European city on the water. Venice is a unique city on the water

Romantic, amazing, inimitable... These words can describe the beautiful Venice - a city built on water - one of the most beautiful not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. For many decades, Venice has inspired artists and poets, attracted romantics and travelers from all over the world. Its openwork palaces, water canals, gondolas and gondoliers, numerous bridges, narrow streets, beautiful cathedrals and the endless sea cannot but delight. It is difficult to describe Venice - you need to see it, breathe it in and feel it with your heart. What is it worth, amazing architectural ensemble the main square of the city with the magnificent San Marco Cathedral and the majestic bell tower, not to mention the Doge's Palace and the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute.
Venice is a city of masks and carnivals, luxury and romantic mood.

Venice - attractions

We will begin the description of Venice and its main attractions from the main square of the city, because it is its symbol and true treasure. Here is the extraordinary Basilica of San Marco, charming with its solemn appearance and dazzling with golden interiors, Torre del Orologio - the clock tower located in the northern part of the square, Loggetta, which served as a guardhouse for luxurious Palace Doges, erected opposite, etc.
Venice is a city on the water, among its main attractions are bridges and bridges, many of which can be called real works of art. The most famous of them are Ponte di Rialto,
Bridge of Sighs, Ponte degli Scalzi, Straw Bridge, etc.
The islands of Venice are no less beautiful - each has interesting story and attractions. The Venetian artisans of Murano are famous all over the world for their beautiful glassware, and the needlewomen of Burano for their most delicate lace.
While in Venice, do not forget to visit the Accademia Gallery - one of the most famous city museums, housing the largest collection of paintings by Venetian artists of the 14th-18th centuries. The gallery features works by Titian, Giorgione, Giovanni Bellini, Lorenzo Lotto, Giandomenico Tiepolo and many others. In addition, works of famous masters can be admired in the churches of Venice.
A gondola ride along the Grand Canal will give you not only unforgettable experience, but also the opportunity to see the most beautiful palaces of the Venetian nobility of past centuries: Ca' Rezzonico, built at the end of the 18th century, Palazzo Barbarigo of the Renaissance, decorated with Murano glass mosaics, the lace Palazzo Santa Sofia, better known as the "Golden House" and many others.

What weather to expect in Venice

Venice has a mild and humid climate. average temperature in summer it stays between 23-25 ​​degrees, in winter it rarely drops below zero. Sometimes in winter it snows and short-term frosts occur.
"High water" in Venice is a phenomenal phenomenon, characteristic of both the winter months and early spring. In this period most of the city is flooded. Such floods can occur up to 100 times a year.
The best time to visit Venice is from May to September.

Public transport in Venice

In addition to the buses and trams that serve mainland Venice, there are other types of buses in the city public transport- motor ships plying along the main canals of Venice, as well as between the islands. Vaporetto is the main type of urban transport, its capacity is up to 250 people. In addition, there is a metro in Venice, no more than 1 km long, with only three stations.

What to try in Venice

Typical Venetian cuisine is rich in seafood dishes. You should definitely try "Risotto de go" - rice with fish sauce made from gobies that live in the waters of the Venetian lagoon. As an antipasto in Venice, they serve Sarde in saor - an unusual appetizer in the form of fried sardines in a sweet and sour sauce. For the second course, indulge in the "Fanato alla Veneziana" - a dish made from pork or beef liver, served with polenta (corn flour porridge). Among the Venetian sweets, the most popular are Baicoli cookies and, popular during Christmas and Carnival, Fritola.

Excursions in Venice

This is useful to know:

  • The Venice Carnival, held every February, is one of the most famous costume festivals in the world. The main celebration of Venice, described for the first time in 1094, has become an annual event since 1162.
  • Once every two years, Venice hosts the most famous exhibition of world art - the Venice Biennale, which is international in nature and was held in 1895.
  • In different centuries, such people lived and worked in the city of Venice famous personalities like Marco Polo, Antonio Vivaldi, Andrea Gabrieli, Antonio Canova, Tintoretto and others.
  • There are 433 Venetian-born gondoliers working in Venice, including one woman. But the most interesting thing is that the number of gondoliers does not change.

Traveling through northern Italy, Venice, a city on the water, stands out against the backdrop of the entire region. Venice has not yet gone under water and is considered the most romantic city in Italy.

Venice is located on a number of islands in the Adriatic Sea, and is connected to the continent by a 7-kilometer bridge. But in the city itself there are no roads at all, and traffic is organized through numerous channels.

