Sights of Adygea and their description. RussiaDiscovery Knowledge Base: Adygea

The main attractions of Adygea are natural beauty. There are museums and religious sites, but they are just an addition to the mountains, waterfalls, lakes and so on. Travelers will be able to alternate experiences, getting to know man-made monuments in between hikes. Many interesting places concentrated in the Maykop region. The border zone of the republic with the Krasnodar Territory is also rich in colorful views.

Visiting some places is nothing more than an easy stroll, while others should be visited only well prepared and preferably accompanied by a guide. Adygea invites extreme lovers to test themselves by visiting theme parks entertainment, or find out more at local nature reserves. The choice of leisure activities is truly rich.

The most interesting and beautiful places. Photos with names and descriptions of the main attractions

Guide – what to see and where to go? Excursions and routes. List of the best tourism and active recreation facilities!


The plateau is located not only in Adygea, but also covers the territory Krasnodar region. The height above sea level is 2.2 thousand m. It has also been partially included in the Caucasus Nature Reserve since 1992. The alpine meadows brought the greatest fame to the area. One of the most popular hiking trails in the country runs here. Attractions nearby: Azish caves.

Mount Fisht

Refers to the territory of both Adygea and Krasnodar Territory. Part of the Main Caucasian ridge with a height of 2.8 thousand meters. One of the most popular stadiums in Russia, located in Sochi and which hosted the Olympics, is named in her honor. There are several climbing routes of varying difficulty along the mountain. The coral structure is explained by the fact that in the past, as researchers suggest, Fisht was an island.

Cathedral Mosque in Maykop

Started accepting believers in 2000. In addition to its direct functions, it is also the residence of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic and the neighboring Krasnodar Territory. The construction was financed by a sheikh from the UAE, whose mother was Circassian. The exterior is made of white stone walls, and the 5 domes and the tops of 4 minarets are bright blue. Interior decoration - walls covered with lines from the Koran.

St. Michael Athos Hermitage

Located in the village of Pobeda, founded in 1877. The monastery flourished and received pilgrims. He had an important shrine - a piece of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord. However, like many others, it was gradually closed after the revolution. A revival began in the 2000s. Not all buildings and lands were returned to the monastery immediately, but gradually this mistake was corrected. At the same time, the local source was re-consecrated.

Rufabgo Falls

Can be found in the Maykop region. There are two ways to get to them: a special tourist route over the bridge (for a fee), or a wild one (free), but the road is longer and the slope is quite steep. The waterfalls are somewhat spaced from each other, some are less noticeable. The highest is “Grandiose” - 829 m above sea level, the lowest is “Three Brothers” - 425 m. Attractions nearby: Ancient Circassian Gardens and Through Cave, etc.

Canyon of the Belaya River (Khadzhokh Gorge)

Located near the village of Kamennomostsky. The length of the section is 400 m, the width is about 7 m. There is a tourist route with paths and railings in this gorge. The formation of the canyon is associated with the slow dissolution of limestone. On the descent a little lower you can look at the enclosures with representatives of the local fauna. Since the late 70s of the last century, the gorge has been declared a natural monument.

Caucasian Biosphere Reserve

It extends over 280 thousand hectares in the territory of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and the Krasnodar Territory. Received its current status in 1924. The mixed surface relief is rich in mountains and caves. Approximately 1/5 of all plants are rare species. Significant places: a grove with yew trees that have been growing here for hundreds of thousands of years, and the Laura cordon, where there are many enclosures with deer, bison, foxes and other living creatures.

Great Azish Cave

Located on the border of Adygea and Krasnodar Territory. Opened in 1911, and in 1987 it became a tourist site. 220 of 690 m are accessible for inspection and well equipped: decking, lights, handrails. There are quite a lot of stalactites and stalagmites in the five halls. They grow into columns and some have separate names. It is a natural monument. 50 m to the entrance to the Malaya Azishinskaya Cave.

Meshoko Gorge

The name translates as “bear valley”. Located near the village of Kamennomostsky. The height of the rocks in the gorge reaches 70 m. A special decoration of the area are grottoes and waterfalls. Cliffs hung over the rocks, making the picture even more picturesque. Traces of ancient fortifications dating back to the Bronze Age were found here. Nearby there is an abandoned quarry where limestone was mined in the past.

Bogatyrskaya Polyana

A tract in the Maykop region, consisting of several hundred dolmens. Most were destroyed, about fifty survived, located in a group and forming something like an alley. The rest are scattered chaotically throughout the territory. The dolmens are made of slabs and have almost identical dimensions. The name comes from a belief about a people of short people with incredible heroic strength.

Savranskaya Ropeway

Began its work in 2014. Length – 1.5 km. The ascent takes place almost 1 km above sea level, and the speed of movement of the trailer is 1.1 m/s. The walk takes place among greenery. Century-old pine trees and clean air contribute to immersion in the atmosphere local color. At the top you can wander along the Main Caucasian Ridge or visit the Grotto of Desires - an unusual through cave.

