The Khibiny mountains are of average height. Khibiny Mountains

Many novice tourists are looking for the Khibiny resort, not realizing that this is a mountain system. She's really not tall. The largest peak barely reaches one thousand two hundred meters. Yes, not the Alps. But, unlike these European peaks, snow in winter is guaranteed for skiers. After all, they are located in the Arctic. The main city in this region is Kirovsk. It contains almost the entire tourist infrastructure of the four ski areas. There is also the town of Apatity nearby. There are also ski slopes and lifts there. What do tourists themselves say about the Khibiny Mountains? How to get to this harsh region? What period will be the most optimal for a ski holiday? Where to stay? What are the prices at the resort? Read about all this in this article.

Where are the Khibiny Mountains located?

This is a very old array. It is already more than 350 million years old. The highest point of the Khibiny is Mount Yudychvumchorr (1200 meters above sea level). Despite their modest size, they are the highest mountains in the Russian Arctic. And tourists report that the air here is thin. But this effect does not come from the height, but from the Arctic air itself. Khibiny on the map of Russia can be found on the Main city of Kirovsk is located near Helsinki, the capital of Finland. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and Lake Bolshoi Vudyavr adjoins it on the fourth. The city arose relatively recently, in the 20s of the last century, as a result of industrial development of apatite rocks. Kirovsk lies on the southern slopes of the Khibiny. Apatity is located twelve kilometers from it, on the banks of the Belaya River. The entire territory is included in the Zasheikovskoye forestry.


The Khibiny Mountains are located north of the Arctic Circle. This means that from mid-December to the second half of January the sun does not rise here at all. But it lasts almost a month. Here in June and early July the sun does not set at all. The climate in the area where the Khibiny Mountains are located is not as harsh as you would expect from the Arctic. The proximity of the Gulf Stream, a warm current that softens the bitter frosts, has an effect. Although tourists say that sometimes in January the thermometer here can show minus thirty-five. But winters here are mild and very snowy. The sparkling cover in some places continues into the summer. In the “hottest” July, the average temperature fluctuates around twelve degrees, although there are also really warm days when the air warms up to + 20 o C. Tourists assure that it is worth going to Khibiny Kirovsk in April-May. At this time it is not so windy, there is hope of clear weather, and there is plenty of daylight. But there is no shortage of vacationers at the resort in winter. People come here to celebrate New Year and Christmas. The trails are well lit during the polar night. During this period you can admire the northern lights.

How to get there

How to find Khibiny airport on an area map? The facility is located a forty-minute drive from the city of Kirovsk. It receives regular flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The airport is small and most tourists arrive through the Murmansk hub. Airliners from Nord Avia, Rossiya, RusLine, UTair and others fly there from various cities in Russia. Regular buses run from Murmansk to Khibiny. Travel time is about three hours. The distance between the capital and Kirovsk is approximately 1,400 kilometers. It takes about a day to travel by train. Moreover, you need to change planes in Apatity. Therefore, tourists recommend: choose air transport. A taxi will take you from Khibiny Airport to the hotel.

Natural attractions

Upon entering Kirovsk (Khibiny), the ski resort appears in all its glory. Two mountains rise above the city: Aykuaivenchorr (which means “Sleeping Beauty”) and Vudyavrchorr. On the slopes of the last peak there is a unique botanical garden - one of three on the planet located beyond the Arctic Circle. If you go up the slope, you can observe a change in natural landscapes: valley tundra, spruce taiga, birch forest, alpine mosses and arctic desert. In addition to the mountain trails, there is also a flat ski track that stretches for fourteen kilometers. You can ride along it on a snowmobile. Hiking lovers are recommended to take a helicopter excursion: it takes tourists to one of the four peaks, and you can go down, admiring the pristine nature of the Khibiny. The resort also offers plenty of entertainment for heli-skiing fans. However, both tourists and rescuers warn that the slopes here are dangerous for avalanches, and you need to go on such a trip with an instructor.

