I am studying in the influx program. Inflow Program Regulations General Rules

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Program "Inflow" Domodedovo Airport

Moscow Domodedovo Airport, a partner of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, held a three-day Business Game simulating the real work cycle of a company for students participating in the targeted educational Program Influx. It was attended by promising RUDN University students participating in the Influx program, who were selected based on the results of academic performance and additional testing. The management of Domodedovo Airport also took part in the game. By tradition, Dmitry Kamenshchik, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Moscow Domodedovo Airport, led the Business Game.

The dynamic pace of the Business Game allowed many students to try themselves in different positions;

The business game is the most prestigious form of encouragement for students participating in the Influx Program. It is an effective mechanism for creating a personnel reserve and improving personnel policy, updating personnel elites. With its help, the airport identifies the most talented students and in the future develops the qualities of future young managers, financiers, marketers.

The Inflow program has been implemented by Domodedovo Airport for more than 10 years, functionally defining the areas of interaction between higher and secondary educational institutions and enterprises that are part of Domodedovo Airport. The program provides a regular influx of qualified specialists for specific positions, allowing the airport to significantly reduce staff turnover at enterprises. Program participants are guaranteed work at the airport upon completion of training. Thanks to her, young professionals come to Domodedovo with not only the necessary professional knowledge and skills, but also an excellent knowledge of the company's structure and corporate culture.

Influx is a unique joint project of RUDN University and Domodedovo Airport, participation in which will allow you not only to get a world-class education, but also to become a highly qualified employee of one of largest airports Russia.

Information about the Inflow program

The question "Where can I find qualified personnel?" is one of the most acute for enterprises of any level; on the other hand, potential employees who are still sitting at their desks in schools are concerned about the equally acute question - "Where to go to study?". Regrettably, but the times of enthusiasts, when a potential candidate had a simple desire, are long gone - enterprises require trained personnel with education. And as practice shows, from enthusiasts, at times, there can be only problems. And here employers go all out - they develop a department of "human resources" in their structure, turn to the services of specialized recruitment agencies, often provoke "leaks of personnel" ...

Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, the largest enterprise in the aviation industry in Russia, has chosen a unique strategy: for several years now, the Influx program has been operating here, aimed at training and attracting young personnel. Students of universities such as MEPhI, RSUH, MSLA, MGIU, colleges and even high school students of Moscow and regional schools participating in the program have a unique opportunity to get the necessary professional skills, get acquainted with the structure and activities in practice, and, moreover, many have a chance to get a job even at the training stage.

From the first day of training, more than 3,000 people employed in the Influx program are preparing to work in specific specialties under the guidance of specialists - current employees of the enterprise, participate in trainings and master classes, and undergo industrial practice directly at the airport. Today, almost a thousand people practice at the airport enterprises.

One of the original "examinations" for students of the program is participation in business games. The best of the best take part in the final business game - "Paper Cycles": from year to year the rules of the game and the scenario change somewhat, but the meaning remains the same: game positions are analogous to real positions in the personnel structure of Domodedovo airport, and all activities are carried out in strict compliance with the law.

The rules of the game are a multi-page tome, which, even briefly, may take more than one hour to get acquainted with: in preparation for the game, the participants are given a series of special lectures, the game takes place in several stages over two days. Last year I attended a similar game for only a few hours - this year I managed to spend the whole day there, watching the game and its final:

The very first change is noticeable, compared to the previous year, a change - the game has its own press center and media. The information well-being index now also affects, sometimes significantly, the results of teams:

"Bench" - labor exchange. Everything is real: during the game, an employee can be fired, "conscripted into the army", "go on maternity leave" and even "arrested" - the composition of the teams is constantly changing. The "unemployed" do not lose time - they are ready to confirm their professional skills: for example, "unemployed production workers" made branded business cards for everyone

The game is replete with all sorts of traps - for example, at any moment an inspection can descend upon the players. In this case, labor. In the role of inspectors - current employees of the personnel department of the airport, headed by the head. They check, in my opinion, much more strictly than if it were a real inspection from the relevant government department:

