Pizza Hut brand history. History of Pizza Hut

"Wszystko Jest Mozliwe! (Everything is Possible!) is born at the same time as the first Pizza Hut restaurant"

In May 1993, Henry McGovern and Don Kendall Jr. moved to Poland with the idea of ​​​​implementing some grandiose project in the new conditions that emerged in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of the USSR. On July 2, they win the auction for the sale of a building at Rynek 48 in Wroclaw, thus beginning the history of the company and the first WJM. Henry and Don approach restaurant operator PepsiCo with the idea of ​​renting the ground floor for a restaurant; PepsiCo refuses, but offers to purchase a Pizza Hut franchise. Donald Kendall Sr. (CEO of PepsiCo at the time) offers to become partners - an opportunity not to be missed - this is how we are baptized into the restaurant business. American Retail Systems (ARS) was founded by 4 partners - Donald M. Kendall, Donald M. Kendall Jr., Christian R. Eisenbeiss and Henry J. McGovern.

The construction of Pizza Hut and the reconstruction of the building at Rynek 48 poses so many incredibly complex challenges that it gives rise to our belief in WJM.

WJM is confirmed and ingrained in our corporate culture when Pizza Hut at Rynek finally opens on November 9, 1993. Huge success in Wroclaw leads us to own the rights to build another restaurant in Szczecin, and a second Pizza Hut opens in this city in May 1994.


"Our Pizza Hut in Hungary"

In May, AmRest signed a contract to take over Kentucky Systems kft, owner of 13 Pizza Hut and 4 KFC restaurants in Hungary.


"We are coming to Russia!"

In July we come to Russia, adding 22 KFC and 19 Pizza Huts in three cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan.

AmRest Russia currently operates 9 Pizza Hut restaurants in St. Petersburg.

Slogans: Now Your Eating
America´s Favorite Pizza

As students at Wichita State University (Wichita, Kansas), brothers Dan and Frank Carney thought not only about their studies, but also about their own business. History is silent about why they chose the pizzeria. Perhaps due to the fact that this dish was little known in those places. Having borrowed $600 from their mother (pretty good money in those days), they rented a small local restaurant for 25 people. The tiny sign above the door allowed for no more than nine letters, which placed a limit on the name. However, it took very little time to come up with it - the old premises most of all begged for comparison with a hut or shack ( "hut" in English). That's how it was born. The restaurant opened its doors on June 15, 1958. Within a few months he was bringing in $500-800 a week. The brothers realized that they had stumbled upon a gold mine and began opening new restaurants under the same brand. By the way, at first new restaurants were styled after that tiny first room-hut (and even now this is typical for many of them, especially in the USA). Already in 1959, it became possible to open establishments on a franchise basis. In 1968, a significant event occurred - the first restaurant opened outside the United States, in Canada. Since 1971, the company has been considered the number one pizza manufacturer and trendsetter in the world of pizza. Today, the network covers hundreds of countries around the world.

Since 1972 it has become a public company. And in 1978 it was absorbed by the company PepsiCo, which is also the owner of such "fast food brands" as Taco Bell And KFC.

One of the main advantages of these “huts” was the introduction of delivery in 1986, which significantly contributed to the popularity of the brand. Nowadays everyone delivers pizza, but in those years this way of serving customers became an innovative novelty. By the way, in the same year of 1986, an anniversary event took place - the 5000th restaurant was opened; it was in Dallas, Texas.

The menu offered is quite varied, as for a fast food establishment. At the same time, there are two types of restaurants - the family-type Pizza Hut, which is more comfortable, larger and with a rich menu, and Pizza Hut Express, which is fast food in its purest form.

The company's headquarters is located in Addison, Texas, United States. The story is a classic American success story.

Slogans: Now Your Eating
America´s Favorite Pizza

As students at Wichita State University (Wichita, Kansas), brothers Dan and Frank Carney thought not only about their studies, but also about their own business. History is silent about why they chose the pizzeria. Perhaps due to the fact that this dish was little known in those places. Having borrowed $600 from their mother (pretty good money in those days), they rented a small local restaurant for 25 people. The tiny sign above the door allowed for no more than nine letters, which placed a limit on the name. However, it took very little time to come up with it - the old premises most of all begged for comparison with a hut or shack ( "hut" in English). That's how it was born. The restaurant opened its doors on June 15, 1958. Within a few months he was bringing in $500-800 a week. The brothers realized that they had stumbled upon a gold mine and began opening new restaurants under the same brand. By the way, at first new restaurants were styled after that tiny first room-hut (and even now this is typical for many of them, especially in the USA). Already in 1959, it became possible to open establishments on a franchise basis. In 1968, a significant event occurred - the first restaurant opened outside the United States, in Canada. Since 1971, the company has been considered the number one pizza manufacturer and trendsetter in the world of pizza. Today, the network covers hundreds of countries around the world.

