Migration registration documents for foreign citizens. Registration of foreign citizens at the place of residence. Who is required to have registration at the place of residence

Every foreigner or stateless non-resident of Russia is required to register for free stay and movement throughout the country. The purpose of the traveler’s arrival in the state is not important. In order to quickly and smoothly go through the process of registering for migration, it is worth finding out in advance when and what documents are needed to register a foreign citizen with the government agencies for migration issues of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs (formerly the Federal Migration Service).

Almost all migrants located within the Russian state border must register. This rule does not apply to the following groups of non-residents:

  • travelers staying in the Russian Federation for less than one week;
  • persons traveling through the territory of the Russian Federation in transit;
  • crew members aircraft, buses, train crews, provided that they do not go beyond the airport, bus station or train station;
  • crew members of ships on an official visit to Russia, as well as civilian watercraft, provided that they go ashore for no longer than 24 hours;
  • highly qualified specialists, as well as their families.

The period of registration of temporary residence of a foreign citizen coincides with the period of validity of a visit visa for travelers from countries who need appropriate permits to enter the country. When purchasing a work permit in Russian companies, the registration period can be up to one year. Highly qualified specialist invited to work at enterprises or institutions Russian Federation, may qualify for three-year registration if the legal entity where the foreigner is employed confirms the need for workers of this level.

Foreign citizens who come to the territory of the Russian Federation from the powers with which they are assigned visa-free regime, have the right to live in the country unhindered for up to 90 days over six months. A longer period of stay can be obtained for them by obtaining the right of residence or Russian citizenship.

Read also How to make an appointment at the GUVM (FMS) via the Internet and receive other government services on the website

Registration procedure

Migration registration foreign citizens carried out by government agencies on migration issues within the structure of the Main Directorate for Migration (FMS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. There are certain deadlines for registering temporary residence. By general rule A foreigner must register within a week from the moment of crossing the state border. The day of entry is considered to be the stamp in the international passport and migration card, filled out when crossing the state border. For some categories of foreign citizens, other deadlines are established for registration at a temporary place of residence in the Russian Federation:

  • 30 days for residents of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan;
  • 15 days for travelers from Tajikistan;
  • 90 days for citizens and stateless persons from Ukraine.

If a foreigner stays in Russia privately (not in a hotel that can register at the place of temporary residence) for a period not exceeding the above periods, then there is no need to report to the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS) at the place of temporary residence. It is worth noting that the countdown of time does not start from the date of placement at a temporary place of stay, but from the specified date of crossing the border in the migration card.

There are also cases in which the period allocated for registration with the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS) at the place of temporary residence in the Russian Federation is reduced to one day. On the next day after arrival, a foreigner who:

  • works on a rotational basis;
  • has no specific place of residence;
  • is undergoing rehabilitation or therapy in medical institutions of the Russian Federation;
  • placed in a correctional facility by a court verdict that has entered into legal force;
  • settled in a hotel, sanatorium, tourist center and similar institutions.

Medical institutions, sanatoriums, tourist centers, hotels and institutions of the penitentiary system independently register foreigners at their place of temporary residence with the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS) as the receiving party.

A foreigner submits documents for registration at a temporary place of residence if the receiving party, for objective reasons, is unable to inform the Main Directorate of Migration (FMS) about the stay of a foreign resident at a temporary place of residence, and also if such a non-resident has his own residential property in Russia for temporary stay in the country .

Read also How to apply for, pay for, check readiness for, and renew a work patent for foreign citizens in Russia

By the way, if a foreign citizen has his own home, he has the right to receive not temporary registration at the place of residence, but permanent registration. To do this, you also need to contact the territorial body on migration issues within the structure of the Main Directorate for Migration (FMS). In this case you must submit:

  • main identification document for a foreign resident’s stay on the territory of the Russian Federation (foreign passport, general passport, document of a stateless person);
  • photocopy of the migration card;
  • documents on ownership of residential premises.

If a foreign citizen does not own housing, and for the period of residence in the Russian Federation he rents a house or apartment, the receiving party is obliged to register him with the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS).

The host

An important point for compliance with migration rules is that it is necessary to distinguish between the inviting and receiving parties. For tourists and guests who come to visit relatives and friends, these can be different entities. In both the first and second cases, these can be persons from among the citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens who have a residence permit in Russia, and legal entities who are residents of the Russian Federation.

The inviting party is the person who submits an application to invite a foreign citizen for temporary stay in the territory of the Russian Federation. Such a person provides guarantees of the availability of a place of residence and the provision of all expenses to ensure the person’s stay in the country. Information about the inviting party is entered into the migration card.

