Kerch Peninsula rest. Kerch Peninsula and its natural phenomenon

Kerch is located in the eastern part of the Crimea. It is the Kerch Strait that connects two seas - the Azov and the Black. Rich regions attract many tourists, both from their native country and neighboring countries. A prudent tourist prepares in advance for the upcoming trip, chooses a suitable holiday village for the whole family, and books rooms to stay. It is this diligence that allows you to enjoy the blessed days and at the same time save your vacation budget. In order not to miscalculate, choose hotels. The service is replete with offers for every taste and opportunity, it is here that you can choose a comfortable room for a vacation at any time of the year.

When to go to Kerch Peninsula?

If we talk about the climate, then about 280 days a year the sun shines in Kerch, which means you can soak up the beach while enjoying sunbathing. The local climate creates conditions for favorable holidays and health trips. average temperature air in summer will be 24-26 degrees, and in winter it almost never drops below 0 degrees.

Choosing a village for living and places for a paradise holiday

What is good about the Kerch Peninsula? After all, not only the warm and mild climate attracts tourists from different countries. The peculiarity of this place is that tourists with different abilities and preferences can relax here.

Quiet family vacation

Compatriots will try to spend a family vacation with small children from the side of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, where the villages of Osovins and Yurkins have located their possessions. These are former fishing villages, which today have retained some of their former flavor. Infrastructure is just beginning to emerge in the villages.

For inexpensive entertainment, they go to the village of Kurortnoye, where there are cafes, several shops, and the choice of housing is wider than in fishing villages. Of course, there are no nightclubs and discos, large supermarkets here, but the beaches are clean and always free. At any time, vacationers can enjoy the warm Black Sea waves. Why is Kurortnoye village so attractive? With its famous "general" beaches. Is here and famous lake Chokrak, located to the west of Kurortny. Even at the beginning of the past century, a mud bath worked here, only memories and healing mud remained about it.

Youth and active recreation

In the west there is a huge beach of the Kazantip Bay. The villages of Novootradnoye, Zolotoe and Verkhnezamorskoye are located here. There are also many couples here who prefer inexpensive vacation. The most popular was and remains the town of Shchelkino, as well as the village of Mysovoye, where most of hotels and hotels of the Kerch Peninsula. The popularity is explained by the proximity of Cape Kazantip - a reserve where nature is preserved in its original form. Numerous festivals, fairs are held in these parts, hand-made masters demonstrate the results of their work. Night life seething, and the peninsula itself, it seems, never rests - it is simply overflowing with energy.


Spend a few unforgettable days on the peninsula and join the cultural life, historical heritage - this is an opportunity for all tourists. Panticapaeum was founded here, which was the stronghold of the Bosporan kingdom. This once mighty city is blown by the wind today. But not everything was destroyed by nature. The fortress of Kerch, the Church of John the Baptist, the Golden and Melek-Chesmensky burial mounds, the crypt of Demeter, the famous Turkish fortress of Yeni-Kale - all this has been preserved!

short info

Amazing richest ancient history Kerch, the former capital of the Bosporus kingdom. Sandy beaches for tens of kilometers frame the local bays with golden arcs. The Kerch Peninsula is isolated by nature from the rest of the Crimea. The landscape is special, unique. The chains of hills limit the horizon, so that after driving only a couple of kilometers, you find yourself in lost world. But when you get to the beach, the whole earthly paradise turns out to be yours personally. Port city Kerch is easily accessible from all sides. It is surrounded by 4 marine areas: the Black Sea, the Kerch Strait, the Sea of ​​Azov and Sivash. In Kerch, there are huge opportunities for caravanning. The local fish farms hunt sturgeon, Crimean herring, anchovy. Bagerovsky winery operates near Kerch, producing inexpensive wines. The city is full of vineyards. Kerch of our days is a large industrial city of Ukraine with mining enterprises, ship repair, pipe foundries.


