What to take on vacation in Goa. What to take with you to India (list of things)

Bringing a sweater or skis on a trip if you are going to Goa is at least absurd. Not taking a swimsuit is funny. To avoid getting into trouble on one of the most beautiful West Indian beaches in the world, we suggest you study the article.

Goa is a former colony of Portugal and the smallest state of India. It is located in the west of the country, and is a generally recognized favorite vacation spot for couples, newlyweds, and divers from all over the world. Goa is considered the most European region of India, and here you will find Bounty-style beaches, economical shopping, great mood and a lot of parties.

Pre-readiness or there is still a lot of time left before departure

Let’s imagine a situation where there are still a couple of months left before departure. First of all, you must take care of such an important thing as your documents. You can calmly relax in the seat of an airliner that is preparing to take you far, far away from problems if you are the happy owner of the following things that are significant for every tourist:

  • Foreign passport(be careful, leave two pages for the Indian visa. And note - the passport must be active a full three months after you return from your paradise holiday).
  • Copies of international passport(we know how wonderful and peaceful the vacation will be. But we still want to be very, very sure and protect ourselves in case of an unpleasant loss or loss of a document).
  • Birth certificates and permission to leave the child(of course, we definitely take the children with us and don’t forget the most important document for the child).
  • Package of travel documents(air tickets, hotel voucher, medical insurance policy). However, tourists usually receive these documents the day before departure. But they must be present!
  • Valid Indian visa(to obtain it you need to have a foreign passport, the validity of which should not expire in 6 months or less).

Intermediate readiness or a week and a couple of days left before departure

A week before departure, you should start collecting all the things a tourist needs, so as not to rack your brains about forgetting something important. We list the main items you need on your journey:


I would like to dwell on this point in more detail due to the exotic nature of the host country to which you are going. Medicines are the most important item on your packing list. So, you should take with you:

  • Bandage, plaster, peroxide, brilliant green;
  • Effective remedies for insect bites (it is worth taking proven or well-proven remedies, because in Goa insects can easily be carriers of infectious diseases such as hemorrhagic fever, leishmanism, malaria, etc.);
  • Medicines for motion sickness;
  • Medicines to counteract headaches and toothaches;
  • Antipyretics, electronic thermometer;
  • Proven remedies for the gastrointestinal tract (in Goa, specific food is very spicy);
  • Individual sunscreens for the skin type of each family member.

Goa has a subtropical climate. Therefore, you should take care to take with you a sunscreen with a high level of protection. Be careful and don't forget baby skin care product.

Money and credit cards

At this point it is worth noting that you, as a tourist, need to decide how much money to take with you to Goa. Provided that if you decide to take more than 10,000 USD with you, they will need to be declared. In addition, increased responsibility should be maintained when paying for goods and services in exotic country, because Crime is rampant, everywhere. You should be extremely careful not to use your credit card in dubious shops or markets.

International driver's license, insurance

Goa has amazingly beautiful nature, so all tourists want to see natural features and beauty not only in and around your hotel, but also beyond. Be careful because... introduced in the country Left side traffic and, among other things, very narrow road lanes and an incredibly peculiar driving style. Therefore, for the individual safety of you and your children, it is worth hiring a private driver to travel through the beauties of Goa.

Individual items for yourself and children

Here you should take care of what your swimming season in Goa should be like. Average temperature in Goa the most favorable temperature for Europeans is +28-29 degrees. The lack of precipitation is accompanied by a fairly active sun, which shines about 10 hours a day.

That's why hats- this is the first thing that should be in your suitcase, and also Sunglasses and other remedies for the scorching sun.

Traditional photo and video equipment with all related accessories and chargers.

Travel Guide to India (Goa). Guide to exotic island will help you not only decide where and when to go, but will help you navigate the local currency (rupees), time zone, local traditions and conventions.

English-Russian phrasebook. Indians understand very well English language and this is not surprising, because he is one of the.

Flashlight. If you like evening and night walks, you will definitely need it. The sun in Goa begins to set at 6 pm.

Bed sheet. India is a very dirty country and it is very easy to catch some kind of infection here. Therefore, it is better to have your own bed linen.

If you take a direct flight directly to Goa, the first place you will be greeted is Dabolim Airport. Why is it remarkable and what should you be wary of?

