Rules for the stay of foreign citizens in the country. Stay on the territory of the Russian Federation: new rules for citizens of Ukraine

Federal Law on legal status foreign citizens fixes three legal regimes for the legal stay of foreigners on the territory. RF:

1. Mode of temporary stay. A foreign citizen temporarily staying in the Russian Federation is a person who has arrived in the Russian Federation on the basis of a visa entry) or in a manner not requiring a visa , and received migration card. The period of temporary stay is determined by the period of validity of the visa issued to him. Upon the expiration of the visa, a foreign citizen is obliged to leave the territory. RF. A visa-free stay is possible only if there is an appropriate international agreement (Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Tajikistan, etc.). RF in a visa-free manner, then the period of stay is no more than 90 days (the period can be extended, for example, when issuing a work permit).

2. Mode of temporary residence. A temporary resident is a person who has received temporary residence permit , which is issued by the territorial bodies of the FMS for a period of 3 years (within the limits of quotas annually approved by the Government of the Russian Federation). The Federal Law on the legal status of foreign citizens establishes a list of persons to whom a temporary residence permit may be issued without taking into account quotas. It is based on the kinship or territorial connection of a person with the Russian Federation: 1) those born in the territory. RSFSR and were in the past in the citizenship of the Russian Federation or born in the territory. RF; 2) those recognized as disabled and having a capable son or daughter - citizens of the Russian Federation; 3) having at least one disabled parent - a citizen of the Russian Federation; 4) married to a citizen of the Russian Federation who has a place of residence in the Russian Federation, and others.

3. Regime of permanent residence. A foreign citizen permanently residing in the Russian Federation is a person who has received resident card (a document that: 1) confirms the right of a foreign citizen to permanent residence in Russia; 2) the right to free exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation. For stateless persons A residence permit is also an identity document. An application for a residence permit is submitted by a foreign citizen in the territory. body of the Federal Migration Service no later than 6 months before the expiration of the temporary residence permit. At the same time, before obtaining a residence permit, a foreign citizen is obliged to live in the Russian Federation for at least 1 year on the basis of a temporary residence permit. The residence permit is issued for 5 years. At the end of the term, it can be extended for another 5 years. The number of extensions is not limited. A foreign citizen is obliged to notify the territory once a year. body of the Federal Migration Service to confirm their residence in the Russian Federation in person or by mail. The law lays down the grounds refusal to issue or annul a residence permit. Cancellation, if a foreign citizen: 1) advocates a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, otherwise creates a threat to the security of the Russian Federation or citizens of the Russian Federation; 2) finances (plans) terrorist attacks, supports terrorist activities; 3) was subjected to administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation, deported or transferred by the Russian Federation to a foreign state in accordance with an international treaty on readmissions (mutual obligations of states to take back their citizens, citizens of third countries and stateless persons who illegally arrived on the territory.); 4) submitted forged or forged documents or knowingly provided false information about himself, as well as in other cases specified in the law.


    Good day! My mother is a citizen of Ukraine and a pensioner. The stay of 3 months expires on 02.03.17. Tell me there is an opportunity to extend your stay in Russia for another month without leaving the Russian Federation. I have VZHN in Russia.

    • Good afternoon Larisa! It is possible to legally extend the period of stay for another month only on the basis of good reasons - a state of health that does not allow a foreigner to leave the country on time, or the need to care for seriously ill relatives. There are no more reasons to extend your stay. It can only be extended by requesting a TRP in Russia.


    I am a citizen of Ukraine, I entered the state technical school of the Russian Federation, since September I have been riding back and forth every 3 months, I live with my own aunt who is ready to register me at the address, I have a certificate from the place of study, on 02.03.17 the next 3 months end, as should I extend my stay in the Russian Federation and where should I go for this.
    thanks a lot

    • Hello Ekaterina!
      You don't have to travel every 3 months. Moreover, in order to study, you probably immediately drive back. And according to the rules, you can only stay 90 days in a half year.
      You have a good reason for obtaining a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit (permit) in Russia - long-term study, especially in a public educational institution.
      Collect documents for a temporary residence permit or residence permit on the basis of studies and you will not have to suffer with your stay in the territory of the Russian Federation.
      Documents must be submitted to the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of stay in the Russian Federation. Let your aunt register for you.


    Hello! My mother is a citizen of Ukraine, she came to visit Russia for 2.5 months. Tell her to register at the place of stay.

