The “White Steamship” children's music festival was supported by Ruselectronics. Khabarovsk Regional Charitable Foundation "Happy Childhood" White Steamship Festival

On September 19, 2013, a gala concert will take place in the main hall of the Khabarovsk Regional Philharmonic (Khabarovsk, Shevchenko St., 7) music festival - travel “White Steamer. Singing Rivers of Russia”, organized by the Charitable Foundation “Spread your Wings!”, the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popov and the KhKBF “ARIDI”.

On this day, at the concert you will hear magical, now classic, songs performed by child soloists, who are mistakenly referred to as “with disabilities.”

The concert will be attended by:

· Children's choir and soloists of the IX Charity Music Festival - travel “White Steamship. Singing rivers of Russia”, artistic director - Nikolai Didenko.

· Instrumental ensemble consisting of: Alexander Pokidchenko (keyboards), Anatoly Machulenko (guitar), Alexander Shumakov (bass guitar), Zagit Alykov (drums).

· Vocal group of students of the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popov

Festival “White Steamer. Singing Rivers of Russia" is one of the largest social projects supporting musically gifted children with a difficult fate. The geography of the festival today extends from the Far East to Moscow, and its participants come from various parts of our country. The main objective of the Festival is to identify, support and rehabilitate musically gifted children with difficult destinies through art.

When the Festival was planned to be held in 2013, no one could have guessed at what difficult time it would be held for the region. Until the last day, the organizers analyzed information about the situation on the Amur, receiving it from the captain of the ship “Poyarkov” - the traditional venue for the Festival on the waters of the Amur. The elements did not pass by the city of Khabarovsk, where the Gala concert of the White Steamship Festival will take place. Singing rivers of Russia" . The organizers have prepared humanitarian aid for those affected by the disaster and, together with their partners, are ready at any time to respond to calls for help and assist in the fight against flooding.

The festival ship followed the planned route with stops in designated cities, where festival participants presented a previously prepared concert program. The route along the Amur River passed through the cities: Khabarovsk - Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Susanino - Tyr - Nikolaevsk - on - Amur - Bogorodskoye - Annensky Mineral Waters - Komsomolsk - on - Amur - Khabarovsk. In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the guys spent time on the ship - they practiced music and vocals, the result of which will be an amazing Gala concert.

The project already has its own stars, who delight with their musical successes and surprise with their strength of spirit. Some of them are children with disabilities, others have families in difficult life situations. But each of them is truly in love with music. While on stage, the children transform, glow with smiles and give us wonderful songs. Coming on stage, the guys demonstrate by their example that there is nothing inaccessible to them in the world. For many of them, the real discovery was that, even with a serious diagnosis, you can go to the best music stages in the world. They managed to believe that they there is a future for disabled children.

The Khabarovsk City Palace of Culture became a territory of good deeds for one evening - a charity gala concert of the “White Steamship” musical project was held there. The purpose of the event is to help gifted children from low-income families and disabled children who would like to realize themselves in music.

The young artists, whose work is supervised by the project, have already performed repeatedly in Moscow, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and now they have come to Khabarovsk to demonstrate their skills to local residents. Together with the children, an instrumental orchestra led by composer and pianist Alexander Pokidchenkov performed at the concert.

— We work with children from different Russian regions, but this time children mainly from the Far East took to the stage. I would like to note that many gifted young people want to take part in the project - the partners of the White Steamship from the Happy Childhood Foundation are accepting applications from those interested, said opera singer and one of the creators of the project Nikolai Alekseevich Didenko.

He also added that the participants of the “White Steamship” undergo a fairly strict selection process, and the concert organizers conduct lengthy auditions. The project’s board of trustees, which includes such well-known people in Russia as Dmitry Guberniev, Ekaterina Guseva, Valery Meladze and many others, provides considerable assistance.

It is no coincidence that the project got its name. The “White Steamer” was based on a long-standing idea of ​​recreational river cruises for the children of front-line soldiers. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, many steamships were launched along the Amur. But in the 1990s, many flights came to naught, leaving the only liner “Vasily Poyarkov” on the river.

