The tallest water slide in the world. Tallest water slide taller than Niagara Falls Largest water park slide

Summer is sunny days, water procedures and fun. All over the world, families are flocking to water parks to bring all three of these together while still providing a safe experience. Whether it's regular swimming pools or extreme water slides, there's never a dull moment at the water attractions. The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) reports that in the U.S. alone, such parks generate more than $50 billion annually and employ more than 2.3 million people.

While all water parks strive to provide a family-friendly atmosphere, there is no doubt that these great summer destinations provide a variety of attractions to satisfy even the most seasoned thrill-seekers. However, extreme skiing is known to cause injury or even death. This list is sure to make you thirstier. water adventures, and will also give you relief from high temperatures and scorching sun summer season.

Standing at a staggering 51.4 meters tall, the dangerous Guinness World Record holder is the Verruckt waterslide. German language means "mad" or "crazy." The waterslide, located at Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City, Kansas, was scheduled to open in late 2012. But due to problems that arose during the construction process, the slide was opened to visitors at the end of July 2014. It was designed by water park co-owner Jeff Henry so that three people sitting in a boat could simultaneously experience the pleasure of falling down from a 17-story building at speeds reaching 100 kilometers per hour. This spectacular slide of Niagara Falls and the Statue of Liberty (not counting the base on which it is installed). The controversial design involves taking hundreds of steps to reach the top.

In a horrific incident that occurred in August 2016, Caleb Schwab, the son of Republican State Representative Scott Schwab, suffered a “fatal neck injury” during a convention in Verruckt and died at the scene. His death shocked the community and led to the slide being (still planned) to be demolished. The Associated Press says Kansas is "known for being too lenient in regulating amusement parks." It appears that the slide was too extreme, which led to the disaster.

Located at Action Park in Vernon, New Jersey, it is the world's longest water slide at 602 meters! The unnamed water slide consists of 20 sections, each 30 meters long. The main material from which the slide is made is polyvinyl chloride, which is also used to make inflatable castles that children love so much. As you guessed, this slide is inflatable. It takes 2 hours to fill it with air, and approximately 3,800 liters of water per hour to operate it, but the descent from it can last 90 seconds.

In 2015, the slide was recognized by Guinness Records as the “longest water slide”, but it was not opened to the public. There were no weight limits set for the slide, so it is unknown how dangerous it could be. Another factor is the “long process” of government certification. However, a select few employees were allowed to ride down the record-breaking slide.

It's not just any slide, it's an American water slide! The Mammoth Coaster, located at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana, consists of several slides and a conveyor belt, allowing visitors who ride it to experience the experience of riding a roller coaster, but in water. The slide, which opened in May 2012, beat out its record-breaking predecessor, the Wildebeest Antelope, which is located in the same water park. Mammoth's unprecedented twists, turns and climbs total a total of 537 meters in length.

The roller coaster is designed with rafts that can accommodate up to six people facing inwards, allowing families to enjoy the extreme fun together. Brave Mammoth conquerors will fall down six times while moving along the slide. The coaster's winding downhill route, overlooking the rest of the Holiday World & Splashin' Safari, can be the ultimate thrill-seeker experience.

Located at Galveston Island's Schlitterbahn Waterpark, MASSIV deserves its name. The fall-defying attraction, located in Galveston, Texas, soars 24.9 meters into the skies and was created to celebrate the park's tenth anniversary. The roller coaster consists of several upward rides and a final triple drop at the end. The slide has been certified by Guinness World Records as the "World's Tallest American Water Coaster."

Although thrill-seekers simply enjoy the slide, its creation required scientific knowledge. Schlitterbahn waterpark lead designer Emily Colombo noted that a balance of “gravity, ride dynamics and speed” is vital to a successful slide. You will definitely like the water one due to the fact that the speed and dynamics of driving on it change. The park's general manager commented that it is this versatility that "we always look for in our attractions."

Providing some respite for thrill-seekers, as well as a haven for those looking to unwind, the lazy river at BSR Cable Park in Waco, Texas, simply flows 1.6 kilometers in length. This gave it the right to be called the longest “lazy river” in the world. The lazy river has parts that are well lit by the sun and those that are in the shade, allowing it to satisfy the tastes of all visitors.

