Where to relax in winter: Dombay. Sights of Dombay

The main entertainment in the Dombay Mountains is skiing, snowboarding and sledding. Every year thousands of tourists go to the Dombay Mountains in order to conquer the next peak. But the list of entertainment does not end there.

Entertainment in the village

There are many ways to have fun in Dombay: visit a bowling alley, a computer club, discos, swimming pools and restaurants. Fans active rest They can ride horses or ATVs, or go on a trip to the mountains and lakes. And in winter, an ice skating rink is built in the village.

Hotels are ready to offer entire relaxation programs with a Turkish bath, Finnish sauna, solarium, massage and exercise in the gym. Some may think that there is no need to travel so far for all this. But in fact, these entertainments, combined with clean air and the beauty of Dombay nature, can bring great benefits and pleasure.

Excursions in Dombay

Excursions remain the most favorite pastime of tourists. You can go by bus or car to the distant sights of Dombay; you can walk to the famous lakes, waterfalls, mountains and valleys.

Horseback riding tours organized by the Golden Mustang Hotel are also gaining popularity. Tourists are invited to saddle the hardy and unpretentious horses of the Karachai breed, which will take them at a leisurely pace to any attraction of this region. The route can take from 1.5 hours to 14 days!

It's nice to ride through the mountain gorges in a jeep, ATV or bicycle. And in the summer you can go rafting down cold mountain rivers.

Murudzhinsky lakes

Extreme entertainment in Dombay

IN last years The range of entertainment has expanded: now tourists are offered to fly over the village on a paraglider, jump with a parachute or roll down a slope in a huge ball - a zorb.

By the way, the latest entertainment has a lot of fans. It is not as dangerous as it looks at first glance. Zorb is a transparent plastic ball with a diameter of about 3 m, which houses a cabin for the “passenger”. A person is placed inside the sphere, secured with seat belts and special pendants, and hits the road! It's completely safe. But a daredevil who has rolled down a mountain in this design will never forget the feeling of free flight and weightlessness.

Nature has awarded Dombay with unique attractions: mountains, lakes, glaciers, grottoes, forests. Unique every year natural monuments The resort attracts thousands of tourists from all over Russia and countries of the world. There really is something to see and admire here.

Alibek glacier

One of the most popular attractions of the resort is the Alibek Glacier. This is the only accessible glacier of the Teberda Nature Reserve, which descends into a dense forest area. And even in the hot summer it is real winter on the glacier! Almost anyone can climb the glacier, but you need to be patient as the journey takes about 7 hours. But it's worth it.

Regular tourists of the resort say that those who have not been to Alibek do not know what Dombay is. By car you can drive along the road to the Alibek mountaineering base, and then follow the forest path that leads to the Uzun-Tala clearing. That's where it opens scenic view to the glacier and majestic mountains.

Mount Belalakaya

The “calling card” of the resort rises above the Dombay glade - Mount Belalakaya or “Striped Rock.” The attraction is famous for the fact that white belts of quartz cut through the rocks, the width of which is about 50 meters. The name of this peculiar mountain comes from several words: “beli” - belt, “ala” - motley, “kaya” - rock. The height of the mountain is 3861 meters. The uniqueness of this place is that several thousand years ago there was a plain here, and mountain formations appeared thanks to gigantic forces that raised a section of the earth’s crust from the depths of the earth. The mountain is popular among both geologists and tourists. And the image of Dombay’s pride is on the “Aque Minerale” label.

Semenov-Bashi Ridge

The Semenov-Bashi ridge, thanks to the dome-shaped protrusion of its eastern part, is an easily accessible panoramic point with a beautiful view of the Dombay-Ulgen river valley, Main Ridge, the Amanauz and Teberda valleys and the Dombai meadow. They amaze with their majesty and splendor mountains of Dombay. Like a beautiful queen, she greets guests of Balalakaya. The Dzhuguturlyuchat peak complex put its perfectly correct Peak Ine on display for everyone to see. You can see Mount Sufrudju in the distance, about which Eleonora Brezovskaya wrote a fascinating story.

