We learn Latvian from scratch. Tutorials and online learning. Free Latvian language course

We like the teacher, she’s a very nice girl, we’re just very happy. I see that she knows how to interact with a child. She looks at what is missing and what is enough. If he sees that words are not enough, he gives more.

Latvian for beginners. Learn Latvian online via Skype!

At any time and anywhere you study Latvian via Skype with a personal teacher on an individual basis or in an online class with a group of your level.

Latvian language lessons via Skype or in an online class with a group are fully comparable in effectiveness to face-to-face Latvian language classes in the classroom, while you save time and money on travel in both directions. This type of training is especially in demand when the Latvian language teacher is in another city or country, or there is no group for classes in the classroom.

After completing the training course, you will receive a personalized participant certificate.

Choose a way to conduct classes

Via free Skype scheme

In the HOGWARTS online class

Skype training is suitable for individual Latvian lessons and mini-group lessons of 2-3 people.

The disadvantages of Skype classes compared to an online class are that the student cannot actively interact with the teacher's materials, and also cannot watch the recording of the classes through conventional means.

Skype training is possible from computers, tablets and smartphones if you have Internet access (mobile Internet speed is sufficient).

Skype is free and can be downloaded from the official website.

The online class offers all types of classes, although it was originally designed for group classes of eight or more students.

In an online class, a student can interact with the teacher’s materials (highlight, mark, underline them), as well as view recordings of past classes.

The online class works from computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones via the Internet (mobile Internet speed is sufficient).

You can familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the online class in its demo version.

Select type of training

Individual Latvian language lessons via Skype are similar to lessons at home or in the office, when a Latvian language tutor works with you. You can study Latvian as if the teacher was sitting at the next table. The teacher creates a training plan for you. You can always agree in advance with the teacher to reschedule the lesson to another time.

If you cannot or do not need to be near the computer during class, you can conduct the class over the phone. This kind of Latvian language training over the phone is carried out for those people who need the ability to communicate on the phone in Latvian. This type of activity requires a certain level of knowledge and minimal communication skills in the Latvian language. about teaching the Latvian language by phone.

Latvian language classes via Skype are also conducted in mini-groups of 2-3 people. These classes are in demand by relatives or friends with the same language level. These are closed groups that other students do not join. In everything except the price and the ability to work in pairs with dialogues, this type of training coincides with individual lessons: the same individual scheme and the ability to reschedule the lesson in advance.

Lessons are held in groups of 2-10 people with the same level of Latvian language proficiency. Organizations use this type of training. These are closed groups that other students do not join. Classes can be held during working hours or in the evening after work. Company employees can be in the same office, in their own offices, or at home. Duration and cost are negotiated individually.

In group Latvian language classes in an online class, you learn the theory of the language and do exercises not with a teacher, but with real people - other students. If you need a language for communication, then group classes are the most correct way to learn the language. Important point- we select students into one group so that they have approximately the same level of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. But even if you find yourself stronger or weaker than others in the group, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, in life you will not have ideal conditions like in class, so our classes will make you more calm to the unexpected when communicating with foreigners in Latvian.

You can learn Latvian via Skype with a native speaker. But it is still better to start learning the Latvian language from scratch with a Russian-speaking teacher, unless you are fluent in another common language. At the beginning of your study of the Latvian language there will be many subtleties and rules of grammar that you will understand better in Russian. But to develop communication and listening skills, you can learn the Latvian language via Skype with a native speaker.

In the group, conversational practical classes "HOGWARTS rallies"

We regularly conduct free classes for those who need to maintain their communication skills in Latvian in a relaxed atmosphere.

These classes will be useful for both beginners and people with a higher level. If you don't have enough knowledge or confidence, you can simply listen to other participants. Take an active part whenever you want!

Find out more about the rallies.

Choose your area of ​​study

Depending on the purposes for which you need the Latvian language, the following main areas can be distinguished.

General focus

Special Focus

Basics of Latvian grammar

Spoken Latvian language

Latvian for travel

Preparing for an interview at the embassy

Writing a resume and preparing for an interview

When calculating fees, the cost of general conversation courses is used by default.

Preparation for exams in the Latvian language

Business Latvian language courses for business communication

Latvian language for specialists of various professions

For courses with a special focus, a special increased price is used.

Choose an online Latvian language course

Learn Latvian taking into account your goals and interests, anywhere, at any time. Any course you choose is built on the basic principles of learning:

Latvian language according to the modern educational scheme.
Personal training plan with Russian-speaking teachers and native Latvian speakers.
Training in all skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking in Latvian.
You speak Latvian more than 60% of the lesson time.

