The most unusual lakes in the world (10 photos). The most unusual lakes in the world The most famous and amazing lakes in the world

On our planet there are a huge number of beautiful bodies of water, which differ radically from each other in their colors, composition, size and other characteristics.

1. acid lake, Sicily.

The Sicilian lake is the most dangerous in the world. Its waters contain a high concentration of sulfuric acid, which enters the lake from underground sources. Naturally, there are no fish in the lake and coming close to it is deadly for both animals and humans. Locals They called this body of water the lake of death. However, it is precisely this composition of the lake that makes it stunningly beautiful.

2. Jellyfish Lake, Palau.

In the Republic of Palau there is a one-of-a-kind lake that is home to several million golden and moon jellyfish. Diving in the underwater space of this lake turns into a breathtaking adventure. You will not be able to see such an enchanting spectacle anywhere else.

3. Morning Glory Lake, Yellowstone.

Another beautiful lake is located in national park Yellowstone, in the United States of America. To be more precise, this body of water is a hot spring, which originally had a crystal blue color. Over time, numerous tourists to the park littered its waters with coins, which is why the lake changed its color to an emerald hue at its core. deep place, and around the edges it turned bright yellow.

4. Peach Lake, Trinidad.

The asphalt lake Peach Lake rightfully deserves the title of one of the most unusual lakes in the world. It is located in the crater mud volcano and you won’t be able to swim in it. This reservoir contains natural asphalt, which has the ability to attract stationary objects. This is the only lake on which you can walk.

5. Lake Hillier, Australia.

This is one of the most beautiful pink lakes of our planet. The completely unexpected color of this lake attracts many tourists to Australia, but scientists still cannot determine the reason for this color of the water. The landscapes of this place are unique, because pink lake is located very close to the Indian Ocean coast, which creates a sharp contrast of colors.

6. Kliluk Lake, Canada.

Lake Kliluk is also called spotted lake because the mineral rocks contained in its waters, depending on the time of year, form hard mounds on which you can walk. And between such passages there are small lakes that shimmer in different colors from the sun’s rays. Today, the territory of the lake is fenced off, and tourists cannot approach the water, although even the view of such water spots is stunning.

7. Lake Gippsland, Australia.

There is a completely unique luminous lake in the world, in the waters of which bioluminescent living organisms live. Of course, the glow mainly occurs at night, but it can also be seen during the day in the falling rays of the sun penetrating into the depths of the lake.

8. Lakes Kelimutu, Indonesia.

In Indonesia you can see the fantastic landscapes of three crater lakes, which can change color according to their mood. Basically, the lakes take on the color of blue, olive and blood red. To climb to the top of the volcano, a special path was made for tourists, but not everyone uses it, but goes around it along the edge of the lakes, which is very dangerous due to the vapors emanating from the water.

9. Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan.

This lake is special because it consists of salty and fresh water. A small peninsula divides it into two parts, which are strikingly different from each other. This lake is a popular destination for fishermen and hunters as it is home to many species of fish and birds.

10. Lake Nakuru, Kenya.

This Kenyan lake is considered one of the most amazing sights on the entire planet. Its unusualness lies not only in its nature, but also in its inhabitants. Since the lake has high salinity, there is practically no fish here, but this place is very popular with birds, namely pink flamingos. The number of these birds is simply amazing, because here you can see thousands and even more species of large and small flamingos, which is not something you see every day.

11. Lake of Five Flowers, China.

The lake is located in one of the nature reserves in China, Jiuzhaigou. This reservoir has several features: it is the only local water source that does not freeze in winter time year, every season the lake changes its color from yellow to green, and its water is so transparent that through the great depth you can clearly see the bottom of this amazing pool.

12. Lake Hamilton Pool, USA.

In Texas you can see a very amazing lake, which is both underground and above ground. Hamilton Pool has a 15-meter waterfall, a beautiful arch made of limestone rocks, and of course, picturesque lake, which numerous tourists from all over the world love to visit.

10 most unusual lakes on our planet.

10 most unusual lakes on our planet.

Spotted Lake

The first unusual lake we will talk about is the spotted lake Kliluk. It is located in the province of British Columbia in western Canada.

Spotted Lake

The uniqueness of the lake is that its water contains the largest amount of minerals in the world (among all lakes): magnesium sulfate, calcium, sodium sulfate, silver, titanium.