Where to stay

Khibiny is a ski resort that is currently experiencing rapid development. The infrastructure, as reviews note, still does not reach European standards, but in recent years many new and comfortable hotels have appeared in Kirovsk and Apatity. You can also stay in the private sector. Tourists advise: when looking for accommodation, take into account the proximity of the route where you are going to ski. In total, there are four ski resorts in the Khibiny Mountains. Each of them has its own hotels and hostels. For example, in the KolaSportLand resort you can stay at the Sport Hotel. Of the ten hotels located in the center of Kirovsk, tourists highlight Severnaya, leaving exclusively positive reviews about it. The cost of living there includes a transfer to the Bolshoy Vudyavr ski area.


What should skiers coming to Khibiny expect? The ski resort provides many opportunities for active recreation. In addition to the usual tracks of varying difficulty, there are springboards, a modular stadium, and an ice skating rink. The ski track is compacted using Austrian snowcats. Seven ski lifts and two chair lifts take tourists to the top. There are cafes and equipment rental points. You need to choose a complex based on how confident you are on your skis. The Aesir are attracted to the slopes of Mount Kukisvumchorr. Those who prefer board skiing will find a lot of interesting things for themselves at Khibiny Snow Park. Beginning athletes have chosen the Northern Slope. They also ride on the so-called “Twenty-fifth kilometer”. A bus runs there from Kirovsk. There is a very developed tourist infrastructure there, and experts advise going to the “25 km” at least once. In Apatity, skiers ski on the slopes of Mount Vorobinaya.

Khibiny ski resort: prices

Tourists identify Kirovsk and Apatity as inexpensive holiday destinations. This is evidenced at least by the prices for the ski pass. They vary depending on the ski area and the length of the lift. For example, on the southern slope of Mount Aykuaivenchorr, a subscription for 60 trips will cost 3,550 rubles. On the northern slopes of the same peak, a completely different ski pass system is used. Temporary passes have been introduced there - for four hours (650 rubles) and for the whole day (850 rubles). The armchair costs 110 rubles. At the 25th kilometer, the cost of one lift will be 60 rubles, and for a baby lift you will have to pay 25 rubles. Equipment rental will empty your pocket by an average of a thousand rubles a day. Khibiny is a ski resort that is just developing. Perhaps in the near future its services, including Apres-ski, will be closer to European standards.

The Khibiny Mountains are a mountain system that has attracted researchers and nature lovers since ancient times. They are not as difficult to reach as other areas. You can get to the mountains by car. Or another option is to get to Murmansk by plane or train.

Location and terrain

The Khibiny Mountains are located between and Umbozero. They are an array consisting of plateau-like peaks. The highest point is 1201 m. This is Mount Yudychvumchorr, which is part of the Khibiny massif. The average height of the mountains is 1000 meters.

There are many traces of ancient glacial activity. Circuses and punishments talk about this. And also troughs - valleys plowed by a glacier, similar to troughs.

There are results of the activity of permafrost - kurums, the so-called stone rivers. And on the plateau there are entire stone seas.

Geological structure

The Khibiny Mountains are a crystalline structure - an intrusion. This is a solid geological body composed of rocks of igneous origin. There are only 8 such intrusions in the world. This is a horseshoe-shaped massif, mostly composed of rocks - nepheline syenites. In ancient times, there were huge volcanoes here, which cooled down and the magma crystallized. Therefore, about 800 different minerals were found here. Some of them are specific only to a given territory.

The names of modern settlements correspond to the minerals found here: Nepheline sands, Apatity, Titan. After the heavy glacial shell descended from these mountains, this territory experienced tectonic uplift. It occurred unevenly, as evidenced by the nature of the geological structures. They look like funnels, the edges of which are composed of older rocks than the center. For approximately 20 million years, the Khibiny Mountains rose 500 meters above the surrounding plains. Then there was a long break of 15 million years. Then the mountains began to grow again, this time their height doubled.


