Obtaining a residence permit by marriage. Documents required for registration of Russian citizenship by marriage

Everyone knows that legalization in a foreign country through marriage is a common phenomenon, this is one of the common reasons, which is used to contact the migration department. Russia is no exception. Since 2003, this process has become available in a simplified mode. Today it is possible to obtain Russian citizenship by marriage without unnecessary bureaucratic red tape and quite quickly.

The law says

Initially, we note that the fact of creating a family, confirmed by a stamp in the registry office, does not lead to a change in the citizenship of one or both spouses. This is only the basis for simplified legalization in the future.

Russian laws state that an unregistered marriage cannot serve as a basis for a migrant to acquire civil status. A prerequisite is the consolidation of relations in the civil register of Russians in Russia and confirmation

Marriages that did not take place in Russia, as well as those that were concluded according to the legislative norms of another power, are not recognized in Russia. That is, newlyweds need to go to the registry office and legalize their marriage there or enter into it in the Federation initially.

Entry into citizenship

Russian citizenship by marriage is available, as noted earlier. However, this process has certain nuances.

A newly created family should first of all realize what will be available if the

  • at the time of the petition the marriage had not broken up;
  • the husband (or wife) must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • The newlyweds must live in marriage for 3 years (minimum).

The main difference from legalization in the general manner is that residence in the Russian Federation on a general basis cannot exceed a five-year period. Marriage reduces this period by two years. In addition, an application for citizenship is considered not for 12 months, but for six months.


The first step on the difficult path to joining the Russian community is. Although this is a temporary status, it allows its holder to legally reside and exercise

The procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage assumes that a foreign citizen can stay in the country under a temporary residence permit for three years. This is provoked by the fact that the authorities want to understand whether the marriage is sincere and whether there is any fictitiousness in it. But the foreign spouse of a Russian may not wait until three years have passed. Documents for obtaining the next permit are allowed to be submitted after a year.

After living for two years under a residence permit, you can “move” to the next step, which leads to


By the time you apply for citizenship, you must have:

  • three years of marriage (legal) with a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • knowledge of the language, laws and culture of the Federation;
  • no violations of the law.

The following documents will be required for citizenship by marriage:

  • A check confirming payment of the state duty (amount of 3,500 rubles);
  • A photocopy of the application for renunciation of old citizenship or a paper confirming the renunciation of it;
  • Russian passport of the spouse, with permanent registration;
  • a document confirming the right to reside temporarily in a certain living space;
  • documentary evidence of income;
  • three photographs;

The latter document may not be provided by persons who are incapacitated and pensioners. The verdict on the assignment of Russian status according to a simplified scheme is made by the migration service. But we must remember that if the fact that the union is fictitious is discovered, the decision will not be made in your favor.


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Citizens of other states sometimes need to obtain Russian citizenship, this is due either to personal desires to live and be a citizen of our country or to other objective reasons that are not always limited to desire. The most common is marriage.

Marriage as a basis for obtaining citizenship of the Russian state

One of the grounds for acquiring the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation is the marriage of a non-citizen of the country with one. And the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage is considered simplified. However, not every registered family tandem provides concessions in obtaining citizenship. Thus, a marriage union must be registered in one of the Russian registry offices. If we are talking about civil marriages (cohabitation), concluded in accordance with the laws of another state, then there can be no talk of obtaining citizenship in connection with marriage.

In addition, as another condition, the spouses must reside in the country.

The duration of the marriage at the time of applying for Russian citizenship should be 3 years or more in order to avoid the mass conclusion of fictitious marriages, through which formal spouses pursue the goal of legitimizing their status in the country and becoming its subject.

Before the deadline for applying for citizenship, a potential applicant must obtain a residence permit, since this is the only basis for legal stay in the country for such a long time. long term. Having a valid marriage with a Russian man or woman simplifies the procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit.

Establishing the fictitiousness of a marriage, as well as providing other false documents

Responsibility as such, neither administrative nor criminal, for concluding a fictitious family union aimed at simplifying the acquisition of citizenship is not provided for in domestic legislation.

However, the identification of such a fact and the recognition by the court of the registration of the relationship as fictitious entails the cancellation of all decisions based on the fact of marriage. This means that citizenship, if it has already been obtained, residence permit, etc., is cancelled.

Unlike European countries and the United States, our Federal Migration Service does not purposefully conduct inspections aimed at identifying fictitious marriages, so the percentage of detection of such facts is reduced to almost zero.

Providing false information or forged documents also entails the cancellation of the decision through the judicial authorities. In addition, forgery of documents is considered by criminal law as a criminal offense and may result in criminal prosecution.

