The best places for winter swimming. Warm changing rooms and comfortable slopes: where to swim for Epiphany When and where can you swim for Epiphany

Many people ask - what date is Epiphany in 2018? What can you do on this holiday, and what can you not? When to swim in an ice hole? How to collect water correctly, and what properties does it have? How to store holy water and what can it be used for?

According to established church tradition, the date Baptism or Epiphany falls invariably on the night of January 18-19. This is one of the most famous twelve holidays, which Christians celebrate to cleanse themselves of sins, get closer to God and feel his grace. On Epiphany on January 19, 2018, it is customary to swim in an ice hole (Jordan), draw water from springs, visit a temple, and do good. Also, Orthodox Christians, in honor of the holiday, present each other with small gifts and invite each other to visit.

What should you do at Baptism?

Orthodox Christians on the evening of January 18 (or morning of January 19) visit a temple or church where festive services are held. On this day it is customary to dress in the most elegant clothes, to be in good location spirit, pray and take home the water blessed in the Church. Since after visiting the temple many people plan to plunge into an ice hole or into a font, before this action they need to confess and take communion.

Many people note that on the day of the Baptism of the Lord a special atmosphere is felt in the Church - solemn, festive, sublime. Many Orthodox believers feel how, during a church service, “as if the grace of God descends upon them,” people feel peace and spiritual cleansing.

Blessing of water - when to draw water for Epiphany 2018

During this bright day, all water - from springs, reservoirs, and from the tap - acquires unique cleansing properties. With its help you can heal illnesses, mental and physical ailments. This water is suitable for sprinkling rooms in order to improve the atmosphere in them. It is also used to calm crying babies, as well as to improve the health of sick animals. Epiphany water, blessed in the Church, is called agiasma.

You can collect water for Epiphany on January 18, after the evening liturgy; this time is called Epiphany Eve. The priest conducts the Blessing of Water ritual in the temple, and then distributes the blessed water to everyone.

The blessing of water is also carried out under open air. You can collect water from the springs in the morning, as well as in the afternoon on January 19th. The water collected at this time has miraculous powers. Many people stock up on holy water for future use so that they can use it throughout the year if necessary.

Keep in mind - water collected per day can only be stored in glass containers. Plastic bottles Not suitable for storing it! Water can be stored in glass all year round without losing its strength and healing properties. It is recommended to drink Epiphany water on an empty stomach in order to feel vigorous and healthy.

Swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany 2018

Epiphany is a holiday when it is customary to plunge into an ice hole or “Jordan”. How should you bathe correctly, what should you do? Many people often have a logical question - when do they swim in the ice hole on Epiphany - January 18 or 19? And is it really necessary to do this? And where is the best place to swim on Epiphany?

Right swim in Jordan-on the night of January 19, from midnight (00:00) to 01:30. You should plunge into the ice hole after it has been consecrated by a clergyman. The baptismal consecration of water is carried out with prayer, after which the priest lowers a silver cross into the hole. Didn't have time to take a dip at night? No problem! You can dive into the water (as well as collect it) on January 19 throughout the day.

Keep in mind - the Church does not force anyone to swim! Immersion in water must be done by the Orthodox of his own free will. To receive a blessing and be cleansed of sins, you can simply go to Church, pray and repent in confession.

Who should not dive into an ice hole?

In order not to harm yourself, keep in mind that there are contraindications to this ritual. You should not go into icy water if you have diseases such as:

  • Colds, ARVI
  • Any chronic illness
  • Heart problems
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Weakened immunity

Diabetics, pregnant women, newborn babies and small children should not swim in the pool.

Where to swim for Epiphany?

Swimming can be done in any natural or artificial reservoir, in an ice hole, in a spring, on a river. In every city and locality There are special places where townspeople and villagers go to bathe in holy water. Organized places for Epiphany bathing can be recognized by the following features:

  • “Jordan” is carved in the shape of an Orthodox cross
  • There are wooden decks and steps at the ice hole
  • Nearby there are tents with heat guns for changing clothes.
  • “On duty near the ice hole” Ambulance", brigade of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • After bathing, everyone is given hot tea to help warm them up.

Rules for bathing at Epiphany

Washing in Jordan is not a fun activity, but a church sacrament. You cannot make a scandal near the consecrated font, much less use profanity. You cannot come drunk, as this is a sin.

You should enter the water with prayer. You need to plunge headlong into the ice hole three times, while repeating to yourself or out loud three times “ In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit"and make the sign of the cross.