Although it is not very different from other lazy rivers, what it lacks in uniqueness it makes up for in size. The river is suitable for adults and children alike and is guaranteed to provide a refreshing dip in the summer, especially considering the crazy high temperatures that Texas experiences during the summer season.

5. The world's largest outdoor wave pool

Photo: Siam Park City

The first non-American candidate on our list is Siam Park City (a water park, not a city) in the Khan Na Yao area of ​​Bangkok, Thailand. This is not only the most large water park in Asia, but is also home to the world's largest wave pool, according to Guinness World Records. The pool measures an astonishing 13,600 square meters and is designed for young children and adult thrill-seekers. The pool can generate waves up to 1.5 meters high, but staff are careful to ensure they do not exceed 60 centimeters to ensure the safety of all visitors.

Despite safety precautions, wave pools still pose a risk, especially for children. When children fall into such a pool at a depth higher than their height, the constant flow of water and its unevenness create ideal conditions for drowning. But for most, this wave pool can be a great compromise between the calm waters of a lazy river and the fast-moving rapids of a water slide.

4. The world's largest indoor wave pool

Photo: Vr1

Let's go back across the world to shopping mall West Edmonton in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, which has a water park with the world's largest indoor wave pool called Blue Thunder. The pool has four active wave bays, each with panels equipped with a 1,500-horsepower hydraulic device. There are two additional wave bays that have been shut down due to people getting injured due to excessive wave intensity! When all the panels were turned on, the waves were too high and strong for even the most experienced swimmers.

Given the almost endless waves above the swimmer's head, getting out is quite difficult. Thus, Blue Thunder today generates waves of 1.5 to 1.8 meters using only internal bays. The pool can hold a whopping 12.3 million liters of water. After hours, the pool is also often used for private surfing, kayaking, paddleboarding and other similar sports. For this purpose, the waves are made more intense.

What is located in Erding, Germany, reaches a length of 356.3 m and provides great pleasure? Of course, the Magic-Eye slide at the Galaxy Erding water park. This slide is the longest indoor slide in the world, certified by Guinness World Records in November 2010. None of the recently built coasters have been able to surpass the legendary Magic-Eye. The waterslide opened in May 2007 and was built by Klarer Freizeitanlagen AG of Switzerland, a world-renowned leader in waterslide construction.

Magic-Eye's record length is complemented by its 22-meter height. The slide's interior design is exquisite with continuous luminous lines that create an unrivaled experience during the ride. This design may be overwhelming for some visitors due to the stroboscopic effect, which may pose a potential hazard for those with epilepsy who decide to slide down the slide.

2. The biggest outdoor water park USA

Photo: Wisconsin Dells

Noah's Ark Water Park in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin is the largest outdoor water park in the United States. total area which is 283,279 sq. Although the park doesn't have any record-breaking slides, in its own words, all 51 of its attractions make Noah's Ark Water Park a true jewel in the crown of the Wisconsin Dells, which has earned the title of "Water Park Capital of the World." Despite the city's small population, there are as many as 28 water parks, but Noah's Ark Water Park is undoubtedly the main one.

Thrill-seekers can enjoy rides that involve a near-vertical drop where the floor disappears from under your feet, or 400-meter water slides where unexpected turns and collisions await. On the other end of the spectrum, those who prefer a more relaxed experience at Noah's Ark Water Park can enjoy floating on the lazy river or swimming in the wave pool, which turns on and off every ten minutes.

Some of the more extreme rides are not operating properly. For example, it's not uncommon for riders to get stuck on the Scorpio coaster, where they actually make a loop (like a roller coaster). This demonstrates how risky they can be water activities. Although Wisconsin's weather ranges from hot in the summer to cold in the winter, the Wisconsin Dells also has plenty of indoor water parks to satisfy extreme sports enthusiasts' desires. water recreation all year round.

1. The world's largest indoor water park

Photo: Technouwe

Completing the list, we return to Germany to the large water park Tropical Islands Resort, located in the city of Krausnick, southeast of the capital, Berlin. This stunning indoor water park covers an area of ​​64,750 meters and can accommodate up to 6,000 guests at any one time.

The luxurious Tropical Islands Resort is a place for all ages to relax, with areas to simply splash around, as well as water slides for the young, large rides and a Bali-inspired lagoon, ideal for adults looking for adventure and looking to unwind. Tropical Islands Water Park is climate-controlled and has a glass roof, allowing everyone to enjoy the sunshine regardless of the annual temperature difference outside.