Dombai glade

Dombayskaya Polyana is located in the southern part of the Teberda Nature Reserve, in the upper reaches of the Teberda valley.

At the confluence of the Dombay-Ulgena, Amanauz and Alibek rivers there are several beautiful meadows that give the name to the entire area. The clearing offers exceptionally beautiful panoramas of peaks and glaciers, which also attract excursionists.

Currently, a whole tourist complex operates in the clearing, consisting of hotel infrastructure facilities and places. There are 3 stages of the new cable car complex, 5 stages of the old cable car, and a network of towing roads (200 - 600 meters long).

Mussa-Achitara Ridge

The Mussa-Achitara ridge is a magnificent viewing platform, offering a magnificent view of the peaks and glaciers of the Main Range, the Teberda and Gonachkhir valleys and the mighty Elbrus.

Cemetery of climbers - a memorial place in Dombay

The Mountaineers Memorial Cemetery is a memorable place in Dombay. Post-war summit conquerors are buried here. On the monuments you can see signs with the following dates: 70s, 80s, 1995, 2000, 2003... Someone admires courage and heroism dead climbers, and someone asks the question: “Why did they go to the mountains?” . Getting to the cemetery is not difficult: from the main asphalt road in Dombay to a dead end, and then along a country road.

Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve

Today the reserve is one of the most visited in the system of protected natural areas in Russia.

Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve is located in the Western Caucasus, in the basin of the Teberda River, a tributary of the Kuban, and is administratively part of the Karachay district of the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region. Territory of the reserve ( total area- 69,535 hectares) spreads along the northern slope of the Main Caucasus Range and its side spurs; it occupies the entire area of ​​the upper reaches of the Teberda River and its tributaries south of the Epchik-Dzhemagat and Muhu rivers and is limited by high rocky ridges.

This is not surprising, since on its territory there are many amazing and beautiful places. The Teberda and Gonachkhir rivers carry their waters through the reserve, and numerous moraine and tarn lakes enliven the mountains. The grace and, at the same time, the power of the Amanauz, Alibek and Ptysh glaciers are breathtaking. Dense deciduous, coniferous, mixed forests, vast bright subalpine and alpine meadows, many rare plants, flowers and animals attract more than 100 thousand tourists every year.

The state took under special protection this outstanding natural resources and beauty of the North Caucasus. Every visitor to the reserve is obliged to take care of its wonderful nature in order to preserve it in all its splendor and integrity.

Amanauz Gorge or Devil's Mill

The Devil's Mill gorge or Amanauz belongs to open museum, which is famous for its waterfalls and canyons. “Aman auz” from Karachay means “evil mouth”. This place is called “gloomy”, since the slope of Belalakai and Teatralny Peak greatly narrow the beginning of the gorge. The sun practically does not reach here, and sometimes the snow bridges over the Amanauz River do not melt even in the summer. The gloominess is conveyed by the rains and fogs that later come to the Dombai meadow. And since the observation deck here is small, you should be extremely careful: the cliff is located right above the gorge.

Turje Lake

The fabulous turquoise lake got its name because when there are no people around, tours come down to it to drink. The lake acquired its unusual color due to the low water temperature - no higher than +3 degrees. Even in summer, the lake is covered with ice, as it is located between the Bilingual and Alibek glaciers. The origin of the lake is moraine. The excursion to this extraordinary place lasts about 8 hours. The main route passes through alpine meadows, through the climbers’ cemetery and the Alibek camp. It should be noted that you should not take risks and go to the lake without a guide, as it is very easy to get lost.

Azgek lakes

Azgek lakes are located in the Azgek river basin, the right tributary of the Muhu River. In autumn and on cloudy days, the area leaves the impression of gloomy and harsh, but in summer, especially on a sunny day, soft colors and outlines come to the fore.