Short-term and long-term Latvian courses

You choose the number of classes per week, the duration of the entire training and the duration of one lesson.

You will learn

Expand your Latvian vocabulary
You can talk about everyday topics
Cross the language barrier
Put the pronunciation
Improve your listening comprehension
Polish up your grammar
Improve your overall level of Latvian language

Spoken Latvian

Chat with foreigners on any topic!

You will learn

Overcome the language barrier
You will start speaking fluently
Polish your pronunciation and get rid of the accent
You will confidently understand your interlocutor
You will watch films and TV series in the original language
Reinforce the material for the General Latvian course

Exams in Latvian

Prepare for your Latvian language exams!

You will learn

Improve grammar, vocabulary, writing and speaking, listening comprehension
Practice the exam format
Practice exam tasks in practice
Learn tricks to improve your score

Business Latvian

Achieve the best at work and in business!

You can

Participate in conferences and events
Give presentations in public
Go on business trips abroad
Communicate with colleagues and partners
Conduct business correspondence competently
Read media and blogs in local language

Latvian for children from 8 years old

Give your child more independence and the opportunity to explore the world!

Your child

Improves language skills
You will be able to communicate with foreign friends
Start watching TV series and films in the original language
Become more independent when traveling
Make your life brighter and richer

Latvian for travel

Travel the world and make friends thanks to your knowledge of the language!

You can

Communicate during flights and transfers
Check into the hotel
Order food in restaurants
Find your way around the city
Book accommodation and transport
Make new friends and acquaintances

Interview in Latvian

Get a job or a visa! Best deals work thanks to knowledge of the language. An interview at the embassy is an opportunity to obtain the right to live and work in the country.

You will learn

Write a resume in Latvian
Present yourself correctly
Build a dialogue
Avoid basic mistakes

Business letter in Latvian

Write and respond to partners’ letters correctly! Correspondence with foreign partners. 5-10 lessons.

You will learn

Discuss working conditions
Observe written etiquette
Use different styles and speech patterns

Select textbooks on the Latvian language

You study using the textbooks that your teacher suggests using, or you offer your own. You can buy a paper version of the textbook or download it for free online. Your teacher can also send you an electronic copy of the textbook, which you can print if you wish. In most cases, our students do not print out textbooks: during class, the teacher shows the required part of the textbook on the screen, and they complete homework with an electronic copy of the textbook. Do what is most convenient for you.

Meet Latvian language teachers

You can study with Russian-speaking teachers and native Latvian speakers. The ideal option is a Russian-speaking native speaker. We recommend starting classes with a Russian-speaking teacher, as it will be difficult for a native speaker to explain grammar to you in the language you are learning. It makes sense to become a native speaker once you have mastered the basics of the language. Meet some of our Latvian teachers via Skype.

Yuri is a Russian-speaking teacher. She has been giving Latvian lessons via Skype since 2016. Higher education. A high level of knowledge is confirmed by a diploma. Interview with a HOGWARTS teacher: Why did you decide to teach language?

Answer: Because there is time and opportunity to teach the language. HOGWARTS: What do you love about teaching?


Levels: Latvian (beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced) Specialization: General speaking / Business / Exam preparation / Interview preparation / Phonetics course / Personal course Sveiki! Man sauc Zane. Es pieļauju, ka Jūs šādu vārdu nebūsiet pārāk bieži dzirdējuši, jo tas ir īsti...

Find out the cost of training

The cost of training depends on the type of lesson, type of teacher, frequency of classes, duration of each lesson, focus of training and the availability of discounts. We will be happy to calculate the cost of classes ourselves. You can also find out more about the cost of Latvian language courses in the price list.

Pay for classes

Save your time and the teacher’s time - learn only what you really need in life now. Our instructions will help you create a personal training plan.

Latvian verb conjugation (first person singular)

Latvian verbs are conjugated according to persons. Conjugation involves adding an ending to the stem of the verb. To form the first person singular form of a verb in the Latvian language, the ending -u is usually used.

Examples of using Latvian verbs


The world's most widely used Latvian language learning CD for beginners, used by thousands of people every day all over to the globe. It is ideal for tourists, business people, students and families. Anyone over 16 years of age will find this program useful for developing listening and speaking skills. The software is designed in such a way that users have fun while learning the language.

