Foreign universities for Russians. What to consider when choosing an educational institution

Are you dreaming of education abroad? Many foreign universities are very interested in our students, and thanks to the Internet, this process has become easier. You do not need to spend money on a trip to the university of interest to submit documents or find out the conditions. This entire process is accessible remotely.

I wrote in my previous post, and now I will tell you how admission happens and what is needed for this.

The general scheme is quite simple and understandable. You select a program on the university website, send all the necessary documents by mail by the appointed date and wait for the results. In fact, for this you need to try, highlighting for yourself 7 main points that are needed for this.

1. Patience and time

The preparation may turn out to be much longer than you imagined. Therefore, start acting at least 6 months before the deadline for submitting documents. Otherwise, you may simply not have time.

2. Good grades

In most foreign universities, the minimum passing grade is 4, or even 4.5. This means that there should be no C grades in your diploma or certificate. The higher the average score and the grades themselves, the greater your chances of admission.

In addition, the practice of letters of recommendation from a previous place of study is common abroad. This is often 2 or 3 letters from faculty members that must be emailed on their behalf. Even if you graduated from university several years ago, you will have to look there again to get recommendations.

4. Exams

Even if you are fluent in English, this does not exempt you from taking a separate exam - TOEFL or IELTS. The exams are very specific, so you need to prepare for them separately (about 2 months). Each university sets its own score level requirements. If you end up scoring at least 1 point less, all your efforts will be in vain. The results of these exams must be sent to the university directly from the TOEFL or IELTS center.

5. Documents

The package of documents is the main criterion on the basis of which you are enrolled or not. And here it is not only the presence of all the necessary “papers” that matters, but also their processing. Some universities require not only professional translation of diplomas by a certified translator, but also their notarization or apostille. Such services are provided by special translation agencies. Some universities require translations of diplomas to be sent in a university stamped envelope. Another reason to look at your previous place of study.

6. Scholarship or guarantor

Universities often provide scholarships for international students, but if you are applying without a scholarship, you will be required to prove that you have the money. This can be not only a document from the bank with the required figure in the account, but also the presence of a guarantor - a citizen of the country in which you are going to study.

7. Patience again

Once you have completed all the preparation, you can breathe easy and be patient again. It may take about a month until the documents reach the recipient, are accepted and processed. And a few more months (or even six months) until the results come. As a result, the entire process can take about a year. But the result is worth it. Do you agree?

Share your opinion, experience of studying abroad or ask questions in the comments.

For most applicants, education in Europe seems to be an unattainable goal, primarily because of its cost. In fact, there are many ways to get a European diploma absolutely free.

I propose to start with countries with free education not only for their own, but also for visiting students.

Choosing a country


The Czech Republic provides foreigners with the opportunity to study for free at public universities in the Czech language. In most cases, you will need to pass exams and also have basic knowledge of Czech. Living expenses are at your own expense.


Another real option for free study abroad for foreigners. It’s not difficult to enroll; there are a fairly large number of English-language programs.

To enter a Polish university, you need to present a certificate or bachelor's degree (if you want to study for a master's degree). In addition, most Polish universities cooperate with the Erasmus Mundus program (more on this later).


It also provides the opportunity for foreigners to study for free. In order to enroll, you need to pass a German language exam and have at least 1-2 years of university study at home. Or finish the one-year preparatory program.

You should also take into account the fact that quite often universities charge fees for using the library or, for example, the gym. Therefore, if you do not have third-party funding, you will have to have the required amount of money in your bank account, which will be frozen for the entire period of your studies. During your studies, you will be able to withdraw from your account only the amount specified in the documents for living expenses.

Belgium, Norway

There is also free education here, including many programs in English. In some universities, foreigners need to pay a registration fee upon admission and pay for textbooks (about 1000 euros for everything). In Norway, knowledge of their language is required.


Foreigners can study for free at public universities in Greece. You can apply, but on the basis of the average score in the certificate. Some universities require an annual fee (up to 600 euros). Also, if you do not know Greek, you will have to enroll in courses and learn the language during the first academic year (courses can be either free or paid). A Greek study visa allows you to work 20 hours a week.


By law, foreigners have the right to study at public universities for free. They pass on equal terms with the French, which means they pay the same fees upon admission. Another requirement is knowledge of French. Even though you don't have to pay tuition fees in France, you should pay attention to living expenses, since life in the country is quite expensive. Therefore, most students work part-time while studying.


When choosing a country, you must also pay attention to living costs. Even if you don't have to pay for your studies, universities do not provide free accommodation or pocket expenses. In this case, scholarship programs come to the rescue.

How to find a scholarship to study

To do this, you can and should consider various non-profit organizations, grants and programs.

Erasmus Mundus is one of the most famous European student exchange programs. It fully covers the costs of master's studies and accommodation. The peculiarity of the program is that, often, you cannot choose a specific university. Erasmus Mundus cooperates with dozens of European universities, and in each specific program there can be from 4 to 15 universities, two of which you will be offered to go to.

