A secret place to watch the Scarlet Sails program. “Scarlet Sails” with a golden tint: Who and how makes money at the country’s main graduation ceremony

A grand celebration dedicated to graduates educational institutions entitled “Scarlet Sails”, will take place on June 23, 2018. Every year in St. Petersburg, thousands of people gather on the Neva River to see with their own eyes an incredible spectacle and feel the festive atmosphere.

Prom " Scarlet Sails"in St. Petersburg will take place on the night of June 23-24, 2018. Without changing the long-standing tradition, the event is held during the White Nights. This year it is timed to coincide with the last bell holiday. The annual event “Scarlet Sails” is one of the brightest and most colorful holidays throughout the territory Russian Federation.

“Scarlet Sails” is unique in its incredible spectacles; it has no analogues in the whole world. The impressive highlight of this event is the pyrotechnics and light show. Bridges and beautiful palaces of the city act as the backdrop for such a wonderful performance, and the main character of the evening is a ship with really scarlet sails.

The ship floats down the river to the sounds of classical music and is accompanied by fireworks, which symbolizes the hope of fulfilling the wishes of all graduates. It is worth saying that this holiday even received an award for the best event in all of Europe.

Scarlet Sails 2018 holiday program: prom program

June 23, 2018:

– from 20:00 to 22:00 - gathering of graduates on Palace Square and spectators on the Spit of Vasilievsky Island;

– 22:00 - theatrical prologue on Palace Square;

– 22:20 - start of concerts on Palace Square and on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

June 24, 2018:

– from 00:40 to 01:00 - water and pyrotechnic show on the Neva, fireworks to classical music;

– 00:50 - passage of the Swedish sailing ship “Tre Kronor of Stockholm” with scarlet sails, referring viewers to the work of the same name;

– 01:10 - continuation of concerts on Palace Square and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island;

– 04:00 - end of the show.

Scarlet Sails 2018 holiday program: guest stars

Several stars were announced in the “Scarlet Sails 2018” program in St. Petersburg. Among them:

– Marie Crimebreary;

– Artem Pivovarov;

- Victoria Dayneko;

– My Michelle;

– Quest Pistols Show;

These are the artists this year that were chosen by the 2018 graduates themselves.

Scarlet Sails 2018 holiday program: event plan

Exactly at 10:00 pm the introductory part of the program starts on Palace Square. After 20 minutes, the concert begins there, which will last more than 2 hours. Guest stars will perform for all guests of the event.

The water and pyrotechnic program will begin after midnight: at 00:40. It will unfold before the eyes of spectators in a water amphitheater over an area of ​​three kilometers.

Against the backdrop of city buildings, palaces and temples, this spectacle will become even more attractive and large-scale. For some time, the Neva will turn into a springboard for a fabulous action that many people in the world want to see.

The show doesn't last very long - twenty-one minutes. However, during this time the St. Petersburg sky will be illuminated by fifty thousand salvos. We can say that the heavens will literally bloom with fiery flowers.

More than two hundred people work on the program to please the eye. While there is a pyrotechnic show, an orchestra will play over the waters of the Neva. Every year different melodies are selected for “Scarlet Sails”.

At the end of the program, the “Secret” ship will appear - a ship with scarlet sails. It will pass along the river bank accompanied by musical accompaniment. The fireworks display will still continue at this time. For seven years now, the role of a fairy-tale ship has been played by the Swedish sailing ship “Three Crowns”.

The concert will continue after 1 am, and the event itself will end only at 4 am.

Scarlet Sails 2018 holiday program: tickets for the Scarlet Sails holiday in 2018

Entry to the Scarlet Sails concert in 2018 is by invitation only for graduates and their immediate relatives, as well as for school teachers. Tickets are ordered by school management and issued before June 22, 2018.

Everyone can be on the embankment and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island for free. The only chance to get to Palace Square for guests and residents of St. Petersburg is to purchase tickets there in person on the day of the holiday.

How to get to the holiday, what is necessary?

All 11th grade students at school are given invitation cards to the event. Without this entrance ticket, no one will be able to attend the celebration.

To get a ticket, you need to contact the head of the school, who in turn will contact the relevant authorities to obtain invitation cards.

If the school management was unable to obtain invitation cards, then you can contact the Education Committee for help.