In summer most of The water evaporates and the minerals harden, forming natural rings around the water that you can safely walk on. The water that forms large spots on the lake at different times of the year turns a certain color depending on its mineral composition. This results in a spotted lake.

Chameleon lakes are located on the Indonesian island of Flores in the crater of the Kelimutu volcano at an altitude of 1639 meters. The last time the volcano woke up was in 1968, after which it fell asleep, and at its top three depressions formed in the magma, which over time were filled with precipitation.

Chameleon lakes of Kelimutu volcano.

The resulting three reservoirs periodically change color from black to turquoise. Color changes occur due to chemical reactions occurring between various minerals and gas.

For example, the concentration of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids causes a green color, and the reaction between iron and hydrogen sulfide produces a reddish tint. The color of the water changes unpredictably, the last time the colors were: green, black and dark green. And before this, the lakes were painted white, turquoise and red. And even earlier, in 2009, the lakes were black, turquoise and brown.

30 kilometers from Dakar there is a pink lake. Initially, the lake was a lagoon connected by a narrow channel to the ocean. But the Atlantic surf washed the sand and over time covered the channel, and so it was formed salt Lake. The salt concentration in the lake is 1.5 times higher than in the Dead Sea - 380 grams per liter.

Retba is a pink lake in Senegal.

But the unusualness of this lake lies not in its salinity, but in its color. The lake has a unique pink color due to the bacteria living in it - cyanobacteria. Apart from them, no one else lives in the lake. The color of the water ranges from light pink to brown. The shade depends on the time of day, cloudiness or wind. Strong winds activate the cyanobacteria and begin to produce more of the pink enzyme.

The increased salinity of the lake makes it possible for local residents to earn a living. Every day, dozens of local men go by boat to the middle of the lake and, standing waist-deep in water, use special sticks to break the salt deposits at the bottom of the lake. The resulting salt is loaded into boats with shovels and transported to the shore. To prevent water with a high concentration of salt from corroding the skin into non-healing ulcers (for this it will only take tens of minutes), miners, before entering the water, rub themselves with shea butter extracted from the fruits of the tallow tree.

Due to active salt mining, the pink lake Retba is becoming smaller and smaller every year, and if protection measures are not taken soon unique lake, then soon it may disappear from the face of our earth.

Lake “Morning Glory”.

The lake is located in the USA in Yellowstone National Park. The unusualness of the lake lies in its depth, color and temperature. The lake itself is small, but its depth reaches up to 2200 meters. The water in the lake changes color from dark purple to turquoise, and sometimes turns completely green.

Lake " Morning Glory”.

Since the lake is located on the surface of the big volcano in the world, then it behaves accordingly: it either boils like water in a kettle, or explodes like a geyser. Unusual name the lake acquired in 1883 due to its shape. The fact is that the shape of the lake is similar to the bindweed flower, which in the USA is called “morning glory”.

Unfortunately, due to numerous tourists, the lake has lost some of its features. Tourists throw coins into the lake, which clog the source that heats the lake, causing the water temperature to drop to 50 degrees and the lake to stop bubbling. But the park staff do not give up and are trying to artificially cause an explosion of the geyser in order to clear the passage between the source and the lake.

Mirror Lake.

Mirror Lake is located in southwestern Bolivia. In fact, this is the world's largest dry salt lake - the Salar de Uyuni. Its area is about 10,582 sq. km.

Mirror Lake.

It contains more than 10 billion tons of salt. During the rainy season, the bowl of the dried lake is completely filled with water and the surface turns into a real mirror, which reflects the blue Bolivian sky.

Lake of jellyfish.

Jellyfish Lake is located in the archipelago of the Republic of Palau. On the islands of the archipelago there are three unique lakes, which have no analogues in the world, in which jellyfish live - Mastigias.

There are about 25 million individuals in each lake. It is completely safe for a person to be among jellyfish, because in the process of evolution in the waters of a closed lake, jellyfish have lost the ability to sting and do not get burned at all.

Lake of jellyfish.

Usually the jellyfish cluster together in the middle of the lake, forming a solid wall and allowing divers to interact with them.

Jellyfish Lake is very popular among tourists, but you can only swim in it on the surface. The fact is that at a depth of more than ten meters, the water becomes toxic and it is for this reason that no organisms, except jellyfish, have taken root in the lake.

Asphalt lake.

An asphalt lake called Peach Lake is located in the crater of a mud volcano on the island of Trinidad located in the seas Caribbean.