Just walk along the streets of Venice, the best program - and free

For many years, Venice played a vital role in trade between East and West, and its beauty was admired by many European painters.

What can you see in Venice, a city on the water, with only one day to spare?

  • Arriving in Venice on cruise ship or by train you will in any case get to Santa Lucia Station. Yes, yes, as in the song, from where there is a beautiful view of the Grand Canal. You will remember a walk along it for a long time. After all, along the canal there are more than 50 medieval palaces and majestic churches.

Grand Canal, a place near the main station of Venice that welcomes all tourists
  • And I recommend starting your exploration of this beautiful city with one of the most luxurious squares in the world - Piazza San Marco. The same one where tourists were prohibited from feeding pigeons for sanitary reasons. There are several notable buildings here, such as the Doge's Palace, the Cathedral of San Marco, the Clock Tower of San Marco and the Marciana Library.

Separately, I would like to note: if you are a lover and connoisseur of natural beauties, then in Venice, apart from the mesmerizing canals, there are not many of these natural attractions. But since you are in Italy, you can always go to, even if they are not as close as you would like.

By the way, the ban on feeding pigeons is not particularly observed, so you can still buy crackers here to lure the birds and take pictures. Don't forget to pay attention to the pattern on the pavement: it was laid out in a special way back in the 13th century to guide the direction of processions during celebrations in the Cathedral of San Marco.

And since St. Mark's Square is the very heart and center of Venice. You can get here on foot, by water bus Vaporetto (7.5 euros per trip), or during sightseeing tour on a gondola.

Piazza San Marco
  • The Cathedral of San Marco is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Venice. In addition to its beautiful Byzantine architecture, the cathedral is famous for housing the relics of the Apostle Mark. As well as a huge collection of trophies and art objects brought from the Crusades.

Entrance to the cathedral is free, but if you come during a temporary exhibition, be prepared to pay for admission. In our case, there was an exhibition of the Crusaders and entry was 5 euros.

Cathedral of San Marco in Venice
  • Doge's Palace. If you're walking around Piazza San Marco, you won't pass by the Doge's Palace. Here for centuries the government of the Republic of Venice was located, as well as many others. state organizations. Spend 20 euros on a ticket and be sure to stop by to admire the murals, frescoes and paintings by Italian artists. If we regretted anything :)

Doge's Palace
  • Bridge of Sighs. It can be reached from the Doge's Palace or during a gondola ride along the Venetian canals. Legend has it that convicts were led to prison over this bridge and sighed as they looked at the beauty of Venice for the last time. And to prevent escapes, the bridge is completely closed even at the top and has only a few windows.

Another legend says that the only criminal who managed to escape was the notorious Casanova. And sailing under this bridge at sunset and kissing is considered an obligatory part of the excursion program in Venice for couples in love.

Bridge of Sighs and Gandola
  • But most beautiful bridge in Venice I would rather call the Rialto Bridge. It was the very first to be built across the Grand Canal. And from the very moment of its construction, merchants settled on it; even today, souvenir shops are open on the bridge. Mention of it can be found in Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice.
    • The bridge was originally built from wood, was destroyed by fires several times, and in the 16th century was rebuilt from stone and has retained this appearance to this day. When walking along it, be prepared to bump into each other; this is truly a “people's place” since the Middle Ages.
Rialto Bridge, wife, seagull, me (I'm on the right)
  • Do you want to get even closer to the masterpieces of Venetian artists? Then I recommend not to pass by the Academy Gallery. Founded in the 18th century as educational institution, today it is the largest exhibition of works by Italian masters. This Gallery occupies as many as 24 halls. But if you don’t have time, then this point of the program can be sacrificed.
  • Murano area. If you, while in Venice, went to souvenir shops. You probably noticed the abundance of souvenirs and other glass products called Murano glass. The fact is that in Venice there is a district of Murano, where glass blowing factories have operated since the Middle Ages. These factories made glass highest quality. And Glasses and mirrors brought to Europe from Venice were considered the best in quality. There are excursions to workshops here, where you can watch the process of making glass products.

Allegedly “Murano” glass in all souvenir shops in Venice
  • Arsenal. The Venetian Arsenal was the first and largest in medieval Europe ship making workshop. At the covered shipyards, work on 20 galleys was underway at the same time. From historical records it follows that one ship was launched daily, and in total up to 16 thousand people worked at the factory. Such rates of development of shipbuilding provided Venice with superiority in the Adriatic.
    • Today, the building of a former granary on the territory of the Arsenal houses a museum. And in the workshop areas such a significant event in the art world as the Venice Biennale is held. Ticket price 25 euros. I cried, but I paid, and, to be honest, I was a little disappointed. The price clearly does not correspond to the content.

