Medical examination on the rights that you need to pass. Medical board after deprivation of rights for drinking. Do I need a medical examination when replacing a driver's license?

In preparing to legalize your driving license, you will not only need to attend a driving school and pass all the required exams, but also get a kind of permit to drive from the medical authorities, which must confirm that you can fully drive a vehicle. A mandatory medical examination will be required, both during the initial registration of driving licenses, and in the future, for example, when changing driving license.

In general, this procedure is not complicated, moreover, today many clinics offer their services for passing a medical examination. However, some doctors will not only have to go through on their own, but also in certain institutions that must issue the relevant certificates. What specialists will need to be visited when passing a medical examination to obtain rights, how to pass a medical examination for rights and how much it will cost, we will describe in detail in our article.

The medical board is aimed at confirming the admission to driving a vehicle for everyone who wants to get a license, and it is required in the following cases:

  • When enrolling in a driving school;
  • In cases where restoration of rights is required;
  • To open new categories of rights;
  • For the restoration of rights after deprivation for driving while intoxicated.

After passing the medical examination, the driver receives an approving form 083 / y-089, which today can be issued both in a state and in a commercial institution. The only exception in this case will be a certificate from a narcologist and a psychiatrist, which will need to be passed in a state institution, since only they have access to databases on mentally ill and drug addicted people who should not be allowed to drive.

Which doctors need to go

In January 2017, the list of required doctors was somewhat reduced, but there are some innovations that everyone who plans to acquire a license should be familiar with. So the mandatory procedures for issuing a certificate are passing the following list of doctors:

  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Gynecologist;
  • Therapist;
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Expert in narcology.

The list of specialists who will have to examine you has decreased, in contrast to earlier requirements. So the therapist now takes on the duties of a surgeon, an otolaryngologist, a dermatovenereologist and prescribes tests at his own discretion for each of the participants in the medical examination procedure. Mandatory for passing is now a urine test for the detection of drugs. In addition, the therapist can put forward a referral for additional tests necessary to issue a final conclusion. The passage of a psychiatrist and narcologist must be carried out at the place of residence.

Certificate validity period

General certificate, for drivers without health restrictions, issued for 10 years. In cases where the driver has physical disabilities, the certificate is valid for 1 year.

For drivers conducting professional activities related to driving, a certificate is issued for 2 years. If we are talking about long-haul flights, then a medical examination is mandatory before each departure of the driver on the route.

For drivers whose duties include the transportation of people or goods, it remains mandatory to pass an otolaryngologist to obtain a medical certificate.

What will be required for the commission, how and where will it take place and how much will it cost?

The question of where to pass the medical examination remains open. According to the legislation, only 2 psychiatrists and a narcologist will need to go through a state institution, while most likely you will have to visit dispensaries to obtain an extract stating that you are not registered there. Having received such certificates, you can go to any commercial or state medical institution to go through other doctors and receive a certificate in form 083 / y-089. How much a medical examination for rights will cost directly depends on the organization where you applied and on the region. On average, the price of such a service:

  • At the first registration is from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles;
  • Upon re-registration, the cost will be from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles;
  • For pensioners from 500 to 1000 rubles.

When applying for the services of private clinics, you should ask in advance whether they have a license to issue such documents. Otherwise, private medical institutions have established themselves in this area as a fast and reliable partner in obtaining a certificate of medical examination.

To pass a medical examination for rights, you will need to provide the following documents to the clinic:

  • The passport;
  • 2 matte photos 3x4;
  • Old driver's license (if any);
  • Military ID;

By submitting these documents, you can proceed to the medical examination procedure. The procedure will look like this:

  • You need to go through a narcologist and a psychiatrist at the place of residence and obtain certificates that you are not registered. It is possible to pass the necessary tests to issue a conclusion;
  • Then you go through all the doctors in the clinic;
  • If you were given referrals for additional tests, then you will need to undergo those;
  • Based on the results, the therapist writes you the conclusion of the medical board.