The lake was formed after the Caribbean continental plate broke, causing oil to rise up the fault. And after passing through the crater of a volcano, under the influence of evaporation of volatile substances, oil turns into asphalt.

Peach Lake is the world's largest source of natural bitumen, covering more than 40 hectares and reaching a depth of 75 meters. Asphalt development is underway here; about 150 thousand tons of natural bitumen are extracted per year.

Asphalt lake.

The extracted material is exported to the USA, China and England, and is subsequently used in construction.

Lake with bubbles.

Lake Abraham is an artificial reservoir created in 1972 in Canada to collect spring waters. In appearance, the lake is completely unremarkable, but with the onset of winter it attracts tourists from all over globe to look at a natural phenomenon.

Lake with bubbles.

What is unique about this lake? Here's the thing. Every winter, the ice cover of the lake is covered with an unusual pattern, which is formed in the ice from frozen gas bubbles.

The reason for this phenomenon is that methane bubbles rise from the bottom of the lake to the already frozen edge of the ice.

Lake with bubbles.

They freeze at different depths and thanks to this, such an unusual visual effect is obtained. And look at their fantastic beauty.

This artificial lake is located in China in the Zhejiang province and was formed during the construction of a hydroelectric power station in 1959. Some time after the construction of the hydroelectric power station, the artificial lake became a little shallow and bizarre sandy islands appeared above the water.

And after a few more years, all these islands were covered with lush grass and green trees, birds settled there and the islands came to life. In total, there are more than 1000 islands on the lake, which is why it received its name. The water in Qiandaohu Lake is so pure that a Chinese brand is based on it mineral water Nongfu Spring.

Lake of the Thousand Islands Qiandaohu.

And in 2002, two ancient cities were found under the lake, the age of which is estimated at about 1800 years. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the cities of Chun'an and Sui'an were located on the site of the lake. During the dives, divers examined the city of Sui'an and found that the buildings were preserved in excellent condition. Now local Chinese authorities are thinking about how to attract as many tourists as possible here.

Ideas to drain the lake or organize mass scuba diving were rejected. Now there are plans to create an underwater transparent tunnel through which tourists can move and see underwater sights.

Green Lake in Austria.

Amazing lake called Gruner See ( Green Lake) is located in Austria in the foothills of the Hochschwab Mountains near the town of Tragoss. From August to April it is an ordinary, unremarkable lake, 1-2 meters deep, around which there is a small park with a green lawn, paved paths and benches. But in the spring, metamorphoses occur with the lake: the snow on the surrounding mountains begins to melt and flow in stormy streams into the lowlands, where the lake is located.

The bowl of the lake is not at all designed for such an amount of water. After some time, the water begins to overflow its banks and absorb the space around it. And along with it, benches, lawns, and walking paths go under water. The depth of Green Lake during this period increases to 10-12 meters, and thanks to the melted mountain snow, the water in the lake is absolutely transparent.

And they called it green only because the mountain, lush grass, after the park’s territory was flooded, continues to grow under the water column and gives the lake an emerald hue.

Despite the fact that the water in the lake is icy, no more than 6-7 degrees Celsius, in the spring season it attracts a lot of tourist divers. After all, where else can you sit on an underwater bench and walk along an underwater path? By the end of July, the lake returns to its normal state, and the park becomes the property of pedestrian tourists......until next spring.

The vast majority of lakes are not only sources of fresh water, but also interesting places visits for tourists and travelers. We will present here nine of the most original lakes in the world, and tell you why exactly they are amazing and why they are worth visiting.

(10 photos of amazing lakes)

There are no lakes in the world deeper than Baikal! It is located in Russian Federation on South Eastern Siberia. Resembling with its outlines a nascent new moon, the lake stretches, if you look at the map, from northeast to southwest. Its greatest depth is 1642 meters.
Not in the world cleaner than water than in Baikal! It is a huge natural reservoir storing 20 percent of the world's and 90 percent of Russia's fresh water reserves. 336 rivers and streams carry their waters to Baikal, and the Selenga River brings half of all the water entering it into the lake. And the Angara is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal. The water from the lake is amazing and unique. It is absolutely transparent, clean and rich in oxygen. There are even seals in it. Baikal water was considered healing, and various diseases were treated with it.

