is better to drink imported wine) and papaya vodka.

Rest and excursions

Rest in Tanzania is incredibly multifaceted - climbing the highest mountain, and walking barefoot on hot coastal sands, and getting to know the rich underwater world, and an exciting safari.

Safari is the most attractive activity for tourists who come here from all over the world to admire the natural life of wild animals.

However, excursions in Tanzania are no less interesting. These include, firstly, visiting the country's national parks: the Serengeti, Kilimanjaro, Ruaha, Tarangire, etc. Since April, the procession of wildebeests to the watering places and pastures of Kenya begins in the Serengeti park. It is during this period, as a rule, that the most interesting tours and safaris are planned.

The main attraction of the old capital of Tanzania - Dar es Salaam - is National Museum with collections of archaeological finds. And not far from the city (10 km) is the Village Museum, whose expositions represent authentic dwellings from different regions of the state.

Dodoma also deserves attention - a cheerful town with many restaurants, discos and bars. It is noteworthy that Dodoma is also a rapidly developing wine region.

The ocean beach closest to the city has the beautiful name "Oyster Bay".

Tanzania is known for the extraction of green tourmalines - the only ones in nature, as well as garnets, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, rubies and the unique mineral tanzanite.

A favorite place for tourists - the island of Zanzibar - alluring not only with its protected area, but also with impressive original architecture. Scattered around the island are such historical sights as the ruined palace of Marukhhubi, founded in the 19th century, the cave of Mangapwani slaves, the unique Khosani forest.

The region where Tanzania is located is known to European tourists as a paradise far south of the equator. The coast of the Indian Ocean, on the coast of which the republic is located, makes it attractive for lovers of a leisurely beach holiday.

Where is Tanzania located?

The United Republic of Tanzania, as this country is officially called, has a completely unique location that gives the country a significant advantage in the international tourism market. The Republic is located in the southeastern part of the African continent.

You should start with the fact that the country is located on the coast of the warm Indian Ocean. Numerous hotels annually receive hundreds of thousands of tourists from Europe and America.

In addition, the region where Tanzania is located is famous for the so-called Great African Lakes, which are located in the East African Rift.

Great Lakes of Africa

In Africa, where Tanzania is located, there are lakes that are second only to Baikal in area and volume. The largest of them is Victoria, which has worldwide fame. This lake is located on the territory of three states at once: Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

In addition to being the second largest freshwater reservoir in the world, Lake Victoria is also known for the fact that its waters feed the White Nile - one of the great rivers of the world.

Despite the fact that some experts tend to attribute to the Great African Lakes only Lake Victoria, Edward and Albert, full list lakes located in this region looks like this:

  • Victoria.
  • Tanganyika.
  • Nyasa.
  • Rudolf.
  • Edward.
  • Albert.
  • Kivu.

In addition to its area and reserves fresh water, lakes are also notable for the fact that they are home to about ten percent of all fish species known to science, many of which are not found in other regions.

Geography and population of the country

The favorable climate of East Africa creates all the necessary conditions for highly productive agriculture and the formation of surplus products. It is for this reason that numerous small states have always existed in the region, the largest of which were Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Today Tanzania borders Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia and

Such a number of states is due to the fact that the eastern part of Africa is very diverse in cultural, ethnic and linguistic terms. And these factors were taken into account when drawing the boundaries of the new states that were formed as a result of the liquidation of the colonial system on the continent.

However, despite such a large number of state entities, each of them is quite densely populated. For example, in Tanzania, according to the UN, there are more than fifty million people belonging to one hundred and twenty different ethnic groups, speaking more than one hundred languages.

Nature and climate

The unique natural wealth of the region where Tanzania is located requires a special attitude, which is expressed either in a sparing level of human use, or in the complete rejection of the exploitation of natural resources.

It is worth paying tribute to the government of the republic, which, to the best of its ability, is trying to protect the nature of the country from human pressure. About 38% of the country's territory is reserved for national parks and reserves, of which there are sixteen.

One of the most remarkable natural monuments of Tanzania, the coordinates of which are as follows - 3 ° 12 S 35 ° 27 "E - is the Ngorongoro National Park. The name of the park comes from the sound that the bells make on the necks of cows belonging to the local nomadic Maasai tribes.

The national park occupies the territory of a huge crater, which belongs to the type of calderas. Today it is the largest inactive volcanic crater on Earth. This crater has not been active for so long that the first traces of human activity on its territory appear already three million years ago. The remains of a hominid discovered on its territory gave the name to a new species - Olduvai man, discovered in Olduvai Gorge.

Seven Wonders of Africa

In addition to Ngorongoro, African natural wonders also include the Serengeti region, which has a common border with the Tanzanian Ngorongoro reserve and Kenya's Masai Mara natural park.

The area of ​​the Serengeti Park is 14,763 square kilometers and for many millennia these vast wastelands, which today attract many tourists, did not have a permanent population. Only a little over a hundred years ago, nomadic Maasai tribes came to the prairies and stayed there. The history of the Serengeti protected zone begins in 1951, when a small private reserve was transformed into a National Park, second in size only to the Selous Reserve in Tanzania.

The Selous Game Reserve was organized at the beginning of the twentieth century, as it quickly became clear that it was a unique region in terms of flora and fauna. Selous is home to over 350 bird species, numerous savannah species and nearly 2,000 plant species.

Tanzania. Where is Zanzibar located?

The archipelago, stretching along the eastern coast of Africa, consists of seventy-five islands, some of which belong to the autonomy of Zanzibar, which is part of Tanzania as a Free Republic.

From a geographical point of view, the archipelago is a cluster of islands, the largest of which are Ugunja, Pemba and Mafia. The island of Ugunja is the largest and is often mistakenly called Zanzibar, giving it the name of the entire archipelago.

It is on the western coast of the island of Ugunja that the largest city of the archipelago, Zanzibar, is located, with a population of about one hundred and twenty thousand people. It should be noted that between 2008 and 2009 The city's population has declined significantly.

In modern conditions, Tanzania, where there are numerous natural monuments, is becoming more and more attractive for travelers who prefer to combine high-class holidays with visits to national parks, reserves and safaris, which are popular with wealthy hunters. Especially popular are the islands of Tanzania, embodying the dream of paradise on Earth, surrounded by turquoise water and hot sun.

