The city of Yalta is the main Crimean resort. Yalta - the resort capital of sunny Crimea General information and a brief history of Yalta

Average temperature in the city by month:

Yalta through the eyes of a resident. About climate, ecology, areas, real estate prices and work in the city. Pros and cons of living in Yalta. Reviews from residents and those who moved to the city.

General information and brief history of Yalta

Yalta, or as it is also called “Russian Riviera,” is a resort capital in the southern part of Crimea. But the administrative center, called Greater Yalta, includes: Alupka, Foros, etc. Length Big Yalta is 72 km, and the territory is 900 hectares, half of which is built up, and the rest is planted with trees and exotic shrubs.

The vast territory of the modern city has been inhabited since ancient times, but intensive development began in the 9th-6th centuries BC. Yalta was first mentioned in writings, then it was called Jalita, in the 12th century. The famous Arab traveler Adu Abdallah Muhammad al-Idrisi mentioned it in his writings.

This city has seen many conquerors, was in the possession of the Golden Horde, Genoa, Ottoman Empire, USSR, Ukraine. Today it is part of the Russian Federation. Only in 1838, along with the formation of the district, Yalta received city status. And after 5 years, a development plan was agreed upon and the coat of arms was approved.

The rapid development of the city began with the construction of a port and highways with Simferopol and Sevastopol. From the beginning of the 60s of the 19th century, Yalta and its surroundings began to develop as resorts. At the same time, the imperial family acquired the Livadia estate here, subsequently favorite place rest for all the Romanovs. Thus, Yalta became a fashionable aristocratic resort.

The turning point and impetus for the rapid development of the resort area was the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR “On the use of Crimea for the treatment of workers.” At the same time, sanatoriums were opened, Kid `s camp"Artek", etc. Pioneers, proletariat and cultural figures come to Yalta from all over the USSR.

Climate and ecology of Yalta

The climate in Yalta resembles a subtropical Mediterranean, acclimatization is very quick and easy.

Winters here are very warm for Russia, mild (average temperature +4-5°C). It's cool in spring, very hot in summer. But autumn in Yalta is warm and long. The sun shines about 2300 hours a year. By the way, Nice, Cannes and San Remo have the same indicators.

Not the least role is played here by the combination of the ice-free sea with the Crimean Mountains, which reliably protect the city and its surroundings from cold winds in winter, dry heat and winds of the Tauride steppes in summer. From the south, the city is completely washed by the sea.

The swimming season in Yalta is very long, it opens at the end of May and lasts 149 days, until mid-October. The average water temperature is around 20°C.

But from an environmental point of view, the situation in Yalta is quite tense. The city has a heavy traffic load, and therefore the concentration of carbon monoxide exceeds the norm by 5-7 times. This is a clear sign of low quality fuel used. And the average concentration of benzopyrene is almost 2 times higher than the norm.

Sewage treatment plants and the water supply network are in extremely dilapidated condition, which contributes to the pollution of water adjacent to popular beaches. There are also problems with garbage collection; concerned citizens often organize cleanup days and clean their city themselves. This situation allows Yalta to be included in the list of cities with an unfavorable environmental situation.


In terms of population, Yalta ranks honorably third among all cities on the peninsula. About 90 thousand people permanently live in Yalta itself. At the same time, each holiday season this figure increases by 300,000 - 500,000 people due to city guests and tourists.

As for the gender and age group of the population, 45% are men, and 55% are representatives of the fair sex. It is noteworthy that in recent years the percentage of the population that is younger and older than working age has increased sharply. But the percentage of the working-age population is constantly decreasing.

If we talk about the demographic situation as a whole, it has almost the lowest indicators in Crimea. The average birth rate is 9.3 per 1000 people. The mortality rate exceeds these indicators by 2 times.

Recently, the percentage of marriages has increased and divorce cases have decreased. It is interesting that Yalta residents get divorced least of all in the cities of Crimea.

If we talk about the education of city residents, there is no clear answer. There aren't many high-ranking people in the city educational institutions, in particular, only three: Crimean Humanitarian University, Institute of Economics and Management, European University. Mostly a variety of colleges and schools predominate. In general, education and its accessibility are at an average level.

The people here are friendly, friendly, accustomed to numerous tourists. They will tell you how to get there and how to get there. True, the traders at the markets are a little rude.

Districts and real estate of Yalta

Conventionally, Yalta is divided into 3 main areas: the old city, where Yalta began, new town and Chekhovo. The city also includes the town. Nikita and Livadia.

Old city

Or, Old Yalta, as this area is also called, originates from the street. Boulevard and stretches up to the east. This area is notable for its large concentration of various buildings from past centuries. Precisely the past, because since the end of the 20th century, practically nothing has been built in old Yalta, since there is no room for it. This area is characterized by narrow winding streets and a large number of houses built close to each other.

Old Yalta is an administrative district; the mayor's office, police, hospitals, city administrative bodies, etc. are located here. The buildings are dominated by 2- and 3-story houses from the times of Imperial Russia in the classicism and baroque style, with their characteristic stucco molding and luxurious decoration. Of course, many of these houses have been restored, but the outskirts of the area are dominated by shabby, graffiti-covered shacks, which cannot be called anything else.

Most of the premises in the houses in this area are rented for shops, offices, banks, restaurants and other organizations providing all kinds of services, and the area itself is perfect for young, motivated people, but not for families with small children.

If during the day diligence and efficiency reign in old Yalta, then at night the area turns into an entertainment center with countless restaurants, concert venues, clubs and summer cafes. This area also includes, perhaps, the most favorite vacation spot for both local residents and visiting guests - the Yalta Embankment. In any weather, at any time of the day, it is always crowded here.

It is impossible not to note the greenery of this area. A variety of tropical plants, trees and shrubs are abundant here. Without a doubt, the central part of the old town is very well landscaped. On the outskirts, you need to get used to pictures that are strange for a tourist center. For example, to shabby, half-shabby buildings or to laundry hung right on the street.

If we talk about the provision of kindergartens and schools, then there are small problems with this. But the number and variety of sites, on the contrary, has good indicators.

The average cost of an apartment near the Embankment is $120,000 – $150,000.

The new city is fashionable dormitory area in the north-west of the city, consists of several microdistricts with serial numbers.

New Yalta is distinguished by its intricate buildings and modern, fully equipped residential complexes.

Multi-storey buildings, numerous hotels, a large number of landscaped courtyards and playgrounds. The area is picturesque and well landscaped.

There are many shops, supermarkets, pharmacies and organizations providing various services to the population. Everything is within walking distance. Quiet, calm and measured environment. The average cost for a one-bedroom apartment in this area is $60,000 – $70,000.

An abolished village included within the city limits. It is located in the west of the city in the area of ​​the house-museum of A.P. Chekhov, hence the name. Luxurious cottages, painted villas and houses predominate.

The area is completely landscaped, there are shops and pharmacies. Cons: the nearest hospital is quite far away, there are no large shopping centers.

