Famous and ancient landmarks. The most famous landmarks in the world

Tourists annually: 9–10 million

The Great Wall of China sounds simple and at the same time powerful. The 8,851.9 km long structure stretches across China, and its most impressive section, Badaling, is located 75 km from Beijing. Most of the wall has survived to this day, although it was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and the beginning of the construction of individual sections dates back to 770 BC. Such a large-scale construction was possible thanks to the labor of millions of slaves and prisoners of war, on whose backs granite blocks, stones and bricks were delivered to the tops of the highest cliffs.

2. Colosseum, Rome

Tourists annually: 6.9 million

When completed in 80 AD, the Colosseum's arena accommodated 50,000 spectators who gathered to watch various theatrical performances (mythological dramas), reenactments of land and sea battles, as well as executions and gladiator fights. In 2010, underground floors were opened to tourists, where gladiators waited to enter the mortal match. From the upper floors of the Colosseum a picturesque panorama of the Eternal City opens.

3. Roman Forum, Rome

Tourists annually: 5.1 million

The Roman Forum remained the city's social center for 1,200 years, from the fifth century BC. This square contained commercial buildings and the main government institutions of Rome. The ruins of temples, columns and ancient frescoes take us back two thousand years and remind us of the former greatness of the city.

4. Terracotta Army, Xi'an, China

Tourists annually: 3.6–4.5 million

The Terracotta Army was discovered in 1974. This sculptural composition consists of more than 8 thousand statues of warriors, made of clay in full size: generals, infantry, cavalry, archers, chariots, and more than 400 horses. Each with unique facial features, hairstyle, and clothing elements, which makes the sculptures even more convincing. The statues were buried with Emperor Qin Shi Huang, becoming part of the majestic acropolis. It is believed that some of the warriors have not yet been excavated, since excavations were stopped until a way was invented to protect the paints with which the statues were painted from fading in the open air.

5. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Tourists annually: 4 million

Created 4.5 thousand years ago, the pyramids are still considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World and a symbol of Egypt. We still don't know exactly how the ancient Egyptians were able to build them, which adds to the intrigue and even greater attraction for tourists. Three huge sarcophagi for the pharaohs are located 25 kilometers from the center of Cairo, a city with a population of 11 million.

6. Pompeii, Italy

Tourists annually: 2.5 million

When visiting Pompeii, walking along its ancient stone streets, you can imagine how people lived in the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD. Coastal city in 79 AD was completely covered with ash and pumice during the sudden eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Under the layer of ash, people, animals, houses were imprinted, creating a kind of frozen cast of the life of the ancient city.

7. Acropolis, Athens

Tourists annually: 2 million

The Acropolis is located on one of the hills of Athens and is crowned at the top by the Parthenon - a temple to the goddess Athena, a unique symbol of classical Greece and the origins of democracy. Built in the 5th century BC, the Parthenon has lost much of its decoration, and the marble sculptures that adorned it have "mysteriously" appeared in European museums (there are still unsuccessful negotiations for their return to Greece).

8. Ephesus, Türkiye

Tourists annually: 2 million

Just 30 years ago, Ephesus was an almost completely abandoned Roman ruin in a sparsely populated area of ​​Turkey. But now, thanks to this attraction, the local economy has begun to develop dramatically. The ancient library and other buildings were restored, recreating the atmosphere of a big city from the beginning of our era, and in the amphitheater, with a capacity of 25 thousand people, theatrical performances based on ancient dramas are held.

9. Teotihuacan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.9 million

Pyramid-shaped terraces dedicated to the Sun and Moon dominated the ancient square of the sacred city, built between the first and seventh centuries AD. With base sides measuring more than 200 meters and a height of 64.5 meters, the Pyramid of the Sun is considered the third largest pyramid in the world. At the same time, the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Quetzalcoatl) has a brighter decorative finish: with unique sculptures and bas-reliefs.

10. Hieropolis, Türkiye

Tourists annually: 1.6 million

The dazzling white terraces of Pamukkale's hot spring pools have attracted people's attention to this place for more than two thousand years. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ancient Greco-Roman city of Hieropolis was built here. Carved out of travertine in 190 BC, this "spa town" has temple ruins, a well-preserved amphitheater and a Sacred Pool where you can swim among ancient Roman columns.

11. Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.4 million

The stepped terraces of the Pyramid of Kukulcan, called El Castillo or the Castle by the Spanish, overlook the ancient city surrounded by tropical jungle. The Mayans began building the city in the seventh century AD, and then, three centuries later, it was captured by the Toltec tribes. A huge balustrade with the feathered head of a snake - the deity Kukulkan - borders the stairs leading to the top of the pyramid.

12. Ellora, India

Tourists annually: 1.2 million

34 temples, monasteries honoring Buddha and Hindu gods, and numerous caves were carved into the basalt rock between 600 and 1000 AD. The solid stone buildings and the passages between them are decorated with thousands of different intricate bas-reliefs and sculptures.

13. Hadrian's Wall, England

Tourists annually: 1.2 million

When the Roman army failed to defeat the "barbarians" in northern Britain, Emperor Hadrian in 122 AD. ordered the construction of a stone wall slightly south of the modern border between England and Scotland, which remains to this day. Today, Hadrian's Wall has become a source of pride among the "barbarian" Scots, praising their invincible spirit. The popular Path National Trail runs along the 117 km long fortification.

14. Roman Baths, Bath, England

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

The Celts were the first to declare these springs sacred and dedicated them to their goddess Sulis. Then, in 43 AD, the Romans came and renamed Sulis after their goddess Minerva and built a spa town with the Latin name Aquae Sulis, with baths and a temple to Sulis-Minerva. Later the city was renamed Bath (from the English Bath - bathhouse), and in the 18th century public buildings were built in the neoclassical style.

15. Longmen, China

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

A complex of Buddhist cave temples from the 5th to 9th centuries, with many Buddha and Bodhisattva statues carved into 1,350 caves and 750 niches, is located along the limestone bank of the Yihe River. Some of the statues, of which there are more than 110 thousand, are more than 7 meters high. One of the caves even displays numerous medical recipes.