Murudzhinsky and Baduksky lakes

Murudzhinsky lakes are a unique natural heritage of Dombay; their beauty will not leave any tourist indifferent. They are located in the valley of the Ullu-Muruju River. The most famous among them are the Blue and Black lakes.

Baduk Lakes are a group of mountain lakes located in the middle reaches of the Baduk River, a tributary of the Khadzhibey River. These lakes, as well as the Baduk and Khadzhibey valleys themselves, are rightly considered one of scenic spots in the nature reserve.

Alibek waterfall

There are many waterfalls in the Teberda mountains: Chuchkhursky, Ptyshsky, Sofrudzhinsky, Alibeksky, Shupka.

The largest and most spectacular waterfall in Dombay is considered Alibek waterfall. Its raging stream flows from a height of 25 meters. But the road to it does not take much time. The first part of the path passes through a picturesque fir forest, and this section can be walked or driven by car. IN winter time Avalanches often occur here, and in June you can see their remains. Heading to the waterfall, tourists can also enjoy beautiful views of alpine meadows and birch forests.

Helpful information:

Mountain taxi, Dobaj excursions
Teberda: Dzhamagat gorge (Narzan springs), Mukha gorge (Azgek lakes), Baduk lakes, Teberdinsky reserve, Shumka Waterfall.
: Alibek gorge (waterfall, Turye lake, glacier), Amanauz gorge (Devil's Mill canyon, waterfall, glacier), Dombay-Elgen gorge.
Gonachkhir (Trout Lake), Russian Glade, Chuchkhurskie waterfalls, Maiden's Braids waterfall, Ptysh glacier, Maiden's Tears waterfall. As well as trips to Cherkessk, Pyatigorsk and Mineralnye Vody.
Phone: 8-928-380-10-61; 8-988-716-29-85.

Dombay can rightfully be proud of its magnificent mountains, beautiful lakes and forests. Every year, many tourists come here to admire the natural beauty of Dombay. Dombay is wonderful for both winter and summer holidays. Winter holidays in Dombay lasts from December to April, from May to August lasts summer season, only in October and November there is some calm.

What to see in Dombay?

  • Alibek glacier

The glacier is located in the Teberda Nature Reserve. Open to the public. With great desire and physical endurance (after all, the travel time is about 7 hours). It is recommended to look at the glacier from the Uzun-Tala clearing.

  • Mount Belalakaya

The image of this mountain proudly appears on the labels of Aqua Minerale mineral water. The mountain attracts not only geologists, but also tourists.

  • Semenov-Bashi Ridge

You can see wonderful views from the ridge, as there is a panoramic platform on it.

  • Dombai glade

The clearing is located in the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve. Tourists can see beautiful panoramic views of the glacier. In winter, excellent conditions are created for skiers.

  • Mussa-Achitara Ridge

From the ridge, tourists can see amazing views of glaciers and the famous Elbrus.

  • Teberda Nature Reserve

There are many beautiful places on the territory of the reserve: rivers, lakes, alpine meadows, forests.

  • Amanauz Gorge

The gorge is famous for its waterfalls and canyons. The sun hardly illuminates the gorge, which makes it look quite gloomy. Observation deck in this place there is a small one - there is a cliff nearby. This is why tourists should be careful.

  • Turje Lake

The water in the lake is quite cold - maximum 3 degrees. Thanks to which the color of the water became colorful turquoise. The route to the lake runs through beautiful alpine meadows. Inexperienced tourists should go on a hike with a tour group.

  • Azgek lakes
  • Baduk Lakes

Representative of mountain lakes, which are considered amazingly beautiful. Located on the territory of the reserve.

  • Alibek waterfall

Large waterfall on Dombay. The path runs through the forest, which can be covered both on foot and by transport. Tourists will be able not only to admire the beauty of the waterfall, but also to breathe in plenty of the fir smell of the forest on the way to it.

How to get there?