The Khibiny Mountains have climatic conditions that depend on geographic location. On the map of the North-West in the European part of Russia you can see that most of the peninsula is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Despite this fact, the climate here is much warmer than in others. The severity of the local weather is mitigated by the close location of the Barents Sea, since the North Cape warm current enters this part of the ocean. Therefore, the climate here is quite mild, and severe frosts are relatively rare.

Due to the location of the Khibiny in the Arctic, twilight reigns here for six months. In winter, daylight hours are very short and last 2-3 hours. The polar night lasts about four months - a period when the sun does not rise above the horizon. And due to its proximity to the planet’s magnetic pole, you can observe a very impressive phenomenon - the northern lights.

Summer lasts two and a half months. The highest positive temperatures are +20 in July. The average for the month is +13 degrees. The coldest period lasts during January. The average temperature of the month is -11 degrees. And the Khibiny Mountains have the most negative mark in winter -35 0 C. Photos of these places show that there are often fogs and high clouds here. This indicates the influence of cyclones on the territory. Precipitation falls mostly in the form of snow.


The vegetation cover consists of several zones. The zone of coniferous and mixed forests is located mainly at the foot of the mountains and in river valleys at low altitudes. This belt ends at an altitude of 470 meters and occupies a third of the massif. It is dominated by spruce and birch. In the forest you can find rowan, aspen and bird cherry.

Higher up begins the zone of subalpine birch forests. It stretches as a narrow strip between the belts of forest and tundra. Swimmingweed, geranium, and thistle grow here.

Next comes the mountain-tundra zone. It occupies about half of the entire area of ​​the Khibiny Mountains. Below, shrubby vegetation is common. The berry season continues in early August. Blueberries, blueberries and cloudberries are ripening. At the beginning of autumn, the time for lingonberries comes. Above is the moss-lichen tundra. Green and sphagnum mosses predominate here. Lichens cover large boulders in rocky rivers. Many plants included in the Red Book grow here.

Toponymy of names

The Sami are considered the indigenous people in the Khibiny region. On the map of these mountains the names are entirely in the language of this people. However, their meanings are different. Since there are several dialects in the Kola Peninsula.

One of the versions of the origin of the name of the mountains is from the word “khiben” - a flat hill. The Sami conventionally divided the Khibiny mountains into two parts: Umbozero and Lavozero. The first in their language sounded like Umptek, the second - Luyavrurt.

The Sami first came up with the name of the river, and then the valley was named from it. And only then the ridges were designated. The first part of the word is a sign of an object (high, rocky). The second designated a geographical object (mountain, river, lake). For example, Lake Vudyavr. Wood - a hill covered with bushes. The root of yavr is lake. Thus, the Sami gave simple descriptions of objects. Among them is Vudyavr - a lake on a hill with bushes.

The Khibiny Mountains are a wonderful region that you just want to visit. This is a unique place where mountains, tundra, many lakes with clear water and the northern lights are combined. Khibiny is rightly called a treasury of minerals.

Khibiny - the name of this mountain range pleases the ears of travelers. Stunning snowy peaks, tundras with dwarf birch trees, powerful waterfalls and quiet clean lakes appear before your eyes. The combination of mountains and swamps of the Khibiny looks unusual: you should see it at least once in your life. Experienced tourists say that the Kola Peninsula does not simply let you go: its mysterious beauty beckons year after year, and the inaccessibility of its sharp rocks makes them come back again and again.

Where are the Khibiny?

Khibiny can be reached by car, train and plane. If you prefer the first option, head towards Murmansk along the P21 highway. Next, take the E105. Continue driving until kilometer 1230 - there you will see an intersection to the city of Apatity. There will be 28 kilometers left before it: at the entrance there will be a sign for Kirovsk - turn left and drive another 17 kilometers.

You can get to Apatity in any Murmansk language. They depart from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vologda, Minsk. In summer, resort routes from Novorossiysk, Adler, and Astrakhan are added. The cost of a reserved seat depends on the station at which you step into the carriage. If this is Moscow, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles. The train follows the route for 30-32 hours.

