Fairytale palaces and castles drawings. Fairy tale architecture: the most beautiful castles in the world

Neuschwanstein is a fantasy come true, a fairy tale castle that has raised its toy towers and galleries above the wooded hills in the Bavarian Alps near the city of Füssen near the Austrian border.

It gives the impression of a theatrical scenery, and partly is it, since it was created under the active guidance of the Munich theater artist Christian Jank. At the same time, the castle has a very impressive size, and it was built over the course of seventeen years. Ludwig grew up in the nearby castle of Hohenschwangau. This building, stylized as a medieval fortress, was built by his father Maximilian II. Ludwig was a passionate admirer of Germanic mythology and, apparently, identified himself with the swan knight Lohengrin. Having visited the premiere of the opera of the same name by Richard Wagner in 1858, he was beside himself with delight. When three years later, at the age of eighteen, Ludwig inherited the royal throne, one of his first acts of state was to invite the composer to Munich.

Now, having money and power, he became a patron of Wagner, paid all the debts for the composer and promised to establish a festival for the performance of Wagner's works. In his operas, Wagner on a grand scale transferred the world of German legends and tales to the stage, trying to captivate the audience with the drama of the eternal confrontation between Good and Evil. Ludwig, meanwhile, ordered the construction of a fairy-tale castle to begin, which in all respects would correspond to the ideals of the ancient German chivalry.

This, as well as his other decisions, increasingly inclined those around him to think that the king was damaged in his mind and, as a ruler, was not able to look at things sensibly. When Ludwig was still young, Bismarck publicly announced that he was quite sane, although even then many oddities of his behavior, his bizarre manner of dressing, in general, his whole lifestyle, were evident - he, for example, sometimes slept all day, and sometimes invited to for dinner.. the spirit of Louis XIV. But at the end of his life, his madness was quite obvious and no one doubted it.
Eyewitnesses and contemporaries claimed that fifteen master carvers worked on the manufacture of a carved wooden bed for Ludwig for four and a half years. The interior of the castle is a mixture of various architectural and artistic styles, a combination of Moorish, Gothic and Baroque elements: here are stalactite columns, a throne room in the decadent-Byzantine spirit, and a singing hall with exquisite lighting, intended for productions of Wagner operas.

We at TravelAsk decided that our lives are sorely lacking in fairy tales, magic and majestic beauty. And what could be more fabulous than a magnificent old castle, as if descended from the pages of a book? Therefore, today we introduce you to another portion of the most beautiful and impressive castles on the planet. Well, a few words about them, of course, do not forget to tell!

Chenonceau castle, France

It has a "folk" name - "Lady's Castle". One of the most beloved, famous and visited castles in France. It is privately owned but open to the public.

Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome, Italy

Cochem Castle, Germany

It was first documented in 1051.

Dunnottar Castle - medieval castle on the east coast of Scotland

Edinburgh Castle - an ancient fortress on Castle Rock in the center of the Scottish capital

Hearst Castle ("Hearst Castle"), California, USA

National historical monument on the Pacific coast of California. The house has 56 bedrooms, 61 bathrooms, 19 living rooms, on the estate there are several swimming pools and tennis courts, a cinema, an airfield and the world's largest private zoo (currently without animals).

Herstmonceau Castle, built in the 15th century, is located 10 km northeast of Eastbourne. It is the oldest and largest brick building in England.

Hohenwerfen Castle is located in Austria, at a level of 155 m above the Salzach river valley, 40 km from Salzburg

Castle Hohenzollern - an ancient castle-fortress in Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The medieval castle fortress was first mentioned in 1267, but it is assumed that it was built earlier, in the 11th century.

The castle is located at an altitude of 855 m above sea level on a separate standing grief named Hohenzollern. Among the local population, this mountain is better known as Zollenberg or simply Zoller.

Today the castle is a popular tourist attraction.

Lichtenstein Castle - "fairytale castle" of the XIX century in the town of Honau, in the commune of Liechtenstein in Baden-Württemberg

Located at an altitude of 817 m. Today the castle is open to visitors. It houses a large collection of historical weapons and armor.

Matsumoto Castle is an ancient Japanese castle in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture

Monastery of Pantanassa, Mystras, Greece

Pena Palace - a palace in Portugal, located on a high cliff above Sintra and featuring a fantastic pseudo-medieval style

The whole composition of the mountain, the castle and the adjacent park with an area of ​​270 hectares is one of the earliest examples of romantic landscape architecture of the 19th century. The castle and park appeared in 1840 as a summer royal residence on the site of a small abandoned monastery.

Quinta da Regaleira, Portugal

The palace and park complex, on the territory of which there is a romantic neo-Gothic palace, a chapel and a park with lakes, grottoes, fountains and various architectural whims

It bears the name of the Baroness Regaleira, who acquired the estate in 1840, is also known as the palace of the millionaire Monteiro.

Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur, India

Mont Saint Michel, France

Cité or fortress of Carcassonne is a medieval architectural ensemble located in the French city of Carcassonne in the department of Aude

Moritzburg Castle, Germany

Alhambra (“Red Castle”) is an architectural and park ensemble located on a hilly terrace in the eastern part of the city of Granada in southern Spain

Trakai Island Castle - the largest of the ancient castles preserved in Lithuania

Vischering Castle, Lüdinghausen, Germany

Furnihurst fortress in Scotland

Ninomaru Castle, Japan

Incredible in their beauty, architectural relics have been left to us by history, which you can admire for a long time, because they keep so much in themselves. These castles are located in beautiful and unusual places, for example, on top of mountains or on the water, which add even more charm to them. If castles could talk, they could tell us a lot, a lot..

Castle Howard, Yorkshire

One of the grandest mansions in the UK, this beautiful castle has been home to the Howard family for over 300 years.

Hohenschwangau Castle, Germany

It was built in the 19th century in Germany, it is visited by more than 300,000 tourists a year

Corfe Castle, Dorset

Corfe Castle is a fortress that was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror.

Malbork Castle, Poland

Malbork is the largest castle in the world (in terms of area) and it is also the largest brick building in Europe.

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Ludwig II of Bavaria built this castle as a personal retreat. After he died in 1886, Neuschwanstein Castle became open to visitors because tourists were trying to raise money for its upkeep. Since then, there have been over 60 million visitors a year visiting this castle.

Chambord Castle, France

This palace was built as a hunting lodge for Francis I and has a very clear view. French. architecture of the Renaissance. It has been open to visitors since 2007 and attracts over 700,000 visitors a year.

Castle in Osaka, Japan

One of the most famous castles in Japan, Osaka. It was built on top of a high hill in the 16th century to protect its inhabitants from enemies.

Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria

The castle was built in the 11th century and is located in a part of Bavaria in the place Berchtesgaden and built on the Tennengebirg mountain. The exterior of this castle was used as a French hotel in the movie Honeymooners.

Kilkenny Castle, Ireland

Kilkenny was built in 1195 by William Marshal. Now serves as conferences of diplomatic negotiations.

Peles Castle, Romania

This castle was built in the neo-Renaissance architectural style. The castle is located in the Carpathians, built between 1873 and 1914.

Moritzburg Castle, Germany

Named after Duke Moritz of Saxony, this palace sits on man-made land and is surrounded by forests used for hunting.

Castillo de Coca, Spain

This castle was built on the site of ancient Cauca, the birthplace of the Roman emperor Theodosius. The castle now serves as educational institution for foresters.

Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland, California

Sleeping Beauty Castle was built based on the Neuschwanstein castle we wrote about above and acts as a landmark in Disneyland

Kronborg Castle, Denmark

Built in the 1420s, Kronborg is one of the most important fortifications in northern Europe. It has been immortalized as Elsinore in William Shakespeare's work Hamlet.

Alnwick Castle, Northumberland (England)

The exterior of Alnwick Castle was used in the Harry Potter movie and was the prototype for Hogwarts Castle. It has approximately 800,000 visitors a year.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

This 12th-century palace sits on volcanic rock and has become a recognizable symbol of Edinburgh.

Highclere Castle, UK

A 19th-century castle that serves as the main filming location for the hit TV series Downton Abbey.

Chateau de Versailles, France

This royal castle in France has a whopping 2,300 rooms, 67 staircases, and 5,210 pieces of furniture.

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Prague Castle was named the largest and ancient castle in the world in the Guinness Book of Records, occupying 70,000 square meters.

Kylemore Abbey, Ireland

Kylemore was built as a private residence for a wealthy London doctor, Mitchell Henry. But he was forced to sell it in 1909 due to gambling debts.

Bodiam Castle, UK

The 14th-century moated castle was built by Sir Edward Dalingrigg to defend the area from French invasion during the Hundred Years' War.

Hochosterwitz Castle, Austria

One of the most impressive medieval castles Austria, Hochosterwitz is 160 meters high and can be seen for 30 km on a clear day.

Chillon Castle, Switzerland

This castle-island consists of 100 separate buildings that have combined into a palace.

Catherine Palace, Russia

The residence of Catherine I was founded in 1717 and was built for the rest of the Empress. In 1752 it was rebuilt.

Windsor Castle, England

This 11th century castle was a royal residence and is the longest fortress in Europe.

Hogwarts Universal Studios, Orlando

The main building of the wildly successful Harry Potter movie. Hogwarts was brought to life at the Universal studios in Orlando, Florida.

Balmoral Castle, UK

Balmoral has been the residence of the British Royal Family since 1852, when it was purchased by Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert.

Conwy Castle, North Wales

This medieval fortress was built by Edward I in 1283 and cost approximately £15,000.

Schwerin Castle, Germany

The first reports of this castle date back to 973, and it currently serves as the seat of the state parliament.

