Refusal of Ukrainian citizenship for residents of Donbass. Registration of Ukrainian citizenship

There have long been rumors that Russian passports are about to be issued to residents of Donbass. Lately they have been talking about this even more often. Various sources indicate that they are planning to open a point in Rostov-on-Don where, according to a simplified procedure, Russian passports will be issued to residents of the DPR and LPR. Some believe that Ukraine has done absolutely everything to tear Donbass away from itself. At the same time, people in the DPR and LPR still need to somehow continue to live. They need documents, which should be Russian passports.

The process of issuing Russian passports in the DPR and LPR

In general, it was initially planned to open special points in Donbass itself. However, it is likely that this would cause an uproar from Ukraine and America. Therefore, it was decided to open such points for issuing passports in Rostov-on-Don. Questions regarding who will receive these passports in the first place are now being actively considered. It is quite possible that they will become people who currently do not have Ukrainian passports at all. These are, first of all, teenagers. It is likely that residents of the DPR and LPR who have relatives in Russia will be able to apply for an accelerated procedure. Such people will be able to go through a simplified system and receive passports very quickly.

New guarantees

It is likely that the issuance of Russian passports to residents of the LPR and DPR will have to provide them with new guarantees of the security of the republics themselves from Russia. But all this, of course, will only happen if this issuance does begin. As we see, there are already quite a lot of rumors about this, however, no one has yet seen any decisive action. As before, there are many promises regarding the future issuance of Russian passports. But no one says anything specific about the timing. So all that remains is to wait.

The citizenship of residents of some regions in the east of Ukrainian territory is in question today, because the established republics are not recognized in the world, the residents are simply hostages of this difficult situation. Russian citizenship for residents of Donbass today is only a project that has not received clear definitions.

Legislation of the Russian Federation

Citizenship of persons living in the East of Ukraine is a pressing issue, since the situation that has developed is quite complex. The civil services created by the LPR and DPR issue documents to residents of the territories subordinate to them with stamps and seals of the republics, which no one recognizes. This becomes the reason that citizens of the Eastern part of Ukraine cannot leave the republics, since the documents are not considered valid.

This applies not only to traveling to Ukrainian-controlled territory, but also to crossing the Russian border, where workers customs control IDs with republican stamps are not accepted.

Russian citizenship - conditions for obtaining

The issue of obtaining Russian citizenship and special status by Donbass citizens in a simplified manner has long been discussed in Russia. There was even the fact of signing a decree ordering that residents of the republics in question could, on special grounds, claim Russian citizenship.

But in practice, 90% of Lugansk and Donetsk residents do not have the opportunity to do this, since only people born in Russia can obtain Russian IDs. This process is called citizenship by birth.

That is, Russian citizenship for the DPR and LPR on preferential terms is available only to some individuals. The rest receive it on a general basis. Special benefits are available only to the children of these Ukrainian residents who were already born within the new borders.

Integration into the Russian community is complicated by the fact that in order to obtain a Russian passport, you must renounce your old citizenship. And here a new problem arises - how can a resident of a particular republic do this if Ukraine does not provide for a notification procedure for such a process.

Refusal of Ukrainian citizenship

To cancel you need:

  1. travel to territory controlled by Ukraine.
  2. collect all the necessary papers.
  3. shake the petition.
  4. Wait for the results and the signature of the head of state.

But here the question arises - how to return back to the republic if the pass for crossing the demarcation line is canceled. And, as you know, without it they will not be allowed into lands not controlled by Ukraine. This is such a vicious circle.

Become a citizen of Russia

This leads to a completely logical question: where to obtain Russian citizenship in the DPR and LPR? Residents of the eastern regions, unfortunately, do not have this opportunity. To migrate to Russia, you will need to enter its territory using Ukrainian documents and apply for refugee status. Today, residents who came from the eastern part of Ukraine enjoy certain benefits compared to other migrants. Ukrainians have several ways to settle here:

  • Receive refugee status;
  • Become the owner of a temporary shelter.