16. Stonehenge, England

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

People interpret the meaning of the mysterious megaliths, displayed in a circle more than 6 thousand years ago, as they wish. Perhaps they had some astronomical significance or were part of Druid rituals. Now it is a place of pilgrimage for neo-pagans, feminists (associating Stonehenge with the times of matriarchy), fans of aliens and science fiction. Especially many people visit this attraction, located 100 kilometers from London, on the day of the summer solstice.

17. Tulum, Yucatan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

This famous Mayan city, surrounded by a wall on the north, west and south sides, and facing the shores of the Caribbean Sea on the east, reached its power in the 1200s AD. The temples, walls, murals and carvings of the city of Tulum (originally Zama, meaning “sunrise”) have withstood salty sea winds and hurricanes for centuries and have lost much of the features found in other Mayan ruins. However, Tulum is popular among tourists due to its accessible and convenient location.

18. Machu Picchu, Peru

Tourists annually: 1 million

To get to Machu Picchu, you can take train tickets or go on foot, as the ancient Incas did, along a path leading to a 2450-meter mountain ridge overlooking the Urubamba River. Many people dream of visiting Machu Picchu, because this city looks older than it actually is; its construction began relatively recently - around 1400 AD. So many people come here that they are considering limiting the number of visitors to 2,500 people per day or 912,500 per year.

19. Canyon de Chey, Arizona

Tourists annually: 828.1 thousand.

Native Americans have lived around Red Rock Canyon for more than 5,000 years, and 800 years ago they built their homes at the bottom of the rocks. The Canyon de Cheys Wilderness Area is located within the Navajo Nation reservation, so visiting the monument is only possible with a tribal guide. The exception is the White House Ruins tourist route. The name of the canyon comes from its Indian name Tséyi’, which meant “canyon”; they pronounced the word “say-ee,” but it sounded like “de-shey.”

20. Angkor Wat, Angkor Archaeological Park, Cambodia

Tourists annually: 804.7 thousand.

Originally the Angkor Wat temple, built between the 9th and 15th centuries AD. during the formation of the Khmer Empire, it was dedicated to various Hindu gods. Although Angkor Wat eventually became a pilgrimage site for Buddhists, the temple's architecture still reflects significant Indian heritage from those times.

21. Masada, Masada National Park, Israel

Tourists annually: 786 thousand.

At the end of the first century BC. King of Judea Herod I the Great built a luxurious three-level palace on the top of a mountain plateau stretching over the desert at an altitude of 400 meters. Roman mosaics, wall paintings, water collection tanks, baths and military barracks have been preserved quite well due to the dry climate and the sufficient remoteness of the fortress. The story goes that this fortress remained the last stronghold for survivors of the Great Jewish Revolt in 66 AD, and it was only five years later that Roman legionaries managed to capture the defenders.

22. Mogao Grottoes (Cave of a Thousand Buddhas), Dunhuang, China

Tourists annually: 750 thousand.

At the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, Buddhist monks carved out 492 caves and more than 2,000 sculptures decorated with clay and paint. For thousands of years (from 6 to 16 centuries ago), monks created frescoes on 45 thousand m² of the walls of these caves, striking both in their scale and beauty. The murals reflect pictures of Buddhism, local history and the daily life of the region's inhabitants.

23. Knossos, Crete, Greece

Tourists annually: 705.3 thousand.

There is an opinion that the ruins of this Minoan city, built during the Bronze Age, are the lost Atlantis, information about which has come to us from Plato’s descriptions. It is believed that Knossos was destroyed by a volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini that occurred around 1500 BC. The only thing that has survived to this day and has been restored is the so-called Palace of Minos, where frescoes with images of dolphins, fish, griffins and people of that era have been preserved.

24. Petra, Jordan

Tourists annually: 629.8 thousand.

The ancient city was created by the Arab Nabataean people. Along the narrow gorge there are temples and monuments skillfully carved from stone, the majestic Temple-Mausoleum of El Khazneh and more than 500 more tombs. A thousand years ago, this once prosperous city was located at the crossroads of trade routes that brought incense, spices and silk; thanks to this, the cultural influence of other ancient civilizations is noticeable here: the Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians and Phoenicians.

25. Montezuma Castle, Arizona

Tourists annually: 573.7 thousand.

The name of this place can be misleading: after all, this building is not a castle at all and has nothing to do with the Aztecs and their ruler. The building, consisting of 20 cave rooms in a steep cliff at an altitude of 20 meters, was created by the Pueblo Indians (Anasazi culture) 800 years ago. Small T-shaped entrance openings retained heat in the home and protected from the wind. This is one of the best preserved ancient rock settlements of the American Indians.

26. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Tourists annually: 572.3 thousand.

The cliff dwellings of the Anasazi Indians (ancestors of modern Pueblos) were built from sandstone cemented with mud between the 6th and 12th centuries AD, becoming one of the largest and best-preserved ancient settlements in North America. The walls, plastered in red, brown and white, bear images of people, animals, handprints and various geometric patterns. Perhaps the colors had some kind of generic meaning.

27. Mira (St. Nicholas Church), Antalya, Türkiye

Tourists annually: 544.8 thousand.

The Lycian tombs, with their square columns and house-like appearance, were carved into limestone cliffs in the 4th century BC. They rise above a well-preserved Roman amphitheater with a double vaulted corridor. However, this ancient city is now better known for its restored 9th-11th century church, which bears the name of a local saint who did good to people, St. Nicholas (now better known as Santa Claus).

28. Pergamon (Bergama), Izmir, Türkiye

Tourists annually: 536 thousand.

Izmir is now the closest major city to Pergamum, the ancient Hellenic cultural center with an acropolis rising 250 meters above the valley, marble temples to Athena and Troyan, a Greek amphitheater and a library with 200 thousand manuscripts found in it. In the 2nd century AD in this valley, Galen, one of the most famous doctors of antiquity, opened the largest medical center, based at the Asklepion temple.

29. Troy, Canakkale, Türkiye

Tourists annually: 515.9 thousand.