Nikita is an urban village 7 km from Yalta. Here is the famous Nikitinsky Botanical Garden and many other parks and squares.

Mostly cottage village, has recently been gaining the status of a tourist center in Yalta for family vacation.

It has the cleanest sea. True, the bulk of residential buildings are located at a considerable distance from it. There are many hotels and guest houses here.

A quiet, peaceful place, ideal for living with family and children. Cons: the sea is far away, there are not enough clothing stores and pharmacies. The average cost of a private home hovers around $1,000,000.

On the other side of Yalta is the village of Livadia with the imperial estate. "Livadia Palace" - the residence of the Romanov family - is the main attraction of this place. It has its own school, kindergarten, and boarding school. Many hotels, shops, restaurants and bars. Recently, the development of this village with multi-storey residential complexes has been actively carried out.

The village is fully equipped with children's playgrounds, including new ones.

Cons: no large supermarkets or shopping centers, insufficiently equipped hospital.

Buses and minibuses constantly run between the village and Yalta. The average cost of a one-room apartment in a new building is $80,000-$100,000, and prices for private homes range from $500,000 to $5,000,000.

Infrastructure condition

The housing and communal complex of Yalta is developed quite well. There are many private organizations in the city that service homes. Despite the competition, we won’t have to wait long for price increases for housing and communal services tariffs. The amounts in receipts are growing, but practically nothing is being done for the benefit of homes and yards.

Homes are constantly covered in graffiti by street hooligans, but no one is in a hurry to erase this modern painting. The entrances are cleaned well, as is the area around the house. But this is not done as often as the situation requires.

Fortunately, with the arrangement and maintenance of highways and roads in Yalta, everything is more or less tolerable. At least you can’t say that the roads in the yards are bad or look like a sieve of bumps and potholes. All potholes are filled promptly and promptly, and the road surface is leveled.

If we talk about traffic jams and congestion on the roads, then if they happen here, then in the summer - at the peak of tourist activity.

As for the transport infrastructure of Yalta, it fully serves the needs of the resort. The main land arteries are the highways: Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta and Sevastopol - Yalta - Feodosia. The city has a seaport, which has several directions: passenger, trade and cargo.

The main types of urban transport are buses and minibuses. The variety and remoteness of routes, as well as a large number of buses on the line, satisfy all the needs of citizens and guests of the city. Not long ago, the city’s fleet was replenished with new buses from post-Olympic Sochi with the symbols of the 2014 Olympics.

Despite the developed transport infrastructure, there are a lot of private taxi organizations operating in the city, which are also in demand among the population. The average price for one km of travel is just under half a dollar.

If we talk about the problems of the city, the most important of them can be called drinking water, or rather its shortage. Drinking water came to the city from the Ukrainian Dnieper through the North Crimean Canal. In light of recent events, this water simply disappeared. Until 2017, the city will live off reserve storage facilities and artesian sources. By 2017, it is planned to complete large-scale construction of a water pipeline, which will provide water to the entire Crimea, including Yalta.

Enterprises and work in the city

Yalta's industry revolves around 17 main enterprises. Basically, these are the light and food industries, the construction sector and the electric power industry.

The number of employed people in industry is 3.5 thousand people, which corresponds to 22.8% of those employed in the production sector and 5.8% of total employment in the economic complex.
Of course, the main industry is the food industry, whose enterprises employ more than 50% of all workers in the industry.

The main enterprises of the industry: The main factory of vintage wines "Massandra", the Yalta bakery, a meat plant, a beer and soft drink plant, OJSC "Yalta Fish Factory".

In the future, the food industry will remain the leading industry in Yalta.

The electric power industry is represented by such enterprises as Krymteplokommunenergo, Yaltakurortteploenergo and Heat Networks. The industry employs 33.5% of those employed in industry.

The construction materials industry in Yalta is represented by the production and technological equipment management of the Krymspetsgidroremstroy trust, the Yalta plant Stroydetal, etc. The number of employees in the industry is 11.2%.

More than 2,000 facilities of all forms of ownership provide services to the population and guests in Yalta, including:

  • More than 600 stores with an area of ​​over 36 thousand m2
  • More than 500 catering establishments with 23.6 thousand seats
  • 150 kiosks, pavilions
  • 130 consumer service enterprises
  • 12 markets with 3000 trading places
  • 114 seasonal catering establishments with 4,500 seats
  • 530 off-site retail outlets

However, the bulk of the city’s working population works at resort enterprises year-round in all areas of economic activity. The number of people employed in economic sectors in 2013 fell by 5% and amounted to 55 thousand people. This indicates an outflow of labor resources to other areas of economic activity. For example, the number of entrepreneurs and individuals has increased.

This year, as in previous years, a typical reason for dismissal is low wages, delay in payment of up to 3 months, and inconsistency of the employee’s qualifications with the employer’s requirements. In the first half of 2013, compared to the same period in 2012, the number of registered unemployed decreased - 1.5 thousand people, which is 60% of the registered unemployed population.

Do not forget that Yalta has its own specifics as a resort and recreational complex that carries out seasonal activities, which affects the structure of the economy and the work of enterprises, organizations and institutions and other spheres of life of the population. The average number of full-time employees in all resort and tourism organizations is about 20 thousand people. Between May and September the number of employees increases to 25 thousand people. As a rule, this contingent consists of pupils, students, and retirees hired for temporary work who previously worked at these enterprises.

It is worth noting that the average salary in Yalta does not exceed $250.


The criminal situation in Yalta has generally stabilized. Since the entire leadership and majority of the internal composition of law enforcement agencies changed in 2010, the percentage of crimes solved has begun to increase. If we talk about specific statistical figures, then in 2013 serious and especially serious offenses decreased by 5.5%.

In recent years, scammers have become more active in Yalta. They mainly trade through SMS messages or go to the apartments of old people, posing as employees of social services and banks.
Also, the percentage of crimes committed by teenagers and young people has recently increased.

It is worth noting that Yalta leads in the number of “land” crimes. This is understandable, because this is a resort. In the last 6 months alone, more than 200 illegal decisions of government authorities on the disposal of land plots have been canceled. And this is only what was verified during the prosecutor's audit. The real numbers are unlikely to ever emerge.

Among the most “loud” and resonant crimes committed in Yalta, several can be highlighted. This murder of a newborn on the Ai Petri plateau shocked all the residents of Yalta... And after 5 months, the residents of the city were stunned by law enforcement agencies, who proved that the child was killed by his own mother. And also dozens of murders committed by a criminal group of “black realtors” who operated in Yalta, forced apartments to be transferred to themselves, and then brutally killed their victims. Last year, all members of the gang were detained, the coordinator was sentenced to capital punishment in the form of life imprisonment

Sights of Yalta

Of course, the very first place that every person who comes to Yalta should visit is the Central Embankment named after. Lenin.

