How long can a foreigner stay on the territory of the Russian Federation? Stay on the territory of the Russian Federation: new rules for citizens of Ukraine

Until October 31, 2015, Ukrainians could take advantage of migration benefits: their stay in Russia was repeatedly extended. Now the Russian Federal Migration Service is calling on them to legalize their legal status, because after this date the rules allowing Ukrainian citizens to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation were revised.

Until recently, migration department employees were obliged to freely extend Ukrainians their stay in the country. Like other visitors from the CIS countries, they could stay in Russia for up to 90 days within six months, but this period was allowed to be increased on the basis of a passport and. This order was in force during the internal Ukrainian crisis.

But now the rules for the stay of Ukrainian citizens in the Russian Federation have changed, as reported in the FMS news. Previously, it was possible to live on the territory of the Russian Federation without applying for any permits. According to the new migration law, which was published in 2015, now citizens of Ukraine must take care of obtaining official consent from the state for their stay:

  • patent;
  • temporary residence permits;
  • residence permit;
  • refugee status;
  • temporary or ;
  • studying at a Russian educational institution.

As Ukrainians cross the Russian border along visa-free regime, they are exempt from obtaining a work permit.

Forecast for the future

Renewing registration for Ukrainian citizens will be a very large-scale event, because, according to the FMS press service, their number exceeds 2.6 million people.

From April 2014 to October 2015 Migration Service reviewed 404,000 applications for the provision and 265,000 applications for the issuance of temporary residence permits.

Will the preferential treatment continue? According to official data, this procedure will not affect only people from the south-eastern region of the country who left their homeland en masse. They - and this is more than 1 million people - can still count on preferential treatment.

Ukrainian citizens can still cross the border of the Russian Federation using a civil passport and stay in the country for no longer than 90 days within 180 days. To confirm the time frame of your visit, when crossing the border, you should fill out and save migration card. This can be obtained from the train crew, bus driver or border control officer.

When returning to Ukraine, the exit part of the coupon will need to be returned. When processing departure, Russian border guards will be guided by the entry date stamped on the coupon.

If Ukrainian citizens exceeded their period of stay in Russia in 2017 without a serious reason, this could be fraught with dire consequences. A valid reason is considered to be:

  1. Job.
  2. Studies.
  3. Serious illness.
  4. Injury.
  5. Funeral of a family member.

Each of these events must be documented.

Having received one of the types of residence permits, you need to provide your migration card to the FMS to affix a stamp confirming the extension of the period.

Registration Questions

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreigners in the Russian Federation”, it is provided. According to the website, they must register within 7 working days of arriving at their destination. The procedure is free of charge. Without this registration, no one arriving will be able to apply for a patent or other official permissions.

Although the purpose of registration is to formally record data on the location of a foreign citizen, the legislation provides for serious sanctions for ignoring this requirement.

All the time, the number of people trying to get to Russia for various purposes was very high. This was reflected in the desire of the authorities to improve the law that regulates their flow. Rules of stay foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation today differ for different categories of citizens, and therefore require some clarification.

Entry into the Russian Federation

A foreign citizen is a person who does not have any other citizenship. Migrants are carefully monitored by the authorities, and responsibility for them is no less than for native residents. For this reason, while in the country, all foreigners must observe and respect local laws, as well as the traditions of the population and their way of life.

The entry procedure for persons arriving from abroad divides them into the following categories:

  • Those moving across the border from a visa-free state;
  • Those entering the Russian Federation on the basis of a visa permit.

The first category usually includes residents of states with which there is an international agreement or citizens former republics union. According to the rules, the basis for their entry should be filled in at the passport control stage. Residents of some countries can come here with only an internal passport.

Special privileges await those who are citizens of such states:

  • Kyrgyzstan.

These republics and Russia have formed a zone of a single economic space, so their citizens can move around this territory and not even have special permits to get a job.

Belarusians have an even greater number of privileges, giving them the opportunity not to comply with the rules of stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, the basis for this is the Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship. Citizens of Belarus do not need to go to the border passport control, they do not fill out a migrant card, there is no need to obtain a patent when applying for a job, they can live in any region of the Russian Federation.

Time spent by a foreigner in the Russian Federation

Planning a trip to Russia. territory, you need to take into account that there is a period permissible for foreigners to spend here. Usually this period of time is limited by various permitting papers.

