Water transport. Moscow water transport: Traffic jams, private yachts and musical programs of ships bypassing these rules is

Russia has a large-scale water transport infrastructure: thirteen seas and more than 100 thousand km of navigable rivers. During the period of radical transformations in politics and the economy, the country's fleet practically did not develop. In the 1990s, the issue of the need to revive the domestic merchant fleet was raised, and today it is time to revive the passenger fleet as well. Analysts believe that the maintenance of river routes requires investments 50 times less than those of roads and railways. Important factors are that water transport is hundreds of times safer than road transport, and their impact on the environment is minimal, which is especially important in densely populated regions. As for passenger transportation by inland water transport, as of January 1, 2017, 1656 vessels of various purposes and types were registered in the Russian River Register of Shipping. The average age of high-speed vessels of the river park is 26 years or more. The main projects of this group of vessels are: the Raketa type (project 340 with modifications, passenger capacity 60-65 people), the Meteor type (project 342 with modifications, passenger capacity 120 people), the Voskhod type (project 352 with modifications, passenger capacity 70 people), type "Zarya" (project 946 and R-83, passenger capacity 60-66 people). All these ships were built in Soviet years , in the early 90s, their construction was stopped. In 2006, the first planing vessel of the A45 Lena project was built (passenger capacity 150 people). The ships of this project were designed to replace the outdated fleet of high-speed hydrofoils. In the period 2008-2013. 4 ships were built according to the modified A45-1 project: Yeniseysk, Krasnoyarsk, Ivan Nazarov, Mikhail Godenko. Vessels of these projects are characterized by shallow draft (0.6 m in planing mode), high maneuverability, and, consequently, the ability to approach an unequipped shore, which ensured the greatest efficiency in the performance of the vessel's functions. According to the list of state orders in 2016, it was planned to put into operation about 80 cargo and passenger ships. But due to lack of financial resources, the shipyard of the Zelenodolsk Shipbuilding Plant named after A. M. Gorky, where the production of new types of ships was organized, experienced enormous difficulties in producing the required volume of ships. In fact, in 2016, 67% of the ships of the domestic passenger fleet were repaired, 25% required major repairs, 2.5% were decommissioned, 1% were purchased from other countries, 2% were produced by domestic shipyards. Today, the state of the Russian passenger fleet for domestic transportation is critical. The average age of passenger ships for local lines is 36 years (Table 1). Table 1 State of the passenger fleet in the Russian Federation as of 01.01.2017* (local lines) Project Quantity, units Average age, years R-51, R51E, R-51EK, R-51EA "Moskva" 226 29 544, 544Sh, 544P "Moskvich" 128 55.5 780, 780-03 "OM" 106 49.9 81080, 81080A " Moskovsky 27 23 839, 839A MO 44 49.3 331 11 49.6 R-35 Neva 6 38 2646/R-51EK 5 28 NVS-496 (China) 6 4.3 623 7 49.3 * Source: CJSC TsNIIMF materials The largest shipowners of river passenger ships for local lines: Passenger Port JSC (Moscow), Volgograd River Port JSC, Amur Shipping Company JSC, Tatflot JSC. The river cruise fleet is represented by motor ships of projects 588, 302, 301, 26-37, 92-016 and others. Vessel class according to the Russian River Register - "O". Passenger capacity - up to 230 people. In total, 49 motor ships were built during the period from 1954 to 1964. Most of the ships are still in operation after reconstruction and modernization, which took place in the late 1990s - early 2000s. As of August 2016, 30 cruise ships of this type are operated in the Russian Federation. Eleven vessels have been decommissioned, some of them are being upgraded. The rest of the ships were decommissioned in different years. Project 301 ships are four-deck motor ships built in the GDR in 1974-1983. Passenger capacity - up to 360 people. The lead ship is "Vladimir Ilyich" (currently "St. Petersburg"). Vessel class according to the Russian River Register - "O". A total of 22 ships of three different series of this type were built. Today, the vessels of this project, after modernization, make tourist cruises between Moscow and St. Petersburg, along the Volga. Project 302 ships (a modernized continuation of project 301) are four-deck passenger ships built in Germany in 1983-1992. Passenger capacity - up to 332 people. The class of the vessel according to the Russian River Register is “M (ice)”, which allows these vessels to be operated in broken ice Ladoga and Onega lakes. The lead ship of the series, Dmitry Furmanov, was launched in 1983. In total, 27 motor ships of this project were built, of which 2 motor ships of project 302M, 4 motor ships of project 302MK, are distinguished by elements of exterior decoration and increased comfort. The last three motor ships of project 302MK were sold to China in the early 90s. The remaining vessels of this project continue to operate mainly on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg. Vessels project 26-37 - three-deck motor ships built in Czechoslovakia in 1957-1962. The project is almost identical to project 588. A total of 54 vessels of this project were built. The lead ship is the October Revolution. In the 2000s most of ships have been modernized to increase their comfort. As of August 2016, 34 vessels are in operation. Project 92-016 ships are four-deck motor ships built in Czechoslovakia in 1976-1983. Passenger capacity - up to 360 people. All 9 ships of this project are still in operation and belong to the Volga Shipping Company (Vodokhod tour operator). Sea passenger ships and ferries occupy a separate niche in sea transport. Most often they are linear. They are subject to very high requirements for design and supply from the regulatory authorities. At the beginning of 2016, the Russian marine passenger fleet consisted of 39 vessels with an average age of 26.7 years. In terms of