There are no mountain lakes in the world with more fresh water reserves than Titicaca! It is located on the border of the South American countries of Bolivia and Peru.
From an airplane, the lake looks like a sea, and from the shore it partly resembles a vast marshy swamp overgrown with reeds, which local residents have adapted for the construction of their homes and habitat islands, making clothes, hats, bags and other things. Local legend says that in ancient times, the Aymara Indians, crossing Titicaca in their pirogues, entered the territory of the Incas. These peoples failed to get along, but the proud Aymara did not even think of returning - they decided to stay and live here, sailing on the lake. Since then they have lived on the reed raft islands.

Cheongji is unique in its volcanic origin. This is the highest crater lake. It is located on the border of the People's Republic of China and North Korea at an altitude of 2189 meters, which is why it is called the “Heavenly Lake”.
Cheongji is surrounded by mountains with winding paths, which can even be traveled on horseback. There are a number of North Korean legends about the lake here. Once upon a time, Hwanun came down from the sky to its shores, whose son became the founder of the Korean state of Gojoseon. The second most popular myth is the legend of Kim Jong Il: lakeside residents seriously assure visitors that the son of Kim Il Sung, the founder of the DPRK, was born on the shores of this lake.

The Crater, like our Baikal, is one of the clearest lakes in the world. It is located in the USA.
You can get there by excursion bus, departing from Ashland, or on personal car. The distance to the Crater is 53 kilometers. It is advisable to keep in mind that the road around the lake opens at the end of spring and closes for the winter in October. Driving along it brings true pleasure from the amazing lake landscape that opens up. The Klamath Indians consider it sacred. Until the mid-19th century, they kept the location of the Crater secret, preventing white-skinned explorers from approaching it. It was not until 1853 that John Wesley Hillman became the first white person to visit the lake. He gave it the name "Deep blue Lake" US President Theodore Roosevelt declared the area surrounding the Crater a national park in 1902. The main attractions of the lake are a small volcanic island called “Koldovskoy”, and “Lake Old Man” - a nine-meter log floating upright in the water for over a hundred years.

Nakuru is a lake located 140 kilometers from the capital of Kenya, Nairobi (Africa).
It is densely populated by small flamingos. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of birds, taking off and landing, form a continuous pink blanket of various shades. Flamingos are not alone on Nakuru. In addition to them, there are many ducks, cormorants, pelicans, herons, black terns - in total about four hundred species of birds. The lake is surrounded by the same name national park. On the way to the water, a tourist can meet zebras, hippos, giraffes, antelopes, lions, leopards and cheetahs.

A unique lake consisting of countless small lakes. Kliluk is located in Canada (North America).
In the summer, almost all the water in it evaporates, and sedimentary minerals harden and create “paths” between 365 irregular honeycomb lakes, thanks to which the lake received the name “Spotted Lake.” It is also unique that there are no traces of human activity nearby - not a single souvenir shop, not to mention hotels. For twenty years, local residents protected Kliluk and its surroundings from the encroachments of businessmen, preserving them in their original form, and not in vain. They completely bought the territory and made it a protected area in 2001.

Jiuzhaigou is an unfrozen “Lake of Five Colors” in China (Asia).
It would seem that what is surprising here? The surface of the lake is free of ice all year round, although there is none thermal spring. The bottom of the reservoir is covered with driftwood, and in general, the water in the lake should be cloudy, but again, for a still unknown reason, it remains transparent and clean. Every day, hundreds of tourist buses take travelers along a route along intricately curved lakes and thundering waterfalls surrounded by thickets of bamboo.

Peach Lake looks like an ordinary polluted lake. It is located in the Caribbean. States - Trinidad and Tobago.
The uniqueness is that the water in the lake is saturated with liquid natural asphalt. It is estimated that there are about six million tons of it here, which will last for another four hundred years. By the way, the liquid composition of Peach Lake is not just thick, smoking asphalt. There are quite a few places in it to...swim. Therefore, almost 20,000 people come here every year. There is also a camp site on the shore.

Located in Australia, Recherche archipelago. This is a unique pink pond, the likes of which are not found anywhere in the world.
Can you imagine the water being pink? Scientists are still scratching their heads to this day as to why the lake water is so strangely tinted. At first it was assumed that algae was to blame, but water samples showed that this was not the reason: there was not a single algae in it that initiated the pink color. The lake is bordered by a belt of white salt and an evergreen eucalyptus forest. There is one more “feature” of this reservoir - all Hiller’s photographs were taken from a bird’s eye view. Tourist visits to Middle Island, where this lake turns pink, are prohibited.