Final readiness or a few hours left before departure

I would like to note that you must prioritize when collecting things. It is very important to take Goa documents, money and medicines(especially if you need special medications on an individual basis). You can easily purchase things like slates forgotten at home in the hotel store.

Review the list of things needed for the trip again and make sure you have taken everything.

When you arrive at the airport with your entire family, please check that all family members and their documents are there. Count your suitcases. Think about whether you took everything from the list above with you. And finally relax! And don't worry, because you're flying on vacation to one of the most attractive places on Earth.

By the way, it seems you forgot something? Maybe a good mood?

Video: packing a backpack for a trip to Goa

India is a country with a tropical climate, thousand-year-old traditions and strict laws that even tourists must comply with. Much will depend on how you dress, what you carry with you, and how you behave - namely, the attitude of the local population towards the “next” tourist.

It is better to take your time when packing your bag for India. After receiving the long-awaited documents, it is worth checking the contents of your suitcases several times - not to take anything unnecessary or particularly valuable, but also not to forget what, without which your holiday in India will certainly be overshadowed.

Check out the approximate list of what you need to take with you to India. This list is incomplete and can be expanded individual items.

Documents for traveling to India

Citizens of Russia for a period of stay in India up to 30 days, can receive an entry document upon arrival at the airport. To obtain the right to visit the country, you must have:

International passport with expiration date from 6 months at the time of planned departure from India;

Copies of completed pages Russian passport;

One color photo on any digital media in format.jpeg. The file size must not exceed 300 kb ;

Completed and certified visa application form. It is certified online in 4 days before departure;

Visa or MasterCard card with open account For payment of visa fee in the amount of $60.

If you plan to live in India over 30 days, then you will have to apply for a visa in advance and only through Consulate General of India in Moscow.

international passport

Packing your suitcase for India


When traveling to any place in India except Goa, you should remember that it is indecent for women to bare their shoulders or knees, wear too revealing or tight clothes, or look provocative. There are no such restrictions.

Any clothing should be light, light and at the same time quite comfortable. It would be good to have a few with you T-shirts, two pairs shorts or breeches, trousers or jeans, some skirts or dresses. Helps a lot during combustion long sleeve T-shirt, which will protect burned skin from new stress in the form of UV rays.

Example of clothing in India

For swimming and sunbathing on the beach, you need to take a pair of swimming trunks or swimsuits. But for cool Indian summer nights it is better to take with you sweater or summer jacket, because walking and sightseeing in the evening is even more comfortable than during the day. It would also be better to take several pairs socks and more clean underwear.

When traveling, don’t forget about hats. The hot sun of this country can cause sunstroke, so it is better to cover your head with a light shade. Panama hat, wide-brimmed hat or cap.

For a trip to the mountains, warmer clothes will be useful, however, you can buy them locally for a reasonable price. You may also need rain cover, however, it will only be needed in especially rainy months, or again when going to the mountains.


Shoes for a trip to India need to be chosen especially carefully. These should be comfortable shoes, preferably made from natural materials, and preferably already worn, since new shoes sometimes begin to chafe, although they seemed comfortable.

For mountain hikes and long excursions, it is better to choose on sneakers or other closed, comfortable shoes on a small heel. In such shoes the foot will not get tired for a long time, so it is an ideal option for long walks.

The best way to get around the city is sandals, light shoes or other open shoes, in which the leg will breathe. And for walking on the beach or even going into the water, flip flops or beach slippers are best.

In the country it's better don't wear open shoes, no matter how hot the weather is. In the Indian jungle there are a lot of dangers in the form of representatives of the local fauna - poisonous snakes and spiders are found even near densely populated villages.

To visit various entertainment and public places you can take it high heel shoes, however, you shouldn’t wear it all the time - your legs will get too tired, which will significantly spoil your rest.

First aid kit

Every tourist must have a first aid kit - not only comfort, but also health after the trip depends on it. In addition to the personal medications you need to take, your first aid kit should include:

· Bandage, iodine, plaster and other means for treating minor injuries;

· Medicines for stomach disorders (activated carbon, Immodium, Linex, etc.);

· Remedies for headaches. Please note that aspirin is not sold in Russia;

· Simple painkillers;

· Remedies for conjunctivitis - ointment or drops;

· Hygienic lipstick;

· Medicines that relieve cold symptoms;

· Drops or ointment for nasal congestion;

· Personal hygiene products - in India it is difficult to buy, for example, feminine pads or cotton wool;

· Malaria preventive medications may be helpful.