Course includes

  • Latvian language of instruction software For loading

Basic provisions

  • Use it with pleasure
  • 100% in Russian
  • Learn Latvian grammar and vocabulary
  • Speech recognition function to improve Latvian pronunciation Latvian speaking dictionary
  • Latvian language lessons can be printed
  • Suitable for beginners
  • Works on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP

User reviews

Just started

I have always wanted to learn Serbian because I have family in the country. I have been using the course for 7 days and I have already learned a lot of important words and phrases. At first it was difficult for me to understand everything different features course, but, in any case, at first everything is difficult. Once you've hung it up, it seems like the course is really good way learn Serbian. What I especially like about the course is that I can learn at my own pace, in my own way. More...

Studying Guarani

Very easy to use and a lot of fun.

Very good program. Very well structured and understandable.

First steps in Croatian

A very good tool to start learning!

Important Reasons to Learn Latvian Language

Impress people

If you have just met a person who speaks Latvian, you can impress him good impression while studying the Latvian language.


People appreciate it when you at least try to communicate in Latvian. Knowing the Latvian language will completely change your travel experience.


Learning Latvian can improve your memory and slow down age-related changes. Bilingualism improves mental abilities in both children and adults.

Free Latvian language course

Your knowledge of Russian language

We want our site to be perfect, and “perfect” means “free of errors in 18 languages.” Help us do this, and we will give you the opportunity to take a Latvian course for free. Just read this page and send us corrections for any spelling errors or typos if you find them on this page. You can contact us by clicking "Contact" in the menu bar above.

Latvian is the only language today state language Latvia. It is compulsory for everyone in the country. government agencies and all documentation and office work is carried out on it, both in the public and private sectors.

About 60 percent of Latvian residents speak the Latvian language perfectly; the rest, in most cases, can understand and speak Latvian if necessary. The Latvian language is spoken very little in the world; it is only a small number of Latvian emigrants and their descendants.

Russian-Latvian translators and dictionaries

Today on the Internet there are quite a few different online translators and dictionaries, with the help of which you can quite easily translate both individual words and phrases, and entire texts from Russian into English, German and other languages, and also vice versa. But with Russian-Latvian translation on-line, things are a little worse; not many services on the Internet provide the ability to translate words and phrases, much less entire texts, from Russian into Latvian and back. Here are some links to quite useful sites for translation from Latvian.

Well, first of all, this is, of course, the popular online translation service Google Translate, which includes Latvian among its available languages. The Russian-Latvian translator can translate both individual words and texts entered into the window on the Google Translate page, and entire pages on the Internet. The total number of languages ​​available in Google Translate is more than 50, and you can translate between them in any order.

The next one is a Russian-Latvian and, accordingly, a Latvian-Russian dictionary, which allows you to translate both individual words and phrases. If the dictionary does not find an exact translation, it suggests similar words or phrases. You can also choose a general or technical dictionary. Well, again, there are dictionaries of other languages: English, German, French, Belarusian and Estonian.

And another Latvian-Russian and Russian-Latvian dictionary that translates individual words. Conveniently, if there is no Latvian layout on the computer keyboard, there is an opportunity to type the word in Latvian letters, that is, with garumzime and soft signs.

Tutorials and online learning

Well, for those who want to independently study the basics of the Latvian language, we can recommend the book Learning the Latvian language - a guide for beginners (authors A. Stelle, A. Straume and P. Liepins, edition 1989) - this is a self-instruction manual with the Latvian alphabet and illustrations. The book is in PDF format and in this form it is not very convenient to read it on a computer, but if you print it out, it may be useful to many.

The second book, which can also be very useful when studying, is the Latvian language self-instruction manual of 1946, A. Paegle, book publishing house Riga. A tutorial in djvu format, which can also be read directly on your computer.
Download Latvian tutorial

There is also a fairly convenient online Latvian language course directly via the Internet, which is intended for adults living in Latvia or abroad and who want to learn the Latvian language. The course is designed for people who have not previously studied the Latvian language, all teaching aids of this course are developed in accordance with the A1 language proficiency level defined by the European Council. You will need headphones or speakers to study.
Online e-learning course


The Latvian language comes from the Balto-Slavic-Germanic language, which was spoken by the ancient inhabitants of this Baltic region and which later divided into the Germanic group and the Balto-Slavic - from which the Latvian language takes its origins. This explains the presence of both Slavic and Germanic roots in the Latvian language.

The first books in the Latvian language known to history are the “German Mass” and a translation of Bible passages, printed around 1530. And the first Latvian dictionary was compiled around 1640.

