Insulation of a Chinese tent for winter fishing. Insulation and windproofing of an umbrella-type winter tent, floor to tent

The arrival of winter, with its sub-zero temperatures, piercing winds and prickly drifting snow, does not mean that going out into nature should be postponed until next summer. Of course, most people prefer to sit peacefully in warm apartments, but there are those who are not at all afraid of -20 on the thermometer. They prepare winter fishing equipment, select warm clothes and shoes, and apply maximum ingenuity in such matters as insulating a tent. This completely solvable problem should be considered based on their experience.

Tent location in winter

Any more or less experienced fisherman will tell you that putting up a tent on a pond in a place convenient for you, where the shore or trees can protect from the wind, is not fishing - it’s just a camping trip. The fish gather in places that are convenient for them. She, of course, takes into account climatic and relief features, but they are often radically different from our preferences. Therefore, lovers of winter fishing have developed some rules for installing a tent, which can be applied under other conditions.

The main source of cold in open space is not frost, but wind. You can protect yourself from the cold with quality clothing. It is much more difficult to hide from the wind. That is why the tent should be installed so that the entrance is on the leeward side, and to prevent blowing, it is recommended to sprinkle the lower perimeter with snow.

Insulation methods

There can be several ways to insulate a tent with your own hands. Some of them can be used in combination, some exclude the rest. You can only choose after trying several times, but we will try to carefully consider the most popular ones to make your choice easier.

  • Insulating a winter tent with polyethylene. Most affordable way, helping to protect against rain and snow. However, he cannot save for long. Condensation will accumulate on the inside, and the material itself is quite light and it will be necessary to carefully secure it, at least with clothespins, and this will greatly increase the installation time of the tent.
  • Double tent. Or an additional awning, which can be easily made from an old tent or a special cover can be sewn, for example from tarpaulin. This method is much more effective than polyethylene insulation, but requires additional preparation at home.
  • Internal insulation. You can find it in specialized stores wide choose isothermal insulation based on synthetic winterizer, silicone and the like. They are covered with double-sided breathable fabric and provide excellent protection from moisture. Their cost, of course, is quite decent, but they also provide a solid guarantee of heat. There is also a more budget option: a heat reflector on foil, secured to the inner walls with clamps. You will have to tinker with it in the cold, but the heat from the heater will linger inside the tent much longer.
  • Insulated floors. The main source of cold inside the tent is frozen ground, snow or ice if you are fishing. The simplest solution to cutting off this source is to use travel rugs. They are made of a special porous material and are intended specifically for this purpose. But it should be borne in mind that after some time they will begin to transmit heat downwards, which can lead to the melting of ice or snow and the formation of an elementary puddle right in the middle of the tent.

The listed methods, individually or in combination, will help keep the tent warm for a while and are used everywhere, especially if you are planning to be in nature for only a few hours. However, this is often not enough to spend the night on a pond or in a winter forest.

Forced heating

The most effective way Insulation of a winter tent is the use of simple or complex heating devices or objects.

  • The most affordable in this regard are ordinary paraffin candles. If the temperature is not too low, they will cope with this task quite well, especially if you place the candle in a thermos flask. This achieves two goals at once. Firstly, safety increases significantly, because even if you accidentally knock over such a heat source, you will not set anything on fire. Secondly, the flask itself warms up from the candle fire and begins to intensely radiate heat.
  • In second place is the old, proven method of heating a tent using a hot stone. However, you will have to find this very stone, which is somewhat difficult to do in winter. Then make a fire, heat the stone on a live flame and bring it into the tent. To prevent it from burning the floor and melting the ice on the floor, you can place it in a metal pot, which, by the way, will increase the operating time of such a “heater,” or wrap it in several layers of foil.
  • Gas heater. A special compact device running on liquefied gas, designed specifically for tourists, fishermen and other amateurs active rest. There can be two types depending on the nozzle:
  • With metal nozzle.
  • With ceramic nozzle.

They are very easy to use and do not take up much space, but their operation is limited by the size of a stationary cylinder, so it is better to take a spare one with you.

  • Gasoline heater. There are compact and inexpensive models. Unlike gas ones, they are even more unpretentious, but the fire hazard increases significantly. Requires increased attention and caution.
  • And, of course, a wood-burning stove. Not very convenient for transportation. Of all the above options, heating a winter tent using a compact stove can be called the most ideal.