It’s summer, it’s hot, I really want to relax, soak in the warm gentle water, enjoy summer vacation and just relax. Residents of cities, and especially megacities, rarely go to the sea or river on their day off, so there remains one more simple and accessible option - a water park. A cozy swimming pool, special slides, relaxation for the little ones and extreme entertainment for adults - who would refuse such a cool pleasure in the sweltering heat?

Modern water parks are creating increasingly dangerous entertainment for those who like to tickle their nerves, but even among this exciting and frightening variety, certain options can be distinguished. Few people will be able to overcome their fear when going down these slides, because this is really for those who want to get a sea of ​​​​emotions, an ocean of pleasure and pamper themselves with a tsunami of adrenaline. But, rightfully, they are called the most scary water parks world, and now you will find out why. You might want to visit one of these exciting places and enjoy all the services on offer.

Fifth place "Jump up"

The Atlantis water park is located in the Bahamas and is famous for one interesting water slide. It can be compared to jumping without a parachute directly into the mouth of sharks. And the most amazing thing is that this is practically true. The descent initially does not foretell trouble, but the moment you enter the water you find yourself in a glass pipe that goes straight into the pool with sharks. Not only is there more than five meters of water above your head, but these beautiful and dangerous predators are circling around the glass pipe. The adrenaline level after such entertainment should skyrocket. However, the queue for the slide is not decreasing, but rather becoming even more popular.

Fourth place "Scorpion's Tail"

The Noah's Ark water park offers no less exciting and interesting entertainment for those who want to tickle their nerves a little. This wonderful place is located in America, it is notable for its sharp vertical cliff, and it is simply impossible to predict it and prepare mentally. You, along with the frantic pressure of the water, will simply rush down at a stunning speed, and then the dizzying current will simply carry you around in a circle, taking your breath away with delight and fear. Well, for a snack, you fly out of this pipe with great speed in a dizzying turn, and the pool takes your mortal body into its hospitable embrace.

Third place "Wildebeest"

This wonderful water park is among the top scariest water parks in the world, thanks to its dizzying roller coasters. Surprised? Engineering thought came up with such a miracle when water slides turned into roller coasters. And you can ride on them, too, with whole groups, and when a stream of seething water carries you through dizzying turns, descents and ascents, it is quite difficult to maintain composure and keep your emotions inside. Such entertainment will tickle your nerves no worse than a real roller coaster, and perhaps even more so.

Second place "King Cobra"

Surprised unusual name? The slide also looks completely unusual; riding it is like kissing a king cobra. The entire slide is made in the shape of a snake, and you can ride it on small inflatable rafts. Just a couple of dizzying turns of the pipe and you fly straight onto the cobra’s hood, where it’s not so easy to stay on. If you push harder at the start, you might even be able to pull the cobra's fangs, because it's so exciting.

First place "Madness"

And crowning the top of our list is the most scary water park in the world, or rather the most terrible slide in the world - “ Beach Park", and she is considered the most high slide in the world, it goes down almost vertically and riding it is real Brazilian madness. Only the most courageous brave souls can afford to slide down, and the descent will only take about 5 seconds. You will fly through this slide at a speed of over one hundred kilometers per hour. Just imagine this figure and realize that this is more than the permissible car speed in the city. The experience is truly breathtaking, adding vibrant colors and lifelong memories. The main thing is not to go crazy from such an adrenaline rush! Just a joke, of course. But it’s really worth visiting this place and enjoying the madness on offer.

There are different water parks with their own features, extreme slides, incredible offers and other tricks to lure more visitors. Today you learned about the most famous and outstanding slides and water parks, where you can relax and gain a supply of new impressions for the whole year ahead.

The main thing is to relax and always enjoy life, no matter whether you are sliding down the biggest slide in the world or just reading this article. Discover new world and new opportunities.