A verdict on granting asylum can be obtained in three days (for other foreigners it takes one month). The process of granting refugee status is also expedited. Arriving citizens will receive assistance in settling in Russia and a one-time allowance.

Another option to legalize your stay in Russia is to take part in the resettlement program for compatriots.

It is designed for people with Russian roots who want to return to their historical homeland, as well as people from former post-Soviet republics. In this case, obtaining a residence permit for Ukrainians and temporary residence permits is significantly accelerated, and the period of residence in the state for obtaining citizenship is also reduced.

All the indicated options for integration into Russian society do not give you the right to choose the region for your stay, and therefore you will have to live in regions where additional work force. Otherwise, migrants will not be able to use government support.


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In connection with the fighting in the Donbass, a significant number of Ukrainian citizens are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in other regions and countries (including the Russian Federation). Previously, migrants from Ukraine did not have any advantages, but starting in 2014, a Federal Law was adopted, according to which Russian citizenship for residents of Donbass is granted under simplified conditions if the person has a high level of knowledge of the Russian language.

Basic information for future citizens

In order to obtain Russian citizenship in 2017 you must:

  1. take possession of a residence permit;
  2. reside on the territory of the Russian Federation for five years (or one year in the case of a simplified procedure);
  3. submit an application about your desire to obtain Russian citizenship.

When crossing the Russian border, persons from Donbass receive migration card. It is she, together with the Ukrainian passport, that are the documents that individuals have during emergency migration. Within one week from the moment of crossing the border, Ukrainians need to contact Migration Service with a message about arrival, as well as what status the persons plan to be in the Russian Federation (whether they plan to acquire citizenship in 2017), because for each case there is its own registration procedure and list of required papers.

Attention! Please note that, regardless of the case, all papers must be translated into Russian, as well as notarized. Therefore, the best option would be to preliminary prepare several copies of each document for further presentation to the authorized bodies of the Russian Federation.

Residence permit

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the maximum period of stay in the country for foreign citizens is 90 days every 6 months. But for the residents of Donbass who were forced to leave native land in 2017, preferential conditions were provided, the essence of which is to extend the permitted period of stay until the unfavorable situation in Ukraine continues.

Extension of the period is possible:

  • When applying for a temporary residence permit in 2017 (regardless of whether the documents are ready, and also if they are still being considered).
  • When submitting an application by a foreign citizen who has confirmed knowledge of the Russian language.
  • In case of appropriate request from the employer (when the foreigner is considered a high-level specialist).
  • Upon request from an educational institution where a foreigner is receiving education during the 2016-2017 academic year.
  • In the case of providing a workplace to a foreign student on full-time education.
  • In a situation, an appeal is made to grant the individual refugee status.
  • Upon receipt of temporary residence (asylum is granted for one year, the processing period for the application is three days).
  • When granting a patent for employment.

To a resident of Donbass when receiving asylum must be passed medical examination, after which the migration service issues a certificate. It is this certificate that will be the main document for the Ukrainian, because his internal passport will be stored in migration service. Having received this status, individuals can legally find employment and seek medical care.

When applying for refugee status, similar rules apply. The only difference is that instead of a Ukrainian passport, a certificate is issued indicating information about the children. There are also no certain restrictions specified by law on the permitted period of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation. Such persons will only need in a year and a half pass the commission, which must decide whether to renew the status or cancel it.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit

In order to obtain a residence permit, you must have housing (your own or rented). For each region of Ukraine, there are certain restrictions on the number of persons who may be allowed to temporarily reside in Russia in 2017. This information can be obtained by submitting a request to the migration service.

The period for which you are allowed to temporarily reside in the country is three years, and you must also pay a fee of 1,600 rubles . There are also exceptions to this rule. Therefore, regardless of the quota, the following can obtain a temporary residence permit:

  1. citizens of Ukraine born in the Russian Federation;
  2. children who have disabled parents living in Russia;
  3. disabled parents of individuals with Russian citizenship.

Every foreign citizen V in this case must provide papers that confirm knowledge of the Russian language (this nuance also applies to persons from Donbass), they can be:

  • a document that certifies passing the exam;
  • Soviet certificate or diploma issued before 1991;
  • document confirming education at a Russian higher educational institution;
  • certificate of knowledge of the Russian language.