Rope adventure park "Tethys"

A full-fledged complex attraction with several types of programs. When purchasing a ticket, you can choose one direction or pay for general access. Trolley - descent on a special device at a speed of 50 km/h. Canyoning is a descent down a mountain river canyon. The ascent along the air trail is suitable for rock climbing enthusiasts. There is also the option to ride the most high swing(not for the faint of heart).

Devil's finger rock

Located near the village of Dakhovskaya. Depending on the chosen time of year, tourists try local nuts, apples and other wild gifts of nature along the way. On the way to the rock you come across other interesting objects, like the Devil's Arch. Right underneath Damn finger clearing suitable for a picnic. If you move from the village, the walking path in one direction will take more than 3 hours.

National Museum of the Republic of Adygea

Opened in the city of Maykop in 1925. The path to a full-fledged museum was long, and in the first years of its existence it was possible to survive on the enthusiasm of individual people. They collected a rich ethnographic collection, traced in detail the role of the Circassians (Circassians) in the history of the country and preserved many ancient traditions. The exhibition consists of costumes, folk art and household items, as well as archaeological finds.

Dakhovsky Bridge

Located in the village of the same name. Built across a mountain river at the very beginning of the 20th century. Its construction was carried out by rebel Cossacks, who were not exiled to Siberia and left in Adygea for hard work. The bridge was actively used, but it is well preserved. To prevent destruction and protect an important historical site, a modern structure made of concrete and metal was built next to it.

Arboretum in the village of Goncharka

It occupies an area of ​​150 hectares in the Giaginsky district. It bears the name of the collective farm chairman Bukreev, who initiated the creation of the park in 1970. Initially, only local trees were bred, but then they received seedlings from the Sochi arboretum and began experimenting with exotics. On this moment More than 350 species grow side by side. IN Central zone there is a rock garden.

Maykop City Park

Formed in the city center in 1966. It had not been looked after for a long time, so at the end of the 2000s it was necessary to carry out extensive reconstruction to give the resting place the proper appearance. In addition to the new benches, tiles with ornaments, snack bars and cafes, there are attractions, as well as a large outdoor swimming pool, which is filled in the summer. One of the local beauties is “The Clock” - a fountain with light and music.

Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Reserve

Located in the village of Guzeripl since 1965. Entrance is paid and you first need to go through the main post of the reserve itself. On the way to it there are dolmens and a monument to soldiers. The museum is divided into halls. The very first one talks about the creation of the reserve. The subsequent ones are about local flora and fauna: there are stuffed animals, three-dimensional models, diagrams, and small fragments of different natural zones are recreated.

Mount Big Thach

It is located on the border between the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. The absolute height is more than 2.3 thousand m. The name translates as “forever young god.” Is part of the same name natural park and together with him is included in the list world heritage UNESCO. The mountain range looks like a jagged, jagged wall, the slopes of which are covered with greenery at the bottom and bare near the tops.

Valley of the Ammonites

This natural monument can be examined in detail if you go down to the Belaya River between two villages: Kamennomostsky and Tula. Ammonites are fossils left over from ancient mollusks that went extinct along with the dinosaurs. Their spiral-shaped shells of impressive size are scattered everywhere. There are other figured stones that remind: once upon a time Adygea was hidden under the waters of the ocean.

Granite Gorge

It is located near the village of Dakhovskaya. Its length is approximately 4 km, and its width is about 200 m. There are many attractions in the area, such as the Golden Spring or Mount Trident. It is more convenient to explore the gorge from one of the natural observation platforms. It is especially beautiful here during the flowering period of chestnuts and barberries. In winter, part of the turbulent stream freezes, which also looks impressive.

Cossack stone

It is difficult to pass by this landmark of the village of Kamennomostsky due to its size: when traveling around the area, you will have to go around the stone. The name is explained by one of the legends: the Cossacks moved the rock when dividing the lands in order to take more territory for themselves. Another name is Maiden: supposedly a girl, dressed as a horseman, was the only one who was able to jump onto a stone on a horse.

Sahrai Falls

There are several of them (Mamryuk, Mankin Shum and others) located near the village of Ust-Sukhrai. The most famous of the group is called the Rift. The area around is suitable for gatherings, there are gazebos. In the summer, ticket offices are open, and you will have to pay to view the waterfall up close; the rest of the time, entry is free, but the water in the lake formed by the waterfall becomes cold, and you will not be able to swim.

Mount Monk

Belongs to the Maykop region. The height is approximately 500 m. The top is flat, which makes the natural object stand out from the general background. There is a spring and grottoes, as well as the remains of ancient masonry and dolmens. The outlines of the mountain from a certain angle resemble the face of a wrinkled, stern old man, which is why this name was chosen. Another legend says that this image was carved by a monk to atone for his sins.

Rock Split

Location: Khamyshki village. The height of the walls is up to 100 m, the width of the fault is from 2 to 8 m. The geological monument can be seen among the forest. After an earthquake many years ago, a huge crack passed through the entire rock, and now one of the parts has moved somewhat away from the base and looks like a separate formation. The Bzykha flows below, and waterfalls up to 5 m high have formed on it.