    • Hello Svetlana!
      Be sure to register your mother at the place of residence, because. she is a foreign citizen. If this is not done, it will turn out that she violated the rules for the stay of a foreign citizen in the country and was here illegally. There is a penalty for this.


    My mother is a citizen of Ukraine. At the time of the reunification of Crimea with Russia, I was a Ukrainian soldier on the territory of Crimea and went over to the side of Russia, as a result of which I changed citizenship to Russian according to a separate scheme. I don’t have my own housing (the apartment remained in Ukraine, where my mother lives). Visit my mother in Ukraine (according to known reasons) I can not. Mom is ready to sell an apartment in Ukraine and buy housing in Russia.
    Question! How to make this "operation" legal and give her permanent residence in Russia??? Tell me please!!!

    • Hello, Alexander!
      Your mother needs to apply for a RVP in Russian Federation. If she is of retirement age and lives alone in Ukraine, then you can reunite her with you for the purpose of caring for a single elderly parent. It will not be difficult for her to get a residence permit if she is already a pensioner, because. older people are exempted from the mandatory exam for knowledge of the Russian language and the basics of history. Learn more about possible relocation programs and required documents can be read in the article.

    Good day! We are citizens of Ukraine, we have been living in the Moscow region for more than 7 years. work of. with a patent. The child will go to the first grade in September 2017. Perhaps we can expect to receive a quota for gr. RF

    • Good afternoon, Tatyana!
      If you have not had any violations of the terms of stay, problems with paying a patent, paying fines and other offenses, you can, on a general basis, apply for quotas for a residence permit of the Russian Federation, and then for citizenship. The main thing is to choose a region in which there are free quotas. It is very difficult to obtain quotas in the Moscow region.

    Tell me please! My grandfather is disabled, he is 81 years old, he is a citizen of the Russian Federation, I am a citizen of Ukraine, if a rent agreement is drawn up between us, it gives me the right to receive
    rp without quota?

    • Hello Andrei!
      Yes, under such conditions, it is possible to obtain a TRP outside the quotas due to caring for a lonely elderly person in need of care.
      To do this, you need to collect all certificates from doctors confirming the need for care and provide them along with other documents when applying for a RWP.

    What threatens the residence of a pensioner of Ukraine 78 years old, in the territory of the Russian Federation for more than a year and a half without registration? And can she safely leave for Ukraine, and then move back in order to formalize the inheritance after the death of her son?

    • Hello!
      It depends on what region the pensioner lives in. In Moscow and the Moscow region - threatens with deportation and a large fine of 5000-7000 rubles for violation of the rules for the stay of foreigners in the Russian Federation. If in another region, it may be possible to get off only with a fine of 2000-5000 rubles. In any case, you need to go to the migration service and legalize your situation, otherwise, after leaving for Ukraine, you will not be able to enter back.

    Hello, my friend from Ukraine, Donetsk region, has been traveling around Russia for 40 days already, went to Russian children in Murmansk, then to Yalta and came to visit me in Alushta for 6 days. Please tell me whether I need to register it with the FMS or not.

    • Hello Nikolay!
      If it is already registered, then it is not necessary to register it with you for 6 days.
      The allowed registration period is up to 7 days. You fit within the allowed period and can do without registration. But, as she said above, provided that she is already registered at the place of her previous stay.

    Hello! My brother, a citizen of the LNR, came to the Moscow region about a month ago to visit a friend, but he did not register him. I am his sister, registered in Moscow, can I register him at my place of residence, and will he face any fine for not being registered anywhere for a month?

    • Hello Irina!
      Yes, brother should be registered as soon as possible. But you will have to pay a fine, and if you register him in Moscow, then he will even face deportation. If there is an opportunity (relatives, friends) in other regions, try to negotiate and let him register there, then there should be no problems other than a fine.

    I am a citizen of Ukraine, I want to build a house in the Crimea and live there. How can I stay there permanently?

    • Hello Yana!
      To begin with, you need to obtain a TRP (temporary residence permit) in the Russian Federation under quotas, if you have no grounds for obtaining a TRP and a residence permit outside the quotas.
      You can read more about the conditions for obtaining a TRP, the package of documents that you need to collect in a separate one.

    Hello, I was born in the USSR, after the collapse of the Ukrainian citizen now the DPR, how can I get Russian citizenship? Where to start and how expensive will it be?

    Good day! An aunt from Ukraine is going to come! How many days can she stay in Russia and what documents to issue?
    Coming in two weeks!