Troy was immortalized in Homer's Iliad, which tells of a disaster that befell the city around 1183 BC. Until the 19th century, the location of Troy was unknown. Now tourists come here to see the 10-meter Trojan horse with windows and preserved sections of the city walls, reminiscent of the heroic fate of Troy.

30. Delphi, Greece

Tourists annually: 500 thousand.

The site of the construction of majestic temples, created among the mountains back in the Neolithic period 6 thousand years ago, was considered by the ancient Greeks to be the center or “navel” of the whole world. A temple to Apollo, Athena and other gods, as well as stone terraces and rest houses for parishioners, were erected here. The famous Oracle reached its greatest influence between the 6th and 4th centuries BC.

31. Gaochang, Xinjiang, China

Tourists annually: 500 thousand.

An oasis city located on the Silk Road between the Fire Mountains and the Taklamakan Desert, from the 1st century BC. was a Western Chinese cultural, economic and political center until the 14th century. Work on the reconstruction of buildings in Gaochang, created in the image of the city of Xi'an, once the largest city in the world, is still underway.

32. Ajanta, India

Tourists annually: 416 thousand.

Using only hammers and chisels, it took Buddhist monks between 15 and 21 centuries to create 30 caves, each with separate interiors and openings that offered views of the gorge and river. The monasteries are decorated with paintings and stone sculptures of Buddha and bodhisattvas. Examples of magnificent works of art reveal about the lifestyle of Indians in those distant times.

33. Coba, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Tourists annually: 400.6 thousand.

This 2,000-year-old Mayan city, home to the tallest pyramid in the Yucatan Peninsula, was the center for 46 sacbes, or “white roads,” connecting different parts of the mesostate, built of rubble, pebbles and limestone. Coba is surrounded by five sinkholes filled with water (cenotes) and impenetrable tropical jungle.

34. Perge (Perga), Antalya, Türkiye

Tourists annually: 399.8 thousand.

The ruins of Perge are now surrounded by fields and countryside near Antalya, but two thousand years ago it was a thriving Roman city. Alexander the Great passed through these places with his army, then the Romans came and built baths, fountains, a 60-meter agora (a market square in ancient cities), an amphitheater for 12 thousand spectators and a boulevard with a colonnade. The site is also known for its unusual stone gate towers, built in a combination of Greek and Roman styles, and for the fact that the Apostle Paul preached here.

35. Herculaneum, Italy

Tourists annually: 320.5 thousand.

Covered in ash after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, this town is even better preserved than nearby Pompeii. Here a dramatic picture of the last minutes of the life of the ancient Roman city opens up, with its public baths, warehouses and living quarters, luxurious villas, hidden for many years under a 20-meter layer of volcanic rock.

» The most beautiful places in the world: Top 45 (LOTS OF PHOTOS)

The most beautiful places in the world: Top 45 (LOTS OF PHOTOS)

Our vast planet is full of places of inexpressible beauty, which sometimes a lifetime is not enough to get to know. In order to embrace all the amazing beauty of the earth, this selection has been compiled, which shows the most beautiful places in the world, located in different parts of our world. There was a place here for natural attractions, man-made objects, famous resorts, and extreme attractions. Stormy waterfalls, majestic forests, clear reservoirs, dizzying mountain views, original ancient settlements, ancient castles, mysterious valleys - all this and much more is worth seeing with your own eyes at least once in your life.

1. Yosemite Valley, USA

Scenic Yosemite Valley with mountains and Merced River on a sunny day in Yosemite National Park

The top most beautiful places opens up a truly heavenly place on earth - the most picturesque valley of glacial origin in the state of California. The mountainous terrain of the valley is decorated with an abundance of crystal waterfalls, clear lakes and lush vegetation. For tourists, on the vast territory of the valley there are a lot of hotels, campsites and other amenities of civilization.

2. Colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia, ​​China

Rainbow Mountains of Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park

The geological park in the Chinese province of Gansu is famous for an unusual natural treasure - colorful rock formations of multi-colored sandstone rocks and conglomerates dating primarily to the Cretaceous period. About a hundred million years ago, on the site of the mountains there was a natural pool, which later dried up, and its sediment oxidized, taking on an unusually beautiful variegated color.

3. Bamboo Forest, Japan

An alley of bamboo trees bordered by railings made of dry bamboo stems in Arashiyama Park

In the heart of Kyoto's urban landscape lies a picturesque corner of nature - a dense bamboo grove consisting of countless bamboo trees. The impressive area has plenty of room to roam, so the forest has become a favorite vacation spot for townspeople and visitors. At night, the park is illuminated by hundreds of small lanterns and captivates with its fabulous appearance.

4. Monastic complex of Meteora, Greece

Meteora monasteries on top of huge cliffs

Unique monasteries literally grow out of the rock, crowning the tops of the cliffs. The rocks themselves are part of the ancient mountain system of Thessaly, located in the historical region of Greece. About 60 million years ago, on the site of the rocks there was a sea, and today Meteora is one of the most valuable and sacred historical places from the point of view of the Christian religion.

5. Salar de Yuni, Bolivia

Reflection of the blue South American sky on the mirror surface of the salt lake Yuni

In the south of the high desert, on the Altipano plateau, there was once a salt lake. Later it dried up, exposing the salty bottom. The thickness of the salt layer is from 2 to 8 meters, and during the rainy season, when the surface of this layer is covered with a layer of water, the Yuni salt marsh becomes like a giant mirror: the surface of the lake merges with the blue sky, and the surrounding landscapes acquire truly unearthly beauty.

6. Tianji Mountains, China

Huge cliffs rise above the rainforest in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

Having wondered what is the most beautiful place on earth, many travelers choose one of the natural parks in China - Zhangjiajie. On its territory there are “floating” mountains. It was these landscapes that became the prototype for the landscapes in the world-famous film “Avatar”. Mountain peaks shrouded in fog against the backdrop of a green abyss create a truly stunning impression.