In the event that you have minor deviations in health, then you must indicate their presence. In case of doubt on the part of the doctors, you may be referred for additional procedures to confirm your diagnosis. This applies to any health issues.

What will help look like?

A certificate of passing a medical examination in the form 083 / y-089 will contain the following information entered in a special form:

You can get all the additional information you are interested in regarding the medical examination procedure directly at the medical organization where you will undergo this procedure. You may be offered to go through additional doctors or, on the contrary, reduce their list.





The price of a certificate for a driver's medical commission in 2017

At present, thanks to the possibilities of the Internet, there are many sites that offer to receive the coveted document even without visiting the medical institution itself. True, the price of a certificate in 2017, respectively, will probably be higher than if you had to undergo professional examinations on your own. Doubting this or that offer or paying money and getting the required certificate in hand is a voluntary matter. However, as a result of how we use the service, we must have a document with an official status on hand. It can only be issued by a medical institution (public or private) that has the appropriate license to provide such services. Therefore, the question of the availability of such a license (and not the cost of the service) should be the first thing you ask when applying for a document in any institution. State clinics have such a license. Private clinics may also be licensed, here driver's medical examination in St. Petersburg without certificates from dispensaries has the same official status. Only instead of certificates from the dispensary, you still have to go through the required doctors.

There is a nuance that arises on the roads, we are talking about passing inspections in another city (region). Such certificates raise a legitimate question among the representatives of the traffic police: why not here, not on the spot. If your explanation is motivated, then that's good. In general, motorists try to get a medical certificate in “their” region, so that there are no obstacles on the road or similar issues.

Why do drivers pass a medical examination?

The medical commission must be passed in order to obtain the appropriate certificate. It is provided:

  • in the traffic police to obtain rights or exchange them;
  • in case of employment as a driver;
  • to pass the technical review.

The most common reason for a driver to pass a medical examination is related to the rights or when applying for a job.

Pass inspections for help

Just like a passport or driver license A medical certificate is an official document. Therefore, for each such document, the following requirements are imposed:

  • the old forms are invalid, therefore, the certificate, even if all the requirements are met when filling it out, is then recognized as invalid;
  • the document should not contain errors, so it must be rechecked and amended, with appropriate assurance, if errors are nevertheless found;
  • the execution of this document must take place on the basis of the provisions established by applicable law.

However, first of all, you should know which doctors pass the driver's medical examination, and which ones do not need to pass. The examination should be carried out by the following doctors:

  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • neuropathologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology,

and if a certificate is required for a car lady - a gynecologist.

Obviously, a driver's medical examination with a narcologist and a psychiatrist in St. Petersburg will give a complete picture of the state of health. If there are no such specialists in the clinic located at your place of residence, then you should contact a state institution or a paid clinic where such specialists are available.

What is the cost of passing a medical examination

In any of these, as well as other cases, you are faced with the question of how much a medical examination for a driver's license costs in 2017, and where to go through it quickly and without problems. Such a paid pleasure costs:

  • from one and a half to two thousand rubles - the average for the country, taking into account the cost of public institutions and paid clinics that have the appropriate license for this species services;
  • one and a half thousand rubles - if this is your first appeal;
  • 1 thousand 300 rubles - if this is a repeated appeal;
  • about 650 rubles - if you are of retirement age, and the certificate is issued for one year.

In different regions, the price of the issue fluctuates, for example, in the capital a medical examination for a driver's license can cost two thousand rubles.

What documents should you bring with you?

You know exactly where to pass the medical examination for a replacement driver's license, and you have the amount that you specified is required to pay for the services. Going for help, you should have on hand:

  • Russian passport (from which it follows that you alone, and not some other person, have the right to undergo a commission);
  • two standard photos ¾;
  • certificate of ECG not earlier than six months ago;
  • military ID or its copy.

For drivers who wear glasses (today this is far from uncommon), it is required to bring them with you, this is necessary for passing the optometrist. By the way, in this regard, it is not at all necessary to bring a photo in which you are depicted in glasses.