In Indian pharmacies you can see analogues many “Russian” drugs, but under different names. You can buy them only at your own peril and risk. The quality of some medicines in India is constantly criticized international organizations doctors.

Pharmacy in India

What to take when traveling with a child?

When traveling with a child under 14 years of age, he must be entered in your passport. After 14 the child is entitled your document.

Many personal hygiene products in India there is simply no such thing, so it would be better to take diapers, powders and other products with you. The same applies to special food.

A child should be dressed in the same way as an adult, in light, comfortable clothes. light clothes. Don't forget about headdress.

Important little things

Sun cream- no joke, tourist “currency” in India. They sell it at every turn, but the quality and prices will upset even the most generous tourists. Therefore, it is better to take it from home, or better yet, with a reserve.

Be sure to take a few with you adapters for sockets. Some hotels still use an outdated standard. In addition, there may be only one socket in the room - electricity remains a luxury for a number of Indian states even in the 21st century. In this case you need to have with you tee or extension.

The electrical problems won't end there. Every visitor to India, even in such a rich state as Goa, should have with him LED flashlight kit. Rolling blackouts at power plants are a common occurrence here.

The issue of sanitation in Indian hotels is also easy to solve - just take your own towels And bed sheets. With the latter, by the way, special vigilance is needed - too expensive sheets can be stolen by maids.

For long outdoor excursions in India, a few replacement pairs will come in handy sunglasses.

When traveling on your own, always have with you GPS -navigator in a charged smartphone or special device. It makes no sense to take “paper” maps and guidebooks for tourists - many settlements they just don't have it.

GPS navigator in your phone

Indians speak good English, and major cities There are even experts in the Russian language. But nonetheless, hindi phrasebook It is highly advisable to have it with you. If you can find a similar one marathi phrasebook, then you can safely go to Maharashtra on excursions to the legendary Bollywood film studios.

The list of things is compiled for people who are traveling around Hindustan for the first time, based on the author’s personal experience for informational purposes.
The list includes things that I personally found very useful in my trips to various regions of India in different seasons, for which a corresponding reservation has been made.

Most of the things and medicines we are used to are either also sold in India or have Indian analogues, so it is not always advisable to take them with you. At the same time, if you are traveling to remote, remote areas of India, you better stock up on what you need before leaving; the choice of goods in local shops is very limited. In addition, if you are not adapted to unsanitary conditions in order to feel protected, you should think about this before your trip.

Documents and the most important

  • Ksivnik or napusnik for carrying money and documents under clothes (preferably synthetic, thin and waterproof)
  • Passport + 2 photocopies of the first page and visa
  • printout electronic air ticket in 2 copies.
  • Health insurance policy (preferred) with copies
  • Denyuzhki cash in large bills (higher exchange rate) + a few small bills. In tourist centers they change travel checks and there are also ATMs.
  • Passport size photos are required when purchasing a local SIM card
  • Ball pen

Means of protection:

Protection from insects (required if you live near fresh water bodies and at an altitude of less than 2.5 thousand meters)

  • Spray Moskitol or Autan, but better is the rarely available spray Gvozdika. Don’t buy the cream; they make an excellent anti-mosquito cream in India, ODOMOS.
  • Spray "RAID" - kills everything that moves / if you are a supporter of ahimsa, you can buy anti-mosquito coils, 18 rupees for 10 pieces, 1 coil is enough for the night
  • Electric fumicator / in India there is, but there is not always electricity
  • Look for the after-bite cream "KOMAREX" - a great thing, it even heals wounds! / there is an Indian analogue of Kailash Jivan cream.