Tanzania is located in Africa, in GMT+3 time zone (with current time of 05:32 PM, Wednesday). Offset from its own time zone: h. The country is located on an area of ​​945087 km² with a population of about 41.9 million people. Neighboring countries: Mozambique, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Zambia, Burundi, Uganda, Malawi.

Capital of Tanzania?

The capital of Tanzania is Dodoma.

TZA latitude and longitude

Tanzania on the world map


Largest cities in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam

Tanzania, United Republic / Constitutional bases, characteristics of the form of government

From 1961, when the independence of Tanganyika was proclaimed, to 1977, when the permanent constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania was adopted, Tanzania changed five constitutions:

The Constitution of Independence - the first constitution of independent Tanganyika was put into effect on December 9, 1961 by the proclamation of the English Governor General and was an annex to the Constitutional Order in Council - an act of the English crown, which legally formalized the approval of the first constitution in the states that were British colonies.

Tanganyika was proclaimed a dominion within the Commonwealth of Nations. The legislative powers of the English Parliament on its territory were canceled.

The National Assembly (NA) became the supreme legislative body, but the English queen remained the head of state, represented in the country by the governor general appointed by her.

Republican constitution.

Map of Tanzania in Russian

On December 9, 1962, the Constituent Assembly of Tanganyika adopted a new constitution, according to which Tanganyika was proclaimed a sovereign republic. The president of the republic was declared the head of state and government, he also became the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The 1962 constitution retained some features of the English parliament model, namely, the system of elections to parliament and local authorities, adapted to a multi-party system, in accordance with which the organization of the highest bodies of state power and administration was provided.

Interim Constitution of the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.

In connection with the formation in April 1964 of the United Republic of Tanzania, the constitution of 1962 was amended to provide for the differentiation of competencies between the union bodies of the ORT and the state bodies of Zanzibar; on the representation of Zanzibar in the union government and parliament.

The amended constitution became known as the 1964 Interim Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania and Zanzibar.

Provisional constitution of 1965.

On July 8, 1965, the new Provisional Constitution came into force. Subsequently (it was in force for 12 years), numerous amendments and additions were made to it, the most significant after the adoption of the Arusha Declaration. The 1965 constitution reflected some of the features characteristic of the constitutional legislation of those African countries that declared a socialist orientation, namely: the proclamation that political power belongs to the people; fixing the position that the people exercise this power through their revolutionary-democratic party; fixing in the constitution the leading role of the revolutionary-democratic party, which is the united national-democratic front of all the revolutionary forces of the country and serves as the political foundation of the state; formulation in the basic legislation of a new social and legal status of a citizen; the prohibition of racial, national and tribal discrimination; securing state property for the people as the basis for the development of the state along a non-capitalist path.

In this constitution, the tendency to strengthen and centralize executive power was further developed - all power is concentrated in the hands of the president.

The permanent constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977, with a number of amendments, is still in force today. It was adopted by the National Assembly on April 25, 1977.

It consists of a preamble and 10 chapters. There are 152 articles in the constitution, making it one of the longest in the world. Changes and additions were made to it 14 times. Nevertheless, the need for new changes in the constitution is brewing.

For example, it still defines Tanzania as a country of socialist orientation, while the government implements the principles and practices of the free market.

The Constitution proclaims democracy and socialism as the basic principles of the political system. The state must be "governed by society on the basis of the principles of democracy and socialism" (preamble). One of the stages in the development of democratic rights and freedoms was the introduction of ORT into the constitution in 1984.

series of articles known as the Bill of Rights. It was this addition that legally consolidated such fundamental human rights and freedoms as the right to life, personal liberty, privacy, equality before the law for all men and women regardless of race, religion and social status, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, conscience, and so on. Further.

Citizens are also given the right to work, to remuneration for work without any discrimination, forced labor is prohibited; the right to participate in the management of the affairs of the state: education and information (art.

12–19). The articles on the duties of citizens (25–28) deal with the observance of the constitution; protection of freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity of the country, state property. Until 1992, the leading role of the Revolutionary Party was enshrined in the constitution. In 1992, an amendment was made to introduce a multi-party system in the country.

According to the form of government, Tanzania is a federation, of which Tanganyika and Zanzibar are members.

The jurisdiction of federal bodies includes: changes in the constitution; external relations; defense; citizenship; international trade; transport and communication; money turnover; higher education and others. Zanzibar has its own constitution (dated January 12, 1980, as amended in 1984), its own authorities and administration and the judiciary.

Tanzania is a presidential republic. Art. 3 of Tanzania's constitution defines the United Republic as "a democratic and socialist state that adheres to the principle of multi-party democracy."

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  • Countries of the world
  • Africa
  • East Africa
    • Year of foundation
    • Geographic location, area, borders
    • Population
    • Human Development Index 1990–2012
    • Language(s)
    • Pre-colonial period
    • colonial period
    • The beginning of the period of independent development
    • Modern period of development
    • State and nation formation
    • Constitutional foundations, characteristics of the form of government
    • Separation and interaction of various branches of government
    • Features of the executive branch
    • Heads of State (Presidents) 1962–2014
    • Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) 1972–2014
    • Heads of the Republic of Zanzibar (Presidents) 1964–2014
    • Heads of the Republic of Zanzibar (Chief Ministers) 1983–2014
    • Features of the legislature
    • Features of the judiciary
    • Territorial-state structure
    • Local government and self-government
    • External influences on the formation and functioning of political institutions
    • Internal conflicts and splits
    • Official ideology, ideological splits and conflicts
    • Religion and the state, the role of religion in politics
    • Features of the party system
    • Representation of political parties in the National Assembly of ORT following the results of the elections on October 31, 2010
    • The political role of the military/power structures
    • NGOs, corporate components of the political system, interest groups and pressure groups
    • The position and role of the media in society
    • Gender equality/inequality
    • National economy in the context of the world economy
    • Main indicators of the economy in 1990–2010
    • GDP structure of Tanzania, according to the World Bank in 2011
    • Weight in the global economy 1990–2006
    • Resources of influence on the international environment and international processes
    • Military spending 1990–2010
    • Participation in international organizations and international regimes, main foreign counterparts and partners, relations with Russia
    • External and internal security threats
    • Tanzania's position in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2001-2012
    • Placement of the territory of the country in the zone of increased risk of natural disasters
    • Economic Threats
    • Threats to human security

Tanzania country in East Africa. In the north it borders on Kenya and Uganda, in the south - on Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia, in the west - on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Rwanda. In the east it is washed by the Indian Ocean. Tanzania also owns the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba.