During the Scarlet Sails event in 2018, traffic will be limited in St. Petersburg

In connection with the holiday of all graduates, the traffic schedule in the city center will be changed in St. Petersburg:

  • until June 26, traffic will be blocked on the far right lane along Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt in the direction of the Trinity Bridge;
  • from 11:00 on June 22 to 11:50 on June 23, from 23:00 on June 24 to 05:00 on June 25, traffic on the rightmost lane on the Trinity Bridge in the direction from Trinity Square to Suvorov Square will be blocked;
  • until June 28, 23:00 – traffic on the far right lane on Birzhevaya Square is blocked;
  • from 11:50 on June 23 to 18:00 on June 24, traffic on the Trinity Bridge will be blocked;
  • from 17:30 on June 23 to 05:00 on June 24, there will be no passage for vehicles along Nevsky Prospect from Sadovaya Street to Palace Square, Palace Bridge, Birzhevaya Square, Gorokhovaya Street. from Malaya Morskaya street. to Admiralteysky Ave., emb. R. Moika from Aptekarsky lane. to Nevsky Prospect, Malaya Morskaya Street. from Nevsky Prospect to Voznesensky Prospect, Bolshaya Morskaya Street. from Voznesensky Prospect to Nevsky Prospect, Moshkov Lane, Aptekarsky Lane, emb. Winter Canal, Marble Lane, Voznesensky Ave. on the site from M. Morskaya street. to Admiralteysky Prospekt, Admiralteyskaya embankment. from Dvortsovy Proezd to Senate Square, as well as along Millionnaya Street. from Aptekarsky lane to Palace Square and some other directions.

Where is the best place to watch Scarlet Sails?

City guests often ask: “Where is the best place to watch Scarlet Sails?” If you are staying at a hotel, you can talk to the administration about purchasing an invitation ticket to the Scarlet Sails holiday. You can buy it from hand or online, but in this case you need to beware of numerous fakes. With an invitation card, it is better to arrive early and choose a place closer to you.

There is a free option for those who don't like huge crowds and don't want to take up space for several hours. A rehearsal is held 1 day before the event, and you can watch the general run of the sailboat 2 times, most often it is held at 22-30 and 23-30.

Go to the cafes, which are located on pontoons near the shore, and get a wonderful overview of everything that is happening!

You can, of course, listen to the concert while not far from Palace Square, but the view is depressing...

Having walked along the entire Moika, crowds of people gather on the Champ de Mars to watch the tops of the masts moving between the buildings for 5 seconds.

How transport will work on June 23, 2018, on the night of “Scarlet Sails - 2018”

For those who are going to the center of St. Petersburg on the night of June 23-24, it is better to leave their personal vehicles at home. But the metro will operate all night, as well as special buses duplicating metro lines. Buses will begin running on all routes after the bridges on the Neva, raised for the duration of the sailing ship's passage, are closed.

Access to the metro station on the night of June 23-24 will be carried out using tokens and all types of travel documents. Fare on night buses will be paid at a one-time rate of 40 rubles.

For most of those who want to attend the Scarlet Sails festival, the phrase “entry is strictly for graduates, by invitation” sounds like “it will be a little difficult, but you can get a ticket.”

One of the reasons why non-graduates are so eager to get there is the autonomy of the main summer holiday. The second reason is, of course, the grandeur of the water performance and the concert of favorite artists on Palace Square.

It should be noted that entry to ordinary spectators is closed only to Palace Square itself; no one is forbidden to listen to music and watch shows from the adjacent territories. But the forbidden fruit is sweet, and no one has canceled economic theory. So, Life offers eight ways to spend the night of June 25-26 among a crowd of graduates.

1. View from the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island

The simplest and, importantly, affordable way- enjoy the water performance from the spit of Vasilyevsky Island (or from the nearest embankments). Perhaps girls should give up high-heeled shoes, because best places will go to those who arrive early. And your loved one won’t give you a lift - some sections of roads and bridges in the city center will be blocked during the holiday.

2. Climb onto the roofs of neighboring houses

By default, this method is available to residents of houses adjacent to Palace Square. If you are not one of them, there is nothing left to do but turn to roofers (roof climbers) who will help guide you there as a friend or as part of an excursion group.

