Atlantic Ocean characteristics, location. Where is the best place to relax by the ocean? Where is the closest place to fly to the ocean?

Atlantic Ocean It is considered one of the largest and most voluminous in size, namely the second in size after the Pacific Ocean. This ocean is the most studied and developed when compared with other water areas. Its location is as follows: from the east it is framed by the banks of the Northern and South America, and in the west its borders end with Europe and Africa. In the South it passes into the Southern Ocean. And on the northern side it borders with Greenland. The ocean is distinguished by the fact that there are very few islands in it, and the topography of its bottom is all dotted and has a complex structure. The coastline is broken.

Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

If we talk about the area of ​​the ocean, it occupies 91.66 million square meters. km. We can say that part of its territory is not the ocean itself, but existing seas and bays. The volume of the ocean is 329.66 million square meters. km, and its average depth is 3736 m. Where the Puerto Rico Trench is located, the ocean is considered to have the greatest depth, which is 8742 m. There are two currents - Northern and Southern.

Atlantic Ocean from the north

The ocean boundary from the north is marked in some places by ridges located under water. In this hemisphere, the Atlantic is framed by an indented coastline. Its small northern part is connected to the Arctic Ocean by several narrow straits. Davis Strait is located in the northeast and connects the ocean with the Baffin Sea, which is also considered to belong to the Arctic Ocean. Closer to the center, the Denmark Strait is less wide than the Davis Strait. Between Norway and Iceland, closer to the northeast, is the Norwegian Sea.

In the southwest of the Northern Current of the ocean are the Gulf of Mexico, which is connected by the Strait of Florida. And also the Caribbean Sea. There are many bays to note here, such as Barnegat, Delaware, Hudson Bay and others. It is in the northern side of the ocean that you can see the largest and largest islands, which are famous for their fame. This is Puerto Rico, worldwide famous Cuba and Haiti, also the British Isles and Newfoundland. Closer to the east you can find small groups of islands. These are the Canary Islands, the Azores and Cape Verde. Closer to the west - Bahamas, Lesser Antilles.

South Atlantic Ocean

Some geographers believe that the southern part is the entire space up to Antarctica. Someone is defining the border at Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope between two continents. The coastline in the south of the Atlantic Ocean is not as indented as in the north, and there are no seas. There is one large bay near Africa - Guinea. The farthest point to the south is Tierra del Fuego, which is framed by small islands in large numbers. Also you can't meet here big islands, but there are separate islands like o. Ascension, St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha. In the farthest south you can find Southern Islands, Bouvet, Falkland and others.

As for the current in the southern ocean, here all systems flow counterclockwise. Near eastern Brazil, the South Trade Wind Current branches. One branch goes north, flows near the northern coast of South America, filling Caribbean. And the second is considered southern, very warm, moves near Brazil and soon connects with the Antarctic Current, then heads to the east. Partially separates and turns into the Benguela Current, which is distinguished by its cold waters.

Attractions of the Atlantic Ocean

There is a special underwater cave in the Belize Barrier Reef. It was called the Blue Hole. It is very deep, and inside it there is a whole series of caves that are connected to each other by tunnels. The depth of the cave reaches 120 m and is considered unique of its kind.

There is no person who does not know about Bermuda Triangle. But it is located in the Atlantic Ocean and excites the imagination of many superstitious travelers. Bermuda attracts with its mystery, but at the same time frightens with the unknown.

It is in the Atlantic that you can see an unusual sea that has no shores. And all because it is located in the middle of a body of water, and its boundaries cannot be framed by land, only currents show the boundaries of this sea. This is the only sea in the world that has such unique data and is called the Sargasso Sea.

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The closest ocean is in Portugal

Portugal seems to have been specially invented for those who love warmth, luxury, and the ocean. And so that it’s not far to fly to all this. And so that, in addition to the resorts themselves, there are also normal human settlements in which normal local residents live, and not just tourists and hotel staff. So that you can walk through narrow streets, go to a local pub, drink good local wine...

Portuguese resorts are designed for gourmets. For people who are so accustomed to luxury that they simply don’t notice it. Therefore, on the one hand, they simply need a Jacuzzi with a parabolic antenna sticking out from every corner of the hotel, and on the other, since luxury is a natural environment for them, they like to sneak away from it for a few hours. Plunge into the life of places that seem untouched by time. Listen to the ringing of bells calling for morning mass, mix with the crowd local residents entering the church. Walk into the harbor, watch how the fishermen pull their catch out of their boats onto land, maybe even exchange a few words with them, click your tongue approvingly, expressing admiration for a particularly large specimen of tuna. And not caring about the abundant buffet, bursting with many delicious dishes in anticipation of its only connoisseur, have breakfast with a portion of fried sardines bought from a local merchant. Overpay him a little more than the requested amount, so that he is in the same good mood in the morning as you are. On a morning like this, nothing will taste better than this simple Portuguese food.