It is very advisable that when swimming you wear not only a bathing suit, but also a long shirt (T-shirt) that hides your body from prying eyes.

If there is no spring in your locality where you can perform ablution, do not worry! Instead of complete immersion, simply pour blessed water from a bucket over yourself - this action is also equivalent to Epiphany bathing.

Epiphany water has a spiritual meaning, and it does not matter at all how a person communes with the saint - whether he completely plunges into an ice hole, pours it on himself, or drinks a sip of holy water. Grace equally descends on everyone who on this holiday is involved in the sacrament of the Blessing of Water.

You need to eat before diving, but you can’t drink

The holiday of Epiphany with traditional immersions in fonts or ice holes is approaching. In order for bathing to take place in the safest possible environment, the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, ordered the installation of special places for Epiphany bathing with safe approaches and descents to the water. “There will be changing rooms, lighting, parking, a place to warm up and drink tea. Look at the list of fonts,” writes Sobyanin on his official page on social network. In addition, doctors and rescuers will be on duty near the swimming areas (there are 59 in total) to provide timely assistance to those who overestimated their strength before entering the water. Experts remind that it is better to refuse to follow the tradition for people with chronic diseases (especially the cardiovascular system), diabetes, pregnant women and young children. It is also not recommended to take risks for those who suffer from chronic colds, bronchitis, or have recently suffered from pneumonia.

The Feast of the Epiphany is celebrated from January 18 to 19 - as the Gospel says, on these days the thirty-year-old Jesus entered the waters of the Jordan River, and the world learned of his divine origin. Since then, every Christian can follow his example - it is believed that Epiphany water washes away any sins. Diving into an ice hole or plunge pool on the night of January 19 has become a tradition. A suitable ice hole will be found in every metropolitan district - doctors on duty and hot drinks will be waiting for swimmers.

Muscovites were promised that on the night of Epiphany they should expect snow and blizzards, and the temperature would drop to 7–9 degrees below zero, although the wind might make it seem to some that it was minus 18 outside. This is by no means a weather record for Moscow, but everything - Epiphany bathing can be a serious test.

As government officials note, it is thanks to the high level of security organization during Epiphany bathing that there have been no tragic incidents in Moscow over the past few years. Those who needed it were provided with assistance immediately, near the font or Jordan. But in those cities where the level of organization is not so high, every year there are reports of several drownings during Epiphany bathing - for example, in 2017, victims darkened the bright holiday in the Kirov region and Stavropol region. The cause of the tragedies was swimming in the wrong places and non-compliance with safety precautions.

Places for Epiphany bathing will be installed in each metropolitan district. So, for example, residents of the Central Administrative District will be invited to plunge into the font in the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Chisty Vrazhek, and in the North-Eastern District - in the Palace Pond; Chernoe and Shkolnoe lakes will be equipped for swimming for residents of Zelenograd. Muscovites living in the west or north-west are luckier: they will have several swimming pools equipped right in the Moscow River. Several places for swimming will be equipped in the South-Western Administrative District, Southern Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District and other districts, and the most enviable prospects for the residents of TiNAO are: more than a dozen places for Epiphany bathing will appear on the territory of New Moscow.

As the head of the capital's housing and communal services complex, Pyotr Biryukov, said, places for swimming are provided taking into account the condition of the ice and weather conditions and will be equipped near the shores of reservoirs, excluding mass access to dangerous ice. Bathing areas will also be equipped with special flooring. If the approach to the ice hole seems too dangerous, you can take a dip in the plunge pool - alternative places for swimming will also appear throughout Moscow.

Where ice holes and fonts are equipped near temples, ceremonial services will be held simultaneously with the dives. According to the capital's Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption, an increased level of security control will be provided in these places.

“Order during Epiphany bathing on the night of January 18-19 at the bathing places, as well as at churches (more than 400), where festive services will be held, will be ensured by more than 8 thousand law enforcement officers - police officers, traffic police inspectors, military personnel national guard and members of the people’s guard and private security organizations,” according to representatives of the department.

The capital expects about 100 thousand people to take part in Epiphany bathing this year. Anyone wishing to take a dip is advised to bring a cap, shoes that will not slip on the ice, and a large terry towel for rubbing the body after swimming. The immersion time, according to medical advice, should not exceed one minute.

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All swimming pools will have bridges, wooden stairs with railings, and nearby there will be changing rooms and toilets.

For traditional Epiphany bathing, 59 places will be prepared at the capital’s reservoirs. Citizens and guests of the capital will be able to take a dip here from 18:00 on January 18 to 12:00 on January 19.