The Crimean resort of Kerch is located in the eastern part of Crimea, in the east of the Kerch Peninsula.


Moscow time + 1 hour.


The population is 165 thousand people.


Primordial nature has been preserved in Kerch. Nowhere in the Crimea you will find a colony of pink starling. He chose the Kerch Peninsula as his habitat. Nearby are dozens of saline healing lakes with different salinity and temperature. Interesting feature northeastern part of the Kerch Peninsula - mud volcanoes, rising in cones above the surrounding area by 35 - 40 m. A special place in the improvement of Kerch is occupied by its green outfit. Young forests are noisy in the vicinity of Kerch, the slopes of Mount Mithridates are turning green with foliage and needles from the top of which a panorama of modern Kerch opens.

Main healing factors

The warm sea, the combination of healing steppe air with sea air, as well as landscapes of special beauty, an abundance of sun - these healing factors are used by Kerch sanatoriums for aerotherapy, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy.

The healing mud of the lakes of Chokrak, Tobechik, Uzunlar, Aktash and other salt lakes of the Kerch Peninsula is also used for treatment in Kerch.

The main indications for treatment

Diseases of the circulatory system, nervous system, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system, skin diseases.

Additional Information

Kerch was founded in the 6th century BC, was the capital of the Bosporan kingdom and was called Panticapia. In the 9th-11th century ancient Russian city Korchev. In 1475 it was captured by the Turks, since 1774 it was part of Russia. Since 1962 it has been part of Ukraine.

Greetings! In Crimea, a mass departure of burnt and tired tourists with empty wallets and bank cards began. It went to everyone who chose August for a vacation, many, under the influence of the heat, did not complete several points of the planned program, leaving a lot of interesting things for “when the bridge is built”. I decided to collect my "marginal notes" and write about the rest on the Kerch Peninsula in the fall.

And while some unpack their suitcases and tell how everything is good / normal / bad in Crimea, others monitor the weather informers and think: where to go and what to see, for example, in the east of the peninsula. Autumn in Crimea is unpredictable, like spring. If you are lucky with the weather, you can swim in the sea with pleasure until the first days of October. It also happened - after a cold September, a warm and “velvet” October came, but the sea had already cooled down by that time.

(the article uses several photos taken by tourists during their holidays in the Crimea)

Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov

Steppe landscapes predominate in the eastern Crimea. If you look along the coast: the mountainous area starts from Cape St. Elijah in Feodosia and stretches to Cape Aya in Balaklava. From the Kerch Peninsula to Feodosia, one can see hills, rocky bays, wide sandy beaches and two seas - Black and Azov.

In eastern Crimea, autumn comes earlier than on south coast and the air temperature can be below sea temperature. The Black Sea often storms, so many choose the Sea of ​​Azov or the South Coast.

The holiday season in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov ends in October. The Sea of ​​Azov is suitable for families with small children. Here, in contrast to the humid climate Black Sea coast, acclimatization of the child occurs much faster. And the beaches with white sand and a gentle entrance to the water are absolutely safe for kids.

A special pride of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov are therapeutic salt lakes and mud volcanoes. Tourists specially come to them in order to combine relaxation at sea with the adoption of mud procedures. The reserved Chokrak Lake is very popular, but one should not forget that therapeutic mud is contraindicated for many.

The sea is across the road from the lake. People smear themselves with mud and wash it off into the sea in 10-15 minutes. If kept longer, it may cause redness or burns. The mud is oily, black with a blue tint. The texture is very soft. Many take it with them, it is stored for a long time, it is poorly washed from things.

While writing the article, I came across a note about the catastrophic situation on the lake. In the summer of 2017, the banks of the healing reservoir turned into a dump for household waste. When you read about such disgusting things, do you think, maybe it’s better to close access to such resources if people have become consumers and they don’t care about natural heritage? It is clear that utilities do not take out and blah blah blah, but the truth is, have a conscience! Most people come there by car, take the garbage with you and throw it into empty bins along the way or into containers near the house if you live in Crimea.

