Civil aircraft of the future. Airplane of the future - hopes and reality

The evolution of civil aviation has received a major boost in the last few years, both technologically and economically. The number of people traveling by air is growing rapidly every year, and therefore designers regularly publish very interesting concepts for the flying transport of the future, from airplanes on autopilot to personal air taxis. Currently, most of these projects are still in the stages of research, testing and developing a strategy for economic implementation. This is not surprising: the slightest mistake during design can cause the death of many people, and therefore excessive haste is highly undesirable. The Wendover Productions channel collected in one video the most interesting and promising projects of aircraft of the future and tried to answer the question of whether airlines will be able to bring this or that idea to life in the foreseeable future:

When it comes to innovation, the main criterion for a successful project is its practicality and efficiency. The ideal passenger aircraft of our time has medium dimensions and is at the same time capable of serving the maximum number of passengers. Its scope is transatlantic flights over short and medium distances, since the Boeing 787 now copes well with long-distance flights. For a long time, the “universal” passenger airliner was the twin-engine small Boeing 757, the peak of its popularity came during the period when such aircraft were officially allowed to make transatlantic flights . Despite the fact that it is still quite good at what it does, the 1983 design has a number of shortcomings that more modern aircraft do not have, in particular the presence of a composite frame and wing design features. Production of the 757 model was stopped in 2004.

Electric planes as a way to make flights cheaper

As a result of this decision, airlines have a window between the small 737 and the overly large 787, which can carry 230-280 passengers and fly over distances of up to 7,400 km. The company is currently working on a new model, the Boeing 797, whose design will include modern engines and a sectional body design that will allow it to operate at its maximum efficiency. After completion of testing, it is he who can take on the role of transport for an ever-increasing number of passengers around the world.

In the field of regional flights, there are much more ambitious projects that over time could completely change the pricing system for air travel: electric planes. Currently, there are many restrictions for their implementation as full-fledged transatlantic transport, from power limitations of electric motors to low battery capacity. But for local flights they are perfect. The main obstacle for them is not even technical, but economic limitations: traveling by train or car will cost many times less (especially for Europe, where a commuter train can often cross the entire country from edge to edge in a few hours). In order for electric aircraft to seriously compete with other types of transport, aircraft designers have to look for innovative ways to reduce the cost of flight. For example, the Zunum Aero project is distinguished by a significant reduction in the cost and consumption of jet fuel due to the hybrid design of their aircraft. Its testing should begin by 2020 and, according to the official website, the price of flights will not exceed $100 at current exchange rates. The company says it has found a way to cut fuel costs for small aircraft by 40-80% - agree, this is a significant saving.

Near future

Of course, these planes will not solve all problems. The emergence of new products will inevitably provoke new difficulties, for the solution of which aircraft of the next generation will be created - and so on, until finally the industry either turns into something more perfect and devoid of the shortcomings of our time, or gives way to new technologies (all of us, of course , we can’t wait until scientists finally invent working teleports). But the fact remains: sooner or later, new mid-range jets and electric runabouts will enter production, and this may be what will make air travel cheaper and much more accessible.

For more than a year now (he took off on March 9, 2015) he has been “finishing” his trip around the world, one might think that the development of passenger aviation has stopped or is even going in the opposite direction. Of course, Solar Impulse 2 is not the future of aviation, but modern aircraft are slower than supersonic ones Concords flying 30 years ago. New aircraft models generally differ from old ones only in greater fuel efficiency. Airbus is not even going to develop a new aircraft for the 2020s. However, everything is not so hopeless. The most promising projects in aeronautics are described below, demonstrating that the development of aviation is still ongoing.

Electric airplanes


Airbus is testing a small but all-electric aircraft, the Airbus-E-Fan. The latest achievement of the aircraft is the flight across the English Channel. So far, this model cannot be used for any long flights, even by one person.