All baths are equipped with comfortable bridges and wooden stairs with railings. Heated changing rooms and toilet stalls will be installed nearby. At night, lighting will be turned on in the area around the swimming pools. Also, everyone will be able to get hot tea.

About 2.5 thousand people will monitor the safety of the events, including doctors, police officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and search and rescue stations. Traffic police officers will control access to swimming areas.

Places for Epiphany bathing

A font for residents of the Central Administrative District will be installed in the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Chisty Vrazhek. In North-East Administrative Okrug you can take a dip in the Palace Pond. In the north of the capital, places for swimming will be installed at the Bolshoi Garden Pond, at the water stadium “ Dynamo", as well as at the address: Pribrezhny Proezd, possession 7.

For residents of the North-Western Administrative District, sites will be prepared at the Baryshikha pond in Mitino, the pond in Rozhdestveno, the Derivation Canal, and in PKiO “Northern Tushino”, in the Stroginskaya and Kirovskaya floodplains, on Lake Bezdonnoye, Karamyshevskaya embankment (houses 13-15), Aviatsionnaya (house 79) and Lodochnaya (possession 19) streets.

In the west, Epiphany bathing will be held in Meshchersky Pond and the Moscow River in the area of ​​the village of Rublevo, house 40a on Filevskaya Street and Filevsky Boulevard (house 21).

In the South-Western Administrative District, sites will be equipped on the Vorontsovsky, Troparevsky, Chernevsky ponds, as well as on the pond of the sanatorium “ Narrow”, on Nakhimovsky Avenue (house 8) and near the temple in Zakharyin.

Residents of the Southern District are welcome at the Borisovsky, Tsaritsynsky and Beket ponds. And in the southeast of the city the Upper Kuzminsky, Nizhny Lyublinsky and Shibaevsky ponds will be accessible.

A font will open in the Eastern Administrative District “ Vernissage”. Everyone will also be able to take a dip in the Holy and White lakes, Terletsky ponds, Krasny, Babaevsky and Oleny ponds. And in Zelenograd, lakes Chernoe and Shkolnoe will become places for Epiphany bathing.

Most of the sites will open in the TiNAO territory - at the following addresses:

Troitsk, Desna River, recreation area “ Zarechye”;

Treshnya River, Chernetskoye village;

Pond in the village of Epiphany;

Pond in the village of Pokrovskoye;

Pond in the village of Bylovo;

Pond in the village of Knutovo;

Pond in the village of Oznobishino;

Pond in the Holiday House “Voskresenskoe”;

Pond in the village of Svinorye;

Pond of the Ulyanovsk forest park;

Pond in the village of Mosrentgen;

Font in the village of the Rest House “ Pleskovo”;

Font at the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Vasyunino;

Font in the village of DSK “ Michurinets”;

Font in the park “ Brook"(village Marushkino);

Font in the village of Tovarishchevo;

Font in the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino;

Font in the village of Puchkovo;

Font in the village of Shishkin Les.

Tips and safety rules for Epiphany bathing

To swim in an ice hole, take with you a towel, a terry robe, a set of dry clothes, swimming trunks or a swimsuit (underwear, a shirt), a rubber cap and non-slip slippers, or woolen socks.

Before diving, be sure to consult a doctor. Winter swimming is contraindicated for people with kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, as well as diabetes and pregnant women.

You should only swim in specially equipped places where rescuers, doctors, and police are on duty.

Small children should not approach the ice hole without adults.

It is prohibited to bring dogs or other animals with you.

You can’t plunge into the ice hole hungry. It is better to eat at least an hour before swimming.

Do not drink alcohol before swimming.

Undress in specially equipped tents.

Before plunging, it is advisable to do several squats and bends.

When approaching the ice hole, stand alone, as the ice may not withstand large quantity of people.

Be careful when descending into the hole. If there are stairs, hold on to the railing.

Never dive into the hole head first. After dipping three times, don’t linger, make room for the next ones.

If you have a child with you, keep an eye on him as he dives into the hole. A frightened child can easily forget that he can swim.

When you get out of the water, dry yourself with a towel and get dressed immediately; do not stay in the cold for long. If you feel chills, you need to immediately get dressed or cover yourself with a blanket, drink hot tea, preferably herbal.

If possible, move to a warm room. If your health suddenly deteriorates, contact doctors, rescuers or police officers.