The Azov coast invariably attracts lovers active rest. Constant winds and the absence of strong storms make Azov resorts meeting point for windsurfers, kitesurfers, sailing and water skiers

  • Shchelkino
  • Cape
  • Novotradnoe
  • s.Kurortnoe
  • Osovina
  • Yurkino
  • Golden
  • Nizhnezamorskoe
  • Azov
  • factory
  • Semyonovka
  • Kamenskoe
  • Kerch

There are many boarding houses and recreation centers on the coast of Azov, where prices are lower than in hotels. The listed resorts are also chosen by those who do not want to go deep into the peninsula. The distance from the crossing and the future bridge is only 30-40 km. From Kerch to Simferopol airport - 220 km, so the most remote part of the Crimea is more suitable for car tourists.

I draw your attention to the fact that in the eastern Crimea there are two settlements Kurortnoye - the village is located next to the Karadag nature reserve, and the village is next to the natural park Karalarsky in the Leninsky district.

Prices for September-October 2017, including promotional offers:

  • boarding house "Crimean dachas" in the village of Shchelkino - from 1340 rubles. nom./day;
  • guest house "Private boarding house Kazantips" in the village of Shchelkino - from 2800 rubles. nom./day + full board;
  • apartments in Shchelkino - from 1500 rubles. nom./day;
  • boarding house "Priboy" in the village of Mysovoye - from 1800 rubles. nom./day;
  • mini-hotel Troianda in Novootradnoe village — from 1600 rubles. nom./day;
  • hotel " Beautiful place» in with. Golden - cottage from 3200 rubles. for 4 people;
  • boarding house "Dawn" in the village. Nizhnezamorsky - from 3400 rubles. nom/day + full board;
  • deaz Hotel in with. Yurkino - from 800 rubles. nom./day;
  • complex of cottages "Bay" in the village. Aspens - from 1400 rubles. nom./day;
  • guest house "At Elena" in the village of Kurortnoye - from 450 rubles. people/day;
  • recreation center "Strait" Arshintsevskaya spit - from 300 rubles. people/day;
  • boarding house "Azov" Sand - from 1080 rubles. rub. people/day 3 meals a day;
  • guest house "Kitey" Kerch - from 1700 rubles. people/day;
  • hotel "French Tuesday" Kerch - from 2500 rubles. nom./day;
  • hostel "Kerch", Kerch - from 300 rubles. people/day;

EN - Free cancellation for most rooms - When booking, do not forget to check the box "I travel for work", because of the sanctions, the search for Crimea hotels in the form is not available.

  • Recreation center "Light of the Lighthouse" - from 1200 rubles. nom./day;
  • Recreation center "Imperial" - from 1300 rubles. nom./day;
  • Recreation center "Chernomorskaya" - from 2300 rubles. nom./day;

Many believe that there is nothing to see in Kerch and are greatly mistaken. The city is interesting for its history and is considered the oldest in Russia. Thanks to the two seas in the vicinity a large number of well-maintained and wild beaches. If there is a storm on the Black Sea, you will have to spend quite a bit of time to move to the other side and swim in the warm waves of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

The Kerch Peninsula can boast not only of the General's beaches and the Arshintsevskaya Spit, there are many interesting places, for example, in the area of ​​the ancient city of Mirmekiy.

The bridge under construction is a new attraction and attracts a large flow of tourists and local residents. While it is called "Crimean", but already this year there will be an open vote and the inhabitants of Crimea and Krasnodar Territory choose an appropriate name. In the meantime, three are open in Kerch viewing platforms overlooking the construction site of the century. For the convenience of visitors, such beautiful meter-long benches have been installed.

