What is the largest statue in the world. The highest statues and monuments of the world: a list with the names of countries, cities, photos, description

Usually statues are created to commemorate an important historical event or in honor of a famous person. Some statues acquire fame on their own, separate from the person or concept they represent, as happened with the Statue of Liberty. And the most tall statues of the world become the main attraction of the city in which they are located.

We present you the top 10 tallest statues, one look at which can cause an attack of dizziness.

10. Statue of the Goddess Guanyin in Sanya, China

The height without the pedestal is 80 meters.

The statue of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy is the tenth tallest statue in the world and shows worshipers three different faces of the serene bodhisattva.

One face is facing the neighboring city of Sanya, while the other two are facing outward towards South China Sea. The faces of the goddess Guanyin symbolize peace, wisdom and compassion.

The statue of the goddess Guanyin is framed by flower beds, tropical trees and flags. And Buddhist monks often pray at her feet.

9. Motherland is calling, Russia

The height without the pedestal is 85 meters.

This statue, located in the city of Volgograd on Mamaev Kurgan, is the central part of the monument-ensemble, consisting of three monuments. The second and third are the Rear Front (located in Magnitogorsk) and the Liberator Warrior in Treptow Park, Berlin.

The multi-meter figure, symbolizing the Motherland, calling to fight the enemy, was designed by Nikolai Nikitin and Evgeny Vuchetich. 5,500 tons of concrete and 2,400 tons of metal structures were used for its construction. From the inside, the statue is reinforced with metal cables.

The huge 14-meter hill on which the sculpture stands is man-made. The remains of 34,505 fighters who participated in the battle for Stalingrad are buried in it. From the foot of the Mamaev Kurgan to its top there is a serpentine road, consisting of 200 granite steps - for so many days there were battles for Stalingrad.

8. Buddha statue in Wuxi, China

One of the largest Buddha statues in China is located on Lishan Hill near the city of Wuxi. The statue itself and its lotus-shaped pedestal consist of 2,000 sheets of bronze weighing over 725 tons. An advanced lightning protection system is used to protect the Big Buddha, and various modern technologies ensure that it is protected from wind and corrosion.

The Buddha's right hand, which points to heaven, depicts the "widra of fearlessness", which allows people to be brave and calm. The right hand pointing down to the earth shows the "varada mudra", blessing the people with security and happiness. Looking at the statue, you will find that the eyes of the Buddha always follow you, whether you are far from the statue or near it. This interesting phenomenon is due to the exceptional skills of the sculptors.

Inside the statue's pedestal is a comprehensive three-story museum where you can learn about the basics of Buddhism.

Most of the attractions, such as the Brahma Palace, Xiangfu Temple, etc., stretch along the southeast-northwest axis from the main gate to the Big Buddha statue.

7. Statue of the goddess Kannon in the city of Ashibetsu, Japan

The height without the pedestal is 88 meters.

It is the third tallest statue in Japan. At the time of construction (in 1989) and until 1991, the statue of the goddess of mercy Kannon in the city of Ashibetsu was considered the tallest statue in the world.

Inside the statue are more than 20 floors with an elevator that takes visitors to a platform that provides panoramic views of the surrounding area.

The construction of such a high statue was aimed at attracting tourists to the city. However, this idea was not destined to come true, tourists still do not seek to Asibetsu.

6. Buddha statue, Thailand

The Great Buddha of Thailand is the tallest statue in the country. Its construction began in Angthong Province in 1990 and was completed in 2008. It cost 131 million Thai baht (about $3.75 million).

The entire statue is made of cement and covered with gold paint, which gives it a majestic and radiant appearance. It casts a shadow not only on the Wat Muang temple, but also the surrounding "Garden of Hell", which contains sculptures depicting various scenes from the Buddhist hell.

5. Statue of Goddess Guanyin in Changsha, China

The height, excluding the pedestal, is 92 meters.

This beautiful gilded statue is called a thousand-handed, and a good legend is associated with this image. The merciful goddess so wanted to help every creature on Earth that the other gods gave her a thousand hands and a thousand eyes. Thanks to this gift, the goddess can see all those who need help and have time to help as many people as possible.