It is framed by palm trees and an endless row of all kinds of cafes, bars, restaurants, attractions for children and adults. Here every gourmet will find a place to suit his taste: from hamburgers at McDonald's to a juicy steak with a glass of good red wine at Geneva. Here is a favorite meeting place for young people, hidden in the shade of palm trees - a monument to V.I. Lenin. And in the very center of the embankment there is a pier from where you can go to cruise on a motor ship or pleasure boat. The cable car to Darsan Hill also starts from here.

The Yubileiny cinema and concert hall, which is located nearby, regularly hosts concerts by pop stars. And lovers of vibrant nightlife will be delighted with the clubs in the Leto and Matrix shopping centers, which are located in the Oreanda hotel.

In Yalta there are restaurants and cafes for every taste and budget, including the most pompous restaurant “White Lion” or “Karagol” - Brezhnev’s favorite place!

Fans of French cuisine will be delighted with “White Shark”. For those for whom visiting pretentious establishments is alien, numerous pizzerias and inexpensive cafes are always open.

Of course, having visited Chekhov’s favorite city, one cannot help but visit the house-museum of the famous Russian classic. While living on his estate in Yalta, A.P. Chekhov wrote his most famous works.

You cannot pass by the majestic Church of St. John Chrysostom.

One of the first stone buildings with unusual architecture is rightfully considered the main decoration of Yalta. This also includes the Armenian Church, Nevsky Cathedral on the street. Sadovaya and the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In addition to architectural delights, Yalta has a lot of museums with interesting exhibitions. And in the secluded corners of numerous parks and squares hide various monuments to cultural and political figures.

3 km from Yalta is the famous residence of the last imperial Romanov family - Livadia Palace.

The Yalta Conference of the heads of state who won the Second World War took place here. Today, the palace has become a museum that is constantly open to visitors.

And on the territory of the Yalta sanatorium there is another palace, or rather the entire palace ensemble of the Emir of Bukhara.

The luxurious palace in the Moorish style is now occupied by the library of the sanatorium.

There are a huge number of attractions for children in Yalta, including an Aqua Park, the Skazka Zoo, and the Aquatoria Marine Animal Theater.

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Yalta is located in the south of the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea coast. At the same time, the concepts of the city of Yalta and Big Yalta. The last is called the Yalta region. Yalta is considered the recognized capital of the Crimean resorts, as well as a trade and passenger seaport of the southern coast of Crimea. A common version of the appearance of the city's name is that it is of Turkic origin. Yalta was first mentioned by the Arab historian Al-Idrisia in 1154.

Translated from the Crimean Tatar “yalyda” means “on the shore”. Yalta is located in the southern part of the Crimean peninsula, on the seashore on three hills in the valleys of the Derekoyka (Bystraya) and Uchan-Su (Vodopadnaya) rivers. There are a large number of parks on the territory of Greater Yalta. Vorontsovsky and Livadiysky are resort-wide attractions due to their size. The famous walking Tsar's Trail originates in Livadia Park. The following parks are also attractive for tourists: Gurzufsky, Kharaksky, Miskhorsky, Kiparisny, Chair, Primorsky and many others. They were created on the basis of the southern coastal forest using decorative foreign plants. The Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve is located on the territory of Greater Yalta.

The territory of the city of Yalta has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. It is characterized by: mild and rainy winters, long hot summers, cool springs and long warm autumns. The combination of an ice-free warm sea and mountains that stand in the way of cold winds is of great importance. Recreational resources play the most important role for Yalta. Nature reserves such as the Yalta Mountain Forest, Crimean Natural and Cape Martyan are the city’s main therapeutic and climatic resource. Monuments of landscape gardening art of local and national significance are also important.

In Yalta there are beautiful picturesque forests, tracts and beautiful river gorges. The Crimean flora is special in that it contains a large number of plants of alien species, as well as in the fact that there is a continuous growing season of plants, when the last autumn flowers begin to bloom. The fauna has an island character and is very close to the Mediterranean type. South coast has no large animals at all, mainly the following animals are characteristic of this part: teleut squirrel, mouflon mountain sheep, stone marten, badger, roe deer, wild boar, weasel, hare, hedgehog, bat, shrew, fox. The ecology of Yalta has a number of problems, primarily pollution caused by transport emissions. In the early 2000s, reconstruction of almost the entire Yalta coast began, namely: many beaches were reconstructed, and new ones were created; Many wild beaches have been improved. Massandra Beach received the prestigious Blue Flag award.

The restoration, after which the Yalta embankment became a shopping street and a place of public celebrations, was completed in 2003. The resort city of Yalta gained wide popularity in Soviet years. This was due to the fact that vacation here was much easier due to the visa-free regime and affordability for residents of the CIS countries, and since the beginning of the 21st century it has become cheaper in comparison with Russian resorts. As for the landscape of Yalta, there is an interesting combination of architectural structures and nature.

A large number of beautiful picturesque buildings from the late 19th – early 20th centuries have been preserved on the territory. Today, the city is also of considerable interest among vacationers against the backdrop of Russian and European resort cities. Every year this city is visited by a large number of people who are going to have a good time, relax, swim in the sea, visit local attractions or receive treatment in Yalta sanatoriums.

The southern coast of Crimea is a wonderful place that has been attracting people for several centuries. , the unofficial capital of this area, grows every year, occupying the surrounding mountains, merging with neighboring villages.

The concept of Big Yalta has already appeared: more than 70 kilometers. Big Yalta in the east begins with Gurzuf, and ends in Foros in the west. Greater Yalta includes the city of Alupka, 7 large resorts and many small resort villages.

The boundaries between them are practically erased. On a small section of the peninsula there are many palaces, mansions, churches, parks and other interesting attractions.


It is probably no coincidence that among the many empty valleys of the southern coast of Crimea, the first Russians chose Gurzuf. Estates were built here, parks were laid out, and one of the first resorts in Russia was opened.

Since those times, a small part of the old city has been preserved with narrow, crooked streets, a magnificent park with fountains of the 19th century, the dachas of K. Korovin and A. Chekhov, which today have been turned into museums and many other interesting corners, pleasant for walks.

Mount Bear- a symbol not only of Gurzuf, but of the entire Crimea. A bear drinking water from the sea can be seen from almost anywhere in the village.

You can climb or drive to the top of the mountain and admire stunning views of the sea and coastline.

There are several creative houses of artists and writers in Gurzuf. This place has an extraordinary aura, which is so necessary for work and creativity.

From Yalta to Gurzuf 18 kilometers. You can get there by bus from the Yalta bus station or by minibus No. 31. Travel time is about an hour.


Massandra is a small, cozy village very close to the outskirts of Yalta. The development of this place, like all the villages on the southern coast of Crimea, began in the 19th century.

The fame of Massandra was brought by the winemaking enterprises that still exist here, which were the first in Crimea to produce wines of European quality.

The famous wine cellars of Massandra are still the main object of interest for tourists. Excursions come here from all over Crimea to visit cellars, taste famous Massandra wines and, of course, buy their favorite wines.