The name of the country comes from the name of the united countries of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.


Dodoma (official), Dar es Salaam (actual).



Administrative division

The state is divided into 25 regions.

Form of government


head of state

The president.

supreme legislative body

National Assembly (Parliament).

Supreme executive body


Big cities

Zanzibar, Mwanza, Dar es Salaam, Tanga. Official language. Swahili, English.


50% are Christians, 30% are Muslims.

Ethnic composition

99% - Africans (more than 120 groups in total), 0.2% - Europeans.


Tanzanian shilling = 100 cents.


The climate of Tanzania varies with altitude and distance from the coast.

So, on the ocean coast, the climate is tropical, with an average annual temperature of about + 27 ° С.

Where is Tanzania located? - country on the world map

In the depths of the mainland, it is hotter and drier. On the islands, the climate is mostly tropical, but the heat is reduced by ocean winds. The rainy season lasts from December to May. Most of the precipitation falls on west coast Lake Victoria (up to 2000 mm per year), the smallest - on the inner plateau (about 250 mm).


In the west and south of the country there are dry deciduous woodlands, on the coastal lowland - park savannahs, in the northeast and in the center - grassy savannahs.

On the slopes of the mountains - wet evergreen forests. In the forests of Tanzania, mahogany and camphor laurel grow in large quantities.


Representatives of the animal world of Tanzania - antelope, zebra, elephant, hippo, rhinoceros, giraffe, lion, leopard, cheetah, monkeys. The Serengeti National Park is the only one in the world where there is a natural seasonal migration of wild animals.

Rivers and lakes

The main rivers are Pangani, Rufiji, Ruvuma. The largest lakes are Tanganyika, Victoria, Nyasa.


In Dar es Salaam - the National Museum (1937), in Zanzibar - the State Museum of Zanzibar, in Tanga the ethnographic museum-village - the picturesque caves of Amboni and the ruins of the Iranian fortress of the 16th century.

Tourists are attracted, first of all, by nature reserves, safari games. Kilimanjaro.

Useful information for tourists

Traditional souvenirs are products made of black (ebony) wood, malachite, soapstone, beads.

Tanzanite is mined in Tanzania - a blue diamond, jewelry with tanzanite is an expensive and unique souvenir.
It is customary to tip chauffeur-guides if you like their work.

Mountain guides receive an average of $10 per day, cooks and porters - $5 each. At a hotel or inn, you can give 500 shillings to a porter or servant, or leave a slightly larger amount at the accommodation office when you leave.
During your stay in Tanzania, you must take drugs for tropical malaria, and get vaccinated against yellow fever before traveling. Tap water should not be drunk. For drinking, use only bottled water, after checking whether they were well sealed.

Water intended for drinking, brushing teeth and making ice should be boiled or otherwise disinfected.
You should not move away from the main streets of cities in order to avoid the risk of being robbed.

Do not carry large sums of money with you, do not wear expensive gold jewelry, and do not walk down the street with audio and video equipment. At night, you should avoid appearing in deserted unfamiliar places.

United Republic of Tanzania
Main capital: Dodoma
Official language: Swahili, English
territories: 945,087 km²
population: 46,218,000 people
Form of government: Presidential republic
currency: Tanzanian shilling
Tanzania is a map on the Sputnik search portal.

Included in the Commonwealth.

The president is the president of the state and government. The legislative body is the National Assembly.
Administrative-territorial division: 25 regions.

In the east, it washes the waters in the Indian Ocean.

Most of the territory of Tanzania is located on the East African plateau (altitude 1000 m). The highest point is Mount Kilimanjaro (5895 m). In the west of the plateau, it borders on a system of tectonic depressions involved in the Rift Valley region. On the border - Lake Victoria, Tanganyika, Nyasa (Malawi). On the ocean coast, a narrow belt of soil is expanding, surrounded by coral reefs. In Tanzania, the turning point of the three main African rivers of the Congo, fed by water from Lake Tanganyika, the Nile - Lake Victoria (the southern coast of which is in Tanzania) - Zambezi - Lake Nyasa.

The main rivers are Pangani, Rufigi, Ruvuma.
The climate is mainly equatorial monsoon. The average temperature of the warmest month is from 25 to 27 °C, the coldest is from 12 to 22 °C. Precipitation is 500-1500 mm per year.
The country is dominated by bright tropical forests of deciduous trees ("miombo") and various types of Savannah (gardens, shrubs, meadows). A grassy savanna covers the floor of the Ngorongoro volcano crater.

Tropical rainforests are preserved only here and there on the mountainside. On the ocean and at the mouth of the mangrove river. The animal world of Tanzania is rich and diverse, especially in reserves and national parks, the largest of which are the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Arusha, Manyara, Mikumi, Ruaha, Kilimanjaro, Rungwe. In the cities of the savanna there are still many elephants, giraffes, zebras, there are large herds of various antelopes, black rhino, buffalo, lions, and in the forests there are many species of monkeys (including a rare black and white colored long-haired colony) and very large birds.

Where is Tanzania?

National parks - Serengeti, Kilimanjaro, Ruach, Tarangi, etc.; Selous Reserve, Ngorongoro, Rungwa and others.

Population: Nyambezi people, Swahili, Hehe, Makonde, etc. The official language is English and Swahili.

Believers - Christians, Muslims, representatives of local traditional beliefs.

V 7.-8. The Arabs have occupied the territory of Tanzania for centuries; In the 16th century, the Portuguese were replaced by the Arabs. By the beginning of the 19th century, Fr. Zanzibar and the coast of mainland Tanzania were ruled by the Sultans of Muscat.