You can fly to Khibiny by plane from Moscow, St. Petersburg or Cherepovets. The aircraft arrives at Khibiny airport - it is common to Apatity and Kirovsk. There is another option - a flight to Murmansk, and from there to Apatity. We have to cover another 200 kilometers along the highway.

If you are in Apatity, you can get to Kirovsk by minibus or buses No. 131 and 8. Both types of transport operate infrequently. The best option is to get to Kirovsk by taxi and get off at the Pirozhkovaya stop. So you will spend 100 rubles versus 600 for delivery to the city center. Many Kirov minibuses depart from Pirozhkovskaya.

What are the Khibiny mountains?

The Khibiny Mountains are considered the oldest mountains in Russia. Their age is 350 million years. The mountains are located beyond the Arctic Circle at the 67th parallel. This greatly affects their nature: there is no vegetation on the slopes, and here and there you can see bald patches of snow, regardless of the time of year. The height of the mountains is 800-900 meters, the highest point is Mount Yudychvumchorr - 1200 meters.

Khibiny mountains from space are a fascinating sight. They look like a stone flower that has opened its petals towards the northern sun. In clear weather, the mountains are visible especially clearly - sharp peaks of rocks cut the blue sky and strike fear into travelers. Local residents are afraid to approach the Khibiny Mountains in winter - they understand how much danger the icy slopes pose.

The name of the mountain was given due to the peculiarities of the local dialect. Previously, the Sami called them Umptek, and later they began to call them Hiben, which means plateau. Over time, the name stuck and remained, and local residents changed it to Khibiny.

Sights of Khibiny

We recommend that visitors to the Khibiny explore the numerous hiking trails and walk to the Blue Lakes Gorge and the Pyrrhotite Gorge. On the way you will come across a 1950 adit. An interesting hike awaits you if you chose the Molybdenum Mine as your attraction. To get there you need to take the road built in 1930. In turn, a river ford leads to it. From the mine there is an excellent view of Maly Vudyavr and Mount Poachvumchorr.

Takhtarvumchorr plateau - landscapes for lovers of surrealism. The pictures that appear to travelers are similar to those on Mars. Unusual minerals are scattered across the ground. Along the way you can come across abandoned miners' tools.

The Aku-Aku Gorge is considered a romantic place. According to Sami legends, there was a fierce struggle between the Sami and the invaders. Where Lapp blood fell, eudialyte grew, a reddish mineral. Not far from the gorge there is a waterfall and a clear, light lake.

The Kukisvumchorr plateau is another attraction of the Khibiny, famous for Lake Akademicheskoye. It is a heavenly emerald color, the water is clear and very cold. A delightful route goes along the banks of the raging Risjok River, through the South Rischorr pass. Along the road there is a grumpy waterfall and incredibly beautiful slopes.

The sights of Apatit are interesting for both adults and children. There is a research center for conducting experiments, and the Museum of Mineralogy. The exhibition features hundreds of unique minerals. Some of them are not found in any corner of the planet.

There are many other museums in Apatity: the museum-archive of the history of the study and development of the European North, the Museum of the International Cultural Center and the art gallery “M”. Tickets to these places cost several hundred rubles and are available to everyone. For young parents with children, a visit to the children's art gallery “Kovcheg” will be interesting.

If you are lucky enough to visit Apatity in February, visit the annual exhibition “Stone Flower”. Hundreds of craftsmen offer to purchase stone products: jewelry, household items and kitchen utensils. It is impossible to imagine this splendor: you just need to see it.

In summer, Apatity is notable for its Akademgorodok and the park near the Polyarny cinema. Roses, wild roses, lilacs and other beautiful flowers grow in the park. Everything smells fragrant. Nearby is a monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Tourism in the Khibiny Mountains begins from Kirovsk. It is located next to Lake Bolshoi Vudyavr. The Temple of the Savior of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands is considered a significant attraction. The sanctuary is decorated with nine bronze bells. They were made especially for Kirovsk by Ural craftsmen. The decoration of the temple is rich: many icons, some streaming myrrh.