    • Hello Olga!
      As stated in this article, citizens of Ukraine have the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation for no more than 90 days every six months.
      Those. for two weeks your aunt can definitely stay in Russia without hindrance.
      Upon arrival, you will need to immediately register it for migration at the place of stay in the Russian Federation. To do this, you will need to contact the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (migration service) at your place of residence and register your aunt at your address.

    I am a citizen of Ukraine, I married a Russian from January to June, I did not leave the Russian Federation, can I apply for a patent now?

    • Hello, Elena!
      A patent can be issued at any time.
      But if you have a husband who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, it is better for you to issue a temporary residence permit on the basis of marriage without quotas, and after 3 years of married life, you can submit documents and apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation according to a simplified scheme.

    Nobody canceled the 90/180 rules! Residents of the DNR and LNR also fall under this law! Don't listen to gossip! Entry-exit waste of time and money! Get a fine and non-entry status for five years! With a passport of the DPR and LPR, a patent cannot be obtained! Since July 10, 2017, they have been expelled, fined with a bang! Citizens Ukrainians, obey the law and you will be happy!

    Good afternoon. My friend's documents were lost due to the fault of the migration service workers. For a long time he lived on the territory of the Russian Federation without documents. How can he restore them without leaving for Ukraine? Thank you.

    • Good day!
      He needs to receive confirmation from the migration service about the loss of documents and apply with it to the consular department of Ukraine to restore documents. This will take a little longer than if you contacted directly Passport Office in Ukraine, because the consulate will make a request to the country of citizenship. Cost will be the same.

    Hello, I stayed in Russia for three months, returned to Ukraine, stayed there for a week and again came to the Russian Federation, stayed for three months, and went back. After how many months can I come to the territory of the Russian Federation?

    • Hello Lyudmila!
      You did not have the right to return back to Russia a week after leaving. You violated the 90/180 stay rule.
      After staying in the Russian Federation for three months, the next time you could enter only after another three months, and also stay no more than 90 days.
      Those. in total, in each half-year you can legally stay on the territory of the Russian Federation for no more than 90 days.

    hello. Tell me, I have been in the Russian Federation for three months, a week before leaving, can I submit documents for the voluntary resettlement program of compatriots? and what time should i check out? can I apply to the embassy of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine with this request on entry

    • Hello Andrei!
      In your situation, it would probably be better to leave anyway, so that there are no unnecessary problems later. And you will need to submit an application and other documents for participation in the program for the resettlement of compatriots at the consulate of the Russian Federation in your country.
      You need to travel far enough to comply with the 90/180 rule. Those. in each half-year you can stay in Russia for no more than three months. So the next entry you will be only in a month.

    Good afternoon! Tell me please. I am a citizen of Ukraine, now I live in Russia and received Russian citizenship, I still have my Ukrainian passports, valid ones, can I present my Russian foreign passport when traveling home, to Ukraine at the Russian border. and in ukr. ukrainian or is it in no way possible to do this? And is it necessary to have an invitation from Ukraine?

    • Hello Irina!
      You must leave and return under the same document! In no case should you use different documents during one trip, so it may turn out that you are crossing the border illegally. Platmow You need to decide and choose with which documents you will make your trip.

    Hello! Received a patent for work, but registration ends. Does it need to be renewed if the patent is valid?

    • Hello Boris!
      It is necessary to make advance payments for the patent on time and monitor the timely renewal of registration.

      • Can you provide a link to the document? From what I know: Article 20, paragraph 1 of the Law on Migration Registration says that you need to be guided by the Law or an international treaty, and there is an intergovernmental agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, which says that citizens are exempted from registration if the period of stay does not exceed 90 days from the date of entry.

    Hello! Tell me, please, my friend's uncle (a citizen of Ukraine living in the territory of the DPR) on March 11, 2017 left for the Crimea, the city of Sevastopol. After 3 months, i.e. in June, he crossed the border of the Russian Federation and the DPR. For a day he was on the territory of the DPR, and then returned to Sevastopol, and this moment is located there. In September, he will again need to cross the border with the DPR and return to Sevastopol again. And he is worried about how the 90/180 law may affect his crossing the border? And does this law work at all?

    • Hello Kira!
      Yes, of course, the 90/180 law applies. And a simple departure for 1 day, and then a return return is not enough. The break between three-month trips must also be 90 days. Those. in each half-year on the territory of the Russian Federation you can stay no more than 90 days.
      If your friend's uncle wishes to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation without leaving for more than three months, then he needs to issue a TRP (temporary residence permit), or apply for refugee status.