As for residents of Donbass, the consideration of an application for permission to temporarily reside in the Russian Federation since 2017 is up to two months. In case of a positive decision, a corresponding certificate is issued, which confirms legal stay in the country.

Attention! A year after the certificate is issued, a Ukrainian can apply for a residence permit.

Program "Compatriot"

This program is used in the case of voluntary resettlement of persons who were brought up in Russian traditions, speak the language, but do not have Russian citizenship and provides for obtaining citizenship in fast deadlines. There is an opinion that such individuals, having received citizenship, quickly settle down and become full-fledged citizens of Russia.

The word compatriot refers to persons with Russian citizenship living outside the country, as well as foreigners who had blood relatives living in Russia or the USSR. This nuance is also important for residents of Donbass.
Not only a person with foreign citizenship who is provided with temporary shelter, temporary residence permit or residence permit, but also his family members can become a participant in this program.

If compatriots came to the Russian Federation for temporary shelter, but plan to obtain citizenship in 2017, they need to:

  1. Carry out registration of temporary asylum.
  2. Register as a participant in the program.
  3. Apply for the title of compatriot.
  4. Get a certificate.
  5. Obtain a temporary residence permit.
  6. Submit an application for citizenship.
  7. Add the documents required to obtain citizenship:
  • about asylum;
  • migration card;
  • papers of family members (in case of simultaneous relocation with the applicant);
  • papers that will confirm the information in the application form.

Along with the originals, photocopies of documents certified by a notary and translated into Russian must be submitted.
The positive aspects of this program are:

  1. the possibility of obtaining financial assistance for adaptation to living conditions in the Russian Federation and compensation for moving expenses;
  2. the right to gain the opportunity to temporarily reside in Russia outside of quotas;
  3. no need to take a language proficiency test;
  4. absence of mandatory medical examination.

As a result, we can say that obtaining Russian citizenship is not always simple and easy. But due to the current situation on the territory of Ukraine, it is possible to obtain Russian citizenship for residents of Donbass in 2017 faster and with some simplifications.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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Discussion: 4 comments

    Please tell me. My family and I came from the Donetsk region, Gorlovka
    We issued a temporary residence permit in Crimea in the city of Sevastopol and did not do a temporary registration, but registered at the place of stay. Now we are preparing documents for a residence permit. When we receive a temporary residence permit, we can also register at the place of stay. And how quickly can we apply for citizenship???? ?

    Yes, you will have to register at your place of residence again. The speed of obtaining citizenship depends on whether you have the conditions for easy acquisition.

    Compatriots of Donbass returning to Russia!
    From my own experience, I can say that even after receiving a Russian passport, you will NEVER become full-fledged Russians, but will remain third-class compatriots for life, since Russian legislation is in no way adapted to people like us, but quite the opposite.
    In particular, with the entry into force of Federal Law No. 400-F3 “On Insurance Pensions” in the Russian Federation on January 1, 2015, the insurance (labor) work experience, in particular in the Donbass, from January 1, 2002 to the present (and this is already more than 15 years), was simply not taken into account when calculating pensions in the Russian Federation. Regardless of payment of all taxes, deductions and insurance contributions at the place of work.
    The reason indicated in the official responses of the Ministry of Social Labor, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, etc. is “the absence of a mechanism for mutual settlements in terms of accounting for insurance premiums between Ukraine and Russia.” Like this. And if we do not take into account about 15 years of work experience, and even the time of study at the institute - 5 years, for a total of 20 years, then the pension in any case is awarded as parasites or repeat offenders, dooming us to a completely undeserved eking out a miserable existence for the rest of our lives below the poverty line.
    That is, having worked an equal number of years and with other equal conditions with native Russians, you will NEVER RECEIVE EQUAL PENSIONS, but will always be outcasts in your own country. This is such an undeservedly humiliating and joyless prospect.
    This is not written in the “memos,” but I believe that you need to know this, because it will affect everyone.