In 1856, an independent Suntanate of Zanzibar was established. Land in Tanzania in 1884 was taken in Germany (the German colony became the base for East Africa.), and after the First World War - a mandate, in 1946 - a trusted territory under the control of Great Britain (called Tanganyika); In 1890, a British protectorate was established over Zanzibar. In December 1961, the independence of Tanganyika was proclaimed in December 1963 - Zanzibar.

In April 1964, Tanganyika and Zanzibar founded the United Republic of Tanzania. The ruling party of Tanzania was the Revolutionary Party - Chama Cha Mapinduzi (founded in 1977). In 1992, the multilateral system was introduced.

Tanzania is an agricultural state. GDP per capita is $2,900 (2007). Main products: coffee, cotton, sisal, cloves. Livestock.

Fishing. Precious wood cleaning. Mining of diamonds, phosphates, gold, etc. Processing of agricultural raw materials. Oil refining, chemistry, cement, woodworking, metalworking. main port— Dar es Salaam. Export: coffee, cotton, spices, Indian walnuts, sisal, tobacco, tea, diamonds, etc.

The main foreign trade partners are Great Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Japan.

The monetary unit is the Tanzanian Shilling.

Embassy of Tanzania

  • Katzman W.

    I. Modern Tanzania. M., 1977.

  • Ovchinnikov V.E. History of Tanzania in modern and modern times. M., 1986.
  • Lundberg U.-L. Islands in the center of Africa. Moscow, 1987.
  • Agriculture in Tanzania since 1986. — Washington: World Bank: Intern. food policy research institution, 2000.
  • Tanzania: social sector. — Washington: World Bank, 1999.
  • United Republic of Tanzania.

    — M.: Nauka, 1980.

If you want to see a truly colorful Africa, but at the same time not be afraid of hostile natives and not think about the opportunity to please sharks for dinner, you should visit Tanzania. This is the safest country on the "black" continent, but at the same time it offers an unlimited number of options for active and educational, exotic and extreme, ecological and ethnographic tourism. Here you can wallow on clean beaches, satisfy your desire to get acquainted with local attractions, as well as book a safari in national parks and even go on trophy fishing.
Until 1996, the capital of the state was Dar es Salaam, but after that the status of the main city passed to Dodoma.

Swahili is spoken in the country, as well as English, which means that travelers should not have problems communicating with the locals. But American dollars still have to be exchanged for Tanzanian shillings in order to pay for purchases in stores and markets.
Most of the territory of Tanzania is occupied by plateaus.

From the east, the country is washed by the Indian Ocean. The water area includes part of the three largest lakes in Africa - Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyasa. And it is in Tanzania that the highest mountain on the continent, Kilimanjaro, is located.

The state is located in the southern hemisphere, and the equatorial climate of the monsoon type dominates here. High humidity is noted along the entire coast, and very little precipitation falls on the central plateau during the year.
Approximately half of the population of Tanzania identifies themselves as Christians. A significant part of the inhabitants (30%) are Muslims.

Geography of Tanzania

Local autonomous beliefs are also represented here.
To visit Tanzania for tourism purposes, Russians need a visa. However, getting it is not a problem. This can be done upon arrival in the country, directly at the airport.
There are still few direct flights to Tanzania. A charter flight (for example, to Zanzibar) lasts about 10 hours.

However, in most cases, flights are operated with connections, which means they take longer.
The best time to visit the kingdom of wild nature and the real pearl of East Africa is the period from mid-June to October. In winter, it is better to refrain from traveling here because of the heavy rains that wash out the roads. By the way, there are two rainy seasons here - from October to November and from March to early June (slight deviations are possible depending on the region).

The United Republic of Tanzania is a secular state. The country's constitution proclaims equality of opportunity for all citizens, regardless of their religion (Article 9), prohibits discrimination on religious grounds (Article 13), and guarantees the right to freedom of religion (Article 19). Religious associations are registered with the Ministry of the Interior or with the main state registrar (for Zanzibar).

Slightly more than half of Tanzanians (55% - 60%) are Christians. The share of Muslims is estimated at 30% - 32%. Another 12% of the population adheres to local autochthonous beliefs.

The first Christians arrived in Tanzania in 1499.

These were the Augustinian monks who sailed along with Vasco da Gama. For the next two centuries, a Catholic mission operated in the country, which was expelled with the arrival of the Arabs. Catholics resumed missionary activity only in 1860. Later Protestants join them: Anglicans (1864), Lutherans (1886), Moravian Brethren (1891), Adventists (1903).

In the 1930s, missionaries from various Scandinavian and American Pentecostal organizations arrived in Tanzania.

In 1956 Baptists from Nigeria began a mission in Dar es Salaam.

In 2010, 31.8% of the inhabitants of Tanzania belonged to the Catholic Church, 27.3% were Protestants. The largest Protestant denominations are Lutherans, Pentecostals and Anglicans (more than two million each). Orthodoxy is professed by 41 thousand people.


Christians make up the majority among such peoples of Tanzania as the Bemba, Bena, Gogo, Jagga, Zanaki, Zinza, Kamba, Kikuyu, Konongo, Kuria, Matengo, Namwanga, Ngonde, Ndali, Ndamba, Pangwa, Pimbwe, Pogoro, Suba, Fipa, Haya, hangaz, hehe and hutu. Christians are also Europeans living in Tanzania - Greeks, British, French, Germans, etc.

The first Muslims in what is now Tanzania were Arab merchants who entered Zanzibar and the East African coast during the late Middle Ages.

Initially, Islam spread in the cities of the coastal regions; in the 19th century, Islam began to penetrate into the continental part of the country. During this period, a number of African leaders converted to Islam. Between the two world wars, the spread of Islam accelerated markedly.

In the second half of the 20th century, immigrants from India and Pakistan joined the Muslim community. In 1969 was created National Council of Muslims of Tanzania who manages the affairs of Muslims and elects the mufti.

Currently, Islam is practiced by the Arabs, Digo, Zigua, Kwere, Kutu, Matumbi, Machinga, Ngindo, Ndengereko, Rangi, Rufiji, Somalis, Swahili and Shirazi. Muslims also make up about half among the Zaramo, Mwera, Nyamwezi, Pare and Shambhala; the second half of these peoples profess Christianity.