The Changsha County Government, with the help of local business and religious organizations, invested 260 million yuan in the construction of the statue, which was completed in 2009.

4. Statue of the goddess Kannon in the city of Sendai, Japan

The statue was erected in honor of the Japanese goddess of mercy - an analogue of the Chinese Guanyin. It stands on top of a hill in Sendai and is visible from many parts of the city.

Goddess Kannon is holding gem(symbol of the fulfillment of desires) in the right hand and a small vessel in the left hand, it contains the water of wisdom.

At the feet of the statue is the gaping maw of the dragon, passing through which you can see 33 different forms of the goddess Kannon and twelve demonic creatures, each of which belongs to Chinese astrology. You may bring some coins with you if you wish to make a donation to the goddess, but this is by no means required.

There are 108 statues on the top floor, each representing an earthly desire. Have a problem with jealousy? Tormented by selfishness? Tormented by greed? Find a suitable statue, drop a small offering into the box, and say a prayer. Perhaps this negative aspect of your personality will disappear with time.

On the elevator, the tourist can reach the top of the statue and admire the city spread below. On clear days you can even see the Pacific Ocean.

3. Big Buddha in Ushiku, Japan

The height without the pedestal is 100 meters.

Ushiku Daibutsu is the tallest statue made entirely of bronze. There are four floors inside the Buddha:

  • on the first level, visitors can hear beautiful music;
  • the second level is entirely devoted to religious studies;
  • the third level is filled with 30,000 Buddha statues;
  • and from the upper level, visitors can observe the beautiful gardens located in the vicinity of the statue.

2. Buddha statue of the Spring Temple in Zhaotsun, China

The height without the pedestal is 108 meters.

This massive copper Buddha stands on a 20-meter-high lotus flower, which, in turn, rests on a 25-meter pedestal. The majestic structure is China's response to the Taliban's barbaric destruction of two Buddha statues in Afghanistan. The Chinese have a great respect for the Buddhist heritage and expressed this by creating the huge Buddha Vairochana, personifying wisdom. The cost of the project cost the Chinese authorities $55 million.

1. Shakyamuni Buddha Statue (Lechzhun-Sasazha), Myanmar

The height, excluding the pedestal, is 115.82 meters.

When looking at the photo of the tallest statue in the world, admiration arises for the titanic work that its creators have done. It is noteworthy that the sculpture was erected solely on donations from local residents. This fact explains the very long construction period. It started in 1996 and ended in 2008.

Although travelers view this huge sculpture as an eye-catching visual object, the locals regard Lezhong Sasazha as a sacred place of worship.

The sculpture is painted in a beautiful bright yellow color. This color is considered a symbol of wisdom in Buddhism.

Not all travelers, even those who know which statue is the tallest in the world, have an idea about the internal structure of this curiosity. The "Skyscraper Buddha" statue hides 31 floors (which supposedly refer to the 31 planes of existence in Theravada theology) and a special elevator.

The first few levels showcase some of the most horrifying scenes of Buddhist hell: lots of horned creatures hitting people with hammers before throwing them into fire pits, psychedelic wild animals chewing on human limbs and stuff like that. Something reminiscent of the joint work of Hieronymus Bosch and Quentin Tarantino. Further, the pictures begin to show a clear didactic sequence: if you commit a sinful deed X, you will receive a terrible fate Y.

To calm your nerves, you can take the elevator to the top floor and enjoy panoramic views of the city.

The statue is surrounded by a garden with about 9,000 bodhi trees. It is believed that the Buddha attained enlightenment while resting under the bodhi tree.

