Checking foreign passport. FMS verification of the CIS passport for validity

Passport validation check may be required in many cases. In particular, when concluding contracts, when deciding on cooperation, as well as when solving a number of everyday issues. How to check the validity of the passport or self-certify the validity of the passport? Let's try to figure it out.

Checking the validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

It's no secret that the Federal Migration Service is now in charge of issuing passports. But is it possible FMS passport check?

Checking the passport for the validity of the FMS not only possible, but also as accessible as possible. In accordance with the current legislation, including in relation to the protection of personal data, in cases where the series and number of the passport are anonymized, they may be freely available, and as a result, they do not qualify as legally protected information. In view of this, the Federal Migration Service has developed a special service containing information about passports.

Passport check on the FMS website

Today it is possible passport check on the FMS website, while the service is available to anyone who has access to the Internet. Checking the validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the site - this is not a way to view the passport data of a citizen by entering his name. The service is designed in such a way that you can enter passport data (series and numbers) in order to check them for invalid passports in the register (including lost, stolen, containing erroneous information, etc.). It is important to say that checking your passport on the FMS website is not a panacea for scammers. If the passport is not in the register of invalid documents, this does not mean that the passport is valid. On the other side, FMS passport check possible at any time, and this is one of the ways to somehow protect yourself.

FMS passport check

FMS passport check can be carried out at the request of a citizen.

This means that checking the passport of the FMS of Russia is carried out at the written request of citizens in the usual manner for considering applications, therefore, a response from the state body will have to wait within a month.

Simpler check the validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation online or by downloading a list of invalid documents from the website. According to him check passport can be very simple, just compare the number and series that are indicated in it. If there is no data in the list, then it is impossible to unequivocally judge the invalidity or validity of the passport.

How does the Federal Migration Service check a passport?

Passport verification by the Federal Migration Service at the request of citizens, it is carried out in the same way as an independent check on the site. The FMS gives an opinion on validity of the Russian passport based on the absence of the specified number and series in the list of invalid documents.

Russian passport authentication It is possible not only on the website or with a personal appeal to the FMS, you can do it yourself, paying attention to the protective elements. In this case passport authentication also won't take much of your time.
To do this, you need to open your passport and look through the 2nd page. You should be able to see the watermarks easily. If you illuminate this page with ultraviolet light, then under the words "Russian Federation" you can see the word: "PASSPORT". On the third page of the passport, a laminate is always applied, decorated with the coat of arms, the words "Russia" and "RF". All entries in the passport (with the exception of the residence registration mark, which may contain handwritten text) are entered in the passport in a typewritten way.

If you decide to check the passport of the Russian Federation, then also pay attention to the background grid, which is available on all its pages. Validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation It is also confirmed by its stitching with a special cord, which is glued under the cover, which prevents the possibility of replacing pages. If the document is issued FMS, check your passport possible by the quality of the ink used for printing. This paint does not fade, does not change its color, does not blur and “does not smear”. When checking the passport of the Russian Federation, pay attention to the fact that all its pages do not differ in color (if other sheets are pasted, they may differ in shade due to unequal storage conditions or different duration of use of passports).

How are invalid passports counted?

Everybody invalid passports are included in the list of invalid documents, which is freely available on the FMS website. It should be noted that information about invalid documents is updated daily. This allows you to receive information in a timely manner and avoid contact with scammers.

Is it possible to check the validity of CIS passports?

Is it possible checking the FMS of the CIS passport? Federal Migration Service of Russia passport check does not carry out CIS citizens, does not have such data, and should not do this. But it is quite possible to check the validity of work permits, employment licenses, patents, entry permits on the website online.

Migration policy Russian Federation in last years has undergone a number of changes. For some, they expressed themselves in a tougher regime, for others, the procedure was simplified. However, it is worth noting that the majority of migrants notice a stricter approach to the control and registration of foreigners by the Main Department of Internal Affairs (formerly the Federal Migration Service) of Russia. Many rules that the service turned a blind eye to before must now be observed unquestioningly. We are talking mainly about visitors from the CIS countries. Today, for any oversight, sanctions can be applied to a foreigner, up to deportation and a ban on entering the country for several years. Each verification of documents by employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs (UFMS) may result in a penalty for violations committed. And sometimes such measures are applied even without the knowledge of foreign citizens and become an unpleasant surprise, which you only get to know when you try to cross the border.

Eliminate Problems

You can, following the rules established by the federal migration policy. You need to have the entire list of documents provided for foreigners in the Russian Federation. These include internal (mainly for residents of the CIS countries) or foreign passports, visas, if required by the regime of stay of foreign citizens, migration cards and other papers that indicate the legal border crossing and legal stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Legality of crossing the border

The initial condition for legal stay on the territory of Russia is entry into the country in compliance with all conditions and formalities. There are two modes of entry for foreign citizens: visa and visa-free. The latter applies, as a rule, to non-residents from the CIS countries and the EAEU.

FROM visa aliens everything is simple: if you have a visa, you can enter. But with persons who can come on the basis of an ordinary or foreign passport somewhat more difficult. The fact is that if a person during his previous stay in Russia violated the law or the rules of being in the Russian Federation, he will most likely be blacklisted by the Main Department of Internal Affairs (UFMS). This is not always preceded by deportation, and in general, a foreigner may not know that he is on this prohibited list of the Main Department of Internal Affairs (UFMS). This may cause a problem: during passport control a person may be told that he has no right to enter the country.