There is no need to be afraid of frost and hide your noses behind double-glazed windows and an insulated safe door. A winter trip to the bosom of nature, if well prepared for it, will give you indescribable pleasure, give you a huge boost of energy and lift your spirits for more than a day or two.

Fishermen are often more concerned about low temperatures overboard, which are very difficult to combat when fishing. Winter suit with fleece, fur-lined mittens, felt boots and even special thermal underwear as for astronauts it is unlikely to be of significant help even in 20-degree frost. Therefore, in order not to freeze on the ice or in the piercing wind, additional means of heating are simply necessary.

The thought immediately comes to mind mobile home or tent, it’s very difficult to do without it on an open reservoir in winter and you can freeze in a matter of minutes. Stiff legs and arms don’t make winter fishing any more enjoyable. Plus, freezing for a long time is very harmful to health. Therefore, choosing a good tent for winter fishing will guarantee that you will not survive in the forest in winter, but will turn winter fishing into a comfortable and exciting activity.

Setting up a tent for winter fishing

First thing to do before setting up a tent for winter fishing- this is to determine which direction the wind is blowing and position the tent so that the entrance and ventilation holes face the opposite side. Thanks to this, the tent will be protected from direct penetration of cold air and will be more stable.

While inside the tent, the fisherman must leave at least one open vent, no matter how severe the frost. Otherwise, condensation will quickly form inside the tent, which will lead to more cooling. When setting up a tent for winter fishing, be sure to ensure that it is the lower part was covered with snow. In this case, you will not only insulate it, but also give it greater stability. You can freeze the bottom part to ice, but just be careful when removing the tent later.

Heating a tent for winter fishing

One winter tent for winter fishing will not be enough and is very ineffective in terms of retaining heat. There are different ways to get out of this situation. Typically fishermen use:

  • candles for heating tents for winter fishing

Candles for heating a tent for winter fishing are the most economical and compact way; they are cheap and take up little space. Wax or paraffin candles produce enough heat when burned to maintain the temperature inside the tent, but only to a certain temperature outside. But from experience we know that even at minus 15 outside, this wax option doesn’t save much. Plus, it is possible for the fishing line to come into contact with the fire from the candle.

  • gas stoves for heating during winter fishing

Special heaters are produced for winter fishing enthusiasts. They differ in the fuel used to heat the tent, as well as in the working volume. Some copies work without refueling for two to three hours, others a little longer. Most often, such heaters operate on gas fuel. The most popular means of gas equipment is a cylinder with a tile. The tile generates much more heat and quickly warms the space of the tent, but it should be remembered that the tile with a cylinder is quite bulky equipment.

  • dry fuel for heating a tent during winter fishing

Other fishermen use hot water bottles with dry fuel to heat their tents during winter fishing. You can easily make such a heating pad yourself. To do this, we make holes in a regular tin can for air to enter and the oven is ready. It is suitable for both heating a tent and heating food. But dry fuel gives off a lot of unpleasant odors, and if you burn it, for example, all night, you can get poisoned and even lose consciousness. Therefore, using this heating method is not recommended.

How to heat a tent for winter fishing

In addition to the above-mentioned methods, many fishermen heat their headscarves with a kerosene stove during winter fishing. Some fishermen, when traveling by car, take cast iron stoves for their tents. They run on either gas or wood. And in order not to get burned, a pipe is connected to the stove, which goes out into the street. This stove burns all night long, so the temperature in the tent will be very comfortable.

It is extremely important to remember safety when winter fishing! Heated dry tents can easily ignite from the slightest spark or overheating of heating devices, be very careful!

How to insulate a tent for winter fishing

However, warming the tent is half the battle; you also need to keep this warmth in it. To retain heat, some manufacturers make tents with double walls. It is noticeably warmer in such structures. But if you have a very ordinary scarf, then you can try to modernize it. You can use any non-toxic building material designed for hydrothermal and noise insulation. This material can be used to cover the floor of the tent, saving space for holes, then the cold from the ice will enter the house much less. You can also make tent covers in the form of caps from this material. And then beautiful winter fishing pike, burbot, bream, carp, perch, carp will be provided for you!

For those who are really interested in the topic, we suggest watching a video about heating tents for winter fishing.

Video - heating a tent for winter fishing

Enjoy your winter fishing and remember to stay safe on ice and in a heated tent!

Avid anglers are not deterred by extreme weather conditions. They happily sit for hours with fishing rods both in the summer heat and in the harsh winter frosts. As soon as the ice covering on the reservoirs becomes strong enough, anglers go to the holes, taking a reliable winter tent for convenience and protection.