The most convenient way to get to Dombay is by plane. Need to fly to Mineralnye Vody, and then cover about 200 km by transport. You can also get to Dombay by train. The buses have a direct route, but the journey is not close. Many tourists prefer to travel by their own transport. The journey will take more than a day. It should be taken into account that some sections of the route have bad roads.

Dombay in the summer means tourist routes, horseback riding, the opportunity to enjoy pristine nature, untouched by man, beauty majestic mountains. The village is located at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains.

This resort is better known as a winter holiday where you can go skiing. Especially popular among skiers and snowboarders. However, holidays during this period are 3 times more expensive.

It is better to get here through Nevinnomyssk, from where gazelles regularly travel to Dombay. Can be reached in 4.5 hours. It is advisable to stay at the resort for at least 5-7 days to explore the natural attractions, ride the cable car to the top of Mussa-Achitara (3200 m), admiring the snow-capped mountain peaks.

When visiting Dombay in the summer, you can see beautiful waterfalls, fast rivers, beautiful gorges and mountains, the tops of which are covered with snow, a variety of grasses, shrubs, and trees. You can start traveling as early as May, although in some places there is a lot of snow until June, for example, at the Alibek Pass. And below everything is surrounded by lush greenery. It is warm here in the summer, although it can be quite chilly in the morning and evening hours. It’s better to stock up on a sweater and windbreaker when going on vacation. And in the summer, hotel prices drop.

Dombay is located near the state border. To explore the local beauty: gorges, waterfalls, lakes, mountains, you need a pass, which must be ordered.

Fans of active recreation can choose any of excursion routes to recharge your batteries, improve your health and get a lot of positive emotions. The most favorable months for both tourists and climbers are July and August.

The nature of the region is unique and inimitable: many springs, lakes, rivers, mountains, glaciers, forests. The Teberdinsky Nature Reserve, included in the UNESCO list, deserves attention, in the center of which Dombay is located, which translates as “bison”. The reserve is home to bison (a cross breed), which can be fed directly from your hands, as the animals are not afraid of people. Going to the village through the reserve, you can see relief changes, the height of which ranges from 1600 to 4000 meters. Near the reserve there is Lake Karakul, which is formed by many springs flowing directly from the ground. The water is crisp, clean and cool. You can swim if you wish, as the water is also healing.

When going to the Dombay resort, it is better to stock up comfortable shoes: sneakers, sneakers with rubber soles with spikes so that they do not slip while hiking on steep mountain surfaces. The air is unusually fresh, as the resort is surrounded by pine fir forests and mountains. It is especially useful for those who suffer from pulmonary diseases.

Having ordered any excursion, you can visit local natural attractions by car, or, if you wish, walk to them. No special physical preparation is required.

The hike to the Alibek gorge deserves special attention, where it is better to go with a guide. The route includes Turye Lake, Alibek Glacier, and many waterfalls along the way. The road goes through a coniferous forest, the height of the trees reaches up to 50 meters. Alibek is the most big glacier in the Caucasus. You have to overcome steep climbs and climbs during the trek, which will take about 5-6 hours. There is also a lake of gems - Lake Turye. You have to walk up to 12 km, but it's worth it. Alibek waterfall is the largest in Dombay.

Baduk Lakes are rightfully considered the pearl of the Dombay resort. These are 3 mountain lakes, which are located above sea level at an altitude of up to 2000 meters. The excursion is approximately 5 hours round trip. This route is one of the most difficult, since the elevation difference is 600 meters from the start of the movement to the highest point. The picturesque mountain beauty is amazing. In summer, the water in them can warm up to 20C. The water in the lakes has both rejuvenating and healing properties, thanks to melt water, which is saturated with phytoncides. That is why places for recreation and picnics were equipped here. There are beaches, as swimming in mountain lakes is included in the excursion program.


There is also a deltadrome here, so there is a unique opportunity to fly hang gliders, enjoying the mountain landscapes and ridges. The flight season already opens in the spring.