Read also How to fill, extend and recover migration card for Ukrainians in Russia

The reason for this may be even the smallest and most insignificant violation, which a foreigner may not be aware of. The problem is aggravated by the fact that there is no way to solve it on the spot, since the decision on entry was made by the Main Department of Internal Affairs (UFMS), and it is actually executed by the state border service that checks passports. It cannot help to find out the circumstances of the application of the ban and cancel it. Therefore, a resident of the CIS will have to return to his country, from where to try to find out about the reasons and lift the ban or wait for it to end.

To avoid trouble at the border, it is recommended to independently check whether a person is on the list of banned foreign citizens. Fortunately, everyone can do this quite simply - on the website of the GUVM (UFMS) you need to fill out a form with data about the migrant. The database is freely available, and you can check the information in a matter of minutes.

The information provided on the website of the GUVM (UFMS) is for reference only. For an official response, you need to contact the government agency in writing.

If the person is not in the database, then we can assume that there is no prohibition against him. Checking on the site does not make sense for people who plan to be in Russia for the first time. It is relevant for all citizens of the CIS countries who have already been to the country and want to know in advance about the likely restriction. It is simply necessary for persons to whom any penalties were applied during their stay in Russia, from fines to deportation. It is the latter who have a high chance of being included in the lists of those banned from entering the Russian Federation.

How to check:

  1. Checking is possible on the website of the guvm.mvd.rf.
  2. In the list of services for foreigners, you need to select "Checking the existence of grounds for not allowing entry ...".
  3. Fill out the opened form, indicating personal data and details of the passport or other document by which the person stayed in Russia.
  4. After submit the data by clicking the "Submit Request" button.

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The mechanism allows you to quickly and fairly reliably find out about the existence of a ban against a particular individual directly on the website of the state agency. Depending on the information received, a person can determine the further course of his actions. At a minimum, it gets the opportunity to learn about the problem in time and will not waste money on a blind trip. In case of an error in the system and on the site, there is a high probability of lifting the ban.

For convenience, the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (the former Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation) offers a number of useful online information services on its official website. Among them there are services that are useful both for a Russian citizen and for foreign citizen. The greatest demand is on the website of the GUVM (formerly the Federal Migration Service) for checking the passport for the presence in the "black list" for entry, the validity of the passport of a citizen of Russia and the readiness of the passport.

Check entry ban

Very convenient is the service on the GUVM website (previously it was also available on the FMS resource), which allows a foreign citizen to enter Russia remotely. Such a check allows you to avoid a huge amount of trouble when crossing the border. Having learned in advance about the presence of a ban on entry, you can eliminate the extra costs of money, time and nerves.

The verification is carried out on the website of the Main Department of Internal Affairs (formerly the Federal Migration Service) according to the personal data of a foreign citizen, as well as the number of a passport or other document by which entry into the territory of Russia is carried out.

To send a request and receive a response that comes almost instantly, you need to fill out the following form on the website of the GUVM (formerly FMS):

The fields that must be filled in are marked with an asterisk on the right. After entering the data and code from the image, you need to click on the send request button and wait for the new page to load. It will provide information on whether there is a ban on entry into the Russian Federation in the GUVM database.

The information provided is for reference only. This means that it cannot be used in legally significant actions (for example, when filing a lawsuit). However, its usefulness lies in the fact that it indicates which specific territorial body for migration issues (formerly the Federal Migration Service) made the relevant decision, on the basis of which it was made. This allows you to directly contact the GUMV (ex FMS) to receive an official response that is legally significant and subject to appeal if there are grounds.

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Passport verification

On the website of the GUVM (former FMS), you can check the validity of a civil passport. This is very convenient when concluding transactions, hiring and carrying out other transactions with different persons, especially if they are associated with monetary or other valuable resources. On the page of the state agency, you can check the authenticity of the passport Russian citizen online in a few seconds. To do this, it is enough to enter the series and document number in the appropriate form fields:

Before sending a request to clarify the validity of a document, you must also enter the code from the picture in order to eliminate the increased load on the server created by robots.

On the updated page, after pressing the button, it will be possible to obtain information on whether a particular identity card is included in the list of invalid ones. If there is no such information, it is considered that the passport is valid.

Passport readiness

No less popular is the service for checking the readiness of a passport. To carry out control, you will also need to enter the series and number of the main identity document, etc. possibly personal data of the applicant. You can find out about the readiness as new. And the old samples of the international passport.

To do this, the person is invited to fill out one of two forms on the page:

It is worth noting that when checking the readiness of an old-style passport (without an electromagnetic chip), you should indicate the passport number without a series, and in addition, select the region and indicate the date of birth of the applicant.

Thus, the official resource of the state body on migration issues today allows you to get a number of useful information services. Among other things, such checks are very popular among foreigners and the local population: the readiness of a foreign passport, the authenticity of a civil passport of the Russian Federation and the presence of a ban on foreigners entering Russian territory. Despite the fact that all of them are for reference only, you can avoid trouble with them, as well as find ways and means to solve problems. For an official response, which will be accepted by any other government agency and court, you will need to apply to the Main Department of Internal Affairs with a written application, in which you can indicate the site as a source of information.