Beautiful mountains of the Urals. Ural Mountains: photo

Ural mountains- a unique mountain system for Russia. This is the only mountain range that crosses the country from north to south and is the border of two parts of the world.

At the core of the region Ural mountain system stretched out for more than 2500 km - from cold waters Arctic Ocean before deserts of Kazakhstan.

Geographers divided into five geographical areas: Polar, Circumpolar, Northern, Average and Southern Urals. The highest mountains in Subpolar Urals. Here on Subpolar Urals, is the highest mountain of the Urals -. But it is these northern regions Ural the most inaccessible and underdeveloped. On the contrary, the most low mountains are located on Middle Urals, it is also the most developed and densely populated.

highest peaks

  • Pai Hoi- Mount Moreiz (Wesey-Pe) (423 m).
  • Polar Ural- mountain (1472 m above sea level).
  • Subpolar Urals- mountain (1895 m), mountain (1662 m).
  • Northern Ural- Mount Telposiz (1617 m).
  • Middle Ural- mountain (1119 m).
  • Southern Urals- Mount Yamantau (1640 m).
  • Mugodzhary- Mount Boktybay (567 m).


They contain a wide variety of minerals and resources. Exactly on Ural discovered, and platinum reserves were the largest in the world. Many minerals were first discovered in Ural mountains.

For the eastern regions Ural the most characteristic are deposits of copper pyrite ores and skarn-magnetite ores. The largest deposits of bauxite (North Ural bauxite-bearing region) and asbestos (Bazhenovskoye) are located here. On the western slope Ural and in Urals there are deposits of coal (Pechora coal basin,), and gas (Volga-Ural oil and gas region, Orenburg gas condensate field), potassium salts (Verkhnekamsk basin).

There are also gems here - emeralds, beryls, amethysts and many others. famous all over the world and Ural malachite: bowls of St. Petersburg are made from it and jasper Hermitage, as well as interior decoration and an altar Church of the Savior on Blood.


Along Ural mountains passes a large geological fault -. They themselves are classified as slowly growing mountains, therefore they have low seismic activity with a magnitude of 3-6. However, .

Mountain ranges, peaks and rocks

It seems that all the surroundings around the Devil's Settlement are familiar, but the Connoisseurs of the Urals not only know interesting information, unknown to many, but also happy to share it. White Stone is not the official name of these pretty remnants. "Not far from the Devil's Settlement towards the Uvalovsky cordon, next to the road leading to it, there is a small stone ridge, on top of which there are two granite rocks up to 15 meters high. They are located among the clearing and are clearly visible even from a long distance. there are also several low picturesque stone tents no more than three meters high. official name these rocks don't have but locals...

The urban-type settlement of Suksun is famous for the world's only monument to the samovar, and there are also many historical and natural attractions. Like many other places in the Urals, this area is noted for its beauty with the epithet "Ural Switzerland". True, Alexander Radishchev himself called this area "Ural Switzerland" when he passed through Suksun more than 220 years ago...

There are in the vicinity of the village of Sarana, which is located in the Krasnoufimsky district, unique monument nature - 50-meter cliff. It is called Alikaev stone. Not only local residents come to him to rest, but also guests from Bashkiria, Perm Territory, Izhevsk and Chelyabinsk regions ...

Mount Ezhovaya is located near the city of Kirovgrad Sverdlovsk region. This is one of the most popular ski centers in the Middle Urals. The absolute height of Mount Yezhova is 550 meters above sea level. It belongs to the Merry Mountains massif, stretching from north to south for more than 30 kilometers ...

Jade Valley - a natural monument, a landmark of the Polar Urals, located in the natural park "Polyarno-Uralsky". The itinerary begins with a visit to the visitor center natural park"Polyarno-Uralsky", located in the village of Kharp, Priuralsky district, passes in the valley of the Sob River at the foot of the Paradise-Iz mountain, rises to the Nyrdvomen-Iz mountain along the Nyrdvomen-Shor stream, ends in the array of the Paradise-Iz mountain in the upper reaches Jade Creek (coordinates: N66°57"45.34" E65°27"54.20"). Natural Park"Polyarno-Uralsky" Nature Park "Polyarno-Uralsky" was established by the Decree of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated July 31, 2014 No. 605-P "On the formation of the nature park "Polyarno-Uralsky", by changing the categories, regime and boundaries of state reserves of the regional the importance of "Gornokhadatinsky" and "Polyarno-Uralsky" and the accession of new territories to them, on the basis of a comprehensive environmental ...

