Electronic record of residence permit

NEW! Receipt of documents - new schedule

2. Do they do fingerprinting in Sakharovo?

Yes. You can undergo fingerprint registration (fingerprinting) on ​​the territory of the migration center when applying for a temporary residence permit in zone D Fingerprinting.

3. Which building should I go to to apply? In which building do fingerprinting? In which building are ready-made documents issued?

Submission of documents
To submit documents, you must go to the zone "A Registration", sector A2 and A3

Documents receiving
To receive documents, you need to go to the zone "U Issuance"

Passage of fingerprint registration
You can undergo fingerprint registration (fingerprinting) on ​​the territory of the migration center when applying for a temporary residence permit in the "D Fingerprinting" zone.

4. Can I make an appointment online or by phone?

No. You can only take the ticket in person.

5. Is there a hotel in Sakharovo?

Yes, phone number 8-495-803-26-13 and 8-916-136-05-52

6. Is it possible to pass a medical examination for a temporary residence permit/residence permit in Sakharovo?

7. Where can I find the bus schedule to Sakharovo? And how can you get to Sakharov?

8. Is there a canteen in Sakharovo?

There is. Visitors are offered tea, coffee, other soft drinks, as well as pastries, cold snacks, hot dishes - borscht, goulash, pilaf, etc. The average check for breakfast is 100 rubles, for lunch - 250 rubles. The buffet is open daily, from 8.00 to 20.00, without a break. It should be noted that on the territory of the IMC there are also food vending machines, where you can buy both regular and halal fast food.

9. When will Sakharovo accept applicants for NPR issues? (Native Russian speakers)

Already passes, contact the guard, you will be directed

10. I am a foreigner. I'm afraid to go to places like this alone. Therefore, my husband walks with me, he is a citizen of Russia. They say that citizens of the Russian Federation are not allowed inside the building in Sakharovo, is that true?

True, it has always been like this, when applying for a patent, the accompanying citizens of the Russian Federation also remained waiting on the street. But there are exceptions. A citizen will be let through along with a disabled foreign citizen (for example, my son was let in with an elderly father in a wheelchair). Unfortunately, your husband will most likely not be allowed through.

11. Is it possible to pass an exam in Sakharovo?

It is possible for RVP and residence permit, the cost is 3500, more

12. Is it true that there is no mobile connection in Sakharov?
Truth. Warn your family and friends in advance so that they do not worry where you have gone.
UPD: MTS catches

Thanks to the group members for the information.

Since the algorithm for applying for citizenship in Volgograd. Online registration for citizenship - the next entry for the day opens at 12. Submission of applications for admission to Russian citizenship Carried out by a diplomat by appointment (see entry) Entrance at.

Initial appointment (by appointment). 09:00 – 13:00. 14:00 - 16:30. GUVM MIA FMS FMS Citizenship of Russia Residence permit RWP record fixed. 17 Aug at 15:. For citizenship, you must have a residence permit registration, and not. Service " Online booking for an appointment at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ”gives you the opportunity to make an appointment at a selected time at the Federal.

March 31, 2016. 2016 on the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Moscow, the function of electronic appointments has appeared. application for citizenship March 24, 2016. Acceptance of documents on citizenship issues is carried out strictly by appointment in the consular group No. 1, department.

Online registration for the preparation of documents for registration of RFF citizenship. registration for citizenship

  1. Online registration for the preparation of documents for registration of RFF citizenship. Check the readiness of a temporary residence permit, residence permit, RFF citizenship....
  2. Is it equal to a foreigner who has received a residence permit in the Republic. What documents should be submitted when applying for a job permanently. Employment of a foreigner with a residence permit is carried out....
  3. Residence permit - watch online, for free, without registration, in high quality! Comedy, Melodrama, Drama. The most efficient way. Watch online film Residence permit (Green Card) in the comedy genre of the director......
  4. 18 Dec 2015. Procedure for notification of second citizenship to the FMS of Russia; Preparation and submission of an application for a different citizenship; Acceptance of papers. January 12, 2015. Federal Migration Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.....
  5. November 25, 2015. Since the entry into force of the law on the mandatory notification of the FMS of Russia about the presence of a residence permit or citizenship. Registration of documents for obtaining a residence permit is .......

The system for issuing permits for migrants in Moscow is one of the most complex in Russia. Today the issue of obtaining a residence permit in Moscow, and in the future Russian citizenship especially relevant for refugees from Ukraine. Until recently, every step was given to foreigners at the cost of round-the-clock duty in queues. Since April 2016, live queues have been abolished, and from now on, migrants do not knock on the thresholds of the offices of the Federal Migration Service, but storm the website of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues (GUVM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. How the hunt for online coupons is conducted, and when to expect an improvement in the situation, the RIAMO observer found out.