Muslims live on the islands of the Zanzibar archipelago, as well as in major cities country.

The majority of Muslims in Tanzania adhere to the Sunni direction of the Shafi'i legal school; There are also Hanafis. Among the foreigners and immigrants living in Tanzania, there are many Shiites (Ismailis and Imamis); people from Oman follow Ibadism.

Since 1934, the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been active in Tanzania.

The share of adherents of local beliefs has been steadily falling throughout the 20th century; from 90.5% in 1900, to 32% in 1970 and 16% in 2000. At present, the cult of ancestors and reverence for the forces of nature are widespread among the peoples of Tanzania; in case of illness, many Tanzanians turn to healers and sorcerers.

Most of the Dathong, Isanzu, Mbunga, Ndendeule and Sandawe adhere to local traditional beliefs. Traditional religions are also common among a significant part (40-60%) of the Jita, Iraqi, Kwaia, Mambwe Lungu, Maasai, Nyambo, Sangu and Sukuma peoples; another part of these peoples converted to Christianity.

Finally, in the third group of peoples (Ikizu, Safwa, Sumba and Ha), animists make up 30-40%; some of these peoples profess Christianity (30-40%); the rest is Islam.

The Hindu community (375 thousand in 2010) consists of the descendants of workers who moved to Tanzania at the beginning of the 20th century.

Ethnically, the majority of Hindus are Gujaratis. Hindus also include supporters of neo-Hindu religious movements - Brahma Kumaris, Hare Krishnas, followers of Sathya Sai Baba.

After the Second World War, the Baha'i community arose in the country.

The National Spiritual Assembly of Tanzania has been operating since 1964. In 2005, the number of adherents of the Baha'i faith was 191,000.

Descendants of immigrants from South and East Asia practice Buddhism (60 thousand). Most of the Punjabis living in Tanzania are Sikhs (13,000). Among foreigners there are communities of Jains (10 thousand), Jews, Zoroastrians.

Unbelievers and atheists in Tanzania are 0.4% of the population (134 thousand).

In the east it is washed by the Indian Ocean.

Most of Territory of Tanzania occupied by the East African Plateau, the average height of which is 1200 m. The plateau in the meridional direction is intersected by the East African Rift Zone, which is expressed in crustal faults located in the western and eastern parts country. Here is the only active Volcano Tanzania Aldonio Lengai (2890 m), known as the "Mountain of God", which last erupted in 1983. In different parts of the country, you can see isolated volcanic mountains, small mountain ranges and ranges. In the northeast, these are the Usambara Mountains, the Meru Mountains (4567 m) and Kilimanjaro (5895 m). The extinct volcano Kilimanjaro is the highest point in Africa and the only snow-capped peak on the entire continent. In the south, the Livingston Mountains stand out, stretching along the northeast coast of Lake Nyasa.

The northern and western borders of Tanzania pass through lakes Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyasa. Victoria is the best big lake African continent and the second largest freshwater lake on Earth. Its area is 68 thousand square meters. km. It is also the third largest lake in the world. Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa are located in the western part of the country and are confined to the East African Rift Zone. The depth of Lake Tanganyika is slightly less than that of Lake Baikal - 1470 m.

The largest rivers of the country are Pangani, Rufiji and Ruvuma.

Population of Tanzania- 46.2 million people (data for 2011, 29th place in the world),
including urban population - 25%

Resorts in Tanzania.

Arusha, Tanzania
Arusha is a city located in northern Tanzania. Arusha is a bustling, booming city, one of the country's major commercial and banking centers, and a major tourist destination. Arusha is home to the International Conference Center - one of the most famous international centers in Africa.

Bagamoyo, Tanzania
“Here I left my heart” - this is the translation of the name of this city from Swahili into Russian. 150 years ago, Bagamoyo was the most important port on the East African coast. From the depths of the continent, caravans of slave traders stretched towards the city. A huge number of slaves were kept in the fortress, which has survived to this day. From here, slaves, ivory, coconuts and salt were transported to Zanzibar. The city owes its name to these sad historical events. "The gates of the black continent" was also called at that time Bagamoyo - the capital German colonies in Africa. After the end of the First World War, Germany transferred all of its East African possessions under the control of the League of Nations.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dar es Salaam is the largest city in Tanzania, the richest city in the country, an important economic center and the main commercial port of the country. The city is located on the east coast of Africa, on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Although Dar es Salaam lost its official status as the capital of the state to Dodoma in the mid-1970s, it still houses the central government apparatus. The administrative center of the Dar es Salaam region. In 1973, it was proposed to move the capital to Dodoma, located in central Tanzania, but the transfer has not yet been fully completed.

Dodoma, Tanzania
Dodoma is the capital of Tanzania and the administrative center of the province of Dodoma. Dodoma is located in the central part of Tanzania, 320 kilometers from the eastern coast of the Indian Ocean. Representatives of the African peoples Nyamwezi, Jagga, Haya, Gogo, Masai and others live in the capital. In 1964, after the formation of the United Republic of Tanzania, which included Tanganyika and Zanzibar, Dodoma received the official status of the administrative center of the province of the same name.

Zanzibar, Tanzania
Zanzibar is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Tanzania, to which it belongs. The largest islands are Pemba and Unguya, commonly known as Zanzibar. Until the Miocene, the archipelago was part of the African continent. The first definite news about it appears in the 10th century, when the Persians from Shiraz appeared here. The locals still refer to themselves as "Shirazi", although the Persian settlers were quickly assimilated. They brought Islam to Zanzibar.

Kigoma, Tanzania
Kigoma is a city in Tanzania, the capital of the Kigoma region. Port on the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. Terminus of the Dar es Salaam railway.

Kilindoni, Tanzania
Kilindoni is the main city of the island of Tanzania called Mafia. Situated on the Indian Ocean eastern shores Africa. Mafia Island itself - the largest of a large number of islands, atolls and sandbars - about 50 km long and 15 km wide, is surrounded by reefs teeming with a variety of marine life.

