Obtaining Russian citizenship for residents of the DPR. Citizens of the DPR and LPR will be prescribed benefits. Basic information for future citizens

Citizenship of the inhabitants of some regions in the east of the Ukrainian territory turned out to be in question today, because the formed republics are not recognized in the world, the inhabitants turned out to be simply hostages of this difficult situation. Citizenship of the Russian Federation for the residents of Donbass today is only a project that has not received clear definitions.

Legislation of the Russian Federation

Citizenship of persons living in the East of Ukraine is a topical issue, since the situation that has developed is quite complicated. The civil services created by the LPR and DPR issue documents to residents of the territories subordinate to them with stamps and seals of the republics that no one recognizes. This becomes the reason that citizens of the Eastern part of Ukraine cannot leave the republics, since the documents are not considered valid.

The problem of the legal status of Donbas residents is a serious one. While Ukraine no longer recognizes them, acquisition procedures are now provided Russian citizenship. Denis Pushilin, Deputy Chairman of the People's Council of the Donetsk People's Republic, proposed introducing a procedure for issuing passports similar to those provided for in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria.

Basic information for future citizens

This initiative was started a long time ago and many proposals have been put forward so far. Those who studied or received higher education in Russia can also take advantage of this opportunity. It is reported that 5-2 million refugees fled to Russia. As for those who remain on the territory of Ukraine, according to Karasev, they can obtain Russian citizenship under certain conditions.

This applies not only to leaving for the territory controlled by Ukraine, but also to crossing the Russian border, where workers customs control do not accept certificates with republican stamps.

Russian citizenship - conditions for obtaining

For a long time, Russia has been discussing the issue of obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation and a special status by citizens of Donbass in a simplified manner. There was even a fact of signing a decree prescribing that residents of the republics in question can, on special grounds, apply for Russian citizenship.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit

One of the conditions for obtaining Russian citizenship is the renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship. But Ukraine does not have an abdication procedure. People solve this problem in private in Kyiv,” Karasev said. Truth: Young people who are 16 years old, at the age of obtaining a passport in Ukraine, do they receive this document now?

Karasev: No, residents of Donbass can obtain citizenship of the Donetsk or Lugansk People's Republics. But these documents are not valid for entry into Russian Federation. So, Kyiv abandoned its citizens? Yes, the only way for them is to go to the Ukrainian consulate in Rostov and pay a lot of money to get a Ukrainian passport.

But in practice, 90% of Lugansk and Donetsk residents do not have the opportunity to do this, since only people born in Russia can get Russian certificates. This process is called citizenship by birth.

That is, citizenship of the Russian Federation for the DPR and LPR on preferential terms is available only to some people. The rest receive it on a general basis. Special benefits are available only for the children of these Ukrainian residents who were already born within the new borders.

The eight million people living in the Donbass are “all of us,” as President Putin has repeatedly said. Do residents of Donbass have the opportunity to purchase relevant Ukrainian documents, information, or is everything closed? Ukrainian government structures have all been closed long ago. And the new republics are recognized only by some states. Then these new entities will be recognized by other states. Donetsk and Luhansk regions are historical territories of the Russian Federation. They were even part of the Rostov region.

Thus, we will have to hold a referendum again. Then it will be possible not only to enter Russia, but also to join the Rostov region. Donbass can also enter the Russian Federation as a whole. Obviously, about 95 percent will vote for the referendum, as was shown in Crimea. The current Ukraine has demonstrated that it can only destroy people.

Integration into the Russian community is complicated by the fact that in order to obtain a Russian passport, one must renounce the old citizenship. And here a new problem arises - how can a resident of a particular republic do this, if Ukraine does not provide for a notification procedure for such a process.

Those who live in Donbass are very hardworking people, hard work in metallurgy, coal and chemical industries marked by their presence for generations. The Donbass will stimulate the Russian economy as it was a source of minerals and ore minerals in the former Soviet Union. Ukraine simply did not have the money and technology, and also no desire to develop the Donbass.

From the very beginning, people in the Donbass believed that they would act in the same way as Crimea, but this did not happen, the Americans interfered with them. However, people still believe that the militants will liberate the Donbass from the Kyiv sponsors of the Nazis, then a referendum will be held and they will return home to their homeland.

Renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship

To cancel you need:

  1. travel to the territory controlled by Ukraine.
  2. collect all the necessary papers.
  3. shake a petition.
  4. Expect the results and the signature of the head of state.