Such shelters are created taking into account weather conditions and allow you to fish in relative comfort. To choose reliable protection, we offer you a rating of the best insulated winter tents. There are quite a lot of options for such temporary houses.

When going to the store to buy a reliable winter temporary home, you need to know what design features of the shelter need to be taken into account and what is not important.

How to choose material for a winter tent

Winter shelter models are made from the most modern and reliable materials. Many of them were created for the needs of the military or astronauts. You can find out the features of a particular material that was used in the manufacture of a temporary home by looking at the markings of the fabric. The explanation of such markings is indicated in the specification.

Typically, synthetic fabrics are used to produce winter protective shelters. The most commonly used are lavsan, polyester, nylon and the like. For winter shelter, it is preferable to use fabrics with a polyester base, for example, polyester or lavsan.

The method of weaving the threads also matters. The most commonly used weave is “tafetta”, in which the fibers are woven in the usual way. Oxford weave fabric is used for the bottom of the temporary house. The best strength indicators have fabrics with rip stop weave, in which threads with high strength are introduced into the material.

The density of a fabric can be determined by a digital code indicating the number of fibers that fit per square inch of material. The higher the number, the denser the material.

If additional impregnation of the material is used, this can also be found out from the markings. The abbreviation PU indicates the use of polyurethane, and the letters Si indicate silicone impregnation.

Water resistance parameters have a numerical designation. The larger it is, the longer the fabric will remain dry.

How to choose heating for a tent

In winter, the temporary housing should be warm, because that is why it is installed. There are different ways to provide heat, but to use them, ventilation must be provided in the walls for a constant flow of oxygen.

The easiest way to warm yourself is with a large candle, which is left overnight. It does not provide good heating, but if the air temperature does not drop below 15 degrees below zero, then it will be warm inside.

Another heating method is dry fuel. To burn dry fuel tablets, you will need an empty tin can. This homemade stove can also be used as a stove to boil a kettle on.

How to choose a type of tent

In the modern tourism equipment market, the choice of winter protective structures is quite wide. The difference between popular models is not only in the characteristics of the material, but also in the shape and design of the shelter. All these parameters are important to consider when purchasing.

Frame winter tents

This model of temporary home is considered the most reliable and stable; it is not afraid of the wind. But its installation is done manually, which is not always convenient in frosty conditions or strong gusts of wind. In addition, installing such a shelter takes a lot of time.

First you need to install and secure the bottom. After this, you need to pull the awning over the arcs and fix the frame at the corners. Assembling such a structure also takes a lot of time. Therefore, it makes sense to buy such models if the fishing will continue for several days.

Cube tent

In addition to the classical form of the structure in the form of a hemisphere or gable model, last years Cube-shaped shelters are becoming increasingly popular. Anglers love cubic devices for their spaciousness. In such a tent it is easy to stand up to your full height and stretch your stiff limbs.
But such designs are not without their drawbacks:

  • The high windage of the walls makes the cubic model vulnerable to strong wind gusts.
  • Such devices are bulky and weigh a lot due to the features of a durable frame and increased fabric density.

These disadvantages become a serious obstacle to purchase. Many anglers sacrifice comfort for mobility and reliability.

Automatic tent

As can be judged from the name of this model, the main advantage of such a structure is in its design. Such protection does not require lengthy installation. The model has a mechanism similar to that of an umbrella. There is a central rod connected to spokes, which are connected to several folding arches covered with durable material. The floor is also mounted to the arches. To install such a model, you only need to raise the central rod to the upper position, which forces the arches and the awning to take the working position.

In addition to the speed of assembly, such devices have another advantage - they weigh little. This allows you to move quickly while fishing in search of prey.

The disadvantage of automatic temporary houses is their instability. A gust of wind at any second can blow a protective structure a hundred meters away. It is in this regard that, first of all, when installing such a model, the bottom frame is secured to the ice with special ties.

Trekking tents

This type of temporary home is lightweight and mobile. This tent is lightweight, up to five kilograms. They can accommodate up to 4 people, but the most popular are double and triple models. The frame of the trekking model consists of two intersecting arcs, so it is very easy to install such a structure.

A winter trekking tent is made of very durable material that protects against strong wind, rain or snow with high waterproof ratings.

Which company is better to buy a tent?

Nowadays, tourist equipment is produced by many companies, including foreign ones. There are many offers of Chinese-made varieties on the Internet. Their main advantage is that they are inexpensive models. At the same time, the quality of such budget options The tents leave much to be desired.

