All countries are giants. Which states are called dwarf states?

1 Dwarf country
2 List of dwarf states classified by area
3 Europe
3.1 Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Europe

4 Asia
4.1 Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Asia

5 Africa
5.1 Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Africa

6 America
6.1 Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of America

7 Oceania
7.1 Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Oceania



A dwarf state is a state that differs significantly to a lesser extent from other states according to some criteria (for example, in area, population, etc.).

Based on the size of the area, states that are smaller in area than Luxembourg are usually called dwarf. Luxembourg itself is sometimes also classified as a dwarf state.

Population size is often also used as a criterion. At the same time, in the terminology of the UN and the World Bank, states whose population does not exceed 1 million people are considered dwarf. Commonwealth reports use the term small countries and a population threshold of 1.5 million people. Finally, states with a population of less than 500 thousand people are sometimes called dwarf.

1. Dwarf country

Many dwarf states are relatively young entities (Singapore, Bahrain and others). At the same time, most of the dwarf states of Europe have centuries-old history. For example, San Marino is considered the oldest state in Europe.

Sometimes the concept is also used dwarf country, which include not only small independent states, but also other small geographically and historically isolated (most often island) territories - dependent territories, administrative autonomies, etc. Examples - Isle of Man, Guernsey, Bornholm, Gibraltar, Mayotte, Guam , Niue, Heligoland, Athos, etc.

2. List of dwarf states classified by area

Luxembourg (2,586 km²)

· Andorra (468 km²)

Malta (316 km²)

Liechtenstein (157 km²)

· San Marino (61 km²)

· Monaco (2.02 km²)

· Vatican (0.44 km²)

· Sovereign Order of Malta (today's territory of the ancient state - only one mansion in Rome and a residence in Malta)

3.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Europe

· Guernsey (Possession of the British Crown)

Gibraltar (UK territory)

· Jersey (possession of the British Crown)

· Isle of Man (possession of the British Crown)

· Faroe islands(administrative autonomy of Denmark)

· Singapore (648 km²)

· Bahrain (620 km²)

Maldives (300 km²)

4.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Asia

British Territory in Indian Ocean(Chagos Archipelago, Colony of England). Area - 67 km². Indigenous people evicted by British colonialists to Mauritius.

· Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, since 1998 became part of the People's Republic of China, with a change of name: Hong Kong)

· Cocos Islands (Cocos Islands Territory)

Macau (Macau Special Administrative Region)

· Christmas Island (Christmas Island Territory)

Mauritius (1,860 km²)

· Sao Tome and Principe (1,001 km²)

· Seychelles(455 km²)

· Cape Verde Territory 4033 sq. km. Population 418.2 thousand people. (2005).

· Comoros Territory 2,170 sq. km. Population 671.2 thousand people. (2005).

5.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Africa

· Mayotte (French Overseas Territory). Territory 374 sq. km. Population 193.6 thousand people. (2005).

· Reunion (overseas department of France). Territory 2,517 sq. km. Population 776.9 thousand people. (2005).

· St. Helena Island ( overseas territory Great Britain). Territory 410 sq. km. Population 7.4 thousand people. (2005).

· Spanish North Africa (autonomous cities Ceuta and Melilla (with subordinate islands: Velez de la Gomera, Alusemas and Chafarinas)). Area - 31 sq. km.

6. America

Dominica (754 km²)

· Saint Lucia (620 km²)

Antigua and Barbuda (442 km²)

· Barbados (430 km²)

· Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (389 km²)

· Grenada (344 km²)

· Saint Kitts and Nevis (261 km²)

6.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of America

· Anguilla (British Overseas Territory). Territory 91 sq. km. Population 13.2 thousand people. (2005).

· Aruba (Part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). Territory 193 sq. km. Population 71.5 thousand people. (2005).

· Bermuda(UK Overseas Territory). Territory 58.8 sq. km. Population 65.3 thousand people. (2005).

· British Virgin Islands(UK Overseas Territory). Territory 153 sq. km. Population 22.6 thousand people. (2005).

· US Virgin Islands (US administered territory). Territory 352 sq. km. Population 108.7 thousand people. (2005).

· Guadeloupe (Department of Guadeloupe). Territory 1,780 sq. km. Population 448.7 thousand people. (2005).

· Cayman Islands (British overseas territory). Territory 262 sq. km. Population 44.2 thousand people. (2005).

· Martinique (Department of Martinique). Territory 1,100 sq. km. Population 432.9 thousand people. (2005).

