Condition of the girl who fell from the plane. Emergency at Pulkovo: a girl who fell from a ladder died

For more than two weeks, doctors fought for the life of a little girl who fell from the ramp at Pulkovo Airport. The forecasts were disappointing - during this time the child suffered three clinical deaths - but doctors tried to do the impossible. No miracle happened. 17 days after the incident, the baby’s heart stopped forever. Vera's mother ( name changed - editor's note.) believes that airport employees are to blame for the death of her girl. The woman declares: she will ensure that these people are punished.

Fall from the ladder

On the evening of September 28, a St. Petersburg woman Daria Petrova I met my mother and 1.5-year-old daughter in Pulkovo: they were supposed to return from Moscow. The plane had already landed, and one by one the passengers came out to meet the greeters, but Maria Leonidovna and Verochka were still not there. Daria started calling her mother, but she didn’t answer the phone.

Finally, the woman called back. She told her daughter that she was at the first-aid post with her granddaughter. “I asked what happened, they told me that they fell,” Daria told REN TV. “I thought they fell downstairs and tripped on the steps.” But when I got to the first aid station, I realized that they had fallen from above.”

At the first aid station, Daria learned that the airbus " Ural Airlines“landed in Pulkovo, and the gangplank was docked to it. As passengers were leaving the plane, part of the ramp came off. A 44-year-old woman and her 1.5-year-old granddaughter fell to the ground from a height of three meters. As other passengers would later tell Petrova, the gangway began to sway greatly as soon as people stepped on it. It was scary to go. And the fears turned out to be unfounded.

17 days of struggle

The victims were taken to the hospital. The woman was diagnosed with broken legs, two ribs and a concussion. The girl's condition was serious: bruises of the heart, lungs, liver, and traumatic brain injury. The child was placed in intensive care and put into an artificial coma. For almost three weeks, doctors fought for the baby’s life, but Verochka was no longer destined to regain consciousness. In 17 days, the baby suffered three clinical deaths. When the girl’s heart stopped again, it was no longer possible to start it. “They tried to start it for half an hour, but couldn’t,” says Daria. - Nothing succeeded".

The inconsolable mother believes that the airport staff, who did not monitor the condition of the equipment, are solely to blame for the incident. The woman intends to ensure that all people involved in the death of her daughter receive the punishment they deserve.

There have been no official comments regarding the girl’s death yet. Criminal cases have been initiated under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Poor quality repairs” Vehicle or other transport equipment”, “Provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life or health of consumers” and “Negligence resulting in negligence in causing serious harm to human health”. Whether the last point will be reclassified from “serious harm to health” to “death” is still unknown.

Nobody noticed the defect

Representatives of the Investigative Committee interrogated Pulkovo employees who carried out maintenance on the ladder, and also studied all technical documentation. It turned out that the rotating part of the platform of the old ladder had been repaired many times already - it turns out that the work was not carried out properly. In addition, the malfunction should have been identified during the daily inspection of the equipment. However, no one noticed the defect.

As a result of the inspection, the head of the mechanical works section of the special transport service at Pulkovo Airport, who was responsible for repairing the ramp, was detained. The man has already confessed, and the issue of choosing a preventive measure for him will be decided in the near future.

Pulkovo stated that all old equipment at the airport will be replaced as soon as possible. fast deadlines, but exactly when this will happen is unknown, it all depends on supplies.

“It is obvious to me that the airport employees were simply inattentive to their work - they were tired, overlooked, did not notice the defect,” notes an independent expert, aviation mechanic Alexey Korostylev. - Not a single detail should be overlooked at the airport. And so, the child was killed. This could have been avoided if everyone had done their job properly. That's all".

A criminal case was initiated after an incident in St. Petersburg at Pulkovo airport. As passengers were leaving the plane, the ramp collapsed. There were two victims - a woman and her one-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter. They fell down from a height of three meters directly onto the concrete surface. The injuries are very serious. Doctors are now fighting for the child’s life.

The faulty gangway is now literally being dismantled into pieces - experts are trying to understand why the structure, capable of supporting a weight of hundreds of kilograms, collapsed right under the feet of two passengers the night before. Amateur footage taken a couple of minutes after the incident shows the floor adjacent to the side of the plane. It literally folded in half.

“As passengers exited the plane, part of the ladder came off. As a result, a woman born in 1973 and her one and a half year old child fell to the ground. Both were injured and were hospitalized,” said Maria Dobrynina, senior assistant to the head of the North-Western Investigative Directorate for Transport of the RF Investigative Committee.

44-year-old Maria Kobyletskaya and her granddaughter Varya were vacationing on the Black Sea. We returned to St. Petersburg. At the airport, the woman was given first aid, but the injuries were serious and an ambulance had to be called.