- the most little-known royal residence. The palace was opened relatively recently as a museum.

For many years after the revolution, the palace was the state dacha of the top officials of the state, and therefore is well preserved.

The magnificent Massandra park still delights tourists today. This park is a real masterpiece of landscape architecture.

From the center of Yalta to Massandra is only 5 kilometers. You can get there by bus No. 44 or minibus No. 3 in just 5-10 minutes, if the road is clear.


On the slope of Mount Mogabi, 3 kilometers from Yalta, there is the village of Livadia. In the 70s of the 19th century, Livadia became the summer residence of the Russian Tsar Alexander III.

The Great and Small Palaces were built for the royal family. Even earlier, the first owners planted vineyards and wine production began.

A park with rare plants was laid out on a large area, an orchard was planted, and a greenhouse was built. When the royal family vacationed in Livadia in the summer, outsiders were strictly prohibited from entering the residence. Even the passage on the Yalta-Sevastopol road was blocked.

After the revolution in 1925, a sanatorium was opened in Levadia, which still exists.
During the German occupation, the so-called Bolshoi survived White Livadia Palace.

In February 1945, the famous Yalta Conference took place here. After many years of restoration work, the White Palace was opened for tours in 1974.
In Livadia there is a center for organ music "Livadia".

Livadia is located on a mountain, the village rises about 100 meters above the sea. Walking down the stairs every day is not a very pleasant experience.

To go down to the beach you can use the elevators, which are 300 meters from the village. The elevators are paid, have 2 lines, and deliver to the free beach.

Livadia beach is large-pebble, with a small number of sunbeds. The water in the sea, unlike Yalta, is very clean.

You can get from Yalta to Livadia by minibus:

  • No. 11 from the Yalta bus station;
  • No. 27 Yalta-Alupka;
  • No. 55 Massandra - Livalia;
  • No. 32, 47 from the clothing market.

The border between Yalta and Livadia is conditional, travel time is no more than 10 minutes.


The name of the village was given by the surrounding rocks. The word "oreanda" means rocky. The resort is 6 kilometers away from Yalta. Most of the village, Nizhnyaya Oreanda, is located by the sea.

Since 1825, the village was the property of the Romanov family. The “Sunny Path” still runs here, which starts in Livadia Park and ends in a white rotunda gazebo.

Here Nicholas I built the first palace in Crimea, which after his death, the palace passed to Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich.

30 years after its construction, the palace burned down. After the fire, it was built from the remaining stones

The most interesting attraction of Oreanda is the Mastovaya rock.

A huge rock near the seashore is split into two parts. Inside one of them there is a grotto in which the site of a primitive man was found.

There are many sanatoriums in Nizhnyaya Oreanda that have a common beach called "Golden Beach"

The small pebble beach stretches for 400 meters between Livadia and Cape Ai-Todor, looking like Neptune’s trident.
The rocks above Oreanda protect it from the northern winds.

The magnificent Oreanda Park, with many evergreens, makes this small village a wonderful place to relax. There is a “Chekhov’s” bench in the park. The writer often walked in the park, and many of his stories take place here, in particular the meeting of the characters in the story “The Lady with the Dog.”

You can get from Yalta by any minibus from the Yalta bus station towards Alupka. The Yalta-Alupka road passes through the village.


Gaspra, which is located 10 kilometers from Yalta, is considered one of the best resorts on the southern coast of Crimea.

Gaspra has practically no borders with the neighboring villages of Miskhor and Koreiz. There are many sanatoriums in Gaspra that are open all year round.

The abundance of cedars, junipers and cypresses makes the air healing. Doctors recommend that people with pulmonary diseases spend at least 2 weeks a year here.

There are many attractions in Gaspra, the most famous of which is the Swallow's Nest castle. This castle on a rock is one of the famous symbols of Crimea.

The castle is currently closed for restoration, but Observation deck around him is open. It offers a beautiful view of the surrounding area.

Gaspra has very ancient and rare monuments - the Taurus necropolises and the Roman fortress of Charax, which were built before our era.

Before the revolution, the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium was a palace that belonged to Prince Golitsin and Countess Panina. In 1901-1902 Leo Tolstoy rested here. The sanatorium has a museum room of L. Tolstoy and a memorial plaque.
The building of the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium is a palace with octagonal side towers, which are crowned with battlements and covered with ivy. The building is very decorated with lancet windows.

The Tsar's Path runs from Gaspra to Livadia, which was a favorite walking place for the family of Tsar Nicholas II.

In Gaspra there is the Aytodor Lighthouse, built in 1835 on the site where a Roman signal tower was located.
Yu. Tyurin, the lighthouse keeper, created a museum of items of maritime life: ship bells, nautical charts, photographs and items of marine life.

At the top of Ai-Todor grows a unique tree - a pistachio, which is more than 1000 years old. This amazing tree is one of the oldest in Crimea.

The beaches of the Gaspra sanatoriums are pebbly. They are well equipped with umbrellas, sun loungers, changing rooms, showers and toilets.

Natural, “wild” beaches on the southern coast of Crimea are a rarity. There are them in Gaspra, and they are made of dark shale sand mixed with gravel. To protect the beaches, pebbles have been added to the beach soil.

From the Gaspra embankment you can get to Yalta by pleasure boat or motor ship. Also, all three main highways along the southern coast of Crimea pass through Gaspra. From Yalta to Gaspra you can take minibuses No. 47 (Yalta - Koreiz), No. 26 (Yalta - Simeiz), No. 32, 27 (Yalta - Alupka), or by regular bus Yalta - Foros.


The history of Koreiz, a small village 12 kilometers from Yalta, began in the 30s of the 19th century. The estate here was acquired by Princess A.S. Golitsina, who was exiled to Crimea for her religious views.

According to the design of architects K. Eshlishman and F. Elson, an estate and an Orthodox church were built. At the beginning of the 20th century, Prince Yusupov bought the estate and built a magnificent Art Nouveau palace next to the old manor house.

Yusupov Palace is one of the most luxurious in Crimea. The palace was built according to the design of the architect Krasnov from local stone, gray marble-like limestone, the deposit of which is located in Gaspra.

The architecture of the palace is eclectic: white enamel panels, Viennese chairs and corner sofas are adjacent to marble lions brought from Italy. The palace is surrounded by a magnificent park, which occupies more than 16 hectares. The park grows ornamental plants, including many rare ones.

In Koreiz there is another wonderful monument - the Dulber Palace. It was built at the end of the 19th century for Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich Romanov, uncle of Emperor Nicholas II. The Moorish style of the palace makes it stand out among Crimean palace buildings. Peter Romanov borrowed ideas for the structure while traveling around the Middle East. The amazing castle is decorated with domes and battlements; above the entrance you can see a saying from the Koran. The palace is surrounded by a picturesque park with palm trees, bamboo groves, plane trees and pistachio trees.
Currently, the palace houses a sanatorium.