The cost of tickets for such “excursions” on the eve of “Scarlet Sails” starts on average from 1.5 thousand rubles per person. It is worth noting that this method is far from safe: as in previous years, the police promise to check all the roofs and attics of the Central and Petrogradsky districts of St. Petersburg and prevent people from watching the fireworks from there. Otherwise, those walking on the roofs will disturb the peaceful sleep of the residents of the upper floors.

3. Buy a boat excursion

Perhaps the most popular method among tourists, despite its high cost. Walking on ships at night under open bridges is incredibly romantic, and on the Scarlet Sails holiday, when the waters of the Neva are illuminated by fireworks and a stunning light and pyrotechnic show begins around, it’s simply “space”.

The price range varies - it all depends on the class of the vessel and the program on board. On average from 2.5 thousand rubles per person. Tickets to boat trips They sell out quickly, so it's worth worrying about this in advance. The same goes for binoculars, since not a single ship will be able to get close to the brigantine.

4. Buy an invitation card

One of the most common and unsafe methods. Alumni's plans for this night often do not coincide with the holiday program, so young people with a light hand and a pure heart put their tickets up for sale. According to offers on Avito, you can get the coveted ticket in exchange for 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

Unfortunately, on the website you will not find information about the integrity of the seller, which means that when buying such a ticket, you can easily encounter scammers. Please note that 2016 tickets, in addition to other levels of security, are equipped with special perforation.

5. Rent an apartment nearby

If you are smart and save a little, you can ensure yourself quite comfortable leisure time and a chic look. Apartments with a view of the epicenter of events will cost an average of 4.5 thousand rubles per day.

6. Sign up to volunteer

The work of volunteers at “Scarlet Sails” cannot even be called work. The functions of young people include:

a) act as concert spectators in the fan zone on Palace Square; b) be a spectator on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island; c) check tickets before the concert (after checking the tickets, these volunteers will be able to choose one of the two venues indicated above); d) participate in a mise-en-scène with a famous musician on the embankment during a television broadcast.

There are also disadvantages: there is an age limit for volunteers - from 16 to 25 years. 7. Enter from the “back door”

Regulars of the Scarlet Sails festival say that they have more than once made their way into the closed area through fences in the courtyards adjacent to the arch of the General Staff Building. Unsafe, but exciting.

8. Cry in front of security

IN On the night of June 23-24, the main St. Petersburg summer show - "Scarlet Sails - 2018" will take place.
Scarlet Sails is our main “branded” city holiday in St. Petersburg, a kind of St. Petersburg summer New Year.

The Scarlet Sails holiday was first celebrated in St. Petersburg in 1968 and was celebrated for 10 years until 1979. Then BFL took a break and began to be celebrated again in 2005. It is held on the weekend closest to the long day June white night.

This year the holiday turns 50, which is why all viewers should expect a show that has never happened before. The city authorities assume that about 80 thousand graduates (former schoolchildren) alone will take to the streets and embankments of the city.

The Scarlet Sails festival will begin at 22:00. By tradition, the main venues for the event will be Palace Square and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. One of the symbols of the holiday of graduates is traditionally, which can always be considered as a transition from school life to adulthood, from the past to the future.

An unusual stage will be built next to the General Staff building. From 20:00 to 22:00, graduates and their guests will gather on Palace Square, and the rest of the audience will gather on the Spit of Vasilievsky Island. This year access to the Palace Bridge will be opened. But it is better to reserve a place there in advance - most likely several hours in advance.

The program will start at 22:00 with a theatrical prologue on Palace Square, and at 22:20 concerts will begin at both venues. The host of the concert has been Ivan Urgant for several years. His colleagues over the years were Yulia Kovalchuk, Yana Churikova, Alexander Gudkov, Alla Mikheeva, Olga Shelest, and in the last two years this honor has been given to the showman by Channel Five journalist Daria Alexandrova. In total, 350 people will perform on stage during the evening.

The headliner of the concert is one of the leaders of the rap movement, the group Basta. In addition, Ukrainian singer Alekseev and Russian rapper ST (Alexander Stepanov), Alsou and Marie Crimebreri, Artyom Pivovarov and Victoria Daineko, My Michelle and Quest Pistols Show will perform on Palace Square.