But many aircraft manufacturers have no doubt that electric aviation is the future. To begin with, it is planned, as in cars, to make a hybrid engine. Airbus intends to test a “more electric aircraft” as part of the DISPURSAL project in 2022. The contribution of the electric fan motor to the total thrust should be 23%.

NASA in 2016 announced the start of development of the X-57 Maxwell aircraft equipped with 14 electric engines. It will be a small four-seater aircraft. According to engineers, the introduction of electric motors will significantly reduce operating costs. The agency does not say when the aircraft will be created.

German startup Lilium Aviation has received funding to create an electric private jet that can take off and land without an airport. The plane will need only 225 meters to take off and land. The company has already created a prototype and plans to introduce a full-size version at the end of 2018.

Supersonic aircraft

Aerion AS2

The Aerion AS2 is the first supersonic aircraft from Airbus in a very long time. This is a private jet designed for 12 passengers. $4 billion will be invested in its development, and release is planned by 2023.

In early March, NASA announced the development of an almost silent supersonic aircraft, QueSST. The main reason for banning supersonic passenger aircraft (besides fuel economy) was the excessive noise when going supersonic. NASA has developed methods to get rid of the noise and expects to build a prototype around 2020.

Aviation startup Boom, backed by Virgin Galactic, is working on a supersonic plane. The startup plans to use the new aircraft to fly over the Atlantic 2.5 times faster than conventional aircraft. The $2 billion investment should allow the company to build a prototype by the end of 2017.

According to its creators, the Skylon aircraft will be able to reach any point in 4 hours at a speed 5 times faster than the speed of sound. To create it, British engineers are testing a new type of engine. They announced the first tests for 2019. However, this project, despite an investment of 60 million euros from the British government, is the most long-term and difficult to implement of all

New passenger aircraft

The largest aircraft manufacturers believe that aeronautics is already a miracle and, although a new aircraft appears every 5-10 years, there is no need for any breakthrough improvements. More details in the table.

Airplane table

Boeing 737 MAX

The Boeing 737 MAX has already received 2,500 orders and could become the market leader. Its claimed superiority over the existing leader, the Airbus A320neo, is that it consumes 4% less fuel. The first deliveries to customers will begin in 2017.

The new Russian MS-21 aircraft will have a completely Russian engine. Putin stated that it would be in no way inferior to its foreign counterparts. Rogozin told reporters that mass production will begin in 2020.
Mitsubishi Regional Jet

Japan will build the first modern passenger jet airliner in its history. It is small and does not pretend to be anything. Planned start of operation in 2018.
Comac C919

But the first Chinese passenger airliner in a long time, Comac C919, is going to break the duopoly of Boeing and Airbus in the market. True, so far there are 500 orders for it, mainly from Chinese carriers. Release date: 2018.

The Brazilian company Embraer is not even going to create a new airliner, but is simply modernizing the current model and calling it the second generation. New engines and better fuel economy are expected. Nevertheless, contracts have already been concluded for more than 300 deliveries of these aircraft. Deliveries to customers - since 2018.
SSJ 100SV (Stretched Version)

The extended Sukhoi Superjet will have up to 120 seats and will be released in 2019. In other characteristics, it will be almost like the current superjet and will probably be inferior to the Boing 737 MAX, and in 2020 the Boing 777X will also be released... in general, the main thing is that it will fly and will be extended, Aeroflot their will purchase.
Bombardier Cseries

The aircraft of the Canadian company Bombardier exceeded expectations. The manufacturer promises that the aircraft will consume 10% less fuel than the Boeing 737 MAX and MC-21. Commissioning is expected in 2016.

The champion in terms of minor improvements will be the new Boeing 777X, scheduled for release in 2020. It will have a 5% stronger engine, 12% lower fuel costs and CO2 emissions, 17 tons more payload and 18% more seats.

The Bombardier Global 8000 business jet for 8 passengers will be able to fly a record 14,600 kilometers without refueling at an average speed of 956 km/h. The company plans to begin sales in 2019 at a price of approximately $65 million. The aircraft will also compete with the Gulfstream G600 - new business jets also going on sale in 2018-2020. The planes will cost from $35 million to $55 million.