  • Cream (oil, milk) for tanning, decide for yourself depending on your skin type and season, but the sun can be hot. I used Amber Soler No. 15, and I wish you the same.
    If you climb into the Himalayas to an altitude of more than 3 km. or you will walk on a glacier or snow - take a cream with maximum protection for the face, otherwise your face will char!
  • Milk for burns, such as blue Amber Soler or Indian cream Kailash Jivan
  • Hygienic lipstick with UV filter
  • Moisturizing face cream, although you can also use after-sun cream
  • Glasses with UV filter
  • Headdress. I prefer a scarf, it is easier to wet it in water, and this is sometimes necessary.

from dirt (asepsis)

  • Antiseptic (disinfecting) wipes for cleaning hands and utensils before eating are advisable in big cities India.
  • Medical alcohol (for internal and external) - 2-3 cans of 100 ml. if you are very afraid of gastrointestinal infections, although alcohol in India is not of poor quality, but is cheap.
  • Manganese permanganate (crystalline potassium permanganate) - in the solution you can wash fruits and the stomach in case of poisoning too
  • To treat the skin of the face and body during travel and transitions, you can take wet cleansing wipes like Hygena.

Toiletries and more

  • Antibacterial soap - SafeGuard or similar with maximum protection / In India you can buy DETOL soap or liquid with the same properties.
  • Shampoo (preferably in bags) / they are sold in kiosks on the streets for 2 rupees per bag
  • Toothpaste and brush / India has excellent toothpastes, ask in pharmacies
  • Washcloth
  • Comb/hair brush
  • A terry towel, if you’re not too lazy to drag it, hotels don’t always have them
  • double or 2 small sheets, in Indian hotels the linen is often not fresh, even better is a special cotton or silk cover for a sleeping bag
  • A strong synthetic rope for drying clothes; in Indian guesthouses there is often nowhere to dry clothes
  • A small piece of laundry soap / powders in India are the same, household. blue soap is better in my opinion
  • Toilet paper / sold everywhere
  • Some paper napkins or tissues
  • Cotton buds
  • Deodorant, nail file, razor, and everything else you use... cosmetics, IMHO, are not useful

Household supplies

  • A mug for boiling water + a boiler + a spoon - if you like to eat/drink tea at night or don’t like spicy food, and if you are in relatively civilized places
  • A penknife, preferably a folding one with a fork and a bottle opener; if you wander into the Himalayas, you may have to eat without them with a spoon washed in cold water
  • It is better to have a flashlight with batteries or a self-charging one. Electrical problems are quite common even in tourist areas, but in star hotels We always have our own generators.
  • Candles (electricity often goes out) and lighter / available for sale
  • Small padlock (for backpack) / available for sale
  • Needles, threads, pins + scissors

Healthy foods

  • Tea bags + sugar cubes + a little salt, in some places drinking normal tea is a big problem,
  • Instant rice porridge (in case of problems with acclimatization or spicy foods)
  • Chips and chocolate (for the road)
  • Vobla, if you love it, and manage to get it through customs, sprats and other non-perishable things...
  • Cigarettes if you smoke
  • If you are traveling to the Himalayas and love corpses, take freeze-dried meat, smoked sausage, sprats, etc. with myself. The most beautiful Himalayan state of India, Uttaranchal (Uttarakhand), is vegetarian.

IT IS USEFUL to take with you a thin (3 mm) metallized mat or yoga mat - you can sunbathe on the beach, lie down on it, when rolled up it is comfortable as a seat in temples and in nature, in the cold you can sleep on it.

Clothing and footwear for India

  • Sneakers for long walks and travel. For trekking in the Himalayas, special shoes are advisable; in any case, they should not get wet or slip.
  • Sturdy sandals with stable non-leather soles
  • Underwear, socks (preferably cotton or other hygroscopic material)
  • a windbreaker or sweater - it's cold when traveling in air-conditioned trains.

For Indian plains and beaches in spring and autumn

  • light trousers and a skirt made of natural material
  • if you have semi-nylon “pants that turn into elegant shorts” - take them, they are the most practical clothes for traveling, wash easily, dry quickly.
  • a couple of T-shirts or light shirts / available for sale
  • swimsuit/swimming trunks and open clothes for the beach

For easy trekking in the Himalayas

  • Polyethylene raincoat
  • windbreaker with lining or with a sweater. In the Himalayas above 2 km. in summer and early autumn you need to take a trekking jacket, above 3 thousand - already a down jacket and preferably trekking boots or good ankle boots, above 4 thousand and on glaciers without boots it already becomes dangerous.