Lake Psenodakh

Occupies part of the area of ​​the Lago-Naki plateau. The outline resembles a wide smile. The length is about 150 m, and the width is about 70 m. The average depth is less than 1 m, although there is a deep gap closer to the southwestern part. Through intermediary keys, Psenodakh is fed with waters from Fisht. Since 2012, a special protection regime has been introduced near the lake to prevent travelers from completely destroying the local ecology.

Canyon of the Tsitsa River

Most often, travelers build a route from Lake Psenodakh. There are few tourists, as getting to the place is not easy. To look around and do beautiful photos, you will have to move directly along the Tsitsa riverbed. For this reason, it is better to come to the canyon at the end of summer, when the water level drops and it is still warm. There are many boulders along the banks, there are grottoes, and the snowfield even partially blocks the flow.

Khadzhokhsky quarry

The site of the former extraction of limestone and other rocks near the village of Kamennomostsky. The bottom of the abandoned quarry is covered with shallow springs, which eventually formed Lake Krasnoe. The water is clean and always cold. And the specific color comes from rocks and fossils. The traditional Tourist Race takes place in the surrounding area. The convenient location attracts not only tourists, but also locals.

Pshekhsky waterfall

Formed between the Fisht and Pshekha-Su mountains. It divides an outwardly single mountain range into parts, but flows down rocks covered with moss without going deep into the fault. Height - more than 160 m. In summer, the flow becomes weaker for objective reasons. A convenient road leads to the waterfall, surrounded by a forest belt. There are special tourist routes. Children are often taken on such excursions.

Thermal springs of Adygea

In the republic they can be found in different places. Tourist complexes offer either renting apartments nearby for a long time, or relaxing at the springs for just a couple of hours. It is believed that in Adygea there are no thermal springs with temperatures below +20 degrees. The most popular are those related to the Maykop region. For example, “Aqua-Thermo” or “Water Riviera”.

The mountains are covered with dense green thickets and topped with snow caps. Waterfalls attract from afar with the sound of crashing streams. Here flowers grow on the stones, and lonely eagles soar overhead.Simply put, Adygea is a region with amazing nature. Once you go a little deeper into the forests, you will find yourself in a real jungle, surrounded by butterflies and ferns. If it were not for the asphalt roads, this place could at one time be confused with Narnia.

What to see in Adygea. Top 5 places:

1. Khadzhokh Gorge

The depth of this winding gorge is about 40 meters. Standing on the equipped platform, you will see the Belaya River noisily rushing through a stone corridor, which either narrows or widens. Centuries-old boulders framed by lush greenery and foamy splashes are worth seeing. There is also a small zoo on the territory with wolves, bears and even an ostrich. The best place to start is by visiting the Khadzhokh Gorge.

2. Lago-Naki plateau

The high mountain plateau stretches for tens of kilometers. Thanks to this, it is located in several climatic zones at once, and you can go from broad-leaved forests to glaciers and watch how the nature around you changes. There are several panoramic points with breathtaking views, which can be reached during...

3. Mountains Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su

These peaks are located nearby. According to one of the Adyghe legends, the mountains are named after three warriors who died in battle with foreign conquerors. But travelers are attracted by the grandiose views that open from the slopes. There are many routes to the peaks hiking trails. On the way to the mountains you will encounter endless plateaus, alpine meadows, herds of horses and dazzling snowfields on emerald slopes.

4. Rufabgo Falls

Filling the gorge, the Rufabgo River forms 10 picturesque waterfalls. One of them rushes down in a rapid stream from under a huge boulder resembling a human heart. This waterfall is called “Heart of Rufabgo”. Walking through the waterfalls in time is a real adventure. The rappel descent into the grotto, hidden in the beech thickets and covered with ivy, will be remembered for a long time. But you can look at the waterfalls from the side, for example, during.

Along with Baikal and the volcanoes of Kamchatka, natural objects Adygea is included in the list of the World natural heritage.

5. Caves

There are many caves in Adygea. The most popular among tourists is Bolshaya Azishskaya. It is illuminated and equipped with stairs, so anyone can get into it. And those who are not looking for easy ways can go down into wild caves that now look the same as they did thousands of years ago.

The Piketnaya Cave is like a labyrinth about 65 meters long. Narrow and short passages lead to halls full of stalactites, stalagmites and stalagnates. Nearby is the Beautiful Cave, which is almost three times larger. The entrance to it is a hole resembling a hole that leads steeply down. You can go down here only with the help of special equipment used by speleologists. The list of wild caves in Adygea does not end here: Sukhaya, Saxophone, Flute - choose any one or visit them all at once!

If you still have time after all these places, there will still be a lot to see. The Belaya River, flowing through a granite canyon 200 meters deep, forms high rapids and small waterfalls. This place is ideal for. You can get to the canyon, as well as to the St. Michael’s Athos Monastery. Several ancient dolmens have been preserved in Adygea, and you can visit them during. There are many picturesque rocks here that you can hike to. radial exits. For example, .