Documents needed to obtain Russian citizenship

Obtaining Russian citizenship is a bureaucratic procedure and requires the collection and submission of a certain list of documents. The following documents are required to provide:

  • An application, the form of which has a prescribed template;
  • Resident card. This document is not required for persons whose status is a refugee;
  • Marriage certificate. In this case, the marriage must last at least 3 years.
  • Russian passport of the husband (wife) with a registration mark.
  • Documentary confirmation of payment of a fee in the amount of 3,500 Russian rubles;
  • A document from an institution of a foreign state indicating that the applicant has renounced his previous citizenship or the impossibility of renunciation;
  • A certificate confirming that the citizenship applicant has income;
  • Photos in the amount of 3 pieces, size 3x4.
  • Confirmation, in writing, of Russian language proficiency;

In the case where the applicant has children who are also not citizens, it is necessary to provide a certified copy of the birth certificate for each offspring or a copy of the passport of the children who already have one, as well as their photo in the amount of 4 pieces.

The body considering the application for citizenship by marriage and the period for its consideration

After the possible deadlines for filing an application for registration of Russian citizenship have arrived, the person applies to the territorial Federal Migration Service at the place of his registration.

Application methods:

  • Personally;
  • By mail or through a proxy. However, this option is an exception to the rule and is acceptable in exceptional circumstances. At the same time, notarial inscriptions are required on documents signed by the applicant to certify the signature.

The period for consideration of applications for citizenship by marriage is up to six months; according to general principles, the period is longer and is up to a year.

The official day of becoming a citizen of the country is the day a person receives a Russian passport.

In general, the procedure for obtaining the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation by marriage does not differ from the procedure on a general basis. The advantage of the procedure lies only in the fact that the processing time for the application is half as long as the standard one, and also in the fact that prior to obtaining the desired status, the issuance of a temporary residence permit occurs outside the quotas established for the region.

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Is marriage with a citizen of Russia and living together with a legal spouse in the territory Russian Federation. Obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage was initially considered as one of the ways to acquire Russian citizenship in general order. As you know, the general procedure for acquiring Russian citizenship differs from the simplified procedure in two important parameters:

  • An application for citizenship is considered within one year.
  • The decision on granting citizenship is made by the President of the Russian Federation.

However, since 2003, obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage has been moved from the general procedure to a simplified procedure. Now the period for consideration of the application is six months and the decision on admission to citizenship is made migration service. However, all the difficulties on the way to obtaining the coveted Russian passport This change didn't solve it.

In itself, marriage does not entail any changes in the citizenship of either spouse; in order to acquire Russian citizenship for any reason, one must have the will, as well as a fair amount of patience. The procedure is not the simplest and from the moment of marriage (and the marriage must be registered with the registry office, the so-called “civil marriages”, which are actual cohabitation, are not the basis for obtaining Russian citizenship) at least 3 years will pass. This is exactly the period provided for in the current law. This rule is apparently due to the fact that the legislator strives to reduce cases of fictitious marriages, the purpose of which is to obtain Russian citizenship, and not to create a family. To apply for citizenship you must first residence permit in Russia.. This in itself is a very complex procedure. It is necessary to collect many certificates, including: a certificate from the place of work (or other document confirming the presence of a legal source of livelihood), a certificate of the availability of living quarters, certificates from medical organizations about passing the relevant tests. And in order to obtain a residence permit, you must first obtain a temporary residence permit. Obtaining a temporary residence permit for persons who are married to a Russian citizen occurs outside the quota, which, of course, greatly simplifies the procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit.

Citizenship by marriage.

So, having previously gone through these two stages - obtaining temporary residence permit and obtaining a residence permit, you can begin to obtain citizenship by marriage, if, of course, 3 years have already passed since the registration of the marriage. The marriage registration itself does not necessarily have to take place in the registry office of Russia; it is quite possible that the marriage was concluded on the territory of a foreign state according to foreign rules, such a marriage is also recognized as legal on the territory of Russia. Like obtaining citizenship on any other basis, the procedure for obtaining citizenship by marriage has many difficulties, in solving which you may need advice citizenship lawyer.. If you are faced with such a problem, do not delay the decision to obtain qualified legal assistance and do not try to solve the problem yourself, most often this does not lead to the desired result. Citizenship acquired by marriage cannot be changed after divorce.