· Montserrat (British Overseas Territory). Territory 102 sq. km. Population 9,341 people. (2005)

· Netherlands Antilles (part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). Territory 960 sq. km. Population 219.9 thousand people. (2005).

· Saint Barthélemy (French colony). Area - 21 km², population in 1999 - 6852 people.

· Saint Martin (French colony). Area - 53.2 km², population in 2004 - 33,102 people.

· Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (Territorial possession of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon). Territory 242 sq. km. Population 7 thousand people. (2005).

· Turks and Caicos Islands (British Overseas Territory). Territory 430 sq. km. Population 20.5 thousand people. (2005).

7. Oceania

· Tonga (748 km²)

· Kiribati (717 km²)

· Federated States Micronesia (702 km²)

· Palau (458 km²)

Marshall Islands (181 km²)

Tuvalu (26 km²)

· Nauru (21 km²) Population 13 thousand people.

· Samoa (Independent State of Samoa). Territory 2,944 sq. km. Population 177.2 thousand people. (2005).

7.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Oceania

· American Samoa (Territory of American Samoa). Territory 199 sq. km. Population 57.8 thousand people. (2005).

· Guam (Territory of Guam). Territory 549 sq. km. Population 168.5 thousand people. (2005).

· Cook Islands. Territory 240 sq. km. Population 21.3 thousand people. (2005).

· Niue (Niue Island). Territory 260 sq. km. Population 2,166 people. (2005).

· Norfolk (Territory of Norfolk Island). Territory 34.6 sq. km. Population 1,828 people. (2005).

· Pitcairn (British Overseas Territory). Territory 47 sq. km. Population 48 people. (2007).

· Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands). Territory 477 sq. km. Population 82,400 people. (2006).

· Tokelau (New Zealand territory). Territory 10 sq. km. Population 1,405 people. (2005).

· Wallis and Futuna (French overseas territory). Territory 274 sq. km. Population 14231 people. (2008).

· French Polynesia (territory French Polynesia). Territory 4,167 sq. km. Population 270.4 thousand people. (2005).


1. Large area of ​​territory

2. Large numbers population

3. Small area over a wide area.

There are 252 countries on our planet located on different continents. Many of them are located in most of the globe, For example, Russian Federation, which occupies half of Eurasia.

But in addition to large states, there are also so-called dwarf countries, which are very difficult to see even on a world map.

Area (sq. km) Population Language Currency
0.44 1000 There is no national language in the Vatican, but all its residents speak Italian. Euro No
2.02 32000 French Euro
Nauru 21.3 10000 Nauruan English Australian dollar No
26 11000 English Australian dollar Funafuti
61 32000 Italian Italian lira
Liechtenstein 160 33000 German Swiss frank Vaduz
Marshall Islands 181.3 95000 English



U.S. dollar Majuro
Saint Kitts and Nevis 261 48989 English East Caribbean dollar Buster
Maldives 298 427756 Divekhi

English is often used in conversation

Maldivian Rufiyaa Male
Seychelles 455.3 90024 French



Seychelles rupee Victoria

The Vatican is a dwarf state with an area of ​​only 0.44 square meters. km. Many people think that this is only a residence for Catholics, but they are mistaken. This is an independent city-state, which has its own symbols and government composition, headed by the well-known Pope.

This small country serves as the seat of Catholicism. The state received its name in the distant past due to its similarity with the name of the Monte Vaticano hill on which it is located. In ancient times, the territory of the Vatican belonged to Italy, but in the 13th century the French monarch Pepin the Short presented this territory as a gift to Stephen II.

This act marked the beginning of disagreements regarding the Vatican’s belonging to Italy, but already in 1929 an agreement was concluded between these two countries and territorial boundaries were determined.

The state has two official national languages: Latin and Italian.

Despite its small area, this country contains an abundance of attractions, for example:

  1. St. Peter's Square.
  2. The Apostolic Palace, which serves as the residence of the Pope. This is a complex of buildings that includes palaces, galleries and halls, connected by passages.
  3. Pinakothek. This is an art gallery that was founded in the 18th century. The gallery includes 18 halls. It exhibits more than 400 paintings by various world artists.

Monaco is the second small country in the ranking. In appearance, the state resembles a strip located on the shore Mediterranean Sea. This dwarf principality occupied only 1.9 square meters. km. But thanks to the draining of the sea, the country's area increased to 2.02 square kilometers.