List of tallest statues in the world ever

A statueLocationHeight without pedestalOpening year
Lezhong-SasazhaMyanmar115.82 2008
Buddha statue of Vairochana in ZhaotsunPRC108 2002
Daibutsu UshikuJapan100 1995
Statue of the goddess Kannon in SendaiJapan100 1991
Statue of Goddess Guanyin in ChangshaPRC~92 2009
Buddha statue in AngthongThailand92 2008
Statue of the goddess Kannon in AshibetsuJapan~88 1989
buddha statue in wuxiPRC88 1996
Motherland is calling!Russia, Volgograd85 1967
Statue of Goddess Guanyin in SanyaPRC80 2005
Statue of the goddess Kannon on AwajiJapan80 1982
Statue of the goddess Kannon in KagaJapan~73 1988
Buddha statue in Leshan, object world heritage UNESCO.PRC71 713
Statue of the goddess Kannon on ShodoJapan~68 1995
Statue of the goddess Kannon in KurumJapan~63
MotherlandUkraine, Kyiv62 1981
Statue of Guanyin in ChinaPRC62
Statue of Guan YuPRC61 2010
Buddha statue at Roi EtThailand59.2
Maitreya Buddha StatueRepublic of China57.6
Aizu Jibo Dai-KannonJapan~57 1987
Statue of Guan Yu in Jingzhou.PRC58 2016
Tōkyō-wan-KannonJapan~56 1961
Buddha DordenmaButane51.5 2010
Statue of Saint RitaBrazil50 2010
Monument to Buddha MaidiriMongolia 2019
Sekai Heiwa Dai-KannonJapan~50 1982
African Renaissance Monument - memorial bronze statue dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Senegal's independence from FranceSenegal49 2010
Dai-Kannon in KamaishiJapan~48,5 1970
Statue of the Virgin Mary in TrujilloVenezuela~48.5 1983
The Statue of Liberty is the main attraction of New York, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.USA46 1886
Birth of a New ManSpain~45 1995
Big Buddha in PhuketThailand~45 1995
Statue of Kailashnath Mahadev (Shiva)Nepal~43,6 2010
Statue of Lord Murugan (Skande)Malaysia~42,7 2006
Statue of Bodhisattva SamantabhadraPRC42
Takasaki White Wear Kannon StatueJapan~41,8 1936
Veera Abhaya Anjaneya Hanuman SwamiIndia~41 2003
Guanyin of LianhuashanPRC~40,88 1994
Statue of Genghis Khan in Tsongzhin Boldog - the world's tallest equestrian statueMongolia40 2008
Statue of José MorelosMexico~40
Statue of Shiva MurudeshwarIndia38 2002
Statue of Buddha AmitabhaRepublic of China36.6 1975
The King Christ Statue is the tallest statue of Jesus Christ in the world.Poland36 2010
The Colossus of RhodesGreece, Rhodes~ 36 280 BC e.
Statue of Mao ZedongChina, Henan36 2016
Memorial to the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic WarRussia35.5 1974
Cristo de la ConcordiaBolivia34.2 1994
Big BuddhaHong Kong34 1993
Colossus of NeroItaly Rome~ 33,5 75
Cosmoplanetary messiahFrance, Castellane33 1990
Statue of the Virgin Mary in Mas RillerFrance32.6 1941
Jalesveva-Jayamahe-StatueIndonesia30.8 1996
Statue of Christ the RedeemerBrazil30 1931
Statue of the Virgin Mary of ChinaEcuador30 1976
Statue of Jesus Christ in Tlalnepantle de BazMexico30
Blessing of ChristIndonesia30 2007
Monument to Alexander Nevsky on Mount SokolikhRussia, Pskov30 1993
Eravan MuseumThailand29 2004
Thiruvalluvar StatueIndia29 2000
Cristo ReyPortugal28 1959
Monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the largest statue of V. I. LeninRussia, Volgograd27 1973
Soldier and sailorRussia Ukraine27 2007
Statue of Amit BuddhaJapan, Nagahama27 1937
Megid ZhanraysegMongolia26.6 1996
Monument to ArminiusGermany26.57 1875
Worker and Collective Farm Woman - "The Ideal and Symbol of the Soviet Era"Russia25 1937
Birth of the New World - statue of Christopher ColumbusPuerto Rico81.7 2016
Monument to Lenin - the second highest monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the worldRussia, Dubna, Moscow Canal25 1937

A statue is a sculpture that is a three-dimensional representation of a human figure, an animal, and sometimes a fictional character.
Most of The tallest statues in the world are concentrated in China, but Russia also has its giants.