After this, it's time to return to the hotel, put on shorts and go to the beach, to the ocean. Plunge into the Atlantic, warm your mortal body in the sun. Approach the pier and whistle to the crew of the yacht you rented the day before that you are ready to sail.

The fact that Portugal is the outskirts of the continent has its own charm. In it, as in any province (and Portugal is often called the province of Europe), relaxation is much better than in the centers of civilization. Moreover, the benefits of civilization created there do not disturb the leisurely rhythm of life in the outback. Although you can’t call Portugal a backwater in the literal sense of the word. The country is ancient. Here and there you can see a medieval church or a Moorish fortress. Climbing deep into any town, it’s as if you find yourself in the Middle Ages with numerous artisan shops.

The Algarve resort is much less ancient than the surrounding towns and villages. Back in the sixties foreign tourist here it looked like a strange bird, it was unclear for what purpose it had flown to the ocean. The Algarve was built in recent decades, making it one of the most modern in Europe. And in last years gained fame as one of the tourist centers of the world.

Russian tourists have little explored the Algarve. More precisely, it has not been mastered at all. Unlike their Spanish neighbors, the Portuguese were not seriously interested in the Russian market for a long time. And only two years ago they realized it. Portugal began to prepare for the arrival of the Russians.

To begin with, hotel employees began to be intensively trained in the Russian language. Local travel agencies They began to urgently acquire a staff of translators from Russian. Having studied the tastes of our tourists a little, some hotels even began to build their own casinos. So we can say that by this season the Algarve is in every sense ready for the expected landing Russian tourists. And from June 13, Aeroflot’s A-310 will begin flying here weekly. The Academservice travel agency offers to go on holiday to Portugal on this plane.

Although the Algarve is a fairly expensive resort, Academservice offers tours starting at $599, including flights, hotel, transfers, insurance and breakfast. You don't need more breakfast in a Portuguese hotel. Of course, if you want, the price of the tour will also include lunch and dinner at the hotel. But, I repeat, there is no particular point in this, because it is cheaper to eat outside. In addition, then you will have every opportunity to appreciate all the delights of Portuguese cuisine.

Firstly, it is very cheap. Secondly, it is very plentiful. And for lovers of fish and seafood, Portugal is the place where you need to come to gorge yourself on seafood for the year ahead. Fish dishes are especially delicious in the Algarve. Here we have invented our own method of preparing it. The fish, along with onions, tomatoes and sweet peppers, is placed in a hermetically sealed thin copper frying pan. And it is stewed without adding any fat. The dish simply melts in your mouth. Even if you are not a fanatical fan of fish, you should definitely try it.

If you prefer lying on the beach between meals leisure, then know that this is very welcome in the Algarve. There are many tennis courts and golf courses here just for you (by the way, if you have not yet mastered this aristocratic game, you will be taught it in one of the local golf clubs). For those who like to lose extra pounds and build muscles closer to the water, all kinds of sea sports are offered. Avid fishermen, as well as those who simply dream of once in a lifetime, really go fishing, can go deep-sea fishing. And romantics can rent a yacht. At least with a crew, at least without.

And, of course, small children were taken care of here too. Special playgrounds and water parks have been built for them. About older children too: there are many discos in the Algarve, both in hotels and outside. By the way, not only teenagers and couples dance at discos, but also German tourists of quite advanced age. No wonder - age is not a hindrance to dancing. There is no need to talk about bars. Of course: where enlightened Europeans relax, bars are built on the basis of “two establishments per head of vacationer.” Casinos have already been mentioned - they have been built, are being built and will continue to be built. There are plenty of places for everyone to spend their hard-earned dollars. As is usual in good casinos, in addition to gambling tables and slot machines, there are podiums. At which various shows are organized every evening to entertain the darling of fortune.

There is also somewhere to go for those who like to drink a glass of good Portuguese port while watching the dances of pretty Portuguese girls, without mixing these two pleasures with mercantile interests - that is, they do not like to go to the casino. And you don’t even have to go far: many hotels offer entertainment programs every night.