“The patient was admitted to our institution two hours after receiving the injury in a condition of moderate severity, her condition was assessed as stable. Our prognosis is that treatment is required for at least two weeks. She has a head injury, a chest injury, which is considered minor, and the main injury is to the extremities. There is a fracture and dislocation of the ankle joint,” said Alexander Naydenov, deputy chief physician for surgery at City Hospital No. 26 of St. Petersburg.

One-year-old Varya fell from a three-meter height and hit her head. The doctors fought for her life all night; even her mother was not allowed into the room.

“In extremely serious condition, it is unknown whether he will survive or not, he was operated on at night. In addition to a severe concussion and cerebral hemorrhage, she has bruises on her liver, heart, and lungs. I don't know what will happen next. They let me into the intensive care unit for literally two minutes; after the operation, she is now in an induced coma,” said the mother of the injured girl, Daria Petrova.

The ladder is considered a safe and reliable device. It's actually an electric car with a ladder instead of a body. Docking is performed by the driver, partially under automatic control. There have been incidents with them in world practice. But the last time in Pulkovo was in 2011, a six-year-old boy stepped into the gap between the side of the plane and the ramp. Then there were minor bruises.

Whether the ladder was now faulty or the incident was caused by incorrect actions of personnel is being determined by the investigation. A criminal case has been opened under the article “Provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life or health of consumers.” Until the end of the investigation, all Pulkovo ladders have been taken out of service.

A one-and-a-half-year-old girl who fell from the ramp of a Ural Airlines plane at Pulkovo airport has died. Doctors were unable to save the child. Friends of the family told the Rosbalt agency about this.

There have been no official comments from investigators about the girl’s death yet. Previously, the Investigative Committee for Transport reported that after the tragedy it would check all aircraft steps.

“After the incident at Pulkovo Airport, when the retractable stairway span collapsed, which led to two passengers falling from a height of more than three meters - a 44-year-old woman with a one-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter, the heads of investigative departments in transport were instructed to organize work to establish the circumstances of the current operation of passenger stairways at airfields within the territory of operational service, including issues of their registration with the state,” the department’s press service reports.

Let us remind you that as a result of the incident that occurred on September 28, the woman received fractures and the girl suffered a traumatic brain injury. Passengers on the Moscow–St. Petersburg flight fell while exiting the plane onto a self-propelled ramp, which collapsed due to damage to the rotating part of the platform.

The Investigative Committee opened cases under the article on negligence and under the article on the provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life or health of consumers. The accused in the case of falling passengers is one of the managers of Pulkovo Airport. In addition, the Pulkovo mechanic was placed under house arrest, and a case was opened against him under an article about poor quality repairs.

The press service of Ural Airlines does not comment on the incident, since the ramp did not belong to them, but to Pulkovo Airport.

Mother of a girl who died after falling from a ramp in Pulkovo: Doctors didn’t even come out to talk to me

The mother of a girl who died after falling from a plane at St. Petersburg Pulkovo Airport spoke about the emergency.

“I met them at the airport, stood and waited, but they still weren’t there. People were already getting off that flight, baggage claim had ended, they were gone. I already tried to call, no one answered the phone. Then my mother called me and said that they were at the first aid station. I asked what happened, they told me that they fell. I thought they had fallen downstairs and tripped on the steps. But when I arrived at the first aid station, I realized that they had fallen from above,” says Daria Petrova.

According to the mother, within an hour after the fall the child was taken to the hospital.

“People who were on this board wrote to me. They said that when they went down, the ladder was already wobbly,” the parent noted.

According to Petrova, despite complaints from passengers, the faulty ladder was not replaced, and passengers were stopped from leaving only after the accident.

“Mom was holding her in her arms, she had a bag on her other hand. She stepped off the side of the plane with one foot and immediately fell,” the mother added.

“The doctors tried to start the heart for half an hour, but nothing worked. She was completely under medical care for 17 days. She herself couldn’t breathe from the first day,” she says.

Daria Petrova blames Pulkovo employees for the death of the child.

Let us remind you that the incident with a woman and child falling from a ramp in Pulkovo occurred on September 28. Based on this fact, a criminal case was initiated under the article “Negligence”. Investigators detained the head of the mechanical works department, who was responsible for carrying out repeated repairs to the ladder. According to the investigation, he could have accepted work of inadequate quality.

Mother reported details of the death of a girl who fell from a gangway in Pulkovo

A one-and-a-half-year-old girl who fell from a plane at Pulkovo Airport died of cardiac arrest. Her mother told REN TV about this.