    Dear compatriots returning to Russia!
    I propose to take part in promoting a petition to resolve one of the main issues of life, which will affect literally everyone, namely: adapting the pension legislation of the Russian Federation to compatriots who have returned to their homeland and excluding discriminatory conditions from it.
    Review the petition by copying the link below and pasting it into the “enter search term or web address” box and vote “yes” if you agree.
    No one will solve our problems for you and me!
    Petition: hear your compatriots and make a fair decision

Residents of Donbass and Ukrainian citizens living and working in Russia will soon begin to receive Russian citizenship en masse. This forecast, in light of recent events, was voiced by experts from the public initiative “Restoration of Donbass”.

The organization recalls that on July 10, President Poroshenko announced the introduction of biometric control for all foreigners who cross the state border. Including for Russians.

By announcing retaliatory actions against Ukrainian migrants, Russia chose an asymmetrical, but much more serious step in its consequences - simplifying the process of obtaining citizenship and residence permits in Russia for Ukrainian citizens.

Under the normal procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship, the applicant must have a residence permit in Russia, and he must have lived in this country for at least five years. According to experts, the new norms will significantly shorten this procedure for Ukrainians.

“By its decision, the State Duma abolished the main obstacles to Ukrainians obtaining Russian citizenship. Now, according to our estimates, any Ukrainian will be able to receive Russian passport For half a year. That is, we are talking about reducing the procedure by 10 times,” said Donbass Restoration volunteer Ekaterina Mukhina.

The initiative pays special attention to the fact that residents of Donbass, including the population of its uncontrolled territories, will be able to take advantage of the simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship. Hundreds of thousands of Donbass refugees who moved to Russia since the start of the war will also rush to take advantage of the new opportunity.

Moreover, as Restoration of Donbass believes, the ever-increasing difficulties when crossing the Ukrainian-Russian border will push millions of Ukrainian migrant workers to obtain Russian citizenship.

And their number in Russia, according to various estimates, ranges from 1 to 3 million people. Thus, in general, we are talking about no less than 5 million Ukrainians who, due to the policies of the current Poroshenko government, are ready to renounce Ukrainian citizenship and leave their country.

“In the coming year, all Ukrainians who want to obtain Russian citizenship, including residents of Donbass, will be able to do this, even without interaction with Ukrainian government agencies,” Mukhina concluded.

According to her, the Ukrainian authorities are not only not going to interfere with this development of events, but will also facilitate it in every possible way, since they are interested in reducing the number of Ukrainian citizens.

Let us remind you that on July 12 the State Duma Russian Federation supported amendments that simplify the process of obtaining citizenship and residence permits in Russia for Ukrainian citizens.

Now it will be enough for Ukrainians to sign a statement renouncing Ukrainian citizenship, and they will not be required to provide a corresponding certificate from the authorized bodies of Ukraine. The same procedure is provided for Ukrainians wishing to obtain a residence permit in Russia.

At the initiative of Vladimir Putin, passports were recognized as valid by the LPR and DPR, issued in the amount of 40 thousand. In Russia there were both opponents of this law and those who supported it. There was talk about an alleged impending worsening of the terrorist crisis in the country, but it still remained talk. This law, on a general basis, makes it possible to enter the country, just like Ukrainians. No simplification migration regime, faster receipt of residence permits and a shortened scheme for obtaining Russian citizenship.

When crossing the Russian border, standard rules apply for citizens of the LPR and DPR. The status of citizens of the DPR has been legalized and, on a general basis, migrants can stay in our country for 90 days. When obtaining temporary residence permit and residence permit, the period of stay increases in accordance with migration legislation. This information came from RBC with reference to a representative of the State Duma.

Basic provisions of simplified citizenship

The authorities decided to clarify this issue, since violations of the migration regime by migrants from Donbass have become more frequent. Disinformation about the alleged procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for residents of Donbass in an abbreviated form has spread quite widely among the population. In fact, all permits, and especially citizenship for this moment citizens of Donbass receive on the same basis as Ukrainians.

In order to quickly and without consequences obtain Russian citizenship, contact our specialists. They will help you solve your problems.