After dancing and swimming, you can devote some time to cultural leisure. "Academservice" offers about ten excursions along the Algarve coast. If you went to Portugal, so to speak, by chance, then excursions in Russian would cost you a pretty penny. Although local guides have begun to master the Russian language, only a few have mastered it enough to lead excursions. Our partner, Academservice, has such guides. And since Academservice has a lot of groups, the cost of the excursion is low. Those interested can be sent on an excursion to the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, and even to the Spanish Seville (Portugal, like Spain, is part of the Schengen area, so a separate visa is not needed to visit Seville). And, of course, there are excursions with visits to wine cellars, and there, of course, tasting. Portugal is one of the centers of winemaking. In addition to excellent fortified wines, with which many rightly associate the country first and foremost, very tasty dry wines are produced here.

Sea (that is, ocean) cruises in the Algarve are also organized at the proper level. As it should be - with a view of rocks, caves, swimming and dining on the ocean. There is even a cruise on the Guadiana River, which marks the border between Portugal and Spain.

And after Lisbon, golf, fishing and cruises, it’s worth lying down in the shade under an almond tree and dreaming about how you will come to these blessed lands next year.

In total, Russia is washed by the waters of twelve seas of three oceans. Russia also has an inland Caspian Sea. Our country has a large commercial and industrial fleet, as well as a navy. All Natural resources These seas are under state protection. Like other countries, Russia is struggling with ocean pollution, which occurs due to the release of oil and other harmful substances into its waters.

Which oceans wash Russia from the north?

In fact, from the northern part, our Motherland is washed only by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Six of its seas wash the shores of Russia. These are Barents, Beloe, Kara, Laptev, Chukotka and East Siberian Sea. All of them are marginal, and only White is an inland sea. They are classified as shallow because they were formed by flooding the land area with oceanic waters. The average depth of these seas is no more than 200 m.

The seas are separated by all kinds of mountain archipelagos and islands: this New Earth, Severnaya Zemlya, and also Therefore, the question “Which oceans wash Russia from the north?” not entirely correct. Here it is best to name one ocean and list its seas washing the northern

Harsh Arctic Ocean

The territory of these seas is characterized by very tough climatic conditions. The water temperature is low all year round, and the coverage of seas with ice increases in the direction from west to east. Just a small piece Barents Sea In winter it is not covered with ice. This happens because a branch of the warm North Atlantic Current enters this territory. On this territory there is Murmansk, a port that has never

Due to winds and currents, the ice floes of these seas are constantly moving or drifting. When they collide, huge hummocks are formed, the height of which reaches 15-20 meters. There are especially many of them in the Kara and Chukchi seas.

Along the territory of the seas of the Arctic Ocean lies a the shortest message from the western part of Russia to the Far East. Its length is about 5600 km.

Which oceans wash Russia from the east?

From this part, our Motherland is washed by the seas of the Pacific Ocean, namely the Japanese, Okhotsk and Bering seas. These seas are separated from the open ocean by islands. They are the largest and deepest throughout Russia. Through the straits of these seas, water exchanges with the Pacific Ocean. The periods of ebb and flow are well demonstrated here. The highest tides are characteristic of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Here the tide can reach 14 meters.

Therefore, the answer to the question “Which oceans wash Russia from the north and east?” will be as follows: in the north the border Russian Federation It is washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean, and in the east by the Pacific. Both in depth and in the topography of the bottom of the seas of the Pacific Ocean, they fundamentally differ from the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

I wonder what general territory Bering Sea(about 2 million sq. km) is even larger than the area Saudi Arabia. There are about 400 species of different fish in the Bering Sea.

And over the Sea of ​​Japan there are often waves whose height reaches ten meters. Hurricanes occur especially often here in the fall. During severe storms, the waves rise even higher. Its waters are home to about nine hundred types of fish.

In the relief of these seas one can clearly trace the outskirts of the continent, deep-sea basins, and the continental slope. The greatest depths of these seas are about 3.5-4 thousand m, and they are located close to the island arcs that limit them. They are located a large number of active volcanoes. Deep-sea trenches are also located here, and strong tsunamis, earthquakes and seaquakes are often observed at the boundaries of lithospheric plates.

Features of the Pacific Ocean

The question of which oceans wash Russia is connected, first of all, with the characteristics of their seas. Since they are located in a temperate climate zone, their waters have warmer temperatures. But in the cold season, cooled air from the continent is carried to these seas. Because of this, almost the entire territory of Okhotsk, as well as sections of the Bering and Japanese seas covered with thick ice.

The natural world of these seas is much richer than in the seas of the North Atlantic Ocean. On Far East It is home to a valuable animal - the fur seal, as well as the sea otter. Salmon, cod, herring, mussels and crabs are of great importance to the industry.