Readings, photos and more

  • The dictionary is better than English-Russian-English, even if you know the language well
  • Phrasebook, if your language is bad
  • Notebook
  • Something good, eternal, that will harmonize you with your environment.
  • If the camera is digital, take batteries for it. There is memory in India, as well as all kinds of video cassettes.

It is advisable that all this be put in a small backpack or bag, but don’t bother on purpose... In India there was more of all this than here and much cheaper. It is advisable that your main large backpack is not filled to the brim with all of the above, otherwise where will you put the souvenirs?
You can also take the addresses of your family and friends, because they will be terribly pleased to receive a postcard with a view of the Himalayas or the Taj Mahal :)

Own experience achadidi

Before traveling to India, tourists search for information on the Internet about mandatory things for the trip. But if you take seriously the nonsense that is written on some travel websites, then you can completely abandon your planned trip.

You should distinguish between a trip to Goa and a trip to India, these are very big differences and the list of things can be very different. I will try to talk about all this in my post.

But the first step is to get rid of the incorrect information that is floating around the Internet. Here are some quotes from the site travel agency, on the topic “What to take with you to India.” Probably, texts for such sites are written by people who have never been to this country.

Any clothing should be light, light and at the same time quite comfortable.

It is strictly not recommended to take light-colored clothes; in India they will become any color, but not light. During the six-month trip, I had to wash a dark blue backpack several times, which is not intended for washing. I don’t understand what kind of light clothes the author is talking about.

There is no need to take light-colored clothes to India!

Please note that aspirin is not sold in India. The quality of some drugs is constantly criticized by international doctors' organizations.

Quite by accident, in my medicine cabinet there was a pack of aspirin, which I bought in the Indian city of Varanasi (I attach a photo of the packaging of Indian aspirin). The cost of local medicines is cheap (a pack of Indian aspirin costs only 4 rupees), but the effectiveness is no worse than ours. Well, we shouldn’t forget that India is the birthplace of Ayurveda, but I think that the author of the travel site doesn’t know what it is.

The level of paid healthcare in India is at a good level.

And finally, from the same travel site and from the same article “What to take with you to India.”

The issue of sanitation in Indian hotels is also easy to solve - just take your own towels and bed linen with you. With the latter, by the way, you need special vigilance - too expensive sheets can be stolen by maids.

In India, there are hotels of different price levels and comfort, from rooms for 100 rupees per day, to an entire palace for $20,000 per day. I have lived in the most modest guesthouses and nowhere have anything been stolen from me.

You shouldn’t worry so much about the sheets that the author recommends you bring from Russia. And for reference, in India there are approximately 300,000,000 people (this figure is twice the population of Russia) - these are representatives of the middle class (owners of private businesses, small factories, hotels, restaurants, etc.), they are unlikely to covet your sheets.

You should be careful, but without fanaticism.

I think you understand that not every information on the Internet is worth believing.

Let's return to the topic of our post “What to take with you on a trip to India”. In this post I will try to briefly tell you what is worth putting in your backpack, and what is better to refuse, or buy on the spot. At the end of the post I’ll tell you and show you the contents of my backpack.

If I forgot to mention something important, please add it in the comments to this post.

What to take with you to India

The first thing you should always control is the volume and quantity of things. Try to take as little as possible (everything you need can be bought locally), too many unnecessary things will be an unnecessary burden.

It should be understood that India is a large country and it is important to take into account climatic conditions the place where you are going. At a time when it is + 30 in Goa, it snows in the Himalayas and you can ski.

List of must-haves when traveling to India:

Documents and their copies- you should make copies of all documents that are traveling with you ( Russian passport, international passport+ page with Indian visa, medical insurance, round trip air tickets). The best way- take a photo of the documents and send them to your email, so they will definitely be safe and accessible.

Belt bag for concealed carry- if you are going on a long trip, then be sure to buy a moneybelt, it really helps.

Money and bank cards- all money should be divided into several parts and distributed over several places (cash, credit cards, debit cards, electronic wallets, etc.). Most cash - always carry it in your belt bag, and think about the safety of your bank cards.

Medicines and hygiene products- almost everything can be bought in India, but at first you should have a small supply.