Pupils of the preparatory group in the classroom of fine arts touch on a variety of topics. One of them is drawing a variety of buildings and structures. Since at this age much attention is paid to the development of creative imagination, preschoolers are not limited to depicting the buildings that they encounter in real life. Children are happy to create images of magical castles and palaces - the habitats of their favorite fairy-tale characters.

Features of drawing on this topic in the preparatory group

Preschoolers begin to depict buildings in the second younger group: these are primitive houses in the form of a square with a roof in the form of a line protruding from the sides. In the middle group, the kids are already drawing a triangular roof, marking for this a point in the center at a small distance from the main shape.

At this older age, the guys actively depict multi-storey buildings. To do this, they divide the rectangle into sectors using longitudinal and transverse lines, and then draw windows inside the cells. Another way - drawing starts from the first floor in the form of a rectangle with windows and doors, then the second floor is “built on top of it”, etc. Multi-storey buildings can have a roof of various shapes - flat, triangular or in the form of a trapezoid. Note that the pupils of the senior group are also invited to draw fantasy houses based on fairy tales - “Hut on chicken legs”, “Teremok”, “Zayushkina hut”, etc. They can have a very different shape, color design, however, all these objects have mandatory elements - roof, door and windows.

As for the pupils of the preparatory group, they get acquainted with a variety of buildings that have their own purpose (residential buildings, a school, a kindergarten, a cinema, a shopping center, etc.) and successfully draw them. In addition, at this age, children are already offered complex architectural structures- majestic palaces, towering castles, beautiful temples, ancient fortresses. Moreover, these can be both images of real objects that preschoolers can see in photographs or even visit them with their parents (for example, Winter Palace in St. Petersburg or the Swallow's Nest castle in Yalta), as well as fictional fairy-tale images.

Landmark of St. Petersburg

Medieval castle in Yalta

Children can see magical palaces and castles in illustrations for their favorite fairy tales (for example, "The Snow Queen" by G.-H. Andersen, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." by A.S. Pushkin, Arabian fairy tale"Aladdin's Magic Lamp", "G. Rodari's Ice Cream Palace").

Illustration for the fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" Illustration for the fairy tale of the same name by G. Rodari Illustration for "The Tale of Tsar Sadtan..." Illustration for the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

It can also be a fictional image (the palace of the goldfish, the castle of the Sun and the Moon). He is not found in fairy tales, however, the teacher selects the appropriate pictures so that the children have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow he can be portrayed.

Picture to use in class

Picture to use in class

The image of the fairy-tale palace is made up of a number of details - these are numerous towers, arches, outbuildings, beautiful intricately shaped windows with carved architraves, balconies. This building features the most unexpected and vibrant color scheme (although in some cases the color palette will be limited to certain colors, for example, the Snow Queen's castle or the Palace of the Sun).

As for the magic castle, it differs from the palace in the characteristic form of buildings - elongated, as if directed upwards, with the presence of many towers topped with domes.

Unlike the palace, the castle is more vertically oriented, has many towers with sharp spiers.

Although the castle traditionally has a more restrained color than the palace, however, in children's drawings, castles are sometimes also painted in bright colors. Note that since ancient times, castles, like fortresses, were built in hard-to-reach places, surrounding them with a moat and a reliable high wall. Preschoolers often convey these characteristic details in their drawings.

When drawing fantasy structures, the task of the teacher is to indicate to the children the key features of this or that image, while there should not be a template before the eyes of the pupils. For example, if the topic of the lesson is "The Snow Queen's Castle", then when creating this image, you need to use a limited number of colors - only cold tones (white, blue, cyan, gray, purple), let's also yellow to show how the sun's rays reflect on the snow. In addition, it is possible to reflect in the drawing that this castle was built by some evil mystical forces - to depict it as asymmetrical with irregular proportions. This building is surrounded by blocks of snow, huge ice floes - as if it was built by the cold itself. Since the Snow Queen is an evil character, it is good to reflect this in the drawing by making her castle sinister. To do this, you can draw windows in the form of dark holes. But at the same time, the queen has strength and power, and therefore her abode must be majestic, cumbersome (huge towers, ornate outbuildings). Some windows can be decorated with patterns similar to those that frost leaves on glass.

Accordingly, the Palace of the Sun will be made exclusively in warm colors (yellow, golden, orange).

The Kingdom of the Moon is drawn in silver, blue, blue, but unlike the Snow Queen's castle, there is life here - the walls of the palace can be supplemented with sparkling stars, outlandish birds, plants (also in dark color). The underwater kingdom of the Goldfish will be decorated with corals, green algae, sea pebbles.

Used materials and base

When drawing fabulous palaces and castles, the color of the base is often important. If preschoolers use paints in a lesson, then a sheet of paper must be tinted in advance (in preparatory group This is done by the children themselves under the supervision of a teacher). The color of the tone depends on the subject of the lesson: for example, for the Snow Queen's castle you will need a cold bluish color (the base can be dark blue, in which case you can draw the palace with one white gouache). For the palace of the Sun, the base is respectively tinted yellowish or pink (as dawn) Colour.

