One of the seven natural wonders. See what “Seven New Wonders of Nature” are in other dictionaries

9-03-2013, 17:33
Our planet is rich in incredible natural places; many people are familiar with Iguazu Falls, the Dead Sea, Grand Canyon, Barrier Reef, Uluru and other places. How to choose just seven from more than 20 amazing natural objects? Which points are considered more significant in the assessment? The seven new wonders of the world were chosen by voting, and not only experts, but also everyone was allowed to participate. Thus, we formed the seven most incredible places on earth. All miracles relate exclusively to natural objects.

Amazon river

The deepest river in the world, the Amazon and its tributaries flow through seven million square kilometers. The river crosses nine states; more than 100 billion liters of water flows into the Atlantic from the Amazon every minute. However, she was recognized as a wonder of the world not only for these outstanding indicators. The Amazon River basin is unique nature reserve, V tropical forests More than 500 species of mammals, 175 species of lizards and 300 species of other reptiles live, and in the river itself there is a huge number of fish, including one popular among Russian lovers aquarium fish. Most of the species presented can only be found here. It is in the Amazon basin that about a third of the entire wild bird population on earth lives or migrates annually. An incredible figure of 30 million species characterizes the number of insects living off the coast of the Amazon. A huge river, which during periods of high water flows more than 10 large rivers the world, a river across which there is not a single bridge, the Amazon rightfully opens the list of natural wonders of the world.

Ha Long Bay

Vietnam is famous for its Halong Bay; tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world flock here every year. Almost 2,000 islets can be found in the bay; they are uninhabited and unaffected by human activity. This is a real corner of primeval nature, located on an area of ​​1553 square meters. kilometer Each of the islands in the bay offers amazing views of the sea. Some islands are very small, others have their own lakes and even caves. people come here to explore the rock and underwater caves that many islands are so rich in. All around the idyll, you can see floating villages of Vietnamese fishermen, who are quietly and measuredly going from their fishery.

Iguazu Falls

More than 275 waterfalls make up the Iguazu water massif. This is a majestic and mesmerizing place that will take your breath away, even the most seasoned tourists. The Iguazu Massif is located on the border of the Argentine state of Misiones and the Brazilian Paraná. The height of the entire cascade of Iguazu Falls is 2700 meters. Tourists can approach the waterfall itself along two viewing paths, one leading to the base of the waterfall, you will see with your own eyes how thousands of tons of water fall from a height of more than two kilometers. The upper path will lead you to the origins, amazing views of the surrounding nature, complemented by a stream of water falling vertically down, you can look at it forever. In addition to the waterfall itself, the Iguazu Massif includes two natural parks with unique flora and fauna.

Jeju Island

Located in the south of the Republic of Korea amazing island Jeju. Many tourists come here; Jeju has perhaps the best conditions for hiking. Excellent views, clean air, untouched natural parks are replaced by equipped zones. You can admire the sunset while looking into the ocean, take walks or horseback rides, and even climb the highest mountain in Korea. Yes, it is on Jeju Island that it is located dormant volcano Hallasan. Its height is 1950 meters above sea level; there are paved routes for tourists to the very top.

Komodo National Park

An amazing place that was created to preserve the Komodo dragon population. It is in Komodo Park that you can meet dragons, the last in the wild. However, in addition to amazing reptiles, the national park includes a rich biological diversity of animal and plant species. Komodo Park is located on three large islands - Padar, Rinca and Komodo itself. In addition to the three large ones, the park includes countless small volcanic islands, many of which are smaller in area than your apartment. However, not only Komodo dragons and other exotic representatives of flora and fauna can be admired here. Amazingly beautiful nature, rocky slopes and amazing, velvety beaches. Diving enthusiasts will find huge coral reefs inhabited by various types of fish.