Oslyanka - the highest mountain of the Middle Urals Oslyanka - the highest mountain of the Middle Urals, is located in the north-east of the Kizelovsky district, north of the administrative border with the Gornozavodsky district. Its height reaches 1119 meters above sea level. That is why Mount Oslyanka is included in the project of Oleg Chegodaev "Crown of the Urals". Probably, the name of the mountain comes from the word "donkey" - a whetstone, a grindstone. But there is a second option: from the word "donkey" or "osledina" - a log, perhaps because of the shape of the ridge. Mount Oslyanka is the highest point of the Oslyanka ridge, which is a 16 km long ridge elongated from north to south. It has several bare peaks covered with kurums. Somewhere a mountain...

The SHATAK ridge is a plateau-like ridge crowned with rocky peaks, between which there is a real network of forest roads. In order to climb one of the peaks of the ridge, one day is enough, even for inexperienced tourists. Thousanders of the Shatak ridge Thousanders of the Shatak ridge: 1011 meters peak Karatash, the farthest northern spur of the ridge, 1039 meters - peak Yaryktash, located southwest of Karatash, 1271 meters - Big Shatak, the main peak of the ridge, at the top there is a rocky ridge composed of shale rocks, 1142 meters - Big Tashtyrt (Lighthouse), located in the southeast of 1271 m, characterized by the presence of inclined rock slabs, 1206 meters - a plateau, located southwest of 1271, scattered here and there small rocks, ...

My Big Bitch I climbed the Big Bitch Ridge once. And our way to the ridge, as I understand now, was very non-standard. Firstly, the conductor Ivan Susanin led us. So it was written on his T-shirt and he quite seriously claimed that his name was Vanya, and his last name was Susanin, and being a guide in the Ural taiga was his vocation. I hope you understand what feelings I had when I, in company with our German financial director, with my beloved nephew and a 17-year-old German boy who came to practice in Russia and for whose safety his father instructed me to personally answer, approached for some reason...

Mount Bakhmur is the highest point of the Ashinsky region. It is located not far, just 30 km from the city of Ashi. It is located in the upper reaches of the Ati River to the west of the Baskak Range, on the western slope of the Ural Mountains. "Mount Bakhmur is one of the best, most interesting and eventful routes in the collection of the "From Ufa for the Weekend" project! No one leads there, to this Berendeyevo kingdom, except for Valery Kuznetsov. This is truly a reserved place. Fairytale, dense and very beautiful. Type of the route: on foot ring, with a drop in. The total length is 14 km. Accessible to people in normal physical condition. What awaits the participants of the hike? Drop of 8 kilometers on a "loaf" with overcoming three fords across the river...

I love my native Ural Mountains very much! And so I created a whole section dedicated to this region of Russia. It contains both my personal materials, from various hikes in the Ural mountains, and simply encyclopedic materials about each individual region of the Ural mountains. This section is a guide to the Ural mountains and will be very useful for tourists, travelers and just nature lovers. Sights of the Urals, numerous photographs, description of the region.

The Polar Ural is the northernmost part of the Ural Mountains. Mount Konstantinov Stone is considered the northern border of the region, and the Lyapin (Khulga) River is the border with the Subpolar Urals in the south. The area is about 25,000 km.

The Subpolar Urals is a mountain system in Russia. Its northern border starts from the sources of the Lyapin (Khulga) River 65 40 's. sh., and in the south the border passes through Mount Telposiz 64 s. sh. Geographic features Subpolar Urals.

The Northern Urals are part of the Ural Mountains. It starts from Kosvinsky Stone and neighboring Konzhakovsky Stone (59 ° N) in the south to northern slopes Telposis massif

The Middle Urals is the lowest region of the Ural Mountains, lying between 56° and 59°N. sh. Mount Yurma, which lies in the Chelyabinsk region, is considered the southern border, and the Kosvinsky stone mountains and its neighbor, the Konzhakovsky stone, are considered the northern border.