quantity, the most representative group of non-berthed ships: passenger displacement ships, hydrofoils (SPK), catamarans. The deadweight of these vessels is 14-80 tons. Average age - 26 years. They mainly work on local lines of coastal navigation in the Far East and South basins. This group is represented by four vessels: Polaris (built in 1968), Claudia Elanskaya (1977), Belomorye (1980), Anna Akhmatova (1988). Cargo-passenger ships: "Gipanis" (1992), "Igor Farkhutdinov" (1991). Carry out transportation of passengers between the points of the Northern and Far Eastern basins. The domestic cruise fleet is represented by seven converted research vessels with a passenger capacity of 45 to 117 people. The class of ice reinforcements according to the classification of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping is Arc4 and Arc5. All Russian expeditionary cruise ships were built in the 80s and even with re-equipment they do not meet modern requirements for safety, comfort and economy. Having a small passenger capacity and outdated equipment, they lose to the existing and modern cruise fleet of foreign companies under construction. The owners of the ships - Russian scientific organizations - have been leasing these ships to foreign companies for many years. Each such vessel performs from 10 to 20 voyages per year in regions with difficult ice conditions (Arctic, Far East , Antarctica). The analysis of maritime passenger traffic in the Russian Federation over the past eleven years has shown a steady decline in their volumes (Table 2). Table 2 Sea passenger transportation in the Russian Federation for 2004-2016 Indicators Years 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013 2015 2016 Traffic volume, million passengers 4.4 5.5 0.7 9.6 1.5 9.9 7.8 6.5 4.1 3.6 2.5 Passenger turnover, million pass-km 73.1 84.2 51.9 15 .4 55.7 84.0 76.0 68.7 80.0 36.1 29.3 According to official data for the period from 2008 to 2016 the volume of passenger transportation by sea decreased by 5 times. This is due to a number of industry factors and reasons: 1. Inland water transport. a) Passenger transportation (transit, local, suburban): - outdated low-comfort passenger fleet; - decommissioning of vessels due to the tightening of safety requirements for passenger transportation; - higher tariffs at a lower speed of delivery in certain directions compared to alternative modes of transport; - lack of a flexible tariff system responsive to the state of the competitive environment; - low guaranteed depths for GDP during the low season navigation, which do not allow the use of the fleet at full load; - lack of illuminated situation on the GDP during dark nights, which reduces the use of the fleet; - limited funding from local budgets to cover losses on social passenger transportation; shortage of qualified personnel; - insufficiently developed port infrastructure for passenger transportation; - low quality of services provided to passengers. b) Tourist and excursion-pleasure transportation: - lack of modern comfortable cruise fleet; - insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure; constant increase in cruise fares; - insufficient promotion of the national tourism product; - the quality of the provided tourist services does not meet the modern requirements of passengers. 2. By sea. a) Transportation of passengers on local lines: - lack of a modern passenger displacement and high-speed fleet; - higher tariffs at a lower speed of delivery in certain directions compared to alternative modes of transport; - insufficiently developed port infrastructure for passenger transportation; - low quality of services provided to passengers. b) Cruise shipping: - lack of a modern cruise fleet; - insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure; - constant growth of tariffs for cruises; - insufficient promotion of the national tourism product; - the quality of the provided tourist services does not meet the modern requirements of passengers; lack of competition in the Russian tourist market. As statistics show, excursion and pleasure boats are mainly built. As a result, there is a shortage of modern vessels for the transport of passengers on local lines and cruise shipping. The reasons hindering the renewal of the passenger fleet include the following: - high construction cost of ships, especially cruise ships; - long term payback of the project for the construction of a passenger ship; - the impossibility of reducing the cost of a river vessel by increasing its passenger capacity due to the limited dimensions of inland waterways; - limited period of use of river tourist vessels (up to five months in the central basins); - limited opportunities in creating new water tourism routes in Russia; - shortcomings in the methodological justification of the existing system of tariff setting for Passenger Transportation water transport; - decrease in demand for river passenger transport services due to the unsatisfactory state of the port infrastructure (berths, stations). Measures taken to intensify the process of development of water passenger transportation can be as follows: - Establish acceptable tariffs for transportation by water transport. - Renovation of coastal facilities, as the use of ships for local traffic directly depends on the state of piers, sea and river stations, etc. - Activation of the construction of ships on the basis of leasing (the method is ineffective, since large financial investments are required for start-up buildings). - Updating the passenger fleet through the purchase of ships. The unsatisfactory condition and non-compliance of many ships with the requirements of the Register attracted the attention of the Executive authorities. Recently, new volumes of state orders have appeared, finances have been allocated for the reconstruction of coastal facilities. Thus, within the framework of the project for the creation of the passenger transport hub "Arctic Harbor", work has been completed on the construction of a sea station in the city of Murmansk. The measures taken give hope that the volume of passenger transportation by water transport in Russia will nevertheless increase and, at least, will reach the previous volumes.