Of course, the visit of the inspectors takes the players by surprise - the required documentation is hastily raised:

However, the emotions, in any case, the players are completely different:

A kind of call for a break - the next turn of the game is over:

However, all the most interesting is just beginning - a detailed "debriefing" is taking place in the large hall: the brightest moments are shown on the big screen (the game is under the close attention of video cameras), mentors point out the players to their mistakes, experts put their marks:

After the break, the final stage begins - the intensity of passions only grows:

The “hottest”, of course, is in production: it seems nothing complicated, cutting mugs out of paper and sticking them on paper ... But is it easy to do this in compliance with all the rules, including the design of each stage of production, the purchase of tools, the rental of transport and depreciation equipment? :)

Finished products, despite their apparent simplicity, are evaluated by specialists according to a huge number of criteria - from visual inspection, whether the circles are cut evenly, whether they are firmly glued, to a close examination of all the documentation drawn up on them. One mistake and the team gets huge fines

The information and broadcasting center of the game does not sit idle either: it is here that the same "information well-being index" is considered

The most exciting moment comes - the game is over, but who is the winner?

The results are announced personally by the Chairman of the Board of Directors - Dmitry Kamenshchik:

First, the work of individual team specialists is noted:

Then a pause is maintained - the tension in the hall reaches its peak:

According to the results of the business game "Paper Circles 2012", the winner is the "Blue" team, which scored a record number of points for the entire time of the games!

The "general director" of the winning team receives congratulations personally from Dmitry Kamenshchik. And not only congratulations and memorable gifts, but also a guaranteed job at Domodedovo Airport:

The hall bursts into applause:

Parting word to all participants from Dmitry Kamenshchik

In summary: unfortunately, in photos and a few lines of text it is very difficult to convey the whole atmosphere of the game, as well as all the intricacies and nuances of the gameplay. To someone who is especially far from modern business, for sure, all that is happening may seem nonsense, but it is not: the Influx program in general and the business game Paper Circles are a very necessary and very timely phenomenon.

Honestly, I even envy the participants of the program - alas, at a time when I still did not give up trying to get any kind of education, there were no such events and games. And the skills developed within the framework of such games are necessary, in my opinion, not only for working at the airport, but simply for any person who wants to do business. Whatever the "evil tongues" may say, but Dmitry Kamenshchik, the author of the "Influx" program in general and the business games "Paper Circles" in particular, is really a genius: perhaps, if one day I decide to do business again, I will definitely follow the ideas which I learned from observing this business game.

Testing in the Influx program:

Responsible: Melnikova S.A., teacher-psychologist

Responsible: Stupin M.A., Bleskina Yu.P.

Inflow Program

The program provides schoolchildren and students with the opportunity to acquire professional knowledge, get acquainted with the structure, scope and corporate culture of the company. As part of the Influx program, targeted preparation of students for subsequent employment in full-time positions at DME enterprises is carried out.

Participation in the Influx program means:

  • Guaranteed Employment in Regular DME Positions Program
  • Monthly scholarship based on learning outcomes for students up to 19,000 rubles
  • Training in our own Training Center on the territory of the airport
  • Production and undergraduate practice
  • Support in the development and writing of term papers and theses
  • Participation in educational simulations
  • Training in the basics of activity in the chosen specialty
  • Master classes by leading DME experts
  • Additional lectures on specialized subjects

Inflow is a targeted training program for young professionals that has been operating at Moscow Domodedovo Airport since 2000. To date, more than 3,000 people have become participants in the program.

This is an opportunity for schoolchildren and students to gain professional knowledge, get acquainted with the structure, scope and corporate culture of the company.

This program is designed to attract talented and motivated students of universities and colleges (1-2 courses) to work at Moscow Domodedovo Airport as young professionals, their adaptation, training and development. We give the opportunity to develop in a large Russian company which allows you to acquire stability, material well-being and realize your wildest career expectations.