There are also scholarships for studying in specific countries. You should start searching for them from the official websites of the government of the country where you want to go. For example, the Chevening grant or Commonwealth Scholarship for Developing Countries - education in the UK. These grants fully cover tuition, accommodation and travel expenses.

You can approach it from the other side - decide on a university, and then find out about a scholarship. Most European countries provide scholarships for foreigners.

Russia joined the Bologna Process in 2003, but Russian diplomas are not yet recognized in all countries of the world. Everyone who is focused on an international career strives to obtain higher education abroad. How to go to study abroad?

  1. Choose a professional direction and level of education

    It is advisable to start preparing for admission a year in advance in order to collect all the necessary documents and, if necessary, improve your language proficiency to pass the exam. You need to decide on the specialty you are interested in and the level of education - bachelor's, master's, doctoral, diploma, and postgraduate programs.

    Those who go to study abroad after 9th grade usually finish school abroad and enter university. Students who want to study abroad after the 11th grade of a Russian school cannot always immediately enroll in a bachelor's degree. In this case, they most often undergo preliminary preparation for admission to the Foundation program.

  2. Select country of study

    There are countries that are leaders in certain professional areas. For example, Italy is famous for its education in fashion and design, and Switzerland for its hospitality. Students have personal preferences in choosing a certain country: availability of real estate, language proficiency, desire to emigrate to a certain country. According to the Shanghai ranking 2014 (TOP 200 universities in the world), the best countries for education are the USA, Great Britain, Germany, China, France, Holland, Austria, Canada, Switzerland, Italy.

  3. Choose a university

    When deciding where to go to study abroad and choosing a university on their own, a student usually relies on international rankings. But making a final decision based only on them is not the best option. It is important to understand how high-quality education the university offers in the chosen specialty (infrastructure, teachers, graduate employment rates, etc.) and adequately assess the chances of admission.

  4. Visit the chosen university

    Before going to study at a foreign university for several years, many people prefer to do a “test run”: they usually go to study abroad in the summer. For example, the Institute of Fashion and Design offers short-term programs lasting 2-3 weeks.

  5. Improve your language proficiency

    To enter a foreign university, you need to confirm your level of proficiency in the language in which you will be studying. They usually require you to provide the results of an international language exam. Some universities conduct their own testing. Russian students typically choose English-language education and take IELTS or TOEFL exams. If a student is not confident in his level of language proficiency, he needs to undergo preliminary preparation for taking the test.

  6. Prepare the necessary documents

    An approximate list of documents for admission to a foreign university: educational documents (translated into the language of the country where the student is going to study, notarized), CV (autobiography), university applicant application form, sometimes financial documents are required (confirmation of financial solvency), recommendations, motivation letter and portfolio. You also need to prepare a package of documents to obtain a student visa.

  7. Go through the enrollment procedure and pay for training

    After successfully submitting documents and passing entrance exams (if required), you usually need to pay for tuition. Year or semester - it depends on the conditions of a particular university.

  8. Apply for a student visa

    After the university sends confirmation of admission, you can apply for a student visa.

  9. Solve the housing issue

    If a student does not plan to live in a university dormitory, or the university does not provide housing, then it is worth deciding the issue of accommodation in advance. Typically, universities cooperate with real estate firms and help students solve this problem.

If you are interested in enrolling in universities abroad, contact the specialists of IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose a university, prepare for admission, collect the necessary documents and successfully complete the admission procedure.

Many, after reading the title of the article, may think that this is a joke. Fortunately this is not the case. Going abroad to study without knowing foreign languages ​​is more than possible. However, before entering a university you will still have to learn the language. But first things first. In this article I will try to reveal the possibilities of studying abroad for Russians without knowledge of foreign languages. Of course, the scope of one article does not allow us to reveal the features of the educational systems of all countries, so we will focus on the most popular ones.

Higher education in Germany

Germany is without a doubt the locomotive of the European Union, the leading country in Europe, and this largely explains its popularity among Russian applicants. In addition, in 2006, Germany amended its emigration law, according to which foreign graduates of German universities have excellent prospects for remaining in Germany. You can read more about the main postulates of the above-mentioned law Here.

So, after a short digression, let’s return to the topic of the article: how to enter a German university without knowledge of foreign languages? The scheme is actually quite simple, but before we voice it, let’s take another small step aside and tell you about what kind of educational institutions exist in Germany.

1. Higher educational institutions. No comments needed. Tuition fees usually do not exceed 600 euros per semester.

2.Language schools. They exist in huge quantities. The cost of training can range from 180 euros per month with an intensity of 20 hours per week and up to 2-3 thousand. There are usually no requirements for applicants; anyone can study.

3. Preparatory departments of universities. In essence, this is a language school, but public and with more favorable rates, up to 600 euros PER SEMESTER of study. There are also free branches. Requirements for applicants vary depending on the educational institution, usually requiring knowledge of the German language at least at level A2.