HD video of Flamingos on Lake Nakuru

Many times photographs of unusual ones were published on chips. extraordinarily beautiful and other unique lakes in the world. But apparently they have no number.
And if some of them are known for their beauty, others - healing properties, others - by size, that is, those that have become popular due to the unusual nature of their nature or even its strangeness. There are bubbling lakes, there are lakes that disappear and appear again, there are even asphalt and spotted lakes.

In the USA, in Yellowstone National Park, there is a famous source - Lake of Morning Glory. This small hot lake has a depth of about 2200 meters, in addition, it changes its color from dark purple to pale turquoise, and sometimes turns green. The behavior of the lake is also constantly changing - sometimes it is calm, sometimes it boils or even explodes like a geyser. Typically, such explosions occur after seismic activity in the vicinity of the lake. The temperature of the lake is favorable for the growth of various bacteria. Unfortunately, numerous tourists have the habit of throwing coins into the lake, which clogged the source heating the lake and the temperature of the lake dropped to 100 degrees in depth and about 50-65 degrees on its surface. However, the water in the lake remains very clean and clear.

2. Kliluk Lake (Spotted Lake) in Canada

Kliluk Lake (the famous Spotted Lake) is located in Canada, near the city of Osoyoos. Due to the fact that Kliluk contains the most a large number of(in comparison with other lakes) of mineral substances, summer evaporation of water on it leads to the formation of bizarre islands. Depending on the mineral composition and time of year, these spots are painted in different colors. The minerals harden so much that you can walk on them. In addition, the waters of Lake Kliluk have a pronounced therapeutic effect, which is why Canadian Indians consider this lake sacred and protect it in every possible way. The lake and the land around it officially belong to the indigenous people, so it is almost impossible to get to the lake due to the erected fence. However picturesque view The lake can be enjoyed from the highway located next to it, which is used by numerous tourists who have heard about the history of the lake and the legends surrounding it.

3. Asphalt Lake in Trinidad

The island of Trinidad, located in the seas of the Caribbean, has become popular thanks to its Peach Lake (the famous Asphalt Lake). The lake is located in the crater of a mud volcano and is a natural source of asphalt, so you won’t be able to swim in the lake. The asphalt lake was formed after the Caribbean continental plate fractured. Oil rose to the surface of the earth along a fault line. Oil rising up the crater of a volcano, under the influence of evaporation of volatile substances, turns into asphalt, whose properties are not inferior to asphalt obtained by production. New asphalt still appears on the surface of the lake to this day. Asphalt development is also underway here; about 150 thousand tons of asphalt are produced per year, which is mainly exported to the USA, China and England for use in construction.

4. Jellyfish Lake in Palau

Jellyfish Lake, located in the Palau archipelago, has no analogues in the world. Despite the fact that this is a rather small closed lake, it is home to about 25 million jellyfish - Mastigias. Jellyfish gather together in the middle of the lake, forming an almost continuous wall. But as soon as a person approaches this wall, the jellyfish part to allow guests into their amazing kingdom. It is completely safe for humans to be among jellyfish, since in the process of evolution jellyfish have lost their stinging cells and do not sting. However, you won’t be able to scuba dive in the lake either, since at a depth of more than ten meters, the water becomes toxic. Palau currently has three lakes inhabited by Mastigias jellyfish. And although all the lakes are separated from each other, the evolution of jellyfish in them is exactly the same, which is interesting for biologists.

5. Kelimutu Lakes on Flores Island in Indonesia

The famous Kelimutu Lakes are located on the island of Flores. Not only do lakes have different colors, so they also change color. For example, a black lake can turn red, then turquoise, then green. The color of lakes depends on the predominant minerals dissolved in their waters. The local Lio tribes have a legend about the islands, according to which the souls of the dead live in the lakes. So, the souls of old people are in the red lake, the souls of the young dead are in the green, and the souls of children are in the white. According to another version of the same legend, the souls of murderers and sinners live in the red lake, the righteous and old people live in turquoise, and young people live in green.

6. Loch Ness in Scotland

Scotland is home to one of the most mysterious lakes - Loch Ness. Since in this country almost every castle has its own ghosts, and many other places are shrouded in legends and myths, this lake gained worldwide fame thanks to the Loch Ness monster. Tourists come to the shores of the lake not only to enjoy the beauty of the lake and breathe fresh air, but also with the hope of seeing the famous monster. Therefore, there are dozens of different routes - cycling, walking, driving. All these routes pass through places where the mythical Nessie was once seen. Although no one has yet been able to examine the monster, perhaps due to the high peat content in the waters of the lake.

