Mountains in Argentina their height. Highest mountain in Argentina

Argentina is famous throughout the world for its mountain ranges, because the entire eastern part of this picturesque South American state is dotted with the mountain range of the majestic Andes. As for the exact characteristics of the highest mountain in Argentina, its height is as much as 6961 meters, which allows it to be included in the famous list of the Seven Summits of the World.

The name of the highest mountain in Argentina is Anoncagua, and it is this peak that has the most impressive dimensions among all the mountains in the world found outside the largest part of the world - Asia. At the same time, there are many more mountain peaks in the Andes, which are only slightly short of the size of the highest point in Argentina. The most high mountain and its height occupy second position in the famous list of the Seven Summits located in different parts of the world on globe, second only to the Asian giant Chomolungma, better known as Everest, with a peak height of 8 thousand 848 meters. And if the first place in this ranking goes to the Nepalese “beauty”, and the second to the Andean Anoncagua, then the North American peak Denali, whose height is as much as 6190 meters above sea level, rightfully deserves bronze. The remaining four places are shared by such giants from different parts of the world as the African Kilimanjaro (5895 meters), the European Elbrus (5642 meters), the Vinson Massif in Antarctica (4892 meters), as well as Jaya, located in Australia and Oceania (4884 meters).

As for the answer to the question about what is the highest mountain in Argentina, we should not forget that Anoncagua is only the first, but not the last, in the list of giants of the Andean mountain system. And not much lower than it are such mountain peaks of Argentina as Ojos del Salado (6 kilometers 893 meters), Monte Pissis (6 kilometers 793 meters), Cerro Bonete (6 kilometers 759 meters) and many other peaks of impressive size. Anoncagua itself is located in one of the 23 Argentine provinces of Mendoza, which is fifteen kilometers from another state on the South American continent of Chile. It is noteworthy that today no one can say for sure where the name of this majestic peak came from. Thus, some claim that the name of this mountain is translated from Mapuche (the Araucano language) as “coming from the other side,” while others attribute it to the language of the Quechua Indian tribes, literally translating Aconcagua as “white guardian.” This concludes the assumptions about the origin of the name of the highest Argentinean mountain peak does not end at all, because local residents and historians also cite such translation options as “white stream”, “snowy mountain” and “looking at its own sands”, but which of them is the most accurate continues to remain an unsolved mystery.

This peak is the main asset of the mountain of the same name. National Park and get to these scenic spots The easiest way is along the famous Pan-American Highway, the length of which exceeds 30 thousand kilometers, focusing on the small place of the Inca Bridge. It is noteworthy that this majestic peak is surrounded on all sides by high mountain ranges, having a mass of glaciers, the largest of which are considered to be the Polish and Eastern formations. The history of the origin of Aconcagua also raises many questions among geologists, because numerous studies show that it could only have arisen from the collision of two huge plates of the lithosphere (we are talking about Nazca from the eastern part of the Pacific waters and the South American plate, which holds the entire continent, as well as an impressive part southwestern waters Atlantic Ocean). This means that the foundation of this highest mountain dates back to before the Jurassic period, which is truly amazing.

Surprisingly, being of volcanic origin, the highest point of the Andean range in Argentina is not a volcano, so local residents there is no danger of its eruption. Today, an avalanche is also considered unlikely, for the simple reason that Aconcagua is surrounded by mountain ranges. Naturally, this majestic peak has haunted mountain lovers for quite some time, as a result of which there have been repeated attempts to conquer it since 1883, when the famous German climber Paul Gussfeldt led an expedition for this purpose. Unfortunately, both attempts by the ambitious climber ended in failure, although on his first ascent he managed to reach the supreme river and reach the entire northwestern ridge, leaving as much as 6,560 meters below.

13 years later, another climber named Edward Fitzgerald, who arrived in Argentina from America, also decided to try his luck in conquering the inaccessible peak, having previously studied to the smallest detail the unsuccessful climbing experience of the previous expedition and enlisted the support of one of the best mountain guides of those times, the Swiss Matthias Zurbriggen . This time it was decided to conquer Aconcagua from its southern side, but during the ascent the expedition had a chance to reach eastern part mountain, which forced its participants to retreat back and continue fruitless attempts to conquer the peak over the next six weeks. Surprisingly, when only a few hundred meters remained to the summit, it became obvious to the climbers that further ascent was impossible and only Zurbriggen took the risk, as a result of which he successfully conquered the peak of Aconcagua on January 14, 1897.