Observation platforms overlooking the Crimean (Kerch) bridge are located:

  1. On the territory of the fortress "Kerch"
  2. On Mount Mithridates.

What to see in Kerch:

  1. The most high point- Mount Mithridates with a panoramic view of the whole city, at its foot the ruins of an ancient ancient city Panticapaeum.
  2. Adzhimushkay quarries. I talked about them in detail.
  3. Fortress "Kerch" (fort "Totleben"). My story .
  4. Church of John the Baptist of the 8th century.
  5. Yeni-Kale fortress.
  6. Historical and Archaeological Museum of Kerch.
  7. Scythian burial mounds of the 8th - 4th centuries. BC.
  8. Ruins of the Turkish fortress Arabat.
  9. Mud volcanoes in the Valley of Volcanoes near the village of Bondarenkovo.
  10. Royal mound. My report.

Another natural attraction is the reserved Cape Opuk and. Entrance to the territory is free, with a guided tour - 200 rubles. (in 2017) Driving is prohibited! You can get to the barrier, and then you need to walk a few kilometers or take a regular bus from Kerch to the village of Maryevka and then walk for 11 km. You can see the lake in different shades of red at the beginning of summer.

The rest of the resorts of eastern Crimea are located at a distance from the Kerch Peninsula, and they are separated by endless steppes and deserted beaches. Rest on the Kerch Peninsula can be interesting if you study the information about this part of Crimea in advance.

Thank you for your attention!

Greetings! In Crimea, a mass departure of burnt and tired tourists with empty wallets and bank cards began. It went to everyone who chose August for a vacation, many, under the influence of the heat, did not complete several points of the planned program, leaving a lot of interesting things for “when the bridge is built”. I decided to collect my "marginal notes" and write about the rest on the Kerch Peninsula in the fall.

And while some unpack their suitcases and tell how everything is good / normal / bad in Crimea, others monitor the weather informers and think: where to go and what to see, for example, in the east of the peninsula. Autumn in Crimea is unpredictable, like spring. If you are lucky with the weather, you can swim in the sea with pleasure until the first days of October. It also happened - after a cold September, a warm and “velvet” October came, but the sea had already cooled down by that time.

(the article uses several photos taken by tourists during their holidays in the Crimea)

Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov

Steppe landscapes predominate in the eastern Crimea. If you look along the coast: the mountainous area starts from Cape St. Elijah in Feodosia and stretches to Cape Aya in Balaklava. From the Kerch Peninsula to Feodosia, you can see hills, rocky bays, wide sandy beaches and two seas - the Black and Azov.

In the eastern Crimea, autumn comes earlier than on the southern coast, and the air temperature can be lower than the sea temperature. The Black Sea often storms, so many choose the Sea of ​​Azov or the South Coast.

The holiday season in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov ends in October. The Sea of ​​Azov is suitable for families with small children. Here, in contrast to the humid climate of the Black Sea coast, the acclimatization of the child occurs much faster. And the beaches with white sand and a gentle entrance to the water are absolutely safe for kids.

A special pride of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov are therapeutic salt lakes and mud volcanoes. Tourists specially come to them in order to combine relaxation at sea with the adoption of mud procedures. The reserved Chokrak Lake is very popular, but one should not forget that therapeutic mud is contraindicated for many.

The sea is across the road from the lake. People smear themselves with mud and wash it off into the sea in 10-15 minutes. If kept longer, it may cause redness or burns. The mud is oily, black with a blue tint. The texture is very soft. Many take it with them, it is stored for a long time, it is poorly washed from things.

While writing the article, I came across a note about the catastrophic situation on the lake. In the summer of 2017, the banks of the healing reservoir turned into a dump for household waste. When you read about such disgusting things, do you think, maybe it’s better to close access to such resources if people have become consumers and they don’t care about natural heritage? It is clear that utilities do not take out and blah blah blah, but the truth is, have a conscience! Most people come there by car, take the garbage with you and throw it into empty bins along the way or into containers near the house if you live in Crimea.