Southern and western coasts

What oceans wash Russia from the south and west? Here the shores of Russia are at the mercy of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic includes inland seas: the Baltic, Black and Azov. They are located deep inland and have virtually no connection with the main ocean. These seas are quite warm. Their shores are important for the tourism industry. For a short period of time in winter, ice cover forms on the Azov Sea, as well as shallow parts of the Black and Caspian Seas.

It is interesting that the ancient Greeks were not inclined to give the Sea of ​​Azov such a high rank of sea. They simply called it Lake Meotia.

The youngest and shallowest is the Baltic Sea. Russia is washed by the waters of two of its bays: Finnish and Gdansk. Sometimes strong winds raise the waters of the Gulf of Finland, which often causes floods in St. Petersburg. Which oceans wash Russia is of great importance for industry. For example, in the Gulf of Finland the following types of fish are caught: herring, cod. Animal world The Azov and Caspian Seas are richer: for example, the Caspian Sea contains up to 80% of the world's sturgeon stock.

The Gulf of Finland has a lot interesting features. For example, due to its freshwater nature, in the 18th and 19th centuries this body of water “sank” many ships. The wood from which they were made was not salted by its waters, and therefore the ships sank very quickly.

Portugal seems to have been specially invented for those who love warmth, luxury, and the ocean. And so that it’s not far to fly to all this. And so that, in addition to the resorts themselves, there are also normal human settlements in which normal local residents live, and not just tourists and hotel staff. So that you can walk along the narrow streets, go to a local pub, drink good local wine...

Portuguese resorts are designed for gourmets. For people who are so accustomed to luxury that they simply don’t notice it. Therefore, on the one hand, they simply need a Jacuzzi with a parabolic antenna sticking out from every corner of the hotel, and on the other, since luxury is a natural environment for them, they like to sneak away from it for a few hours. Plunge into the life of places that seem untouched by time. Listen to the ringing of bells calling for morning mass, mingle with the crowd of locals entering the church. Walk into the harbor, watch how the fishermen pull their catch out of their boats onto land, maybe even exchange a few words with them, click your tongue approvingly, expressing admiration for a particularly large specimen of tuna. And not caring about the abundant buffet, bursting with many delicious dishes in anticipation of its only connoisseur, have breakfast with a portion of fried sardines bought from a local merchant. Overpay him a little more than the requested amount, so that he is in the same good mood in the morning as you are. On a morning like this, nothing will taste better than this simple Portuguese food.

After this, it's time to return to the hotel, put on shorts and go to the beach, to the ocean. Plunge into the Atlantic, warm your mortal body in the sun. Approach the pier and whistle to the crew of the yacht you rented the day before that you are ready to sail.

The fact that Portugal is the outskirts of the continent has its own charm. In it, as in any province (and Portugal is often called the province of Europe), relaxation is much better than in the centers of civilization. Moreover, the benefits of civilization created there do not disturb the leisurely rhythm of life in the outback. Although you can’t call Portugal a backwater in the literal sense of the word. The country is ancient. Here and there you can see a medieval church or a Moorish fortress. Climbing deep into any town, it’s as if you find yourself in the Middle Ages with numerous artisan shops.

The Algarve resort is much less ancient than the surrounding towns and villages. Back in the sixties, a foreign tourist here looked like an outlandish bird that had flown to the ocean for some unknown purpose. The Algarve was built in recent decades, making it one of the most modern in Europe. And in recent years it has gained fame as one of the tourist centers of the world.

Russian tourists have little explored the Algarve. More precisely, it has not been mastered at all. Unlike their Spanish neighbors, the Portuguese were not seriously interested in the Russian market for a long time. And only two years ago they realized it. Portugal began to prepare for the arrival of the Russians.

To begin with, hotel employees began to be intensively trained in the Russian language. Local travel agencies began to urgently acquire a staff of translators from Russian. Having studied the tastes of our tourists a little, some hotels even began to build their own casinos. So we can say that by this season the Algarve is in every sense ready for the expected landing of Russian tourists. And from June 13, Aeroflot’s A-310 will begin flying here weekly. The Academservice travel agency offers to go on holiday to Portugal on this plane.

Although the Algarve is a fairly expensive resort, Academservice offers tours starting at $599, including flights, hotel, transfers, insurance and breakfast. You don't need more breakfast in a Portuguese hotel. Of course, if you want, the price of the tour will also include lunch and dinner at the hotel. But, I repeat, there is no particular point in this, because it is cheaper to eat outside. In addition, then you will have every opportunity to appreciate all the delights of Portuguese cuisine.