Since 1972 it has become a public company. And in 1978 it was absorbed by the company PepsiCo, which is also the owner of such "fast food brands" as Taco Bell And KFC.

One of the main advantages of these “huts” was the introduction of delivery in 1986, which significantly contributed to the popularity of the brand. Nowadays everyone delivers pizza, but in those years this way of serving customers became an innovative novelty. By the way, in the same year of 1986, an anniversary event took place - the 5000th restaurant was opened; it was in Dallas, Texas.

The menu offered is quite varied, as for a fast food establishment. At the same time, there are two types of restaurants - the family-type Pizza Hut, which is more comfortable, larger and with a rich menu, and Pizza Hut Express, which is fast food in its purest form.

The company's headquarters is located in Addison, Texas, United States. The story is a classic American success story.

§1. History of the development of Pizza Hut

In 1958, Frank and Dan Carney attended Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas, USA. Dan, who was 25 years old, was completing his MBA, and nineteen-year-old Frank was planning to pursue a career as an electrical mechanic. On weekend evenings, the brothers worked at the family grocery store. One day, after reading an article in the Saturday Evening Post about the growing popularity of pizza, the owner of a grocery store approached the brothers with her idea of ​​opening a pizzeria in this house. At the time, relatively little was known about pizza in Wichita, but the brothers decided to give it a try.

Frank and Dan borrowed $600 from their mom and opened on June 15 1958 the first Pizza Hut restaurant. By September, the restaurant's total income was between $700 and $800 per week, and by December it was over $1,800 per week. Two more restaurants opened soon. The vision of the Carney brothers and their perseverance led to the emergence of a brand that has become famous for its success throughout the world.

In 1959 The first franchise was sold when Dick Hassur, the manager of one of the Pizza Hut restaurants, signed a franchise agreement and opened the first franchise restaurant in Topeka, Kansas. This agreement gave him the right to use Pizza Hut's registered trademark, secret recipes, and management assistance, all for one fee.

In 1968– the first Pizza Hut opened in Canada.

In 1969- a red roof was adopted for restaurants. The first Pizza Hut restaurant was opened in Mexico, in Guadalajara.

In 1970– the first Pizza Hut restaurant opens in Australia.

In 1971– Pizza Hut becomes the number 1 restaurant in the world among restaurant chains specializing in pizza, both in terms of sales and number of restaurants.

In 1972– Pizza Hut shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. That same year, Pizza Hut opened its 1,000th restaurant in Wichita, Kansas.

In 1973– Pizza Hut restaurants are opening in Japan and England.

In 1975- Pizza Hut opens its 2,000th restaurant in Independence, Missouri, USA.

In 1977 PepsiCo is buying the Pizza Hut restaurant chain. Backed by PepsiCo, Pizza Hut begins its global expansion plan. In the same year, the three thousandth restaurant opens in Arlington, Texas, USA.

In 1980– “Pan Pizza” is being introduced throughout the country. The number of restaurants reaches 4 thousand.

In 1985 Pizza Hut begins operations with home delivery, counter service and sale of sliced ​​pizzas.

In 1986 Pizza Hut number 5000 opens in Dallas, Texas.

In 1988 Pizza Hut celebrates its 30th anniversary; there are already 6 thousand restaurants around the world.

In 1991 Pizza Hut makes one of its historic deliveries - to the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin and his supporters, who defeated their opponents who attempted a political coup.

In 1993 The ten thousandth restaurant opens in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

In 1995 Pizza Hut is moving its headquarters to Dulls, Texas.

In 1997 November 7 the companies Tricon Global Restaurants and Tricon Restaurants International are registered.

In 2002 In connection with the acquisition of two more concepts, A&W and LongJohn Silvers, the word “Tricon” in the company name was changed to “YUM” (Yum-Yum).