All members of the expedition had the opportunity to repeat the experience of the Swiss mountain guide, except for its inspirer Fitzgerald, who, a few hundred meters before the summit, rapidly developed mountain sickness with all its negative symptoms.

Of all the wonders that Argentina has, one of the most impressive is the peak of Mount Aconcagua, which is called Stone guard. Its height is 6962 meters above sea level, and this allows it to bear the title of the highest mountain South America.

Looking at the earth from the top of Argentina, you involuntarily think about how small man is in comparison with the greatness of nature. It seems that the frozen peaks of the Andes do not at all want thousands of climbers to conquer them, but the mountains do not understand that only reaching the peak makes one feel real freedom.

All those eager to feel that same freedom after the much-desired conquest of the famous volcano The Andes (or before) is ready to shelter the small village of Puente del Inca. It is located 3 kilometers from the peak, and there you can stay in a hotel, explore the Inca Bridge - an amazing natural formation, and also buy souvenirs at a fair of local craftsmen.

For those who are still in search of freedom, the Stone Guardian is the most suitable place.

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Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
This term has other meanings, see Aconcagua (meanings).
Spanish Aconcagua

Aconcagua (November 20, 2004).
32°39?11? Yu. w. 70°00?44? h. d. HGYAO
CountryFlag of Argentina.svg Argentina
Andes mountain system
Ridge or massifMain Cordillera
Summit height6961 m
First ascent14 January 1897, Matthias Zurbriggen
Aconcagua (Argentina) Montanya.svgAconcagua
Commons-logo.svg Aconcagua on Wikimedia Commons
Aconcagua (Spanish Aconcagua) is a peak in the Andes with an altitude of 6961 meters above sea level, the highest peak in the world outside Asia. It is also the highest peak in Argentina, South America, the western and southern hemispheres. Aconcagua is located in Argentina in the province of Mendoza, 15 kilometers from the border with Chile. Aconcagua is one of the Seven Summits.
The first ascent to the summit was made on January 14, 1897 by Matthias Zurbriggen, who reached the summit alone. A month later, Aconcagua was conquered by two other members of the expedition, which included Zurbriggen.
Contents [hide]
1Origin of the name
2Physico-geographical characteristics
2.1Relief and surrounding area
3History of ascents
5cm. Also
Origin of the name [edit | edit wiki text]
There are different interpretations of the origin of the name of the peak. According to one version, it came from the Araucano language from the phrase Aconca-Hue, which is a reference to the location of the peak in relation to the Aconcagua River, and translated means coming from the other side. According to other versions, it could come from the Quechua language, Ackon Cahuak (Stone Guardian, or Guardian of the Stone), or Anco Cahuac (White Guardian), or Aqun qhawaq (Looking at (her) sands). There is also an opinion that the peak owes its name to the expressions Janq’u Q’awa in the Aymara language (White Stream), or Kon-Kawa (Snowy Mountain; this is what the Aymara Indians living in Mendoza call the mountain).
Physiographic characteristics [edit | edit wiki text]
Relief and surrounding area [edit | edit wiki text]
Aconcagua is located in the central part of the Andes in the Main Cordillera ridge entirely within Argentina in the province of Mendoza, 15 kilometers east of the border with Chile. The summit is located within the Aconcagua National Park. Nearest populated area to the top in Argentina is a small village located near the natural landmark of the Inca Bridge (Spanish: Puente del Inca) 20 kilometers south of the top on the Pan-American Highway.
Bounded by the mountain ranges of the Valle de las Vacas to the north and east and the Valle de los Orcones Inferior to the south and west. The mountain has many glaciers, the largest of which are the northeastern (Polish glacier) and eastern.

Mount Aconcagua – Mendoza, Argentina

Mount Aconcagua


Mount Aconcagua(6962 m above sea level) is located in the Republic of Argentina. Its coordinates are 59´ 69° west longitude and 32° 39´ south latitude, within the so-called Provincial Park of Mount Aconcagua, in the province of Mendoza.
This province is located in the center of Western Argentina, with an area of ​​150,839 square kilometers. The capital is Mendoza, located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level and anyone who wants to visit the Aconcagua Mountains park must pass through Mendoza. Mendoza is known throughout the world for the production of quality wine, mainly Malbec, produced in Lujan de Cuyo, which is considered one of the best in the world. Mendoza, very modern city, where there is international Airport, all types of transport and hotels with a capacity of more than 15,000 beds.