1. Monument to Lenin.
Location: Volgograd, Russia
The total height of the monument: 57 meters
Year: 1973
The monument is located at the entrance to the Volga-Don Canal. In the Guinness Book of Records, it is listed as the world's largest monument erected to a real person.

2. Worker and collective farmer.
Location: Moscow, Russia
The total height of the monument: 58 meters
Year: 1937
The statue of a young man and a girl is an image of the Soviet land - the working class and the collective farm peasantry. Also, this monument is a symbol of the film studio "Mosfilm".

3. Monument of Independence.
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
The total height of the monument: 61 meters
Year: 2000—2001
The monument is dedicated to the independence of Ukraine. It is located in the center of Kyiv on Maidan Nezalezhnosti.

4. Maitreya Buddha statue in Leshan.
Location: Leshan, China
The total height of the monument: 71 meters
Year: 713
The tallest statue in the world, carved from a rock in Lingyunshan Mountain.

5. Statue of Guanyin in China.
Location: Foshan, China
The total height of the monument: 77 meters

6. Buddha statue in Wuxi.
Location: Wuxi, China
The total height of the monument: 88 meters
Year: 1996
The largest bronze statue in the world.

7. Buddha statue in Ang Thong.
Location: Ang Thong, Thailand
The total height of the monument: 92 meters
Year: 2008

8. Statue of Liberty.
Location: New York, USA
The total height of the monument: 93 meters
Year: 1886
The most famous American statue is not only a landmark, but also serves as a navigational landmark and is used as a lighthouse.

9. Monument to Peter I.
Location: Moscow, Russia
The total height of the monument: 98 meters
Year: 1997
The statue is placed on artificial island created at the division of the Moscow River. Made by order of the Moscow government by sculptor Zurab Tsereteli.

10. Statue of Guanyin with a thousand hands and eyes.
Location: Changsha, China
The total height of the monument: 99 meters
Year: 2009

11. Sendai Daikannon.
Location: Sendai, Japan
The total height of the monument: 100 meters
Year: 1991
An elevator is installed inside the statue, thanks to which you can climb to the very top.

12. Motherland.
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Year: 1981
The monument is located on the highest right bank of the Dnieper. In the hand of the statue is a 16-meter sword weighing 9 tons.

13. "Motherland is calling!"
Location: Volgograd, Russia
The total height of the monument: 102 meters
Year: 1967
The monument was erected in honor of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on Mamaev Kurgan. The length of the arm of the statue is 20 meters, the length of the sword is 33 meters. The weight of the sculpture is 8,000 tons, and the weight of the sword is 14 tons.

14. Cristo Rei.
Location: Almada, Portugal
The total height of the monument: 103 meters
Year: 1959
Since Portugal was not a participant in the Second World War, women donated money to the statue of Christ, who saved their sons, fathers and husbands from death in hostilities.

15. Emperors Yang and Huang.
Location: Zhengzhou, China
The total height of the monument: 106 meters
Year: 2007
The monument is dedicated to the first two emperors of China. Construction took 20 years and was completed in 2007.

16. Statue of Guanyin in Sanya.
Location: Sanya, China
The total height of the monument: 108 meters
Year: 2005
Statue of Bodhisattva Guanyin. Its construction lasted 6 years.

17. Amitabha Buddha statue.
Location: Ushiku, Japan
The total height of the monument: 120 meters
Year: 1995
Both palms of the statue are facing the observer, and the index and thumb fingers are connected at the tips, which means the transmission of the teachings of the drachma.

18. Statue of Buddha Shakyamuni.
Location: Myanmar
The total height of the monument: 130 meters
Year: 2008
The construction of the religious monument began in 1996 and lasted 12 years.

19. Victory Monument.
Location: Moscow, Russia
The total height of the monument: 142 meters
Year: 1995
Depicts the goddess of victory Nike.