At 00:40 the public will be treated to a mesmerizing light and pyrotechnic show, the culmination of which will be the appearance of a ship with scarlet sails on the Neva. Under the flash of fireworks, he will sail along the main waterway of the city and remind the public how important it is to believe with all your heart in a beautiful dream. There is no use waiting for him at the Bronze Horseman! He will pass by Summer Garden and will make a turn at the Hermitage. The entire show will take place near the Hermitage. It is useless to stand near the Bronze Horseman.

There will also be a pyrotechnic show on the Trinity Bridge. The organizers have prepared many surprises and technical structures that have no analogues in the world.

00:50 passage of the brigantine “Secret” under scarlet sails.

At 01:10 the audience will be able to return to the stage: the concert program will resume and continue until 04:00.

Entry to Palace Square will be based on invitation cards, which will be issued to graduates and their parents. Some of the tickets were sent to other cities.

Holiday video

Informal advice:

1. The weather seems good, but it might rain at night. This year the summer is good, but it is always cool near the water. In addition to the jacket, take a windbreaker or a cheap raincoat for 100 rubles. As good as it gets! And it’s convenient to take pictures and hide from the rain and wind. It's always colder near the water! If your girlfriend says FI! Take two, and then you’ll give her your raincoat anyway. Don’t take umbrellas, you’ll break them and gouge out the eyes of others, you might get in the way of beatings.

2. Wear tight, closed shoes. NOT SANDALS! It is impossible to look at your feet in a crowd; there will definitely be broken bottles or other feet in heavy drunken shoes, at a minimum.

3. You will not be allowed into the area where you can dance with your own bottles or any liquid, even in plastic!

4. The metro will operate all night, which is convenient. BUT! Access only by tokens. They will work all night at 30 minute intervals. bus routes 8, 12, 56, 77, 80, 93, 106, 114, 142 and 154, trolleybus 37, which run between metro stations and residential areas of “dormitory” areas. The rest of the transport will start working no earlier than 4 am.

5. Don't take up space on the embankment. You stand for a long time, you can’t move away (you’ll lose your place), there’s a crush and you can’t really see anything. It's better to hang out on the roof, on a boat or near the stage. The screen is more visible and beautiful, and fireworks can be seen from everywhere. The best place IMHO is at the stage on Strelka, but even better at home on the couch watching the live broadcast.

6. If you are not alone, take CHARGED mobile phones. It's very easy to get lost! One young man in 2011 I was looking for my elderly mother, whom I brought for the holiday and lost. He made his way through the crowd and shouted in a wild, frightened voice MOM! MOTHER! Help! She won't find her way home! Everyone sympathized with him, but they could not help him. I was even scared for my mother. It's very easy to get lost there. I hope everything is fine with them.
Agree in advance where you will meet if you get lost. If not local, write a note in the children’s pocket with your mobile phone number and hotel address. It's easy to get lost in the crowd, but there are always a LOT of people.

7. Go to the toilet in advance and don't drink beer before. There are toilets there, but the queues will be wild.

8. If you are driving, it wouldn’t hurt to have a regular stool with you on which you can sit and if you need to stand. But if you cross the bridges from the Petrograd side towards the center by car, getting back will be problematic.

9. Once again - dress warmly, take a raincoat, FULLY CHARGE YOUR MOBILE! Check the chargers of those you are traveling with. If available, take a charger.

10. It’s best to watch the show with a boat a day earlier, during the dress rehearsal))) but watch the fireworks in full on the holiday itself)))

11. There are websites selling tickets to the rooftops. Immediately clarify what will be visible from it, otherwise you can pay 3000, and the Neva and the boat will not be visible at all, only fireworks. They can local residents don't let him in and the night could end in police custody. As far as I know, officially you can even get onto the roof of the Hermitage (there is an LLC that officially sells tickets) it recently cost 5,000 rubles, but just before the holiday it could be more expensive.

Often you can only buy tickets for Scarlet Sails via the Internet. It's better to do this in advance. The best viewing from a pleasure boat. You can buy tickets

The Scarlet Sails holiday symbolizes the hope placed on promising and talented youth, including graduates, on whom the future of not only St. Petersburg residents, but the entire country depends. This year the holiday motto is “Together with Russia.” This slogan has a deep meaning - it is the graduates who will build the future of our Motherland.

