Detailed satellite map of Udmurtia online. Udmurtia map

On the page there is an interactive map of Izhevsk from a satellite. More details on +weather. Below are satellite images and real-time Google Maps search, photos of the city and the Udmurt Republic in Russia, coordinates

Satellite map of Izhevsk - Russia

Interesting places and attractions nearby - address:

select: Railway station Bus station Airport Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Zoo McDonald's Summer Garden named after. M. Gorky Monument "Forever with Russia" Museum of the History of OJSC "Izhmash" Museum of the Postal Service of Udmurtia Museum of Weapons named after. M.T. Kalashnikov Monument to Ivan Pastukhov Monument to the Crocodile Monument to the cosmonaut dog Zvezdochka Intercession Old Believer Church St. Michael's Cathedral Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Museum of Fine Arts Temple of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Chapel of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

We observe on the satellite map of Izhevsk exactly how the buildings are located on Kirova and Ordzhonikidze streets. Viewing a map of the area, routes and highways, squares and banks, stations and terminals, searching for an address.

The online map of the city of Izhevsk presented here from a satellite contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where the streets are. Udmurtskaya and Pushkinskaya. Using the Google Maps search service, you will find the desired address in the city and its view from space. We recommend changing the scale of the diagram +/- and moving the center of the image in the desired direction.

Squares and shops, roads and borders, buildings and houses, views of Azin and Lenin streets. The page contains detailed information and photos of all local objects in order to show in real time the required house on the map of the city and the Republic of Udmurtia in Russia.

A detailed satellite map of Izhevsk (hybrid) and the region is provided by the Google Maps service.

Coordinates - 56.831,53.194

Udmurtia or the Udmurt Republic is a republic that is part of the Russian Federation. A map of Udmurtia shows that the region borders the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, the Kirov region and the Perm region. The area of ​​the region is 42,000 km2.

Udmurtia is divided into 25 districts. The region includes 6 cities, 5 urban settlements and 2119 villages. The cities of the region are Izhevsk (the capital), Sarapul, Glazov, Votkinsk, Mozhga and Kambarka.

The region's economy is based on oil production and agriculture. Coal and peat, as well as non-metallic minerals, are mined in the region. There are machine-building and metalworking enterprises in the cities of the republic.

The unofficial name of Udmurtia is “Spring Land”. The republic received this name due to the large number of water sources.

Historical reference

In the 16th century, the northern Udmurts became part of the Moscow state, while the southern Udmurts became part of the Kazan Khanate. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible captured Kazan. In 1774-1775, the Udmurts took part in the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev.

In the 19th century, production and industry actively developed in the region. In the 18th and early 20th centuries, the region became part of the Vyatka province. In 1934, the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed. In 1991, the Udmurt Republic was created.

In June 2011, near the village of Pugachevo, an explosion occurred at a military arsenal. As a result of the explosion and fire, about 100 people were injured.

Must Visit

On a detailed satellite map of Udmurtia you can see the main attractions of the republic: the Nechinsky National Park, the Ust-Belsk and Sharkan natural parks. The cities of Udmurtia that are required to visit are Izhevsk, Sarapul and Glazov. It is recommended to visit Bashenin's dacha in Sarapul, the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, the church complex in Lalsk, the Transfiguration Church in Mazunino, the circus in Izhevsk and the ski resorts of the region.

Map of Udmurtia from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Udmurtia online in real time. A detailed map of Udmurtia was created based on high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Udmurtia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Udmurtia. The map of Udmurtia from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Udmurtia or Udmurt Republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the Russian region called the Urals. Udmurtia also borders other autonomous regions of Russia - and Bashkortostan. The capital of the republic is the city of Izhevsk.

The climate in Udmurtia is warm and temperate. It is characterized by cold winters without much snow and hot summers. The average temperature in summer is +15...+23C, and in winter it varies from -10C to -20C.

IN Udmurtia many cities and towns rich in attractions. One of the oldest villages in the Udmurt Republic is Votkinsk, which was founded in 1759. Of particular value is the development of the central part of the city, in which buildings from the 18th century have been preserved. This town also has several cathedrals and churches dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

Another ancient settlement of Udmurtia that is worth a visit is Sarapul. It was founded in the 16th century, but received city status only at the end of the 18th century. In ancient times, Sarapul was a rich merchant city, so even today you can see merchant buildings there, the main one of which is Bashenin’s dacha. In general, there are more than 400 cultural, historical and architectural monuments on the territory of the Udmurt Republic.

Don’t forget about natural monuments, which are represented by numerous nature reserves and national parks. For example, the architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve "Ludorvai" and the historical and cultural museum-reserve "Idnakar".

In Udmurtia, all areas of tourism are actively developing, especially active tourism. Many ski resorts and resorts, sports clubs, and hunting grounds are open. Tourist routes run through mountains, forests and national parks, which makes your holiday in Udmurtia eventful and unforgettable.