What to do in Adygea

Forest and dirt roads are ideal for jeeping, and along the way you can see more than one iconic place. A memorable alternative is in an open body. The car will bounce and roll every now and then, like a real attraction, and you can even touch tree branches with your hands (or not with your hands, depending on your luck :)). Don't want to sit in the car? Try an ATV or bicycle.

The best way to feel unity with nature and enjoy panoramic views is during. Navigating the rushing cascades of water while rappelling is great. But if you are attracted only by the mountains, and you don’t want to get wet at all, you can.

For lovers of heights, Adygea has a real adrenaline bomb in store - extreme parks and the Canyon. Here you will fly on a zipline from one cliff to another and go through a via ferrata. By the way, this entertainment, like canyoning, will cost much more abroad.

Lovers of heights can go to one of mountain peaks, and the depths - go speleotourism and explore thousand-year-old formations inside wild caves.

- something that is definitely worth trying. If only because in different sections it has rapids of varying difficulty, which means that anyone can raft - the guide will select a suitable place.

Plants and animals of Adygea

You can find fir and beech forests, meadow and grass steppes, birch forests and alpine meadows - and what not to find here :) And July is generally the height of flowering of herbs, when the ground turns into carpets of flowers. The zonation is clearly expressed here, which means that as the altitude changes, the plant species change.

If you are going to travel around Adygea in the summer, getting vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis will not hurt.

Cuisine of Adygea

As in others Caucasian regions, there are a lot of meat dishes in Adygea. When cooking, the meat is sprinkled with garlic salt, which is prepared locally. Be sure to try the shish kebab - the locals know a lot about cooking over a fire.

The region is rich in grains, so many dishes include cereals. For example, chips (sauce) is prepared from broth and wheat flour, butter, onions and spices. And it is served with corn or wheat porridge.

What to bring from your trip

First of all, cheese. It is made here from cow, goat and sheep milk, sold fresh and smoked. Adyghe cheese will appeal to lovers of feta cheese, feta and mozzarella. You can notice a characteristic ribbed pattern on the surface of the cheese. The fact is that during production, cheese is poured into wicker baskets, where it then hardens with patterned indentations.

Locals prepare wine and a variety of liqueurs, which are sold in almost all tourist places. Sunny Adygea has a lot of fruits and berries, so there is a wide variety of jam and preserves (it is even made from pine cones).

Here you can buy warm clothes made of natural wool, stone or wood products.

Weather in Adygea

Thanks to the proximity of the ice-free Black Sea, which accumulates heat, the climate here is moderate.

Winter is mild and with little snow. The coldest month is January. average temperature at this time - only -2-4°C. But sometimes there are real frosts and down to -30°C.

Spring comes to the plains already at the end of February, and to the mountains another month later. In mid-April it’s already +10°C, and in May it’s quite warm.

Summer is dry and hot on the plains, cooler in the foothills. The average temperature is about +25°C.

In autumn the weather is also warm and dry, so traveling around Adygea in September is just as pleasant as in summer. Significant cooling begins only in the second half of October.

Near the mountain system Greater Caucasus is a small, but very picturesque and unique Republic of Adygea, part of Russian Federation. This unusual place attracts thousands of tourists with its unique natural beauty and interesting attractions. It’s amazing how many natural wonders are concentrated in a relatively small area (7600 sq. km). So, let's get acquainted with the main interesting places Adygea.

Khadzhokh Gorge in Adygea

The Khadzhokh Gorge is an ideal place for tourists who adore leisure. Located near the village of Kamennomostsky, the gorge is a rocky gap almost 400 m long with a winding shape on the Belaya River. The depth of the Khadzhokh Gorge reaches 40 m, and the width varies from 2 to 6 m.

Sahrai waterfalls of Adygea

Near the villages of Ust-Sakhray and Novoprokhladnoye the Sakhray River flows, the mouth of which originates in the Thach Mountains. Falling from high cliffs overgrown with dense forest, the waters of the river form six waterfalls of small height. Some of them form lake bowls, where warm time year you can swim.

Big Azish Cave in Adygea

In the interfluve of the Kurdzhips and Belaya rivers there is the Big Azish Cave with a depth of 37 m and a length of just over 600 m, of which only 220 m are equipped and suitable for mass tourism. Following the strikingly beautiful halls, decorated with intricate winding incrustations, visitors find themselves in a room where the Lozovushka underground stream flows.

Valley of the Ammonites, Adygea

The unique natural museum is located in the Belaya River valley in the area under the bridge. Ammonites are huge fossilized balls containing mollusk shells, shaped like a twisted ram's horn.

Mountains in Adygea

Since the Republic is surrounded by the Greater Caucasus massif, mountain tourism is quite developed here. The route to Mount Fisht (2868 m) with glaciers on the slopes is popular. The Unakoz ridge, 100 km long, surprises with its beautiful grottoes. Mount Monk is also popular among tourists. The Camel Rock, Trident Mountain and Devil's Finger Rock are striking in their unusual shapes.