His team, in collaboration with the ARIDI Foundation, gave birth to the idea of ​​a health and rehabilitation camp on the water in 1995. And then, in 2005, under the leadership of Nikolai Didenko and the head of the foundation, Irina Anatolyevna Yuryevskaya, they decided to organize the White Steamship charity festival, which would help children from difficult families and disabled children to open up.

Unfortunately, the project faces difficulties with financing from year to year. Since the festival no longer takes place on the deck of a ship, as it was originally, it has become more difficult to qualify for a government grant. Therefore, charitable foundations and companies help the project in every possible way.

— We already had an idea to hold a summer festival, which would be held as before - on a ship. But the sponsor refused to give us money to rent the ship, because recreation on the water is too dangerous for children. Fortunately, we have such assistants as the SUEK-REGIONS Foundation, which, although it may not be able to allocate such a large amount as 12.5 million rubles, has repeatedly assisted us in holding the festival in concert halls,” shared the main speaker of the project Natalya Konstantinovna Tsirulnik.

The White Steamship has other sponsors this year, including the Happy Childhood Foundation and the Academy of Choral Art.

The concert also included an exhibition of the young visually impaired artist Diana Slipetskaya. She presented to the audience many works made with colored pencils. In his paintings, the author pays special attention to Slavic culture, the culture of the peoples of the Far East and our closest neighbors. Thanks to the author’s special technique, the paintings seem to come to life before the eyes of the audience. Diana also did not stay away from good deeds, donating part of her own funds to a charitable foundation.

And the White Steamship festival moves on. The children and the team are expected in Vladivostok, where Dmitry Guberniev will join the speakers.

The XXII Charity Festival "White Steamship", aimed at supporting musically gifted children with a difficult fate, will be held from August 10 to 31. This time the project participants will go on a musical journey from Sergiev Posad. For 12 years now, the organizer of the festival - the Cultural and Educational Movement "Promotion of Creative Education" - has been holding auditions for musically gifted children with disabilities, orphans, children from low-income, large and single-parent families in order to invite young musicians to the "White Steamer". The artistic director of the festival is the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and leading opera houses of the world, winner of the GRAMMY-2017 award Nikolai Didenko.

In one of the summer months, the festival organizers use charitable funds to rent a motor ship, on which children, teachers, and musicians go on a journey along the rivers of Russia. During the musical journey, children learn vocal and choral art. According to the organizers, at this time the ship becomes a real home for all travelers, and all participants in the trip become one big friendly family, united by the love of music. At the end of each flight there is a final gala concert.

Over the past 12 years, more than 1,000 children have taken part in the White Steamship festival, and more than 50 project graduates have entered leading musical institutions.

Charity project “WHITE SHIP. SINGING RIVERS OF RUSSIA" created in 2005.

The festival is part of the long-term charity program "White Steamer", which has been successfully implemented for 12 years. In 2015, the Happy Childhood Foundation took over the implementation of this unique methodology, which has no analogues in Russia today, and is successfully implementing it to this day.
This unique project is aimed at the rehabilitation and social integration through art of gifted children with disabilities, orphans, and children from low-income families.
The program allows us to identify, train and provide comprehensive support to talented children from the target group. The festival will provide additional specialized education with the participation of famous figures of art and culture. According to the established long-standing tradition, the summer training school within the framework of the festival is organized on board the ship, which is why it got its name “Singing Rivers of Russia”. There are only 4 ships left in Russia capable of accommodating such a number of participants; according to the conditions, the Moscow option is the most acceptable.

Objective of the project:
Promoting the creation of equal opportunities for gifted children from the target group to receive additional creative education.

Project objectives:
1. Organize a summer vocal and choral school on a ship within the framework of the festival, involving highly professional specialists in the field of culture and art as teachers, which will allow teaching 90 children from among the CG for three weeks.
2. Organize information support for the project.
3. Hold a gala concert to demonstrate the capabilities and achievements of festival participants.