According to Russian legislation, the receiving party is the person who provides accommodation for foreign citizens. An entity can become a receiving party only at the moment of actual settlement of a migrant for the duration of his stay in Russia. Data about the receiving entity is reported only when notifying migration authorities about the place of temporary stay of a foreign citizen. Due to the fact that a foreigner can change his place of residence in the Russian Federation, there may be several hosts during the period of stay in the country.

The number of foreigners visiting Russia for various purposes is growing year by year. Every visitor is required to go through a procedure that allows them to track their movement across the country, the time of their stay and the date of departure. Registration of foreign citizens is really necessary, because it allows you to track and control migration flows in the country.

Since 2006, registration at the place of stay of foreign guests was abolished in the usual form and it was replaced by the accounting of population migrations. In order for everything to be legal, the visitor must contact the migration service, notify about his entry, the purpose of the visit, the date of departure and issue a certificate allowing him to stay in the country.

The concept of temporary registration

Registration of citizens at their location, especially foreigners, is associated with some myths. Temporary registration at the place of residence of foreign citizens does not give any rights to ownership of housing - neither part nor the entire area. It is the fear of losing one’s property that becomes a frequent obstacle to the legal registration of visitors.

Registration at the place of stay of foreign guests takes place the same way on the square for relatives and for people who are strangers to the owner. All documents must be submitted to the FMS, after which visitors will receive a certificate and the right to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation. The only inconvenience that may arise when registering citizens at their location is that minor children are registered in the same housing as their parents without the need to notify the owner of the housing. At the same time, temporary residents will still not have rights to property.

Registration procedure

The owners of an apartment or other housing to which temporary residents from a foreign country will be assigned should contact the migration service. It is not difficult to register citizens at the place where they will live. Instructions for registration include collecting and providing identification documents, applications, and filling out special forms.

After contacting the Federal Migration Service and receiving the forms, the homeowner has 3 days to fill out and collect the missing documents, if any. Most often, forms are filled out immediately at the department, corrected by migration service employees, and a certificate is issued a few days later. There is no state fee for temporary registration at the location, including for foreigners - this is a free public service.

If it is not possible to personally contact the migration service to register a temporary resident, the application can be sent by mail. All post offices have special windows where those wishing to do so are given a form of the appropriate form, the further filling of which is identical as if the applicant had applied to the FMS. The state fee for temporary registration at the location, issued through the post office, is 216 rubles. and is charged for the services of postal workers.

Another option for obtaining temporary registration at the place of residence for foreigners is through government services. On the state portal of public services, registration is completed in a similar way as through mail. This method is convenient if the applicant does not have the opportunity to contact the migration department in person or via mail. The only drawback of registering for public services is that you need to have an account on the resource, which takes quite a long time to create. The state fee for registration at the place of stay through the government services portal is also not charged, but it takes longer than when applying in person.

The homeowner will be given a form with a tear-off portion. It is this tear-off paper that is given to the visitor and is his certificate of registration, indicating the validity period of this document.

Refusal of registration

In some cases, the owner of the property may receive a refusal from the migration service to register temporary settlers:

  1. Housing seized for debts;
  2. The apartment or other housing is mortgaged;
  3. There are legal proceedings regarding the right to own housing;
  4. Homeowners will soon be evicted by any government agency;
  5. When living in housing illegally, or in non-privatized housing;
  6. If there is a court decision to deprive the owner of the right to housing.

Deadlines for contacting the migration service

Registration of citizens at their location arriving from other countries takes place no later than a week from the date of arrival. The duration of a residence permit largely depends on the purpose of arrival in the Russian Federation.

Migration registration involves submitting a notification to the Migration Department about the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay. The article provides a schedule for the reception of citizens, as well as representatives of legal entities, by the Migration Department, the procedure and grounds for registration with migration authorities, the deadline for registration with migration authorities, and the list of required documents.

Read also:

Reception schedule for employees of the Office for migration registration

Reception of representatives of hotels, educational and medical institutions

Representatives of hospitals, hotels, educational institutions regarding migration registration, they can contact the district department of the Office for Migration Issues (at the location of the institution) during office hours.