The widest part of the Ural Mountains. It is located on the territory of two states: Russia and Kazakhstan. Southern suburbs Southern Urals(Mugodzhary) lie on the territory of the Aktobe region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The largest rivers of the Urals. In the Urals there are a large number of rivers suitable for rafting - navigable rivers. The most popular routes along the Ural rivers. Photo, description of the most interesting rivers.

Mansi - the people that make up indigenous people Northern Urals This is a Finno-Ugric people, they are direct descendants of the Hungarians (they belong to the Ugric group: Hungarians, Mansi, Khanty).

Walking through the forests of the Urals, we come across a wide variety of different plants that catch our eye with bright colors. But without a special botanical education, we often do not know at all what kind of plants they are.

Hike to the Dyatlov Pass in June 2016. My spontaneous trip to the pass, the way it was. How to get to the Dyatlov Pass by car and on foot? Detailed report.

The trip to the Kvarkush plateau took place on August 12-13, 2014. We drove to the ridge from the eastern side, through Severouralsk and Glavny Ural Ridge, which lies on the border between the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region.

This trip to the mountain Shunut-Stone turned out in October 2010. We went on Thursday. The weather was very good, sunny. However, it was already October outside - and it was pretty cool. There have already been frosts.

In June 2011 we went to main mountain and the main ridge of the Sverdlovsk region - Konzhakovsky stone. Konzhak is a favorite place for climbing for many tourists both from Yekaterinburg and from all over Russia.

The trip to the Taganay Ridge turned out to be pretty good for us. We visited the Otkliknoy ridge and Mount Kruglitsa. We looked at the South Ural taiga, in which there is a lot of linden, probably instead of Siberian cedar.

We took a bus to the city of Kachkanar. It was still early morning, more precisely, even night. We waited until dawn at the bus station. We had no idea how to get to Mount Kachkanar - and therefore we began to ask the workers of the bus station.

Mount Bolshoi Iremel is located on the border of Bashkiria and the Chelyabinsk region. This was around the end of July/beginning of August 2011. There were 10 of us, 2 cars.

At the end of August 2011, we managed to break out to the north of our region - to the Main Ural Ridge (GUH). It is located strictly on the border of the Sverdlovsk Region with the Perm Territory and is stretched from south to north.

The Ural Mountains are among the oldest mountains in the world. They are relatively small in height highest point- Mount Narodnaya - only 1895 m above sea level. The low height of such a huge mountain system is due to the age of the mountains. During its existence, previously high mountains were destroyed, forming heaps of stone placers - kurums. But once upon a time, the Ural Mountains, in their grandeur, were in no way inferior to any Sayan Mountains, or even, perhaps, the Himalayas themselves!

The surroundings of the ridges are covered with taiga forests, at altitudes above 800 m the forest-tundra belt begins, at altitudes above 850-900 - tundra. In the Southern Urals, the mountains are covered with steppe and are small in size. In the Far North - tundra. The tundra areas of the mountain have been an excellent place for reindeer walking for centuries by the local indigenous people of this region. The mountain tundra belt, suitable for reindeer walking, reaches the central part of the Northern Urals - the Kvarkush plateau. Below Kvarkush, mountain tundra is relatively rare.

The climate in the mountains is continental, temperate continental. Winter at altitudes above 850-900 meters comes early, snow falls already in September and continues to lie all year in the form of small snowfields even at the height of summer - in July. The open uplands are very windy, making the climate more severe. In summer, the sun can warm up to + 30-33 degrees, and in winter there are temperatures down to -57 (Burmantovo village, Ivdelsky district).

The Ural Mountains are one of the most beautiful mountains in the world, as well as the largest and most famous mountain system in Russia. The Ural Mountains were formed according to the assumptions of various geologists about 400 million years ago. We look at the mountains of the Urals. ( 17 photos)

Ural Mountains represent a mountain system between the East European and West Siberian plains, roughly speaking they are the border between Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains were formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates - African and Eurasian, as a result, one end fell on the other plate, crushing it under itself.

Length of the Ural Mountains is more than 2000 km, and the width varies from 40 to 150 km. As you can see, the length of the mountains is quite large. No wonder in the first mention of the XI century, the Ural Mountains were called the Earth Belt. The Russians also called them the Big Stone, the Siberian Stone and the Poyasov.