Those who entered on the basis of a visa must leave Russia before its completion.

Persons from visa-free states classified according to agreements signed between the authorities.

A foreigner who has entered Russia can stay here on the basis of his migrant card for only 7 days, and he does not need to complete any registration procedures. If you need to stay, then the period of stay of foreigners in Russia needs to be extended by registering with the migration authorities. This can be done in the region where the person is located - the migrant is tied to a specific address.

All responsibility for this procedure falls on the shoulders of the receiving party. The main documents for this are the migration card and the guest’s passport (more precisely, copies of these documents). You will also need a passport of the owner of the home and a paper confirming the ownership of the specified home.

You also need to know that a new 90/180 rule was introduced, according to which the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2017 cannot be longer than 90 days in each half-year.


All Russian guests after 7 days in the country must undergo the procedure migration registration, which gives the opportunity to stay in the country for another 3 months. If you need to detain for a longer period, then you need to think about legalization, here are its stages:

These documents are the basis for the stay of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.


This permit allows you to temporarily stay in Russia; it is issued for 3 years; in order to obtain it you must pass the test. There is no possibility of extension. But its holders have the right to work, without obtaining a patent, in the region where this document was issued.

This permission is a regular stamp in your passport. This stage may not go through:

  • Highly qualified specialists;
  • Citizens of Turkmenistan and Belarus.


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Renewal of registration of foreign citizens at their place of residence in Russia

Federal Law o legal status foreign citizens are assigned three legal regimes for the legal presence of foreigners in the territory. RF:

1. Temporary stay regime. A foreign citizen temporarily staying in the Russian Federation means a person who has arrived in the Russian Federation on the basis of a visa (permit for entry) or in a manner that does not require a visa , and received a migration card. The period of temporary stay is determined by the validity period of the visa issued to him. Upon expiration of the visa, the foreign citizen is obliged to leave the territory. RF. Visa-free stay is possible only if there is a corresponding international agreement (Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Tajikistan, etc.) If a foreigner arrives in the territory. RF in a visa-free manner, the period of stay is no more than 90 days (the period can be extended, for example, when issuing a work permit).

2. Temporary residence regime. A temporary resident is considered to be a person who has received temporary residence permit , which is issued by the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service for a period of 3 years (within the quotas annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation). The Federal Law on the legal status of foreign citizens establishes a list of persons to whom a temporary residence permit can be issued without taking into account quotas. It is based on a person’s family or territorial connection with the Russian Federation: 1) born in the territory. RSFSR and were former citizens of the Russian Federation or born in the territory. RF; 2) recognized as disabled and having a capable son or daughter - citizens of the Russian Federation; 3) having at least one disabled parent - a citizen of the Russian Federation; 4) married to a citizen of the Russian Federation with a place of residence in the Russian Federation, and others.

3. Regime of permanent residence. A foreign citizen permanently residing in the Russian Federation is understood as a person who has received resident card (a document that: 1) confirms the right of a foreign citizen to permanent residence in Russia; 2) the right to free exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation. For stateless persons A residence permit is also an identity document. An application for a residence permit is submitted by a foreign citizen in the territory. FMS body no later than 6 months before the expiration of the temporary residence permit. Moreover, before receiving a residence permit, a foreign citizen is required to live in the Russian Federation for at least 1 year on the basis of a temporary residence permit. A residence permit is issued for 5 years. Upon expiration, it can be extended for another 5 years. The number of extensions is not limited. A foreign citizen is required to notify the territory once a year. FMS authority to confirm your residence in the Russian Federation in person or by mail. The law establishes the grounds refusal to issue or cancellation of a residence permit. Cancellation if a foreign citizen: 1) advocates a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, or by other actions creates a threat to the security of the Russian Federation or citizens of the Russian Federation; 2) finances (plans) terrorist attacks, supports terrorist activities; 3) was subject to administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation, deported or transferred from the Russian Federation to a foreign state in accordance with the international treaty on readmission (mutual obligations of states to take back their citizens, citizens of third countries and stateless persons who illegally arrived in the territory.); 4) submitted forged or forged documents or provided knowingly false information about himself, as well as in other cases specified in the law.