But here the question will arise - how to return back to the republic if the pass for crossing the demarcation line is cancelled. And, as you know, without its presence, they will not be allowed into the lands not controlled by Ukraine. Here is such a vicious circle.

The process of issuing Russian passports in the DNR and LNR

And their homeland is Russia, this territory was transported to Ukraine, and the people living there were not asked about their opinion. At the beginning of the 20th century, when there was a famine in Russia, the people of Lugansk mobilized and sent help. There are even suitable posters of that time in Russian museums.

Donbass came to the aid of poor, starving and struggling regions. We have always been part of Russia and lived for Russia. Interview conducted by Any Lulko. Disclaimer: The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the author. The Center for Globalization Studies is not responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article.

Become a citizen of Russia

This implies a completely logical question, where to get Russian citizenship in the DPR and LPR? Residents of the eastern regions, unfortunately, do not have such an opportunity. To migrate to Russia, you will need to enter its territory with Ukrainian documents and apply for refugee status. Today, residents who come from the eastern part of Ukraine enjoy certain benefits compared to other migrants. Ukrainians have several ways to settle here:

The problem of the legal status of the inhabitants of Donbass is quite serious. Although Ukraine does not need these people, the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship will be simplified. Denis Pushilin, Deputy Chairman of the People's Council of the Republic of the Donetsk People's Republic that Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistrian passportization will be introduced.

It is reported that 5-2 million refugees fled to Russia. As for those who live on the territory of Ukraine, obtaining Russian citizenship is even much easier. One of the conditions for obtaining Russian citizenship is the renunciation of another. But Ukraine does not have such a procedure for renunciation of its citizenship.

  • Get refugee status;
  • Become the owner of a temporary shelter.

An asylum verdict can be obtained in three days (for other foreigners it takes one month). The process of granting refugee status also takes place in an accelerated manner. Arriving citizens will receive assistance in settling in Russia and a one-time allowance.

Young people who are 16 years old, at the age of obtaining a passport in Ukraine, do they receive this document now? “No, residents of Donbass can only obtain citizenship in the Donetsk or Luhansk republics, but these documents are not valid for entry into the Russian Federation.”

Permission to stay

So, Kyiv abandoned its citizens, didn't it? Yes, the only way for them is to go to the Ukrainian consulate in Rostov and pay big money to get a Ukrainian passport. Thus, it turns out that young people do not have the opportunity to study at Russian colleges or simply leave Donbass.

Another option to legalize your stay in Russia is to take part in the resettlement program for compatriots.

It is designed for people with Russian roots who want to return to their historical homeland, as well as people from the former post-Soviet republics. In this case, obtaining a residence permit for Ukrainians and RVP is significantly accelerated, and the period of residence in the state for obtaining citizenship is also reduced.

The eight million people living in Donbass are all ours, as President Putin has repeatedly said. Do residents of Donbass have the opportunity to receive Ukrainian documents, information, or is everything closed? Ukrainian structures all closed long ago. There's nothing there. Obviously, about 95 percent will vote in the referendum, as was shown in Crimea. Those who live in the Donbass are very hardworking people, hard work in metallurgy, coal and chemical industries has been present there for several generations.

The Donbass will stimulate the Russian economy as it was a source of minerals and ore minerals in the former Soviet Union. From the very beginning, people were sure that 300 percent of them would go after Crimea, but this did not happen, the Americans interfered with them. However, people still believe that the militants will liberate the Donbass from the Nazis, then a referendum will be held and they will return home to their homeland. And their homeland is Russia, this territory has just been transferred to Ukraine, and the people living there were not asked about their opinion.

All indicated options for integration into Russian society do not give you the right to choose the region for your stay on your own, and therefore you will have to live in regions where additional work force. Otherwise, the migrants will not be able to use state support.


Ed Sheeran

Many people are puzzled by the question: how to get citizenship in the DNR? This problem is very serious for those who plan to settle in Ukraine, create a family here, and plan to conduct regular business in Ukraine. The basic normative document regulating these moments is the Law "On Citizenship of Ukraine".

Basic provisions of simplified citizenship

Foreign investors in Ukraine often must remain within these conditions and therefore must have a residence permit. Extension of registration for foreign citizens. Housing permit Application for citizenship Ukraine Preparation of an official invitation for a visa for Ukraine. Registration of companies in visa and registration departments in Ukraine.