Firstly, it is very cheap. Secondly, it is very plentiful. And for lovers of fish and seafood, Portugal is the place where you need to come to gorge yourself on seafood for the year ahead. Fish dishes are especially delicious in the Algarve. Here we have invented our own method of preparing it. The fish, along with onions, tomatoes and sweet peppers, is placed in a hermetically sealed thin copper frying pan. And it is stewed without adding any fat. The dish simply melts in your mouth. Even if you are not a fanatical fan of fish, you should definitely try it.

If you prefer active recreation between meals to lying on the beach, then know that this is very welcome in the Algarve. There are many tennis courts and golf courses here just for you (by the way, if you have not yet mastered this aristocratic game, you will be taught it in one of the local golf clubs). For those who like to lose extra pounds and build muscles closer to the water, all kinds of sea sports are offered. Avid fishermen, as well as those who simply dream of once in a lifetime, really go fishing, can go deep-sea fishing. And romantics can rent a yacht. At least with a crew, at least without.

And, of course, small children were taken care of here too. Special playgrounds and water parks have been built for them. About older children too: there are many discos in the Algarve, both in hotels and outside. By the way, not only teenagers and couples dance at discos, but also German tourists of quite advanced age. No wonder - age is not a hindrance to dancing. There is no need to talk about bars. Of course: where enlightened Europeans relax, bars are built on the basis of “two establishments per head of vacationer.” Casinos have already been mentioned - they have been built, are being built and will continue to be built. There are plenty of places for everyone to spend their hard-earned dollars. As is usual in good casinos, in addition to gambling tables and slot machines, there are podiums. At which various shows are organized every evening to entertain the darling of fortune.

There is also somewhere to go for those who like to drink a glass of good Portuguese port while watching the dances of pretty Portuguese girls, without mixing these two pleasures with mercantile interests - that is, they do not like to go to the casino. And you don’t even have to go far: many hotels offer entertainment programs every night.

After dancing and swimming, you can devote some time to cultural leisure. "Academservice" offers about ten excursions along the Algarve coast. If you went to Portugal, so to speak, by chance, then excursions in Russian would cost you a pretty penny. Although local guides have begun to master the Russian language, only a few have mastered it enough to lead excursions. Our partner, Academservice, has such guides. And since Academservice has a lot of groups, the cost of the excursion is low. Those interested can be sent on an excursion to the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, and even to the Spanish Seville (Portugal, like Spain, is part of the Schengen area, so a separate visa is not needed to visit Seville). And, of course, there are excursions with visits to wine cellars, and there, of course, tasting. Portugal is one of the centers of winemaking. In addition to excellent fortified wines, with which many rightly associate the country first and foremost, very tasty dry wines are produced here.

Sea (that is, ocean) cruises in the Algarve are also organized at the proper level. As it should be - with a view of rocks, caves, swimming and dining on the ocean. There is even a cruise on the Guadiana River, which marks the border between Portugal and Spain.

And after Lisbon, golf, fishing and cruises, it’s worth lying down in the shade under an almond tree and dreaming about how you will come to these blessed lands next year.

After a hard day at work, you want to drop everything and fly beyond the horizon. Silence. Water. Vacation on the ocean. Hammock under palm trees, cocktails and sunset. So where to go?


Vacations on the ocean can be different. It all depends on the resort and time of year. In this article weLet's discuss the most popular destinations.

Holidays on the Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is a distant and alluring romance. Here, surrounded by palm trees and local aborigines, you will have the opportunity to swim, eat seafood and try your hand at diving.


Goa, India

The former Portuguese colony in India welcomes 2 million tourists every year. Everyone wants to be alone with the ocean and Asian flavor.

Planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money while preparing for your trip.

Goa is divided into two parts:

  1. Northern (young people and more come here thrifty tourists, there is a more developed infrastructure and more different entertainment);
  2. Yuzhnoe (considered the most decent and expensive, people look for peace and tranquility here).

Why go to Goa

Pros of Goa


Republic of Maldives is located on several hundred small coral islands in Indian Ocean. Choose any one and enjoy the warm ocean.

Why go to the Maldives

  • Beach holiday;
  • Separation from civilization;
  • Diving;
  • Surfing.

pros Maldives

  • No visa required;
  • White sand beaches and clean water;
  • Lots of exotic fruits;
  • Hotels on the water;
  • Safely.

By the way, in the Maldives you can swim with giant whale sharks. Amazing experience. To at least roughly imagine these sensations, watch the video.

When to go to the Maldives

Best time to visit the ocean in the Maldives: from to. More details in the article about by month.

What to watch out for in the Maldives

  • Few tourist attractions;
  • High prices for everything (especially for drinking water);
  • Sometimes stingrays and sharks swim to the islands;
  • You cannot break corals and take them as souvenirs;
  • Nudism is prohibited;
  • Huge fines for littering.