The Ai-Petrinsky mountain range rises above Koreiz. The slopes are covered with a forest of the famous Crimean pine, and the battlements of Ai-Petri look like the ruins of medieval castles or dragons.

You can get to Koreiz from Yalta by bus No. 47. The bus departs from the square near the Yalta clothing market.


Foros is one of the oldest settlements on the southern coast of Crimea. It was founded by the Greeks in the 5th century BC. Information about Foros can be found in the treasury lists of Genoa.

After the conquest of Crimea by Russia, the Foros estate was acquired by A. Kuznetsov, the porcelain and tea king. For the long-term residence of the Kuznetsov family, a two-story mansion in the classicist style was built. The interior of the mansion was quite luxurious. The best masters of applied art were invited to decorate it. 15 wall panels by artist Y. Klever have survived to this day. Today the mansion is one of the buildings of the sanatorium.

At the same time as the mansion, the Foros park was founded. The basis of the park was the forests that grew on the slopes of the mountains. The most famous place in the park is “ Paradise" There are 6 artificial lakes created here, picturesquely located at different levels.

The construction of the magnificent Foros Church of the Resurrection of Christ is also associated with the name of Kuznetsov. It is located on the Red Rock and rises 400 meters above the sea. The snow-white cross-domed church in the Byzantine style is built of brick. In accordance with Byzantine traditions, the interior of the temple is striking in luxury: frescoes, mosaics, marble cladding.
From the church there is a beautiful view of Foros, Cape Chekhov, and the wonderful Tikhaya Bay.

Foros is separated from Yalta by 38 kilometers, which can be traveled by minibus No. 28 from the bus station.

Greater Yalta is a magnificent resort region with dozens of resort villages, many palaces, unique parks, a huge number of sanatoriums and a wonderful, warm sea. Holidays here are a real holiday.

Having visited Crimea for the first time, I fell madly in love with its inexhaustible riches and atmosphere, and then I returned here to live, since just a vacation is not enough to study and understand the peninsula. But nevertheless, you can get incredible impressions during your vacation. So let's sharpen our skis towards Crimea. More precisely, flippers. The skis there are not functional.

The pearl of the peninsula and the place of the most massive tourist pilgrimages is, of course, the South Coast of Crimea (South Coast of Crimea). This is where the most diverse nature, the purest pebble beaches, the highest mountains, the most ancient forests, the most diverse flora and fauna, the juiciest fruits, the richest wines and the most salubrious climate. It is here that the most picturesque nature trails with tall cliffs and waterfalls are located, it is here that the palaces of princes and other unique architectural monuments rise majestically... And many, many more unusual, unknown and fascinating things. And the pearl of the South Coast, which occupies a significant part of it and, in fact, spreads all these riches, is Bolshaya. A legendary area, definitely worth a visit.

In general, traveling by train to the south is a very dubious pleasure: you will have to make a lot of transfers in the heat, and even the risk of being stuck at the crossing for several hours is very high. The tourists traveling with the “Single Ticket”, whom I met at the stations, had a very sad and “rumpled” look. They were no longer happy about coming to Crimea - fatigue from numerous road troubles took over.

This option may be relevant for residents of remote regions where flight fares are quite high. It allows you to save a lot of money. Getting to Crimea by plane from Central Russia is not at all expensive.

By bus

There are regular buses from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Kerch. The ticket price is about 3 thousand rubles. Having reached Kerch, you will need to get to the city you need on your own. Fortunately, the bus service between Kerch and the rest of Crimea is quite well developed.

There is another option: buy bus tours, where all connections and logistics are already thought out for you. Similar offers can be found from many travel agencies. It's a little more expensive, but you won't have to wait long for connections. The same tours are organized to cities such as Yalta and Bakhchisarai. Then no transfers at all. Travel time is a little more than a day.

The buses that carry long distances are quite comfortable - my friends who travel this way did not complain of discomfort.

By car

You can get from Moscow to Yalta by private car in 18 hours, excluding stops and food breaks. Gasoline costs will be about 10 thousand rubles. The road will run through Ukraine. From Moscow you need to take the E105 highway, which leads directly to Yalta, the length of the route is 1,481 km.

The journey from St. Petersburg will take about 30 hours. There are options: go either only through Ukraine, or through Belarus and Ukraine. The average is 2,200 km. If you drive only through Ukraine, then you should take the E95 highway, in Bryansk get onto the E101, follow it to Belgorod, and then change the road to E105. This is the most optimal, simple

(less chance of getting lost at junctions and turns) and a fast option.

When is the season? When is the best time to go

The best time for a holiday in Crimea is mid-August - late September. Not so hot, not so stuffy, the sea is warm and rarely stormy. Local fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables have already ripened, young wines have been made from the new grape harvest, and markets are beginning to trade in all these riches of Crimea. In general, absolutely all, without exception, the delights of southern resort life can be enjoyed during this period.

Big Yalta in summer

In summer, Yalta is crowded. There is a crush in all minibuses, traffic jams on the roads, finding a place on the beach is a rare success, there is a queue for excursions, it is often impossible to disperse on narrow mountain paths, on the embankment you cannot fight off merchants of all stripes - here they lure you with baklava, and here they offer to tell fortunes for the future. Prices for food, housing and other tourist services are the highest and unrealistically inflated. But! The south is still the south, and no matter how you look at it, it’s nice in Yalta in the summer.

All other advantages of resort life significantly outweigh the disadvantages. Sun, sea, beach, warmth, mountains, forests, wine and delicious food, kind people - in comparison with this, all of the above shortcomings seem so insignificant.

As for the sea, it warms up to a comfortable temperature (about +23 °C) by mid-June and remains warm until the end of September. The period of sweltering heat occurs at the end of July - beginning of August. Then neither the sea nor the shade of pine forests can save you from the heat.

Big Yalta in autumn

Autumn - best time for a trip to Crimea. If you want to relax comfortably without the crowded tourist bustle and heat, but with a warm sea and red-red landscapes of the forest, maple and oak alleys, then autumn is ideal for you.

Off-season trips are good for those who do not like to be around noise and crowds. The city streets are not so crowded, many cafes are closed, and souvenir stalls are boarded up. But there is an opportunity to wander alone on the beaches, without stepping over densely lying sunbathers, to feel the scale of the elements, to listen to the waves. Well, housing, of course, is rented during this period at lower prices.

Big Yalta in spring

In spring, the sea is still cold (+15 °C), and only walruses enjoy swimming. During the day it is quite warm - the temperature rises to +25 °C, and at night to +17 °C. But, again, there are not many tourists, prices are not high. And if you come at the end of May-April, you can find Crimea in bloom! The plateau above Yalta is strewn with poppies, the forest clearings are all covered with snowdrops, and the gardens are covered in clouds of the most fragrant flowering in the world. It's incredibly pleasing to the eye! The lavender fields alone are worth it.