Visit local history and mining-geological museums. Visit the Museum of Literature. It is designed in the thoughtful and philosophical spirit of the writer Erofeev. Fans of his work will feel in their native element.

A must-see attraction in Kirovsk is the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute named after. ON THE. Avrorina. This is a protected area containing hundreds of plants. Many are unique. The garden administration offers excursions to the nursery and greenhouse. It definitely won't be boring.

In winter, not far from the botanical garden there is an area called the “Snow Village”. As soon as the first snow falls, dozens of ice and snow figures are erected on its territory. They are made life-size of the character and look magical. A visit to the village will be a real holiday for children and adults.

For tourism in the Khibiny Mountains, we recommend paying attention to the Amethyst Hotel. It is located on Lenina Street, 3 in an eight-story building. This is the city center, so you can easily reach the main attractions and train stations. There is a restaurant nearby where you can have a tasty and inexpensive dinner. The rooms have comfortable and new furniture, private bathrooms.

On Pobeda Street, 29a there is a hotel Isovella, which translated from Sami means “A light breath of wind”. A special feature of the hotel is its location - half a kilometer from the city, among the forest. In the evening you will be provided with wonderful walks and fresh air. Another representative office of the hotel is the Apatit “Rus” recreation center. From its windows there is a beautiful view of Lake Imandra. There is a hall, billiards, and a gym. There is a banquet hall for celebrations.

The Sheri Hotel on Gladysheva Street, 6a is popular. There are only five rooms, but each is furnished in a homely and tasteful way. There is a TV, a wardrobe and a soft corner. Linen is provided free of charge. Picks up WI-FI.

In Guba Kislaya there is a secluded recreation center Apatit-Berloga. Beautiful log houses, Sami milestones and a bathhouse with birch wood - what else does a tired traveler need after a long journey to the Khibiny? The houses are spacious, suitable for a company of 3-5 people. The recreation center rents out snowmobiles and turntables.

Hotels in Kirovsk

There are expensive hotels in Kirovsk. This is explained by the availability of routes through the Khibiny beauties. If the price doesn't bother you, go to the city center to the Severnaya Hotel. This is where Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin likes to relax. At the same time, the prices are not inflated: a tourist with a modest budget can stay here, paying 1,500 rubles for a room. An expensive room costs 7000. Nearby are the Aykuayvenchorr ski slopes.

The Ekkos Hotel has earned positive reviews from travelers. The fund is represented by 13 bright rooms with a total capacity of 40 people. Each room has a refrigerator, a bath or shower, and air conditioning. There is free internet. Couples with children are offered rooms with a kitchen.

You can comfortably spend your holiday in the Khibiny Mountains at the Parkovaya Hotel. It is located on the street of the same name and combines maximum comfort and a reasonable price. The rooms are furnished with fresh furniture and have free WI-FI.

The Khibiny Mountains have a unique climate. It is formed by Arctic and Atlantic winds and is changeable even in warm weather. There is a polar night, which has a significant influence on the formation of weather conditions. Very humid: rains frequently, but evaporation is weak. Coupled with sharp gusts of wind, ordinary rains turn into mountain thunderstorms.

There is no concept of “season” on the Kola Peninsula. All seasons are mixed up and last longer than expected. For example, winter is the longest - 7-8 months. All this time frosts persist, the slopes are covered with snow. It does not melt in the gorges all year round.

The ice melts at the end of spring, so the polar day begins from May 12 to July 19, which is also summer. The weather is unstable and not very warm. In September frosts begin again and winter sets in.

Summer holidays in the Khibiny Mountains will appeal primarily to climbers. However, if you are not an active tourist, do not worry. The mountains offer many easy hiking routes to enjoy the stunning nature of the north. Visit Maly Vudyavr Lake: it is located between a dense forest and mountains. A great place for a picnic and outdoor games.