Legalization of foreigners on the territory of Russia is possible using various methods. The most popular way is to conclude a marriage with Russian citizens. Its popularity is due to the fact that using this method it is much easier and faster to obtain civil status than by resorting to the classical scheme. Russian citizenship by marriage can be obtained in a short time, while migration for work or other purposes takes about six years.

Before submitting papers to obtain Russian citizenship, you should analyze the applicant’s compliance with the requirements that the government applies to candidates. Citizenship by marriage can be obtained if the following conditions are met:

  1. The entry of a foreign husband or wife into Russian space must be legal. To do this, you need to contact the embassy for a visa, or present international passport, if concluded with a specific country visa-free regime. Some migrants can even cross the border using a national passport, for example, Kazakhs. Crossing the border zone is accompanied by filling out a migration card.
  2. Mandatory registration of a foreign spouse.
  3. Marriage ties must be officially registered. Cohabitants are not eligible for this procedure.
  4. Applications for Russian citizenship are not accepted from those whose marriage lasts less than three years.
  5. The migrating spouse is required to obtain a temporary residence permit. It is issued for a three-year period and cannot be extended. The expiration of the validity period means the need to either obtain a residence permit and then citizenship on the basis of marriage, or leave the Russian Federation and obtain a new temporary residence permit.
  6. It will also not be possible to skip the stage of submitting an application for a residence permit - this is a necessary process before applying for Russian citizenship by marriage. It can be issued a year after the temporary residence permit. It provides more opportunities for living on Russian territory. At the same time, there is no need to maintain a five-year period, as with the standard scheme. A three-year marriage is enough.

If the migrant meets the above requirements, the next step is to generate a set of documentation.


For the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the following should be prepared:

  • Personal, written exclusively in Russian. Printing on a computer is allowed. If the words are misspelled or abbreviated, the form will not be accepted. Two copies of this application will be required.
  • A receipt confirming the fact of payment of funds for the state fee.
  • Marriage registration certificate.

  • Renunciation of citizenship of the previous country of residence. If the candidate did not have time to formalize the refusal, they will be obliged to do so immediately after receiving a new civil status. The paper requires notarization. If there is an agreement between states allowing two citizenships, this document can be excluded from the list.
  • Four photographs.
  • Certificates of proficiency in the Russian language and knowledge of the history and culture of the country. They will not be required for those whose second language is Russian, for example for a number of powers from the post-Soviet space. Also, women who have reached the age of 60 and 65-year-old men, that is, pensioners, can exclude them from the mandatory list.

  • Papers confirming the availability of money for accommodation. They can be bank statements, earnings certificates, pension certificates, tax returns.
  • National passport of the Russian spouse with a stamp indicating registration in the region of application.

All citizenship documents made in a foreign language require a translation certified by a notary office. For children applying for a change of civil status who move with their parents, a similar package of documentation is formed.


In order to obtain Russian citizenship by marriage, you should contact the GUVM office (formerly the Federal Migration Service) at your place of residence with the collected set of papers. If the candidate has not yet crossed the border, then he submits documents to the Russian mission on his territory.

Submission of documents is possible:

  • Through personal contact.
  • Through the corresponding section on the government services website.
  • Through a representative under a notarized power of attorney.

From the moment of submitting the papers until receiving a Russian passport, at least six months pass. Without registering a marriage with a Russian citizen, this period is one year. The state fee for civil status is 3,500 rubles.

Other costs for a migrant on the entire path to Russian citizenship:

  1. The state fee for a residence permit is 3,500 rubles.
  2. The state fee for a temporary residence permit is 1,600 rubles.
  3. Payment for notary and translator services.
  4. Payment for language proficiency exams.

It is worth noting that negligence in collecting documents can cause refusal to assign status. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to seek help from lawyers if difficulties arise. This service is also provided for money. Another reason for a negative decision on a petition is the discovery of the fact of providing false information, forged documents or fictitious marriage.

The dangers of a fictitious marriage

A fictitious marriage to obtain citizenship is a fairly common occurrence. It is not a crime in itself. The maximum possible punishment is refusal to assign status and deportation to the homeland. However, the question of introducing criminal liability for its registration has been repeatedly raised.

If citizenship has already been formalized and the fact of a fictitious marriage is revealed, membership can be canceled along with the cancellation of all other registration documents. This is done through the court. It will be difficult for an outsider to collect evidence. But in Russia, it is allowed to file a claim for a husband or wife who sees selfish motives on his part in a marriage with a foreigner.

Obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage is attractive due to its simplified procedure for obtaining it. But do not forget that if you submit invalid or incorrectly executed papers, the foreigner may be deported along with the cancellation of all previous residence permits.