St. Michael's Monastery, Adygea

St. Michael's Monastery is considered the “Mecca and Medina” of every self-respecting tourist of Adygea. The complex, located in a picturesque area on the slope of Mount Fiziabgo, near the village of Pobeda, was founded with donations from parishioners at the end of the 19th century. On the territory of the complex, pilgrims and tourists visit the stone Holy Trinity Church, the bright wooden Assumption Church, the elegant brick Church of the Archangel Michael, the mass grave of disabled people killed by the Nazis, and the crypt of Archimandrite Martyrius. In addition to viewing architectural monuments, visitors are offered to ride a horse from the local stable and taste monastery pies and tea. Be sure to climb Mount Fiziabgo, which offers magnificent views of the complex and neighboring mountain peaks. Here you can drink healing water from the holy spring of Panteleimon the Healer, swim in the font, and walk along the 200-meter-long man-made passages of the Monastery Cave.

Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve in Adygea

Among the attractions of Adygea, the nature museum of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve near the village of Guzeripl, on the right bank of the Belaya River, also attracts attention. Tourists here can admire the artificial waterfall of the Molchepy River, see the unique dolmen, the mass grave of the defenders of the village in the Second World War. In the museum itself, visitors are introduced to the history of creation Caucasian Nature Reserve, with a variety of local flora and fauna.

If you are still looking for inspiration and picturesque landscapes, take a trip to these mountainous places as well as .

The Republic of Adygea is one of the largest centers of the North Caucasus in Russia. The territory of the republic belongs to the mixed tourism zone. Most travelers get the opportunity to enjoy different facets of eco-tourism.

Adygea is famous for its diversity of flora and fauna, alpine and subalpine meadows, and mid-mountain forests. Tourists can book rooms in sanatoriums and holiday homes, noting the high level of comfort and affordable prices, but if you wish, you can take advantage of the opportunity independent travel. In any case, the nature of Adygea is amazing.

The Rufabgo stream flows in a narrow gorge with rocky walls and numerous small waterfalls. It is during rainy periods that the stream becomes a violent torrent of water.

Tourists can see seven waterfalls, each of which evokes a special impression and creates an unforgettable spectacle. An interesting excursion route is offered for nature lovers.

The Lago-Naki plateau is a unique corner of nature created by mountain ranges and ridges. The plateau is located between Mount Abadzesh and the Stone Sea ridge. Every tourist gets the opportunity to appreciate the truly beautiful panoramas and touch the wonderful nature, stroll through the alpine meadows. The road allows you to see completely different facets of Adygea.

The Lago-Naki plateau is famous for its abundance of medicinal herbs and plants. Moreover, here you can get natural honey, which has medicinal properties.

The Lago-Naki plateau is ideal for active and relaxing walks. Every nature lover will understand how great it is to have a great time here.

Mount Fisht reveals all the mountainous grandeur of the Western Caucasus. Tourists like to visit this corner of the Republic of Adygea different countries peace.

From Adyghe the name of Mount Fisht is translated as “White Head” or “Grey-haired”. In fact, many people see at the top of the mountain the profile of a stern elderly man who looks sternly at everyone who dares to disturb his peace.

In fact, Mount Fisht attracts many people who are close to nature and who try to be active in the tourism sector. In addition, Mount Fisht has caves and voids that penetrate its thickness, as a result of which many travelers get a decent opportunity to appreciate the originality of this natural attraction.

The village of Kamennomostsky has long been popular with tourists who want to find a compromise between getting closer to nature and maintaining connections with infrastructure. The village is a must-visit, because it surprises with its natural attractions and allows you to understand how amazing the nature of Adygea is.

Guzeripl is a small village located in the southern part of the Republic of Adygea, or more precisely, in the foothills of the Caucasus Range. The village is located among high mountain peaks, which are covered with fir forests. This is where you can enjoy the healing mountain air and even swim in the truly clean Belaya River. Anyone who wants to fully enjoy the beautiful nature and high level of infrastructure development can visit the small but truly interesting village of Guzerpil.

The Republic of Adygea is primarily famous for its natural attractions, but here you can see religious sites. For example, the Maykop Cathedral Mosque, which is an impressive square building with four minarets installed in the corners, deserves special attention. The mosque is also decorated with a large azure dome.

The Maykop Cathedral Mosque was built in 2000. Since then, the religious landmark deserves increased attention from tourists who understand that the cities of the Republic of Adygea can surprise not only with their picturesque nature, but also with their religious potential.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 220.

Mountain lake Psenodakh visually resembles a silver crescent. The lake is surrounded by alpine meadows and mountain peaks. This corner of nature evokes special impressions for many travelers.

Psenodakh is a lake of glacial-karst origin. The depth of the lake is on average about half a meter, and only in one place does the depth still reach three meters. Despite the beautiful nature and crystal clean water, swimming is not so easy, because even in the hot summer the water of the lake does not warm up due to its characteristics.

It is important to note that the water level in the lake is constantly changing, because the reservoir is an object of an extensive underground water system. Through karst drainage, water can sometimes leave the lake, exposing the bottom. This interesting fact encourages even more people to vacation in the area famous for Lake Psenodakh.

