How to assemble a tent in a round case diagram. How to properly pitch a tent

To make the tent a comfortable shelter for the night, you need to choose the right place to set it up.

Location selection

  1. The pitch for the tent must be level. Inspect the site and remove all stones and roots, if any.
  2. Make sure you're not going to pitch your tent on an anthill.
  3. If there is a slight slope, use it to arrange a bed when the headroom is located on highest point slope, and the legs, respectively, to the bottom of the slope.
  4. The floor in the tent should be perfectly flat, so that in case of bad weather, water does not flow into any hole.
  5. It is necessary to set up a tent at a distance of 3 meters from the fire, so that sparks from it do not reach the tent
  6. Choosing a place for a tent should be away from bushes and tall grass that are teeming with mosquitoes.

There are several types of tents available. The most popular are gable and frame.

After the advent of frame tents, gable tents lost their popularity due to the complexity of their installation. Another disadvantage of pitched tents is their poor wind resistance. In terms of size, these tents are a rather bulky structure. If, nevertheless, you have to install a house (gable tent), then first they put the roof on two vertical posts, which are placed from the inside of the tent.


Having pulled the roof, inside the tent spread its floor. Outside the tent, along its perimeter, pegs are driven into the ground, on which ropes are tied that hold the walls of the tent and the vertical roof racks.

A hemispherical frame tent is the most convenient tent model, which is easy to assemble, resistant to gusts of wind and well protected from atmospheric precipitation. The frame tent consists of two parts; outdoor stretch awning and inner tent. The entire structure of the tent is supported by arcs. After choosing a place for a tent, spread the inner tent on the ground. Install the arcs by crossing them and securing them at the crossing points with special ropes that are sold with the tent. An awning is thrown over the assembled structure so that the entrance to it coincides with the entrance to the tent.

How to fix an awning?

The awning is fixed with the help of pegs driven into the ground and tension ropes. The awning completely covers the tent, and forms a vestibule in front of the entrance. The storm wires included in the kit are used only if the tent is set up in an open area.


Having purchased any model of tent, carefully study the instructions for its installation, so it will be more convenient for you to install it on the spot. Let the tent dry thoroughly before putting it together. By folding a damp or wet tent, you run the risk of your tent becoming wet for rain.

How to set up your own tent

Having bought a tent and set it up safely, many people completely forget about one detail. Sooner or later, a terrible hour will come when the tent will have to be folded :)

Surprisingly, this often becomes an insoluble dilemma. We have analyzed all requests and provide several options for how to properly fold a tent.

How to fold an automatic tent?

Automatic tents (or automatic tents) consist of flexible spring steel covered with polyester. Such tents have a great advantage - they are very quick and easy to set up. But there are problems with the reverse process, although folding such a tent is also easy.
So, how to fold a tent?
Stage 1: fold all sides of the tent into one, i.e. roll the tent to a flat state. You should get one flat triangle, square or something similar.
Stage 2: put the tent on the floor and pull one of the sides towards you, pressing it to the opposite edge of the plane. The steel arcs of the tent will begin to twist into a figure eight. Then it remains to tighten the figure eight, turning it into 0 or a circle. Voila! :) This is a general principle, but there are subtleties. For example, large automatic Chinese tents(for example, Quechua) need to be twisted several times.
Here's some good advice for you - put the automatic tent at home several times before taking it out into the countryside.
And for clarity, here's a video for you on how to fold the automatic tent into a ring:

How to fold a children's tent?

A children's tent is usually the same automatic tent, only reduced and simplified. Accordingly, it is assembled in a similar way (for details, see above). We fold the tent until a single plane is formed, and then we twist the metal arcs, as if squeezing the tent and forming a figure eight. Sometimes you just need to pull one of the edges of the tent towards you and only then twist it. Sometimes there are non-standard and hybrid forms of tents. For example, in cylindrical tents there are often plastic arcs that must first be removed. Below is one of the "difficult cases" (the process of folding a children's tent - at the end of the video):

And here is another video on how to fold a children's tent:

How to fold a camping tent?

This question comes up less often, but still people sometimes don't know how to properly fold a camping tent. We are talking about a conventional two-layer tent with a fiberglass frame, with struts made of pegs. They assembled it, but it’s impossible to disassemble it so that everything fits into the case :) Here’s a standard scheme for you:

A) If the frame interior(frame arcs are hidden under the awning):

  1. Remove the awning (outer layer). It is desirable to dry the awning.
  2. Check if everything is taken out of the inside of the tent. Pull out the frame arcs, disassemble and fold into a special case (if any).

