How to obtain Moldovan citizenship: dual citizenship. Citizenship of Moldova for Russians: is it possible to get it if you have a Russian one?

How to get a Moldavian passport? What documents are needed and where to apply? What is an ID card? The answers to all these questions are contained in this article.

Citizen identity card Moldavian Republic can be of two types: passport and electronic ID card with a chip.

Passport of a citizen of the Moldavian Republic

Issued from birth for a period of 4 years. Then, upon reaching 7 years of age, the passport must be renewed every 7 years. In Moldova there is no such thing as a foreign passport, so a general civil ID is used both for leaving and entering the country.

In 1995, a passport with a blue cover without a chip and biometric data was introduced. Since 2008, the Moldavian passport has had the same appearance, but has new features. It included the owner’s biometric data (color photo, fingerprints and blood type).

Since 2014, the main identification document has become a crimson-colored sample with biometric indicators and a chip.

List of documents for a civil passport of Moldova.

  • Valid proof of identity.
  • Previous passport (in case of theft, you must provide a statement).
  • Certificate verifying blood type.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Confirmations indicating various benefits (in accordance with Moldovan legislation).

A general civil passport of a citizen of Moldova is issued personally to the applicant against signature, or to a legal representative if he provides a valid power of attorney from the applicant.

ID card – electronic ID with a chip

An ID card or identity card for a citizen of the Moldavian Republic has been put into circulation since March 2013, has a chip with the specified biometric data of the owner, and is issued upon the application of the citizen.

This identity card can only be issued after reaching 16 years of age, then must be exchanged at 25 and 45 years of age, and then issued indefinitely.

If a citizen of Moldova did not previously have an identity card, a written application for the issuance of an electronic certificate is submitted in person at the passport office at the place of residence or registration. Otherwise, if the applicant was the owner of the identity card, then he has the right to apply to any branch of the passport office.

List of documents for ID card.

  • Identity certificate subject to replacement.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Certificates confirming the conclusion/divorce of marriage.
  • Death certificate of spouse.
  • Documents confirming the birth of children (under the age of majority).
  • Papers confirming the loss or theft of an identity certificate.
  • A certificate verifying the applicant’s blood type (if he did not previously have a biometric passport sample).
  • Documents for indicating the address of residence (registration) or changing the address of residence.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty at the specified rate.

An electronic ID is received at the place where documents are submitted; the ID card is issued personally to the applicant and confirmed by signature.

How to obtain Moldovan citizenship

Conditions under which you can apply for Moldovan citizenship.

  • Age over 18 years.
  • Residence in the country for more than 10 years, or marriage to a citizen of Moldova.
  • Staying in the country for more than 8 years due to refugee status.
  • Confirmation of material wealth obtained legally.
  • Sufficient understanding of the Moldovan language (ability to carry on a conversation, competent writing).
  • Knowledge of the Constitutional order of the Republic.

Documents required to obtain citizenship.

  • Application (the required sample can be obtained from the passport office or on the official website of the Moldavian Immigration Service).
  • Autobiography. When compiling it, it is necessary to mention different kinds activities in which the applicant is engaged while in the country.
    The application and autobiography must be completed in Russian and Moldovan.
  • Information about family members. (Required if the applicant has children and a spouse).
  • Birth certificate, passport, international passport.
  • Marriage/divorce documents.
  • Certificate of good conduct.

  • Document confirming study or work.
  • Certificate of financial income.
  • 2 photos.

  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • A certificate confirming passing an exam on knowledge of the Legislative Framework and the state language.

Having collected a package of documents, you need to take it to Passport Office and wait for a decision to be made. If the outcome is positive, the applicant will be required to take an oath to the new state and apply for a general passport.

There are several situations in which you can become a citizen of Moldova using a simplified scheme.

  • Birth on the territory of the Moldavian Republic.
  • Adoption.
  • Restoration of citizenship.
  • Repatriation (return to homeland).