20. Buddha of the Spring Temple.
Location: Leshan, China
The total height of the monument: 153 meters
Year: 2002
This is the largest statue in the world.

Large size is one of the parameters with which you can become famous all over the world. Glorifying the great gods, great victories, great people, or just yourself, the sculptors of our time create gigantic monuments, hoping that their offspring will live for centuries. Actually, maybe some of these giants will remain on Earth forever, and distant generations of people will study these buildings, as we studied the pyramids or some Colossus of Rhodes. In the article, we have listed the 15 tallest monuments in the world.

For comparative analysis, we took monuments above 40 meters. The truth is that most of the giants were erected in China and Japan, and represent the various manifestations of the Buddha on earth. But if we include all the Big Buddhas of Asia in the top ten, then there will be no place for other statues at all.

Washington Monument 169 meters

This obelisk was erected in Washington, USA, as a memorial to George Washington, the first President of the USA. At that time, and before construction eiffel tower, it was considered the tallest building on Earth.

Victory Monument 141.8 meters

The monument was opened on May 9, 1995 and is part of the entire Victory Memorial Complex in Moscow. Its height of 141.8 meters was not chosen by chance - 10 cm for each day of the war.

Spring Temple Buddha 128 meters

The tallest statue in the world depicting the Vairochana Buddha. Moreover, 20 meters in height is occupied by a pedestal in the form of a lotus. It was erected not so long ago, in 2002. The Buddha towers over the Zhaotsun village in the Henan province of China.

Daibutsu Ushiku 120 meters

The statue depicts the Buddha Amitabha. And also, 20 meters of its height is taken away by a platform in the shape of a flower. The statue was created in 1995 and installed in the city of Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan.

Lezhong Sasazha 116 meters

This huge sculptural structure is located in the Sikain district in Myanmar. The official height of the standing Buddha statue does not include the 13.4 meter plinth. Another Buddha lies at the foot of the standing one; it was erected almost 17 years earlier.

Statue of the Goddess Guanyin 108 meters

The statue is located near the Nanshan Temple in the city of Sanya, on the island of Hainan in China. The statue has three aspects: the face of one is directed towards the island, and the faces of the others are towards the sea. Construction took six years and was completed in 2005.

Cristo Rei (Christ the King) 103 meters

The statue of Jesus Christ is located in the city of Almada, Portugal. The base portico raises the statue 75 meters above the ground. The growth of Christ himself is 28 meters.

Motherland 102 meters

This monument stands in Kyiv on the right bank of the Dnieper. It is included in the complex National Museum history of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. and was erected in 1981. The height of the sculpture from the pedestal to the tip of the sword is 62 m. The official height of the monument is considered to be the base.

Monument to Peter the Great 98 meters

Statue of Liberty 93 meters

It is often called the symbol of the United States. This is a gift from French citizens on the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution. The height is calculated taking into account the base and the pedestal. The height of the statue itself is 46 meters.

Motherland is calling! 85 meters

The statue is included in the "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" set, which is located on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd. At the time of its creation, the sculpture was the tallest in the world. The growth of a female figure without a sword is 52 meters.

Maitreya Buddha statue 74 meters

The Buddha is carved right in Lingyunshan Mountain, near the city of Leshan. Three rivers of the Chinese province of Sichuan flow here. This giant began to be carved back in 713, all construction continued for 90 years. Until the middle of the 17th century, the body of this Buddha up to the neck was hidden by a 13-story temple called the Pavilion of the Great Image. But later the Temple burned down.

Statue of Genghis Khan 50 meters

Where is the monument to the founder of the Mongol Empire located? In Mongolia! In the city of Tsongzhin-Boldog. A huge horse with a rider is installed right on the building of the art gallery. There is an observation deck in the horse's head.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin 42.5 meters

The monument is located in Moscow and was erected in 1980. The stella and the statue were symbolically made of titanium, a metal used in the construction of spaceships.

Freedom Monument 42 meters

Among themselves, the inhabitants of the city of Riga call this monument Milda. It was installed in 1935 in memory of the fighters for the independence of Latvia. The monument stands on Brivibas Boulevard, which translates as "Freedom Boulevard".