Experienced fishermen are inclined to think that a winter tent is not something worth saving on. Purchasing a reliable and durable product from one of the European brands will ultimately be more profitable.

Rating of quality tents

Tramp Ice fisher 180

At the top of the rating is a tent that belongs to the premium class. It will provide winter fishing enthusiasts with high-quality and reliable protection. The model is made of two-layer polyester, which perfectly protects the inhabitant of a temporary home from gusts of wind and moisture. The building has only one entrance, which is protection from drafts. Shelter has enough big size so that two or even three people can comfortably fit inside.

Tramp Ice fisher 180


  • Double layer polyester;
  • Sufficient size;
  • Durable frame;
  • You can stand upright inside.


  • There is no vestibule.

The average price is 14,100 rubles.

In second place in the list of the best models is a device that will reliably protect from the wind. The hexagonal shape will perfectly withstand even the strongest winds, thanks to the strong arcs of the frame. To ensure greater reliability, six wind guys are provided.

For additional protection from bad weather, a wide skirt is provided at the bottom of the shelter. There are two ventilation holes for fresh air. This model can accommodate two people. Models of different designs are available for sale.

The tent is quickly installed due to the fact that the frame is located on the inside of the awning. The awning fabric is polyurethane impregnated. All seams are well welded, and on the outside there is a weatherproof skirt around the perimeter. The set includes 8 steel screws that provide reliable fastening to the ice surface. The temporary shelter is of good height and sufficient size. For comfort, the structure has two tubes for ventilation.


  • Quick to assemble;
  • The design provides ideal wind resistance;
  • Provides excellent protection from precipitation;
  • It is light in weight.


  • The price is quite expensive.

The average price is 15,100 rubles.

Assembling and installing the tent - in the video:

Tramp Wild (TRT-047.02)

This tent has a hemispherical shape and reliably protects fishing enthusiasts from frost and bad weather. The model is made of two-layer material with special impregnation, which is protected from fire. The shelter has good moisture-resistant qualities and can withstand gusts of wind.

For ventilation there are two special valves. The inner layer of the coating is made of fine mesh. This model can be used for traveling and hiking of medium difficulty. Two people can be inside.

Tramp Wild (TRT-047.02)


  • There is an additional bottom;
  • Not susceptible to sunlight;
  • Light weight;
  • Equipped with two entrances;
  • The fabric is treated with a special composition against fire.


  • Low ceiling.

The average price is 10,400 rubles.

Penguin 2 Arctic

The Russian tent Penguin 2 Arctic is one of the most popular among Russian winter fishing enthusiasts. Domestic manufacturers have made a reliable shelter that perfectly protects from all weather troubles. The shelter has an optimal shape and is lightweight, which allows you to move the tent without disassembling it.

Inside this model there is room for two people with things. The awning fabric is two-layer, providing high-quality protection from bad weather. The upper part of the temporary shelter uses breathable fabric to provide ventilation.

Penguin 2 Arctic


  • Low cost;
  • Quality materials;
  • Light weight;
  • Quickly assembled and installed.


  • Low height.

The average price is 6200 rubles.

Video review of the model:

Another tent that provides good protection from bad weather and frost. This model has an umbrella frame, which allows you to quickly install the shelter. There is a special loop inside the structure where you can hang a lantern. A special skirt is provided on the outside of the shelter, which provides additional protection from bad weather. The model has a sufficiently sized window, which has a flap-shaped fastener. The building can comfortably accommodate two people.

Most of the tent’s parameters are similar to those of the Maverick Ice model, the leader in the rating. Of course, the cost of a Russian-made product is much lower.


  • The tent is quick to assemble and set up;
  • The shelter is lightweight;
  • Low price;
  • There are valves that release carbon monoxide.


  • Only two people can be accommodated.

The average price is 8900 rubles.
Video review of the tent:

In last place in the ranking is the tent of Omsk manufacturers. The shelter has a two-layer awning. The inner lining is made of breathable, high-density polyester material. The top layer of the awning is also made of thicker polyester, treated with polyurethane to provide moisture resistance and protection from wind.

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  • Transport companies (payment of transportation tariff upon receipt of the order).

Choose the transport company that suits you best by independently calculating the cost of delivery on the websites of transport companies or use the calculation service с To calculate, you will need the packaging dimensions and gross weight of the goods. You can find this information in the product characteristics on the website or request information from managers.