01/06/2017 17/03/2019 TanyaVU 696

The Insano water slide is located in the Fortaleza Beach Park water park. It was the first water park built in Brazil in the resort of Fortaleza in 1989. Initially, the water park had only three beach slides. Now Fortaleza Beach Park is huge entertainment center with an area of ​​180,000 sq. m. In addition to the water park, there are museums, cafes, souvenir shops, conference rooms, and the Beach Park Hotel Suites Resort 5*.
But, of course, the main attraction is the Insano water slide. Its height is 41 meters! For comparison, this is equal to the height of a 14-story building, and the descent from it is almost vertical! Only a madman would dare to ride from it. Having climbed the hill, you understand what a bird's eye view means. You see the beautiful port city of Fortaleza and the incredibly beautiful coastline Atlantic Ocean in full view.
The flight itself from the Insano slide lasts no more than 5-6 seconds, during which the daredevil experiences an extraordinary range of feelings. Still, the speed of descent reaches 105 meters/hour!
Anyone who goes down such a high Insano water slide wants to have videos and photos. When descending, you can watch the video at a point next to the slide and redeem it. Agree, it’s interesting to watch a person who, in a matter of seconds, develops a speed equal to the speed of a speeding car. Anyone taller than 140 cm tall and does not have cardiovascular diseases can ride Insano, the world’s tallest water slide.
A visit to the Fortaleza Beach Park water park will cost 45 Euros for an adult and 40 Euros for children.
For more than 15 years, Insano remained the highest and scariest slide in the whole world.

In 2005, the Kilimanjaro water slide was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest water slide in the world. Its height is 49.9 meters! This is the height of a 17-story building. You have to be completely crazy to dare to go down from it. The slide was built in 1999 in Brazil at the Aquas Quentes Country Club water park near Rio de Janeiro. With a height of about 50 meters, Kilimanjaro has an inclination angle of 60 degrees. This allows you to reach a speed of 100 meters/hour during the descent, i.e., a visitor who dares to ride this crazy slide slides down in 5 seconds. In 2014, the Schlitterbahn water park should open in Kansas City. Its creators claim that the Verrückt slide will be higher than Kilimanjaro, and a new world record will be set.

Who among us, having visited a water park, has not dreamed of riding the longest water slide? To feel even more adrenaline, even more speed and drive. Then you need to visit Entertainment Center"Holiday World & Splashin" Safari". It is located in the USA in the state of Indiana in the city of Santa Claus. Just imagine, this park has two of the longest water slides in the world! These are Wildebeest and Mammoth. "). They are a crazy roller coaster. You will find an exciting descent and ascent, with drops and turns of more than 500 meters in length. The Wildebeest slide was opened in 2010, then it was considered the longest water slide in the world. If only its length was 520 meters! The journey along this slide lasts only 2.5 minutes, but what! A dizzying flight awaits you at different angles of inclination, you will drop from a height of 20 meters to 12 meters. During the descent you will fall into the closed sections of the pipe. For descent, an inflatable raft is used, which is designed for 4 people. For this slide, there is a restriction on the height of visitors (above 110 cm). The slide was awarded the status of "Best New Waterpark Ride" in 2010.

In 2012, this world record was broken. On May 11, 2012, the “Mammoth” slide was opened in the same water park. The length of "Mammoth" is 537 meters! This is the longest water slide in the world! A new boat was developed especially for “Mammoth”. It is designed for six people. Your flight will last 3 minutes. This giant slide alternates between open areas and closed tunnels. During the descent you will find 6 turns, the height of the highest is 21 meters (this is the height of a 7-story building). Imagine you are flying down at an incline of 45 degrees, as visitors say, this is the scariest and most memorable section of the slide! There is also a height limit of 110 cm; a child under 120 cm can ride the longest water slide only if accompanied by an adult.

The Wet n'Wild Water World water park, which is located in the city of Oxenford in Australia, is visited by more than 1 million people annually. This is the eighth most visited place in the world! Why does it attract guests so much? Maybe because it is the largest water park in Australia? Or maybe because it belongs to the famous film company “Warner Brosers”, and is part of a thematic Warner Park Village, dedicated to your favorite Disney characters.
Or the “Wet n` Wild Water World” water park, whose name translates as “Wild water world", attracts with its extreme and crazy slides?
Judge for yourself, this is one of the few water parks where there is an unusual slide “AquaLoop” or “Water Loop”. It amazes and shocks! You need to be a real extreme sports enthusiast to dare to ride this slide! The creators themselves describe it this way: “At the beginning of the launch, you get into the capsule, the hatch closes, and you wait in anticipation of the unknown. The countdown is 3..2..1. The audience is looking at you somewhere below. Then the floor literally collapses under your feet and you fall 17 meters! Then you find yourself in a loop, and the water carries you at a speed of 60 meters along bends almost 90 meters long, and pushes you out with splashes.” I would like to clarify, the flight lasts only 7 seconds, and you reach this speed in just 2 seconds. The slide itself is made of transparent material, which allows spectators to watch the extreme descent. The very first “AquaLoop” or “Water Loop” slide with a loop was opened in Slovenia at the TERME 3000 water park in 2008. It was one of the most extreme slides in the world!