Manyara, Tanzania
Manyara - national park Lake Manyara in Tanzania. Located at an altitude of 950 m. Lake Manyara National Park was created to protect animals from poachers, the worst raids of which in the 1970s and 1980s threatened the continued existence of elephants on these lands. At present, the fauna is carefully protected, and the elephant population has reached its former levels. Lake Manyara, which occupies two-thirds of the park's territory, is home to a huge number of different bird species, of which there are more than four hundred species, which gives a complete picture of the diversity of Tanzania's birds.

Ngorongoro, Tanzania
Ngorongoro is a national park in Tanzania, located near the crater of the same name. The Ngorongoro Crater is considered a World Treasure! It is located on the edge of the Serengeti savannah, which arose as a caldera as a result of the collapse major volcano about 2.5 million years ago. The bottom of the crater is located at an altitude of 2380 m above sea level. Its edges are about 600 m higher and rise 3000 m above sea level. The diameter of the Ngorongoro crater is from 17 to 21 km and its total area has approximately 26,400 hectares.

Mafia Island, Tanzania
Mafia is an island in Tanzania in the Indian Ocean. This is the most south island the Zanzibar archipelago and has an area of ​​518 km2. The population is about 40 thousand people, mostly fishermen. Located in the Indian Ocean East Coast Africa, 160 km south of the island of Zanzibar, 40 km from the coast of Tanzania. The British newspaper "Sunday Times" named the Mafia one of the 10 most mysterious islands in the world. Chole Shamba is the ancient name of this island. There are two versions of the origin of its current name. The first is based on the Arabic roots of the word "mafia" - from the concept of "morfiyeh", which means "group" or "archipelago".

Hotels in Tanzania.

Hotel base countries are very diverse. There are both “lodges” (of a very good standard, but also very expensive), and more than simple hotels for 2-3 rooms, as well as campsites. Most hotels in Zanzibar offer accommodation on a half board basis (usually breakfast-dinner), and most of lodges on safari - full board.

On the island of Zanzibar, the “Arabic” style of service prevails (absolutely without haste), but the level of service is gradually beginning to catch up to the European one. There have never been any complaints from clients about the lodges, one can even say that this is, perhaps, the best place in terms of service.

In the country, the standard voltage is 220-240 V. In lodges and decent stationary tourist camps, generators also supply a standard voltage of 220 V. The sockets are “British standard” (an adapter with a three-pin plug is required).

Although there are a lot of hotels in the country, there is a tension with rooms in them, so it is better to book a tour in advance, especially for “peak” dates. CLIMATE

Tanzania has an equatorial monsoon climate. It is warm here all year round, as the country is located near the equator. Farther from the coast in the central part of the country, the climate is drier and hotter, in addition, the air temperature and rainfall in Tanzania depend on the altitude of the area.

The hottest months in Tanzania are December, January and February. At that time daily temperature air on the coast and on the islands rises to 32 degrees Celsius, in central regions can reach +35 degrees, and in some parts of the country - 38 degrees of heat. At night, from December to February, the air temperature drops on the coast and on the islands to +24 degrees, in the central regions - up to +26 degrees, and in mountainous areas - up to 10 degrees Celsius. The coolest month in Tanzania is July. In July, the daily temperature in the coastal regions of the country and on the islands reaches +28 degrees, in the central part of the country - 30 degrees, and in the mountainous regions - 27 degrees. At night, at this time, the air temperature drops to +20 degrees, +22 degrees and +8 degrees, respectively.

The average annual rainfall within the East African Plateau ranges from 650 to 900 mm per year. The central part of the country is more arid, with less than 500 mm of precipitation per year. On the territory adjacent to the lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika, more precipitation falls than in the rest of the plateau, their annual amount varies from 1000 to 1500 mm. In the mountains of the north-west of the country and on the island of Zanzibar, the most precipitation falls - up to 2000 mm per year, and on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro up to 1300 mm.

In the northern part of the country and on the coast, two maximum precipitations are observed - from March to May and from September to November, in the southern and central parts - one, from November to April.

Best time for visiting:
The most favorable time for traveling in the Serengeti National Park is from May to July and from January to March, when seasonal animal migrations occur, in other national parks - from July to September during the dry season, when animals gather near water bodies. It is best to relax on the beaches of Tanzania from June to October, when the chance of rain is the least. The best time for diving is from October to March.


The territory of the country can be conditionally divided into 3 natural and climatic zones: mountainous regions, the Central Plateau and coastal plains with islands.

Mountain ranges surround the flat Central Plateau on all sides, forming a "crown" of medium-high mountain ranges interspersed with cones of extinct and dormant volcanoes. The zones of the Great African Rift formed by tectonic movements are framed by the chains of Kipengere, Usagar, Livingston, Pare, Usambara, etc. Numerous volcanic cones (Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro, Meru, etc.) are strongly eroded, and the craters of most of them are occupied by savannahs and deciduous forests. In some places on the eastern slopes of the mountains, patches of wet rainforest. Highest point countries - Kilimanjaro (5895 m).

The central plateau, the Masai plateau, the northeastern slopes of the Usambara and Pare mountains form a severe semi-arid zone that serves as the watershed of the Congo, Nile and Zambezi (the average elevation is about 1100 m above sea level). The medium-high mountain ranges and the flat Central Plateau form a dry zone with semi-desert vegetation, mountain savannahs, dense shrubs and dry forests "miombo", inhabited by a diverse animal world. From the west, the plateau is bounded by a whole series of tectonic basins and faults occupied by lakes. More than 53 thousand sq. km of Tanzanian territory is occupied by inland lakes formed in the grabens of the East African Rift Zone (African Rift). Victoria, Balangida, Rukva, Tanganyika, Nyasa, Natron, Kitangiri, Eyasi, Manyara and others are surrounded by savannah complexes and are actively used by humans.

A coastal lowland stretches along the coast of the ocean, gradually expanding from north to south, forming a vast plain in the south, in the basin of the Rufiji and Mbemkuru rivers. The northern and central parts of the coastal plain are dominated by the park savanna. The southern part is highly cultivated and has practically not preserved endemic vegetation - the vast majority of the territory is occupied by pastures, crops and orchards. The once numerous coastal mangrove forests are also rapidly retreating under the pressure of man.

Currency :

International name: TZS

The Tanzanian shilling is equal to 100 cents. Officially in circulation are banknotes of 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10,000 Tanzanian shillings and coins of 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 Tanzanian shillings. In fact, coins of less than 50 shillings fell out of circulation.