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Geography international shipments includes the countries of the former CIS, Central Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, Latin America, as well as the USA, Canada and New Zealand. Cost information international delivery Managers will clarify.​



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    Delivery throughout Yekaterinburg.

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Features of single-layer tents Shore

Single-layer Beach tents consist of a frame and an outer awning, in which all windows and doors equipped mosquito nets. A single-layer tent is suitable for recreation in warm time year and can be used as a tent or camp bath. Single-layer tents Shore not included floor and if we consider them as a tent for living or winter fishing, then it is important to pay attention to several features:

  • Wind resistance of the tent. In regions with strong winds, the weight of a single-layer awning and frame is not enough. It is the weight of the tent that is an important criterion for the stability of the tent in strong winds;
  • Natural condensate. Due to the temperature difference between the outside and inside the tent, natural condensation (moisture) forms on the walls of the outer tent. This moisture is not a sign of a defective tent or a sealing problem. However, such moisture on the walls does not make staying in the tent more comfortable;
  • Water resistance of the tent. We do not recommend long trips with a single-layer tent when heavy rain is forecast. A tent without a floor will not provide airtightness, and the presence of natural condensation on the walls during rainfall will create discomfort in the tent;

Features of two-layer tents Shore

Two-layer Coast tents consist of a frame, an outer awning and an inner awning with a removable, sealed summer floor with a zipper. Tents can be used at any time of the year, in any climate zone, including the Arctic.

A special feature of Bereg double-layer tents is the “air cushion” between the awnings. This air cushion has moisture-repellent impregnation on both sides of the awnings and allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • Natural condensation does not create the feeling of a wet tent due to the formation only between the awnings, without violating the tightness inside the tent;
  • Due to the water-repellent impregnation, moisture is formed in the form of drops on the outer awning and a small part of condensation on the inner awning of the tents. To dry, just shake the awnings without the need for additional drying of the tent.

The "air cushion" between the awnings is an excellent thermoregulator. It keeps the tent warm in winter and keeps the tent warm in hot weather in summer. We do not recommend removing the inner tent awning except for delicate washing.


  • Double-layer tents provide better wind resistance, but have more weight.
  • Double-layer tents provide better sealing and comfort, but are more expensive.
  • Double-layer tents, unlike single-layer ones, are all-season.

Stoves for army tents

We recommend for heating army tents. The chimney diameter of army tents is 115 mm, the diameter of army stove pipes is 100 mm. The "army" Bereg stove is distinguished by the presence of a retractable ash pan and a grate, which allows you to clean the stove from ash without removing it from the tent.

Stoves for universal tents UP and Kub tents

The stove in the UP and Kub tents can be used for: heating the tent, cooking or organizing bathing procedures. Below are general recommendations for choosing stoves for tents.

UP-5 ( , )

UP-2 ( , )

UP-2 mini ( , )

Winter summer ()

Sputnik-3 ()

Tents "CUBE" ( , )

The chimney diameter in the UP and Kub tents is 90 mm.

If you plan to order the UP-2 set with the "Economka" Malaya stove (the diameter of the "Economka" Malaya chimney pipe is 65 mm), you must indicate in the comments to the order "Chimney diameter 70-80 mm." We will install the correct size for free.

If you plan to use different stoves with different pipe diameters in the tent, we recommend ordering an additional chimney cut on a linden tree (securely attached to the main tent cut) of the required diameter.

Stoves for camping saunas, PB series

For camping saunas of the PB series, we recommend a stove. The stove is designed specifically for organizing bathing procedures in camp conditions; it has the largest firebox volume and a stationary box for laying stones.

To select a stove for certain conditions, contact your sales manager. toll free phone 8 800 500 56 92 or in a convenient way for you from the "Contacts" section.

General information on warranty obligations of PF "Bereg"

  • The entire range of PF "Bereg" is covered by a general warranty lasting from 1 to 3 years.
  • Warranty for components of UP tents, Cube tents and Army tents: awnings - 1 year, frame - 3 years.
  • Warranty for PF "Bereg" stoves: General warranty - 1 year. Warranty against burn-through - 3 years.
  • For airboats, aerial installations, PVC boats - 1 year. Separate warranty for the engine as part of other products - 6 months.

We take full responsibility for the level of quality of our products. All products undergo mandatory quality control and have the necessary certificates of conformity.

Included with each product is the PF "Bereg" warranty card signed by a quality control specialist(technical control department) and operating instructions. The document sets out detailed information under the company’s warranty obligations regarding a specific unit of goods

All tents and stoves produced by PF "Bereg" are universal and guarantee safety during use. An important condition is to familiarize yourself with the operating instructions for tents and stoves.