The following categories of persons can obtain citizenship of Russia and Moldova:

  • Anyone who was born in Moldova or has at least one relative in civil status.
  • Anyone who lived in Moldova before June 20, 1990 and lives there now.
  • Those who lived in Bessarabia, Hertse, Bukovina or in the territory of present-day Transnistria until June 28, 1940 and their descendants.
  • Those who were expelled from Moldova after June 28, 1940, as well as their descendants.

Because visa regime with the European Union was cancelled, the interest of Russians in Moldovan citizenship has grown significantly. And this is understandable, because the calm and measured European life is becoming more and more attractive. And beautiful Moldova, with its rich history, sights and breathtaking nature, is better suited for such a life than anyone else.

With the collapse Soviet Union Many newly formed states quickly began to develop a legislative framework. Therefore, today the answer to the important question of how to obtain citizenship must be sought in the citizenship law adopted back in 1991, immediately after gaining independence.

In this material, we will take a closer look at the central legal act - “On Citizenship of the Republic of Moldova”, its main provisions, conditions suitable for different categories of the country’s indigenous population and visitors.

How to obtain Moldovan citizenship by legal means?

Article 9 of the Law on Citizenship specifies the grounds on which it is possible to obtain a passport of a citizen of Moldova: birth; adoption; repatriation; admission to citizenship; restoration of civil rights. Each of these ways to become a Moldovan citizen has its own characteristics, which are prescribed in the law and other Moldovan regulations.

Different mechanisms for obtaining citizenship

A way to become a full member of society by birth is offered not only by Moldova, but also by all other states on the planet. For this country, acquisition of citizenship by birth takes place under the following conditions:

  • both parents are citizens of Moldova, the child is born on Moldovan territory;
  • one parent is a Moldovan citizen, place of birth is Moldova;
  • one or both parents are citizens, place of birth is outside the state;
  • The child was found on the premises; the parents could not be identified.

Separately, the law addresses the issue of obtaining citizenship due to adoption. An important nuance is that a potential citizen of the country adopted by Moldovan citizens must be under 16 years old. Provided that the adoptive parents (mother and father) have different citizenships, they must reach an agreement in writing and confirm that they are not against the adopted child receiving Moldovan citizenship.

Another basis for obtaining citizenship is repatriation; such a basis is present in the laws of many countries that were formerly part of the USSR. In this way, persons who left the territory of Moldova or were expelled since 1940 can regain their citizenship. Children and grandchildren of the above mentioned persons can also take advantage of the right to obtain Moldovan citizenship upon repatriation.

Naturalization – the path to Moldovan citizenship

For most immigrants, there is only one path left - citizenship. To do this, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions prescribed by law. And the very first condition for filing an application is coming of age, which occurs in the country at 16 years of age. Other conditions include a period of residence on the territory of Moldova of at least 10 years, for those who entered into an official marriage with a citizen of the country - at least three years.

The following condition is also extremely important for obtaining a passport of a Moldovan citizen - a sufficient level of knowledge of the state, that is, Moldovan language. To obtain Moldovan citizenship, immigration services will require information about sources of income (certificates from work and salary, availability of bank accounts or real estate), knowledge of the Constitution, law-abidingness, and devotion to the Moldovan people. The last document in the complex for applying for citizenship is a renunciation of the rights of a citizen at the previous place of residence.

Reasons for refusal to grant Moldovan citizenship

Article 20 of the Citizenship Law provides a list of grounds on which a potential citizenship applicant will be given a negative answer. Certain positions can be found in most legislative acts different countries, for example, filing a petition while under investigation, serving a sentence, or an unexpunged conviction.

The list of persons who will be denied citizenship includes war criminals who committed a crime against the people of Moldova (participating in repressions) or humanity in general, those who incite national and racial hatred. It is interesting that denial of citizenship threatens fans of fascism, Stalinism and chauvinism.

Paragraph 8 of this article is the most peaceful - those persons who, in turn, have not renounced the citizenship of their country or previous place of residence will be denied citizenship. It is clear that this reason for obtaining a Moldovan passport is very easy to eliminate.