Currency can be exchanged at banks and exchange offices. The exchange receipt must be kept before leaving the country. It is not forbidden to change money at street changers, but in this case the risk of fraud is extremely high.

Credit cards have limited circulation. Usually they are accepted only by large banks, supermarkets (especially in port areas) and some travel agencies. In the provinces, paying with a credit card is much more difficult. For the service of withdrawing money from a credit card, some provincial banks charge a commission of 6-8% of the amount.

Travel checks can be cashed at registered dealers, banks or exchange offices. A passport is required for cashing out. Often, checks are very carefully checked for authenticity, which takes a lot of time.

Customs restrictions:

The transit of local currency is prohibited. Foreign transit has no boundaries. You can withdraw the same amount of foreign currency as indicated in the declaration upon entry. Only the declaration of amounts is required.

Without imposing a duty, you can bring into the country: up to 250 grams of perfume or toilet water, cigarettes - up to 200 pcs. or 250 gr. tobacco or 50 cigars, spirits - up to 1 liter.

Prohibited transit: explosives, drugs, poisons and pornographic products, ivory and products from it, gold, diamonds, skins of wild animals, cloves.

The export of jewelry and food is allowed only in the amount of personal needs. Import of products and personal belongings only in the amount of need. Audio, photo and video equipment must be exported according to the declaration that was filled out upon entry.

Representative offices in Russia:


Address: Moscow, Embassy Office: Pyatnitskaya st., 33.

phone: 953-82-21, 953-09-40, 953-49-75

fax: 953-07-85

Russian representations:

The Consular Section

Address: Dar es Salaam, Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United Republic of Tanzania, P.O. Box 1905, Plot No. 73, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

phone: (8-10-255-22) 266-6006, 266-6005

fax: (8-10-255-22) 266-6818


Import of animals:

Animals can only be imported after they have been examined and have a certificate from a veterinarian about their state of health and vaccinations.

Mains voltage: 127V


Tips are best given in local currency. In restaurants, they make up 10% of the total order value. Most hotels automatically include a 10% service charge on your bill. If a service fee is not included in the fare, a tip of 20 shillings will be considered quite sufficient, while in most small establishments it is not provided at all. Tips for rangers, drivers and other service personnel on a safari are usually the equivalent of 3-5 US dollars. If the service is carried out by a group of staff, the tip should be given to the head of the group, otherwise additional claims on the size of the tip and their distribution may arise.


VAT (VAT, ValueAddedTax) on all goods and services is 20% and is included in the price.

Shops are usually open from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 12.00, and from 14.00 to 18.00, on Saturday - 08.30 to 12.30. Some shops are open on Sunday. During Ramadan, many restaurants and shops are closed during the day, and smoking and drinking restrictions may be in place.


The country produces unique Tanzanian green tourmalines, sapphires, garnets, rubies, emeralds and diamonds, as well as the mineral tanzanite, found exclusively in Tanzania in the volcanic deposits of Mount Kilimanjaro. All this splendor of the gifts of the earth's bowels can be purchased in the markets and in private jewelry stores.

Office hours:

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 12.30-16.00, and from 08.30 to 13.00 on Saturday.

Photo and video shooting:

It is not recommended to take pictures of local residents without their permission and to visit the dwellings of local residents on your own (without a guide or a representative of a travel agency). In some places you need to pay for photography, but you should not do this everywhere and always - many natives try to beg for money in this way.


Expensive photo and video equipment, valuables or documents should not be shown. It is not recommended to walk alone at night through the streets. Do not leave things unattended. You should always carry a photocopy of your passport with you, and keep your passport, money and air ticket in safe place(safe in the hotel).

Foreigners are the object of constant and overly intrusive attention. Do not give in to the offers of local residents to help with something. This usually ends in problems.


Muslim holidays are celebrated in the Zanzibar archipelago Religious holidays such as Ramadan. At this time of the year, there are also strictures in relation to tourists who are not allowed to drink alcohol, smoke, etc. on the streets.

Zanzibar also hosts several festivals:

Mid-February - Swahili Music and Cultural Festival in Stone Town.

July - Zanzibar Music Festival, Festival cultural heritage East Africa and "Mar-Mwaka-Kogwa" (New Year according to the Zoroastrian calendar)

October - Zanzibar Cultural Festival.


Citizens of Russia need to open a visa, we provide visa support.

customs control

Foreign currency can be imported into Tanzania without any restrictions, export is also not limited. Local currency cannot be brought into or taken out of the country.

You can import duty free up to 1 liter of liquor, 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, 250 ml of perfume. If you want to import professional video filming equipment, radios, tape recorders, musical instruments, you will need to pay a fee.

It is forbidden to import small arms, drugs and pornography into Tanzania. A permit is required to import firearms. The export of ivory and products from it, rhinoceros horn, skins of wild animals, gold, diamonds and cloves is prohibited.


In Tanzania, you can recommend the following operators mobile communications: Mobitel-TZ, TZ Zantel, VodaCom. Celtel does not have roaming options. The network operates primarily in settlements and along roads. For calls within the country, it is convenient to buy a SIM card from a local operator, the card costs 1000 shillings, they are sold everywhere. In addition, you should buy a card to replenish funds in your account, the tariffs in Tanzania are very favorable.

International calls are best made from call centers.

To call from Russia to Tanzania, you need to dial 8 - 10 - 255 - area code - subscriber number. The code for Dodoma is 61, the code for Dar es Salaam is 51.

To call from Tanzania to Russia, you need to dial 000 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.


Embassy of Tanzania in Russia

Tel.: 953-82-21, 953-09-40

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Dar es Salaam

Tel.: (8-10-255-51) 6-6005, 6-6006


To travel around Africa near the equator, you need to buy very light, light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics and high-quality, effective sun protection products. Wear a hat, drink more fresh water.


Moscow. From the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October, it is 1 hour behind Moscow.

Language of Tanzania

Swahili is the language of Tanzania

Status state language Swahili belongs to Tanzania, but English is no less common. Arabic speakers can be found on Zanzibar, and a large number of local tribes speak their languages ​​and dialects on the African coast.