Get in line online

According to the press service of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, the Moscow region is traditionally the most attractive for most categories of migrants arriving in the Russian Federation. In the context of a constant increase in demand for such public services as a temporary residence permit (TRP), a residence permit (RP) and citizenship, the old admission scheme foreign citizens in departments in administrative districts has shown its viability.

Over the past six months, the rules for filing documents for migrants living in Moscow have changed twice. So, in December 2015, foreigners were obliged to apply for a temporary residence permit, residence permit or Russian citizenship in a single passport and visa center located near the Novoslobodskaya metro station. The package of documents for each status is approximately the same (including a document confirming the existence of a legal source of livelihood in the Russian Federation within the subsistence level, a certificate of proficiency in Russian, knowledge of the history and legislation of Russia, a medical certificate).

The innovation was supposed to make life easier for many at once: foreigners who besieged the district offices of the FMS around the clock, the employees of the FMS themselves, forced to work in difficult conditions, as well as local residents watching huge multinational queues under the windows, with scandals and fights.

However, as it soon became clear, the problem was not solved, but only moved geographically. In order to get the coveted coupon for submitting a package of documents, crowds of foreigners, previously scattered throughout the districts, lined up in one big queue at the address. Novoslobodskaya, 45.

Today, among the applicants (applicants) for obtaining a temporary residence permit / residence permit / citizenship on Novoslobodskaya there are many citizens of Ukraine and other countries former USSR, you can also meet Syrians here. Also for obtaining a TRP, which is issued for a period of three years and gives the right to work without any patents, highly qualified labor migrants who can receive a TRP under a quota, and foreigners born in Russia.

In January 2016, the new passport and visa center on Novoslobodskaya got on Youtube: people massively filmed many kilometers of queues, ordeals, brawls on video and uploaded them to the network. The metropolitan TV channels became interested in the problem. The new migration center was literally "bursting at the seams", unable to cope with the flows of migrants seeking to gain a foothold in the capital.

In the spring of 2016, after the adoption of new rules for filing documents, the unified passport and visa center finally breathed a sigh of relief. Electronic coupons hunted by foreign citizens have been abolished. And for the submission of documents, only one type of entry was established - online on the website of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues (GUVM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

What to do if you are not a robot

However, contrary to expectations, the acuteness of the issue has not been removed: now people are on duty not on the street, but on the Internet.

"Help! The last step separates me from a residence permit in Moscow, and I have not been able to get an appointment for two months! You can only sign up online, but to do this, you need to be a programmer or magician with a natural sleight of hand!” - Reader Elena Kovaleva turned to the editorial office of RIAMO.

A woman who wants to change Ukrainian citizenship in Russian, not alone.

“How can you make an appointment at Novoslobodskaya 45 if the demand for an appointment is many times greater than the number of free slots? Recording is possible only with the help of special software and robots. Is this the right situation? This state of affairs is fertile ground for scammers and various kinds of abuse,” Alexander Chizhevsky is indignant at the State Sites Monitoring AIS portal.

Almost desperate people cry for help and ask for advice from more fortunate comrades.

“I can’t get into the online queue for submitting documents for a residence permit. It's just not possible. But on the way to the building, this line is being sold. Why do those people profit, and who needs it, can't register? It's embarrassing to tears! Why was the live queue cancelled? Help me please!" - writes Inna on the site "Your control".

“To sign up, I “lived” on the site for a month. Every day, the online service of the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia opens an appointment for the submission of documents for one day. The problem is that the opening time of the record is not announced in advance. In order not to miss the service, you have to go to the site every ten minutes. But even if you are lucky, and you got there on time, the chance to have time to sign up is minimal ... After all, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of those who want to! Online coupons are snapped up in 20-30 seconds,” one of the applicants, Karina Magomedova, told RIAMO.

In her opinion, the idea with online recording is excellent, but the implementation is lame.

Outraged by the imperfection of the online service and a citizen of Ukraine Tatyana Soshkina. The woman is a pensioner, she is not good with a computer, and if it were not for the help of her son, she would have applied for a temporary residence permit for more than one month. But the young mother Oksana, with a baby in her arms, admits that she signed up on the first try in just a second. True, her husband, a programmer, helped her bypass competitors. He wrote a program for his wife, which in a split second entered the girl's data into an online form.