Maritime transport is important primarily because it provides a significant part of Russia's foreign trade relations. Domestic transportation (cabotage) is essential only for supplying northern and east coasts countries. The share of maritime transport in cargo turnover is 8%, although the mass of transported goods is less than 1% of the total. This ratio is achieved through the longest average transportation distance is about 4.5 thousand km. Passenger transportation by sea is negligible.

On a global scale maritime transport ranks first in terms of cargo turnover, standing out for the minimum transport of goods. In Russia, it is relatively underdeveloped, since the main economic centers of the country are far from the sea coasts. In addition, most of the seas surrounding the country's territory are freezing, which increases the cost of using maritime transport. A serious problem is country's outdated navy. Most of the ships were built over 20 years ago and should be scrapped by world standards. There are practically no ships of modern types: gas carriers, lighter carriers, container carriers, ships with horizontal loading and unloading, etc. There are only 11 large seaports on the territory of Russia, which is not enough for a country of such magnitude. About half of the Russian cargoes going by sea are served by the ports of other states. These are mainly the ports of the former Soviet republics: Odessa (Ukraine), Ventspils (Latvia), Tallinn (Estonia), Klaipeda (Lithuania). The use of seaports of other states leads to financial losses. To solve this problem, new ports are being built on the coasts of the Baltic and Black Seas.

The leading sea basin in Russia in terms of cargo turnover is currently the Far East. Its main ports are rarely frozen Vladivostok and Nakhodka. Near Nakhodka, a modern port Vostochny was built with terminals for the export of coal and timber. The port of Vanino, located on the final section of the Baikal-Amur Railway, is also of great importance. A ferry operates in this port, connecting the railway network of mainland Russia with the network of Sakhalin Island (the port of Kholmsk).