Under medical supervision

60 visiting teams of the Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care, as well as the Ambulance and Emergency Medical Care Station named after A.S. will be on duty at the Epiphany bathing sites. Puchkova.

Three additional medical teams will be organized at ambulance substations in TiNAO. Doctors from the Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care will also be on duty at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Epiphany Cathedral and the Patriarchal Metochion of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity.


/ Tuesday, January 16, 2018 /

Topics: traffic police Police Medicine Church Epiphany bathing Beaches New Moscow Incidents Bylovo Zelenograd Troitsk

Baptism 2017. Baptism bathing. Date, rules, where you can swim. What date will Epiphany be in 2017? How is Epiphany bathing done?

The Epiphany of the Lord (Epiphany or, according to the church, the Baptism of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ) is the twelfth non-moving holiday, which means that this wonderful date is celebrated on the same day every year. What date will Epiphany be in 2017? The day when you can be cleansed of sins and illnesses, and test your fortitude by plunging headlong into ice water in the hole, will come in 2017 on January 19, Thursday. In the territory modern Russia Epiphany of the Lord is not a public holiday and does not apply to weekends.

Baptism in an ice hole. How it goes.

In a river, lake or any body of water, an ice hole is cut in the shape of a cross, and the ice cross itself is installed nearby. The priest marks the hole with a cross and reads prayers. People plunge into these reservoirs of holy water in the hope of receiving atonement for sins and God's grace. Before plunging headlong into cold water, you need to cross yourself three times and plunge with the words on your lips: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Traditions of the holiday of Epiphany

On the eve of Epiphany, Orthodox believers fast during the day, and in the evening they celebrate the “Hungry Kutya” or Holy Evening, akin to Christmas Eve. According to tradition, the whole family sits down at the table and eats Lenten dishes.

The three-time immersion of a Christian believer into an ice hole symbolizes the death of Jesus the Savior, and the moment of emerging from the water introduces a person to the three-day Resurrection of Jesus. Swimming in an ice hole is not a mandatory ritual; it is much more important to be a true believer, attend church and honor the Lord God.

Signs of Baptism

  • If a person is baptized on this day, then happiness will accompany him all his life.
  • If any agreement on this day is sealed with a handshake, then in the future there will be support from above.
  • If you agree on a wedding on the day of Epiphany, then the newlyweds will have a happy life.
  • A clear day on Epiphany means the year will be lean.
  • If the trees are covered with frost at Epiphany, in the spring on the same day of the week you need to sow winter wheat so that there is a rich harvest.
  • Girls wash themselves with snow at Epiphany to preserve their beauty for many years.
  • On Epiphany night one often has prophetic dreams.

What not to do on Epiphany

Baptism is not a mandatory ritual, so first of all You can't swim if you're not healthy . Any priest will dissuade you from diving if he sees that your health condition does not allow you to undergo the procedure safely. Especially if you have never trained the walrus in yourself in your life. Before jumping into the ice hole, check if you have the following diseases:

  • Diving into an ice hole is not recommended during periods of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and otitis media, or if you have just recovered from a cold.
  • It is strictly forbidden to swim in Jordan for people with heart disease, after heart attacks and with hypertension stages II and III.
  • After injuries and epilepsy, you should not tempt fate.
  • Also contraindications are neuritis, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis.
  • Eye diseases such as glaucoma and conjunctivitis.
  • Those whose health has been weakened by tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, inflammation of the genitourinary system, as well as ulcers, cholecystitis and hepatitis should not swim.

Epiphany bathing. Safety and rules.

  • You can't jump off the ice. You need to enter the water only using a special wooden ladder, which is best checked for stability before descending.
  • Each Jordan must additionally be equipped with a thick, strong rope with knots, one end lowered into the water, and the other end firmly fixed to the shore. This will ensure safety in case the stairs collapse.
  • Do not try to plunge yourself headlong - this can cause a reflex narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain and lead to shock. It is best to dive up to your neck.
  • Do not stay in the font for more than 1 minute. Firstly, your body may become hypothermic and this will lead to undesirable consequences, and secondly, there are many people who want to swim, don’t delay people, it’s freezing outside.
  • After bathing, you need to rub yourself with a terry towel and be sure to drink hot tea with honey and berries. This will help soften the blow to the immune system.
  • Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances. On this bright holiday, drinking alcohol is prohibited, and most importantly, it can dramatically dilate your blood vessels, and this can lead to serious consequences and hospitalization.

Watch the video to see how Epiphany bathing takes place firsthand.