The country is located at the junction of the Italian and French borders, but French is recognized as the official national language. Monaco is a unique state. It is the only one in the world with such a small area that has such a huge influx of tourists. Everyone knows this country legendary city gambling in Monte Carlo and the holding of the world Formula 1 championships. In addition, the state attracts an abundance of tourists with its nature and resorts.

Monaco has very low tax rates and an impeccable banking system, so the fortunes of many of the world's wealthy people lie in the banks of this country.

This state “distinguished itself” by the fact that its army consists of 82 people, despite the fact that there are 85 playing in the military orchestra.


Nauru is small state, located in the Pacific Ocean on a coral island. The country occupies only 21.3 square meters. km and has no capital.

Previously, Nauru was popular due to its phosphate rock mining. But over time, mining activities ceased, and the country’s welfare began to decline sharply. Nauru is a very attractive island, but its tourism sector is not developed due to problems with fresh water.

The island is home to only 10,000 people, most of whom live in the town of Yaren. This city can hardly be called beautiful, favorable and well-groomed. Among the attractions in Yaren, the only thing worth noting is the museum of Japanese military equipment and bunkers that remained after the Second World War.

Tuvalu is a country measuring 26 square kilometers. km, located in a southwestern direction Pacific Ocean. The state consists of 9 islands, 8 of which no one lives on. The inhabited island is called Funafuti.

The name of this country has a very interesting story. According to historical data, in ancient times a tribe called itself Tuvalu lived on the territory of this land.

The capital of this small country is the city of Funafuti. The island has a population of only 11,000, which is subject to the rule of a constitutional monarchy. According to the regulations, the head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, whose interests on the island are represented by the Governor General.

In Tuvalu, the majority of the population professes Congregationalism. The indigenous population is mainly Polynesians. The national currency is the Australian dollar. Tuvalu has a hot and humid climate that rarely changes with the seasons.

There are few animals on the island. Birds and various insects predominate here.

The main attraction of the island is the marine park, which serves as a nature reserve and occupies only 32 square meters.

Tuvalu is not in demand among tourists. Storms and destructive cyclones often occur here. Due to the scarcity of minerals and wildlife this country is one of the poorest in the world.

San Marino is a dwarf state in Southern Europe. The country received its name in honor of its founder in the 3rd century. The state covers an area of ​​61 square meters. km, which is home to about 32,000 people.

San Marino is a country within Italy. The state is ruled by two equal captains with the powers of a regent. They are elected twice annually: from April 1 to September 30 and from October 1 to November 31. In addition to the captains, the government includes 10 people. In San Marino, people communicate in Italian and profess Catholicism. The national currency is the euro.

The most famous attractions of San Marino are:

  1. Freedom Square, which in this country symbolizes independence. It is also worth noting that San Marino is one of the first countries that have managed to maintain independence for 17 centuries.
  2. The Basilica Temple is the main temple in this country. It is dedicated to Saint Marin, the founder of San Marino.
  3. The Vampire Museum is a place where its founders collected all the fictional and real characters of evil spirits. In the museum you can see a wax sculpture of Count Dracula himself and the bloody Countess Bathory, who, according to legend, took baths from human blood to preserve youth.

The dwarf states of Europe are independent countries, members of the UN, with a very small area. There are 6 such countries in total, the total area of ​​which is one and a half times less area St. Petersburg, and the total number of residents is equal to the number of residents in the city of Barnaul.

1. . The smallest sovereign state in the world. The country's area is only 0.44 sq. km, which is 44 hectares of land (about 50 football fields). Population 842 people. The Vatican is located entirely in the city of Rome, Italy.

2. . One of the smallest sovereign countries in the world. The area of ​​the country is only 2 sq. km., the number of inhabitants is 38 thousand. Monaco is located on the Mediterranean coast, on Cote d'Azur and is completely surrounded by France.

3. . The country has an area of ​​61 sq. km, with a population of 32 thousand people. San Marino is completely surrounded by Italy and is located 10 km from the Adriatic coast.

4. . Country with an area of ​​160 sq. km. approximately equal to the area of ​​the city of Murmansk. Population 37.6 thousand people. Liechtenstein is located on the border between Austria and Switzerland.

5. - Island state in the Mediterranean Sea. The area of ​​the country is 316 sq. km. (Izhevsk area), population 434,403 people. Located 100 km south of the island of Sicily, Italy.

6. . The largest dwarf state in Europe. The country's area is 468 sq. km, population 85,470 people. Located on the border between France and Spain. The area of ​​Andorra is approximately equal to the area of ​​Makhachkala.