7. Ancient city of Petra, Jordan

Rock temple-mausoleum of El Khazneh or Pharaoh's Treasury at night

One of the seven new wonders of the world is located in Jordan - this is the ancient city of Petra, whose history goes back almost three millennia. The city, whose name comes from the word “rock,” is indeed entirely carved out of rock. Numerous temples, colonnades, tombs, baths and much more are skillfully carved into the rock - in total there are more than eight hundred historical monuments.

8. Tunnel of Love, Ukraine

Deciduous tunnel along railway tracks in a forest

A beautiful green corner in the Ukrainian village of Klevan has recently become a popular place for romantic walks and photo shoots. The green tunnel, “entwined” on all sides with rich vegetation, was created not by some master designer, but by nature itself and an ordinary train, which travels along the rails laid here three times a day and transports timber, making its way through the thickness of the greenery.

Sunrise with many hot air balloons over Bagan in Myanmar

The Valley of a Thousand Pagodas is one of the famous historical sites in Myanmar. On an area of ​​only about 4 square meters. kilometers there are thousands of Buddhist, and not only, temples. This is a priceless archaeological site with thousands of centuries-old historical structures, many of which are richly decorated with gold and other precious materials.

10. Kawachi Fuji Garden, Japan

A tunnel of hanging garlands of fragrant wisteria flowers in the Japanese garden of Kawachi Fuji

Not far from Tokyo lies an extraordinary fairy-tale garden, immersed in millions of flowers of all shades of the rainbow. These are flowers common in Japan - wisteria, which hang like garlands of vines from specially constructed frames. Stunning waterfalls of flowers flow from above, forming a colorful, fragrant tunnel. In addition to wisteria, you can find a lot of other, bright, but more familiar flowers in the garden.

11. Li River, China

The clean and transparent Li River among the green hills and quaint mountain peaks of China

The cleanest waterway in China, the Li River, is also famous for its beauty. Cruises are regularly organized along the waters of the river, and sailing along the calm surface of the yellow-green waters, you can contemplate stunning landscapes - the silk ribbon of the river deftly meanders among the green hills and spacious rice fields, creating an amazing, mysterious and enigmatic landscape.

12. Santorini Island, Greece

White churches and monasteries with sky blue domes on the island of Santorini in Greece

The romantic island in the Aegean Sea is a real archaeological find, covered in entire legends. Everyone who arrives on the island will find something to their liking: those who are interested in archeology can visit numerous excavations, history buffs can visit museums and ancient temples, and fans of outdoor activities will find excellent diving spots in the coastal waters.

13. Inca city Machu Picchu, Peru

View of Huayna Picchu mountain and the ruins of the “lost city of the Incas” Machu Picchu near Cusco in Peru

The most beautiful places on earth are complemented by the ancient Inca city, lost in the high mountains of Peru and shrouded in clouds. The entire city consists of several hundred structures arranged in a clearly structured manner. The inaccessibility of the city, located among high cliffs, is even more fascinating; its mystery attracts millions of tourists every year.

14. Sea cave in Algarve, Portugal

Tourists in one of the most beautiful sea caves in the world - Benagil Cave

One of the most expressive natural creations is located near the popular Portuguese beach of Praia de Benagil. The cave of amazing shape was formed as a result of natural processes - the influence of water and wind on rocky rock. Cruises on boats, speedboats or rowing mini-boats - kayaks are regularly organized through the azure sea waters to the cave.

15. Grand Canyon, USA

The spectacular landscape of the Grand Canyon from the south side

The most beautiful places in the world continue with the deepest Grand Canyon, the views of which are stunning at first sight. Along its reddish rocky walls, as you go deeper down, there is a gradual change in climatic zones, and significant differences in temperature and humidity are created. The Colorado River flows along the very bottom of the gorge, which has been making its way through the rocky rock for millions of years.

16. Monument Valley, USA

"Martian landscape" of red sandstone rocks in Monument Valley

Monument Valley has become one of the national symbols of the United States. When you move through the monotonous landscapes of a lifeless desert, the fantastic outlines of rocky formations on the horizon evoke vivid impressions. It seems as if you are transported to an ancient country, and the red and yellow rocks suddenly turn into ancient castles, temples and stone sculptures.

17. Rice terraces in Mu Can Chai, Vietnam

The unique beauty of the rice terraces in Mu Can Chai in Vietnam

Residents of the northern province of Vietnam have actually achieved the impossible by creating rice terraces right on the steep slopes of numerous hills. The “rapids” created by the residents on which rice is planted create a horizontal plane while trapping water that flows from the peaks down the slopes. The formed bends of the terraces do not in any way disturb the harmony of natural landscapes and even serve as their unique decoration.

Natural travertine pools and terraces at Pamukkale ("cotton castle") in southwest Turkey

Castles are built not only by architects - sometimes nature itself does this job better. A striking example is the Pamukkale Cotton Castle. The combination of snow-white salt formations and the azure of the purest thermal waters filling the salt baths creates amazing views. In addition to admiring the beauty of these places, here you can significantly improve your health by taking a dip in one of the warm thermal pools.

19. Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Aerial view of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia

The largest and most beautiful coral reef is located in the Pacific waters on the Australian coast. The reef structure is formed by billions of tiny microorganisms, creating the world's largest coral ecosystem. Against the backdrop of photos of the most beautiful places in the world, the photo of a coral reef stands out for its brightness, originality and amazing riot of colors.

20. Cinque Terre, Italy

Beautiful coastline of the village of Vernazza with brightly painted houses in the Cinque Terre

In the Italian region of Liguria there is one place with amazing views of the sea and mountain landscapes. This is the Cinque Terre Park - a green area stretching along the rocky coast and including five coastal settlements that appeared on this territory back in the era of the Roman Empire. Among the architectural monuments of the region are medieval palaces, sanctuaries and ancient mansions.

21. Venice, Italy

Gondoliers at the old Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute on the Grand Canal in the Dorsoduro district of Venice

Not only beautiful, but also one of the most romantic places on earth is located in Italy, on the Adriatic coast. The world-famous Venice is a corner of majestic ancient architecture, an atmosphere of freedom and eternal celebration. And the constant splash of water flowing through the canals that permeate the entire city makes this place recognizable among thousands of other places on the planet.