When describing the scariest slides, one cannot fail to mention water slides with sharks. In the United Arab Emirates there is an unusual water park called “Aquaventure”. If you come here at least once, you will definitely fall in love with this place. It is located on the First artificial Palm Island. Neptune's Tower rises proudly above the palm trees. It can be seen from any corner of the Aquaventure water park. It is the one you need to climb to ride the super extreme slide called “Leap of Faith” - a water slide with sharks. From a height of 27 meters, an almost vertical descent awaits the daredevil. The jump from a 9-story building ends with you plunging through a transparent pipe into a pool filled with sharks and rays.
Next, you quickly rush through a pipe in water infested with sharks. Only a thin glass separates you from them! Imagine the range of feelings you experience before the descent, looking down at these predatory beauties. Another no less extreme water slide with sharks is located on the other side of the world, namely in America. In Las Vegas, the city of entertainment, a luxurious Golden Nugget hotel was built with a swimming pool and a water slide with sharks, which not everyone dares to ride. The slide itself starts on the third floor of the hotel and ends on the first. You go down a closed pipe, then suddenly your descent continues in a transparent pipe. And you find yourself in an aquarium, where you swim past swimming sharks. And only thin glass protects you from the toothy predators that are watching the visitors. Your descent ends in a pool, some of the walls of which are transparent.
While walking through the park, you can watch one of the most extreme water slides in Japan. Yes, you read that right. Japan's crazy roller coaster ends underwater. The joyful cries of people, a huge column of water that rises up when the coaster touches the surface.

The water slide, called Vanish rollercoaster, opened in Japan in 1999. During this time, several million people rode it. Just 700 yen and you will have the most unforgettable ride on a roller coaster that only exists in Japan. The most extreme Japanese water slide is pink. You see her in the photo. Pay attention to its length.

The total length of the slide is almost a kilometer. Just imagine how fast the descent occurs if it takes you less than 2 minutes to cover this distance! First, the dizzying turns of the roller coaster await you, and then... at an angle of almost 45 degrees you are rapidly rushing towards the water. A column of water immediately rises up It only lowers when the last visitors disappear under the water. Only later do you find out that the coaster has lowered into the tunnel, the splash turns on automatically, and the people who dared to ride Japan's most unusual water slide didn't even get wet!

But you must admit, how beautiful it is! Especially in the evening, when the Vanish rollercoaster water slide is illuminated with multi-colored lights! Against the backdrop of the tall skyscrapers of Japan, which are located in the Port of the Future, it looks very mesmerizing! If you are in Yokohama, you want to climb the most tall skyscraper in Japan, pay attention to how CosmoWorld Park looks from a height of 296 meters. The impressive rides look very tiny and not scary at all from such a height.

At the water park, even adults pay attention to the large slides. This fun is not just for little people. After all, for their own amusement people have built real monsters that can scare even an avid lover of water recreation.

Wiegand Maelzer Slide Tower, Area47, Tyrol, Austria. Tyrol usually attracts extreme sports enthusiasts in winter. After all, during ski season you can ride with the breeze. But in the summer you can have a good rest here. The unique Area47 water park offers a breathtaking descent. Having risen to a height of 30 meters, everyone can decide on the spot which of the five slides to slide down. The most dangerous of them is a 100-meter trench, twisted in the form of a spiral. The most desperate ones can decide to slide down a special 30-meter slope on a special board that resembles a snowboard. Only at the end of the route does a surprise await the extreme sports enthusiast in the form of a springboard.