Puerto Princesa Underground River

Having passed through mysterious cave, 50 kilometers from the city of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines, you can find yourself at a real wonder of the world. The underground navigable river, named after the city - Puerto Princesa, is a unique facility of its kind in the world. You can cover more than 8.2 kilometers by boat, with amazing views unfolding all around you. This is a real passage through a dark kingdom, where huge karst formations reign, many of which can resemble the figures of people or animals. Even before 2007, Puerto Princesa was not only the most interesting and navigable underground river, but also the longest; only recently a longer underground river was found in Yucatan. Puerto Princesa is rightfully included in the list of natural wonders as the most picturesque and accessible underground river in the world.

Cape Town Table Mountain

The real symbol of South Africa is the table mountain, which is located near Cape Town. The mountain got its name from its unique shape; its top is absolutely flat, like your dining table. The height of the mountain reaches 1086 meters, and some peaks reach 1500 meters. Table Mountain was formed as a result of millions of years of erosion of local rock. In addition to the amazing view, there is the richest flower kingdom on the planet; more than 250 grow on the mountain various types daisies. Table Mountain towers over Cape Town, which in turn guarantees breathtaking views from the mountain itself. You can climb to the top of the table mountain by cable car, on the way observing the natural beauty of these places.

So you have met the seven natural wonders of the world. All of them deserve your attention. By the way, the list is not final; voting will be held annually for updates or replacements in the list of seven new natural wonders of planet Earth

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New seven wonders of the world- The New Seven Wonders of the World is a project whose goal was to search for the modern seven wonders of the world. Organized by the non-profit organization New Open World Corporation (NOWC) on the initiative of the Swiss Bernard Weber. Election of the new seven “wonders of the world” from ... ... Wikipedia

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In 1997, the influential American television company CNN (CNN) proposed its list of 7 natural wonders of the world. A natural miracle is an object created by nature without human intervention. The title of miracle was awarded to: the Grand Canyon in the USA, the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, the harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Mount Everest, the Aurora Borealis, the Paricutin volcano in Mexico and Victoria Falls in Africa.

Grand Canyon, USA

In Arizona, on the Colorado Plateau, the red-brown waters of a stormy river tirelessly make their way through the rocky solid, washing out and destroying rocks. Over millions of years, the river created a masterpiece of natural architecture - the Grand Canyon, stretching over a huge distance - 446 km. The mighty steep walls of the canyon go down to a depth of 1.6 km, and its width at the plateau level reaches 30 km.

The structure of the gorge contains rocks dating back to four geological eras. The lava flows frozen on the faults belong to the Cenozoic era. The canyon walls are cut by layers of sandstone and limestone formed during the Paleozoic era, and the lowermost layers are composed of ancient crystalline shales from the Precambrian period.

Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia

The Great Barrier Reef stretches along the north-eastern coast of Australia for 2500 km. It consists of 3,000 reefs and 600 offshore islands.

As the world's largest colony of coral polyps, the GBR resembles an outlandish garden in which fish of all shapes and colors circle among the coral bowls, like tropical butterflies among flowers. Corals are full of all the colors of the rainbow. Sharks hunt here, attracted by the abundance of fish and plankton. In summer, off the coast you can find sea turtles that come here to lay eggs. Islands with luxurious beaches are scattered across the sea surface. The entrance to the bay is guarded by monolithic granite mountains, such as Sugarloaf Peak, shaped like a lump of sugar, and Mount Corcovado, the top of which is crowned by the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer with arms outstretched in a blessing gesture. Rio de Janeiro's harbor is surrounded by spectacular cliffs, rolling plains and the magnificent forest of Tijuca National Park.

Everest (Qomolangma), China

On the border between Nepal and Tibet ( autonomous region China) is located highest peak globe- Everest (8848 m). Like a magnet, it attracts tourists and climbers from all over the world. Thousands of ascents are made every year. New Zealander E. Hillary was the first to conquer the mountain in 1953. At the top of Everest there are 60-degree frosts, the wind blows at speeds of up to 200 km/h.