Options for obtaining dual citizenship

The Law on Citizenship gives an unambiguous answer: in principle, a citizen of the Republic of Moldova cannot simultaneously be a citizen of another state. The exception is cases included in agreements between several states, to which Moldova becomes a party. In order to receive double citizenship, exceptional reasons are necessary, and the decision on each specific situation is made personally by the President of the Republic.

Issues of citizenship of the Republic of Moldova are resolved on the basis of the Constitution and the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Moldova No. 1024-XIV of June 2, 2000 (Official Monitor, 2000, No. 98-101, Art. 709), international agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is a party , and other normative acts of the Republic of Moldova.

How to obtain Moldovan citizenship for a citizen of Russia, Ukraine and citizens of other countries

A foreigner or stateless person has the right to obtaining citizenship of Moldova in cases:

• By birth, namely: if the child was born on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, if at the time of the child’s birth at least one of the parents is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova, if the child was found on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
•, namely: if a person was born on the territory of the Republic of Moldova or has at least one of the parents or ancestors who were born on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Persons who, before June 28, 1940, lived in the territory of Bessarabia, northern Bukovina, Hertsa district and the MASSR, as well as their descendants. Restoring Moldovan citizenship through recognition applies to persons expelled or who left the territory of the Republic of Moldova since June 28, 1940, as well as their descendants. Persons who have legally resided on the territory of the Republic of Moldova since June 23, 1990, or have permanently resided and continue to reside at the present time.
• Due to adoption, namely; if the child is a stateless person and his adoptive parents are citizens of Moldova, If one of the adoptive parents is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and the other is a citizen of another state, then the child can receive citizenship of the Republic of Moldova subject to the consent of both adoptive parents or by a court decision in the interests of the child. If the child is over 14 years old, then a notarized consent is required from him. If the child is a citizen of another state, then in case of renunciation of the citizenship of another state, he has the right to receive citizenship of the Republic of Moldova.
• Due to guardianship, namely: the child automatically becomes a citizen of the Republic of Moldova if he is a stateless person and he is under the guardianship of citizens of the Republic of Moldova. If the child is under the guardianship of spouses, one of whom is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova, and the second is a stateless person. If a child is under the guardianship of adoptive parents, one of whom is a citizen of the Republic of Moldova, and the second a citizen of another state, the citizenship of the child is determined by mutual consent of the guardians; if agreement is not reached, then the decision is made by the court in the interests of the child. If the child is over 14 years old, then a notarized consent is required from him. If a child is under the guardianship of citizens of Moldova or if one of the guardians is a citizen of Moldova and the other is a citizen of another state, then if the child renounces the citizenship of another state, he has the right to receive citizenship of the Republic of Moldova.
• By restoration of citizenship, namely: if a person previously held citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, then, upon his application, citizenship of Moldova can be restored while maintaining the citizenship of another state, if the person applying for citizenship of the Republic of Moldova is not involved in terrorist activities, has not committed international, military or against humanity crimes, has not been sentenced to imprisonment, is not under investigation or has a criminal record at the time of filing the application, as well as persons not involved in activities aimed at undermining state security, public order, health and morals of the population.
• By way of naturalization, namely: if a foreigner stays legally and continuously for 10 recent years on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and 8 years for a stateless person, refugee or person enjoying political asylum. If persons, before reaching the age of 18, have permanently and continuously resided on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for 5 years. If the foreigner is married to a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and resides legally and continuously on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for at least 3 years. If a foreigner or stateless person resides legally and continuously on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for the last 3 years with parents, adoptive parents, children who are citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Also, persons applying for citizenship of the Republic of Moldova must:

• Have legal sources of livelihood.
• Pass the proficiency test state language.
• Know and comply with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

Documents that need to be prepared to obtain Moldovan citizenship or reinstate citizenship of the Republic of Moldova

• statement - questionnaire;
• autobiography;
• a certificate from the applicant’s place of residence indicating the composition of his family;
• receipt for payment of state duty;
• photographs of the appropriate format;
• certificate of lack of citizenship.