Big Yalta in winter

In winter, Yalta dies out. The embankment is emptying, many shops, cafes and hotels are closing, storms are becoming more frequent at sea, and cold winds blowing in the city, descending from the mountains. No one is calling boat trips and diving, does not offer boiled crawfish or salted corn. Yalta in winter is an ordinary small mainland town. There is simply no reason to go there at this time of year.

Snow in Yalta is a rather rare phenomenon. All winter it lies only in the mountains, and if it falls in the city, it melts within a day. The children immediately happily pour out into the streets and make short-lived snowmen. For Yalta, this is truly akin to a miracle (unlike the Simferopol region, which is located higher above sea level, and therefore fluffy precipitation lingers there longer).


Big Yalta - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

Yalta and surroundings (Massandra, Livadia)

As for Yalta itself, the well-known “Intourist” is always happy to welcome guests and is very much loved by tourists, and the prices there are quite reasonable. The most expensive places in Yalta these are, of course, hotels on the embankment (Villa Elena, Oreanda and others like them). These are architectural monuments where the Chekhovs and Chaliapins used to have tea. The hotels have a very high star rating, and therefore the prices are not budget. A comfortable area for living in Yalta is, again, its suburb - . Yalta itself is still very noisy and crowded, and the city beaches are dirty. Massandra is quieter, cleaner and still a little cheaper. more noisy, since the Livadia Palace is located there, and crowds of tourists come to it. But there are good beaches there.

But for lovers of noisy city life who do not want to live anywhere other than Yalta, I recommend the area of ​​st. Pushkinskaya. This is the original Yalta Arbat, the center of vibrant city life. On the one hand, you live in a place with a high concentration of restaurants and clubs, and on the other, it’s only a 10-minute walk to the sea.

Only the prices there, of course, are high. Even simple housing can cost millions, just because of its favorable location.


Of all the Bolsheyalta villages for living, I would recommend. It is the most quiet, calm, clean and beautiful. Yalta and the most iconic sights are very close from there. You can read more about housing in Simeiz

The least I would recommend is . It is the most densely populated, the most hilly and mountainous, and the historical part in it is quite small. The rest of the space is occupied by standard block houses, built by the councils as dormitories for Artek employees - boring, gray and depressing. No resort romance. But here is the longest beach and embankment. The water in the sea, of course, is cleaner than that in Yalta, but still leaves much to be desired. But this is just my opinion; to some, Gurzuf may seem like an attractive resort area.

All other villages have the same idea - guest houses and simple hotels offer rooms of varying comfort. Somewhere there is a courtyard with gazebos and barbecues, somewhere there are swimming pools and other hotel attractions. Prices vary depending on the availability of these bonuses, the main one, of course, being distance from the sea.

But in general, all coastal villages differ little from each other - a pebble beach, a market, a historical part with dilapidated houses and crooked streets, and new neighborhoods with Soviet-era buildings and modern cottages. The cost of accommodation starts from 700 rubles per day. But each village has its own iconic sights and unique natural areas.

I don’t see much difference where to live. These villages are all typical. But if you like peace, then I would not recommend staying in Alupka, where the Vorontsov Palace is located, and in Gaspra, where the Swallow's Nest is located. Daily pilgrimages of crowds of tourists and motorcades from slow buses will not allow you to catch relaxation.

By the way, the ubiquitous grannies with “housing” signs have not gone away. And they will be able to offer you good houses in the private sector, which the Internet doesn’t even know about.

And the most prestigious hotel in Greater Yalta (and in Crimea in general) is Mriya Resort&Spa. It is located near Simeiz and is considered a sanatorium-resort complex. All the big shots, coming to Crimea, stop there. A large territory, well-groomed safe beaches, tennis courts, restaurants and spa centers - all the benefits of civilization are at your service. The grannies with their signs weren’t even standing nearby.

I will tell you in detail about approximate housing prices in the section below.

What are the prices for holidays?


Lunch in a canteen or an average cafe will cost 200–300 rubles, and in restaurants and more decent cafes 500–700 rubles. The average price for visiting excursions and attractions is 300 rubles per piece.


Classic souvenirs like magnets, shell beads, teas and soaps can be purchased for 100 rubles. The price for tourist maps. The cost of illustrated publications about Crimea starts from 300 rubles. Spices cost from rubles per bag. Wines - from 250 per bottle. In addition, in markets and souvenir stalls you can safely practice the art of bargaining and bring down the price a little :)

Main attractions. What to see

Top 5

Beaches. Which ones are better

There is nothing to do on the beaches in Yalta. There are too many boats and ships there, and the sea itself is very dirty. However, in the summer you can’t get through there either - there are too many people.

The beaches of all villages are approximately the same - a narrow pebble strip and groins every 50 meters. But nevertheless, there are protected places where the sea is clean and there are few people.

  • Chekhov Bay in Gurzuf
    In Gurzuf, on the territory of the Chekhov museum-dacha, there is a small cove, very clean and beautiful, surrounded by tall rocks, hidden from prying eyes. You can go there through the museum by paying the caretaker 50 rubles. But you are guaranteed peace and quiet there.
  • Beach "Gurovskie Kameni"
    Clean Artekivsky beach for public use. You can read more about it Now, due to the active construction of the new Artek buildings, the beach is closed. But I think that you can get into it through some hole in the fence, having first learned about it from the local old-timers.
  • Wild beach in Simeiz
    Adherents of nudism will be satisfied with the Semeiz wild beach. Lying near beautiful rocks on snow-white smooth limestone boulders - what else can you dream of? More about the beach -
  • Beaches at the foot of Ayu-Dag
    The famous one, which is located between and Partenit, is also famous for its wild beaches. You can get there by boat from Gurzuf or from Partenit (sea taxi is a very common phenomenon in Yalta. It is very pleasant to relax there - the mountain landscapes are impressive, and the clear sea is very pleasing, especially after Yalta.

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

Muslim mosques and Orthodox churches are very common in Crimea. But in Yalta, unlike the Bakhchisarai region, there are no outstanding mosques of interest to tourists. But there are a couple of beautiful churches.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

Basically, the museums of Yalta are divided into palaces of the Russian aristocracy of the 19th century, houses where famous writers and artists lived, and ancient fortresses. Not all of them are unusual, large-scale and worth the attention of a tourist. Here are the ones that I think are a must visit.


Gardens and parks invariably accompanied all large-scale palaces and aristocratic estates in Crimea. To create them, they called in foreign specialists and ordered plants from the world's leading greenhouses. Numerous sanatoriums also left a park legacy: plants were planted on their territory, the evaporation of oils from which has a healing effect

Tourist streets

In all coastal villages there are usually two tourist streets: the embankment, and another street going down from the city to it. They are notable for the fact that it is there that they sell everything that they go to Crimea for - herbs, tea, oils, fruits and vegetables, vests with the inscription “I love Yalta”, towels with a map Black Sea coast and other items that delight tourists’ bellies and souls.