This reserve is considered one of the oldest and most important in the Western Caucasus. The story began in 1924, but the current situation was achieved only after several decades. All events and projects are aimed at preserving the nature of Adygea, which is considered one of the richest and most valuable in all of Russia.

The protected area is famous for its rich fauna and flora, various climatic areas, as a result of which the impeccable facets of the nature of Adygea are revealed here. We are especially proud of the dozens of rare plant species that are protected by the Red Book of Russia.

Guzeripl Pass is included in the best tourist routes in the Republic of Adygea. On the right, the pass abuts the rocky ledges of Mount Oshten, and on the left, the Blyam rock. At the same time, you can enjoy beautiful views from the pass. majestic mountain Fisht. It is not surprising that many tourists dream of visiting here and appreciating the local nature.

The granite canyon on the Belaya River is one of the most famous and interesting natural sites in the mountainous part of Adygea. Runs along the gorge highway with observation decks, thanks to which everyone can appreciate amazing nature local region. In the best and most accessible places there are descents into the canyon. Driving along the Granite Canyon on the Belaya River, you can truly appreciate the picturesque nature of mountainous Adygea.

The Tsitse River Canyon surprises with its beauty and majesty. However, this natural monument Adygea is almost never visited by travelers, since the route turns out to be quite difficult and requires special preparation. There are no trails in the gorge, so you can only explore the beautiful corners of nature by moving along the river bed. The best time The best time to visit the canyon is the end of summer or the beginning of autumn, since at this time the water level will be minimal.

One of the most worthy attractions is a large snowfield that blocked the bed of the Tsitsa River. A snowbank is a natural dam consisting of compressed ice and snow. It is important to note that the object regularly changes shape and size, but it always surprises with its impeccable beauty.

The Three Dragons rock island is an amazing object that represents big rock in the middle of the Belaya River and located near the gorge. For a long time, the river sharpened the rocks of the island, as a result of which a 3-headed snake appeared, which began to be called the Three Dragons. It seems that the heads of a stone dragon are guarding the entrance to the gorge. Numerous legends are associated with this place, but at the same time one can note the special beauty of the local nature.

The Stone Museum is the main attraction of the small village of Goncharka. The Museum of Stones is a kind of dendrological park. The basis of the unique exhibition is the stones that remained after the construction of the mountain road.

To create the museum, we managed to select the best and most unique blocks, most of which are lenses of sandstones created under the influence of natural forces. However, some blocks still represent traces of human activity. In any case, every tourist gets the opportunity to walk along the paths of the dendrological park and appreciate the exhibition of the Museum of Stones.

The Meot fortress is located in the city of Maykop. The attraction is a stylized stone fortress, which offers a wonderful panorama of the Unakoz ridge, the Belaya River valley and Krasnoye Lake. In summer, the fortress turns out to be a kind of theater under open air, and even musical shows and performances and exhibitions are held in this territory. If desired, visitors can drink herbal tea and eat Caucasian kebab. Moreover, there are small shops near the fortress where you can buy souvenirs.

Meot Fortress is located on the territory of a large hotel complex with an entertaining twist "County of Hadjokh". A holiday in this corner of Adygea will certainly give you the most vivid impressions.

The Bolshoy Thach Nature Park has existed since 1997. The attraction surprises with its beauty and uniqueness, thanks to which it is included in the official list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage.

In the warm season, the natural park surprises with its impeccable beauty. In addition, “Big Thach” surprises with the diversity of flora and fauna, but hunting, grazing and logging are strictly prohibited.

The unique landscape, mild climate and picturesque weather contribute to natural Park“Big Thach” turned out to be a famous recreational site.

The National Museum of the Republic of Adygea has existed since 1925. Initially, the profile of the museum center was defined as historical and ethnographic, as a result of which every visitor gets the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the exhibition and understand the specifics of life in the Republic of Adygea.

The modern stage in the history of the museum’s development began only in 1993. Nowadays the number of exhibits exceeds 270 thousand, and here are presented household and household items, sculpture, fine and decorative arts, jewelry, and weapons.

Location: Maykop, Sovetskaya street - 229.

The Krasnodar Reservoir is a very large artificial reservoir created on the Kuban River and is a reservoir for the North Caucasus and Adygea. The artificial reservoir was created in 1973, but later it merged with the Tshchik Reservoir. These days, the Krasnodar Reservoir is gaining increased interest among tourists.

The Republic of Adygea is a wonderful corner of Russia, where you can fully enjoy the picturesque nature and rich cultural potential.

The Big Azish Cave is located in the southern part of the Azish-Tau mountain range at an altitude of approximately 1500 meters. The cave is popular among tourists and therefore can be easily reached - there is a good asphalt road leading to the cave itself
The Azish Cave was first explored by five local residents in the spring of 1910. They were amazed by its beauty and considered it necessary to bring tourists there - from that time on, visitors began to visit the cave. And in 1973, the cave became a natural monument.