What currency to take to the Maldives

It's better to take dollars on your trip. If the need arises, you can exchange them for local rufiyaa already on the islands. Usually this is not required and all payments are made in US currency.

What to bring from the Maldives

Tea, handmade souvenirs and hookah sets.

Attention!You cannot export souvenirs made from red and black corals, shells, pearls and turtle shell products.


Island state belongs to East Africa. was the only habitat of the extinct Dodo bird.

Why go to Mauritius

Pros of Mauritius

  • Great service: beaches, hotels, restaurants, etc.
  • There is no crime;
  • The time is close to Moscow;
  • The visa is issued free of charge right at the airport;
  • There are coral reefs with interesting life around.

When to go to Mauritius

What to watch out for in Mauritius

  • Prices are steep;
  • Left side traffic;
  • Sharp corals are often found near the shore; they contain sea ​​urchins: do not forget about special shoes;
  • The weather changes dramatically, do not forget to carry windbreakers or raincoats;
  • There are strong currents beyond the nearest reefs. You shouldn't swim there without an instructor.

What currency to take to Mauritius

It is better to take dollars or euros with you. There is not much difference. In tourist places you can pay with a bank card, although there will be a commission. To shop at the markets, you will have to change your currency to local rupees.

What to bring from Mauritius

Wooden ship models, souvenirs with the Dodo bird, keychains with multi-colored sand.


The state in East Africa is located on 115 islands. True, only 33 are inhabited. After they were discovered in 1971 international Airport, tourists and big businesses have come here. More information in the post on how.

Why go to Seychelles

  • Beach holiday;
  • Diving;
  • Surfing;
  • Fishing in the ocean;
  • Wedding by the ocean.

Pros of Seychelles

  • No visa required;
  • White sand beaches;
  • Well-developed tourism infrastructure;
  • Safe (sometimes stolen);
  • On Eden Island you can find a great Russian restaurant serving okroshka!

When to go to Seychelles

The best time to holiday in the Seychelles is from November to March.

What to watch out for in the Seychelles

  • Food poisoning;
  • Contact with sea urchins and poisonous fish;
  • Difficult logistics (it takes a long time to get to the islands);
  • Large tips (up to 20%).

What currency to take to Seychelles

It is better to take dollars with you on vacation. It’s difficult to change rubles, and the exchange rate for euros is bad. You only need to change currency officially: at banks, ATMs, at the airport. Currency trading is prohibited by law.

What to bring from Seychelles

Souvenirs made from palm leaves, sea nuts, jewelry made from coral and shells.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali is a huge island in the Malay archipelago. An excellent choice for those who don't want to sit still. - the opportunity to combine beach gatherings and a cultural program in one trip.

Why go to Bali

  • Beach holiday;
  • Surfing;
  • Getting to know Indonesian culture.

Pros of Bali

  • Convenient logistics (there is an international air on the island);
  • Entertainment for tourists: nature reserves, attractions, etc.
  • A lot of budget housing;
  • Cheap scooter rental and gasoline;
  • Beautiful and varied nature.

When to go to Bali

The best time to vacation in Bali is during the dry season: from May to October. Read more in the article about by month.

What to watch out for in Bali

  • Big waves;
  • Street crime;
  • Traffic jams;
  • Bad roads;
  • Deception of tourists.

What currency to take in Bali

It is best to take dollars or euros with you. Try to bring small bills. Please note, it is better if the dollars are issued after 2004. Early options may not be accepted. The fact is that a lot of fakes were riveted here at one time.

Do not change currency with suspicious guys and where the exchange rate is with a bunch of nines. Most likely, they will try to deceive you.

If you plan to take bank cards with you, be sure to inform your bank before your trip. Indonesia is considered not a very trustworthy country, so your card may simply be blocked for your own safety.

What to bring from Bali

Creations of local artisans: paintings, decorative weapons, dolls, masks, chess, etc. The girls bring oils, shampoos, soaps and cosmetics.

Sri Lanka

If you want an exclusively beach holiday, then stay on the southern part of the island (remember the monsoons). If you want drive and adventure, then rent a car and drive around the island in search of attractions.

What to watch out for in Sri Lanka

  • Unsanitary conditions;
  • Dirty water (drink only from a bottle);
  • Crime;
  • Insect attacks (If mosquitoes bother you and the fumigator does not help, then purchase cinnamon oil from local residents);
  • Strong waves and rip currents.

What currency to take to Sri Lanka

When traveling to Sri Lanka, it is best to take dollars with you. Exchange them for rupees -no problem. Pay for purchases bank cards should be done with caution. Lots of scammers. For change, it is better to take small bills. The course is better for them.