In second place in terms of cargo turnover is the Northern Basin. The main ports in it are: Murmansk (non-freezing, although located beyond the Arctic Circle) and Arkhangelsk (timber export, both sea and river). Large ports also operate at the mouth of the Yenisei. These are Dudinka, through which ore concentrates are exported from Norilsk, and Igarka, through which timber and forest products are transported. Plot of the Northern sea ​​route between the mouth of the Yenisei and Murmansk is a year-round operation, which is ensured by the use of powerful icebreakers, including nuclear ones. Navigation east of the mouth of the Yenisei is carried out only 2-3 months in the summer

The third largest is the Baltic basin. The main ports in it are St. Petersburg (freezing) and Kaliningrad (non-freezing). The use of the convenient Kaliningrad port is difficult, since it is separated from the main part of Russia by the territories of foreign states. Near St. Petersburg there is a small port of Vyborg, through which mainly timber cargoes go. The ports of Ust-Luga and Primorsk are under construction.

In fourth place in terms of cargo turnover is the Cheriosea-Azov basin. Two non-freezing oil export ports are located here - Novorossiysk (the most powerful in Russia) and Tuapse. Maritime transport also includes transportation in the Caspian Sea. The largest here are the ports of Astrakhan (both sea and river) and Makhachkala, through which mainly oil cargoes go.

River transport

River transport (or inland waterways) was the main one in Russia until the end of the 19th century. At present, its significance is small - about 2% of cargo turnover and the mass of transported goods. Although this is a cheap mode of transport, it has serious disadvantages. The main one is that the directions of river flow often do not coincide with the directions of cargo transportation. Expensive canals have to be built to connect neighboring river basins. On the territory of Russia, river transport is a seasonal mode of transport, since the rivers freeze for several months a year. The total length of navigable river routes in Russia is 85 thousand km. 3/4 of the cargo currently being transported river transport Russia, these are mineral building materials. Passenger transportation by river transport is insignificant, as well as by sea.

More than half of the cargo turnover of the country's river transport falls on the Volga-Kama basin. It is connected by canals with neighboring basins (Don, Neva, Northern Dvina, White Sea), being the basis of the Unified deep-water system of the European part of the country. The largest river ports are also located here: Nizhny Novgorod, Northern, Southern and Western in Moscow, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd, Astrakhan. The second place in terms of cargo turnover is occupied by the West Siberian basin, which includes the Ob with tributaries. In it, in addition to building materials, a significant share in transportation is oil cargo. The main ports are Novosibirsk, Tobolsk, Surgut, Labytnangi, Tyumen. The third in Russia is the basin of the Northern Dvina with tributaries of the Sukhona and Vychegda. In it, a significant share in transportation is timber cargo. The main ports are Arkhangelsk and Kotlas.

River transport is of great importance in the northeastern part of Russia, where there are virtually no networks of other modes of transport. The main amount of cargo is delivered to these territories in the summer either from the south of the railway (via the Yenisei from Krasnoyarsk, along the Lena from Ust-Kut), or from river mouths, where cargo is delivered by sea.

River transport carries out the transportation of goods and passengers along waterways of natural and artificial origin, and is relevant for local transportation within the country's borders.

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It occupies an important place in transport system Russia. Most often, freight and passenger transportation takes place along the Volga, Lena, Amur, Yenisei, Ob and Angara.


According to general statistics that do not take into account distances, 0.11 percent of the population uses inland water transport services, which is negligible compared to other modes ( public transport- 90.52%, railway - 8.54%).

Type of transportation 2015 2016
million people % million people %
Railway 1 024,60 8,29 1 040,00 8,54
Bus 11 221,00 90,78 11 027,40 90,52
Inland waterway 13,2 0,11 13,1 0,11
by sea 9,6 0,08 13 0,11
Avia (transport aviation) 92,1 0,75 88,6 0,73
Total 12 360,50 100,00 12 182,10 100,00

If we take into account the distance of transportation and capacity, then the statistics will not change much: the same 0.11 percent, compared with rail (27%) and public (25%) transport.

Type of transportation 2015 2016
million passenger km % million passenger km %
Railway 120 644,20 25,88 124 619,60 27,23
Bus 118 061,50 25,33 116 885,20 25,54
Inland waterway 492,3 0,11 525,1 0,11
by sea 61,7 0,01 88,1 0,02
Avia (transport aviation) 226 849,20 48,67 215 593,90 47,10
Total 466 108,90 100,00 457 711,90 100,00

In general, it can be concluded that passenger river transportation has a very small share among the popular modes of transport, surpassing only sea transportation. There is a tendency to increase the number of passengers using this mode of transport, but it is not significant.