The new Cobalt Co50 Valkyrie private jet is cheaper than the competition ($600K) and the fastest in its class, but its main design innovation is that it looks exactly like Bruce Wayne's plane. It can carry up to 5 passengers at a time. Release date: mid-2017.

The SkiGull private amphibious aircraft will be able to land not only on water, but on any surface (grass, snow, ice). It made its first flight in November 2015 and will go on sale soon

Another seaplane, the two-seater Icon A5, is capable of taking off from and landing on water, can also recover from a spin, and is equipped with a parachute for the entire aircraft. It is recognized as so safe that you don’t even need a pilot’s license to be allowed to fly, just 20 hours of practice. It costs $250,000 and is already in production. The first 7 aircraft were assembled in 2016, but 1,850 orders have already been made for the aircraft.

The Cirrus Vision SF50 business jet may be the first mass-produced personal jet. It will be capable of carrying up to 7 passengers and should be significantly easier to operate than a conventional private jet. It will also have a parachute for the entire aircraft. 4 prototypes were built and the first aircraft was delivered to the customer in June 2016. In total, more than 600 of these machines have already been ordered at a price of $2 million.

The British single-seat e-Go is unique with its low price of just $70,000. Cheaper than many cars. The first buyer received the aircraft in June 2016.

At the other end of the price spectrum is the $3 million Epic E1000 six-seat private jet. The aircraft will be capable of flying at class-record speeds of up to 600 km/h over a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers and can climb to altitudes of up to 10 km. The prototype of the aircraft is currently undergoing testing, but more than 60 orders have already been placed for it.


Ever since the advent of the helicopter, people have wanted to create a vehicle that was as fast as an airplane, but could fly and land anywhere like a helicopter. This vehicle even received the working name VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) or simply a vertical takeoff aircraft. The persistent but unsuccessful attempts to create this device are captured in the infographic “wheel of misfortune”.

The VTOL must be “capable of everything a bird can do in the air” and fly at least 3 times faster than a conventional helicopter

Formally, the Italian company AgustaWestland came closest to creating a VTOL transport with the AW609 tiltrotor. It is indeed capable of landing vertically and flying further than conventional helicopters, but in speed (509 km/h) it is still significantly inferior to airplanes. So far, tiltrotors have been produced only for the needs of the American military. But the AW609 will be a civilian transport for businessmen and the oil industry. Certification is expected in 2017 and 70 orders have already been received.

DARPA has announced a competition to finally create a vertical take-off aircraft () and 4 large corporations (Boeing, Aurora Flight Sciences Corp, Sikorsky Aircraft Co and Karem Aircraft) will present their full-size prototypes for testing in February 2017.

Another attempt is an electric VTOL from the startup Joby Aviation. The company says it will cost $200,000 apiece, but doesn't give a release date.

An alternative to creating a VTOL is to simply increase the speed of the helicopter. This is what Sikorsky aircraft achieves. Their new S-97 Raider helicopter is capable of flying at speeds of up to 450 km/h. The first test flight was made in May 2015. Initially, only the military will be able to use this model.

Helicopters also have not stopped developing (especially military ones, but we are not talking about them here). Promising models in development are described in the table below:

Helicopter table



Russia is developing a new middle-class helicopter - the Mi-38. By 2017, its passenger version must be certified. One of the helicopter's achievements is climbing to a height of 8600 meters, which was previously impossible for a helicopter.

In accordance with the general trend, saving the planet could not do without an environmentally friendly helicopter. European light helicopter - Bluecopter will consume 40% less fuel and reduce carbon emissions
gas The noise will also be reduced by 10 decebels. So far, its prototype is being tested.
The American Bell 525 relentless helicopter will be the first helicopter with a fly-by-wire control system, reducing the workload on the crew. There are already 60 pre-orders, and certification of the helicopter will take place in the 1st quarter of 2017.

