FMS Help Desk. Free consultation of the Federal Migration Service online and by phone

Good night. A friend of mine was stopped by traffic police in the Vladimirov region; he is a citizen of Ubekistan and was heading home by car. Stayed in the Russian Federation for over 6 months without a patent. He was taken to the department after his documents were checked. What threatens him now? What actions will follow?

27 Sep 2017 23:04

I already have a residence permit. I gave up Ukrainian citizenship and notarized the application and sent the original application by Russian Post in Moscow to the Ukrainian Embassy and kept the return receipt and the second notarized copy of the application. What do I need to do next?

19 Sep 2017 22:47

Without legal certification from my parents, I can’t this moment 15 years

15 Sep 2017 11:20

Issued in October 2007 for a USSR passport, 1981?

14 Sep 2017 18:22

Hello, we are citizens of Kyrgyzstan. My wife exceeded the period of stay of 90 days, that is, she was on the territory of the Russian Federation not 90 days but 190 days without leaving her homeland. . then she left on the 191st day and waited 90 days in her homeland and came back to the Russian Federation. If you wait 90 days at home and come back to the Russian Federation, [...]

14 Sep 2017 18:21

Good afternoon. I am interested in a question related to submitting documents for a foreign passport to the MFC. I did not finish my secondary education with a specialty in construction. I was expelled in the 4th year, but bought a diploma, which I did not use to work. When filling out the form, you must indicate the educational institution and the period of study there. Will there be MFC (or Migration Service) make a request to educational establishments, […]

14 Sep 2017 09:20

Oskol on July 12 of this year, but I didn’t have time to get the certificate, my passport was stolen and I had to go back to Kyrgyzstan, if I enter the Russian Federation, then I again need to go to Stary Oskol for a certificate or I can get it, for example, at the Federal Migration Service in St. -Petersburg?

13 Sep 2017 17:29

Is it possible to find out if there is a ban on entry using a passport series and number, citizenship of Ukraine?

11 Sep 2017 12:25

Need to do? Do I need to apply for a temporary residence permit?

10 Sep 2017 19:10

but when I had a temporary residence permit, I bought myself an author and drew up documents for myself according to the temporary residence permit and, accordingly, the traffic police made a note in the passport about the validity period, what should I do in this situation?

9 Sep 2017 18:31

Can he sign at the registry office for a temporary passport issued by the Uzbek Embassy?

8 Sep 2017 13:04

A question of this nature, my husband (according to his Russian passport) also has citizenship of the Republic of Moldova. received illegally. that is, in Russia, upon reaching the required age, he received a passport through his mother, in Moldova through his father. it wasn't receiving dual citizenship or legally with the provision of papers. in Moldova I also received a military ID and a driver’s license with [...]

7 Sep 2017 15:05

I am a citizen of Moldova, I want to apply for citizenship at the Russian Embassy in Chisinau. Question: after submitting documents to the embassy, ​​can I leave Moldova and work in Russia by applying for a patent?

6 Sep 2017 22:05

He moved to the Donetsk region and obtained permanent residence. Now I’m 25 and I had to change my passport at the age of 20, it’s already 5 years overdue. Will they let me into Russia, and how much will the fine for delay be?

3 Sep 2017 18:33

I am a citizen of Ukraine, registered in Donetsk, September 4 is the last day of my stay in Crimea, but I am the owner of a house in the Leninsky district. Question: Can I come to the embassy on September 5 and renounce Ukrainian citizenship (September 4 is a day off)? And my mother, a pensioner, is registered in Crimea, Leninsky district.

3 Sep 2017 18:30

My stamps were canceled at the border in Suzemka and I was given a fine of 5,000, I paid it, I am Ukrainian and I have a temporary residence permit! How can I get back to Moscow? Will there be problems with border guards and do I need to change my passport? And is it possible to stop by internal passport and there will be problems later in the further collection of documents for red […]

1 Sep 2017 13:50

The owner is a citizen of Ukraine, what is needed so that a second person who has both a Ukrainian passport and a passport of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to drive this car in Crimea, as well as in Ukraine? so that insurance also covers it?

30 Aug 2017 17:15

A month there, return to Sevastopol and get a Russian passport, and what do you need for this?

30 Aug 2017 12:32

We had a child born in the Russian Federation, we want to get a policy, but the parents have citizenship of Uzbekistan and the parents have residence permits

26 Aug 2017 11:36

Hello, I have a question. A citizen of Ukraine lives in Russia, is married, has a minor child, has a residence permit, but his Ukrainian passport has expired for 3 years, and now he needs to go to Ukraine in the DPR and change the photo in his passport in order to apply for Russian citizenship. The question is whether it can be done at the border [...]

24 Aug 2017 12:12

13 . On 08.15 we were registered by the Federal Migration Service. in what year can we move to another city without getting a fine? for lifting

24 Aug 2017 11:25

5 years, I graduated here, now I work as a pharmacist by profession and entered the university this year. I ate ate RVP received now I want to submit documents for resettlement, they refuse me verbally every time?