The Aminovskoye Gorge stretches in an arc for 8 km from the west to the east. On the western outskirts of the beautiful village of Kamennomostsky (Khadzhokh) there is this gorge, it seems to have crashed into a residential village that is very close to the village. The Aminovka River, breaking out of the strong embrace of the gorge, carries its current through the village and flows into the Belaya River and thereby divides the left bank of the Kamennomostsky district, which stretches along the Belaya River, into two completely equal parts.

Fans of active recreation are increasingly attracted to horse tourism. Since the first horse riding route was laid back in 1971, this type of sports tourism has become firmly established as a mandatory discipline in many sports and tourist centers.

Travel backpack – what should it contain? This eternal question does not lose its relevance. Naturally, the answer to this primarily worries novice tourists. So, what do you need to take with you on a hike, so that at the right time everything you need is at hand, but at the same time, do not forget that you will need to carry the backpack during long treks.

For the novice hiker, the excitement of a hike begins long before it begins. This is quite justified - contact with natural elements, for an unprepared traveler, will at least bring a spoiled mood. And in other cases, health problems are possible. But if everything is thought out and calculated in advance, timely consultations are received from experienced outdoor enthusiasts, high-quality equipment is purchased and the backpack is filled with really necessary things, then there is no need to worry. Active recreation will bring only positive things.

Every tourist, both beginner and experienced, knows that one of the most necessary accessories that a traveler should have in his luggage is a sleeping bag. Comfortable and healthy sleep depends on this item. If you analyze the modern assortment of sleeping bags presented in specialized stores, it turns out that it will not be easy to make an unambiguous choice. So, what do you need to know to choose a good sleeping bag?

Look for a clear answer to the question: why go to the mountains? - a useless exercise. For each tourist, a mountain hike has its own page unforgettable impressions, memories. And how can you remain indifferent to the gray peaks? Caucasus Mountains ridges of “solid” two- or three-thousanders? Annual number mountain trails is increasing, and with it the army of people is growing, deliberately leaving cozy apartments and houses, preferring the sultry ocean shore to exhausting, sweat-inducing hikes in the unexplored mountains in the south of Russia. This is probably why Adygea is becoming an increasingly popular holiday destination.

What is mountain tourism? Kind of sport? Leisure? Hobby? Yes, probably everything combined. One thing is clear: anyone who has ever been to the mountains will be sick of them for life. To go to the mountains you do not need special qualifications, there is no need for expensive mountaineering equipment. But the peaks, beckoning with their mystery, cannot be conquered without good physical preparation. In this regard, the first rule of the conqueror of mountain peaks: realistically assess your strength!

The modern industry of accessories and equipment for tourism produces products for every occasion. For example, if you go to the mountains in the cold season, then you are offered a very useful device– catalytic heating pad. It is also often called a pocket warmer or hand warmer. It is very simple to set up, economical and can generate heat over a decent period of time.

In this world, people have long learned to appreciate nature, because sometimes it is impossible to look at beautiful landscapes without holding your breath with delight. So beautiful natural places today there are extremely many, but the famous Guam Gorge has always been distinguished by its special charm and beauty, which has conquered more than one tourist’s heart.

Most tourists have long made a preference to relax on Russian resorts and many choose to relax in the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory. One of most picturesque places for the whole family - this is Guzeripl.
This unique mountain village is located at an altitude of 685 meters above sea level on the banks of the Belaya River. A stunning view opens up on the way to this place.

Of course, many tourists who prefer active recreation to simply lying on the beach know the name of the Belaya River, which flows in the south of Russia. This main waterway of the beautiful resort region called Mountain Adygea, very loved by travelers for picturesque shores and the purest life-giving water. However, few tourists know that just in the valley of this mountain river there is unique place, where ammonites come to the surface - giant shells that have reached us through millennia.

Among the many historical, cultural and archaeological sites which the land of Mountain Adygea is rich in, of particular interest is the huge block lying in the very middle of the road leading along the Khadzhokh gorge on the Kamennomostsky-Dakhovskaya section, which is nicknamed the Cossack stone. It is reliably known that this huge stone fragment broke off from the top of the Una-koz mountain range and fell into the valley of the Belaya River. People call it the Cossack, Circassian, Maiden, or Shaitan stone.

Relaxing actively is not only fashionable, but also responsible. Today inexpensive, accessible to every average citizen active tourism very popular. Moreover, in Russia there are a great many places where there is something to see. Krasnodar region with its original nature, it seems to be created for the curious tourist fraternity. And what can you not see in the same mountainous Adygea!

When going on a hike, a person must not only take care of properly filling a tourist backpack or choosing high-quality shoes. His main asset should be outdoor survival skills. In particular, when hiking, a tourist should know how to stay warm. This task is especially relevant during a mountain hike. If such knowledge is absent, then there is a real threat of hypothermia, and the impressions of the hike themselves will most likely be far from positive. We don’t want to scare novice tourists, but in the mountains you can die from hypothermia in literally 1 hour.

The success of a trip to the mountains directly depends on the shoes chosen by the traveler. And it should be noted that the process of choosing and purchasing mountain shoes is somewhat different from going to a regular shoe store. It is important to understand that a tourist’s feet on a hike are “working tools,” which means they must be shod in such a way that they do not have to suffer from dropsies, calluses, or pain in the joints and muscles.