    HELLO, I have a question, my young man will already receive citizenship of the Russian Federation in a month, I'm his girlfriend came to live with him. He has now been sent on a business trip to Kaliningrad. I came to live with him, we rented an apartment, I'm not going to work yet. How can I arrange accommodation with him in Russia. I came from Ukraine.

    • Hello Lyudmila!
      The only way for you to obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP) on the territory of the Russian Federation, without waiting for quotas and without violating the rules of stay, will be the official registration of marriage and obtaining a TRP outside quotas on the basis of marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation. And after three years of uninterrupted residence on the territory of the Russian Federation in marriage, you will be able to obtain Russian citizenship in an expedited manner. You can read more about the conditions and required documents in a separate article And the second question. If during these 88 days I leave for Ukraine, and then return back, but leave the territory of the Russian Federation before the expiration of the already issued temporary registration, do I need to contact the migration service again?

      • Hello, Elena!
        1. Yes, of course, you can move around the entire territory of the Russian Federation, but upon arrival in another city, you must also register at the place of stay.
        2. You can leave earlier, but keep in mind that you will be able to enter back only for the remainder of the days allowed for you. It is impossible to exceed the period of stay of 88-90 days! The next entry will be allowed only after 3 months.

        • Marina, thanks for your reply. I understood that I can only move back for the remaining days, but do I need to re-do the temporary registration or not? I have a temporary registration from 09/19/2017 to 12/17/2017. During this period of time, I will probably go to Ukraine and return. So do I need to contact the migration service again or do I not need to?

          • Elena,
            if the owner does not cancel your temporary registration after your departure, then it will remain with you, and you can not register again upon entry.

    • Hello. such a question, I have a temporary shelter in my hands; it ends on February 15, 2018. It will not be extended. I plan to apply for a quota in January if they give me a quota and then I run out of MA. Will my MU be extended in order to collect documents for a temporary residence permit?

      • Hello Anya!
        This will depend on whether they will give you a quota in the desired region at all or will immediately refuse.

      Hello! I am a citizen of the southeast of Ukraine! Crossed the border several times! Now he moved to Russia with his family! (wife and small child) But when registering for migration, they said that the period of stay of 90 days had expired! How can it be extended?

      • Hello Ruslan!
        You were rightly told that a citizen of Ukraine can stay on the territory of the Russian Federation for no more than 90 days in each half of the year. For a longer stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, you need to either apply for a quota for a temporary residence permit, or participate in the resettlement program for compatriots, if you meet its conditions, or receive the status of a refugee or forced migrant. More details about these options are written in a separate article.

If a citizen of the CIS is employed in Russia, he can stay in the country without leaving the country until the expiration of the work permit (up to three years). Before the expiration of this period, he needs to leave Russia, after which he enters and draws up a new work permit.

Upon dismissal, a CIS citizen has the right to use the existing valid work permit to conclude an employment contract with a new employer. Only 15 working days are allotted to search for a new company. If a foreigner does not conclude an employment contract with a new employer, he continues to stay in Russia not as a foreign worker, but as individual. In turn, as mentioned above, a citizen of the CIS can stay in Russia for private purposes for no more than 90 days. Thus, if on the day of dismissal more than 90 days have passed from the moment of entry, he should leave Russia on the 15th working day after the termination of the employment contract with the former company.

Foreign citizens arriving in Russia on a visa are limited by the period of validity of this visa. It should be remembered that in the presence of a multiple business visa valid for 6 or 12 months, a foreigner can stay in the territory of the Russian Federation for a total of only 90 days out of every 180. On the ninetieth day of stay within a 180-day period, a foreign citizen is obliged to leave the country.

If a foreigner did not have time to leave Russia before the expiration of the specified 90-day period in the presence of a business visa or before the expiration of the visa, he must apply to the territorial office of the migration service for an exit (transit) visa. This visa issued for up to 10 days. For its registration, it is necessary to provide a written confirmation to the state authority that the foreigner stayed in Russia for objective reasons. For example, a disease of a foreign citizen is confirmed by a certificate from a medical institution signed by the chief physician. In the absence of a valid reason, a foreigner will also be issued an exit visa, however, an administrative fine may be imposed on him for violating the migration legislation of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the period of stay in Russia, the Law restricts travel to certain areas of Russia. Federal Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" states that foreigners have the right to freedom of movement for personal or business purposes within the Russian Federation, with the exception of visiting certain territories.