Divertical, Mirabilandia, Ravenna, Italy. An interesting hybrid of water and roller coasters recently appeared in this Italian amusement park. Construction of the slide was completed in 2012 and cost $26 million. A dozen people climb up on a trailer. At the same time, the height is about 60 meters, it should be noted that this is the largest such attraction in the world. The carriage begins to rapidly rush down the rails along a bizarrely curved path. As a result, amid the screams of excited people, the transport flies into the pools. A sea of ​​spray immediately rises up, falling on the passengers. The dive occurs at an angle of 45 degrees at a speed of 65 km/h.

Toboggan, Città del Mare Hotel Village, Palermo, Italy. IN picturesque place The islands of Sicily have 11 steep descents into the water. It’s interesting that not all paths end in a pool; some throw people straight into the Mediterranean Sea. Only at such high speed you won’t be able to admire marine species Bay of Castellammare, but this can be done later, relaxing on a sun lounger near the pool.

The Leap of Faith, Aquaventure, Dubai, UAE. This huge water park is located on the “small palm” island in Dubai. At this entertainment center you can swim with dolphins, ride on an inflatable torus along the lazy river, and then just lie on the excellent sandy beach. But many people come here because of the ziggurat. Having climbed this tower, you are invited to choose your entertainment according to your level of courage. You can ride through a transparent underwater tunnel that runs right among the kingdom of sharks swimming here, or you can take a “Leap of Faith” - down a vertical chute from a height of 30 meters. There is a similar water park in the Bahamas. There, in 2008, a real reef shark broke into the pool. It's good that the attraction was closed to visitors at this time. But the unfortunate creature could not tolerate chlorinated water and died.

RideHouse, Happy Magic Water Cube Waterpark, Beijing, China. The Chinese managed to radically modify the usual swimming pool. After the end of the Olympics, it was rebuilt, creating the largest water park in Asia. The design is amazing - there are valves, water cannons, jellyfish, nets... Visitors will not be bored - you can ride down a seven-story slide, swim in a pool with waves, soak in a jacuzzi with deep-sea tornadoes. But most interesting entertainment here is the Ridehouse. This structure combines as many as 12 slides. At the same time, while some daredevils rush through the curved labyrinths, a huge cube of water is poured onto others standing in line every 2 minutes.

Behemoth Bowl, Chimelong Water Park, Guangzhou, China. Few people dare to ride the hippo slide at Chimelong Water Park. Rare daredevils are seated on a small inflatable raft. It accelerates through a translucent hundred-meter tunnel to a speed of 10 meters per second. Then the structure flies out into a large bowl and, after circling in it, falls into the drainage hole in the middle. And only then do people enter the pool through the chute. At the same time, the system for accurately passing the raft along the path specified by the engineers even received a patent, which guarantees safety.

Insano, Beach Park, Aquiraz, Brazil. Even though this 40-meter slide is not the highest in the world, people here at the Brazilian resort can fly almost perpendicular to the ground for about 5 seconds. Insano is a fairly simple design - it's a single slope, it's just quite steep. The moments of traveling along a sheer chute from the height of a 14-story building will certainly be remembered for a lifetime. After all, in a short time a person will accelerate to a speed of 100 km/h, and you can understand what exactly happened once you are in the pool. Although the slide is not the highest in the world, 788 thousand people came to ride it or just admire the high-speed races in 2011.

Mount Gushmore's Summit Plummet, Blizzard Beach at Walt Disney World, Orlando, USA. It's strange to see snow in the hot summer. But the first thing that catches your eye in this amusement park is the 30-meter high snow-covered mountain. At its top there is a small wooden house. From here you can slide down the chute, and at the end of the path there will be a small springboard. Jumping on it, you can feel the chilling horror of a free fall from a height of 36 meters and at a speed of 100 km/h. The scenic hill at Disney Park is the most photographed man-made mountain in the world.

King Cobra, Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, Jackson, USA. It is no coincidence that the name of the king cobra was given to this hill. It is the longest snake on the planet. Inside the 78-meter slide, painted with red, black and orange stripes, you can accelerate down the tube to a speed of 50 km/h. At the same time, a lover of such entertainment will have to overcome unexpected turns and sharp, dizzying descents. The attraction appeared in 2012, but has already become a sensation. Today this water slide is one of the scariest in the world.

AquaDuck, cruise ships Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy. The creators of these cruise ships tried to create real water parks on them. That is why the AquaDuck attraction turned out to be unique, and it is also worth considering its size. While the ship plows the oceans, any passenger can pass the time by traveling on a two-person inflatable raft along a transparent acrylic tube. The start is from the stern on the 12th deck, then the route runs directly over the side of the ship at an altitude of 45 meters above the water level.