Sunscreen sunscreen- the Indian sun is very active, so you shouldn’t joke with it, you can get fried very quickly. You can also buy sunscreen locally; prices for creams from European manufacturers are high, but you can buy Indian, whatever you like.

Comfortable shoes - you can take any kind of shoes (old, new, fashionable, not fashionable), but they must be comfortable - this is the only criterion.

Nice sunglasses- in India there are branded stores with original products from the Italian company Luxotica (brands Ray Ban, Oakley, etc.), but the prices are the same as in Russia (or higher), and you will also have to look for the stores themselves.

A camera or something you can take pictures with- this is an optional thing, but very useful.

The padlock- if you are planning to travel around India, then taking a small padlock with you is a must.

Cigarettes- if you smoke, it is better to take a small supply, local cigarettes are not of very high quality, and imported ones are expensive.

Flashlight- buy a small flashlight, sometimes it will be useful to you. The flashlight can also be bought in India, so this point is not so important.

What is better not to take with you to India?

Alcohol- in Goa it is local, high quality and cheap. In other Indian states, there may be problems with alcohol and its drinking; there are some cities where the sale of alcohol is prohibited by law.

Antibiotics- it is much cheaper and more efficient to buy locally, and it is advisable to have

Heeled shoes, branded and other fashion items- shoes and clothes should be practical and comfortable, you won’t surprise anyone here with branded items, and they will quickly become unusable (climate, dust, etc.). I don’t recommend taking light-colored clothes; in India they will quickly lose their whiteness.

Expensive smartphones and other gadgets- there is no need to go to India with an expensive phone and other expensive gadgets, here they can be stolen or you can lose them in other ways (lose, break, drown, etc.). So, if you are going to relax and not to work, then take a break from the usual things.

Jewelry- these things are unlikely to be useful to you here, unless of course you are heading to someone’s wedding. There is no point in taking expensive jewelry with you.

Travel bag on wheels- this is a very useful thing, but not for India. You will have to carry it everywhere in your arms; there are very few places to roll such a bag in the Indian open spaces (with the exception of airports). The best option- This is a comfortable and roomy backpack.

Russian SIM card- you should not use your usual cellular operators unless absolutely necessary, roaming is very expensive. Our MTS is present on the Indian market of cellular communication services, but the level of communication and prices for roaming are not encouraging; it is easier to buy a local SIM card.

Contents of my backpack for an Indian trip

So, what fits in my 45 liter backpack.

Clothes and shoes

  • T-shirts - 2 pieces (you can buy them locally, they are cheaper here than in Russia);
  • shorts - 2 pieces (can be purchased on the spot);
  • panties - 2 pieces (if necessary, can be bought in India);
  • socks - 2 pairs of light ones (can be purchased locally);
  • a cap - its visor perfectly protects from the sun (you can buy it on the spot);
  • Comfortable boots are a must for central and northern India;
  • rubber flip flops - 1 pair, ideal for going to the shower or to the beach (simple ones can be bought at local markets, but it’s better to bring quality ones with you).


  • laptop - an old HP backpack;
  • camera - Nikon D90 with lens, but without camera bag;
  • Flash drives, chargers, USB extension cable.


  • international passport;
  • bank cards (my selection of bank cards for travel);
  • driver's license(An international driving license is required in India).

Useful things

  • thermal mug and boiler - in India these devices will be useful to you;
  • first aid kit (all medications can be bought at local pharmacies, their price will be much lower, and their effectiveness will be much higher, so my minimum kit is: a patch and polyphepan);
  • inflatable pillow - during long bus journeys it can significantly ease your suffering :);
  • earplugs - sometimes the noise from Indian streets is deadly and in a surprising way penetrates into guesthouse rooms that do not have windows;
  • flashlight - for India, having a small pocket (or head) flashlight will be your advantage and protect your shoes from cow dung in the night (can be purchased locally);
  • padlock - be sure to take it and use it wherever possible (I recommend taking it with you);
  • notebook - if you don’t write down your brilliant idea in time, then most likely you won’t get it back :), in fact, it really helps to remember the details of the trip;
  • sunglasses - take only high-quality sunglasses, the sun here (especially in the South) is very active, and besides, they are comfortable for riding a bike.