Another unusual place that is worth visiting on your summer holiday is the Ganeshin Circus. It offers a gorgeous view of the granite rocks and Lake Maly Vudyavr. If you went on a hike for more than one day, choose the circus as a place to stay for the night - there are no mosquitoes and it is relatively warm.

Be sure to get to Mount Kukisvumchorr. The fast river Yuksporryok flows there - it will lead to the Shchel pass. Overcome it to reach an untouched corner of the planet - you will be amazed at how pure and majestic the mountains and lakes look. Look to the south - there you will see quarries with apatite ore and the Tulyok River.

Not far from the Umbozersky pass there is a “Beautiful” waterfall. It fully lives up to its name and is considered one of the most wonderful places in Russia. Summer holidays in the Khibiny Mountains will be remembered for a long time, and the photographs will cause aching boredom in the heart for many years to come.

Winter holidays in the Khibiny Mountains include ski resorts and exciting snowmobile excursions. Famous trails run along the slopes of the Aykuavenchorr and Kukisvumchorr mountains. At the top of Aykuavenchorr there are three complexes - “Aykuay”, “Kolasportland” and “Big Woodyavr”. The length of the tracks is more than 30 kilometers. Here you can find something to suit every taste - skiing, snowboarding or sliding down a hill on a colored bun.

Staying in Apatity? Then you go to Sparrow Hill. It is perfect if you are a beginner or teaching children. In addition, the slope is protected from the wind, so skiing here is comfortable and warm.

Khibiny is a magical land where phones and tablets are not needed. Nature penetrates the soul, stirring up the most intimate memories. It’s easy to fall in love here or, conversely, forget yourself. The Khibiny region is also no stranger to unbridled joy - hiking in a large company will become a vivid life experience.

From taiga and birch forests in protected and deep valleys (up to 400 meters above sea level) to forest-tundra (no higher than 500 meters):



And to the tundra (no higher than 800 meters above sea level).


And to almost arctic desert on dome-shaped peaks.



On the slopes, taiga-birch forests are quickly replaced by forests (and then forest-tundra) of low-growing birches.


In a half-hour walk you can get acquainted with half of the Russian Plain.



And communications coming from the south and above to the Rasvumchorr mine.


Closer to the top of the mountain there are almost entirely stone ruins:


Khibiny animals - tundra partridge, apparently:


The Bolshoy Vudyavr ski complex, descending from the southwestern spur of Aykuaivenchorr, has been reconstructed in recent years.



The modern cable car is adjacent to the Soviet one:


But even those that have completely outlived their useful life are not removed - in the best Arctic traditions:

76. On the eastern bank there is the Yuksporryok cargo mining station:


Behind it is the Yuksporryok-1 microdistrict with an industrial zone, a sedimentation tank, the Khibinogorsk monastery and the base of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University; I have not been there, despite many years of belonging to this faculty.
Beyond Yuksporryok, along the valley of the Yuksporryok River, there is the Rasvumchorr plateau and the Central mine, which I also did not visit, which is probably even more offensive than in the previous case.


And to the northeast of Bolshoi Vudyavr, across the lake from the city center - the Kirov mine and the Kukisvumchorr microdistrict (aka the village 25 kilometers) with the museum named after. Kirov; I also did not visit this peripheral part of Kirovsk, which probably turned out to be my biggest omission in this city. But I saw it from the outside:


And to the north of the lake is the famous Polar Botanical Garden, which belongs to the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located mainly in Apatity.


And I didn’t manage to get there - it seems like only with a tour and advance notice.
I can only say from hearsay that in this botanical garden, among other things, experiments are being carried out on the cultivation and acclimatization in the Khibiny of all sorts of plants unusual for these high latitudes.


This is the real Khibiny, a hiking country.


Still, this compact mountain range is surprisingly suitable for light (and not so light) mountain tourism: the climbs are not too steep, not too long, and the mountains in any direction can be crossed in a few days.



In the following parts - the Khibiny Mountains are left behind, moving further to the south.