Another tourist thoroughfare of the city is the pedestrian Pushkinskaya Street, which leads, of course, to the embankment. It is not for nothing that it is called that - after all, the very sun of Russian poetry, comrade, walked along it and admired the beauty of the city. The range of tourist places here is also classic: cheburek shops, cafes, souvenir shops, restaurants and terraces. The street is planted with beautiful southern trees, in the shade of which you can sit on comfortable wide benches. It also houses the Yalta Museum of Local Lore (poor and not developed in any way since Soviet times) and a Catholic church, quite nice from the outside.

What to see in 1 day

So, you only have one day to visit Yalta. You shouldn’t be hysterical, annoyed at the injustice of fate, and believe that you won’t be able to accomplish anything in just one day in the vast Yalta. If you don't wrinkle your pillow until noon, you can embrace the immensity.

  • 8 a.m. You have already left home and are standing at the bus station. Jump on a minibus to Alupka. You will be there around 9. For a whole hour before the opening of the Vorontsov Palace Museum, you walk through the fragrant morning garden, admiring the landscape art and views of the sea. Around 10, go to the museum ticket office and buy a ticket for the first excursion. The guide is still cheerful, cheerful and you skim the cream of the Crimean excursion skills. At 11 you leave the palace, enriched with new knowledge and impressed by the royal interiors. To consolidate the material, you can go to one or two more exhibitions of the palace.
  • 12:00. It's noon. Don't rush to fill your stomachs! We'll have lunch at , but in the meantime, grab a cheburek in case you have to stand in line at . From the palace you can get to it by minibus No. 132 or 102, but it takes just a couple of stops, so you can walk. We get in line for the ride and enjoy the impressive funicular ride.
  • 13:00. You are at the top. Walk along the plateau, go to the battlements along the bridge (the rocks themselves are nameless, but both tourists and locals call them “teeth”), buy souvenirs at the Tatar market, admire the mountain and sea landscapes.
  • 14:30. Dinner time. We have lunch at the wonderful cafe “Ai-Petri”. It is located on a cliff, to the right of the station cable car, if you stand facing the sea. The prices there are surprisingly affordable for such a popular place, and lunch will cost 500 rubles. But the view is wonderful! From the panoramic windows you can admire the battlements, the sea, and Yalta. Beauty.
  • 15:30. Having enjoyed the high - nature, we return to the earth, to the low. We jump into any minibus going from Miskhor to the Yalta bus station. At the bus station we transfer to transport to Massandra.
  • 17:00. We have time for a five-hour excursion and subsequent tasting at.
  • 19:00 . We tumble out of the factory, prudently taking their wine with us on the road. We are going to the evening party, where at this time life is in full swing: street musicians who have had enough sleep in the evening, fire show masters and other stunt performers begin to perform. Street artists paint you and the Crimean landscapes, and cafes are filled with the intoxicating aromas of delicious gourmet dishes.
  • 20:00. Take a walk along the embankment, digest the impressions accumulated during the day, look into different shops for souvenirs, listen to the waves and admire the lights and garlands. And for dinner, go to the Yalta Dvorik cafe (Lenin embankment, 19). This is a cozy terrace with soft sofas, delicious food and good music. Dinner here will cost 500–700 rubles.

You can spend even one day in Yalta richly, filling it with interesting events.

What to see in the area

The surroundings of Yalta are replete with natural attractions. Not seeing them means not seeing Crimea.

Food. What to try

Of course, in Crimea, the first thing you should do is fill your belly with all the southern delicacies - crayfish, oysters and mussels, boiled corn, dried Black Sea fish, churchkhela and baklava. All this is available in stalls on beaches and embankments, as well as from merchants walking along tourist streets.

Since Crimea is famous for its rich Tatar culture, establishments of Crimean Tatar cuisine are most common here. And you should definitely try pilaf, chebureki, lagman and other national gastronomic delights. There are no such cafes in all the villages of greater Yalta, and on average lunch in them costs 500 rubles.

In addition, during the high tourist season, a bunch of canteens and cafes with European cuisine open. Many of them boast outdoor terraces.


Those who prefer to cook themselves will also not be lost. In the markets you can buy absolutely everything - meat, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products from local farmers. Well, even though Crimea is a village, supermarkets have reached it too. The popular chain stores here “Pud”, “Sosedi”, “Furshet”, “Yabloko” are scattered in handfuls throughout all the villages and villages.

In general, you won’t go hungry. Generous Yalta will feed everyone.

  • Cafe "Mangal", st. Pushkinskaya, 18a
    Lovers of quality grilling definitely come here! The intoxicating smells of kebab and kebabs are tempting. I tried fish cooked over charcoal there and was pleased with everything - the spices, the cooking, and the service. The interior is also very nice. Among other things, the cafe offers a wide selection of draft beer, which goes very well with its signature dishes :) The average check is 500 rubles.
  • Cafe "Spices and Passions", emb. them. Lenina, 31b
    Just a nice veranda on the embankment. A classic lounge-cafe with panoramic windows and sea views, a modern cozy hi-tech design and a standard menu - from pasta to tiramisu. The average bill is 600 rubles.
  • South Cafe, st. Botkinskaya, 2v
    A trendy cafe, atypical for Crimea. More like mainland establishments. What I like about it is that they offer... National dishes different countries- Japanese, Greek, Italian. You can choose according to your mood. There is also always pleasant music playing there, some kind of fresh Internet radio, where all the tracks are selected with great taste. The interior and service are also at the same level. I advise you to take a look. And, as far as I know, good musicians from the mainland come there on weekends and perform their music. Everyone praises these concerts :) The average bill is 700 rubles.


  • Dining room "Crimea", st. Moskovskaya 1/6;
  • Canteen "Lilac", st. Roosevelt 4;
  • Dining room “At home”, emb. named after Lenin 15;
  • Cafe "Mangal", st. Pushkinskaya, 18a;
  • Cafe "Medusa", st. Marshak, 4.


  • "People's Cafe No. 1", st. Lomonosova, 15;
  • South Cafe, st. Botkinskaya, 2v;
  • Restaurant "Chaika", emb. named after Lenin, 15;
  • Cafe "Massandra", Drazhinsky street, 46;
  • Cafe "Van Gogh", st. Massandrovskaya, 11.


  • Restaurant "Fabrikant", Primorsky Park, 4;
  • Kaat Park, Primorsky Park, 1a;
  • Restaurant "Tiflis", st. Baturina, 1;
  • Cafe "Balcony", emb. named after Lenin, 35a;
  • Grant-cafe Persona Grata, emb. named after Lenin, 17;
  • Grand Cafe "Orange", emb. named after Lenin, 31a;
  • Restaurant "Colonnade", Kommunarov Street, 2A, Primorsky Park;
  • Verdi bar&restaurant, Primorsky Park 1.


In September at the Theater. Chekhov International Theater Festival takes place in Yalta THEATER.CHEKHOV. YALTA" Theaters come there from many Russian cities, as well as from neighboring countries. All day long, the theater shows a wide variety of performances; during the festival, you can meet many famous actors in the city.