  • dry wipes (can be purchased locally);
  • gel for hand disinfection - great help in cases where there are no hand washing places nearby (can be bought on the spot);
  • Oral irrigator - I carry this device everywhere to clean my teeth;
  • towel - not all guesthouses have them (it’s better to buy a quick-drying towel, ordinary ones can rot).

What's in the backpack specifically for India?

A padlock is a big thing in this country, I don't use padlocks in Thailand, but India is a different story. You will definitely need a disinfectant (at first, for sure). The flashlight was used exclusively in India; I didn’t even think about buying it in other countries.

The photo does not show some important things for an independent trip to India, but they definitely go: a waist bag for concealed carry, a small backpack, a smartphone, etc.

There is no need to carry a number of things with you; it is easier to buy them on the spot and leave them there after the trip. It seems like there are not many things, but the 45-liter backpack is 80% full.

List of things that were useless in India

Hello friends. 6 months in India flew by like two days, I’m back in Russia and ready to tell you how to optimize the filling of your backpack for this trip. In this part of the post I will tell you what things were completely useless on my Indian trip.

So as not to bore you with unnecessary information, let’s look at the photo of the things I took with me on the trip. Now I’ll tell you what things you could not take with you, but buy on the spot and leave there, or refuse them altogether.

Here is a list of things that take up a lot of space in your backpack, and some of them are completely useless.

Terry towel- this is the biggest fail that can only happen to you in India. First, it takes up precious space. Secondly, India has a very nasty climate, so your towel will simply rot. Thirdly, on local market it costs a penny. If you really need to drag your towel from Russia, then buy a quick-drying version from any sportswear, at least it won’t rot.

Inflatable sleep pillow and earplugs. These things are completely useless in India, since in most cases you either need a full-fledged pillow, or the road is so bumpy that there is no time for sleep.

Laptop. It all depends on the type of your activity, for me it is necessary, but most of my friends get by just fine with a tablet or smartphone. The laptop takes up a lot of space and weighs at least 2.5 kilograms.

Reflex camera. Everything here is debatable, but modern smartphones take such high-quality pictures that you are amazed. If photography is not your profession, then a modern smartphone camera is perfect.

Flashlight. In India, there are sometimes power outages, but there is no need to bring a flashlight from Russia. The local store has as much of this stuff as you want, and the price is much lower than ours.

Thermal mug lid. The thermal cup is a universal thing, I’m used to it, but in India I could do without it. And especially don’t carry the cover of this device with you.

There are several items missing from this photo that were in my backpack, but they were quite useful on the trip. An exception is the Dolphin device, it’s a nasal wash, but it was completely useless. In India there are two extremes, and in both cases such devices are not needed at all. For example, if you live in Goa on the seashore, or in the foothills of the Himalayas, then you don’t need any “Dolphin”. If you live in Delhi, where the air is so dirty that you need to constantly rinse your nose, the device is again useless.

Now you know for sure that things that are familiar to us can be completely useless during an Indian trip.

Have a nice trip!

Well, friends, as I understand it, your tickets have already been purchased, your visa has been processed, so today we will be packing our bags! :) And let's talk about what is worth taking with you and what (this is important! :)) is not worth it! :) So that you don’t end up like my friend: We were going to Rope training in the forest (!), and she spent about an hour putting on makeup and doing her hair, in the end I subtly remarked to her: Of course, the main thing at the training in the forest is to be beautiful! :))

Well, as they say in Russia, with God!

Of course, I would love to reduce this entire post to one sentence: don’t take anything - buy everything here! :) And to some extent I would be right, because everything is cheap and practically (!) everything is there.

However, I understand that some of you will go to Goa not for the whole season, but for a couple of weeks, and every day will be precious to them, so spending precious time searching for what you need will not be very smart :)

So, let's start with...
Clothes and shoes
Let me remind you that we are talking about the time of year - Season (October-March). During this period it is warm and hot in Goa! :) The temperature is +30, but this is a completely different +30 than in Moscow or in the south of Belarus, here at +30 you can breathe, walk and live! :)

Let's go through the list:
- shorts,
- T-shirts/T-shirts (I remind males that riding topless in Goa is prohibited by the police, and I know of cases when they stopped and took money for contemplating a beautiful torso - please note: they did not pay, but collected! :)),
- cotton pants (if you are going to some very serious temple, it is better to replace shorts with pants),
- T-shirt with long sleeves (for girls, also for the temple),
- “shawl” (you can cover your shoulders with it when visiting a temple),
- sweatshirt (for riding a scooter in the evening and at night),
- flip flops,
- sandals (if you suddenly decide to walk through the mountains and valleys),
- Panama/cap/bandana,
- bathing suit:)

In addition, remember - here everything is easy and simple: no one flaunts dresses, and no one sparkles in the sun :) Therefore, I would also think about evening or cocktail dresses. Although - again - we met...