Do you know what a tick is? No? Then, before you go on an adventure, which a mountain hike is always rich in, you should learn about the possible dangers. And one of them is ticks.

What is a tick?

In fact, outwardly, a tick is a very small creature, but it can really cause a lot of trouble to an unwary traveler. If you come across a sign in the forest that says “Beware of ticks!”, then you should be extremely careful.

Troubles in the family, conflicts with superiors, misunderstandings among relatives and friends - all this can be survived if you radically change the situation, at least for a while. So, it's time to go to fairy world mountain ranges, alpine meadows, streams, rivers and waterfalls, caves. In other words, go to the Caucasus. The best way to escape from problems and get to know yourself - go to the mountains. And so that your immediate surroundings do not cause irritation, share your sorrows with... a horse. This smart, calm and noble animal will never betray, unlike people.

Every tourist should be able to light a fire - this is an axiom. In principle, when the street is dry and warm, anyone can cope with this task. But a real traveler must be able to light a fire in any situation and in any weather conditions. And, in addition, a person in the lap of nature must clearly know where to make a fire and where not. That is, during a hiking trip, fire safety rules must also be strictly observed, as in any other situation.

Lago-naki (Lagonaki) is a unique place for relaxation and viewing, it is located in the Republic of Adygea, Maikop district. This is part of the Western Caucasus mountains between the Belaya and Pshekha rivers.

This highland is located inside the Krasnodar region, since Adygea is an enclave of this administrative district, it is not borderline, but at the same time, tourists have always been attracted not only by the rocks of these places, but also by glaciers and snowfields.

One of the pearls of Adygea is the Meshoko gorge (the word translated from Circassian means “bear valley”). The path to the Meshoko gorge begins from the village of Kamennomostsky, which can be reached by train. It will take you about 30 minutes to walk, but along the way you will encounter wonderful views of the nature of the Adygea region: waterfalls, panoramic points (for those who like photography), rocks. But more on that later.

Dolmens are much older than Egyptian pyramids and most likely are their prototype. In addition, it is now known for sure that the purpose of pyramids and dolmens is identical. We are talking about the pharaohs buried in the pyramids of Egypt and the leaders of a once-existing civilization buried in dolmens, who, according to legend, could contact God. A certain mysterious cosmic mind, a higher intellect, the mind of the Universe was meant as God.

Crossing, crossing! Left bank, right bank...

During hiking one has to overcome various obstacles, one of which is crossing rivers. As a rule, they are waded. The safety of the tourist group depends on how correctly the crossing point is chosen.

Ski tourism is increasingly attracting the attention of not only wealthy citizens. The development of infrastructure makes it possible to find resort bases where, for a reasonable price, you can not only have a great rest during your vacation, but also organize weekend trips with your team or the whole family and celebrate a celebration. Every year more and more compatriots leave cramped apartments for mountainous regions and there, in an unusual environment, they meet New Year. Fortunately, all conditions are created for this “at the request of the workers.”

The term “altitude sickness” is mentioned very often today. Either we have become weaker in spirit and body, or the ailments that people feel in the mountains have received their own specific name. But, be that as it may, we know a lot about mountain sickness today.

Signs and symptoms of altitude sickness

It is absolutely clear that this disease can manifest itself in several forms:

They say that you can look at water endlessly. Contemplate the quiet surface of rivers or sea ​​waves from the deck of a motor ship, or you can feel the power of the water element while rafting down fast, rapids mountain rivers on boats. Moreover, not all mountain ranges suitable for this type of tourism.

The Rufabgo River can rightfully be called the most amazing landscape of Adygea. This 17-kilometer miracle is located at the mouth of the White River.
Rufabgo from Adyghe means rage, temper, obstinacy. It is these characteristics that fully outline the unusual structure of the river - it is the mother of twelve waterfalls.
It is not strange that tourists are drawn, like a magnet, into this block of beauty and danger, because there is nothing more beautiful than a river flowing into a waterfall and a waterfall flowing into a river.

St. Michael's Monastery is one of the largest monasteries in the southern region of Russia. Known exact time his education date is 1877. The monastery is located on the outskirts of the village of Pobeda, which is located in a picturesque area, among old orchards on the territory of Mountain Adygea. During the dramatic period of the early 20th century, namely in 1928, the authorities closed the monastery, some buildings were blown up or partially destroyed. However, the main building with a unique bell tower, the refectory of the Trinity Church and some residential buildings have been preserved in good condition.

The fairy-tale world of mountainous Adygea beckons and calls to its snowy expanses. Experienced instructors welcome guests on ski trips all year round. Although summer rest begins in May and continues until September, and winter lasts only about 100 days a year; those who like to “communicate” with snow can do this almost all year round: from October to May. The reason is simple: the unique ones are to blame for everything climatic conditions Caucasus Mountains of Russia. On the slopes of the Lagonaki plateau there is snow until the beginning of June.