7. Lake Gippsland in Australia

The Gippsland Lakes, popular among tourists, are located in Australia. Here is the Kroajingolong National Park with giant eucalyptus trees, white sandy beaches. However, in 2011, a phenomenon was captured on one of the lakes that made it especially popular. The tourist group, vacationing on the lakes not for the first time, noticed that the waters of the lake glowed with blue neon light. There are very few examples of natural bioluminescence in the world and it mainly occurs on ocean depths where sunlight does not penetrate. IN in this case, the cause of the glow was a rare type of algae that had grown in the lake over several years. Noctiluca scintillans (Nightlights) are not visible to the human eye, but the light emanating from them is.

Most people take the beauty of our world for granted, simply forgetting about it in the whirlpool Everyday life. And, sad as it may be, humanity has made a lot of efforts to speed up the process of destroying the natural beauty of the world around us. Outdoor recreation is an excellent way to restore strength and energy. Clean air and cool water can work wonders. Today we bring to your attention a collection of 12 of the most unusual and mysterious lakes, which will surely give you a lot of new impressions:

12. Kliluk (British Columbia, Canada)

This lake, located in British Columbia, is decorated with colorful spots that are clearly visible from afar. Studies have shown that the lake's waters contain high levels of minerals such as magnesium, calcium and sodium sulfate. These substances provoke the appearance of peculiar spots in the summer months. This feature of the lake has made local residents consider this body of water sacred since ancient times.

11. Lake Vostok (Antarctica)

The peculiarity of Lake Vostok, located in East Antarctica, is that it is one of the largest subglacial lakes in the world. It once came to the surface, but as a result of global warming it was buried under ice. Research has shown that the lake may have its own ecosystem, which holds many surprises considering the fact that it has been isolated for millennia.

10. Taal Lake (Batangas, Philippines)

Taal looks impressive from a bird's eye view. What's even more amazing is that it is a natural lake. At its center is a volcanic island. What’s even more amazing is that there is also a lake in the center of this island! The volcano island itself is classified as active, although only one minor eruption has been recorded here over the past decade.

9. Lake Groom (Nevada, USA)

Area 51 in Nevada has always been a source of various rumors and gossip due to its closeness to the public. It is for this reason that Lake Groom, located to the north of it, is considered one of the objects where strange and mysterious things happen. This is a salt marsh whose flat surface is ideal for use as a military runway.

8. Lake Hillier (Esperance, Western Australia)

A lake of such a strange pink color in itself raises suspicions about what is hidden in its waters. In fact, everything is quite simple: the lake itself is located among a eucalyptus grove, and a dye produced by bacteria living in its depths gives it a special pinkish tint. Eucalyptus trees, in turn, create the necessary contrast.

7. Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

Plitvice Lakes in Croatia are widely known throughout the world. Limestone rocks contributed to the formation of the most intricate caves and waterfalls. They are the ones that attract millions of visitors to this national park every year.

6. Peyto Lake (Alberta, Canada)

The Canadian Rockies are one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world. One of the amazing local attractions is Peyto Lake. It is most beautiful in the summer, when the glacier caps melt, giving its waters an amazing hue.

5. Five Flower Lake (north of Sichuan, China)

This lake got its name due to its special properties. Local residents consider the lake to be enchanted. Algae, fallen tree trunks and travertine give it a rich range of shades.

4. Lake Abraham (Alberta, Canada)

It's hard to believe that a person is capable of creating a pond of such beauty. Abraham Lake was founded on the upper North Saskatchewan River in the lower part of the Canadian Rockies. It looks so majestic that it fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape. What makes it unique are the frozen ice bubbles located under its surface.

3. Lake Baikal (Siberia, Russia)

The lake is the largest freshwater body of water in the world. According to some estimates, this lake is more than 25 million years old. Thanks to such a long period of time, today this lake is home to the most amazing forms of life.

2. Crater Lake (Oregon, USA)

This lake is the main tourist attraction in Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. This is the deepest and one of the most beautiful lakes in the United States. Thanks to almost complete natural isolation, this lake is one of the cleanest bodies of water.

1. Lakes in the Badan-Jaran desert (China and Mongolia)

An oasis in the desert is always particularly spectacular. The Badan Jaran Desert covers the territories of Mongolia and China and is famous for the presence of more than 140 lakes. These lakes are located among sand dunes and appeared thanks to a network of underground sources.