And yet, until the mid-19th century, the Latvian language was considered only a peasant dialect, then the years of the tsarist policy of Russification or Russification of Latvians. And only during the national liberation movement, which occurred in the 60-80s of the 19th century, did the struggle for the independence of the Latvian language and for its enrichment with new words begin. The leader of this movement was Otto Kronvald, then new formations were brought to Latvian by J. Allunan and K. Bezbardis. The next period of prosperity of the Latvian language is associated with the name of the Latvian poet Rainis, who widely introduced into the Latvian language the manner of successful “truncating” long Latvian words, which made it possible to translate the classics of world poetry into Latvian.

I finally started to understand grammar much better, but I still have to work and work. Actually, we started not so long ago. For traveling, everything already works, as a tourist I can communicate easily, but I still want to pass the exam next year and use Norwegian in my work, so the final goal is still far away.

Latvian for beginners. Learn Latvian online via Skype!

At any time and anywhere you study Latvian via Skype with a personal teacher on an individual basis or in an online class with a group of your level.

Latvian language lessons via Skype or in an online class with a group are fully comparable in effectiveness to face-to-face Latvian language classes in the classroom, while you save time and money on travel in both directions. This type of training is especially in demand when the Latvian language teacher is in another city or country, or there is no group for classes in the classroom.

After completing the training course, you will receive a personalized participant certificate.

Choose a way to conduct classes

Via free Skype scheme

In the HOGWARTS online class

Skype training is suitable for individual Latvian lessons and mini-group lessons of 2-3 people.

The disadvantages of Skype classes compared to an online class are that the student cannot actively interact with the teacher's materials, and also cannot watch the recording of the classes through conventional means.

Skype training is possible from computers, tablets and smartphones if you have Internet access (mobile Internet speed is sufficient).

Skype is free and can be downloaded from the official website.

The online class offers all types of classes, although it was originally designed for group classes of eight or more students.

In an online class, a student can interact with the teacher’s materials (highlight, mark, underline them), as well as view recordings of past classes.

The online class works from computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones via the Internet (mobile Internet speed is sufficient).

You can familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the online class in its demo version.

Select type of training

Individual Latvian language lessons via Skype are similar to lessons at home or in the office, when a Latvian language tutor works with you. You can study Latvian as if the teacher was sitting at the next table. The teacher creates a training plan for you. You can always agree in advance with the teacher to reschedule the lesson to another time.

If you cannot or do not need to be near the computer during class, you can conduct the class over the phone. This kind of Latvian language training over the phone is carried out for those people who need the ability to communicate on the phone in Latvian. This type of activity requires a certain level of knowledge and minimal communication skills in the Latvian language. about teaching the Latvian language by phone.

Latvian language classes via Skype are also conducted in mini-groups of 2-3 people. These classes are in demand by relatives or friends with the same language level. These are closed groups that other students do not join. In everything except the price and the ability to work in pairs with dialogues, this type of training coincides with individual lessons: the same individual scheme and the ability to reschedule the lesson in advance.

Lessons are held in groups of 2-10 people with the same level of Latvian language proficiency. Organizations use this type of training. These are closed groups that other students do not join. Classes can be held during working hours or in the evening after work. Company employees can be in the same office, in their own offices, or at home. Duration and cost are negotiated individually.

In group Latvian language classes in an online class, you learn the theory of the language and do exercises not with a teacher, but with real people - other students. If you need a language for communication, then group classes are the most correct way to learn the language. An important point is that we select students into one group so that they have approximately the same level of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. But even if you find yourself stronger or weaker than others in the group, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, in life you will not have ideal conditions like in class, so our classes will make you more calm to the unexpected when communicating with foreigners in Latvian.

You can learn Latvian via Skype with a native speaker. But it is still better to start learning the Latvian language from scratch with a Russian-speaking teacher, unless you are fluent in another common language. At the beginning of your study of the Latvian language there will be many subtleties and rules of grammar that you will understand better in Russian. But to develop communication and listening skills, you can learn the Latvian language via Skype with a native speaker.

In the group, conversational practical classes "HOGWARTS rallies"

We regularly conduct free classes for those who need to maintain their communication skills in Latvian in a relaxed atmosphere.

These classes will be useful for both beginners and people with a higher level. If you don't have enough knowledge or confidence, you can simply listen to other participants. Take an active part whenever you want!

Find out more about the rallies.

Choose your area of ​​study

Depending on the purposes for which you need the Latvian language, the following main areas can be distinguished.