§2. Pizza Hut today

· Today, Pizza Hut is the largest and best pizza distribution system in the world, with more than 10 thousand locations around the world, in more than 90 countries and territories. The company employs more than 240 thousand people worldwide.

· Pizza Hut sells more than 1.7 million pizzas daily to approximately 4 million customers worldwide.

§3. FamilyYum!

· Pizza Hut is part of a restaurant group called "Yum!" Brands, Inc.

· Yum! Brands, Inc. operates A&W All-American Food, KFC, Long John Silvers, Pizza-Hut, Taco Bell worldwide. Based in Louisville, Kentucky, Yum! Brands is Ireland's largest quick-service restaurant company in terms of outlets—nearly 33,000 restaurants worldwide in more than 100 countries.

· KFC, Long John Silvers, Pizza-Hut, Taco Bell are global leaders in their categories. Global sales of Yum! Brands in 2002 totaled more than $24 billion.

§4. Pizza Hut – Brand

The Pizza Hut brand combines fun, entertainment and informal, friendly service. The brand offers its famous pizza at competitive prices in a relaxed atmosphere that brings friends and families together.

Consumer recognition of Pizza Hut is associated with the following symbols of this brand:

· Pizza Hut logo

· "Red Roof"

· Pan Pizza

§5. Development of Pizza Hut in St. Petersburg

n In 1994 a franchise was sold to open the first restaurant in St. Petersburg.

n In 1995 The first Pizza-Hut restaurant was opened in St. Petersburg

n Today in St. Petersburg there are 11 Pizza-Hut and 18 KFC restaurants

A year later, Pizza Hut was officially registered and opened its first franchise in Topeka, Kansas. 10 years later, Dan and Frank had already entered the international market - in 1968 they opened their first restaurant in Canada. Their pizza almost instantly became the American standard for this world-famous Italian dish.

Two years later, the first restaurant opened outside North America, in Australia, and in 1971 Pizza Hut became the world's number one pizza chain in terms of both sales and number of restaurants. In 1977, the company was acquired by PepsiCo Corporation. The company is now owned by Yum! Brands, which was spun off from PepsiCo in 1997.

The founders of Pizza Hut diverged their paths long ago, but individually the brothers achieved considerable success. Frank became a franchisee of the Papa John's pizza chain in 1994 and by 2001 owned 133 locations. Dan is the chairman of the board of several charities and foundations in his hometown and state, and chairs the board of directors of T-Netix and several other organizations.

All establishments of the chain are divided into two types: Pizza Hut for family lunch, the menu of which is quite extensive, and Pizza Hut Express, which are actually fast food in its traditional sense. The range of restaurants in different countries depends partly on local tastes, but several classic types of pizza from this brand always remain at the heart of the menu.

The company constantly experiments with new products and tastes; unpopular new items do not stay on the menu for long, but successful ones become signature dishes and the pride of the company. In general, Pizza Hut specializes in preparing the American version of pizza, as well as pasta, chicken wings, bread, and garlic bread.

The choice of dishes in family restaurants is varied: in addition to pizza and snacks, you can order breakfast or lunch, various salads, soups and desserts, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Pizza Hut has a long history and difficult relations with Russia. The first restaurant of the chain opened in Moscow in 1990, but in 1998, during the crisis, both pizzerias existing at that time closed.

However, there is an opinion that the problems of Moscow restaurants were caused not by the crisis, but by the actions of the capital’s partner, since, for example, in St. Petersburg, since the opening of the first pizzeria in 1995, the chain’s establishments have not stopped working. By the way, in St. Petersburg today there are 10 quite successful Pizza Hut restaurants.

The company's return to the capital happened in 2000, but the story did not end there - Pizza Hut left the market, its restaurants were bought out several times by other brands, changed owners and reopened.

However, the company did not give up trying to find its niche in Moscow, so at the very end of December 2013, another Pizza Hut restaurant opened on Petrovsko-Razumovsky Proezd. The second one works on Leningradsky Prospekt.

    Pizza Hut is the world's largest consumer of cheese. It has been estimated that Pizza Hut uses 140 million kilograms of cheese each year.

    The chain uses over 300 million kg of pepperoni and almost 250 million kg of tomatoes annually.

    In 2001, Pizza Hut sponsored a pizza delivery to the International Space Station.

    At the end of 2012, the company released a limited edition perfume with the aroma of freshly baked pizza called Eau de Pizza Hut.