B) If the frame external(frame arcs are visible and stretch the awning from the outside):

  1. Go around the tent in a circle and remove all the pegs. The pegs must be removed by hand, do not pull on the spacers.
  2. Check if everything is taken out of the inside of the tent. Remove the inside of the tent.
  3. Remove the frame arches from the awning, disassemble and fold them into a special case (if any).
  4. Shake and dry the awning if possible.
  5. Lay out both layers of the tent separately on the ground and fold each one at the seams, evenly. Put the inner part on the awning and roll into a tube. Another option is also possible: initially put the inner layer on top of the outer one and roll them together.
  6. Put the rolled-up tent into the case first, then the arcs and pegs. Pull off the cover. If the tent does not fit into the bag, then it is not properly folded.

Often, many travelers and tourists, especially inexperienced ones, have difficulty folding a modern tent. But in order for the design to be compact, take up a minimum of space and easily fit into a case, it is also important to lay it out correctly. Of course, all products usually come with detailed instructions, but not everyone is able to do everything right the first time. It is worth knowing the figure eight, since this method is the most common.

At present, there are several types of tents:

  • winter;
  • fishing;
  • children's;
  • Chinese;
  • automatic tents.

How to assemble a winter tent

There are several types of winter tents:

  • on locks;
  • Velcro;
  • with an external frame;
  • with internal frame.

Designs with locks and Velcro are slightly different from the usual ones, so at the time of their folding, you need to close everything, and then press one of the corners inward. A kind of book that has formed must be rotated so that one of its corners is turned “on itself”. Then it remains only to press the lower ribs to the floor, and tilt the upper ribs down and forward. After it was possible to assemble the tent with a figure eight, it must be packed in a bag.

If the inner arcs of the frame tent are not pulled out, then such a structure is assembled in the same way as described above. It is important initially only to get all the pegs installed around the perimeter out of the ground. A folded tent that does not fit in the bag means that the procedure was not performed correctly. Knowing how to properly assemble a figure-eight tent with an internal frame, you can easily do similar work with a model that has an internal frame.

Collecting a fishing tent figure eight

To assemble a fishing tent, you should initially give it a vertical position, pressing down one of the sides with your foot. Then hold the top with your hands and start twisting it 180 degrees. The ring formed during the twisting process must be bent down. Then connect the resulting one more ring with the first one and place the tent in the cover.

How to properly assemble a children's tent with a figure of eight

Play tents for children are also divided into several types:

  • frame;
  • triangle houses.

In fact, all these designs are folded and placed in a case in a minute, freeing up a lot of space in the room. But sometimes it’s impossible to cope with them if you don’t know how to assemble a tent with a figure eight. The house of the first type is formed in the following way:

  • you need to stand opposite one of the walls, while holding two opposite ribs with your hands;
  • connect the left and right sides together;
  • take the lower third of the resulting plane with your hands so that the roof of the tent is in the “away from you” position and put one hand behind the other, folding the ribs into a figure eight;
  • the rings of the resulting figure eight are stacked on top of each other, after which they are successfully placed in the case.

Also, knowledge of the basic principles will help to assemble a triangle house. To do this, it is necessary to keep one of the sides of the structure facing you and, pushing the rib to the opposite edge, insert it inside. To achieve a flat shape, fill the entire panel, leaving only the elastic band located at the bottom outside. Twist the middle and top, forming a figure eight.

Assembly of Chinese tents

Recently, tourist tent structures made in China have become very popular. They attract many buyers not only for ease of use, but also for ease of assembly. But sometimes not everyone can figure out the instructions that describe how to assemble a Chinese figure-eight tent. Often difficulties arise at the very beginning of the process. So, at the beginning of the assembly, you need to fold the two side faces, holding one of the sides with your foot. The resulting oval will only need to be twisted into a circle. It is best to do this procedure together.