Migration registration - schedule for admission of individuals

Notification of registration can be submitted by the receiving party - an individual in person at the regional departments of the Migration Office at the place of registration of the receiving party - individual. The reception hours for citizens regarding migration registration must be clarified directly at the regional departments of the Office, as they may change.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can apply for migration registration to the Department of Migration Issues at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Smolyachkova, building 15/17, 4th floor, office hours:

  • Monday: 9.00 - 13.00 and 13.45 -17.00
  • Tuesday: 10.00 - 13.00 and 13.45 - 18.00
  • Wednesday: 9.00-14.00
  • Thursday: 11.00-13.00 and 13.45-20.00
  • Friday: 09.00 - 13.00 and 13.45-16.00
  • Saturday: 9.00 - 13.00 and 13.45-16.00

The procedure for registering for migration

In accordance with Art. 21 of the Federal Law “On Migration Registration”, a migrant arriving in the territory of the Russian Federation is required to register with the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation by submitting a notification of arrival at the place of stay. The form of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay and the procedure for submitting it are established by Order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated August 29, 2013 No. 364.

A foreign citizen can register for migration independently only in cases provided for by law, namely:

  • if he owns residential premises and wishes to declare it as his place of residence;
  • if the receiving party is unable to provide notice due to illness or other compelling circumstances;

In other cases, it is the receiving party, and not the foreign citizen, who is obliged to notify the migration authorities about the migrant’s place of stay.

The receiving party is the citizen, entrepreneur or organization where the foreign citizen actually lives or works. A foreigner permanently residing in Russia, that is, having a residence permit, can act as a host.

Failure to fulfill the obligation to submit a notification entails administrative liability. In practice, both the migrant himself and his receiving party may be held liable for lack of registration. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of migration legislation and register in a timely manner.

Migration registration deadline

As a rule, the total period for registration with migration authorities is 7 working days. In practice, the report is maintained from the moment of entry into the Russian Federation. If the registration period is exceeded, the migrant is subject to administrative liability. If a migrant does not have migration registration in St. Petersburg and Moscow, administrative deportation may be imposed (Article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The registration period is influenced by various international treaties. For example, with the countries of Ukraine, Belarus, Tajikistan. Therefore, according to the law, citizens who come from these countries have the status of special subjects and for each of them different deadlines for registration are established. For citizens of Ukraine, this period is set at 90 days, for citizens of the EAEU countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) it is 30 days, for citizens of Tajikistan the period for registration with migration is 15 days.

More information about the deadlines for registering for migration:

List of legal acts that regulate the issues of registering foreign citizens for migration registration:

  1. International instruments
  2. Federal Law No. 42 of March 20, 2011 “On migration registration”
  3. Order of the FMS dated August 29, 2013

The definition of the term “migration registration” is given in Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Migration Registration”. In accordance with it, “migration registration” has a broader meaning and is defined as a set of actions by government bodies to collect and summarize information about foreign citizens entering and staying in the Russian Federation. Also, “migration registration” is usually understood as registration of foreign citizens at the place of residence and their registration at the place of stay. It is in this sense that we will look at migration registration in this article and tell you about the procedure for registration and renewal, the timing of registration, the list of documents, as well as the obligation to renew migration registration for citizens with labor patent. So, migration registration of foreign citizens includes registration at the place of residence and registration at the place of stay.

Registration at the place of stay of foreign citizens

Foreign citizens are required to notify the migration authority of their arrival at a place of stay that is not a place of residence. This requirement applies to all foreign citizens without exception - both temporarily staying foreign citizens, as well as permanent residents of the Russian Federation for basis of the temporary residence permit or a residence permit (if they are staying in the premises at a different address than the one at which they are registered at the place of residence).

What is the place of residence of a foreign citizen?

Every foreign citizen located in the Russian Federation must have a place of residence. The Law on Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens defines the place of residence of a foreign citizen as the premises in which the citizen works or is located.

Who can register for migration?

According to the law exactly the receiving party a foreign citizen is obliged to notify the Federal Migration Service about the foreigner’s place of residence in the Russian Federation. A migrant can submit a notification on his own only in two cases: if the receiving party cannot do this due to departure, employment, illness and other reasons, and also if the migrant registers himself in his own living quarters. Migration registration is carried out by authorized bodies, in particular, the Federal Migration Service (since 2016, the Migration Department has been in charge of the registration of foreign citizens for migration) on the basis of a notification received about the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay.

When do you need to register for migration?

The general deadline for filing a notification is 7 days from the date of the citizen’s arrival at the place of residence; in practice, it is calculated from the date of entry into the Russian Federation. For citizens of some countries longer

For citizens of Ukraine and Tajikistan, the deadline for filing a notification has been extended.

Based on international agreements, citizens of Ukraine are exempt from the obligation to complete migration registration within 90 days from the date of entry, and citizens of Tajikistan - within 15.

Migration registration deadline labor migrants from the EAEU

Migrants entering from the countries of the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) for employment purposes may also not obtain migration registration for themselves within 30 days from the date of entry into the Russian Federation. Currently, the Union includes Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

Where can I register for migration?