In the transportation of useful resources to remote riverine areas, this mode of transport plays a more important role.

Inland water transport has been teetering on the brink of unprofitability for many years: many years of problems with the financing of the industry have played a huge role in this.

Most of the ships currently in use are obsolete, still Soviet. At the moment, only a quarter of hydraulic structures are in a normal condition, which makes it possible to ensure the safety of transportation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the sad statistics described above, river transport has enough advantages and remains relevant today.

The advantages of this type of movement include the following:

  1. The paths of natural origin are used: they do not require such expenses as for the arrangement of roads or laying rails.
  2. The cost of transportation is cheaper than using trains.
  3. Energy costs are less than those of land transport.
  4. High carrying capacity.

However, river transport also has its downsides. Among them are:

  1. Low movement speed.
  2. Seasonal nature: irrelevant when rivers freeze or become shallow (depending on the climate of the region). In the northern regions, 120-150 days a year are used, in the south - 200-240, in regions with a mixed climate - something in between.
  3. Usage is limited by the format of rivers: sinuosity, direction, length.
  4. Strongly dependent on weather conditions.
  5. River pollution.
  6. Depth stepping; leads to additional passes when using large vessels.

Rules for the safe delivery of children on the river

In any case, when traveling by water with children, do not forget about the safety rules and official instructions that reflect the rules of conduct when traveling on water:

  1. First, the basic rules will be the same for both adults and children.
  2. Make sure that the ship has evacuation instructions, an exit plan, and locate life jackets and lifeboats. In case of their absence, it is not recommended to use this water transport.
  3. Once on board the ship, you enter the territory controlled by the ship's crew, including its captain. Their instructions and disciplinary obligations must be followed. Your safety and sailing will depend entirely on the crew working on board.
  4. Once in your cabin, carefully review the instructions regarding the safety of passengers and the vessel.
  5. Make sure you have a swimming vest and that it is fit for use. Read the instructions for use in advance so that emergencies do not take you by surprise.
  6. It is worth making sure that the vessel is completely ready for work and from the documentary side, and has all the necessary licenses. It is worth knowing whether and

Do not forget that when you buy a ticket, you are entering into a contract with the company that owns the ship.

If we take the rules relating specifically to passengers with children, the following points can be distinguished (according to and):

  1. Children under 5 years old are entitled to free travel (one child), and children from 5 to 10 years old are entitled to reduced travel (Inland Water Transport Code).
  2. Minors under 14 years of age are not allowed to travel without being accompanied by a capable passenger. (Ch. 1 p. 8 Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 05.05.2012 No. 140).
  3. There must be individual life jackets for children on board, one for each child on board. (Ch. 1 p. 12 Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 05.05.2012 N 140).

Separately, you can take out the requirements from the Rules for the provision of services for the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo for personal (domestic) needs on inland water transport, approved.

According to this Decree, an accompanying person with a child under 7 years old can use the services of the mother and child room:

  • sleeping places and bed linen for a child and an adult;
  • acceptance of extraordinary orders for all types of services provided;
  • use of a bath, shower, towels and other bathing accessories;
  • health care;
  • providing children's games.

bypassing these rules is:

Passenger river transportation along the Volga

Passenger transportation by river transport is in demand on major rivers, which includes the Volga.

Basically, they are used for:

  1. River cruises: trips on boats and high-speed boats.
  2. Passenger traffic: in some settlements this way is the only way to come.

Major ports and transshipment points in such routes will be:

  • Moscow;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Kostroma;
  • Kaluga;
  • Kolomna;
  • Serpukhov;
  • Rybinsk;
  • Samara.

The main passenger flows are concentrated in the Volga-Kama river basin. River stations of cities in this area offer many options for intracity, transit, local and suburban directions for traveling along the Volga by transport, both simple and tourist.

The lines Moscow - Astrakhan / Perm / Rostov / Ufa have the greatest length:

The largest river station is the capital.

In the Volga-Vyatka basin, the largest river stations are located in the following cities:

  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Volgograd;
  • Moscow;
  • Permian;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Kazan;
  • Yaroslavl.