The parade of new helicopters is completed by another helicopter from Airbus, this time in the middle class - the H160. It was supposed to revolutionize helicopter manufacturing, but as a result it only turned out to be quieter, with lower fuel consumption, new avionics and an electric landing gear. Sales are expected in 2018.

Bottom line

To summarize, we can note at least 3 trends in the development of aviation. Developments of electric aircraft, the return of supersonic and the creation of a hybrid aircraft-helicopter (VTOL). The implementation of at least one of these developments will be a big breakthrough for the industry. In addition to these revolutionary changes, airplanes and helicopters are gradually improving with the release of new models (more fuel efficiency, more composite materials, cheaper operation, more automation, etc.),

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What will the next generations fly? This question interests many. It is clear that the aircraft of the future will consume less fuel, produce less noise, and the use of new materials will expand. Today we can lift the veil of secrecy and introduce you to some concept models that have been developed at NASA.

Lockheed concept. The return arc over the 4 motors will reduce noise.

The Northrop Grumman concept clearly shows the prototype of the B-2 strategic bomber.

University of Massachusetts D8 concept. The wide fuselage and swept wings should allow this model to be both maximum load-carrying and economical.

Another project from the University of Massachusetts. It is capable of flying 14 thousand kilometers and carrying 354 passengers.

This is a Lockheed supersonic passenger aircraft.

This is a project from Boeing. Also a “flying wing” with more rounded shapes. Similar to the X-48.

Several projects from NASA.

This project is also from Lockheed. The unusual shape of the wing and the use of new materials will improve the controllability of air flows.

This is a joint concept from NASA and several institutions. Connecting the wings to the tail will reduce fuel consumption and improve handling.

This is a project from GE Aviation. It does not have a revolutionary design, but it wins in efficiency and streamlinedness.

This is a joint project between AMELIA and California Polytechnic University. Has hybrid wings.

This is a project of Boeing and Volt designers. It is capable of flying 6 thousand kilometers without refueling. It has a hybrid power plant with gas turbines and electric motors.

This project has reduced noise.

According to scientists, in a few decades, technological progress will make voice control of any equipment possible, the internal combustion engine will give way to electric propulsion, and the main source of energy will be solar energy. Aviation will not be left out either - the aircraft will mainly be drones, which are currently rapidly developing in the military sphere, but prototypes of unmanned civil aircraft are already in development.

Control from a special point

Already now, practically in civil aviation there is every reason to switch to an unmanned mode. Integrated on-board computer systems allow you to automatically pilot the aircraft from takeoff to landing; navigation systems provide route calculations using ground beacons and satellites.

All that remains is to equip the aircraft with a computer with a predetermined flight program and provide for the installation of collision warning sensors, which will correct the course of the aircraft as other aircraft approach. With double or triple duplication, it will be completely safe, especially since there will be a pilot, but not on board the plane.

It is expected that all airfields will have dedicated flight control centers equipped with appropriate ground control and communications facilities, in which each flight is controlled by a pilot. Air traffic controllers also provide assistance to the controller.

Thus, the pilot conducts several times more flights and does not need to go through control at each airport.

Ecology, low noise and efficiency

Futurologists believe that the aircraft of the future will undergo dramatic changes; such an aircraft in 50-60 years will have a fuselage similar to a space rocket with a ring-shaped tail unit. Such a structural formation, according to experts, significantly dampens the sonic boom when switching to supersonic speed and makes flight in this mode more comfortable.

Supersonic aircraft of the future will look like a rocket.

In half a century, supersonic passenger airliners will fly at speeds more than twice the Mach number, and such a flight to resorts near warm seas will take no more time than a trip from the outskirts of a metropolis to the center. The engines of such an aircraft will consume energy stored in solar panels located in the upper part of the aircraft and the surfaces of the wing consoles. This will be the most environmentally friendly transport of the future.

But this is the distant future, and in the next 20-30 years this is what Boeing offers us.