This is a big event for Yalta residents, and it is definitely worth a visit. You can view the poster on the theater website, and buy tickets only at the box office on the embankment, or in the theater itself.

Safety. What to watch out for

In general, Yalta is a fairly safe city, but there are things that it is better to warn yourself against:

Things to do

Yalta - beautiful place both for beach and mattress relaxation and night outing, and for extreme sportsmen of various stripes - rock climbers, divers, speleologists and racers. Everyone will find something to their liking here.

Shopping and shops

On the embankment, of course, there are several fashion stores of familiar brands, but due to sanctions, they initially have inflated prices and sell outdated collections. So fashionistas have nothing to do in Yalta. All fashion here begins and ends with flip-flops, striped shorts and a beer belly spilling out of them.

It is better to do shopping in Crimea in the markets. And buy exclusively authentic products - oils, jams, fruits, shells, teas, etc. Yalta is not for you, and you shouldn’t go there for fashionable clothes. But there’s so much that’s missing from the markets! And this is not there, and that is not there either :)

Local craftsmen and craftswomen sell all kinds of goods, here everyone will find something for themselves and their loved ones to taste. Food, cosmetics, traditional medicine, paintings by local artists, spices... You can’t list it all. The markets of Greater Yalta are a storehouse of folk wisdom and ingenuity.

Bars. Where to go

As you know, the highest concentration of bars in resort areas is located by the sea: on the beaches and not far from them. Yalta is no exception.

  • Pub "Ulf", Karl Marx str. 4/2
    An atmospheric place stylized as a medieval Irish pub. Here you will be offered strong ale and meat snacks, which are especially pleasant to eat under the vaulted stone ceilings on rough oak tables. Bar prices are slightly above average.

All bars are open until approximately 5 a.m.; only very low-class establishments, such as port wine bars, where port thieves and local drunks gather, are open 24 hours a day.

Clubs and nightlife

Nightlife is also in full swing. During the high tourist season, the clubs are open every day.

  • Cafe-club "Chocolate", Kyiv street 1
    Classical night club, where all the Yalta youth gather to hang out. Popular hits are played, popular drinks are poured. Parties are traditionally held on Fridays and Saturdays. There is nothing remarkable in the club itself, which is why the prices are quite standard for middle-class establishments.

Extreme Sports

The Southern Coast of Crimea is a real haven for extreme sports enthusiasts. Steep forest trails are wonderful for downhill cycling and freeride, mountain cliffs are for rope jumpers, the mysterious waters of the Black Sea are for divers and kayakers, tall rock formations are for rock climbing and mountaineering, relief plateaus are for jeeping, mountain river beds are for canyoning, deep caves - for caving tourism. And I'm sure this is not the whole list.

There are many companies that organize various extreme tours around Crimea and provide all the necessary equipment. You just have to do some good Googling. As for people who are independent in this regard, I can only talk in more detail about rock climbing and caving.

Rock climbing

The most famous rock massifs with a bunch of beaten routes are:

  • and the Swan's Wing rock,
  • Nikitskaya cleft in Nikita,
  • Ai-Nikola rock massif and Alim rock in Oreanda,
  • Red Stone in Krasnokamenka,
  • Parus rock in Foros,
  • Mount Krestovaya in Alupka.

The routes on them vary in difficulty from 4c to 8c.

There is a campsite for climbers under Red Rock where you can pitch a tent and use the shower and kitchen. And although the path from there to the sea is not close, under the rock itself there is a small lake, which is filled with cold springs. It is very pleasant to swim in it after climbing.

And under Parus there is an active rescue station and a spring.

Climbing on Ai-Nikola is very specific: on the road, above the massif itself, there is Orthodox church, where a tape recorder with religious chants is turned on for the whole day from the very morning. They turn it off only at 6 o'clock. Echo, as you know, is quite strong in the mountains. And although the routes there are very interesting, it is difficult for an unprepared listener to endure such accompaniment for more than two hours.

The coolest thing about the Crimean Rocks is the short approaches. Many rocks are located 50 meters from the route, some take 10 minutes to walk to. There is no need to drag your equipment through the forest up the mountain, accompanied by mosquitoes, 10 kilometers to the nearest rock. The main rock type in Crimea is limestone. In some places it is very comfortable and pleasant for climbing, in others it is sharp and hurts your fingers. So you have to be careful.

Caving tourism

As for caves, many speleologists argue that speleology should be done only for the sake of later descending into the caves of Crimea. Mount Karabi, near Simferopol, is very famous in the world speleological community, as it contains some of the deepest and most unexplored caves in the world (for example, Krasnaya Cave). In addition, you can find very beautiful caves there with snow-white stalactites and stalagmites, sparkling crystals and other speleological goodies.

The caves of Mount Chatyr-Dag near Alushta are no less interesting for speleologists-researchers and ordinary speleotourists. In addition, the closest to Yalta is a mountain, in the depths of which a lot of interesting things are also hidden. The depth of the descents into many caves reaches hundreds of meters in total, so you need to correctly calculate the length of the rope and take it with a supply of hooks for hanging.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

As a gift from Yalta, it is definitely worth bringing sweet Yalta onions, aromatic sunflower oil, Crimean teas and wines (only it is better to buy them at wineries, the markets are full of fakes), local spices (the Svan mixture is especially good), aromatic oils and soaps, nuts and olives, jam from local fruits.

In general, everything that makes Crimea Crimea. Its small, but very tasty and healthy pieces:)

How to get around the city

Transport communication between the villages of Greater Yalta is carried out by minibuses and trolleybuses. The latter go only towards Simferopol, to the east. That is, from Bolsheyalta villages you can only get to Gurzuf. Trolleybuses No. 51, 52 and 53 will take you to all eastern villages of Big Yalta. The trolleybus station is located across the street from the bus station. Minibuses regularly go to the villages located to the west of Yalta from the upper platform of the bus station.

Minibuses and trolleybuses also travel around the city itself. The fare is 13 rubles.

Taxi. What features exist

A taxi ride around the city costs on average 150 rubles. You just need to call the ordering services, and not use the services of bombs that lure rogue tourists. They jack up prices shamelessly. Yalta taxi numbers are available on the Internet, I just called the first number that came up in the search engine. Unfortunately, convenient Yandex taxi and other applications have not yet reached Crimea. To the airport, taxi drivers usually charge 2000–3000 rubles.

Transport rental

Many people rent cars and for good reason. This is much more convenient than being stuck in crowded summer minibuses, not knowing where to get off and whether you will catch the last flight.

At the airport itself in Simferopol there are several offices of various car rental companies. On average, renting an economy class car for 7 days costs about 8,000 rubles. Business class - about 15,000. During the high tourist season, you need to book cars in advance, at least a month in advance.

Be careful on winding and steep mountain roads - that's my only advice. Driving on flat terrain is different from driving on mountainous terrain. The latter requires more skill and dexterity. So don't be reckless, just be careful :)

Big Yalta - holidays with children

In my opinion, Crimea and Bolshaya!

Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

Anything to add?