18 tallest statues of Christ
In Catholicism, the degree of faith is determined not only by the observance of rituals, but also by external symbols.

South America, Asia and Catholic Europe are the regions where the largest statues of Christ are located. His highest monument is located in Bolivia - 34.2 meters. If we take into account the crown, then the highest statue of Christ is in Poland, 36 meters.

For a long time, various countries of the world competed with each other in megalomania - who will put up the largest statue of Jesus Christ, and, therefore, will defeat everyone else in the level of faith.

Cristo Rey - Mexico, height 20.5 meters

This statue stands in Cerro del Cubilet, Guanajuato, at an altitude of 2700 meters above sea level. The statue was completed in 1944 and is described as Art Deco in style. It is one of the most significant religious monuments in the country and is located in the geographical center of Mexico:

Statue of Christ the Redeemer Maratea - Italy, height 21.25 meters

This statue was made from white and blue-gray marble obtained from quarries near the city of Carrara. Unlike most other statues built with donations from the public, Cristo Redentore was erected at the expense of one person - businessman Stefano Rivetti:

Cristo de las Noas - Mexico, 21.78 meters

The statue project began in 1973 and lasted 17 years. At the bottom is a restaurant:

Christ Pacific Ocean- Peru, 22 meters, as well as a pedestal 15 meters high

This statue was a gift from President Fujimori of Peru to his people. When the embezzling ruler was removed, they wanted to dismantle the statue as a "legacy of the reactionary regime." But thousands of rallies defended Christ:

Christ of the Sacred Heart - Mexico, 23 meters

The statue is made of fiberglass, stands near the town of Rosarito. A rare case of a colored statue of Christ:

Broken Christ - Mexico, 25 meters

The statue is located in the town of San Jose de Gracia, and annually attracts up to 100 thousand pilgrims:

Christ Roy-de-Ouch - France, 25 meters

Located in Les Houches, Haute-Savoie. A year was erected - from 1933 to 1934:

Christ of Mercy - Nicaragua, 26 meters

Erected in the town of San Juan del Sur, the tallest statue in Central America:

Statue of Christ the King - Colombia, 26 meters

Located in the city of Cali, built in 1953. Located at an altitude of 1440 meters above sea level, weight 446 tons:

Christ Rei Delhi - East Timor, height 27 meters

This statue is a gift from the government of Indonesia (in 1996, when East Timor was still a province of this state, it gained independence in 2002). Made of copper, consists of 27 sections.

Christ the King - Portugal, 28 meters

The statue began to be erected in Lisbon in 1940, finished in 1959. It is considered a symbol of peace, saving Portugal from the horrors of World War II:

Christ Ricusitado (Resurrected) - Mexico, 30 meters

The statue is located in the cemetery of the town of San Rafaele. Erected in 1970 from pink granite:

Blessing of Christ - Indonesia, 30 meters

The statue is located in the city of Manado. It is made of 35 tons of stainless steel and 25 tons of steel threads. The money for the statue was raised by the local Catholic community. The statue is unusual in that it tilts 20 degrees forward:

Christ. Located in Rio de Janeiro. Built in 1926-1931. In 2010, the fingers and eyebrows of the statue were damaged by a thunderstorm, after which lightning rods were installed in it:

Christ Vung Tau - Vietnam, 32 meters

The statue is located in the city of Vung Tau, its construction was started in 1974, completed in 1993. Metal beams in a halo are a lightning rod. The statue is made of concrete with granite inserts:

Christ the King - Poland, 33 meters + crown 3 meters

Together with the crown, it is the tallest statue in the world (36 meters). 33 meters - symbolizes the age of Christ. Made of concrete and fiberglass, weight 440 tons:

Christ of Peace - Bolivia, 34.2 meters

The statue also has a pedestal 6.2 meters high. Located in the city of Cochabamba at an altitude of 2840 meters above sea level. The heaviest statue of Christ in the world - 2220 tons. The stairs inside the statue (1399 steps) can be reached by observation deck located in the head.