Features of tents and stoves of PF "Bereg" that ensure safety:


  • a specially equipped place for installing a stove in two-layer tents includes a wall lined with heat-resistant silicone silica fabric and a chimney made of fire-resistant fabric impregnated with silicone;
  • ventilation system for proper organization of air flow when using the stove in a tent;

Tent stoves:

  • reflective screens (2-4 pieces, depending on the model) reduce the temperature of exposure to objects located in the immediate vicinity of the stove;
  • spark arrester, forms two combustion chambers, increases efficiency and prevents the emission of sparks;
  • argon welding makes the furnace firebox completely sealed
  • removable legs make the oven more stable, unlike plate legs.

The presence of accessories such as heat-resistant oven mats, smoke and CO2 gas detectors will provide additional safety

The entire range of "Bereg" tents is intended for all-season use..

Single-layer tents Shore:

  • Residential module in summer;
  • Fishing tent in winter;
  • Tent-tent for relaxing with family or company;
  • Camping tourist bathhouse

Double-layer tents Shore:

    All-season residential module

    All-season fishing tent

    All-season camping sauna

    All-season tent tent

Versatility for individual requests is achieved due to the possibility of retrofitting tents with additional accessories.

Returning goods of proper quality

If for any reason the purchased product is not suitable for you, according to the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” you have the right to exchange or return the product within 14 days from the date of receipt and subject to the preservation of its presentation. In this case, the product must be in the original packaging, without traces of use. It is important to note that transportation costs for returning goods of proper quality are subject to payment by the Buyer.

  • Return new item within 14 days
  • The product has not been used, its presentation is preserved
  • Full refund of the price of the product

The Bereg company guarantees compensation Money for the goods in any way convenient and accessible to you, subject to the terms of return and exchange.

Need an exchange or return? Contact us:

Toll-free number in Russia: 8-800-500-56-92


Or use the form

Product repair

If the product malfunctions due to circumstances not related to a manufacturing defect, you can send the product for repair to the manufacturer, including after the warranty period has expired. It is important to note that transportation costs for sending the goods for repair after the expiration of the warranty period are payable by the Buyer.

General rules for accepting goods for repair

The goods accepted by PF "Bereg" for repair must be in a clean, dry form without any strong odors. There should be no grass, sand, soil or other third-party elements on the product. In case of non-compliance this condition Service department services are paid at an increased rate.

Please note: only goods produced by PF "Bereg" are accepted for repair. When contacting the service department to register your request, you will need documents confirming the purchase of the product in the Bereg PF online store or from an official dealer (product warranty card and receipt)

The history of the Bereg Manufacturing Company began in 2009. Like many companies, the development and production of the company's products was carried out from scratch in a small space by the efforts of two friends. Today, the Bereg manufacturing company has more than 90 employees. By joint efforts, we were able to achieve high quality products, created a number of unique products and developed a wide dealer network, including over 70 partners, which covers all corners of Russia - from Krasnodar region to Chukotka.

is the official website of the Bereg Manufacturing Company, Yekaterinburg. We are engaged in the production and sale of our own products - equipment for hunting, fishing and outdoor activities.

Why are we one of the best in Russia?

  • Experience more than 10 years talking about high quality products, customer-oriented service and professionalism of the company’s employees. We do what the clients who contact us want.
  • Own production allows us to improve products, communicate directly with the buyer and produce goods that meet the highest quality standards.
  • High quality materials, which over 10 years we have learned to select from the best suppliers around the world. Each material entering production goes through several stages of control before becoming part of the Bereg PF products.
  • Guarantee period for goods PF "Bereg" ranges from one year to three years. Each product has an instruction manual and a warranty card signed by a quality control engineer who is responsible for the quality of the product throughout its service life.
  • Product uniqueness achieved through customer ideas, regular improvements and the introduction of innovative technologies.
  • Flexible system of discounts. We offer our wholesale and retail customers Best offer On the market. PF "Bereg" regularly holds promotions that allow you to buy goods at a favorable price.
  • Free delivery of goods carried out to the terminal of any transport company in Yekaterinburg . Do you live in Yekaterinburg? We will deliver the goods at a time and place convenient for you or offer to pick up the goods from production at the company’s central office.
  • Payment for goods anywhere in the world. We will tell you about the payment methods available to you, the features and advantages of different payment systems.