What is the frequency of visiting doctors

Professional examinations are not something indefinite, and you have to go to the clinic for the required certificate all the time that you work as a driver. For those who do not know when it is necessary to undergo periodic medical examinations of drivers Vehicle- the following information that the law establishes certain deadlines:

  • up to the age of 55, men undergo a medical commission to confirm their professional suitability once every three years, and women, with the same frequency, up to 50 years;
  • if a person has a disease, and while driving he uses the relevant medical indications, then he must also undergo examinations when such indications require it, and this may be more often than once every three years;
  • if men have reached the 55-year-old "Rubicon", and women - 50-year-old, then the frequency of examinations will be once every two years.

And a little more information for people who have money and want to save time with their help without going to checkups and without taking tests. A document of the 2017 sample is issued only on the basis of a medical examination. If they begin to assure you that this is not so, and show some forms, you should understand that in front of you is an outdated form. This form can be downloaded on the Internet, it will come in handy at the inspection.


The goal of the medical commission for motorists in 2017 is an examination that allows you to make sure that the driver is healthy and can drive a vehicle. After it, the motorist receives a certificate on the degree of his suitability / unsuitability. A certificate issued by the medical board is not an empty formality, but a full-fledged document that certifies that the motorist is healthy and has the right to drive a car. This is what will be discussed below.

What is the normal health of a motorist?

Driving a vehicle is always dangerous. That is why very, very important, in addition to the technical condition of vehicles, is the speed of reaction of the driver, whose health condition is just checked for a medical examination. According to statistics, the cause of many accidents is poor health: a person sitting behind the wheel can have a heart attack or vision deteriorates sharply due to fatigue.

In what case, for health reasons, will the driver not receive a medical certificate in 2017?

If the motorist is mentally handicapped;

If he suffers from mental disorders;

And if he has an alcohol or drug addiction;

With trauma to the peripheral nerves;

With a heart attack, myocarditis, arrhythmia, etc .;

With arterial hypertension;

With dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;

In case of seizures;

With poor dynamics of the body;

With pathology of the limbs;

With a number of bodily diseases;

If you suffer from a hearing impairment;

And with some types of eye diseases.

Sometimes in the medical certificate on the VU a note is made:

Manual control;

A special sign is required;

Deaf driver.

Why and with what frequency is a motorist required to undergo a medical medical examination?

By itself, a medical examination is a preventive measure, the purpose of which is the occurrence of dangerous situations on the road due to health problems among drivers. It is well known that the management of the vehicle is a responsible business and often the neglect of the rules is associated with the death of people.

But even an elementary ride with the inexperience of a motorist can lead to an accident. In this case, human health is of great importance, because many suffer from diseases that are completely incompatible with driving.

A certificate issued by a medical commission can be called a kind of "sieve" that screens out those who want to get a driver's license, but are seriously ill.

A medical examination must be passed:

If the driver receives a new category;

If he receives a VU in MREO;

When returning a driver's license after deprivation.

Not so long ago, a medical examination had to be carried out after 2 years. But not every motorist did this, since the traffic police inspector never required a medical certificate. In 2017, under a new law, a motorist must undergo a medical commission every 10 years when changing rights. However, according to the new rules, there is no need to go through a medical commission when a motorist changes personal data, wears out or loses old VPs, and upon receipt of an IDP.

And what categories of motorists should most often undergo a medical examination?

Professional motorists, on the other hand, undergo a medical VO once every 2 years. In addition, in order to get a job, they need to be further examined. A person who transports goods or passenger traffic, is obliged to undergo a pre-trip medical examination before each exit to the line.

When is a medical certificate noted in the rights?

Such a mark should be in the VU of those motorists who suffer from any deviation in health.

What can happen to a motorist in 2017 if he does not have a medical certificate, and the rights will be marked that its presence is mandatory?