On the night of January 19, the rite of Epiphany bathing will take place. The events will take place from 18:00 on January 18 to 12:00 on January 19. It is expected that about 130 thousand people will take part in the ceremony. If there are more people interested, the opening hours of the sites will be extended. Read about where you can swim on the night of Epiphany in our material.

Central Administrative District

  • Temple on Chisty Vrazhek.
  • Big Garden Pond;
  • Coastal passage, 7;
  • Water stadium "Dynamo".
  • Palace Pond.

All places for Epiphany bathing have safe approaches and descents to the water, as well as heated changing rooms, toilets and parking for cars.


  • Lake Svyatoe;
  • Lake Beloe;
  • Terletsky Ponds;
  • Red Pond;
  • font "Vernissage";
  • Babaevsky Pond;
  • May Pond.
  • Shibaevsky pond.

Southern Administrative District

  • Borisovsky Pond (according to Rospotrebnadzor, the water in the pond does not meet sanitary standards);
  • Tsaritsynsky pond;
  • Becket pond (according to Rospotrebnadzor, the water in the pond does not meet sanitary standards).

During the events, the safety of citizens will be ensured by about 2.4 thousand people and 180 pieces of equipment, including 776 rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and volunteers, 21 rescue hovercraft, 163 vehicles, 1,587 police officers and 60 medical teams. At the same time, there will be almost three thousand vigilantes.

South-Western Administrative District

  • Vorontsovsky Pond;
  • pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe";
  • Troparevsky Pond;
  • pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, 8;
  • Chernevsky Pond;
  • pond near the temple in Zakharyino.


  • Meshchersky Pond;
  • Moscow River – Rublevo village;
  • Moscow River – Filevskaya street, 40A;
  • Moscow River – Filevsky Boulevard, 21.
  • Baryshikha pond in Mitino;
  • pond in the village Rozhdestveno;
  • Derivation channel;
  • pond No. 4 on the Chernushka River;
  • PKiO "Northern Tushino";
  • Stroginskaya floodplain;
  • Kirov floodplain;
  • Bottomless Lake;
  • Karamyshevskaya embankment, 13-15;
  • Zhivopisnaya street, 50;
  • South Tushino, Lodochnaya street, building 19.


  • Black Lake;
  • Lake Shkolnoe.

For those Muscovites who prefer to stay at home on the night of January 19, the Window to the City portal will host a...


  • Troitsk, Desna River, Zarechye recreation area;
  • pond on the Treshna River, Chernetskoye village;
  • pond in the village Epiphany;
  • pond in the village Pokrovskoe;
  • pond in the village Bylovo;
  • pond in the village of Knutovo;
  • pond in the village Oznobishino;
  • pond in the Voskresenskoye educational establishment;
  • pond in the village of Svinorye;
  • pond of the Ulyanovsk forest park;
  • pond in the village Mosrentgen;
  • font in the village DO "Pleskovo";
  • temple complex of the icon of the Mother of God in Shcherbinka;
  • Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Vasyunino;
  • font in the village DSK "Michurinets";
  • Park "Rucheyok", Marushkino village;
  • font in the village of Tovarishchevo;
  • font in the village of Evseevo-Kuvekino;
  • font in the village of Puchkovo;
  • font in the village of Shishkin forest.

Here's what you need to know if you decide to go for a swim:

  • Before swimming in the ice hole, warm up your body by warming up or jogging.
  • Approach the ice hole in comfortable, non-slip, easy-to-remove shoes to prevent loss of feeling in your feet. You can wear special rubber slippers, which also protect your feet from sharp stones and salt, and also prevent you from slipping on ice.
  • When heading to the ice hole, you must remember that the path may be slippery. Move slowly.
  • It is best to plunge up to your neck, without getting your head wet, in order to avoid a reflex narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain. You should not dive into the hole head first.
  • Jumping into water and immersing yourself in water are not recommended, as this increases temperature loss and can lead to hypothermia.
  • Do not stay in the ice hole for more than one minute to avoid general hypothermia of the body.
  • If you have a child with you, be sure to keep an eye on him while he dives into the ice hole.
  • Getting out of the hole is not so easy. When exiting, do not directly hold onto the handrails, use a dry towel, a handful of snow from the edge of the ice hole, or you can scoop up more water into handfuls and, holding the handrails, quickly and vigorously rise.
  • After bathing (dipping), dry yourself and your child with a terry towel and put on dry clothes.
  • To avoid hypothermia, it is best to drink hot tea, for example from berries and fruits.