As for the name of the mountains, for the first time the term "Ural Mountains" was mentioned in the report of V. N. Tatishchev already in the 17th century. Then he and his colleague P.I. Rychkov made a scientific expedition to the local expanses, and honestly, he was amazed at the richness of the rocks located in the structure of the mountains. But the respected Vasily Nikolayevich did not himself come up with the name of these amazing mountains, but only borrowed their designation from the Bashkir people living here, and honestly stated this.

Translated from the Bashkir language, "үр *ör" height, elevation, as a result, the word was transformed into the current Ural, although to this day there are heated disputes around the formation of the name of the mountains. It is also worth noting that due to the wide popularity of the Ural Mountains, the geographical region of Russia received the same name, today we all know the region - the Urals.

Many mountain systems are the birthplace of crystal clear mountain streams, which subsequently pour into quite impressive rivers. The Ural Mountains are no exception, hundreds of mountain streams murmur and overflow throughout the Ural mountain range, but there are also major rivers, such as: Kama, the Ural River of the same name (length 2428 km), Belaya River, Pechora, Chusovaya.

The height of the Ural Mountains was set at 1895 meters above sea level, Mount Narodnaya has such a height, it is she who is the peak. In the mountain system of the Urals there are a number of equally well-known mountain ranges: Payer (height 1499 meters); Manaraga (height 1662 meters); Telposiz (height 1617 meters); Oslyanka (1119 meters); Yamantau (1640 meters).

To all the other advantages of the Ural Mountains, I would like to add the fact that the Ural mountain range is a real treasure trove of minerals. Believe only, but 48 types of minerals out of 55 mined by Russia are represented here. The largest number of Ural Mountains includes the following ores: copper pyrite (copper), skarn-magnetite (magnetic iron ore), titanium-magnetite (titanium), nickel (nickel), chromite (chromium). Precious metals: placers of platinum, gold, silver.

The mountains of the Urals are also rich in deposits of coal. Currently, oil and gas production is on a large scale. But the main asset of the Ural Mountains is precious stones, precious ores from which are obtained: emeralds, diamonds, amethyst, aquamarine, jasper, rhodonite, malachite and others. Thus, most of the gems in Soviet years was mined here, as well as some specimens were made from the local gems.

There is no doubt that the Urals are rich and great, but it is also amazing beautiful place, unique virgin nature combined with sheer cliffs, turned by the action of the winds, has always attracted and inspired many artists and poets. The mountains of the Urals evoke an atmosphere indescribable in words, such grandeur in harmony with the picturesque landscapes makes them simply unearthly.

Many writers like to identify the Ural Mountains with a piggy bank or even a repository of all earthly riches and values ​​that are possibly hidden somewhere in the depths, under a complex system. underground passages, guarded by vigilant guards, and alas, a simple person is not destined to get to them.

This is how we saw one of the most beautiful mountains in the world - the Ural Mountains. It's better to see once than hear a hundred times. Feel free to comment your opinion and enjoy your travel experience.

You should also look at this -,.

They are a unique mountain system. It divides Eurasia into two continents - Asia and Europe. Also, the mountain range crosses the Russian Federation from north to south. Ural is a real treasure for tourism. It absorbs Asian enthusiasm, unique flavor and European rigor.

Ural Mountains: description, photo, video

By the standards of such "giants", like the Ural mountain system, it has a modest size. Its height does not exceed 1900 meters. In addition, the ridges are quite narrow. Such features of the Urals contribute to tourism. Mountains almost throughout their length are accessible to humans. Landscape mountain range unique. Rivers flowing into large reservoirs and powerful mountain streams with crystal clear waters take their sources here. The Kama, Ural, Pechora, white river etc.

The Ural Mountains in Russia have been known for a very long time. The first mention of them dates back to ancient times. Then they were called the Hypoborean mountains. According to surviving sources dating back to the 9th century, they were referred to as the "Earth Belt". In The Tale of Bygone Years, the locals called the Urals the Big Stone. The same name was put on the first map of these places. The toponym Ural is associated with the word "Ur" of the Mansi language, which means "mountain". According to another theory, this word was borrowed from the Bashkir language.