Admire the beauty of the landscapes: coniferous forests, alpine meadows, mountain peaks, gorges, and waterfalls can be seen from sites specially equipped for tourists. Particularly attractive are: Ine Peak, the Dzhuguturluchat massif, the Sulahat ridge and many others.

Holidays in Dombay in the summer will turn out to be unusually interesting, educational, exciting, sporty, and useful. A surge of vital energy and a charge of positive emotions is guaranteed.

Welcome to Dombay!

The resort is located in the North Caucasus, in the village of the same name. The village, in turn, is located in the Dombay glade - a basin between mountains at an altitude of 1620 meters above sea level. Main mountain for skiing - Massa Acitara, whose height is 3002 meters. You can ride from December to April.

How to get to Dombay

Getting to Dombay is not so easy - you will have to mentally prepare for at least one transfer. There are several routes to Dombay.

The most convenient way to get to Dombay is by plane. To do this, you need to fly to the nearest airport, which is located in Mineralnye Vody. Airplanes fly from Moscow to Mineralnye Vody every day different airlines. The flight will take two hours and cost from 2,700 rubles. Then you will need to get to ski resort- and this is as much as 200-230 kilometers. You can wait for the bus, take a taxi, or use a hotel transfer. It is better to order a taxi in advance so that it arrives at the time of arrival. The ride will take 3.5-4.5 hours, so a taxi will cost at least 3.5 thousand. It's best to get together as a group and hire one minibus- for everyone it will cost 5-8 thousand. Be careful when approaching private carriers to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.

If trains are more your thing, there are a few good options. From Moscow you can get to Mineralnye Vody, Cherkessk, Nalchik or Nevinnomyssk. To do this, you need to get on at Paveletsky, Kursky or Kazansky railway stations. Then at the railway station you need to take a taxi or a regular bus with a transfer in Teberda. The train travels from Moscow to Mineralnye Vody in 28-40 hours, depending on the route. A reserved seat will cost approximately 2,200 rubles, not much cheaper than an airplane. So this option is only good for those who are afraid of flying.

There is another, quite cheap, but not very convenient option - a direct bus from Moscow to Dombay. These buses travel once a week and are equipped with a dry toilet, a boiler and a TV. The trip will be long, but along the way you will be able to admire the wonderful landscapes.

If you prefer to travel independently, you can get to Dombay in your own car. The distance between Moscow and Dombay is 1600 kilometers, so the journey will take more than a day. You need to start driving along the M4 federal highway. First get to Rostov-on-Don, then to Cherkessk. In Karachay-Cherkessia the roads are not very good, but the Teberda-Dombay highway is almost ideal. When you leave Teberda, be prepared to pay a fee for the opportunity to drive through the reserve. Well, in Dombay itself, be sure to park your car in a paid parking lot - thefts are not too high here a rare event.

Trails and slopes

The Dombay trails are suitable for both professional and beginner snowboarders and skiers. They are all quite wide, not very steep, and if you are already a confident skier, you can try your hand at freeride and off-piste skiing. The trails are mostly of high quality; icy areas are very rare.

Especially for beginners in Dombay there is a “Splash Pool” - a 300-meter slope at the very foot of the mountain with a rope tow. It is designed for learning to ski as well as acclimatization - if you go straight to the top of most slopes, you can get altitude sickness due to the fact that the slopes are located so high. Another flatter “paddling pool” is located at an altitude of 2250 meters, on the fourth stage of the KKD. It is in the “paddling pools” that children often ride.

Skiing in Dombay can be quite varied, although there are not very many black slopes here. Dombay can serve about 200 thousand people a year, and in general it is not very crowded. The total length of the trails is 20 kilometers, and the maximum elevation difference is as much as 1,400 meters.

Mostly people ride in the area of ​​the fourth and fifth stages of the KKD. There are two routes of medium difficulty level:

    The blue-red track is on the fourth stage. You can ride it from December to March. The track is quite narrow and is not used very often by snowcats. It will definitely appeal to experienced skiers, but snowboarders have nothing much to do on such a narrow track;

    The blue-green track is on the fifth stage. The route is quite long - it stretches for two kilometers. It works for a very long time, from November until May, and is processed regularly with snowcats. This particular route is being prepared at the very beginning of the winter season.