Climatic conditions and landscape arouse great interest among climbers in Aconcagua, requiring physical and psychological preparation. This is the highest mountain in the Southern Hemisphere and one of the most sought after in the chain of 7,000-meter peaks (sietemil). According to their geographical and climatic conditions, climbing Aconcagua is the best preparation for conquering more high peaks, 8 thousandths, such as in the Himalayas.

“The Colossus of America” is the dream, the goal of climbers all over the world. The interest in sports and the desire to contemplate the magnificence, the amazing creation of nature, attracts thousands of people every year.

Cerro Aconcagua Provincial Park is one of three high-altitude parks in Mendoza, located next to the Tupungato Volcano and the Lagoon of Diamonds. It was created by Law No. 4807, November 28, 1990, within the territory of the Department of Las Heras, comprising 71,000 hectares. The official opening of the park visiting season is from November 15 to March 15.

The harsh climate that is found in the Park is affected by a high ecosystem and low rainfall, so biodiversity is low. However, the species of animals and plants that inhabit this place are of particular interest, demonstrating remarkable adaptations to life at altitude, concentrated in the lower part of the park (up to 4000 meters above sea level). The dominant type of flora is low steppe shrubs such as, Yellow Firewood, Yareta, Goat's Horn, together with large grasslands such as Yeku and Koirones.

In addition, there are more than 60 species of birds. The most typical species are the Condor and the Eagle. Terrestrial animals include mountain mice, snipe and red foxes, the predominant species of amphibians and reptiles characteristic of the highlands.

The mountain plains and streams are home to birds such as Cholos, Churines and Del Torrente ducks. There are also large herds of Guanaco, pursued by a dangerous predator - the Puma. An exotic and well-adapted animal in the area are wild European hares, which are found in abundance.

A few meters from the first point of the Rangers Park and the international road, you can visit one of the most exotic places of the province of Mendoza - Laguna, with its bluish color and characteristic highland temperature, where many animals typical of the area are concentrated and many different wild plants grow.

Mount Aconcagua is located in Argentina and is the most high point the Andes mountain system that runs throughout the continent of South America.

The peak reaches a height of 6960 meters. At the same time, the mountain is considered one of the most accessible for climbing among the highest peaks in the world. Every year, hundreds of climbers conquer the top of Aconcagua, climbing one of 3 routes.

Should know

  • The mountain is located on the territory of the National Park of the same name. To enter, tourists must purchase a special pass from Mendoza (the cost varies depending on the season).
  • The climb will be quite easy for an athletic person with some mountaineering experience. You just need to find a guide and set aside about two weeks for the trip (that’s how long it will take to conquer the peak).

When to visit?

Due to the nearby Pacific Ocean(located only 150 kilometers away) the weather in the region is known for its changeability and unpredictability. Very strong winds often blow here, and the temperature at the top can reach -25 degrees. In this regard, it is better to choose the period from December to March to visit Aconcagua.

How to get there?

A bus departing from Mendoza will take you almost to the very foot of the mountain. His path will lie across the road connecting the Andes and the Chilean center of Santiago.

Do not miss!

Besides mountaineering, this part of Argentina has a lot to offer tourists.

  • Go to observation deck near the Horcones Lagoon and enjoy the view of the mountain from there.
  • Go on a tour of the Andes highlands and explore the Alta Montana mountain. The route starts from the city of Mendoza. First you need to climb up the slopes on which the vineyards grow (the main wine region countries). Then, when the fertile meadows and pastures with their lush vegetation are left behind, walk along deep valleys with mountain streams and rocks of fantastic colors.
  • View unique natural monument. Not far from Los Penitentes (winter ski resort, located at an altitude of 2700 meters) is the main local attraction - the Inca Bridge. Nature created it from stone and laid it through a river called Las Cuevas. It is noteworthy that the bridge has an unusual golden-copper hue due to the high percentage of minerals contained in the water.
  • Book interesting one-day or daily excursions to camps and huts below the snow line if you look into National Park Aconcagua. It is located slightly above the bridge.