Most people come to parties wearing practically the same clothes they were wearing a couple of hours ago on the beach :) Somehow this has happened historically, since the days of the hippies :)

Cosmetics and hygiene
I will leave this to your discretion, because everyone has their own personal list of these funds.

I just want to draw your attention to a few things:
- there is eau de toilette here, but I’m not at all sure about it :) On the other hand, few people use it :)
- cotton pads are expensive here (compared to Moscow), so take enough of them with you,
- the choice of tampons is limited,
- the same as the choice of pads, including daily ones,
- sunscreen(in my opinion, it is also more expensive here...),
- I will include sunglasses in this section,
- also, if you have glasses with transparent lenses, take them: for driving in the evening and at night on a scooter - so that midges do not get into your eyes.

In general, almost all types of cosmetics are present here and I always bring everything I need from here to another country. I especially love Dabur Red toothpaste - try it: it’s great to wake up to in the morning - sooooo refreshing! :)

I repeat: Indian medicine is one of the best in the world. In addition, it is also one of the cheapest! Therefore, there are no problems with good medicines and excellent doctors.

However, for those traveling to Goa for the first time, I recommend purchasing health insurance. I used the Renaissance Insurance company - everything was great: the doctor came to my house twice! :)
Why do you need insurance? First of all, “new kids” in Goa usually “catch” something like food poisoning. The disease, I confess to you, is not a pleasant one... And it is sometimes inevitable: it is not just bad food or dirty hands before eating, perhaps it is just the clean hands of the waiter serving you a glass and leaving Indian bacteria on it. Moreover, I even recommend that you get over this disease, because, as my Russian-speaking doctor said, “After it, you will be able to eat even in the dirtiest local eatery - no problem! Because your body has developed immunity, and a real Indian, already harmless bacteria!
And another quote from my doctor: “Indian diseases should be treated with Indian medicines!” Therefore, you don’t have to strain yourself with Smecta and Activated Carbon - it doesn’t help! :)

Include your personal medications that you take in your list of medications. Let me remind you: it is better to transport medicines in two places - in luggage (the main part) and in hand luggage(two weeks supply). This way, if you lose your luggage, you have two weeks to deal with the medications you need.

Separately, I would like to say about vaccinations: they are an independent decision for everyone. Personally, I have never been vaccinated. However, before Indonesia, I want to get all the necessary vaccinations here in India. Because it is high quality and cheap.
Important: some vaccinations need to be done long before the trip, so be careful!

Of course, this is also at the discretion of everyone. However, it will be easier if you have here:
- mobile phone and charging for it,
- a camera, a charger for it, a sufficient memory card and cables for transporting photos from the memory card to a computer,
- player and charger for it (I loved riding with the player on my scooter),
- video camera, charger, memory card and wires (this is if you do something later with the captured video, otherwise we know the history of many home cameras :)),
- laptop and charger for it (also optional),
- a pocket flashlight - in case of a power outage (this happens often here :))

In addition, one of the problems in Goa is the lack of information :) Because there is no TV here, you will also not use the Internet very often (if you go for a short period of time), we have long lost the habit of reading newspapers... Therefore, take it with you a couple of books and download a couple of films to your hard drive - they will “inform” you :)

And don’t forget a small padlock - it will help you keep not only your new home intact, but also your backpack on the train/bus :)

For those who are not yet quite comfortable with English: grab a pocket phrase book and a pocket Russian-English and vice versa dictionary - they will help in communicating and clarifying everyday and vital issues! :)

Bon Voyage!

Next time I’ll tell you about how to look for and rent housing in Goa (oh-ho-ho!) :)