The Azov coast invariably attracts outdoor enthusiasts. Constant winds and the absence of strong storms make the Azov resorts a meeting place for lovers of windsurfing and kitesurfing, sailing and water skiing

  • Shchelkino
  • Cape
  • Novotradnoe
  • s.Kurortnoe
  • Osovina
  • Yurkino
  • Golden
  • Nizhnezamorskoe
  • Azov
  • factory
  • Semyonovka
  • Kamenskoe
  • Kerch

There are many boarding houses and recreation centers on the coast of Azov, where prices are lower than in hotels. The listed resorts are also chosen by those who do not want to go deep into the peninsula. The distance from the crossing and the future bridge is only 30-40 km. From Kerch to Simferopol airport - 220 km, so the most remote part of the Crimea is more suitable for car tourists.

I draw your attention to the fact that in the eastern Crimea there are two settlements Kurortnoye - the village is located next to the Karadag nature reserve, and the village is next to the natural park Karalarsky in the Leninsky district.

Prices for September-October 2017, including promotional offers:

  • boarding house "Crimean dachas" in the village of Shchelkino - from 1340 rubles. nom./day;
  • guest house "Private boarding house Kazantips" in the village of Shchelkino - from 2800 rubles. nom./day + full board;
  • apartments in Shchelkino - from 1500 rubles. nom./day;
  • boarding house "Priboy" in the village of Mysovoye - from 1800 rubles. nom./day;
  • mini-hotel Troianda in Novootradnoe village — from 1600 rubles. nom./day;
  • hotel "Beautiful place" in the village. Golden - cottage from 3200 rubles. for 4 people;
  • boarding house "Dawn" in the village. Nizhnezamorsky - from 3400 rubles. nom/day + full board;
  • deaz Hotel in with. Yurkino - from 800 rubles. nom./day;
  • complex of cottages "Bay" in the village. Aspens - from 1400 rubles. nom./day;
  • guest house "At Elena" in the village of Kurortnoye - from 450 rubles. people/day;
  • recreation center "Strait" Arshintsevskaya spit - from 300 rubles. people/day;
  • boarding house "Azov" Sand - from 1080 rubles. rub. people/day 3 meals a day;
  • guest house "Kitey" Kerch - from 1700 rubles. people/day;
  • hotel "French Tuesday" Kerch - from 2500 rubles. nom./day;
  • hostel "Kerch", Kerch - from 300 rubles. people/day;

EN - Free cancellation for most rooms - When booking, do not forget to check the box "I travel for work", because of the sanctions, the search for Crimea hotels in the form is not available.

  • Recreation center "Light of the Lighthouse" - from 1200 rubles. nom./day;
  • Recreation center "Imperial" - from 1300 rubles. nom./day;
  • Recreation center "Chernomorskaya" - from 2300 rubles. nom./day;

Many believe that there is nothing to see in Kerch and are greatly mistaken. The city is interesting for its history and is considered the oldest in Russia. Thanks to the two seas, there are a large number of well-maintained and wild beaches in the vicinity. If there is a storm on the Black Sea, you will have to spend quite a bit of time to move to the other side and swim in the warm waves of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

The Kerch Peninsula can boast not only of the General beaches and the Arshintsevskaya Spit, there are many interesting places on the coast, for example, in the area of ​​​​the ancient settlement of Mirmekiy.

The bridge under construction is a new attraction and attracts a large flow of tourists and locals. For now, it is called "Crimean", but this year there will be an open vote and the inhabitants of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory will choose a suitable name. In the meantime, three viewing platforms with a view of the construction site of the century are open in Kerch. For the convenience of visitors, such beautiful meter-long benches have been installed.