How to assemble a camping tent

Automatic tents, often also called semi-automatic, are characterized by minimal weight, as well as ease of installation and dismantling. The design pulled out of the case itself opens in the air, taking the form assembled model if shaken a little. Some outdoor enthusiasts have learned to create entire parking lots using similar tourist tents. Moreover, you can install and disassemble them at any time of the day, under any weather conditions. However, there is one drawback associated with the manufacturability of the product, since its advantage turns into a real problem if you do not know how to assemble a figure-eight tent. The scheme is very simple, but if you are dealing with a double or triple design, with a vestibule and an awning, experts recommend practicing doing the procedure together, remembering all the folds and applying appropriate efforts.

Initially fold the model, giving it a flat shape. Depending on the type of tent, you should end up with a square, rectangle or triangle. Then fold all sides into one and lay on the ground. Pull one of the ends towards you, pressing the tent against the opposite edge. As soon as you see that the arcs take the shape of a figure eight, twist them, forming a circle.

It is worth noting that if the left-hander does not know how to assemble the tent with a figure eight, the dismantling scheme should be carried out simply in the opposite direction. Practice a little at home, after which you can easily do all the necessary manipulations in nature.

It is very important to make sure you know how to pack your tent before you find yourself in the dark in the middle of the forest. Luckily, dome tents are fairly easy to assemble. Portable, convenient and simple dome tent is a great option for camping. Learn to find the right camping spot, build and maintain a tent.


Part 1

Finding a place for a tent

    Finding a suitable camp. Whether you are camping, in your backyard or in the backcountry, you must look for the right space that will give you the most comfortable place to camp. There are a few factors to consider, but the first is to make sure the area you choose is legal and campable.

    • If you are in a state or national park, make sure you set up your tent in a place where it is allowed to do so. Often such places are marked with numbered metal plaques and are provided with picnic tables, fire pits, and sometimes water.
    • If you are in a remote area, make sure you follow the rules of the park or reserve where you set up your tent. Different parks have different requirements for how close to the water you can camp or how close to the trails.
    • Wherever you camp, always avoid private property so you don't get bitterly disappointed in the middle of a camping trip in the form of an angry host. Never set up camp in a place where it is not allowed to do so.
  1. Look for a flat surface for your tent. When you have chosen a suitable camp, it's time to choose a place where to pitch your tent. There are several factors to consider and the first one should be your comfort. It is difficult to sleep in a tent that is at an angle, so it is recommended to find a flat surface, preferably with bushes.

    • Find an elevated position if possible. If it rains, you should not be at the bottom where the water will drain. For this reason, avoid dry coves, small sods and holes. You don't want to wake up in a puddle!
  2. Look for a place where you can hide from the sun and shade. Ideally, the tent should be placed in such a way that it will remain in the shade throughout the next morning, especially if it is hot. And while dome tents are wind-resistant, it's also good to find a spot out of the wind in case you're far from the tent. The last thing you want is to return to an empty campsite! Place a tent on the western slope of the hill the best way comfortable to spend inside the night and cool morning.

    • Never pitch your tent under trees. In the event of rain, it's tempting to think that a tree canopy would be a safe alternative to an umbrella. Unfortunately, there is a risk of lightning and other dangers here. The tent will not stop the tree from falling if something happens. Better to stay away from such danger.
  3. The tent should be kept away from the fire. Ideally, you should place your tent against the wind that blows from the campfire. Make sure that all coals or sparks will not fly towards the tent to avoid fire hazards.

    • A smart solution is to set up a tent on the windless side of the toilet if you are going to be camping for a long time.
  4. Clear the tent site of debris. When you install it, it will be impossible to clear the place of stones, branches and other debris. Get the job done ahead of time and you'll have a much more comfortable sleep.

    • If you can, look for dense areas with needles if you are near trees. Pine needles can provide a great soft natural mattress that will help keep you comfortable.

    Part 2

    Setting up the dome tent
    1. Place a waterproof tarp underneath. While most tents are sold without one, it is a must buy as the plastic or vinyl tarp provides moisture protection between the tent and the ground. While it's not necessary to use a tarp to keep the bottom of the tent from leaking, if it's raining you'll be happy to have one.