The presenters will be Ivan Urgant and Daria Alexandrova. The following will perform at the festival:

  • Marcus Riva
  • 2MASHI
  • #Lera
  • Vladimir Presnyakov
  • Yulia Parshuta
  • Marseilles
  • Sergey Lazarev
  • Polina Gagarina

This year it will be presented completely new program pyrotechnic show. Guests of St. Petersburg will see a truly enchanting spectacle, the most beautiful in their lives. Nine towers will be constructed on the Trinity Bridge, four of which are 33 meters each. In addition, 13 pyrotechnic structures will be installed on pontoons in the Neva waters. A sailboat under scarlet sails, music and colorful tints of all colors of the rainbow will create a spectacle of stunning beauty.

Guests of the holiday will be treated to a premiere - this year the show “Scarlet Sails 2019” will be presented by a new sailboat created in Russia and especially for this holiday. He arrived from Kronstadt and is located on the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment, his name is “Russia”.

The basis of the future sailing vessel was the hull of a former fishing seiner. In order for the brig to match the sailing ships of the 19th century, experts almost completely rebuilt the hull. When creating the vessel, ancient shipbuilding methods were taken into account, and modern technologies were also used. The length of the sailboat is 50 meters, width - 7.6 meters, draft - 3.5 meters. Main engine power - 610 hp. The size of the scarlet sails is 900 square meters. meters. On the open sea, the brig can move at a speed of 16 knots per hour (about 30 km per hour), which is the maximum for this class of ships.

It is expected that the Scarlet Sails holiday will gather more than 33,000 graduates of St. Petersburg schools and more than 1.5 million citizens and guests of St. Petersburg.

The Scarlet Sails holiday was first celebrated in St. Petersburg in 1968 and was celebrated for 10 years until 1979. This significant day began to be celebrated again in 2005. It is held on the weekend closest to the longest day of the June white night.

Program for the Scarlet Sails holiday in 2019



Gathering of graduates and guests

Concert program with the participation of show business stars

1:10 -

Continuation of the concert program with the participation of youth groups

Events during the Scarlet Sails holiday in St. Petersburg

Now “Scarlet Sails” is a show of international scale, gathering more and more viewers every year.

Graduates of St. Petersburg schools receive 2 invitation cards - for themselves and for their friend. The celebration usually takes place on 2 sites - on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island and on Palace Square, where large screens are installed and a teleconference is organized between the sites. Entrance to Palace Square is by invitation cards. Everyone is usually present on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. On the night of the event, traffic on the Neva stops.

The governor of St. Petersburg addresses the graduates with parting words. The motto of the holiday is “Russia – a land of opportunities.” Its symbol is Dunaevsky's overture to the film "Children of Captain Grant".

Then a concert is held on Palace Square, the program of which includes famous artists, and one of the presenters for several years in a row is Ivan Urgant. Many guests also watch the concert on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

The culmination is a spectacular lighting show, accompanied by colorful fireworks and the live sounds of a symphony orchestra in the waters of the Neva between the Troitsky, Dvortsovy and Birzhevoy bridges. To the music of Dunaevsky for the film “Children of Captain Grant,” a ship with scarlet sails appears from the Trinity Bridge.

After the colorful show, concerts continue in which youth groups take part.

Unfortunately, by the morning, celebration venues are strewn with trash and lawns are trampled. Very drunk young people are walking along the streets. Sometimes fights break out. In this regard, proposals are being discussed to limit the sale of alcohol stronger than 15 degrees on the eve of and on the day of the holiday. But it is remarkable that only a small part of young people celebrate the holiday so vigorously.

The Scarlet Sails holiday in St. Petersburg gives graduates faith in a bright future. The organizers are trying to make the event interesting not only for young people, but also for older people.

How the Scarlet Sails holiday appeared in St. Petersburg

Then, in 1968, the director of the City Palace of Pioneers was given the task by the city leadership to organize a citywide celebration of graduates. Since the guys always walked along the embankments of the Neva after receiving their certificates, the embankment from the Bronze Horseman to the Summer Garden was chosen as the venue.

The first part of the event included concerts and competitions on the embankments of St. Petersburg. Every 100 meters, platforms were organized where artists performed and competitions were held. For winning the competition, schoolchildren were rewarded with a trip around the city at night or a walk on water bus along the Neva. At that time, all graduates wanted to win such a prize and therefore they gladly participated in funny competitions.