Observation platforms overlooking the Crimean (Kerch) bridge are located:

  1. On the territory of the fortress "Kerch"
  2. On Mount Mithridates.

What to see in Kerch:

  1. The highest point is Mount Mithridates with a panoramic view of the entire city, at its foot the ruins of the ancient ancient city of Panticapaeum.
  2. Adzhimushkay quarries. I talked about them in detail.
  3. Fortress "Kerch" (fort "Totleben"). My story .
  4. Church of John the Baptist of the 8th century.
  5. Yeni-Kale fortress.
  6. Historical and Archaeological Museum of Kerch.
  7. Scythian burial mounds of the 8th - 4th centuries. BC.
  8. Ruins of the Turkish fortress Arabat.
  9. Mud volcanoes in the Valley of Volcanoes near the village of Bondarenkovo.
  10. Royal mound. My report.

Another natural attraction is the reserved Cape Opuk and. Entrance to the territory is free, with a guided tour - 200 rubles. (in 2017) Driving is prohibited! You can get to the barrier, and then you need to walk a few kilometers or take a regular bus from Kerch to the village of Maryevka and then walk for 11 km. You can see the lake in different shades of red at the beginning of summer.

The rest of the resorts of eastern Crimea are located at a distance from the Kerch Peninsula, and they are separated by endless steppes and deserted beaches. Rest on the Kerch Peninsula can be interesting if you study the information about this part of Crimea in advance.

Thank you for your attention!

extreme eastern part Crimea is the Kerch Peninsula, it is washed by two seas, the main part of its territory has the status of an archaeological reserve. The southern part is washed by the Black Sea, the northern part by the Sea of ​​Azov, such a geographical location provides a special climatic zone.

Location of the peninsula

From the heights of the Akmonai Isthmus, you can see the basins of the two seas. The terrain in the southwest is flat, the northeast is hilly. The hills are considered the hallmark of the Kerch Peninsula. The highlight of this area are mud volcanoes, their phenomenal properties are widely used in spa treatment.

A distinctive feature of the Kerch Peninsula is the hot summer, which brings drought and winter with little snow. The water area of ​​the Kerch Strait separates the peninsula from the Taman Peninsula. Today Kerch and Taman Peninsula but connects ferry crossing. The Taman Peninsula is separated from the Kerch Peninsula by a strait, with a width in some places from five to fifteen meters.

Kerch city

On the Kerch Peninsula is the "capital" of this region - Kerch. Modern city located along the Kerch Strait for 52 kilometers. City of four water areas with different temperature and salinity. These properties provide pools:

  • the Black Sea;
  • Sea of ​​Azov;
  • Kerch Strait;
  • Lake Sivash.

The foundation of this settlement dates back to the fifth century BC, the historical center under open sky has:

  • Mount Mithridates;
  • Settlement of Panticapaeum;
  • Church of John the Baptist;
  • Adzhimushkaysky quarries;
  • Yeni-Kale fortress.

Locals advise climbing Mount Mithridates to visit the ancient settlement of Panticapaeum, and from its top to admire the scenery of the surroundings. The city is famous for hosting all kinds of festivals, competitions, regattas. Sunny city, in which there are about 300 sunny days, opens the swimming season in May.

Not far from Kerch is the sandy beaches of the Arshintsevskaya Spit and the world famous for its therapeutic mud Lake Chokrak. Medicinal properties mud is used to treat joint, gynecological diseases.

The Kerch Peninsula belongs to a natural phenomenon - mud volcanoes, they are located near the village of Bondarenkovo, their height reaches one and a half meters. The composition of the erupted masses is saturated:

  • Oil;
  • Methane;
  • Hydrogen sulfide.

The mystery of the beginning of volcanic eruptions containing mud has not yet been solved by scientists. It is known that the mixture is pushed to the surface by combustible gases. The location of volcanoes is fixed on the surface of the earth, also in the bottom of the Sea of ​​Azov.

It is difficult to find the location of volcanoes on your own, so it is advised to use the service of a guide.

Perspective for the development of the region

Every year more than five million tourists and vacationers rest and improve their health in the Crimea. Some of them visit the Kerch Peninsula, which is of particular interest today. The construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait is underway, this event opens up broad prospects for the development of the region. The presence of investment flows contributes to the implementation of the program for the development of small business, to develop services in the resort and tourism sectors.