Large size is one of the parameters with which you can become famous all over the world. Glorifying the great gods, great victories, great people, or just yourself, the sculptors of our time create gigantic monuments, hoping that their offspring will live for centuries. Actually, maybe some of these giants will remain on Earth forever, and distant generations of people will study these buildings, as we studied the pyramids or some Colossus of Rhodes. In the article, we have listed the 15 tallest monuments in the world.

For comparative analysis, we took monuments above 40 meters. The truth is that most of the giants were erected in China and Japan, and represent the various manifestations of the Buddha on earth. But if we include all the Big Buddhas of Asia in the top ten, then there will be no place for other statues at all.

Washington Monument 169 meters

This obelisk was erected in Washington, USA, as a memorial to George Washington, the first President of the USA. At that time, and before the construction of the Eiffel Tower, it was considered the tallest building on Earth.

Victory Monument 141.8 meters

The monument was opened on May 9, 1995 and is part of the entire Victory Memorial Complex in Moscow. Its height of 141.8 meters was not chosen by chance - 10 cm for each day of the war.

Spring Temple Buddha 128 meters

The tallest statue in the world depicting the Vairochana Buddha. Moreover, 20 meters in height is occupied by a pedestal in the form of a lotus. It was erected not so long ago, in 2002. The Buddha towers over the Zhaotsun village in the Henan province of China.

Daibutsu Ushiku 120 meters

The statue depicts the Buddha Amitabha. And also, 20 meters of its height is taken away by a platform in the shape of a flower. The statue was created in 1995 and installed in the city of Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan.

Lezhong Sasazha 116 meters

This huge sculptural structure is located in the Sikain district in Myanmar. The official height of the standing Buddha statue does not include the 13.4 meter plinth. Another Buddha lies at the foot of the standing one; it was erected almost 17 years earlier.

Statue of the Goddess Guanyin 108 meters

The statue is located near the Nanshan Temple in the city of Sanya, on the island of Hainan in China. The statue has three aspects: the face of one is directed towards the island, and the faces of the others are towards the sea. Construction took six years and was completed in 2005.

Cristo Rei (Christ the King) 103 meters

The statue of Jesus Christ is located in the city of Almada, Portugal. The base portico raises the statue 75 meters above the ground. The growth of Christ himself is 28 meters.

Motherland 102 meters

This monument stands in Kyiv on the right bank of the Dnieper. It is part of the National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 complex. and was erected in 1981. The height of the sculpture from the pedestal to the tip of the sword is 62 m. The official height of the monument is considered to be the base.

Monument to Peter the Great 98 meters

Statue of Liberty 93 meters

It is often called the symbol of the United States. This is a gift from French citizens on the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution. The height is calculated taking into account the base and the pedestal. The height of the statue itself is 46 meters.

Motherland is calling! 85 meters

The statue is included in the "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" set, which is located on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd. At the time of its creation, the sculpture was the tallest in the world. The growth of a female figure without a sword is 52 meters.

Maitreya Buddha statue 74 meters

The Buddha is carved right in Lingyunshan Mountain, near the city of Leshan. Three rivers of the Chinese province of Sichuan flow here. This giant began to be carved back in 713, all construction continued for 90 years. Until the middle of the 17th century, the body of this Buddha up to the neck was hidden by a 13-story temple called the Pavilion of the Great Image. But later the Temple burned down.

Statue of Genghis Khan 50 meters

Where is the monument to the founder of the Mongol Empire located? In Mongolia! In the city of Tsongzhin-Boldog. A huge horse with a rider is installed right on the building of the art gallery. There is an observation deck in the horse's head.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin 42.5 meters

The monument is located in Moscow and was erected in 1980. The stella and the statue were symbolically made of titanium, a metal used in the construction of spaceships.

Freedom Monument 42 meters

Among themselves, the inhabitants of the city of Riga call this monument Milda. It was installed in 1935 in memory of the fighters for the independence of Latvia. The monument stands on Brivibas Boulevard, which translates as "Freedom Boulevard".