What to bring from Sri Lanka

This is Ceylon! Be sure to buy tea and spices: cardamom, pepper, ginger, curry, etc. Along the way, you can take cosmetics and coconut arak. This is such an alcoholic drink.

Holidays on the Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean limitless and beautiful. Many come to its resorts to get as far away from the usual world as possible and get lost on small islands.


Fiji is one of the most developed countries in Oceania. It is located on three hundred islands, more than two hundred of which are uninhabited. Movies and commercials about the tropical paradise are often shot here, so you should have a good idea of ​​what it looks like: islands, palm trees, blue water and bikini-clad beauties.

Why go to Fiji

  • Beach holiday;
  • Wedding ceremony;
  • Swimming with sharks;
  • Separation from civilization;

Pros of Fiji

  • Tipping is not customary;
  • There is no need to apply for a visa;
  • wild nature;
  • Clean sandy beaches;
  • Every day you can watch the ebb and flow of the tides.

When to go to Fiji

The ideal time for a holiday is from May to October. The air temperature fluctuates around 25 degrees. There are no heavy rains or hurricanes.

What to watch out for in Fiji

  • Before vacation, you must be vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever, diphtheria and tetanus;
  • The islands are very difficult to reach;
  • Clashes on ethnic grounds often occur between residents of the country; you should not take part in rallies, pickets or wear political symbols;
  • On unequipped beaches, sea urchins live in corals. Don't forget your beach shoes;
  • Be careful when swimming, diving and fishing. In wild places, it is quite possible to encounter poisonous ocean inhabitants, sharks and sea snakes;
  • In cities they can rob tourist islands This is out of the question.

What currency to take to Fiji

It is best to take dollars with you on a trip. But it is not customary to pay with them on the islands. Change your currency to local dollars.

What to bring from Fiji

The main souvenirs are handicrafts: bags, baskets, rugs, fans, wood crafts, knives made from shark teeth and various dishes and accessories related to the life of local aborigines.

Bora Bora, French Polynesia

One of the most beautiful islands French Polynesia discovered by the infamous James Cook. Now it is a cult resort for wealthy tourists. Others don't come here: too far from civilization. There is an ocean all around.

Why go to Bora Bora

  • Beach holiday;
  • Diving;
  • A break from civilization.

Pros of Bora Bora

  • Wild nature;
  • Clean beaches and water;
  • Great service;
  • No crime.

When to go to Bora Bora

The most suitable time for vacation is from May to October. At this time there is little rain, and the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

What to watch out for in Bora Bora

  • Wild prices for everything;
  • Long flight;
  • There's not much to do on the island;
  • Sea predators are somewhere nearby.

What currency to take to Bora Bora

It is most profitable to take euros with you on a trip. Dollars can also be exchanged, but the exchange rate will be worse. Almost everywhere they accept bank cards.

What to bring from Bora Bora

First of all, people bring memories from Bora Bora heavenly holiday and a rested body. In the second -coconut soap, black pearls, sea paraphernalia (shells, panama hats, wicker baskets, etc.)

Hawaii, USA

The boundless ocean active volcanoes, jungle and comfortable hotels. Aloha, this is Hawaii! The 160 islands are a separate US state. This imposes a number of features. More on them later.

Why go to Hawaii

  • Beach holiday;
  • Introduction to Hawaiian culture;
  • Volcanoes;
  • Surfing;
  • Diving.

Pros of Hawaii

  • Payment in dollars;
  • General knowledge of English;
  • Good level of service;
  • There is no risk of catching a tropical infection;
  • Rich night life.

When to go to Hawaii

Climate on Hawaiian Islands nice and smooth. There are 2 seasons: dry (AprilSeptember) and wet (OctoberMarch). Most tourists come during the wet season, since in summer the temperatures are higher and hurricanes occur more often.

What to watch out for in Hawaii

  • To vacation in Hawaii you need to register . With all the ensuing consequences;
  • There are no direct flights from Russia;
  • Due to the isolation from the mainland, prices are higher;

What currency to take to Hawaii


What to bring from Hawaii

Typically, tourists buy traditional Hawaiian shirts, dresses and macadamia nuts on the islands. Plus a traditional set of souvenirs from a vacation on the ocean: jewelry, seafood, art, and so on.

Holidays on the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean, although cool, can also be a great place for a beach holiday. Here are some examples.

Algarve, Portugal

In Portugal you can have a great relaxation on the ocean shore, without being too far away from civilization. If you wish, you canfind cheap hotelsor use couchsurfing . The Atlantic water here is quite clean, although colder than in the Mediterranean or Black Sea. In addition to the Algarve, there are many other resorts, for example.