General focus

Special Focus

Basics of Latvian grammar

Spoken Latvian language

Latvian for travel

Preparing for an interview at the embassy

Writing a resume and preparing for an interview

When calculating fees, the cost of general conversation courses is used by default.

Preparation for exams in the Latvian language

Business Latvian language courses for business communication

Latvian language for specialists of various professions

For courses with a special focus, a special increased price is used.

Choose an online Latvian language course

Learn Latvian taking into account your goals and interests, anywhere, at any time. Any course you choose is built on the basic principles of learning:

Latvian language according to the modern educational scheme.
Personal training plan with Russian-speaking teachers and native Latvian speakers.
Training in all skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking in Latvian.
You speak Latvian more than 60% of the lesson time.

Short-term and long-term Latvian courses

You choose the number of classes per week, the duration of the entire training and the duration of one lesson.

You will learn

Expand your Latvian vocabulary
You can talk about everyday topics
Cross the language barrier
Put the pronunciation
Improve your listening comprehension
Polish up your grammar
Improve your overall level of Latvian language

Spoken Latvian

Chat with foreigners on any topic!

You will learn

Overcome the language barrier
You will start speaking fluently
Polish your pronunciation and get rid of the accent
You will confidently understand your interlocutor
You will watch films and TV series in the original language
Reinforce the material for the General Latvian course

Exams in Latvian

Prepare for your Latvian language exams!

You will learn

Improve grammar, vocabulary, writing and speaking, listening comprehension
Practice the exam format
Practice exam tasks in practice
Learn tricks to improve your score

Business Latvian

Achieve the best at work and in business!

You can

Participate in conferences and events
Give presentations in public
Go on business trips abroad
Communicate with colleagues and partners
Conduct business correspondence competently
Read media and blogs in local language

Latvian for children from 8 years old

Give your child more independence and the opportunity to explore the world!

Your child

Improves language skills
You will be able to communicate with foreign friends
Start watching TV series and films in the original language
Become more independent when traveling
Make your life brighter and richer

Latvian for travel

Travel the world and make friends thanks to your knowledge of the language!

You can

Communicate during flights and transfers
Check into the hotel
Order food in restaurants
Find your way around the city
Book accommodation and transport
Make new friends and acquaintances

Interview in Latvian

Get a job or a visa! Better job offers thanks to language skills. An interview at the embassy is an opportunity to obtain the right to live and work in the country.

You will learn

Write a resume in Latvian
Present yourself correctly
Build a dialogue
Avoid basic mistakes

Business letter in Latvian

Write and respond to partners’ letters correctly! Correspondence with foreign partners. 5-10 lessons.

You will learn

Discuss working conditions
Observe written etiquette
Use different styles and speech patterns

Select textbooks on the Latvian language

You study using the textbooks that your teacher suggests using, or you offer your own. You can buy a paper version of the textbook or download it for free online. Your teacher can also send you an electronic copy of the textbook, which you can print if you wish. In most cases, our students do not print out textbooks: during class, the teacher shows the required part of the textbook on the screen, and they complete homework with an electronic copy of the textbook. Do what is most convenient for you.

Meet Latvian language teachers

You can study with Russian-speaking teachers and native Latvian speakers. The ideal option is a Russian-speaking native speaker. We recommend starting classes with a Russian-speaking teacher, as it will be difficult for a native speaker to explain grammar to you in the language you are learning. It makes sense to become a native speaker once you have mastered the basics of the language. Meet some of our Latvian teachers via Skype.

Yuri is a Russian-speaking teacher. She has been giving Latvian lessons via Skype since 2016. Higher education. A high level of knowledge is confirmed by a diploma. Interview with a HOGWARTS teacher: Why did you decide to teach language?

Answer: Because there is time and opportunity to teach the language. HOGWARTS: What do you love about teaching?


Levels: Latvian (beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced) Specialization: General speaking / Business / Exam preparation / Interview preparation / Phonetics course / Personal course Sveiki! Man sauc Zane. Es pieļauju, ka Jūs šādu vārdu nebūsiet pārāk bieži dzirdējuši, jo tas ir īsti...

Find out the cost of training

The cost of training depends on the type of lesson, type of teacher, frequency of classes, duration of each lesson, focus of training and the availability of discounts. We will be happy to calculate the cost of classes ourselves. You can also find out more about the cost of Latvian language courses in the price list.

Pay for classes

Save your time and the teacher’s time - learn only what you really need in life now. Our instructions will help you create a personal training plan.