Under the four-seater KKD "Yugoslavskaya" there is a track suitable for skiers of different levels. At the beginning it is 5 meters wide, and at the end it widens to 50 m. Slalomists often ride on the lower flat section. From the end of the track you can easily go freeride.

Dombay offers its guests excellent conditions for off-piste skiing. But remember that in winter this place is dangerous for avalanches. Try to avoid areas marked with “AVALANCHE HAZARD” signs, and be sure to ride only with avalanche equipment - a transceiver, probe, shovel and walkie-talkie. It is best to ride with guides.

Basically, off-piste skiing is organized from the top of the fifth stage of the KKD down the northern slope, to the Gonachkhir gorge or to the Dombay highway. By the way, there is an opportunity to ride along extreme routes, to the starting point of which you will be taken by helicopter.

It's very nice to ride northern slopes Dombai, which are closed from the winds and sun - there is fresh, plump snow here all winter. Skating here will be comfortable even for those who have not yet tried their hand at off-piste.

Lifts and lift prices

There are several lift systems in Dombay that lift you to a maximum of 3170 meters above sea level.

    KKD - old chairlifts and several rope towing roads;

    MKD - old pendulum road;

    Modern cable cars: gondola and two four-six-seater chairlifts.

The lifts start operating at 8-8.30 am. KKD closes at approximately 16-16.30, MKD - at five or six o'clock. If the weather is bad, the ski lifts are not launched, or only those on Yugoslavskaya operate.

On new complex tickets are sold only for the gondola (400 rubles each), or for the chair gondola (700 rubles each), or for all three lifts at once (900 rubles) - this way you can get to the very top. A ski pass for a day costs 1400, for two days - 2540, for 5 days - 5850. Children's tickets are usually about 40% cheaper than adults.

In the old complex, one lift on the chairlift costs only 150 rubles, and a day ski pass for rope tows will cost you 500 rubles.


Except alpine skiing and snowboarding Dombay offers tourists a lot of entertainment. Here you can ride snowmobiles or ATVs, or go down the mountain in a transparent ball - a zorb. For example, extreme sports enthusiasts enjoy paragliding - a great opportunity to look at the mountains from above. Speed ​​riding is also organized - an extreme combination of alpine skiing and paragliding.

The resort also has an ice skating rink, sleigh rentals, and organized walking and horseback excursions around the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve. In general, you definitely won’t be bored.

There will be no problems with food in Dombay - there are cafes and restaurants both in residential complex, and right on the slopes. The cuisine there is delicious, home-style, and tourists really like it. In many hotels in Dombay, breakfast is included in the price of your stay, but if you have lunch in a cafe, it will cost you 200 rubles, lunch - 300, and dinner about 250. Locals are popular National dishes. By the way, you can dine in more expensive restaurants.

There are also a lot of hotels in the village of Dombay, for every taste and budget. In autumn and spring, prices are around 1,200 rubles per room a hundred meters from the ski lifts. In winter, during the high season, prices rise to two thousand. In principle, you can rent a room in the private sector.

Entertainment for children

Holidays in Dombay are possible even with very young children. If your baby is already two years old, then he can be left in a special children's room at the hotel, where the child will have fun with the teachers. They will also definitely feed him there. The Grand Hotel, Metelitsa and Snow Leopard hotels are equipped with “kindergartens”.

However, for real unforgettable vacation will do for children Kid `s camp"Junior Dombay". Here children can learn skiing under the guidance of experienced instructors. The camp program lasts 8 days and costs from 35.5 to 41 thousand rubles. The price includes flights from Moscow to Mineralnye Vody and back, transfer to the resort, accommodation, meals, and lessons with a leader. Children from 12 to 19 years old are accepted there.