The palace itself can be painted with paints, colored pencils, wax crayons. An interesting result is obtained by a combination of materials, when a watercolor drawing is additionally outlined with a brighter felt-tip pen.

Drawing with watercolors and felt-tip pens

Since we are talking about fabulous images, gouache and watercolor with a brilliant effect can be used in the composition.

As for collective compositions, then possible variant- Palace of the Sun and Moon. In this case, a large sheet of paper (A3) is conditionally divided into two parts. One half is tinted in a bluish tint, and the other in a warm golden or reddish tint.

Techniques and techniques that are used when drawing fairy-tale palaces in the preparatory group

Since drawing a fairy-tale palace is a rather complicated process, the outline of the building is first outlined with a simple pencil, avoiding strong pressure.

Before starting the creative process, the child must decide on the orientation of the sheet of paper: if he plans to depict a sky-high castle with sharp spiers of towers, then place the base vertically, but if the image of a majestic wide palace is created, then the paper is laid horizontally.

It is better to start the image from the central rectangle - the main entrance to the palace. On the side, we supplement the drawing with buildings, they can be two- or three-story. These elements can be partially covered by the central part of the building, so the auxiliary lines must then be erased. High watchtowers depicted along the edges of the structure will look spectacular.

The next step is drawing the roof of the main gate and other buildings, and then decorating the top of the watchtowers. The shape of these elements can be very different.

Visual aid for preschoolers

The central gates of the palace themselves also have many design options.

Visual aid for preschoolers

The next stage of work is the choice of the shape of the windows. After all, the palace has a lot of them, and they are all the same. The building will look harmonious if the shape of the windows resonates with the design of the gate (for example, all elements are rounded or, conversely, angular).

Visual aid for preschoolers

The last stage of the pencil sketch is to decorate the palace with elements such as columns, balconies, lattices, etc.

Visual aid for preschoolers

Note that if preschoolers draw a fabulous castle-fortress, then you can also designate brickwork.

The resulting sketch is painted with paints, colored pencils or crayons. Although the pupils of the preparatory group have already formed key skills in working with basic tools, the teacher still monitors the correct drawing technique in the classroom. Since a palace or castle consists of many small elements, it is necessary to draw and paint them with the tip of the brush, holding it in a vertical manner in your hand. When using colored pencils, the child must adjust the pressure to obtain a shade of the desired brightness.

In the preparatory group, the guys should mix paints well to get a variety of shades. This will be especially true for a composition such as the Snow Queen's castle, which uses different shades of blue and blue.

Used additional types of visual activity in the design of compositions

Such a fascinating drawing theme as a fairy-tale palace opens up great opportunities for adding additional elements to the composition. For example, you can create an unusual look by decorating the Snow Queen's palace with white plasticine, appliqué made of sparkles or pieces of silver foil. Fancy-shaped ice floes can also be cut out of ordinary colored paper.

Drawing with appliqué elements

The work will become even more original if you decorate the image with a cloth - stick pieces of white tulle.

Other types of fabulous structures can be decorated in a similar way: decorate the Palace of the Sun with golden foil or sequins, the underwater kingdom of the Sea King - with threads of the New Year's "rain" of green color.

Specific variants of compositions, including collective

In the second half of the school year (January), students of the preparatory group are invited to draw on the theme "Fairytale Palace" (or "Far Far Away"). Preschoolers come up with an image of the building and decorate it with various details. If desired, the image can be supplemented with magical trees, flowers, outlandish birds, guards.

In February, the guys do another fantasy work - the image of the "Fairytale Kingdom". Here the emphasis is on the ability to create an image in a certain color palette: warm tones - the palace of the Sun, cold - the palace of the Moon, the castle of the Snow Queen.

In addition to these topics, the children can also be offered such a topic as "Underwater Palace" (as an option - "Mermaid's Palace", "Fairytale Palace of the Golden Fish"). This building will already be depicted in a different way - it will have a bizarre shape, decorated with marine attributes (corals, algae, fish sculptures).

Another interesting option is an oriental-style palace. This is an image from oriental tales such as Aladdin's Magic Lamp. She could have settled there, for example, the Queen of Shamakhan from the “Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A.S. Pushkin.

You can also invite children to draw an ice cream palace (an image from the fairy tale of the same name by J. Rodari).

As for collective compositions, if you wish, you can organize such work: the guys are divided into pairs, the teacher offers them the basis of the A3 format: one child draws the palace of the sun, and the other the palace of the moon. And between them you can make a beautiful rainbow bridge.

Another original solution for teamwork is drawing palaces where the seasons live. Preschoolers, respectively, are divided into four subgroups and create fantasy images of palaces where Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn could live.

Options for a motivating start to the lesson: a surprise moment, a fairy tale, an informative conversation, looking at illustrations, etc.