In this case, the motorist is not entitled to drive the car and the violator is fined in the amount of five to 15,000 rubles.

And what specialists are included in the medical medical commission?

Expert in narcology;




Medical examination in a regular clinic or in a private one?

The driver, first of all, must decide for himself where he will undergo a medical examination - in a clinic or in a private medical center. Both the first and second options have both advantages and disadvantages. In a state medical institution, drivers have the opportunity to undergo a medical examination only two days a month.

And as for private medical centers, there a motorist for a fee can easily be examined without any problems.

And what documents do you need to provide at the medical examination in 2017?

Motorist's identity card;

The first thing that doctors pay attention to during a physical examination is vision. But still, the driver can drive a vehicle with glasses.

The state of health of the driver driving a vehicle (TC) is one of the most important factors ensuring traffic safety on the roads. Therefore, without going through a special medical examination it is impossible today to get a driver's license and drive a car.

Where can I quickly pass a medical examination for a driver's license

The passage of the medical examination is strictly regulated by special laws of the federal government. No. 196-FZ “On road safety" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2014 No. 1097 "On admission to driving vehicles". These regulations give a clear answer to the question of where to pass a medical commission for a driver's license:

“Compulsory medical examination is carried out in medical organizations of the state, municipal and private healthcare systems that have a license for medical activities to provide relevant services (performance of work).

An examination by a psychiatrist, a psychiatrist-narcologist is carried out in specialized medical organizations of the state and municipal health care systems at the place of residence or place of stay of the driver of the vehicle (candidate for driver of the vehicle).

This means that every person who wants to drive a car can pass a medical examination for a driver's license in a polyclinic at the place of residence or in a private medical institution, where you can get an examination of all doctors. With the exception of a narcologist and a psychiatrist- for examination by these specialists, you need to contact the psycho-neurological and Drug Dispensary. AT Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344n dated June 15, 2015, paragraph 4 a list of persons who need to undergo a medical examination to obtain rights is given:

"four. Medical examination is carried out in relation to:

1) candidates for drivers of vehicles;

2) drivers of vehicles in connection with the replacement of a driver's license after its expiration, or in connection with the return of a driver's license after the expiration of the deprivation of the right to drive vehicles in the event that a mandatory medical examination is required in accordance with the law Russian Federation on administrative offenses, or in connection with the return of a driver's license after serving a sentence in the form of deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities (in case of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles);

3) persons working as drivers of vehicles, during the mandatory periodic medical examination of which signs of diseases (conditions) were revealed that are medical contraindications or previously unrevealed medical indications or medical restrictions on driving vehicles and confirmed by the results of subsequent examination and treatment " .

When choosing an institution where to undergo a medical examination for obtaining a driver's license, the main thing is to have a license to provide such services. Therefore, in addition to the clinic at the place of residence can be examined in any public or private medical institution or center. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to do this at the place of your registration or residence. Such an examination (except for a narcologist and a psychiatrist) can be passed even in another region, since the conclusion of the medical board is valid throughout Russia.

Some difficulties may arise due to the distrust of traffic police officers to certificates issued in other regions. They may need time to check the issuing agencies medical report to see if they are licensed to provide such services. To avoid red tape, it is better to immediately ask for a copy of the license in that institution where the medical examination took place.

And here is the address of the medical board for a driver's license with a narcologist and a psychiatrist in Moscow, and any other city (and these can only be the appropriate dispensers), must match the place of residence or registration of the future driver. Because, during the examination, the doctor is obliged to check whether the applicant for obtaining rights is registered with the dispensary. If you work in the capital and live in the Moscow region, you can find any institution near work in Moscow, where you can undergo a medical examination to replace your driver's license, and get a conclusion from a narcologist and psychiatrist at dispensaries at the place of registration and residence. At the same time, it must be taken into account that Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344n dated 06/15/2015 a medical certificate for replacement rights will be required only in specified cases. And to obtain a certificate in exchange for a worn or lost one, it is not needed.