But neither the lack of oxygen, acutely felt at an altitude of more than 7,925 meters, nor the possible occurrence of avalanches stop the brave climbers. Everest is suitable for all ages: the youngest person to reach the summit was 13-year-old American Jordan Romero, and the oldest was 76-year-old Nepalese Min Bahadur Sherkhan.

Polar (Northern) lights

In the high latitudes of the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the globe, one can observe the amazing phenomenon of sky glow. Usually the radiance begins with phosphoric spots, which soon turn into a string of waves glowing with crimson, red, emerald, and blue lights.

The phenomenon of luminescence arises due to the interaction of the upper rarefied layers of the atmosphere with charged particles of high energy moving towards the Earth from near-Earth space, called the plasma layer. Norwegian legends claim that the aurora is the celestial dance of dead maidens. And Eskimo legends say that the sky is made to glow by spirits who play sky football with a walrus skull.

Volcano Paricutin, Mexico

On the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, in the middle reaches of the Zambezi River grandiose waterfall pours its waters from a 108-meter height. The name of the waterfall was given by Scottish explorer David Livingstone, naming it in honor of Queen Victoria. It is the second most powerful waterfall in the world after Iguazu.

The Dead Sea, Great Barrier Reef, Grand Canyon, Uluru, Iguazu Falls and 23 other natural wonders - try to choose just seven of them! Is there any point in discussing or assessing the superiority of one miracle over another? However, a list of seven new natural wonders was announced, no matter how objectively we evaluate it. Everyone took part in the voting, who could choose a specific place by voting for it on the website or via SMS. So, we present to your attention a selection of natural wonders that are hard not to call magnificent and breathtaking. On the pages of LifeGlobe you will find stories about each of these places, as well as about many other interesting corners of our amazing planet. Share your impressions, and also write about other places that should be included in this rating.

2. Ha Long Bay

Countless tourists flock to Vietnam with the sole purpose of visiting the amazing Ha Long Bay. The approximately 1,900 islands, mostly uninhabited and untouched by human presence, cover approximately 1,553 square kilometers of area with a staggering beautiful view on the sea. The huge caves and numerous lakes found in some of the islands are another factor that makes Ha Long Bay one of the most beautiful places in the world. Numerous floating villages of fishermen in the background majestic rocks, these landscapes will remain in your heart forever. Such natural wonders are definitely worth a visit.

3. Iguazu Falls

No words can describe the grandeur and beauty of the 275 waterfalls that make up Iguazu. Situated on the border between the Brazilian state of Paraná and the Argentine Misiones, Iguazu Falls extends over 2,700 meters and is surrounded by two national parks containing rare species. wildlife. Two viewing paths are available to tourists. Choose the lower one leading to the base of the waterfall, or the upper one with stunning panoramic views - both options will leave you in complete admiration.

4. Jeju Island - Korean Pearl

There are natural wonders in Korea too. Located near the southern tip of South Korea, Jeju Island is the perfect getaway for the keen hiking, watching sunsets against the backdrop of the ocean, horseback riding or just relaxing on sandy beaches. Although tourism in Jeju is on the rise, the island has managed to maintain its paradisiacal tranquility, with many sites remaining untouched. The central attraction of Jeju is Hallasan, the most high mountain V South Korea and an inactive volcano that rises 1,950 meters above sea level. The Pearl of Korea Jeju is a real miracle.

5. National Park Komodo

Originally created to conserve the native Komodo dragon, the national park in Indonesia now protects the entire biodiversity of three more large islands- Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller islets of volcanic origin. Rocky slopes, lush vegetation, snow-white beaches And blue waters with coral reefs - all this complements the serene tranquility National Park. The presence of giant aggressive lizards, however, gives the park a certain edgy and thrilling atmosphere.