Consultations and assistance for citizenship of Moldova

The public organization “Resettlement”, within the framework of charitable assistance, provides advice and assistance in obtaining Moldovan citizenship to everyone, preparation and legalization of documents, translations into any languages ​​of the world, notarization of documents. If you have any difficulties obtaining Moldovan citizenship or you need to find out how to obtain Moldovan citizenship for a Russian citizen or how to obtain Moldovan citizenship for a Ukrainian citizen, call +7 499 2713817, +373 552 74455, +373 68 088284, +373 775 31356, We will definitely help you we'll help.

Moldova today is one of the promising countries that has chosen a course for the current European integration. Thanks to the pro-European direction, the government of the Republic has already carried out a number of reforms, the purpose of which is to improve economic and political stability. A striking example of this is the free and democratic early elections of members of parliament, which were held in compliance with international norms and standards. According to the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, Moldova is on the right path and is closer than ever to strengthening democracy. It approaches modern European standards.

The main feature in this country is the simplicity of their design. Personally, I suggest Moldova through . in the shortest possible period of time.

Who can get republics?

The following citizens can obtain citizenship of the Republic of Moldova:

  • living from June 28, 1940 until the entry into force of the law in the north of Bukovina, Bessarabia, the MASSR and the Hertsa district (including their descendants and immediate relatives);
  • those born within the republic (this also includes people whose family members or close relatives were a citizen of Moldova);
  • those who entered into a marriage union with Moldovans before June 1990, who returned to the country as a result of state or military conscription;
  • living on the territory of the republic until the day of Moldova’s independence (until June 1990).

What are the justifications for obtaining citizenship?

Among the reasons according to which you can, the following can be highlighted:

  • at birth;
  • after the legal procedure of adoption, guardianship;
  • due to repatriation;
  • after being granted citizenship;
  • after the procedure for restoration of citizenship.

How is citizenship granted?

Registration of civil status occurs on the basis of the above rules. But what should people do if they have no relatives or friends in Moldova, and none of the above-mentioned rules for obtaining citizenship apply? There is an exit. I will help you with this!

According to the current legislation of Moldova, foreign nationals starting from the age of 18 (including persons who do not have civil status at all) have the right to citizenship and residence permits, under the following conditions:

  1. if they have lived on the territory of the republic for at least 10 years;
  2. have a permanent place of residence;
  3. are married to citizens of Moldova (over 3 years);
  4. have a permanent source of income in the Republic (not contrary to the law);
  5. speak the Moldovan language at a high level;
  6. understand the legislation and Constitution of the country;
  7. respect the traditions and orders of the Republic, and have repeatedly proven their devotion and loyalty to the state;
  8. who decided to renounce citizenship of their native country in favor of citizenship of Moldova.

What documents are required to obtain citizenship?

In order to obtain civil status of the Republic of Moldova, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  • characteristics (biography indicating the place and time of birth, education, as well as place of residence in Moldova, activities and date of arrival or departure from the country (if you previously lived in the territory of the Republic and were forced to leave it);
  • photo 35 x 45 mm (2 pieces);
  • original birth certificate;
  • original passport;
  • original certificate of marriage or divorce proceedings;
  • original birth certificates of minor children;
  • original birth certificate of parents (if they were citizens of Moldova);
  • original death certificate (if relatives who were citizens of the Republic died suddenly);
  • original certificate of no criminal record.

In addition to these documents, you must write an application (in Russian and Moldovan languages) for granting citizenship or a residence permit indicating the justification (for example, unity with family) and pay a state fee of 150 lei (if paid at the MFAEI), or about 10 euros (if paid at the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Moldova outside the country). If your documents from the above list are presented in another language, for example, Ukrainian or Romanian, then in addition to everything you are required to provide their notarized translation.