Which doctors need to pass a medical examination for a driver's license in 2017

This year, those wishing to obtain a driver's license will undergo a medical examination under a simplified procedure. This is due to the fact that the required number of doctors has decreased, which you need to undergo a medical examination for a driver's license in 2017. Today you will no longer need to visit ( Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ):

  1. surgeon for all vehicle categories.
  2. Neurologist for categories A, B and M.
  3. ENT doctor(except categories C, D, E, as well as tram and trolleybus drivers).

The change in the list of diseases in which driving a vehicle is contraindicated, as well as the expansion of types of therapeutic activities, influenced which doctors you need to go to to get a driver's license in 2017. In many cases today, the therapist can replace the otolaryngologist, surgeon and neurologist. If necessary, he can appoint a consultation with a neurologist. This is done in cases where the examination of this doctor is not required.

Of the contraindications for driving categories of vehicles AND and AT hearing impairments were excluded. Only with the complete loss of this function will the person be denied the issuance of rights of this type. In other cases, the control of the vehicle with a hearing aid is allowed.

The list of doctors for passing a medical examination for a driver's license in 2017 is as follows ( Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ):

  1. Therapist.
  2. Surgeon.
  3. Neurologist.
  4. Ophthalmologist.
  5. Otolaryngologist.
  6. Psychiatrist-narcologist and psychiatrist.

In the list of specialists who need to go through for a driver's license for women who want to drive a vehicle, a gynecologist is mandatory. In addition, each applicant for a driver's license must pass not only a blood test, but also urine to determine the content of narcotic substances in it. In addition to the electrocardiogram prescribed in previous years, the therapist may prescribe electroencephalography brain.

The list of contraindications for driving a vehicle, which affects which doctors are needed for a certificate to replace a driver's license in 2017 or issue a new one, includes the following diseases:

  • complete lack of hearing;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • neurotic diseases with seizures and convulsions;
  • body's tendency to hypertensive crises associated with a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • weak vestibular apparatus;
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • mental illness;
  • pathological addiction to alcohol or drugs;
  • pathology of limb development;
  • past trauma that has affected the nervous system, for example, trauma to the skull;
  • delayed physical, mental and mental development.

To find out which doctors you need to go through for a driver's license, you need to contact the registry of any nearby polyclinic or medical center that is licensed to issue driver's certificates, where you will be given a card to bypass the necessary specialists.

Encephalogram of the brain for a driver's license

To get or exchange category rights C, D, E, Tm and Tb, in addition to passing a neurologist and an otolaryngologist, it will be necessary to undergo an examination of the cerebral cortex without fail. This procedure is called electroencephalography ( EEG).

EEG is performed to determine functionality and level of development of neurons. After all, the work of the brain is directly related to the activity of the human nervous system. The subject is put on a special cap with sensors installed on it, capable of reading brain impulses that are transferred to the computer. The result of the procedure is an electroencephalogram, which is a graph on a long sheet of paper, which can be used to determine:

  • amplitude and frequency of oscillations;
  • wave phases sent by neurons;
  • the dynamics of these waves.

Based on the EEG, a specialist can draw conclusions about the mental state of a person, his tendency to such a dangerous disease as epilepsy, one of common causes accidents on the roads.

In the direction of the therapist, an electroencephalogram can be assigned for driving licenses of other categories, for which it is not mandatory.

How much does it cost to pass a medical examination for a driver's license in 2017

A medical certificate issued to applicants for obtaining a driver's license based on the results of an examination by a special medical commission is filled out on strict reporting forms of the established form. To protect against forgery, this document has holographic sticker.

The cost of a medical examination for a driver's license in 2017 is summed up from the price of the form and the amount of payment for a row medical services, since some of the examinations, even in state clinics, are not done free of charge, for example, EEG. How much money you need to have for a medical examination will depend on various reasons, namely:

  • type of medical institution– public or private;
  • categories of rights- some require more doctors and a mandatory electroencephalogram;
  • region of the survey.