Wild Vortex, Wielderness at the Smokies, USA. In this water park, most of the attractions are hidden under a large roof, allowing you to enjoy thrills all year round. However, adrenaline junkies choose the one located under open air Wild Vortex slide. Its height is 20 meters, and it opened in June 2012. The entire ride only lasts 7 seconds, but don't underestimate this attraction. Sharp vertical climbs and loops make the game feel gravity, and riders experience up to 2.5 G's. In addition, the slide promises a surprise - at the start, the hatch under the person suddenly opens and the first 12 meters of the path pass in a state of free fall.

Cliffanger, Schlitterbahn, Galveston, USA. This amusement park opened in 2007. The “climber” mountain became the highest of all four such American institutions. Here, too, the beginning of the path begins with an almost sheer drop down. People fly into the water at speeds of 35 miles per hour after just 25 meters of travel. It should be noted that this slide is open, so extreme sports enthusiasts can see how quickly the world around them flashes before their eyes.

Mammoth, Holiday World and Splashin’ Safari, Santa Claus, USA. This water slide cost $5.5 million. For its operation, a special asynchronous linear motor is used. From the 7-story-high “Mammoth” slide, the water park itself began to expand. The raft trip itself through a large pipe will cover an area of ​​1.2 hectares, which is a record. 6 passengers rush along a 3.5 meter wide chute. The width of the raft is about 2.5 meters. It constantly rotates through the water, so any crew member can end up facing anywhere. The path passes through several dark tunnels. The height of the slide is 21 meters, and the total length of the path is 1763 meters. The total travel time is about 3 minutes.

Incredible facts

At the Schlitterbahn water park in Kansas, USA, there is a water slide called Verruckt (meaning "crazy, crazy" in German).

4 people can go down the raft at once and they will go down at a speed of approximately 104 km/h.

The highest slide

This design claims to be the tallest roller coaster in the world.

On this moment The exact height of the water slide has not been disclosed since the official opening is set for May 23, 2014, but it is known that the slide will be approximately the height of a 17-story building.

It is worth noting that so far the tallest slide in the world, included in the Guinness Book of Records, is the Insano slide in the Brazilian amusement park Beach Park in Fortaleza.

While the coaster in Kansas has not opened, you can visit it virtually.

The scariest water slides in the world

Water slides of the world: Insano

The slide owes its name to the crazy descent that causes dizziness. The height of the slide is 41 meters, which is slightly higher than a 14-story building.

Despite the fact that the fun lasts only 4-5 seconds, few can resist accelerating to speeds of over 100 km/h.

Large water slides: Summit Plummet

Visitors to the Blizzard Beach Water Park, located at Walt Disney World, can't help but miss the 110-meter-long slide, which can ride at a speed of 95 km/h.

Biggest water slide: The Mammoth

Located in Indiana's Splashin' Safari Water Park, this hydromagnetic attraction has 7 descents (the highest is 21 meters high).

Those wishing to ride are located in the round vehicle, which does not leave the boundaries of the slide. One walk can last up to 4 minutes.

Extreme water slides: L2

Those who have already tried this slide think twice before riding it again. It is located in the Austrian water park "Wave die Worgler Wasserwelt" and boasts of being the first double loop water slide.

First you need to stand in a certain box, from where they lower you down, and you “fall” about 14 meters before the crazy turns begin.

Water slides: Cliffhanger

This slide from Schlitterbahn Park, Galveston, Texas, rises 25 meters.

It provides people with easy ups and downs. And yet it stands out for its height when compared with similar slides, speed and steep descents on which you can reach speeds of 55 km/h.

The scariest water slide: Scorpion's Tail

"Scorpion's Tail" can be found at Noah's Ark Family Park, Wisconsin. The height of this slide is approximately the height of a 10-story building, and the length is almost 122 meters.

You enter the capsule, the door is closed behind you, and after 3 seconds the floor collapses under you and you, almost from a right angle, begin to “fall” down, accelerating at a speed of about 15 meters per second. The only thing that slows down the fall is the loop of the slide. Among other things, you can perfectly see everything that is happening outside, because... The slide is made of transparent fiberglass.