The main ports in the Volga basin:

  • Kalininsky;
  • Cherepovets;
  • Rybinsky;
  • Yaroslavsky;
  • Gorky;
  • Kazan;
  • Ulyanovsk;
  • Kuibyshevsky;
  • Saratov;
  • Volgograd;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Permian.


Prices for river transport vary greatly, depending on the distance and duration of the journey, ending with the number of stops. Also, the price is strongly influenced by the type of trip - tourism or simple transportation. Plus, the price for each kg of luggage is added to the ticket price:

Simple travel will cost about t 60 to several hundred rubles, with tourist and recreational flights, the situation is more interesting. Depending on the format and content of the trip, prices vary from 5 to tens of thousands of rubles.

For example, the fare on the route Krasnoyarsk - Dudinka will be from 7 to 30 thousand rubles(depending on the category of the piece and the weight of the baggage).

How to choose the best value for money? Consider the following points:

  1. Decide what is more important for you - comfort or fare, because depending on the level of the cabin, the payment can vary by 4 times.
  2. Seasonal discounts, especially for pre-booked reservations. The earlier you buy a ticket, the cheaper it will cost you, and it will be easier to choose the most comfortable option.
  3. It is worth studying the available offers from the companies that carry out the crossing and choosing the most optimal option.
  4. The choice of the ship on which you have to sail. Today, ships on 2-4 decks are presented in Russia, the capacity of the vessel depends on the number of which. For some big size would be a plus, but since this leads to an increase in the number of people on board, this option is not suitable for everyone.
  5. Examine the photos of the vessel, the interior, read the reviews on various sites to make sure that the area is comfortable enough.
  6. The peak of tourism and crossings usually occurs in June-July, which causes a jump in cruise prices. Try to look at the tariffs in May or August - the demand will be less, as well as the issue price. You can, of course, try to pick up a ticket for October and April - but the weather is unlikely to contribute to comfortable travel.
  7. The choice of direction and length of the trip also plays a big role:
    • No matter how surprising it may be, but the road Moscow - St. Petersburg, Moscow - Arkhangelsk and, for example, Naryan-Mar - Salekhard will differ significantly in price.
    • The main thing at this point is to decide on the city of departure, because the prices for the route depend on it.
    • In addition, due to the fact that large water arteries in our country flow either from north to south or from south to north, it is not always possible to find a direct river route even with nearby cities, such as Khabarovsk and Birobidzhan.


The transportation of passengers in this way is regulated by the “Inland Water Transport Code Russian Federation” 2001.

According to this document:

  1. The carrier bears full responsibility for passengers and accepted baggage from the moment of boarding until the moment of disembarkation at the destination.
  2. Loss, damage or incomplete delivery of things caused by the fault of the crew must be compensated to the passenger, as well as payment for the carriage of cargo in full, unless the carrier proves that the loss was the result of circumstances beyond his control.
  3. Baggage will be considered lost if it does not arrive at its destination within 30 days after the appointed time.
  4. Also, the carrier is responsible for the life of passengers and the safety of the vessel.

Transport companies

1. Complete the tasks.

1) Mark (fill in the circle) different color land, water, air and underground transport on p. 74-75.

2) Mark on the same pages passenger, freight and special transport with the first letters of these words (write the letter in the box).
Within this framework, decipher the symbols, that is, show what color or letter each mode of transport is designated.

2. Give examples of transport that is at the same time:

a) ground, passenger, personal: a car;

b) ground, passenger, public: bus, passenger train, tram, trolleybus;

c) water, passenger, personal: boat, boat, jet ski;

d) water, passenger, public: ship, river tram.

3. Write down the phone numbers that are called:

a) firefighters 01

b) the police 02

in) " ambulance» — 03

Write down the single emergency telephone number:112

4. Compare sizes Vehicle shown in the figure. In the red squares, number them in order of increasing size, and in the blue squares - in order of decreasing size. Ask your desk mate to check you out.

5. Make and write down the general plan of the story about the history of various modes of transport.

1) Transport in antiquity.
2) The invention of the steam engine.
3) The appearance of transport on the internal combustion engine.
4) The emergence of aviation.
5) Flights into space.
6) Electric motors are the future of transport.