Gifted children will take part in the festival, both those who have previously attended summer schools organized by the Happy Childhood Foundation, as well as new participants who passed the audition in the spring of 2018, or were selected from among the written applications received by the Foundation over the past year. In addition to training, comprehensive leisure time and various clubs will be organized for the children. During the festival, the ship will visit 12 Russian cities, excursions and intermediate concerts will be organized.
Upon completion of training, a final gala concert is planned in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, where talented students will be able to express themselves. This will allow them to receive various recommendations and invitations to enter, for example, the Moscow Academy of Choral Art.
The project is financially supported by regular partners and philanthropists.
As guest teachers, it is planned to attract a member of the Union of Composers of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia Pokidchenko A.E., accompanist and choirmaster Pekhov V.I., head of “2Trak Records” Machulenko A.A., tenor, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Radchenko S.N. , with whom preliminary agreements have been concluded. The artistic director of the project is 2017 Grammy Award winner, bass, guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater N.A. Didenko.


  1. Promoting the creation of equal opportunities for gifted children from among disabled children, orphans and children without parental care, children from low-income families to receive additional creative education.
  2. Providing educational support to young talents in the performing arts.


  1. Organize a summer vocal and choral school on a ship as part of the festival, involving highly professional specialists from among well-known cultural and artistic figures as teachers, which will allow training 90 gifted children from the target group for three weeks.
  2. Organize information support for the project.
  3. Hold a gala concert to demonstrate the capabilities and achievements of festival participants.

Justification of social significance

More than 5,000 disabled children live in the Khabarovsk Territory alone. Children with disabilities appear among participants in amateur competitions in isolated exceptional cases; only a very small number of young disabled people have the opportunity to study in music schools and creative studios, but talented children are no less common among them than among healthy children. Private teachers and specialized educational institutions prefer to deal with healthy and socially prosperous children because of the solvency of their parents. There is practically no work being done to identify and support gifted children among the disabled and children from low-income families in our region.
The forced isolation of disabled children in society deprives them of the opportunity to demonstrate their talents; the dependence of children from low-income families on low incomes does not allow them to receive additional education on an equal basis with their peers, and negates the prospects for creative fulfillment.
Artificial isolation of disabled children and children from socially disadvantaged sections of the population is unacceptable. The main criterion should be the child’s talent, and it is important to discover young talents as early as possible, help them realize themselves and find their place in life along with their peers.
The project "White Steamship. Singing Rivers of Russia" is unique and has no analogues in Russia; it identifies, provides real support, and reveals the talents of gifted children. Its social significance is proven by excellent results - more than 40 “graduates” of summer vocal and choral schools organized within the framework of the program subsequently entered the country’s leading music educational institutions, of which 15 children attended the V.S. Popov Academy of Arts and the A.M. .V.Sveshnikova.
During the festivals, many children were able to receive the necessary training, express themselves and subsequently qualify for prizes in various competitions and television projects:
Grau Vesna - 3rd degree student. competition "New Stars" in Sochi;
Gleb Kotin (visually disabled) - participant of the paramusical festival 2015-2016;
Kristina Mankovskaya - 2nd degree diploma student. competition "Voices of Spring 2018", received a grant for non-competitive enrollment in the ISI;
Ira Tsvetkova (visually disabled) - 1st place in the All-Russian creative competition "Constellation of Talents" 2017.
Liza Dolzhenkova (under guardianship) - municipal award. education of Blagoveshchensk for gifted children;
Nastya Kovaleva (disabled since childhood) - laureate of the 2nd degree. IV international television "IT" project of the competition "Talent-2018";
Ilya Litvinov - finalist of the television project "Voice of Children-3";

Geography of the project

Khabarovsk Territory Amur Region Jewish Autonomous Region Primorsky Territory Moscow Region

Target groups

  1. Children and teenagers
  2. Orphans and children left without parental care
  3. Children from low-income families
  4. Disabled children
  5. Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 6 to 18 years with creative abilities in the field of culture and art