The project they are developing is called Sugar Volt and is a concept of a “green” aircraft with a hybrid power plant. The main power supply for the engines will be from batteries charged at airports from regular electrical networks. Aviation fuel will be consumed only during takeoff and climb, and in rare cases during long flights.

The design of the airliner includes a long wing, which folds after landing so that the airliner can easily fit into regular airports. Such a wing will help reduce the take-off distance and relieve the structure in flight, which will increase the energy efficiency of the aircraft.

Sugar Volt aircraft with folding long wing and hybrid engines

It is known that hybrid engines are much less noisy and more environmentally friendly than turbojet power plants. The Sugar Volt passenger airliner will be less polluting - nitrous oxide emissions will be reduced by 80% and carbon dioxide emissions by 60%. By using the thrust of electric engines, jet fuel consumption will be reduced by 70%, the efficiency of this aircraft, compared to modern aircraft, will be higher by 55%.

Interior, virtual reality and interactive panels

The passenger cabin of the aircraft of the future will undergo big changes - the seats themselves will change, they will either become more comfortable to accommodate a person's body shape, or the second option - these will be cocoon seats, isolated from each other with an individual climate control system, allowing you to ideally relax during the flight .

Presumably, this is what cocoon chairs will look like on an airplane of the future.

Each seat will be equipped with interactive panels with direct access to the Internet; using a tablet available for a separate seat, the passenger can order goods at the duty-free airport of landing, get acquainted with entertainment programs, store operations and transport schedules in the arrival city.

Designers of future airliners claim that everyone on the plane will be given virtual reality helmets, which will help passengers forget about the feeling of fear before flying and will help them be transported to another world using a built-in program. People can find themselves traveling around different countries, riding a bungee or across the sea on a speedboat, watching their favorite TV series or movie with the effect of complete presence.


It is obvious that the desired future is just around the corner and flights on supersonic airliners will become something commonplace and familiar, and once on such a plane, people will no longer want to board a ship or train. Such aircraft will become a reality in the next century.

This fall, NASA announced three design awards for the aircraft of the future, which will take to the skies in 2025. Awards went to companies such as Boeing, Northrup Grumman and Lockheed Martin. These planes will be less noisy, much more fuel efficient and less polluting.

Other technical requirements for the aircraft's designs included a flight speed of 85% of the speed of sound, the ability to fly more than 7,000 miles, and the ability to carry 22 to 45 tons of cargo. In addition to the three projects of the winners, we will consider several other aircraft that were nominated earlier. Some of them may already be seen on runways in the near future. Here is actually the first project from Boeing, called Icon-II. The aircraft is designed for supersonic flights and meets all NASA requirements, and even exceeds them, providing record low noise levels and fuel consumption

It's a design from Lockheed Martin called the Green Supersonic Machine, designed to fly at supersonic speeds. Thanks to the special arrangement of the engines, it was possible to achieve all NASA requirements

Boeing wing aircraft, another National Space Agency Award nominee

The X-45A UCAV was demonstrated at an exhibition in Missouri along with remote flight control systems

Solar Eagle (solar eagle) from Boeing is powered exclusively by solar energy, it is an ultra-long stealth aircraft

Another future project from Boeing, The Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research - abbreviation SUGAR (sugar). Developed in April 2010, it has extremely low emissions because it uses solar energy and gas

And here is a project from Lockheed Martin called Fall. It doesn't look as futuristic as the rest of the cars on our list, but it has revolutionary future technology inside.

This huge aircraft was developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is capable of carrying 354 passengers over a distance of 7,600 nautical miles (almost 14,000 kilometers). Such aircraft are planned to be used in the future to transport presidents and other important persons.

This is a concept by artist Northrup Grumman, presented in the fall of 2010

These are the kind of planes that will ply the skies of our planet in the near future. We, in turn, are trying to pay more attention to the technologies of the future, so we will continue to tell you about projects such as the City of the Future, Flying Gardens of the Future and Energy Supply of the Future. Stay tuned to LifeGlobe for updates