For public clinics Moscow or Petersburg the cost of a medical examination for a driver's license in 2017 will be within from 600 to 2100 rubles, in Yekaterinburg must have on hand 1.2 - 2.7 thousand rubles, and residents Pskov, Lipetsk or Rostovon-Don help will cost no more than 1400 rubles. When contacting private clinics, the conclusion of doctors will cost much more, up to 5000 rubles. However, non-state medical institutions have a lot of advantages, for example:

  • lack of queues;
  • the opportunity to sign up for the commission at a convenient time;
  • comfortable conditions for patients, including high-quality repairs, modern equipment and enhanced service;
  • more polite and attentive staff;
  • a high degree of organization of the work of the medical board.

The only thing to remember is that a private clinic has a license for a medical examination with the right to issue a standard certificate. It is this question that should be of interest in the first place, and not how much the commission costs for obtaining a driver's license in 2017 if you decide to undergo a medical examination in a private clinic or medical center.

In state type clinics, prices are about the same everywhere, and choosing a cheaper institution is a waste of time. Usually the initial examination is worth about 1500, repeated - 1300, and for pensioners650 rubles.

Certificate from a psychiatrist from a dispensary for a driver's license

In the medical certificate for obtaining a driver's license in the column " psychiatrist” can only be marked by a doctor of a state psychiatric specialized institution.

Such an examination should only be carried out at the place of permanent or temporary registration. This is due to the fact that such medical institutions maintain their information base and records of patients only within the territory under their jurisdiction. Therefore, in order not to waste time in vain, it is better to call the neuropsychiatric dispensary in advance and clarify whether this institution serves residents at a specific address, as well as the time of admission of patients.

To get the " fit»with the doctor's signature and his seal in the certificate from a psychiatrist for a driver's license, the applicant must not be on the psychiatric register and confirm that he does not have mental disorders in which driving a car is contraindicated. To do this, at the appointment, the dispensary doctor can ask questions or prescribe a special test, where you need to score a certain number of points.

If the required number of points is not scored, the psychiatrist after the tests does not give a certificate for obtaining rights, but may prescribe a psychiatric examination. It is carried out permanently and takes 2 – 3 weeks. A stationary examination may be required if the applicant for a driver's license is already registered and wants to be removed from it.

In addition, in order for a psychiatrist to be able to make a conclusion, he is required by the rules to schedule an EEG. This will take additional time, since such a procedure is not performed in the dispensary. You will have to return to the clinic or medical center where you are undergoing a medical examination.

Getting a psychiatric verdict is usually not a problem if you have never sought psychiatric help. But if there were such cases, you need to be prepared in advance, and to pass the test, and to the hospital, and to the EEG. Accordingly, this will cost more.

Help from a narcologist for a driver's license

Road safety very often depends on the state in which the driver gets behind the wheel. A significant proportion of accidents are caused by drivers who are under the influence of alcohol. The task of the medical board, which determines the suitability of a person to drive a vehicle, is to prevent the issuance of rights to people addicted to alcohol or drugs. This is precisely the task of a psychiatrist-narcologist, whose examination is mandatory upon receipt of a driver's license.

Pass the narcologist for a driver's license is possible only in a state specialized institution at the place of registration. At the same time, it is required that the applicant for obtaining the rights reside and be registered at this address. at least 3 years. To avoid problems for people changing their place of residence, or for students moving to another city to study, you need to take care of obtaining a certificate from a narcologist in advance if you are going to apply for a driver's license. This certificate is valid for three years.

To get a narcologist's mark in the certificate, you need to visit drug dispensary at the place of registration, where the doctor will check whether the applicant for a driver's license is registered as a person addicted to drugs or alcohol. After that, the patient will be assigned to take tests:

  • urine for the content of psychoactive and narcotic drugs;
  • blood, to determine the amount of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in serum.

Based on these analyzes, a specialist narcologist or a psychiatrist-narcologist makes a conclusion about whether a person uses narcotic substances, which makes it possible to prevent those who are not registered, but who are prone to use, from driving.