22. Plitvice Lakes - National Park of Croatia

Majestic view of a waterfall with turquoise water in the sun's rays in Plitvice Lakes Park

Another of the planet's natural paradises is located in Croatia. Plitvice Lakes are a magical natural creation, which the Croatians themselves call the eighth wonder of the world. The lakes, located at different levels in height, flow into one another and create unique water cascades, stunning in their views. In total, there are 16 such lakes in the national park.

23. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

Romantic Neuschwanstein Castle against the backdrop of snowy mountains in southern Germany

In the Bavarian Alps, on a hill, directly above a deep, mysterious gorge, an unusually light structure rises, as if floating in the air. It resembles a fairy-tale castle, as if straight from the pages of a romantic fairy tale about princesses, knights and brave deeds. The unusually beautiful Neuschwanstein Castle is surrounded by equally beautiful surrounding landscapes - inaccessible mountain peaks and crystal lakes.

24. Navagio Bay, Greece

Famous Navagio Bay with a wrecked rusty smugglers ship on the white sand

In the clear waters of the Ionian Sea is located the small Greek island of Zakynthos. Green pine trees, emerald waters, blue skies, golden sands - all this attracts streams of tourists and vacationers. It is here that one of the most beautiful bays in the world is located, which is famous not only for its beauty, but also for the wreck of a smuggling ship, which was thrown ashore by a severe storm back in 1982.

25. Bora Bora Island, French Polynesia

Beautiful view of the turquoise lagoon and the extinct volcano Otemanu on the island of Bora Bora

The most beautiful places of nature are organically complemented by the pearl of paradise in the Pacific Ocean - the island of Bora Bora. This island has long been a favorite of newlyweds and couples in love - a small, remote microworld of emerald clear lagoons, fancy flowers and bright tropical birds creates an ideal atmosphere of romance and comfort. In addition, here is the ideal service for a relaxing holiday.

Spray and fog due to the enormous force of the falling water of Victoria Falls in the middle of the Zambezi River

On the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia in Africa, you can see one incredible natural phenomenon - the waters of the Zambezi River in a colossal wide stream, roaring into the gorge, and then rushing into a narrow crevice, creating clouds of tiny water splashes. Victoria Falls is not the highest, but undoubtedly it has no equal in beauty and grandeur in the world.

27. Provence, France

Summer sunset and endless lavender fields in Provence

One of the most cozy and beautiful French provinces is located on the Mediterranean coast, right at the foot of the Alps. This fabulous place generously bestows its warmth, attracts with an abundance of vineyards, olive groves, sunflower fields, heather, and of course, delicate lilac lavender, which has become a kind of calling card of this region.

28. Glacial Moraine Lake, Canada

Sunrise at Moraine Lake in Banff National Park in Alberta

In the Banff Nature Park, in the so-called Valley of 10 Mountain Peaks, there is a mysterious and mesmerizing reservoir - glacial Lake Moraine, the waters of which do not freeze even in severe frosts. Unrealistically beautiful landscapes - majestic spruce trees, relief mountain slopes - frame the lake, reflected in the surface of its crystal azure waters.

Magical landscape with sunrise over a tulip field in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is known throughout the world for its flowers, and tulips have become their wonderful symbol. Hundreds of thousands of travelers every year take a walk to the colorful flowering fields to admire this riot of colors and floral splendor. From a distance, such fields look as if they are divided into even variegated stripes - all this splendor is created by tulips blooming in spring.

30. Geirangerfjord, Norway

The emerald blue expanse of Geirangerfjord among rocks with lush greenery and snow-capped mountain peaks

Norway is famous for its fjords - giant mountain corridors filled with sea water. One of Norway's most famous fjords is Geirangerfjord, whose serene waters reflect canopied cliffs and lush green forests. Small villages, towns and farms are comfortably located along its banks, and in some places streams of waterfalls fall directly from the cliffs into the abyss.

31. Great Blue Hole, Belize

The Blue Hole is the most popular recreational dive site off the coast of Belize.

A large sinkhole of karst origin is located in the Atlantic Ocean, near the coast of Central America. Its depth reaches 120 meters, and the perfectly round shape of its edges is best observed from a height - for example, from a helicopter, from where all the beauty of this natural phenomenon will be revealed. According to one version, the crater is a collapsed limestone cave.

32. Vatnajokull Glacier Caves, Iceland

Blue cave of Vatnajokull glacier in Iceland

In Iceland, the cold kingdom of snow and ice, you can also find the most beautiful places on the planet, one of which is glacier caves. Getting into their depths, it’s as if you find yourself in a fairy-tale kingdom of cold: there are ice walls everywhere, through which light flows, refracting at different angles. The process of cave formation is caused by the movement of melt water, which forms bizarre cavities inside the glacier.

33. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Panorama of the three Great Pyramids on the Giza Plateau

The Egyptian pyramids are the only surviving ancient wonders of the world: several pyramids at Giza, guarded by the Great Sphinx, are part of an ancient necropolis that is the object of close attention of archaeologists to this day. Ancient Egyptian pharaohs are buried in the largest pyramids, and their wives, as well as priests and officials, are buried in smaller structures.

34. Gasadalur village, Faroe Islands

Bosdalafossur waterfall and the Danish village of Gasadalur on the picturesque island of Vagar

This settlement with its pristine nature is located on the western side of one of the Faroe Islands in the Kingdom of Denmark. Small, toy-like village houses are located above a cliff from which a waterfall falls straight into the ocean. This quiet and cozy place is a true paradise for those who love a combination of beautiful nature, peace and tranquility.

35. Antelope Canyon, USA

Inside Antelope Canyon

A unique creation of nature and an iconic landmark of the state of Arizona in the USA is Antelope Canyon, a mystical place in the form of long crevices in red-yellow sandstone rocks. Amazing views inside the canyon open up in rare moments when the sun is at its zenith and its rays fall into the crevice, and then the gorge begins to play with new, unusual colors.