History of different modes of transport

In ancient times, people also used different kinds transport. Most of them are still in use today. For example, even now you can see a horse pulling a cart, and wooden boats, hollowed out of tree trunks, participate in sports competitions. People also traveled and transported goods on dogs, camels, elephants, donkeys and other domestic animals.

In the 19th century, an event occurred that dramatically changed transport - the steam engine invented in the 17th century began to be used in transport. So in 1801, the first steam locomotive in history was built and several steam-powered carts were built. It was also around this time that the first steamboat was built.

At the end of the 19th century, a more advanced engine was invented - the internal combustion engine. In 1885 the first motorcycle was built, and in 1886 the first automobile. A little later, more advanced motor ships, compared to steamships, began to be mass-produced. Several decades later, railways locomotives have gone.

In the 20th century, the development of transport went by leaps and bounds. In 1903, the Wright brothers first flew an airplane. Airplanes have improved rapidly. Various types began to appear air transport: sports, passenger, cargo, military. The engines that powered the planes also quickly became more powerful. Airplanes now fly on jet engines, some of which are capable of breaking the speed of light.

On April 12, 1961, the greatest event took place - the first manned flight into space. Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin spaceship"Vostok" made one revolution around the earth and landed safely. This event was the beginning of the era of space transport.

Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, mankind uses a variety of modes of transport, powered by various engines. The speed of their movement, ease of use and environmental friendliness (safety for nature) are increasing. By the way, special attention is now being paid to the environmental safety of transport. That is why now on the streets of the cities the most the best transport trolleybuses and trams are considered, in railway transport electric locomotives and electric trains are used, and as personal transport more and more electric vehicles.

6. Our cheerful Parrot invites you to color the balloon so that it becomes beautiful and cheerful. You can hold a competition in the class for the funniest balloon.
Have you ever seen real Balloons? If yes, tell us about your impressions. In the frame on the right you can paste a photo of a hot air balloon.

What are the types of water transport?
What could be more romantic than a walk on the water? Until today, there is something special and attractive about seafaring travel. Perhaps this is due to danger, perhaps - with some mystical phenomena on the high seas. But the shipbuilding industry is developing as actively as everyone else. Therefore, on this moment we know what types of water transport are, and what we need to achieve our goals.
Types of water transport are classified according to the type of water bodies on which this transport goes, according to the type of cargo that is transported. It is logical that such transport can be river and sea. At the same time, it can be cargo or passenger. We also know submarines, which are submarines that carry out, for the most part, the transport of dangerous goods or perform military tasks. Sea vessels always arrive and moor at sea or river ports. A separate type of water transport are ferries.
Tourist transport is a vessel that is designed for travel and sea (river) trips. These are, first of all, yachts, boats, sailboats, boats, etc.

Water transport in the photo on the Internet
Water transport, the photo of which we see on the Internet, is a vessel capable of transporting goods and passengers. But we forget that there are also special, narrowly focused types. These are rescue boats, firemen, special purpose. Research vessels can also be created and used. You can rarely see such water transport in the photo. It is also interesting to look at military vessels, which are landing sites for aircraft at sea. They not only amaze with their size, but also with their power and technical equipment. Freight transport is divided into those that carry dry cargo, tankers, container ships and ro-ro ships. We also do not forget about a separate type of ships - about icebreakers. Aircraft carriers, destroyers, cruisers - this terminology is used in military affairs.
On tourist sites, we often see offers for a walk on river trams or even gondolas. They can also be safely attributed to water transport, because they are capable of transporting people and objects, but still the main functions of such vessels are slow movement across a reservoir in order to see local attractions.

Water transport - the conqueror of the sea element
Water transport is designed to move goods, passengers on a certain body of water. Depending on its direct purpose, structural features, as well as technical capabilities, water transport has its own subspecies and classes.
Water passenger transport is tourist or shuttle vessels that move groups of people from one point of land to another, by means of water route. A vessel with cargo on board has its own types, depending on the carrying capacity and the type of product that can be transported.
Special representatives of water transport are specialized tourist facilities: yachts, liners, cruise ships, boats, boats. They are able to stay at sea for a long time and provide passengers on board with everything they need. Also, a separate class of water transport should be called military over- and submarines that perform strategic tasks, and are absolutely specialized carriers of people and special equipment.