Why go to the Algarve

  • Civilized beach holiday;
  • Getting to know Portugal.

Pros of the Algarve

  • It's easy to come up with a cultural program;
  • Clean and civil;
  • Developed infrastructure;
  • Rich nightlife;
  • Easy to reach for Schengen holders.

When to go to the Algarve

The best time for vacation is between May and October.

What to watch out for in the Algarve

  • We need Schengen;
  • Crowded beaches in season;
  • Fraudsters;
  • Cool water.

What currency to take in the Algarve

Take euros.

What to bring from the Algarve

All traditional Portuguese souvenirs. Bring home port or wine, cork products, cheese and olive oil.

Canary Islands

The autonomous region, located on islands in the Atlantic Ocean, belongs to Spain with all the ensuing consequences (language, currency, visa, etc.). Here you can find wonderful beaches with black volcanic sand that will help you relax and forget about traditional everyday problems. Tenerife hosts a legendary carnival, which is sometimes compared in its colorfulness to the Brazilian one.

Why go to the Canaries

  • Beach holiday;
  • Carnival in Tenerife;
  • Surfing (beaches in Guincho and Ericeira).

pros Canary Islands

  • Lots of delicious local wines;
  • European service;
  • Comfortable climate;
  • Beaches with black volcanic sand.

When to go to the Canaries

The best time to go is from to May. A huge flow of tourists occurs during Christmas and Easter.

What to watch out for in the Canaries

  • We need Schengen;
  • There are a lot of surfers (it’s difficult for beginners);
  • Cool ocean water;
  • Little budget housing;
  • Small space for a non-beach holiday.

What currency to take to the Canaries


What to bring from the Canary Islands

Wine, cigars, aloe cosmetics, obsidian and olivine jewelry, and pottery are usually brought from the islands. If you don't have enough money for souvenirs, you can find a huge Canarian pine cone.

South Africa

A huge number of beautiful sandy beaches can be found on the Atlantic coast of South Africa. It is not far from the capital of this country - Cape Town. According to tourists, the atmosphere is very reminiscent of the south of France. Pleasant coast, adequate infrastructure, fresh wind.

If desired, you can get to the cape good hope, there, before your eyes, two oceans will merge into one whole: the Atlantic and Indian.

Why go to South Africa

  • Beach holiday;
  • Surfing;
  • Swimming with sharks;
  • Safaris in nature reserves;
  • Diving;
  • Yachting;
  • Visiting the penguins.

Pros of South Africa

  • Extensive cultural program;
  • Good service in tourist places (for Africa);
  • Surf paradise.

When to go to South Africa

The best time for vacation is from October to March.

What to watch out for in South Africa

  • Long flight;
  • Crime;
  • Sunshine (take a hat, cream, glasses);
  • In border areas there is a risk of contracting malaria and yellow fever.

What currency to take to South Africa

The country's currency is the South African rand. There are many exchange offices, but it is better to use bank ones. Hotels charge an additional commission. You cannot pay in dollars or euros. You can take both world currencies. Preferably in small bills.

What to bring from South Africa

Tanzinite stone jewelry, African handicrafts: paintings, masks, figurines, beaded jewelry and traditional sea souvenirs.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic occupies two-thirds of the island of Haiti. People come here to lie on the beach and take a break from the usual civilization.

Why go to the Dominican Republic

  • Beach holiday;
  • Diving.

Pros of the Dominican Republic

When to go to the Dominican Republic

What to fear in the Dominican Republic

  • Long flight;
  • Problems with acclimatization;
  • Locals don't speak English well;
  • Problems with the Internet (speed);
  • Petty theft;
  • Expensive excursions;
  • Problems with early check-in at hotels.

What currency to take to the Dominican Republic

The main currency is pesos. But tourists can easily pay in American dollars. If you decide to buy local currency, be sure to keep the receipt. Otherwise, you will not be able to change your balances at the end of your vacation.

What to bring from the Dominican Republic

Tourists return from the Dominican Republic with bottles of rum, cigars, coffee and cocoa. They sell a lot of sea souvenirs: shells, stars, shark teeth, crabs and beautiful stones.

Holidays on the Arctic Ocean

There is no beach holiday on the Arctic Ocean. And in general, here you will not find anything from a traditional television picture. No palm trees or coconuts. There is snow, ice and crazy wind all around. But there are adventure lovers who plan entire expeditions to these regions in order to plow snowmobiles across the vast expanses and enjoy complete solitude and the beauty of northern nature.

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