Drawing fairy-tale palaces and castles is a very exciting activity, especially if the teacher thinks over the appropriate motivation, which will become an incentive for preschoolers to productive activities. There are a number of examples of the organization of the beginning of the lesson.

For example, the educator tells the children that a guest from a distant land flew to them on a flying carpet. eastern country- Aladdin. He needs to build a beautiful palace for Princess Budur on the instructions of her father, the Sultan. Aladdin has building materials, but he needs a palace project with beautiful windows, gates, roofs, columns, etc. He has no architect in his country who could help, so the hero turns to the guys for help.

Another motivation option is for the teacher to tell preschoolers that on the way to kindergarten she went to the library and took a book. However, this book is unusual - a previous reader wet it in the rain. Some pages blurred - and the fairy-tale heroes were left without their beautiful palaces and castles. The task of the children is to restore the illustrations.

Another interesting solution - the guys are invited to reincarnate as architects (they used to be called architects) and go to the Far Far Away kingdom. A kind and wise king rules here, who has three prince sons and three princess daughters. The king gives the architects the task of inventing and depicting palaces for all his children.

This option is also suitable - a letter from the Snow Queen comes to the group. She writes that she used to be angry, arrogant and indifferent. However, the kindness of the girl Gerda melted her cold heart, and now the queen has changed - she has become kind and gentle. And she wants to turn her gloomy ice castle into a warm and joyful one. The heroine asks the guys to help her and come up with an image of a beautiful castle.

“In the end, he comes out into a wide clearing and in the middle of that wide clearing stands a house, not a house, a chamber, not a chamber, but a royal or royal palace all on fire, in silver and gold and in semi-precious stones, all burning and shining, but you can’t see the fire; the sun is exactly red, it’s hard for the eyes to look at it. All the windows in the palace are closed, and consonant music is playing in it, such as he has never heard.
He enters into a wide courtyard, through a wide open gate; the road went out of white marble, and fountains of water, high, large and small, beat on the sides.

Based on this description, the guys can depict such a fabulous building.

Drawing on the theme "The Palace of the Sun and the Moon" can be built on the basis of the Russian folk tale "The Sun, the Moon and the Raven Voronovich", in which the old man married his daughters to the Sun, the Moon and the Raven.

Illustration for the Russian folk tale "The Sun, the Moon and Raven Voronovich"

Another interesting fairy tale, in which the image of a fantasy palace appears, is “Ice Cream Palace” by G. Rodari. According to the plot, an ice cream palace was built on the square of the Italian city of Bologna. “The roof of the palace was made of whipped cream, the smoke that rose from the pipes was made of figured sugar, and the pipes themselves were made of candied fruits. Everything else was ice cream: ice cream doors, ice cream walls, ice cream furniture.” Children from all over the city came here to eat. The palace began to thaw, and the city guard called for more guys. Even one poor old lady started licking the creme brulee chair. It was a real holiday in the city! And even none of the residents had a stomach ache that day.

Preschoolers will surely delight in such a fairy tale, and after reading it, you can invite them to draw its main image - an edible palace of delicious ice cream and other sweets.

Note that physical education minutes, which are held before directly productive activities, should be related to the topic of the lesson. If, for example, preschoolers will draw the Snow Queen's castle, then we can recommend the following warm-up:

Another option for a snow theme:

We put our hands upChildren put their hands forward with palms up
Let's start catching snowflakes!Children, jumping, perform grasping movements with their hands - they “catch” snowflakes.
One, caught, two, caught!
Not tired? Don't get tired!
One, caught, two, caught!
And of course not tired!
children catch snowflakes
And a lot of snowflakes!children perform “waves” with their hands, while the palms “look” down
And snowdrifts grow everywhere.children show “growing snowdrifts” with their fingers spread wide
Let's pick up snow in our handschildren show how they pick up a handful of snow with both hands
Let's start making snowballs!start making snowballs
We sculpt, we sculpt, we sculptchildren continue to "make" snowballs
And we throw up then!imaginary snowball is thrown up
Played without care
And now let's get to work!
everyone goes back to work

If the topic of the lesson is “The Fairytale Palace of the Golden Fish”, then such a physical education minute will do:

Lesson notes

Name of the author Abstract title
Pervushina Yu. "Magic Castle"
Educational tasks: learn to depict a castle or palace, consolidate the content of familiar fairy tales, knowledge of geometric shapes.
Development tasks: develop color perception, compositional skills, imagination.
Educational tasks: educate interest in fairy tales.
Integration of educational areas: "Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: pictures and drawings of palaces and castles of various designs and colors, audio recordings: E. Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king", W. Mozart "Minuet", waltz from the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty".
Handout: sheets of white paper of different sizes (optional) according to the number of children, watercolor, palette, brushes, brush stands, napkins.
Lesson progress:
The teacher invites the children to go to fairyland. The entrance there will open to the one who guesses the riddles (you need to choose the correct one from three answers):
  • Which of the heroes of the Russian fairy tale asked: "Emelya, let me go into the water, I'll be useful to you!"? (Mermaid, Pike, Goldfish).
    Who ordered: “Mothers, nannies, get ready, equip yourself! Bake me soft white bread in the morning, which I ate at my dear father! (Pippi, Snow Queen, Frog Princess).
    Whose song is this: “The beaten unbeaten is lucky”? (foxes, Cheburashka, Carlson).
    Who asked: “Grandma, why do you have such big hands? (Thumbelina, Malvina, Little Red Riding Hood).
    How did Puss in Boots call his master? (Karabas Barabas, Marquis Karabas, Munchausen).
    Which of these dogs is a poodle? (Totoshka, Kashtanka, Artemon).

The attention of preschoolers is drawn to pictures depicting various palaces and castles (on the board). Children must appearance determine which hero lives in each of them: good or evil. The guys also identify common features of all buildings: there is a roof, walls, windows, a fence. Variants of roofs (triangular, trapezoidal, semicircular), towers (square and rectangular) are discussed. Preschoolers draw shapes in the air with their fingers.
There is a dynamic pause - children dance to audio recordings of excerpts from musical works, and then point to pictures that, in their opinion, fit each music.
Preschoolers are offered riddles-descriptions:

  • Here is a stone fortress high mountain with narrow loophole windows, high walls and pointed towers on which flags with frightening images fly. Around the castle there is a deep ditch with muddy water, narrow bridges are thrown over it. Who can live in such a castle? (children call the fairy-tale hero).
    Here is another castle. He stands on the shore beautiful lake and is made of light stones. There is a lot of greenery, flowers around, and birds sit on the roofs and in the open windows. Beautiful flags flutter on the towers, sway Balloons. Who can live in such a castle? (children's answers)

Next, preschoolers are invited to draw any of the described castles or come up with their own image.
Independent work. At the end of the drawing, a dramatization game “A ball in a fairy-tale castle” is organized: each child turns into a character who came to the ball and brought a drawing of his castle. The hero must introduce himself and tell about himself.

Myasnikova I.A. "Fairytale Palace of the Goldfish"
Children are shown a portrait of A.S. Pushkin. The guys remember the tales of this great poet - the teacher shows the relevant books. Illustrations of different artists for one fairy tale are considered.
The teacher tells the children a fairy tale about how illustrations for books appeared. One artist once saw a flower, red as a light. The dew on its petals looked like gems. The artist decided to draw it. After that, he saw the vases and also depicted her on canvas. After that he painted trees, sky, people, houses and everything in the world. Another artist, who lived in the neighborhood, was very fond of reading, while presenting the heroes of books. He wanted all people to see these characters. Such an artist is called an illustrator, he decorates books to make them even more interesting.

A toy goldfish appears. She is sad because no artist has painted her beautiful underwater palace yet (motivation).
Preschoolers are shown images of various palaces with different shapes of roofs, windows, etc. The guys are invited to come up with a palace for the Golden Fish - very beautiful, so that she can live in it.

Independent work. Discussion of drawings.

Koren V.N.

The teacher invites the children to go on a fabulous journey to help Gerda save the boy Kai, whom the Snow Queen took to her palace.
A slide appears on the board with the image of the beautiful castle of the Prince and Princess, beautiful swans swim in the pond next to it. The children determine that this is not the Snow Queen's castle.
The second slide is the eastern palace of the Sultan. Aladdin, Jasmine, Scheherazade, Princess Budur can live here. It's warm and hot here, this place is not suitable for the Snow Queen.
The third slide is a gloomy gray castle, where an evil sorcerer or Koschei the Deathless can live.
Finally, a picture appears of the Snow Queen's sparkling ice castle. The teacher turns on an audio recording with the howling of a blizzard and reads out a description of the palace from a fairy tale.
On the next slide, the children see the boy Kai, who, on the instructions of the evil queen, is trying to collect the word “eternity” from ice and build a castle out of them. He can't do it. The guys help the hero - on a magnetic board of geometric shapes they put together an ice palace.
Didactic game "Make a bouquet for the Snow Queen."
The children once again look at the image of the ice palace. They are invited to draw their own version.

Independent activity of preschoolers. Kai is saved - a slide appears where Gerda and Kai are sitting near the window with roses.

Seitmerova E.M. "Fairy Palace"

Children are invited to go on a journey through different fairy tales. An evil sorceress (picture) appears, who bewitched the fairy-tale heroes. To help them, the guys must complete tasks.
The first task is to assemble the witch's castle from puzzles.
Next, preschoolers should guess who lives in it from a picture depicting a palace or castle (the teacher shows the Snow Queen's castle, the palace of the Swan Princess, the castle of Koshchei the Immortal, the palace of the Queen of Shamakhan).
The teacher tells the children that they helped fairy tale characters- settled them in their fairy tales. Now they want to play with the guys - a physical education session is being held:

  • Listen, fabulous people, we are going to the gathering.
    Hurry up in the circle
    And start charging.
    Stretch, stretch!
    Hurry, hurry up!
    The day has come a long time ago
    And knocks on your window.