"Paid services

In the meantime, people who do not have typing skills and do not have familiar IT specialists have little choice: to be on duty on the site daily or to pay. The price of the issue is from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. Social networks are full of discussions on the topic of paid online registration in the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However, in search of help, it is not necessary to go online. Barkers are on duty near the passport and visa center on Novoslobodskaya, promising a quick entry for money. Prices start at 5,000 rubles for applying for a temporary residence permit, 6,000 for a residence permit, and 10,000 for citizenship. The sooner you sign up, the higher the price. Some brisk businessmen promise not only to write down without problems, but also to "assist" in the submission of documents. For services they ask from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

However, not everyone is willing to pay. Yes, in social network Self-help groups appear on VKontakte, whose members share tips with each other for free on how to enter data into the online entry form faster and more efficiently.

“We will not deny that in the course of the centralized reception, carried out for the first time on coupons through this system, a number of problems were identified, both in the process of submitting documents and as a result of public services. In particular, we have repeatedly revealed the facts of the entrepreneurial spirit of citizens who “traded” in a queue or “double entry” not even at the reception, but at the apparatus distributing coupons. Conflicts arose, including those on interethnic grounds, ”a representative of the press service of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told RIAMO.

According to him, in this regard, it was decided to use the experience of the previously introduced online registration for receiving documents, extending it to admission.

“Modern realities encourage us to keep up with the times. Based on the experience of other similar organizations, we have introduced an electronic queue system. Today we have two types of pre-registration: for submitting documents and for receiving ready-made ones,” the agency’s interlocutor noted.

System - under development

Despite the problems with the registration, the Main Department of Internal Affairs believes that the decision to organize a centralized reception from December 1, 2015 was correct: today, foreign citizens are accepted at Novoslobodskaya on average 25% more than before in the districts. And all the shortcomings in the system are planned to be finalized.

As RIAMO was informed in the press service of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this problem is under control. Thus, in order to optimize the pre-registration process, measures are being taken to finalize the appointment system and switch to a new technological platform.

“During the revision, it is planned to introduce, among other things, a system for verifying the documents of foreign citizens applying for an appointment, in order to see if they fall into the field of view of our information resources, the legality of their stay in Russia. Subject to the implementation of these improvements and based on the results of mathematical modeling, the recording depth will be increased. Perhaps not for two months, but for sure for a month, ”explained RIAMO a specialist from the unified passport and visa center on Novoslobodskaya.

The expert also recalled that today, without an appointment, by coupons, the primary acceptance of documents from persons applying for recognition as native speakers of the Russian language and highly qualified specialists is carried out. By coupons on the day of application, applications for the extension of a residence permit, its replacement and the issuance of duplicates are accepted.

In addition, on a priority basis, on the day of treatment without an appointment, disabled people of the 1st group, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and people over 75 years old are served.

The first most important document that gives legal status in Russia to its owner. Until November 2016, applications for a temporary residence permit, residence permit and citizenship of the Russian Federation in Moscow were accepted at the passport and visa center at the address: st. Novoslobodskaya, house 45-B. From November 07, 2016, the passport and visa center was moved to the WMC in New Moscow. Whether everything will remain in its place, or whether there will be another redistribution, it does not matter, the basic principle of interaction with migration service unchanged: if you want to submit documents in Moscow, get in line.

There are more than enough people who want to get a legal status: “walkers” for a temporary residence permit under a quota, without a quota, for a residence permit and citizenship. And all of them have only one division. On the this moment even in a well-equipped Multifunctional migration center you need to stand in several queues in different zones or sectors before submitting documents. Queues are waiting at every step, starting from a parking lot or a stop public transport for those who travel on their own. In the WMC, everything starts with a ticket, which you need to get at the terminal of the entrance zone, having stood in line.

To obtain permits - the same procedure. Queues take up precious time, sometimes up to 12 hours a day without the guarantee of a coupon, and time in today's reality is one of the most valuable resources.

If you are not ready to sacrifice time, passively standing in queues, contact the specialists in the field of migration services - MS Group, where they will help you save your time as much as possible.

Is it possible to apply for a residence permit and citizenship of the Russian Federation in Moscow without a queue

There are a number of very unpleasant “side effects” in obtaining any state-issued documents: time-consuming and dependence of the result on the slightest inaccuracy.

Many years of experience of the staff of the MS Group company providing migration services allows us to determine as accurately as possible the grounds for obtaining permits and analyze them in order to eliminate errors and inaccuracies that lead to refusal to accept and issue permits. We were among the first in the Moscow market of providing legal services to migrants in Russia and withstood many years of competition. We know the requirements public institutions Moscow and the Moscow region, institutions where documents, examinations, medical tests are accepted. Therefore, in 90% of cases, our clients receive effective legal assistance in preparing required package documents.