36. Iguazu Falls, Argentina, Brazil

Spectacular view of Iguazu Falls from Argentina

A colossal complex of rapid waterfalls was formed at the intersection of the Iguazu and Parana rivers. The cascade is formed by about three hundred small waterfalls. On the opposite side of the crevice into which the water falls, there is an observation deck from where you can watch a stunning spectacle: a huge mass of water, forming myriads of water splashes, sparkling and shimmering in the sun, falls down with a roar.

37. Batu Caves, Malaysia

Holy Batu Caves near Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

One of the most revered Indian shrines and a real miracle of nature is the Batu Caves. The age of the caves is already about 400 million years - once in their place there were rocks, in which cavities were washed out over time as a result of the influence of water. This is how several long caves were formed, walking through which you can see the amazing formations of stalactites or visit a cave temple.

38. McWay Falls, USA

McWay Falls falls from a cliff into a cove with sandy beaches in Julia Pfeiffer Burns Park

The best places in the world continue with another one of the most unusual waterfalls in the world, which is located in the American state of California. McWay Falls is considered an ever-living waterfall, since it never dries up, and its waters fall from a cliff directly into a picturesque bay. And the vegetation itself surrounding the waterfall always remains green - the secret is that the trees in this area are fed by the waters of the underground river.

39. Cappadocia, Türkiye

Hot air balloon flights over colorful rocks in Cappadocia

Cappadocia is called the heart of Turkey - this historical region is located in the very heart of the country. Once here, you can feel like a guest of another planet - the local landscapes are so unusual: there are snow-capped peaks of extinct volcanoes, and low mountains, and Cappadocia has for some time now become a popular destination for excursion flights in large hot air balloons.

40. Mount Roraima - located on the border of three countries: Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana

Fantastic view from the top of Mount Roraima

In South America there are the most ancient rock formations - unusual mountains with flat, seemingly truncated tops. The highest of these mountains is located at the junction of three South American states, and the area of ​​its top is impressive in size - about 34 square meters. km. About a fifth of this area is occupied by reservoirs, which, falling from the mountain, give life to the Amazon, Essequibo and Orinoco rivers.

41. James Bond Island, Thailand

Beautiful surroundings of Koh Tapu or James Bond island in Phang Nga Bay in Thailand

One of the “star” attractions of Thailand, Tapu Island, gained fame thanks to the famous film back in 1974. Since then, the small island has become the starting point for the active development of tourism in Phuket. This area captivates with its beauty: against the background of emerald sea waters, a limestone rock covered with greenery rises. Boat excursions are regularly organized from Phuket to Tapu Island.

42. Troll Tongue, Norway

The Troll's tongue and the landscape of the blue waters of Lake Ringedalsvatn, surrounded by mountains

Sometimes the most beautiful places in the world, their photos with names, captivate you from the moment you first become acquainted with them. A striking example of this is the fascinating natural landmark of Norway - the Troll's Tongue rock. The dream of almost every traveler here is to take a photo from the top of that very rock, namely from its ledge, from where dizzying views of the mountain landscapes and the azure calm waters of the Hardangerfjord open up.

43. Giant temple complex of Angkor Wat, Cambodia

A giant Hindu temple complex in Cambodia dedicated to the god Vishnu

The world's largest religious building, erected in the 10th-12th centuries in Cambodia, was dedicated to the supreme Hindu deity Vishnu. Angkor Wat is a gigantic 3-level complex of temples that has kept the secrets and legends of the capital of the Khmer Empire for about a millennium. The height of the complex, built of sandstone, is 65 meters, and on its colossal area of ​​2.5 sq. km there are magnificent towers, terraces, galleries and gardens.

44. Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Brazil

Tourists walking towards the lagoon and dunes at Grande Lencua in Lençois Maranhenses National Park

The fantastic landscapes of the Brazilian natural park Lencois-Maranhenses make an indelible impression. The vast territory of the park with snow-white sand dunes is occupied by small turquoise lakes, creating a magnificent contrast of colors. Despite the desert views, Lençóis Maranhenses is not essentially a desert - it rains regularly here, which fills the spaces between the sandy hills with water.

45. Valley of Geysers, Russia

One of the landscapes of the Valley of Geysers in the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve
Stunning views of green rocky slopes and swirling streams of steam in the Valley of Geysers Robert Nunn

In Kamchatka, in the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve, there is one of the most interesting geyser fields. In fact, the valley is a volcanic canyon, on the territory of which several dozen gushing hot springs are concentrated. This entire area resembles a seething cauldron - everything here flows, hisses and seethes, steam streams burst out and hot thermal water pulsates.

So where is the most beautiful place? The answer to this question still cannot be unambiguous, but the rating of the most beautiful places in the world will certainly be a useful aid for the traveler in choosing the most impressive sights of our planet.

If you have the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world and want the most vivid impressions, it is useful to know the names and addresses of the most popular attractions. This review will allow you to save time searching for ideal vacation spots where there will be no reason to get bored.

Machu Picchu (Peru)

Machu Picchu is one of the modern wonders of the world, located in Peru at an altitude of 2.45 km above sea level. This is an incredibly original and picturesque “city in the sky”. It is the main attraction that tourists come to see. Since the “city among the clouds” (another name for Machu Picchu) is located between two mountain peaks, some decide to climb at least one of them and enjoy the view of the Incan mountain refuge to a greater extent. The most desperate climb both.

It is believed that the Inca ruler Pachacutec created this settlement for priests, astrologers, nobles and cultural figures around 1440. And when the Spaniards invaded the territory of the empire almost 100 years later, the inhabitants suddenly disappeared somewhere. The city is built from processed stone slabs. It has many winding stairs and streets, which often lead to a dead end or to a terrace located directly above the abyss.

  • Where is: in the Andes, 1320 km southeast of Lima, 240 km from Cusco airport, 6 km from the nearest city (Aguas Calientes).
  • Opening hours: daily from 5:30 to 20:30.
  • Cost of visit: for adult foreigners - from $50. If you want to climb one of the mountains, you need to pay about $15 extra. There are discounts for students and children: a visit to Machu Picchu alone will cost $23 for children from 7 to 17 years old and $26 for youth aged 18–25 years.

Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

The largest religious building of all time (about 200 hectares) in honor of the god Vishnu. The literal translation of the name is Temple City. This symbol of Khmer culture was built in the 12th century. Tourists say in reviews about it: “Majestic antiquity and ancient grandeur.”

Since the temple area is surrounded by a 190-meter moat, the structure can be reached through a bridge whose width is 250 meters. This attraction is a 3-stage pyramid-shaped platform with towers in the shape of lotus flowers. As you approach the main object, it seems to grow out of the ground. The architects created this effect through terraces of different heights.

Taj Mahal (India)

The Taj Mahal is a monument to the love of the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan for the charming poor girl Mumtaz Mahal. When his beloved died, the ruler was heartbroken and decided to build the best mausoleum on the planet in her honor. The project was completed after 22 years.

As a result, an incredibly beautiful palace was created, with 11 domes and 2 side towers. This is the most visited place in India and one of the favorites of tourists all over the world.

Ancient city of Petra (Jordan)

In Jordan, it is worth visiting the amazingly preserved ancient city of Petra. Translated, the name means “stone”, “rock”. The meaning of the name is that houses, temples and crypts are built exclusively from this material. The city even now belongs to the Bedouins, and they always welcome guests.

You can get to the city only through the narrow Siq gorge, which was once the bed of a mountain stream. Main objects: a huge temple, a triumphal arch, a treasury. It is recommended to pay close attention to all types of stone structures.

Mezquita (Spain)

This cathedral mosque is unique in that it combines different styles of architecture. It is also quite ancient - built in the 8th century. Initially, this temple was Muslim, but later Christians converted it into a cathedral. Note the Orange Court, which was hundreds of years in the making, as well as the 5 ablution fountains.

Your attention will surely be attracted by multi-colored mosaics, marble panels, as well as columns made of multi-colored precious materials: jasper, granite and marble.

  • Where is: Spain, Calle Cardenal Herrero, 1, Córdoba.
  • Opening hours: Monday–Saturday – from 10:00 to 18:00. From March to October inclusive, admission is open until 19:00. From 13:30 to 16:00 the entrance to the bell tower is closed.
  • Cost of visit: standard - 10 EURO, children from 5 to 14 years old pay 2 times less. Entry to the bell tower costs 2 EURO.

St. Peter's Basilica (Italy)

If you go somewhere, you will most likely want to take a look at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The construction dates back to the 16th-17th centuries, and the main feature of this religious building is its impressive size and grandiose interior decoration.

What you can see: statues of Michelangelo and Bernini, chapels, a large canopy in the center (where the Pope sits during Mass), relics and various relics.

  • Where located: Piazza san pietro, 00120 città del vaticano.
  • Opening hours: from 7:00 to 19:00 daily, from October 1 to March 31 - reception ends at 18:30. On Wednesdays, the reception can often start only from 13:00, this is due to the audience of the Pope.
  • Cost of visit: 8–10 €.

Great Wall of China, Mutianyu section (China)

This is the most carefully restored section of the Great Wall of China. The 22 watchtowers located here have retained their original appearance and are an architectural masterpiece. The name means "valley where you can admire the views of the fields." This is the longest restored section and is completely open to tourists.

  • Where is: The nearest Beijing metro station is Dongzhimen.
  • Opening hours: daily from 7:30. On weekdays - until 17:00, on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) - until 18:00.
  • Cost of visit: 45 yuan for adults (person height 1.5 m), 25 yuan for children (height 1.2–1.5 m), free for small children (up to 1.2 m).

Old Town (Croatia)

The Croatian town of Dubrovnik is one of the most amazing European ancient monuments. The walls of the old city were erected in the 12th–14th centuries. The houses inside the old city, as well as religious buildings, are also of interest. The tiled roofs and cobbled streets look very charming.

What you can see: not only architectural masterpieces, but also the Great Onuphrius Fountain. Previously, it served as a water pipe. At the time of its creation, in the 15th century, clean water came through an aqueduct, and it flowed from a mountain spring.

Kremlin (Russia)

This attraction is probably the closest, but not all Russians manage to get to it. However, it is important to do this at least once in your life, since the Kremlin is an amazing architectural monument of the 15-19 centuries. Many people are still planning trips to Moscow (for example, they need to fly from there to a distant point in the world) - so why not plan a visit to the Kremlin and Red Square?

The Kremlin towers are made in different architectural styles, and they are located on a brick wall of impressive height. You can go inside through the Spassky Gate, which serves as the main entrance. During the tour, try to find out more interesting facts about the famous large clock of the Kremlin.

  • Where is: Moscow Red Square.
  • Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 17:00 (except Thursdays).
  • Cost of visit: regular ticket for adults - 500 rubles, for preferential categories (children, students, pensioners) - 250 rubles.

Eiffel Tower (France)

At the end of the 19th century, engineer Gustave Eiffel made a breakthrough in architecture. He decided to use steel and glass to build the tower. When you visit this 324-meter landmark, take in its grace and awe-inspiring size.

The tower is divided into 3 levels at an altitude of 57, 115 and 274 m. Each has its own remarkable features, areas and restaurants. For example, on the first platform you can watch a film about the history of the Eiffel Tower or visit a museum.

  • Where is: western part of Paris, Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole France.
  • Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 19:30.
  • Cost of visit: depends on the lifting height (level), the age of the tourist and the lifting method; standard for an adult - from 7 to 25 euros, for children and youth there are discounts.

Great Pyramids at Giza (Egypt)

The pyramids of Mikerin, Khafre, Cheops are the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day. Their edges are amazingly smooth, and their shapes (isosceles triangles) are incredibly precise. The Greatest Pyramid of Cheops is considered. The blocks are held on each other by their gravity. Even modern scientific advances do not allow stone blocks to be processed so carefully.

  • Where is: on the outskirts of Cairo, west coast of the Nile.
  • Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 17:00. However, the pyramid area closes earlier in winter (16:30) and during Ramadan (15:00).
  • Cost of visit: on average - from $50.

Golden Gate Bridge (USA)

This huge bridge is called the “gateway” because it seems to let the Pacific Ocean into San Francisco Bay. Strictly speaking, its color is red, not gold.