You can register for migration at the MFC ( multifunctional center), post office, as well as in the district department of the Federal Migration Service (Office of Migration Issues) only if notification of arrival is submitted by the receiving party. Submission of a notification by a foreign citizen in person in the absence of the receiving party is possible only at the regional department of the Federal Migration Service (UVM) at the place of residence.

What documents are needed for registration?

To register for migration, the receiving party of a foreign citizen or the foreign citizen personally submits to the Federal Migration Service (GUV) a set of documents established by law.

Documents for migration registration:

  1. a copy of the translation of the passport and migration card foreign citizen
  2. copy of the host's passport
  3. notification of arrival at the place of stay, if previously submitted
  4. documents for the premises at the address at which the foreign citizen is registered (lease agreement, rental agreement, certificate of ownership, etc.)
  5. if the notification is submitted by the employing organization, the TIN and OGRN of the organization are additionally provided, employment contract with the employee, copy of the director’s passport

Migration registration is carried out by migration authorities free of charge. There is no state fee!

Form for notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay

The form (form) of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay was approved by the Order of the Federal Migration Service of August 29, 2013 No. 364. The same order approved administrative regulations migration service, regulating the procedure for providing public services on the implementation of migration registration.

If, due to documented reasons, the receiving party cannot independently submit a notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay, the migrant is obliged to do this independently.

Can they refuse to register for migration?

In case of failure to provide the above documents, the Federal Migration Service (GUVM) has the right to refuse to accept the notification. However, please note that the requirement of the FMS (GUVM) employees to provide any other documents not specified in the regulations, including documents confirming ownership of residential premises, as well as to ensure the appearance of the apartment owner or a foreign citizen, do not comply with the law and can be appealed according to established order.

Extension of migration registration

What to do if the registration period has expired?

As a rule, migration registration is done for a period of 90 days from the date of entry into the Russian Federation, but can be extended in the future. Every foreign citizen located on the territory of the Russian Federation must have a valid migration registration; therefore, if the deadline for registration has expired, he must contact the Federal Migration Service with a new notification. For the lack of migration registration, administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine and deportation from the Russian Federation.

To renew registration, in addition to the above documents, you must also provide a valid registration.

Extension of migration registration upon receipt of a patent

Do I need to renew registration when paying for a patent?

Contrary to popular belief, paying for a patent does not extend migration registration, according to the provisions of the Law on legal status for foreign citizens, paying for a patent only extends the period of legal stay in Russia, while the obligation to have a valid registration is not removed from the patent holder. If a migrant working in the Russian Federation on a patent has expired, he is obliged to extend it in the manner prescribed by law.

Registration of foreign citizens at the place of residence

Who is required to have registration at the place of residence?

Foreign citizens who have received a temporary residence permit or residence permit have the opportunity to be registered at their place of residence. According to the law, a foreign citizen temporarily or permanently residing in the Russian Federation must have registration if he has the right to use residential premises, that is, he is a tenant of a residential premises, a member of the family of a tenant of a residential premises or owns it. Foreigners living in the Russian Federation on the basis of a temporary residence permit or residence permit, but who do not have residential premises for use, can register at the place of stay. Please note that the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in its decision of June 5, 2012, in case No. AKPI12-708 on declaring illegal the provisions of FMS Order No. 41 of February 29, 2008, drew attention to the fact that the obligation to have residential premises in use on the territory of the Russian Federation assigned to foreign citizens living in the Russian Federation for more than 3 years.

When is it necessary to register at the place of residence?

As a rule, 7 days are allotted for registration at the place of residence. The counting of which is carried out from the day the migrant receives a temporary residence permit or residence permit, or from the day of arrival at a new place of residence (Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Migration Registration”).

A note about registration at the place of residence is placed in the foreign citizen’s passport (next to the temporary residence permit stamp) or residence permit. Registration of foreign citizens is urgent and upon completion must be extended.

What documents are needed to register at the place of residence?

When contacting the migration service regarding registration, you must have on hand:

  1. Application for registration of a foreign citizen at the place of residence in the form established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007 No. 9
  2. Copies of a foreign citizen's passport
  3. A copy of the temporary residence permit or residence permit
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 300 rubles

Please note that in accordance with Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Migration Registration”, in addition to a passport and an application to the migration service, it is necessary to provide a document confirming the right to use the residential premises in which a foreign citizen is registered (that is, a rental agreement, a certificate of ownership, etc. .). At the same time, the absence of a certificate of ownership is not a basis for refusal to accept documents, since this information is at the disposal of state bodies and Migration Service(GUVM) is obliged to request them independently.