The Ural Mountains boast a wide variety of landscapes. There are not only peaks, but also various caves and gorges. The Urals are rich and animal world. Representatives of the local fauna live mainly in coniferous and mixed forests.

Panorama of the Ural Mountains

So, squirrels live among the thickets of fir trees. The marten is widespread in the local forests, which also preys on the mentioned squirrel. The main wealth of the Ural Mountains can be called commercial fur animals. Sable lives in the vicinity of the Northern Urals. Due to the uncontrolled shooting of these valuable animals, hunting for them was prohibited at the level of legislation.

Where are the Ural Mountains

Finding the Ural Mountains on a map is not difficult. They are located in the area Russian Federation and have a length of about 2.5 thousand kilometers. They begin off the coast of the Arctic Ocean, and end not far from hot. Ural crosses 5 natural zones.

The Ural Mountains pass through 7 territorial units:

  • Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Orenburg regions;
  • Perm region,
  • republics of Komi and Bashkortostan;
  • Kustanai and Aktobe regions in Kazakhstan.

Ural Mountains on the map

Ural Mountains coordinates on the map:

  • Latitude - 60°28′70″
  • Longitude - 60°44′76″

The main city of the Urals is Yekaterinburg. Other major cities include:

  • Permian;
  • Nizhny Tagil;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Magnitogorsk, etc.

How to get to the Ural Mountains

All big cities Ural have good accessibility and developed transport network. This fact makes this mountain system one of the main tourist sites for domestic tourists. By plane from the capital to most cities can be reached in 3-4 hours. By railway the journey will take from 1 to 2 days.

The small height of the Urals made it possible to build transport routes through it. In particular, the well-known railway route - the Trans-Siberian Railway - runs here.

Ural Mountains - how to get to the most high peak(mount Narodnaya):

  • the first point of travel is the Upper Inta station in the Komi Republic;
  • office is located on Dzerzhinsky street 27a national park"Yugyd Va";
  • all participants in the hike must obtain the appropriate permit, the application is submitted 10 days before the planned date;
  • then from the bus station you should get to the city of Inta, from where you will be cast to the foot of the mountain.

When is the best time to visit the Ural Mountains?

The Ural Mountains are open to travelers all year round. Each season here has its own characteristics. Some sites are best visited in summer, others are more attractive in winter. As for the climate, the large extent of the mountains played a role. The main part of the Urals is located in the temperate climate zone.

In the north, in summer, the temperature varies within 12 degrees, and in the south - 22 degrees. In winter, there is no such difference in temperature indicators. In January, on the southern slopes, the thermometer drops to -18 degrees, and on the northern slopes - to 20. The relief of the mountains has a great influence on the local climate. The closer to the peaks, the more severe the weather conditions. At the same time, on different slopes located in the neighborhood, the temperature can differ dramatically, as well as on. Also, the Urals are characterized by an uneven distribution of precipitation.


There are a large number of ski resorts in the Ural Mountains. They are concentrated in the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, as well as in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The largest resorts are Bannoe, Abzakovo and Zavyalikha. The first two are located near Magnitogorsk, and the last one is located near the city of Trekhgorny. Abzakovo has been repeatedly recognized as one of the best Ural resorts.

The Ural Mountains are suitable for both experienced skiers and beginners. There are trails of various difficulty levels. Winter holiday season starts in October and ends in early April. In addition to skiing, snowmobiling is available. You can take a break from skiing on mountain rivers. Rafting tours are regularly carried out in Magnitogorsk, Ashu, Kropchaevo and Miass.

For lovers of more a relaxing holiday the doors of the Ural sanatoriums are always open. In terms of service and infrastructure, they are in no way inferior to European ones. The local nature boasts clean air, healing mineral waters and mud. Many resorts offer an all-inclusive service. All kinds of excursions with an interesting and exciting program are organized to the Ural Mountains.

What to see in the surroundings

The most famous protected object in the Urals is the park "Deer Streams". It is located in the Sverdlovsk region. Tourists who are interested in history can visit Pisanitsa rock. On its walls you can see the drawings left by the creators of the ancient era. Of great interest are the Big Pass and local caves, similar to. The park has a well-developed infrastructure, built viewing platforms and hiking trails. There are places for comfortable rest and rope crossings.