24 Aug 2017 01:50

Country, I am also its citizen.. can I get a Russian passport at the Russian Embassy if I am under 27 years old and have not served in the military? Thank you)

18 Aug 2017 17:00

According to the patent, it ends in 5 days. At the moment I am married to a citizen of the Russian Federation and for 8.5 months. pregnancy. I started collecting documents for a temporary residence permit. please tell me after the patent expires, I need to go to the border to get a new one migration card with a change in the purpose of entry. Is there such a possibility not [...]

17 Aug 2017 11:00

Kerch, Republic of Crimea. I am divorced from the child’s father, the child is registered with me in Kerch, I am a citizen of the Russian Federation. The daughter’s father does not communicate with us, we do not know his place of residence, including telephone number. He won’t give you a passport in any case. passport office (in our case, the passport officer at the housing office requires the passports of two […]

  • +7 812 3098497

Federal number

  • +7 800 777-08-62 ext. 130

Regional numbers

  • Krasnodar region
    +7 (861) 203-64-41 ext. 130
  • Sverdlovsk region
    +7 (343) 318-28-46 ext. 130
  • Voronezh region
    +7 (473) 204-54-67 ext. 130
  • Novosibirsk region
    +7 (383) 280-46-81 ext. 130
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region
    +7 (831) 429-17-72 ext. 130
  • Volgograd region
    +7 (844) 278-04-56 ext. 130
  • Republic of Bashkortostan
    +7 (347) 214-53-29 ext. 130
  • Krasnoyarsk region
    +7 (391) 204-65-59 ext. 130
  • Rostov region
    +7 (863) 303-61-49 ext. 130
  • Ulyanovsk region
    +7 (842) 224-21-78 ext. 130
  • Chelyabinsk region
    +7 (351) 202-13-44 ext. 130
  • Stavropol region
    +7 (865) 220-71-53 ext. 130

Form for submitting a question to a lawyer regarding issues of the Federal Migration Service of Russia

Every person periodically has problems with certain government issues. For example: how to get a passport, international passport, residence permit, work patent or other similar ones. You can solve them on our website by asking a question and get a free consultation with the Federal Migration Service online and by phone.

Why you need to contact us at the “Information portal on migration and paperwork at the Federal Migration Service”

Migration issues are among the most difficult to resolve, so every dispute and problem should be resolved with the help of experienced and qualified specialists. Lawyers and advocates for the Federal Migration Service will help you understand all the intricacies and aspects of the migration case; if you have been deported or are prohibited from entering Russia, we will help you resolve any conflict issues. Our employees provide up-to-date and experienced consulting assistance on the most affordable terms:

  • Free help;
  • We work 24 hours a day;
  • In simple language, without clericalism and legal terms;
  • Reply within 5 minutes;
  • We provide guarantees.

You can get full, qualified support from leading professional lawyers and attorneys by phone in Moscow and St. Petersburg or online - abroad or in Russia. Qualified legal assistance from the Federal Migration Service is a guarantee of the protection of your rights.

Help is provided:

  • Citizens of Russia;
  • Foreigners wishing to visit or move to the Russian Federation.

Ask a question by phone or through the application form

If you do not find the information you are interested in on the site, you can use the online form below. Describe in detail your problem and question regarding the Federal Migration Service of Russia and get detailed advice from a qualified specialist of our service. You can also call the legal assistance department at the numbers listed on the page. Our specialists work around the clock and seven days a week.

Every person periodically has problems with certain government issues. For example: how to get a passport, international passport, residence permit, work patent or other similar ones. You can solve them on our website by asking a question and get a free consultation with the Federal Migration Service online and by phone.

Why contact us

Migration issues are among the most difficult to resolve, so every dispute and problem should be resolved with the help of experienced and qualified specialists. Lawyers and advocates for the Federal Migration Service will help you understand all the intricacies and aspects of the migration case; if you have been deported or are prohibited from entering Russia, we will help you resolve any conflict issues. Our employees provide up-to-date and experienced consulting assistance on the most affordable terms:

  • Free help;
  • We work 24 hours a day;
  • In simple language, without clericalism and legal terms;
  • Reply within 5 minutes;
  • We provide guarantees.

You can get full, qualified support from leading professional lawyers and attorneys by phone in Moscow and St. Petersburg or online - abroad or in Russia. Qualified legal assistance from the Federal Migration Service is a guarantee of the protection of your rights.

Help is provided:

  • Citizens of Russia;
  • Foreigners wishing to visit or move to the Russian Federation.

Ask a question by phone or through the application form

If you do not find the information you are interested in on the site, you can use the online form below. Describe in detail your problem and question regarding the Federal Migration Service of Russia and get detailed advice from a qualified specialist of our service. You can also call the legal assistance department at the numbers listed on the page. Our specialists work around the clock and seven days a week.

Timely and competent consultation with a lawyer can always help to avoid problems in the future, which usually arise due to delay. Please note that paid help on the Internet is much cheaper than any other, since you do not have to pay office expenses, employees and other expenses, which are obviously included in the cost of the consultation. However, we only offer free legal advice as our only service.

Get an answer within 15 minutes and forget about your problems. Our specialists will take on all the difficulties and litigation in managing your case.