Entrance to the Arsenal

Additional Information

If you have already seen everything in this city on the water and have been here for several days, but your soul demands adventure and romance, read the article about the ferry to Croatia from Venice, to the wine region of Istria. It is possible to organize a one-day cruise and open new point on the world map!!!

I would also like to note the prices in Venice: this is an expensive city compared to the rest of Italy. In the article at the link, you will read in detail, using the example of Naples. From this article you can focus on almost all prices. Only accommodation and food in restaurants will be on average twice as expensive. Keep this in mind.

If you only have 1 daylight in Venice and want to see the city to the maximum, then I recommend paying attention to excursions, both sightseeing and thematic. They can be easily purchased locally in the city or booked in advance online. The only disadvantage of buying locally: there are no Russian-language excursions. So if English, Italian or French guides don’t bother you, feel free to take a tour from them.

In conclusion: Venice is a city on the water, a city-museum. Even if you are not a fan of looking at displays behind closed shop windows, just take a walk around the city. Attractions are at every turn here. Stop by for a coffee in one of the many cozy cafes and immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the city.

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Venice - unique historical city Italy, literally permeated with romance and a unique atmosphere of mystery. Almost every house in Venice is an architectural creation of past centuries; the endless narrow streets captivate with their charm.

Photo: Don Mammoser /

There is a feeling of love and happiness throughout the city, the splash of water adds a special charm, and the numerous carnivals, exhibitions and film festivals that take place annually in Venice and bring together the most famous representatives of world art and culture leave a perfectly perceptible trail of eternal celebration in the air.

Venice is a true museum city and is listed World Heritage UNESCO. There is a huge amount here historical monuments cultures created mainly in the 14th-16th centuries.

The history of the founding of Venice dates back to ancient times, when the city was inhabited by the Veneti, who gave the city its name. As an island city, Venice was formed by the 9th century, and in the Middle Ages it was already the center of the Venetian Republic - at that time the city literally flourished architecturally and culturally.

Today, Venice occupies a central place in the cultural and tourist life of Italy. Millions of tourists come here every year.

If you have not yet been to this impressive city, then it is worth adding a trip to Venice to your next travel plan, as it architectural marvel sinks more and more into the surrounding water space forever.

Location and population of the city

The area of ​​Venice occupies 118 islands on the eastern part of the Apennine Peninsula, located in the Adriatic Sea. The space between the islands is made up of numerous streams and canals that form the unique topography of Venice.

400 bridges connect parts of the city separated by water, and you can get to the mainland from Venice by road bridge, the length of which is 4 km.

All houses in Venice have a special foundation, without which it would be impossible to imagine the construction of this city in muddy soil conditions. In this case, the lowest layer of houses is completely immersed in water, and the houses themselves are built from lightweight materials that hold them on the surface of the water.

Venice represents administrative center region of Venice and forms a commune consisting of 6 independent districts.

The city's population is approximately 265,000.


When traveling to Venice, you should choose the time of year carefully. This can be explained by the peculiarities of the local climate. The fact is that in summer the heat here is very intense, reaching +30 degrees, which is quite uncomfortable for visiting museums and long walks around the city.

This is typical for most Italian cities, so traditionally the peak tourist season In Venice, it is customary to consider the intermediate seasons of the year: spring and autumn. The air temperature is quite acceptable, there is little rain.

IN winter time Due to the island climate in Venice, it often rains and the weather is foggy, and the streets and canals are immersed in a mysterious haze. Strong winds are common at this time of year.

How to get to Venice

The most popular and easiest way to travel to Venice is to fly. Aeroflot airline operates regular direct flights from Moscow to Venice; charter flights are also available during the high season.

A cheaper, but more time-consuming method is the option of sending some kind of goods from Russia European airline(especially if you do not live in Moscow or St. Petersburg) with a transfer in Paris, Vienna, Rome, Berlin or other European capitals. So, the cost of a flight from Berlin or Paris to Venice Ryanair airline will be only about 25 euros.

Find out the latest information about flights to Venice airports from different cities, and you can also buy a ticket at a favorable price on the website

You can also get to Venice from almost anywhere European capital by train arriving at Train Station to Santa Lucia station. For example, from Milan a trip to Venice by train will take about 2.5 hours, from Paris - about 9 hours.