Foreign citizens can immigrate in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine for the purpose of permanent or temporary residence on the territory of Ukraine. The duration of the permit depends on the type of concession. Documents required for a private visit:. - Photo - Declaration of a foreigner - Passport - Lease agreement or declaration of a private facility that allows cohabitation with a foreigner.

Obtain DNR citizenship It is not easy for a foreigner and without the help of a lawyer, this procedure can drag on for several years.

The above Law clearly defines the rules for acquiring citizenship of our country. Currently, among the grounds specified in the Law, acquisition by birth and acquisition by territorial origin are considered the most common. For non-residents, these grounds are used quite rarely, since the most common situation is the entry into citizenship of adults who have a passport of another country that is not historically connected with Ukraine. For example, citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan or Georgia. Lately the question “how to get citizenship in the DPR?” often asked by residents of far abroad countries.

A residence permit allows the granting of residence permits, gives the opportunity to work in Ukraine and lasts more than 90 days. A temporary residence permit has the opportunity to obtain a foreigner who works or is going to work and receive an official salary in Ukraine.

Assistance in obtaining citizenship of Ukraine. People who seek to obtain citizenship of Ukraine must recognize and abide by the Constitution and law of Ukraine, give the Declaration on the absence of foreign citizenship, the obligation to determine foreign citizenship.

The practice of the law firm "Contact" shows that it is possible to obtain citizenship of the DPR:

  • when carrying out permanent business activities in our country;
  • when creating a family between a foreigner (s) and a citizen (s) of the DPR;
  • when establishing guardianship and guardianship over citizens of the DPR;
  • at the birth of a child out of wedlock, whose mother or father have Ukrainian citizenship.

The legislation provides for the acquisition of citizenship as a result of international treaties, but this rule applies only in special cases.

Each situation in acquiring citizenship of the DPR is individual. The absence of any necessary document or certificate may permanently deprive a foreigner of the opportunity get citizenship of the DPR. It should also be remembered that in our state double citizenship not provided.

The legislation defines mandatory conditions, without which it is impossible to obtain citizenship. Specialists of the law firm "Contact" highlight the essential:

  • no criminal record in a foreign state and the DPR;
  • time of residence, confirmed by a permanent residence permit, which has a stamp of Ukrainian registration;
  • renunciation of citizenship of a foreign state and corresponding confirmation;
  • knowledge of the Ukrainian language;
  • availability of real estate and funds.

Accordingly, in order to get citizenship of the DPR it is necessary to provide a permanent residence permit, a declaration of renunciation of foreign citizenship, certificates of good conduct and knowledge of the Ukrainian language, information from the bank on financial condition, etc. All documents are drawn up in Ukrainian or translated into it.

Elementary list study required documents, the requirements for their design allows us to say that this is a very difficult and time-consuming procedure. It takes time and special knowledge, because foreign citizen unable to assemble mandatory documents and fill out the forms correctly. Insufficient knowledge of the Ukrainian and Russian languages, bureaucratic procedures accompanying the procedure for processing documents become significant obstacles.

In order to avoid red tape, avoid mistakes in the process of obtaining citizenship and speed up this process as much as possible, it is advisable to use the services of experienced professionals.

The law firm "Contact" provides services for the accelerated and standard registration of citizenship of the DPR.

Both procedures require the applicant for Ukrainian citizenship to submit an application, as well as the documents indicated above. Our lawyers will advise you on obtaining Ukrainian citizenship, take care of all the paperwork.

By expedited procedure get citizenship of the DPR it is possible if the applicant's relatives are citizens of Ukraine, or he restores Ukrainian citizenship. Approximate period of registration of citizenship takes one month. This procedure is suitable for foreigners who have created a family with citizens of Ukraine, who have parents or children with citizenship of our state.

The standard procedure is used when there is no possibility of applying the accelerated option, for example, in the case of a foreigner permanent business in Ukraine. The peculiarity of the standard procedure is that Ukrainian citizenship is assigned by the President of Ukraine. The solution to the issue of citizenship depends on many factors that are carefully studied by our specialists. After analyzing the situation, the employees of the Law Firm "Contact" will provide you with their recommendations and will accompany the process until you receive a Ukrainian passport.

Legal advice on the issue "How to get citizenship in the DPR" carried out in the office of the law firm "Contact". The cost of services is determined by the complexity of the situation and depends on the availability of the necessary documents. Base prices are listed in a special section of our website.