Swahili itself belongs to the Bantu family of languages. It has its own script, but it is based on the Latin alphabet. An interesting fact is that Swahili, being native to only 2 million people, has not only the status of an official language, but also has great social and cultural significance. The local term "Waswahili", which means "Swahilis", is not associated with a specific ethnic group.

The vast majority of the population of Tanzania, in addition to their native language, speaks at least Swahili. Some can also communicate in one of the foreign languages. This is due to such a developed industry as tourism, which is due to the almost complete absence of industrial enterprises in the country. In addition to the service sector, the local population is employed agriculture and in the mining industry. Tanzania has a good hotel infrastructure, which is why it is one of the most attractive African countries for international tourism. In addition to hotels and beaches, travelers are attracted by National parks: Kilimanjaro, Ruaha, Serengeti and others.

In the eastern part of Africa, there is a magnificent exotic country Tanzania. She became famous all over the world thanks to the beautiful and amazing. In this tropical corner of Africa, you can relax with all your heart, get acquainted with all the representatives of the fauna of the mainland and have a wonderful time basking in the sun. Tourists with children also fell in love with Tanzania, because the kids in the country really have something to see and learn. Traveling to Tanzania will be one of your right decisions, it will bring many good memories and amazing moments. We will introduce you to this beautiful country and tell you everything that an inexperienced tourist needs to know.

General information about the country

Tourism in Tanzania is one of the important areas that brings a lot of income to the country. More than 100 thousand vacationers visit the country at the peak. The largest tourist centers and Tanzania have long been, and. The capital of Tanzania is, and it has become the largest city and at the same time the main political center. On this moment the country is recognized throughout the world as independent and has a presidential form of government. All state-important issues are dealt with by the cabinet of ministers, vice president, deputy president and, of course, the president himself.

Where is Tanzania located?

Tanzania is located in the eastern part of Africa. It borders on a large number of countries: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique. On the east side, the country is washed by the Indian Ocean. Affordable access to the ocean helps the country boost the economy through fishing and exports at local ports. Tanzania includes a large archipelago. It includes many small deserted islands and three large ones: Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. This archipelago is autonomous.

Population and currency

The territory of the country is divided into 30 regions, which have their own administrative centers. The population of Tanzania is over 50 million people. A large number of people live in the country's villages, and large cities are populated mainly by tourists. Unfortunately, in Tanzania, the average age of life is considered to be 58 years. 44% of the population are residents who are between 14 and 17 years old. Such data indicate a low growth rate (only 2%) and high mortality in the country. Families in Tanzania are large, at the moment, on average, each family has 4 children.

The official currency of Tanzania is the Tanzanian shilling, while many restaurants, hotels and shops in the country accept US dollars for payment. 1 Tanzanian shilling is equal to 2.2 dollars. It is better to exchange currencies immediately upon arrival in the country. An amazing feature when exchanging is that banknotes of 50 and 100 dollars can be exchanged almost everywhere, but not every exchange office is ready to accept smaller bills.

Religion and language

About 120 types of ethnic groups live in Tanzania, most of the inhabitants belong to the Bantu group of peoples. Christianity is the main religion in Tanzania. It is practiced by more than half of the population. 30% of the inhabitants are Muslims, most of whom live on. 12% are Buddhists and Hindus. Often, scandals and rallies arise in Tanzania due to religious disputes, so we advise tourists to carefully choose a city for recreation, starting from the local religion.

In addition to hotels, in Tanzania you can find lodges for relaxation, but, as a rule, their rental price is much higher than the daily payment for a hotel room. Anywhere in the country you can find yourself good option camping. This type of stop in the country is not distinguished by high cost.

Transport in Tanzania

Let's talk about one of the important moments of your trip - transport in Tanzania. It can be noted that air transportation is very well established within the country, that is, getting from one end of the Republic to the other is not a problematic issue. The opposite is true for trains. There are only two railway lines in the country with the routes Dar es Salaam - and Tanzania - Zambia. Ferries and boats run between the islands of the archipelago.

In the cities of Tanzania themselves, public buses and private taxis operate. Intercity routes are also served public transport, but not much. Many tourists who come to Tanzania prefer to rent a car or bicycle, because the price for this service is relatively low.

Safety in Tanzania

Tanzania is difficult to name safe country, and if you follow the basic recommendations, you can spend an unforgettable vacation in it without unpleasant incidents. You will need to be vaccinated against yellow fever and Ebola a week before you leave the country. To protect yourself from malaria, purchase special drugs and start taking them at least three days before departure.

While in the country, you should not carry large amounts of money, gold and documents with you. Although the locals are smiling and friendly, there are a large number of street thieves among them. Yes, and you should not leave valuables in hotel rooms, it is better to place them in the hotel safe before the walk. Always take copies of documents with you, because the identity check by the local police can catch you at any moment. If you do not show at least copies of documents to law enforcement agencies, then you may be detained for several days until a full identity check is completed.

While in the country, try to walk along the crowded streets. Doubtful back streets and streets are best to bypass or cross very quickly. Be extremely careful at night. A drunk tourist walking the streets of Tanzania at night is considered a "goldfish" for local thieves. Therefore, after dark, it is safer to spend time on the territory of the hotel or travel by taxi.

E. coli has become another danger in the country. Indeed, even in the largest cities of Tanzania there is a lack of sanitary standards, so it is strictly forbidden to drink tap water. When buying it, check immediately how it is sealed. In order to brush your teeth or wash the dishes, you should initially boil water or purchase special tablets at the pharmacy.

How to get to Tanzania?

It is impossible to fly a direct flight to Tanzania from Russia. But it is much easier for residents of Ukraine or Europe to get here. You can fly from Kyiv by direct flight using the KLM route. In Europe, there are frequent flights to Tanzania from Amsterdam. Residents of Russia can make a transfer in Cairo, Dubai or London, and from the cities listed above, fly a direct flight to Tanzania airport. By the way, before flying into the country, you will have to pay an airline fee of $ 20.

The issue with is resolved very simply. You can submit an application with the relevant documents to the consulate of the country and open a visitor visa for 90 days. A more simplified option would be to purchase a visa upon entry into the country. Its duration reaches 25 days.