According to recent changes in legislation, namely Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 15, 2015 No. 344n"On conducting a mandatory medical examination of drivers of vehicles (candidates for drivers of vehicles)", medical board rights are required in the following cases:

  • Initial driver's license;
  • Expiration of previously issued rights (every 10 years);
  • When opening new categories for the right to drive vehicles;
  • To return a driver's license (VU) after the expiration date;
  • If a person working as a driver has signs of diseases that are a contraindication to driving a vehicle.

Note! The previously required driver's medical examination to obtain a technical inspection has been canceled. Also, there is no longer a need to undergo a medical examination for registration of international rights.

Do I need a medical examination when replacing a driver's license?

If we turn to cases in which a medical opinion is required for drivers of vehicles, it can be noted that it is not always necessary to visit medical institutions to replace a driving license.

So, in the case due to the expiration of the driver's commission is required. And if the certificate was stolen or became unusable, then you will not need to undergo a medical examination for rights to obtain a new one.

How to pass a medical examination for a driver's license under the new rules

As I said, not so long ago, new rules for examining drivers began to operate. Thanks to them, getting a medical opinion has become easier. For example, the list that says which doctors you need to go through has decreased.

Also in the photo you can see what has changed appearance most driver's license. The photo is no longer required.

See how the rules for passing a medical examination to obtain a driver's license have changed significantly:

Where to get a medical examination for a driver's license

A medical examination for rights can be passed by you in any region, regardless of where you live.

However, an examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist is possible only at the place of permanent or temporary registration in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2015 No. 344n"On conducting a mandatory medical examination of drivers of vehicles (candidates for drivers of vehicles)".

In which clinics you can pass a driver's commission

Paragraph 3 of the same order states that it is possible to undergo a medical examination for a driver's license in state, municipal and private medical organizations.

The main requirement for these organizations is to have a license to conduct medical activities in the following areas:

  • Medical examination for the presence of medical contraindications to driving;
  • Ophthalmology;
  • Otolaryngology;
  • Neurology;
  • Functional diagnostics;
  • Therapy (general practice or family medicine).

What doctors go through for a driver's certificate

What is included in the concept of a medical board for rights? Inspection by experts in various fields. To obtain a conclusion that you have no contraindications to driving category B transport, you must go through the following specialists:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Expert in narcology
  • Ophthalmologist (oculist)

All other examinations (urinalysis, blood test, electroencephalography and others) are optional. But if one of the doctors has doubts about your health, they can prescribe them. In this case, their passage will become mandatory.

If you refuse to take the assigned laboratory or instrumental studies, you will not receive a medical certificate ( paragraph 12 Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2015 No. 344n).

If you are interested in what specialists you need to go through to get other categories and subcategories, I answer:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Expert in narcology
  • Ophthalmologist (oculist)
  • Therapist (general practitioner, family doctor)
  • Neurologist
  • Otolaryngologist (ENT)
  • Make an electroencephalogram

Reasons for medical denial of driving license

Doctors make a decision on the suitability to drive vehicles on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1604"On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions on driving."

There is an impressive list of medical restrictions provided by law. FROM complete list which can be found in the . I will only try to summarize and formulate an approximate list of diseases that may cause difficulties in obtaining a driver's license:

  • Mental and behavioral disorders;
  • The use of psychoactive substances;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Visual disturbances and eye diseases;
  • Absence or deformity of limbs;
  • Diseases of the vestibular apparatus, causing dizziness or seizures.

What questions does a psychiatrist ask?

Many, when performing a physical examination for the first time, are worried about being tested by a psychiatrist, because they do not know what questions await them from this particular doctor.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about here. The main thing is to behave calmly, naturally and confidently. If you're not crazy, you have nothing to fear!

The first things mental health professionals start a conversation with are general questions about your age, where you work, your education, your military service, or even the weather. Here, for the doctor, the content of the answers is not important, it is important for him to track your reaction, manner of speech and behavior. Do not give general answers, be concise.