Specialties of higher professional education:

  • Economics (Finance and credit, Economics of enterprises and organizations)
  • Documentation and archiving
  • Jurisprudence
  • Tourism
  • Management (Marketing, Human Resource Management)

Specialties of secondary vocational education:

  • Tourism
  • Documentation management and archiving
  • Economics and accounting (by industry)

Reviews about the program

Ekaterina Nitsulias

When people ask me about the Influx program, I remember myself as an applicant who faced a difficult choice that determined her future. I still remember how I doubted literally everything I heard about this program, and until the last I did not understand whether I was doing the right thing. Today, looking back, I think that the decision to become a member of the Influx was the right one.

Of course, today there are still “bottlenecks” in the program, but the results that you see when you become a “tributary” speak for themselves. Firstly, Inflow is an opportunity to study your future place of work, to master the specifics of Domodedovo Airport and get to know its structure, which in the future helps to quickly adapt to the workplace. Secondly, to describe the emotions that you experience when participating in Business Games, tourslets and other no less interesting events organized by the airport, there are simply not enough words - you need to try it. Thirdly, this, of course, is the expansion of the social circle - you get to know your future colleagues, make new friends - I think it is unnecessary to explain the advantages of this item.

Shishkina Yana

When I first heard about the Influx program, many questions and doubts appeared in my head: is it worth concluding a contract with Domodedovo Airport? Will it be possible to justify your expectations in the future, because you need to work for 3 years after receiving a diploma? First of all, of course, I consulted with my parents and learned first-hand opinions about the program, that is, from tributary students.

The final decision was made in a positive way, and I must say that, having become a member of the Influx program, I have never regretted my choice in 4 years. My advice to applicants: you need to understand that the Influx program is aimed at preparing an excellent specialist. There is no place for laziness here - you need to make a lot of efforts to become a worthy candidate, and for this you need to successfully study at the university and implement your skills in work practice, attend additional classes from the airport, pass tests well and be active.

How to proceed

In order to join the Influx program, you must:

March 29 at the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) an introductory meeting of students with representatives of the Influx program of Moscow Domodedovo Airport took place. Influx is a targeted training program for young specialists in specialties that are in demand at the airport. The program enables students to gain professional knowledge, get acquainted with the structure, scope and corporate culture of Domodedovo.

The meeting was attended by more than a hundred first and second year students who study in the areas of "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Electric Power and Electrical Engineering" and "Control in Technical Systems". The Influx program was presented to Mayovites by Domodedovo employees Daria Samandas and Oleg Kholopov.

The meeting started with a story about the history of Domodedovo Airport, its development program, specialties in demand at the airport and the opportunities that open up for Domodedovo employees. Further, the experts told the residents of Mayovka in detail about the opportunities to take part in the Influx program, the conditions for training, scholarships, scientific and practical activities, and much more.

Key benefits of the Inflow program:

  • guaranteed employment at Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
  • scholarship from 17,000 rubles per month;
  • industrial and pre-diploma practice at the enterprises of the airport;
  • writing term papers and dissertations on topical topics;
  • the opportunity to participate in unique educational programs DME - RTS-simulators.

The students were especially interested in the practical aspects of entering the program. So, for example, the guys learned from Oleg that to participate in Influx, they need to undergo psychological testing, which allows them to determine the candidate's readiness for the program. Also, a lot of attention during the meeting was devoted not only to training issues, but also to the numerous opportunities for professional and personal growth that are provided for program participants. Mayovites even watched a number of exciting videos about how the process of involving young people in the work of Domodedovo is being built.

Of course, following the results of the meeting, Mayovites asked airport representatives a lot of additional questions about the conditions for participation in the program, financial and other aspects that helped the guys make a decision about the relevance of Influx for modern students.

At the end of the meeting, everyone could fill out questionnaires to express their desire to register for the program. Based on the results of communication with Mayovites, representatives of Influx received more than 20 questionnaires. Such a large number of applicants means that the program aroused great interest among students. You can get tested at Domodedovo Airport from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 15:00. Go to the 10-story building (DME HR Center), 1st floor, office 1-44.

The Inflow program has been operating at Moscow Domodedovo Airport since 2000. On the this moment More than 3,000 students have become participants in the program.