If desired, the train can be replaced by a bus. This way you can organize your own unforgettable journey to Venice with visits to other European cities.

And, of course, an alternative way to get to Venice is a romantic trip, for example, from Greece, by ferry or a real ship along the waters of the Adriatic, calling at the port of Venice - San Basilio.

Airports of Venice

Currently, 2 airports accept planes in Venice - Marco Polo, located 12 km from Venice, and Treviso, which is 30 km from the seaside city.

Most airlines fly to Marco Polo Airport, while Treviso is an economical option and hosts low-cost carriers such as Ryanair.

The most convenient way to get to Venice from Marco Polo Airport is to take a bus, the travel time will be about half an hour. You can also make more interesting trip to the city by vaporetto boat, spending an unforgettable 60 minutes in anticipation of fabulous Venice.

Between Treviso Airport and Venice there are also organized bus routes, which follow a special schedule in accordance with airline flights, so getting to Venice from this airport will also not be difficult.

Buy a train or bus ticket

Tickets for the Trenitalia, ItaloTreno trains and various buses running between the cities can be purchased in advance in Russian at Using convenient filters (ticket price, trip duration, no transfers, and others), you can sort out profitable options and select the appropriate flight.

The purchased ticket will be sent to your email: you need to print it out and show it to the train controller or bus driver when boarding.

How to get from Venice to other cities

Read our articles about how to get to other cities from Venice:

Urban transport

The central part of Venice is famous for its almost only way of transportation - this water transport which is presented here various types. These include vaporetto, gondolas, and traghetto.

Routes, schedules and ticket prices are presented as of 2019. Check the information on the official websites of carriers.

Water transport

Vaporetto ply along all the central canals, and the journey on them amazes with its picturesqueness and colorfulness. The purchased ticket for this type of transport is valid for 75 minutes and costs 7.50 euros.

The main route passes through the Grand Canal. We definitely recommend taking a ride on a Vaportetto, even if you prefer to move around on your feet, because... Such methods of transportation are unique in such incomparable places!

Traghetto are small ferries that can be used to get from one bank to the other where there are no bridges. The cost of a traghetto ticket is about 2 euros.

You can also take a water taxi, which is more expensive than public water transport, but can be more convenient in many cases. The cost of a water taxi starts from 15 euros per landing and as you travel, it costs 2 euros per minute.

The most expensive transport in Venice for traveling by water is the famous gondolas. For a romantic trip on a gondola you will have to pay about 100 euros for a maximum of 6 people. So, gather a group of people who like to ride a gondola, since it is extremely unprofitable to ride this transport alone.


Perhaps everything in Venice is special and remarkable. Even a kind of metro, which is a monorail with 3 stations (Tronchetto, Marine Station, Piazzale Roma) and a single train of 2 cars. The ticket costs about 1 euro and the total duration of the trip is 3 minutes.

Public transport tickets

As usual, tickets for any transport can be purchased at newspaper and tobacco kiosks, ticket offices and vending machines located at all central stops and the railway station.

If you want to save money and not have to worry about buying one-time tickets, then a convenient way out would be to purchase a Tourist Travel Card, valid for vaporetto and bus travel on the Lido Island.

The cost of the card depends on the duration of its validity: for example, a card for 24 hours costs about 20 euros, for 48 hours – 30 euros, for 72 hours – 40 euros.

If you plan to take the mini-metro more than once, a monthly pass for this type of transport will cost about 15 euros.

Don't forget that all tickets and passes must be validated in special yellow machines before each trip. This feature is typical throughout Italy.

Rent a Car

Getting around Venice itself by car is, of course, problematic: especially considering that the historical part is completely pedestrian. This option is suitable if you want to see not only Venice, but also cities located on the mainland. For example, from Venice you want to go to Bologna or Milan.

You can compare prices and rent a car at

Sights of Venice

The most popular tourist places worth visiting:

    As for salads and vegetables in general, this is not a priority food in Venice. It is better to give preference to fish dishes.

    As usual in Italy, for lunch or dinner it is better to choose a restaurant not in the very center, but a little further away, where the noise of tourists subsides and the food is prepared more carefully and tasty, unlike the same restaurants on San Marco. You can taste local delicacies in the so-called bacari, paying up to 4 euros for a panino or tramezzino.