      • Fold the tarp according to the shape of the tent, but it should be slightly smaller than the tent. If there is a risk of rain, you should not have a single open corner. Don't worry about laying down the tarp perfectly, because you can do it after you set up your tent.
    2. Lay out all the pieces of the tent on the tarp. Remove all tent components and inspect them to ensure all components are present and in good condition. You won't be able to set up a tent with broken or missing parts, so make sure everything is in place. Each tent will be slightly different, depending on size, style and brand, but the main components of new dome tents should be versatile. Should be:

      Connect fasteners. All scarf attachments should not exceed 1.8 - 3 m in length when snapped, fixed or screwed. All racks will assemble a little differently, but most modern mounts come with a brace that allows them to simply click into place with little effort. First fasten them, then put them on the ground.

      Insert the posts through the tent flaps. Level the tent over the tarp with the poles where they should be to make sure everything is in the right place. The shawl bases have long crossed X-shaped posts that pass through the flaps. When you are sure they are positioned correctly, press the post through the doors and leave it on the ground. Insert both stands.

      • Different tents may have several different pole sizes, so you'll have to use your wits to figure out what goes where. You can read the instructions. This can be the hardest part of pitching a tent if you don't have instructions, but try holding the tent to see its shape and where it should go.
    3. Set up a tent. Insert the ends of each pole into the holes on each corner of the tent to raise the tent and it begins to take shape. The poles should bend with little effort, helping the tent straighten up. This is usually much easier to do with a helper as you stand opposite each other and see the curve of each stance in tandem. A friend will also help support the tent.

      • As you set up the poles, you may want to give the tent a little shake so that the whole structure settles down. All dome tents will be slightly different.
    4. Put the tent on the ground. The tent should have vinyl hoops or small holes in each corner and in the center of each side of the tent that you should use to put the tent on the ground. Click on the posts to secure the tent.

      • If you're going to sleep in the tent right away, you may not want to tie it down, especially if you're in an area with a lot of coverage and light winds. If you are going hiking or in windy weather, you need to attach the scarf to the pegs so that it does not blow away.
    5. Attach an awning over the tent. On some tents it is attached with Velcro in different places, on others they are attached with bandage cords for stretching on the racks.

      • Some people prefer not to set up a tent over a tent if they are sure it won't rain. Some awnings cover the windows and you won't be able to see what's going on outside. But it's usually better to be safe and use a tent.
      • Once you've set up your tent, tuck the corners of the tarp under the awning to make sure nothing is left outside. If even a small piece remains outside, it may threaten water to enter the tent from below during rain.

    Part 3

    Tent Packing
    1. Let the tent dry. The tent must be completely dry in the sun before you start to dismantle it to avoid mold inside. Remove the awning, poles and everything inside and shake gently.

      Roll up the awning and tent. Never fold a tent like a shirt or a flag. To avoid creases, you need to roll up the tent and put it in a bag. This will help keep the tent solid and waterproof, which is an important step in making the tent viable. First put the tent and awning in the bag, then everything else.

      Fold up the mounts and racks. After you have folded the tent and awning, place the poles and anchors in a bag, away from other materials, being careful not to snag or tear the tent. Sometimes there are separate bags for the posts and mounts to help keep them together.

If you are a happy owner of a tent, pay attention to, with which you can pump up the inflatable base of the tent as efficiently and quickly as possible!

Preparing before setting up the tent

In order for the tent to take the correct shape, for starters stretch it on the ground and fix it with pegs. If you managed to make an even rectangle, you can be sure that your tent will stand up perfectly!

Most of our tents fabric pockets for archwires are marked with the same color as the archwires that fit them This will make it easier for you to find them. Before setting up the tent, we advise you to collect all the poles first so that you can put them in your pockets faster.

An important nuance for the inflatable tents of the Air seconds series is that if you correctly position the bases of the inflatable supports before inflating, the living space will be larger!

Not too strong, but not too weak

Instinctively, we always try to pull the braces (ropes, laces) as much as possible. In fact, they are needed so that the tent is resistant to the wind, which means it is important to give them some flexibility.

If you pull them too tight, your tent may warp, the entrance opening will become larger, and rain will get inside.

Final touch: sticking pegs

And finally, to ensure the stability of the tent, it is necessary to secure it with pegs. To keep the peg firmly in the ground and not jump out at the slightest gust of wind, you need to stick it at an angle of 45 ° tilted away from the tent.

Want to make sure your tent is set up correctly? Easily opening and closing fasteners will be an indicator for you. If the entrance zippers do not close well and you have to make an effort, the tent may be too tight or, conversely, not tight enough.

So you are ready for adventure - rather on the road!