Further, depending on the desire of the doctor, closed provocative questions may follow. They may be asked to compare something (for example, an airplane and a bird), they may be asked to name an extra object (for example, in a row a tram, train, trolleybus, truck). The doctor may also ask if you have had suicidal thoughts.

Remember, to pass a psychiatrist without problems, behave naturally and do not try to lie. First, an experienced specialist will notice this. And secondly, psychiatrists like to repeat the same question several times in order to catch a lie or track the patient's reaction.

Driver's medical examination without certificates from dispensaries

The driving commission involves a mandatory meeting with a narcologist and a psychiatrist. However, today there are private clinics where you can undergo a comprehensive examination on the spot without certificates from dispensaries.

They claim that they have access to databases in which preventive records are registered with a narcologist and a psychiatrist. If you have the funds to use their services, and the clinic has the necessary licenses, you can make your life easier and use their services by issuing a certificate quickly.

Medical board after deprivation of rights for drunkenness

If your rights were withdrawn by the traffic police for driving while intoxicated, then you will have to undergo an examination by doctors to return them.

There are no fundamental differences from the standard procedure. However, remember that the narcologist and therapist may prescribe additional tests that will need to be passed, otherwise your rights will not be returned to you.

Documents for the driver's medical examination

To pass an examination by doctors and get a certificate, you do not need a lot of documents. Only needed:

  • The passport;
  • Military ID (registration certificate). By the way, it must also be provided to women if they are liable for military service.

How long is the medical board for rights

How good a medical board is is an ambiguous question. You submit a certificate to obtain a driver's license. It's really 10 years old. It turns out that your certificate has a validity period of 10 years.

However, if we turn to paragraph 12 Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 15, 2015 No. 344n"On the mandatory medical examination of drivers of vehicles (candidates for drivers of vehicles)", we will see that the certificate is valid only 12 months from the date of issue.

How much does a driver's medical examination cost

The final cost of a driver's license is formed as a result of the influence of several factors:

  • Category of rights. Remember that the list of necessary specialists depends on what kind of transport you plan to drive;
  • Region of residence. The price of a medical examination can vary greatly, for example, in Moscow and Vladivostok;
  • Place of passage. To obtain a certificate, you can contact a private clinic or a public one. Accordingly, the prices for their services will differ.

Also, do not forget to add the cost of a narcologist and a psychiatrist, which must be taken separately.

The average cost of a full medical examination in the regions of Russia is 1.5 thousand rubles. - 2 thousand rubles.

How to pass a medical examination for free

Medical examination for obtaining a driver's license, according to the same Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 15, 2015 No. 344n, carried out solely at the expense of the drivers.

The only case when it is possible for you to undergo a medical examination for free is a referral to it from an employer. In such a situation, all expenses for visiting specialists fall on his shoulders.

Step-by-step instructions for getting help

So, briefly the order of your actions for obtaining a driver's certificate:

  1. Prepare documents;
  2. Decide on the choice of a medical organization;
  3. Issue a medical card;
  4. Pay a commission;
  5. Visit with a card all the necessary specialists;
  6. Go through a narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensary;
  7. You go to a therapist. Based on the conclusions of other doctors, he writes out a certificate for you.

Video experience of getting help step by step + specific prices for each service:


  • Driving license required everyone who draws up new or replaces old rights;
  • Reduced list of required specialists under the new rules
  • The conclusion of a narcologist and a psychiatrist is mandatory;
  • Private or public clinic- the decision is only yours;
  • Medical examination is paid for all categories of citizens.


Remember, forgery of documents, even medical certificate, is punishable by article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. You may be at risk of:

  • Fine up to 80 thousand rubles;
  • Forced labor up to 2 years;
  • Arrest up to 6 months;
  • Imprisonment up to 2 years.

And to pass a medical examination, as you now know, is not so difficult.

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Good luck and speedy medical examination! All the best!