18 tallest statues of Christ
In Catholicism, the degree of faith is determined not only by the observance of rituals, but also by external symbols.

South America, Asia and Catholic Europe are the regions where the largest statues of Christ are located. His highest monument is located in Bolivia - 34.2 meters. If we take into account the crown, then the highest statue of Christ is in Poland, 36 meters.

For a long time, various countries of the world competed with each other in megalomania - who will put up the largest statue of Jesus Christ, and, therefore, will defeat everyone else in the level of faith.

Cristo Rey - Mexico, height 20.5 meters

This statue stands in Cerro del Cubilet, Guanajuato, at an altitude of 2700 meters above sea level. The statue was completed in 1944 and is described as Art Deco in style. It is one of the most significant religious monuments in the country and is located in the geographical center of Mexico:

Statue of Christ the Redeemer Maratea - Italy, height 21.25 meters

This statue was made from white and blue-gray marble obtained from quarries near the city of Carrara. Unlike most other statues built with donations from the public, Cristo Redentore was erected at the expense of one person - businessman Stefano Rivetti:

Cristo de las Noas - Mexico, 21.78 meters

The statue project began in 1973 and lasted 17 years. At the bottom is a restaurant:

Christ of the Pacific - Peru, 22 meters, as well as a pedestal 15 meters high

This statue was a gift from President Fujimori of Peru to his people. When the embezzling ruler was removed, they wanted to dismantle the statue as a "legacy of the reactionary regime." But thousands of rallies defended Christ:

Christ of the Sacred Heart - Mexico, 23 meters

The statue is made of fiberglass, stands near the town of Rosarito. A rare case of a colored statue of Christ:

Broken Christ - Mexico, 25 meters

The statue is located in the town of San Jose de Gracia, and annually attracts up to 100 thousand pilgrims:

Christ Roy-de-Ouch - France, 25 meters

Located in Les Houches, Haute-Savoie. A year was erected - from 1933 to 1934:

Christ of Mercy - Nicaragua, 26 meters

Erected in the town of San Juan del Sur, the tallest statue in Central America:

Statue of Christ the King - Colombia, 26 meters

Located in the city of Cali, built in 1953. Located at an altitude of 1440 meters above sea level, weight 446 tons:

Christ Rei Delhi - East Timor, height 27 meters

This statue is a gift from the government of Indonesia (in 1996, when East Timor was still a province of this state, it gained independence in 2002). Made of copper, consists of 27 sections.

Christ the King - Portugal, 28 meters

The statue began to be erected in Lisbon in 1940, finished in 1959. It is considered a symbol of peace, saving Portugal from the horrors of World War II:

Christ Ricusitado (Resurrected) - Mexico, 30 meters

The statue is located in the cemetery of the town of San Rafaele. Erected in 1970 from pink granite:

Blessing of Christ - Indonesia, 30 meters

The statue is located in the city of Manado. It is made of 35 tons of stainless steel and 25 tons of steel threads. The money for the statue was raised by the local Catholic community. The statue is unusual in that it tilts 20 degrees forward:

Christ. Located in Rio de Janeiro. Built in 1926-1931. In 2010, the fingers and eyebrows of the statue were damaged by a thunderstorm, after which lightning rods were installed in it:

Christ Vung Tau - Vietnam, 32 meters

The statue is located in the city of Vung Tau, its construction was started in 1974, completed in 1993. Metal beams in a halo are a lightning rod. The statue is made of concrete with granite inserts:

Christ the King - Poland, 33 meters + crown 3 meters

Together with the crown, it is the tallest statue in the world (36 meters). 33 meters - symbolizes the age of Christ. Made of concrete and fiberglass, weight 440 tons:

Christ of Peace - Bolivia, 34.2 meters

The statue also has a pedestal 6.2 meters high. Located in the city of Cochabamba at an altitude of 2840 meters above sea level. The heaviest statue of Christ in the world - 2220 tons. On the stairs inside the statue (1399 steps) you can get to the observation deck located in the head.