4.Studienkolleg. An institution for foreign applicants who do not have a sufficient level of education to immediately enroll in a German university. We can say that this is an analogue of the 11th grade of a Russian school for foreign applicants, although this comparison is not entirely correct.

So, you don't know the language? In this case, your admission will be carried out according to the following scheme:

1st stage. Language school. You will have to study for 4-6 months, depending on your abilities. The cost of the courses, as already written above, is from 180 euros per month of study. The cost of living in a hostel also starts from 180 euros per month.

2nd stage. You can continue to learn the language at a language school further, or after reaching level A2, you can enroll in the preparatory department of a university. In this case, training will be somewhat cheaper for you. The duration of study at the preparatory department of a university in Germany is 1 semester.

3rd stage. University After you master the language, you actually enter the university itself. Upon admission there are no exams, only a language test.

The above-described admission program in Russia is called Universell, this program was developed by Dmitry Sapozhnikov, a specialist from the Studentur company.

According to the experience of specialists from the Studentur company, most Russians go to study abroad without knowledge of foreign languages, i.e., for preliminary language courses.

Higher education in Slovakia

This program appeared on the market relatively recently. The program is unique of its kind. In order. As part of the program, you go to Slovakia for short-term language courses, which begin in the summer, and in the same fall you begin your studies at a university, while continuing to learn the language. The Slovak language has a lot in common with Russian, so by the time you start studying at a university, you will already have a base. Thus, you can go to study in Slovakia without losing a year studying the language, which is not possible in most other countries.

Higher education in Hungary

The admission process is similar to the German program, and everything is also done through language schools. The Hungarian language preparatory courses begin on February 1, the courses continue until the end of August. Their cost is 1600-1700 euros for the entire period of study. After completing the courses, the applicant is enrolled in a university; the admission process is not complicated, one might say, guaranteed.

Higher education in the Czech Republic

It is known mainly for the opportunity to study for free, provided that education is taught in Czech. The admission process is similar to the Hungarian program, but with significant differences, namely, the duration of the preparatory courses and their cost are much higher. So, if in Hungary a preparatory course costs less than 2,000 euros, then the most famous language courses in the Czech Republic at Charles University cost about 5,000 euros. Just like in other countries, everyone is accepted to participate in them - he paid for his studies and received an invitation to submit to the embassy. The second and no less important difference is that it is difficult to enter universities in the Czech Republic. Let me explain, using the example of the countries described above, in Germany - admission is carried out without passing exams, in Slovakia and Hungary - exams are formal in nature and admission is guaranteed, in the Czech Republic, when entering a non-free form of education at state universities, the exams are more than serious, it is difficult to enter prestigious specialties .

If you dream of studying abroad, but don't know a foreign language, don't despair. There are a number of foreign countries whose universities are open precisely to those students who cannot speak a “foreign dialect.” Let's look at some of the best options.

  1. SLOVAKIA. Not long ago, a special program began to be offered to students all over the world for studying in Slovakia, in which it is not at all necessary to know a foreign language. According to it, the applicant must go to the country to attend short-term language courses. Start of classes - summer, start of school - autumn. The Slovak language has a lot from Russian, and therefore in a few months students already speak it almost fluently. Agree that it is impossible to learn, for example, French or German in such a short period of time.
  2. HUNGARY. In this case, it is necessary to undergo training in language schools. Study, or rather, preparatory courses in Hungarian language, begin on February 1 and last until the end of summer. The price is about two thousand euros for the entire training. After a student completes the courses, he is enrolled in a higher education institution. Moreover, it is almost guaranteed that there is nothing complicated in the admission process.
  3. CZECH. This country is famous for its free training opportunities. However, only if the studies take place in the national language. It is necessary to do the same as in the case of the Hungarian program. However, the duration of training and the price of courses are much higher. The difference is 2-2.5 times. The cost is especially high when it comes to studying at prestigious university, for example, at Charles University. On the other hand, if you have the opportunity to pay, then you are guaranteed income here too. But if you choose a public institution that offers study for free, the competition will be incredibly severe and large. Prestigious specialties practically inaccessible to foreigners who want to enroll on a budget.
  4. GERMANY. Studying in this country deserves a separate discussion. If you do not know a foreign language, you will have to go through several stages. First, you will need to enroll in a language school. The duration of training here will be about six months. It all depends on how capable you are of the language. You will have to pay both for the study itself and for a place in the dormitory.

After this you can continue learning the language at school or go to training courses selected educational institution. In the latter case, you can save money. Duration of preparatory courses German universities is 1 semester.

Have you mastered the language? Then it's time for you to act on your own educational institution. You don't need to take any exams; you just need to pass the language test. But keep in mind that now we are only talking about the special Universell program, developed specifically for applicants from Russia. For all other German study opportunities, admission conditions may be completely different.

As you can see, Studying abroad without knowing the language is quite possible .