For example, there were scales and a stadiometer on the site, and the children were asked to guess whether the weight of all class graduates would reach a ton and their height would reach 1 km. And on one platform there was a 3-liter jar of nuts and you had to guess how many nuts were in it.

The children took part in a dance competition and performed songs accompanied by a button accordion or accordion. The song had to be sung to the end. They usually started out together, and the class who knew the words of the song completely won.

Everyone understood that the name of the celebration should be associated with water and at first, except for the name associated with water - Aurora, they could not come up with anything. The idea of ​​calling the holiday “Scarlet Sails” was accepted with enthusiasm.

The ceremonial events themselves began at 11 p.m. A boat departed from the Peter and Paul Fortress, on which stood a guy and a girl with a burning torch in their hands. The boat was moving towards the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. The torch was passed to the cadets standing at Rostral columns who lit torches on the columns and announced the opening of the holiday.

Then, from behind the Kirov Bridge on the surface of the Neva, a sailboat with scarlet sails appeared, on which Assol stood. The spectacle was unusually beautiful and short-lived. Unfortunately, only those who stood in the front rows on the embankment could see it. That year, the holiday, in which 25 thousand people took part, lasted until 2 a.m. and was remembered by all participants as a bright and good event.

On the night of June 23-24, 2018 northern capital Russian Federation will host an evening of graduates “Scarlet Sails”. The event, according to a long-standing tradition, is held during the White Nights and is timed to coincide with the holiday of the last bell. The Scarlet Sails program is one of the most colorful and vibrant events in all of Russia.

Scarlet Sails 2018, where is the best place to watch, who will perform: program of events

June 23, 2018:

- from 20:00 to 22:00 - gathering of graduates on Palace Square and spectators on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island;

— 22:00 — theatrical prologue on Palace Square;

— 22:20 — concerts begin on Palace Square and on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

June 24, 2018:

- from 00:40 to 01:00 - water and pyrotechnic show on the Neva, fireworks to classical music;

— 00:50 — passage of the Swedish sailing ship “Tre Kronor of Stockholm” with scarlet sails, referring viewers to the work of the same name;

— 01:10 — continuation of concerts on Palace Square and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island;

— 04:00 — end of the show.

Scarlet Sails 2018 where is the best place to watch, who will perform: guest stars

Several stars are announced in the Scarlet Sails 2018 program in St. Petersburg.

Among them:

— Marie Crimebreary;

— Artem Pivovarov;

- Victoria Dayneko;

- My Michelle;

— Quest Pistols Show;

These are the artists this year that were chosen by the 2018 graduates themselves.

Scarlet Sails 2018, where is the best place to watch, who will perform: holiday plan

Exactly at 10:00 pm the introductory part of the program starts on Palace Square. After 20 minutes, the concert begins there, which will last more than 2 hours. Guest stars will perform for all guests of the event.

The water and pyrotechnic program will begin after midnight: at 00:40. It will unfold before the eyes of spectators in a water amphitheater over an area of ​​three kilometers. Against the backdrop of city buildings, palaces and temples, this spectacle will become even more attractive and large-scale. For some time, the Neva will turn into a springboard for a fabulous action that many people in the world want to see.

The show doesn't last very long - twenty-one minutes. However, during this time the St. Petersburg sky will be illuminated by fifty thousand salvos. We can say that the heavens will literally bloom with fiery flowers.

More than two hundred people work on the program to please the eye. While there is a pyrotechnic show, an orchestra will play over the waters of the Neva. Every year different melodies are selected for “Scarlet Sails”.

At the end of the program, the “Secret” ship will appear - a ship with scarlet sails. It will pass along the river bank accompanied by musical accompaniment. The fireworks display will still continue at this time. For seven years now, the role of a fairy-tale ship has been played by the Swedish sailing ship “Three Crowns”.

The concert will continue after 1 am, and the event itself will end only at 4 am.

Scarlet Sails 2018 where is the best place to watch, who will perform: tickets for the Scarlet Sails festival in 2018

Entry to the Scarlet Sails concert in 2018 is by invitation only for graduates and their immediate relatives, as well as for school teachers. Tickets are ordered by school management and issued before June 22, 2018.

Everyone can be on the embankment and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island for free. The only chance for guests and residents of St. Petersburg to get to Palace Square is to purchase tickets there in person on the day of the holiday.