The personal purposes of the trip include a tourist study trip to another locality in the time free from performance of labor duties, for example, on holidays or during the vacation period. For business - participation in conferences, negotiations, seminars, round tables, as well as the performance of work, the provision of services. At the same time, when working on the basis of an employment contract, foreign citizens temporarily staying and temporarily residing in Russia are not entitled to work outside the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which they were issued, respectively, a work permit or a temporary residence permit.

However, there is an exception to this prohibition. So, a foreign employee temporarily staying in the Russian Federation can be sent to another region on a business trip, where, if he has a travel certificate, the period of work can be up to 10 calendar days during the period of validity of the work permit. If we are talking about a temporary resident in Russia foreign worker, then the duration of the business trip can be a total of no more than 40 days per year. Highly qualified specialists can be on a business trip continuously for no more than 30 calendar days a year. At the same time, the number of business trips of highly qualified specialists both during the year and during the period of validity of the work permit is not limited.

If the labor activity of a foreign citizen is traveling in nature, and this is indicated in employment contract, the total period of work outside the region where the work permit is valid is no more than 60 calendar days for foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation and no more than 90 days for temporary residents. Highly qualified specialists can work in other regions for an unlimited amount of time due to the traveling nature of their work.

These exceptions are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of July 28, 2010 N 564n. At the same time, the Order establishes a list of professions (positions) and work, in the performance of which a foreign citizen can use the opportunity to visit other regions of the Russian Federation for work purposes.

When foreign citizens travel around Russia, it should be taken into account that the access of foreigners to a number of organizations, to some objects and territories is limited. The list of such places was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 11, 2002 N 754. These include military camps, the border zone, territories where a state of emergency or martial law has been introduced, for example, environmental disaster zones, and others. A special permit is required for a foreigner to visit such territories.

Until October 31, 2015, Ukrainians could take advantage of migration benefits: they repeatedly extended their stay in Russia. Now the FMS of Russia calls on them to legitimize their legal status, because after this date the rules allowing Ukrainian citizens to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation were revised.

Until recently, employees of the migration departments were required to freely extend the duration of their stay in the country for Ukrainians. Like other visitors from the CIS countries, they could stay in Russia for up to 90 days within six months, but this period was allowed to be extended on the basis of a passport and. This order was in effect during the intra-Ukrainian crisis.

But now the rules for the stay of Ukrainian citizens in the Russian Federation have changed, as reported in the FMS news. Previously, it was possible to live on the territory of the Russian Federation without applying for any permits. According to the new immigration law, which was released in 2015, now the citizens of Ukraine must take care of obtaining the official consent of the state for their stay:

  • patent;
  • temporary residence permits;
  • residence permit;
  • refugee status;
  • temporary or;
  • education in a Russian educational institution.

As Ukrainians cross the Russian border along visa-free regime they are exempt from obtaining a work permit.

Forecast for the future

The renewal of registration for citizens of Ukraine will be a very large-scale event, because, according to the press service of the FMS, their number exceeds 2.6 million people.

April 2014 to October 2015 Migration Service reviewed 404,000 applications for granting and 265,000 applications for issuing TRPs.

Will the preferential treatment be preserved? According to official data, this order will not affect only people from the southeastern region of the country who left their homeland en masse. They - and this is more than 1 million people - can still count on the use of preferential treatment.

Ukrainian citizens can still cross the border of the Russian Federation on a civil passport and stay in the country for no longer than 90 days within 180 days. To confirm the time frame of your visit, when crossing the border, you should fill out and save the migration card. It can be obtained from the train crew, bus driver or border control officer.

When returning to Ukraine, the exit part of the coupon will need to be handed over. Making out the exit, the Russian border guards will be guided by the date of entry stamped in the coupon.

If citizens of Ukraine exceeded the period of stay in Russia in 2017 without a serious reason, this can be fraught with sad consequences. A valid reason is:

  1. Job.
  2. Studies.
  3. Serious illness.
  4. Injury.
  5. Funeral of a family member.

Each of these events must be documented.

Having received one of the types of residence permit, you need to submit your migration card to the FMS for a stamp confirming the extension of the period.

Registration questions

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the legal status of foreigners in the Russian Federation", it is provided. According to the website, they must register within 7 business days of arriving at their destination. The procedure is free. Without this registration, none of the arrivals will be able to apply for a patent and other official permits.

Although the purpose of accounting is the formal recording of data on the location of a foreign citizen, the legislation provides for serious sanctions for ignoring this requirement.