Those who have read The Malachite Box written by Pavel Bazhov should definitely visit the Bazhovskie Places park. It provides excellent opportunities for peace and quality rest. Hiking and cycling trails are available in the park. Traveling along well-developed routes, you can see the Talkov stone lake, the Markov stone rock and other landscapes. If you wish, you can also drive to, which offers a beautiful view.

You can admire semi-precious stones in the Rezhevskoy reserve. You can travel through the mines only if accompanied by a representative of the reserve administration. In addition to deposits, you can admire the river Rezh. On its coast is the Shaitan-stone. It is believed that it concentrates natural energy. Every year, thousands of tourists come to him with their desires.

- this is one of the main wealth of Russia. It is impossible to list the number of attractions that are found here. Each of them deserves a separate article.


One of the amazing Russian regions, which is completely
unlike anything else is Ural

Most often these mountains are low. Low and middle mountains prevail.
These are smooth wooded ridges, leaving in waves into the blue distances.

It stretches for thousands of kilometers mountain ranges, resting against the ice of the Arctic
and going down to the steppe expanses of Kazakhstan

No region of Russia can compare with the Urals in terms of the number of lakes!
On its territory there are more than 3 thousand reservoirs. Therefore they are called
South Ural "Land of lakes"

One of the most picturesque and alpine lakes of the Urals - Zyuratkul, its
height above sea level is more than 700 meters. As if in a cradle, laid
lake nature surrounded by five high ridges

Most large lake Southern Urals - Uvildy. The total volume of water in
it is more than one billion cubic meters. Length coastline
over a hundred kilometers.

One of the features of the reservoir are its numerous islands.
Birch, Alder, Beech, Elm, Spruce

The reservoir is located in a deep intermountain basin at an altitude of more than
300 meters above sea level. The area of ​​the lake is over
25 square kilometers. There are about half a billion
cubic meters of the world's purest drinking water

Kisigach - translated from Bashkir means "to cut the forest."
Indeed, the mirror-like surface of the lake cuts through protected forests.
Ilmensky reserve. They say the water in the lake is so pure
and healing that even animals come here to heal their wounds

And Elovoe, located just a few kilometers from it, is the most
warm Ural lake

Several rivers flow into Lake Itkul

Lake Talkov Kamen is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Middle Urals,
surprisingly, it was not born by nature, but by man

Baraus is a mountain lake. Most of lake is located in
Ilmensky reserve. The lake is small, but there are local
landscapes special charm, unique comfort

This is one of the main attractions of the Urals. Unique
the beauty of the reservoir is given by the surrounding picturesque mountains
and rocks covered with forest

The Sugomak natural complex includes Sugomak Lake, Sugomak Cave,
Mount Sugomak

Cave Sugomak

It is the third longest river in Europe, inferior in
this indicator only the Volga and Danube. Shaitan-Stone in the Urals

The beauty of the Chusovaya River is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Chusovaya -
fabulous river, famous for its "stones" - giant rocks
bizarre forms

The Usva River is a right tributary of the Chusovaya River

Its forested slopes sometimes have very beautiful rock formations.
outcrops. Stone Hanging

The Belaya River is very picturesque and unusually clean.
flows swiftly in a beautiful valley, squeezed high mountains.
The river attracts tourists not only for its beauty,
but also the ability to float on it

Persha river

The Vels River is a large left tributary of the Vishera. The current of Vels is fast,
but the river is shallow, a lot of rifts

The Ural Mountains appeared about 600 million years ago.
The length of the Ural Mountains is more than 2000 km, the width is from 40 to 150 km

Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. The mountain is almost
two thousand meters above sea level is located in a remote
area in the Subpolar Urals

Mount Yamantau. The Yamantau facility has a high security status.
According to some reports, a real underground
city ​​with all communications, including electricity.
The city is designed for the simultaneous residence of 300 thousand people.

On Mount Yurma there are gigantic rocks-shikhans. Passage between them
called the Devil's Gate

Mount Saber and Sablinsky Range - one of picturesque places Ural.
Alpine peaks like bluish ghosts rise above
swamp of the Aranets marshes

All pictures are taken from the internet