6. Puerto Princesa Underground River

Puerto Princessa flows through a cave approximately 50 km north of the city of the same name in the Philippines. A clear, inviting lagoon surrounded by ancient trees will lead you to an amazing underground river. Taking a tour along the 8.2-kilometer navigable river, tourists find themselves in a dark, ominous kingdom of overwhelming silence and giant karst formations. Formed over hundreds of years, impressive stalagmites and stalactites often resemble real objects and creatures. Until the discovery of an underground river in the Yucatan Peninsula in 2007, Puerto Princesa was considered the longest underground waterway in the world. It was probably included in the list of natural wonders because of the unusual landscapes and mysterious atmosphere.

7. Cape Town Table Mountain

Table Mountain is a South African symbol and Cape Town's most recognizable landmark. The flat-topped mountain with peaks reaching 1,086 meters above sea level was the result of six million years of erosion. A distinctive feature of the unique ecosystem is the richest, and at the same time the smallest flower kingdom in the world, including 250 different varieties of daisies. The mountain is visible from anywhere in Cape Town, and from the top you can see Cape Town's incredible beaches. The cable car ride to the top is an unforgettable experience that will forever be remembered as one of the best memories in life. Read more about table mountains in a separate collection on LifeGlobe.

The natural wonders on this list undoubtedly deserve attention, but this does not mean that the list is final. Every year new voting and competitions will be held, where the nominees may turn out to be completely different. We will also tell you about the most beautiful places on the planet.

For almost four years, votes have been selected for the best natural wonder of the planet. More than four hundred protected areas were included in the list of contenders for the seven new wonders of the world. natural areas peace. As a result of popular voting, 7 new wonders of the world, seven amazingly beautiful territories of the planet received the right to the final selection.

Natural wonders of the planet - seven wonders of the world

1. Iguazu Falls is located among bizarre piles of rocks, on the border of two countries - Brazil and. Huge streams of water make noise, foam, break up into millions of splashes, sparkling, forming several rainbows. The river has 275 waterfalls along its entire length, the highest flow falling from a height of 72 meters.

2. Mysterious places in Halong Bay are called “the place of dragons.” Straight from the emerald waves South China Sea scattered unusual outlines of rocks rise, reminiscent of a Dragon, a Man's Head, Roosters, and a Sail. These colorful islands have many caves and grottoes. The slopes are covered with forest, steep and difficult to access, mostly uninhabited. There are more than a thousand of them. Salty sea lakes are hidden behind the limestone ledges of the rocks.

3. The Amazon River winds its way through the territories of several countries. It has an incredibly huge water pool, which becomes even larger during the rainy season, spreading over a width of about one hundred kilometers. What makes the pool unique is the Amazonian thickets - it is basically an impenetrable jungle. The number of species of flora and fauna is endless. One of the wonders of the river is the huge, round, green water lilies.

4. The Indonesian island of Komodo is magnificent, with a beautiful coral reef consisting of tiny marine invertebrate inhabitants. The miracle of the island is the large dangerous monitor lizards that live on it. The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard on the planet and hunts quite large animals.

Komodo Island

5. Jeju Island in South Korea, created by nature from basalt lava, with the once formidable Hallasan volcano and many wonderful parks - beautiful place For . The island is transformed in spring when the cherry blossoms bloom.

Jeju Island

6. Beautiful protected areas of Puerto Princesa in the Philippines, where a large underground river flows. It starts in one of the caves, which has many stalactites and stalagmites.

Puerto Princesa

Droplets of water, penetrating into the underground caves from above, form relief piles consisting of limestone crystals - stone icicles. Those that hang on the roof of the grotto are called stalactites, and the candles that grow on the floor are called stalagmites. Some stalactites grow sideways and upward, sometimes connecting and forming bizarre columns.

7. Tall mountain range– Table Mountain in the Republic of South Africa, with the top cut off by a table, a flat plateau with the peaks of the 12 Apostles and Devil’s Peak. You can climb to the top of the unusual mountain by cable car. From the height of the ridge you can see protected areas, a mountain lake, and you can see the ocean and the city of Cape Town in the distance.

The nature of our planet is so amazing and beautiful that when we travel, we discover new horizons for ourselves every time, most beautiful places, countries and cities are all new wonders of the world.