In order for the evil sorceress to return back to her fairy tale, preschoolers have to complete the last task - to draw fairytale palaces and castles. The children are invited to choose a picture with any character and
Draw the place where he lives.
Independent productive activity.

Drawings of pupils of the preparatory group on the theme "Fairytale Palace" with comments on the performance of the work

Photo gallery "Fairytale Palace, or Far Far Away Kingdom"

Pupils of the preparatory group create bright and colorful images of magical palaces. Almost all of them have a symmetrical structure. So, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow "Magic Kingdom", painted with gouache, we note the unusual design of the sky in the picture.

The work “Drawing of Santa Claus” is interesting - the image of the palace is made up of multi-colored geometric shapes.

A positive mood is imbued with the Rainbow Palace pattern, complemented by a smiling young king and queen. A similar composition is “The Palace of the Prince and Princess”.

The Far Away Kingdom drawing, on the contrary, is made in restrained pastel colors.

Drawing with watercolors Drawing with pencils and felt-tip pens Drawing with wax crayons Drawing with gouache Drawing with pencils Drawing with pencils Drawing with pencils Drawing with pencils

Photo gallery "Magic Castles"

Preschoolers create wonderful images of fairytale castles. The formidable and gloomy “Castle-Fortress in the Mountains” surrounded by a moat is depicted realistically: lattice gates are drawn in detail, brickwork is indicated. In the same vein, the “Lonely Castle-Fortress” was made, obviously standing on a mountain cliff.

The “Castle of the Good Wizard” looks like an elegant dollhouse, decorated with a large clock and a vase of flowers on the window. We note the beautiful lattice windows, the beautiful pattern of the domes of the towers. Spread out near the castle beautiful park with a bright blue lake.

The color scheme of the castles deserves special attention. So, the Emerald Castle is painted in various shades of green. And in the "Pink Castle" it seems like it was created for a beautiful young princess to live there. The composition “White Fortress” is charming, and the whole green forest is spread over its walls. Note the beautiful gradient background of the picture.

The work "Colorful Castle" is imbued with a fabulous atmosphere. The building is decorated with unusual semicircular windows shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, mischievous cockerels sit on the spiers of the turrets, and a magical rose tree grows near the castle itself.

watercolor painting watercolor painting watercolor painting watercolor painting watercolor painting watercolor painting watercolor painting watercolor painting watercolor painting

Photo gallery "Castle of the Snow Queen"

The fairy tale by H. H. Andersen “The Snow Queen” is one of the favorite children's works, because it contains a lot of bright moments, wisdom and truth of life. The children are happy to fantasize about the palace of an evil and arrogant sorceress with an icy heart. All works are made in cold colors - a variety of shades of blue, light blue and purple. The sky in the drawings often shimmers with bright colors, because the castle is located in the North, where a common occurrence is the extraordinary beauty of the northern lights.

The work “Palace in the Snows” is very original: the sky, depicted in purple strokes, is decorated with black and yellow stars, and large blue-green fir trees covered with snow flaunt in the foreground.

A wonderful composition is “The Kingdom of Ice”: the domes of the numerous towers of the castle, decorated with sparkles, look like heavy snow caps, and with the help of ornate white strokes, the image of a swirling blizzard is conveyed. A similar work is "Snow Kingdom" with large flakes of snow in the foreground.

Almost all of the buildings shown in the photo are angular, with sharp tops of towers that look like icicles turned upside down. The drawing "Ice Palace" is indicative in this regard.

The work “Castle of Snow and Ice” is notable for the fact that a huge yellow moon with a human face looks mysteriously from the sky.

Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Drawing with pencils Drawing with wax crayons and felt-tip pens Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors

Photo gallery "Underwater Kingdom"

Pupils of the preparatory group are not averse to dreaming up on the theme of an underwater castle, where the Sea King, a charming little mermaid or a wise Goldfish can live. Such buildings harmoniously fit into the underwater landscape, decorated with strands of split algae and colorful sea pebbles.

Visual aid for preschoolers

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In the preparatory group, preschoolers already have a fairly broad outlook, they like to transform into representatives of various professions. So, in a drawing class, they can feel like an architect designing beautiful buildings. The children especially like to depict fairy-tale palaces and castles in bizarre colors, with numerous towers and domes, arches and carved shutters. These drawings are often very expressive, similar to a real book illustration for a fairy tale.

Fairytale castles have always been present in history, art, fairy tales and legends. The castle is a house that shows power, protects from enemies, and gives a feeling of complete peace and spaciousness. Most of the castles you have ever seen actually exist. Even the castle from the Walt Disney intro actually exists. Each of these majestic structures stands for many centuries and decades, so it is not surprising that they keep their secrets and their history.

1. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany.

Time of construction:: 1869-1886

The building was built by King Ludwig and, despite the difficult pronunciation for a Russian person, its name is very romantic in meaning. Translated from German language, the castle is called "New Swan Rock". This amazing building was chosen as the prototype for the Sleeping Beauty Castle, which was built for Disneyland Paris.

Despite the fact that Neuschwanstein was not completed in 1886, the death of the king halted construction. That is why there are unfinished objects in it. The interiors of the premises are amazing, Ludwig obviously did not skimp on decoration and had a very good taste for those times. During the Second World War, the German government took advantage of the castle's impregnability and hid some of the Reichsbank gold there, which later disappeared. In addition, paintings, antiques and jewelry that belonged to Hitler were brought there.

2. Hohenwerfen Castle, Austria

Years of construction: 1075-1078

Relative to the previous castle, Hohenwerfen was built very quickly, in the shortest possible time. Prince-Archbishop Gebhard of Salzburg very well chose the place of construction, making it almost impossible to break into the castle. In 1524 the rebellious peasants captured Hohenwerfen and allowed it. However, this uprising was quickly suppressed, and subsequently, the destroyers themselves restored all the buildings.

Over the centuries, princes and bishops completed and improved Hohenwerfen, but in 1931 a huge fire destroyed everything inside. Today, this gloomy castle is the object of tourist attention, and to attract money, tour organizers regularly hold bird shows on the premises of Hohenwerfen.

3. Vaduz Castle, Liechtenstein
Time of construction: XII century

It is still not known for certain who built the castle. Scientists believe that Vaduz Castle was created by order of the Werdenberg-Sargans counts, at least they were the first documented owners. This is one of the few historical buildings in which people live to this day. Vaduz is closed to the public, as the princely family lives there to this day.

Throughout all these centuries, the castle was owned by historical figures. It is not surprising that each of the owners brought something of their own to the decoration of this building, and at the beginning of the last century, Prince Johann II carried out a large-scale reconstruction and modernization of Vaduz, which lasted 15 years.

4. Rock of Cashel, Ireland
Time of construction: IV century

Associated with this castle interesting legend. According to legend, in the 5th century, St. Patrick was engaged in the expulsion of Satan from the caves in the mountains. The enemy, without hesitation, bit off a piece of rock and broke a tooth. A piece of rock fell out of Satan's mouth and fell 30 kilometers from its original location. It is on this strange 60-meter rock that the Gothic Rock of Cashel stands.

The history of the castle is as dark as it is. in the 17th century, Cromwell's troops attacked Cashel and captured it. Despite being protected from enemies, the townspeople found themselves face to face with danger. At that terrible time for them, more than 3,000 people died, of which the main number of people were burned alive. Until today, the castle reminds of the heartlessness of the medieval English, and the doomed courage of the brave Irish.

5. Bodiam Castle, England
Time of construction: 1385

One of the most unusual and photogenic castles was built during the Hundred Years War, when the British, not without reason, feared a French attack. Thanks to a huge moat filled with water, the fortress remained impregnable. Despite the external severity, the premises of Bodiam were amazing, but at the beginning of the last century it all fell into disrepair. The main property was looted and destroyed.

It's amazing how the builders created truly comfortable and cozy living conditions for people inside and such an impregnable facade - outside. Today Bodiam is one of the most visited castles thanks to picturesque view, a lake with water lilies and great angles for shooting.

6. Estense Castle, Italy
Time of construction: 1385

This castle is a real lucky one, as one of the few that has been completely restored. The history of its construction began with an uprising of an angry people against tax increases and the exhaustion of people in Ferrara. Marquis Nicollo II d "Este thought about building a residence in which nothing would threaten him. The defensive structure was fenced with a moat, and military equipment looked at the inhabitants of the city from its walls.

It was in this castle that Eleanor of Aragon with her children was saved from imminent death. Centuries later, in the 19th century, the castle was used as an office building, and two hundred years later, a complete restoration of the facade and interior began. For ten years now, everyone can visit Estense and imagine the life of past centuries, and the events with which it was in full swing.

7. Chęcin Castle, Poland
Time of construction: 1306

Another stunning castle that was built in the 14th century, but already in Poland. Despite all its grandeur and imposingness, this historic building was abandoned in the 18th century and no one is still working on it. At first, the castle was used as a collection of troops under Casimir III the Great, then became the home of the Queen of Hungary, Vladislav III of Varna and Queen Bona Sforza.

Until the 16th century, Chęcin Castle was used as a prison, and it had already ceased to carry the original idea of ​​​​protecting the royal family from an enemy conspiracy. Twice the castle was destroyed, and then themselves locals brick by brick dismantled the walls for their own needs. Already after the Great Patriotic War, the government partially tried to restore the historical building, however, as before, the castle is in great need of an economic hand and attention.