“Yesterday the child’s heart stopped. This was already the fourth stop in a day. By that time, the child had already suffered three clinical deaths. Doctors were no longer able to start a heart. They tried to start it for half an hour, but couldn’t,” the woman said.

Early in the morning, Rosbalt reported the death of the child, citing relatives.

The girl had been in intensive care since September 28 with a traumatic brain injury. Doctors assessed her condition as serious.

The one-and-a-half-year-old child underwent surgery, but his life could not be saved. Who is to blame for what happened and what will be the compensation for the relatives of the deceased?

A girl who fell from an airplane at Pulkovo has died. This was reported by TASS with reference to the Health Committee of the St. Petersburg Administration. The one-and-a-half-year-old child underwent surgery; the girl was in intensive care in serious condition.

The incident occurred on September 28. The ramp collapsed as passengers were disembarking the plane. A woman born in 1973 and her granddaughter fell from a height of three meters. They were hospitalized. As Fontanka reported, the woman was diagnosed with a broken leg, and the girl received a head injury.

A criminal case was initiated, and the head of the mechanical work service for Pulkovo special transport and another airport employee were detained. Who is responsible for the tragedy and what can relatives count on? dead girl?

Alexander Zabeydalawyer, managing partner of the law firm "Zabeyda and Partners""The question of who is to blame for in this case, will depend on the results of the investigation. The most important thing in this case is to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the actions taken and the consequences that occurred. I will look at this situation with sadness if it develops according to the scenario of the investigation into the disaster at the Sayano-Shushenskaya State District Power Plant, where investigators accused a group of people of committing a careless crime. Or the terrorist attack at Domodedovo, when the owner of the airport was charged with the consequences of the terrorist attack. Neither one nor the other design responded Russian law. The same can happen in this situation. Life in Russia in the prism of judicial practice today is valued very little; the average amount of compensation, according to this practice, for careless causing of death ranges from 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. But a situation like in the case of Domodedovo is possible. After all, all crimes related to minors are under special control of the chairman of the Investigative Committee. And if he makes a statement in the press that the compensation should be large and indicates its size, most likely, the airport will be forced to pay it out of court in order to avoid unjustifiably expanding the circle of suspects.”

After this incident, Pulkovo Airport announced that an extraordinary purchase of ladders would be carried out as soon as possible. The North-Western Investigation Department initiated an inspection of the airstrips at the airfields of cities included in the corresponding federal district.

An emergency occurred at the main air harbor Northern capital. A woman with a child in her arms got off a plane that arrived on Thursday evening from Moscow. But something went wrong - the ladder folded - and the mother and baby fell down from a three-meter height.

Two victims

Ural Airlines flight 091 arrived in St. Petersburg at 19.00. Passengers, as usual, were given a teleport. However, upon exiting Airbus aircraft A 44-year-old passenger and her one-year-old child fell from the ramp and were injured. The ladder simply collapsed under the passenger’s feet.

Airport doctors promptly transported passengers to the health center to provide first aid. Currently, the passengers have been sent by ambulance for hospitalization to one of the hospitals in St. Petersburg, the press service of the Air Gate of the Northern capital commented to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The official representative of the air harbor of the city on the Neva, Margarita Potekhina, added that other passengers were not injured. The reasons for the fall of the mother and child and the malfunction of the ladder are now being determined.

It is reported that the victims were taken to the airport health center and then hospitalized. The woman was taken to the 26th city hospital with a broken leg, the child with a traumatic brain injury was taken to the Filatov Children's Hospital. The baby is in serious condition after the fall.

Those responsible for the emergency face criminal charges

In St. Petersburg, transport police officers are conducting an investigation into the fall of a citizen and her young child from a plane at Pulkovo airport at about 19:00 on September 28, the department reported. The fall of a passenger from Moscow and her child from a plane at Pulkovo airport Law enforcement officers are already interested. The Ministry of Internal Affairs for Transport in the Northwestern Federal District began checking the circumstances of the emergency that occurred at the airport. An employee of the transport prosecutor's office immediately went to the scene of the incident. At the same time, the North-Western Transport Prosecutor's Office took control of the case.


Late in the evening it became known that the transport investigation department of the North-Western Transport Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a case under the article “provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life or health of consumers.” So far, in fact, the perpetrators have not yet been identified.

As Komsomolskaya Pravda learned, the victims were a grandmother and granddaughter. Now the baby’s mother Daria reports that the child is in serious condition in intensive care, doctors put her into an artificial coma.

Mom has numerous fractures, but her condition is stable,” says Daria. - They didn’t really explain anything to me, they only said that it was the airport’s fault. I know that my mother and my daughter went out first. The blow fell on both of them.

The woman assured that she intends to bring the case to court.