    The only cafe in Piazza San Marco that you definitely need to visit is the old cafe Florian. The place where Hemingway, Byron, Casanova, Rousseau, Brodsky spent their time! It is impossible to imagine visiting Venice without a cup of coffee in this legendary cafe.


    Venice is not a place where people come to shop and buy branded clothes or shoes. Here tourists are invited to take home souvenirs as a memory of the unique city - traditional carnival masks or numerous products made from unique Murano glass, which is also produced here.

    How to save money on a hotel in Venice

    Venice, as one of the most popular tourist cities, offers a large number of hotels for every taste and budget. If you are traveling with a group, it is more profitable to rent an apartment and feel like a real local resident.

    The most romantic place to stay in Venice is near the main square, where there is less tourist noise, but close to all the delights of this city.

    When choosing a hotel on the mainland or Lido Island, you should remember the need to use water transport to travel to the central part of Venice. By booking a hotel in advance and having studied the features of certain areas of Venice, you will ensure yourself an unforgettable trip to the most fairytale city Italy.

    It is better to compare options in advance and book a suitable hotel: for this it is beneficial to use the website

    It combines offers from various booking systems (Booking, Agoda, Ostrovok), so you can choose a hotel at the lowest price.

When you say the phrase “city on the water,” Venice immediately comes to mind. The architecture, rich history and romance of this place have turned this water attraction of Italy into a real treasure for tourists. However, there are still many cities in the world that stand on water. In this issue we will talk about ten of the most popular of them.

(Total 10 photos)

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1. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam is a multinational, vibrant and very civilized city. If you spend a weekend or vacation here, you will get everything you want: boat trips along the many canals, private parties on yachts, visiting museums with unique works of art, wild nightlife, friendly people, restaurants and bars for all tastes.

2. Hamburg, Germany

The second largest city in Germany and the seventh largest in the European Union. There are more than 2 million inhabitants, and the port of Hamburg is the 20th largest in the world. It is also called the city of bridges. This is a great holiday destination where you can admire the elegant German architecture. In addition, it is one of the cities with the highest standard of living in Europe.

3. Suzhou, China

Suzhou is called the Venice of China. This old City is located in Jiangsu province, near Shanghai. The old districts are crossed by numerous canals and buildings, although everything here is located completely differently than in Venice. However, the local canals and architecture are just as old and beautiful. The Suzhou Grand Canal is the widest “street” that crosses the city’s most important landmarks.

4. Udaipur, India

Most newlyweds in India go on a romantic trip to Udaipur. This one is amazing beautiful city is located between four lakes and is rich in ancient temples and attractions associated with eastern myths. Locals The city is called the Venice of the East, and the most popular area among tourists is the Palace on the Lake.

5. Giethoorn, Netherlands

The Netherlands is crisscrossed by a network of waterways, but some of the most beautiful are in the east of the country, in the city of Giethoorn. Here tourists can stroll through fabulous places with wooden bridges and traditional-style houses. But the best thing is that there are absolutely no cars in the city; people here only ride bicycles or boats.

6. Alleppey, India

Alleppey is a famous Indian canal town in the southern state of Kerala. Tourists here can rent wooden boats transformed into houses and discover all the beauty of this amazing place. The length of all the canals of Kerala in the southwestern part of India is more than 1,400 km.

7. Bangkok, Thailand

In the capital of Thailand, water canals are called longguri and are used every day instead of roads. With these “floating taxis” you can get to almost anywhere in the city, enjoying the sights along the way and at the same time avoiding traffic jams.

8. St. Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg “spread its wings” on the Neva River at its confluence with the Gulf of Finland Baltic Sea. This huge city, home to more than 5 million inhabitants, is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The city was built at the cost of the lives of tens of thousands of Russian peasants. Winters here are cold and dank, but it is in winter that the city is especially beautiful. Hermitage, parks, boats on the Neva, Kunstkamera, concert halls, streets described by Dostoevsky in books, a unique metro and many other attractions await you in this incredibly beautiful and diverse city.

9. Bruges, Belgium

Bruges is one of the most popular cities in Belgium among tourists. This small town rivals Venice in terms of the preservation of its historical structures, and clear waterways crisscross the backdrop of medieval buildings, making you feel like you've stepped back centuries.

10. Stockholm, Sweden

More than a million people live in the capital of Sweden. It is located on 14 islands and is the 10th most visited city in Europe. Stockholm is known for its beauty, rich architecture, clean waters, which give the city colors, as well as beautiful parks. In December and January, temperatures drop to -5 and 0, but the beauty and grandeur of this city will make you forget about the cold.