When the object was created (this is the 1930s), it became the largest suspension bridge in the world for several decades. And it's not just about size. The Golden Gate impresses primarily with its beauty.

  • Where is: Between the northern San Francisco Peninsula and southern Marin County.
  • Opening hours: around the clock; limited time for passage and travel on the western and eastern sides; tourist pavilion - from 9:00 to 18:00
  • Cost of visit: travel - $5–7.5 if you are traveling from the north to San Francisco; Travel from south to north and passage for pedestrians are free.

Grand Canal in Venice (Italy)

It is not surprising that many lovers around the world consider it their duty to watch. The main attention of tourists is directed to the Grand Canal - the main “street” with a specific “transport system”. The water city is filled with impressive palaces and buildings in a variety of architectural styles.

  • Where is: starts at the railway station and runs through the whole of Venice to the customs building, where it merges with other canals.
  • Cost of travel: boat rental - 50–80 euros; gondola - 80–100 euros for a 40-minute ride (if there are several passengers, the amount is divided among all).

Shwedagon Pagoda (Myanmar)

A pagoda is a religious building of Buddhism, Hinduism or Taoism. Shwedagon Pagoda (Myanmar) amazes with its height and beauty. And the area occupied by the facility is quite large: more than 5 hectares.

When visiting, look out for sculptures of real or mythical animals. The giant temple acquired its present appearance in the 15th century under Queen Shinsobu. The Shwedagon Pagoda resembles an inverted bowl and is lined with gold from top to bottom.

Ancient city of Ephesus (Türkiye)

Ephesus is very popular among tourists because it is well preserved. The ancient city is still imbued with legends and the spirit of antiquity. It is comparable in importance to Pompeii.

Alhambra (Spain)

This is an ancient palace (literally translated - Red Castle). Perhaps this refers to the color of clay or bricks. Another version says that the name associates the palace with the red flame of torches. Construction went on around the clock, which is why lighting was required. What to pay attention to: many symmetrically located arches, a lion courtyard, a fountain.

Australian War Memorial (Canberra)

This is the main memorial in honor of the soldiers who died during both world wars. Today it is considered the most significant monument of its kind on Earth.

Duomo Cathedral (Italy)

Back in the 13th century, Siena was a city-state and competed with Florence. Its residents wanted to build a better temple than their neighbors had. The idea was a great success and still amazes with its beauty.

  • Where is: Piazza del Duomo, 8, 53100 Siena.
  • Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 19:00 in the main season and until 17:30 in winter.
  • Cost of visit: depends on the season and on which parts of the cathedral to visit: 4–15 € - individual rooms, 20–25 € - combined ticket.

Teotihuacan (Mexico)

The Aztecs once lived here. Researchers are inclined to believe that this is one of the most ancient and largest cities in the Western Hemisphere, but they cannot determine the exact age.

Sydney Opera House (Australia)

The building is one of the most recognizable in the world. Architect Jorn Utzon came up with an original move - to make roofs that resemble shells. Now this opera house is a symbol of Sydney and all of Australia.

Let's sum it up

A visit is a good idea if you have the time, opportunity and desire. Each of them has a recognizable style and its own charm. Not without difficulties: travel is often complicated by the distance from the road and the benefits of civilization. Visiting some attractions requires stamina, as they involve traveling long distances or facing unfavorable weather conditions.

Still, the extraordinary beauty of these places is obvious even from the photographs provided. The vast majority of reviews about them are positive. It’s unlikely that any tourist attractions are the “best”, but popularity ratings do help make your choice. Find the most suitable attractions and go on vacation, taking everything you need with you.

What places do tourists visit most often? Journalists from Travel Leisure decided to find out. Based on data provided by the institutions responsible for tourism in different countries, a list of the most visited tourist destinations in the world has been compiled. Which place turned out to be the most popular among tourists? Find out on FullPicture.


30th place. Universal Studios Japan amusement park in Osaka, which opened in 2001. 10.1 million people visit it annually. (Photo: [email protected]/flickr.com).
29th place. Disney's Animal Kingdom amusement park in Florida is the largest of all the amusement parks owned by Walt Disney World Resort. It is also the second largest amusement park in the world. 10.2 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Ana Paula Hirama/flickr.com).
28th place. Disneyland Paris, which opened in 1992, is located on the outskirts of Paris, in Marne-la-Vallee. 10.4 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Cristian Bortes/flickr.com).
27th place. The Sacré-Coeur Basilica, which is located on the picturesque hill of Montmartre in Paris. Its bell tower houses one of the largest bells in the world. This cathedral attracts 10.5 million people annually. (Photo: Son of Groucho/flickr.com).
26th place. The Great Wall of China (Wanli Changcheng) is the largest building structure of ancient China, consisting of defensive fortifications erected at different times in order to protect the northern borders of the country from the nomadic peoples of the North. 10.7 million people visit it annually (Photo: Shutterstock).
25th place. St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, which has 11 chapels, 45 altars and countless statues, was created by the greatest architects and artists of the Renaissance and Baroque eras. 11 million people visit this place every year. (Photo: Chris Yunker/flickr.com).
24th place. Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. This amusement park, located on an area of ​​12 thousand hectares, is one of the largest entertainment complexes in the world. 11.2 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Evan Wohrman/flickr.com).
23rd place. San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. For a long time this embankment was unkempt and overgrown with weeds. However, the city authorities decided to change this, and by investing 72 million dollars, they created the most picturesque place in the city, which attracts thousands for tourists and local residents. Every year 11.5 million people come there. (Photo: jjsala/flickr.com).
22nd place. South Seaport Street in New York. The cobblestone streets, buildings and waterfront that formed New York's 19th-century waterfront area, known as the "Street of Sails", are now one of the city's most popular attractions. Every year this tourist center is visited by 12 million people. (Photo: Patricia Hallstein/flickr.com).
21st place. Balboa Park is the largest tourist destination in San Diego. There are a large number of museums and historical buildings from the 19th and 20th centuries, built in Spanish style and with colorful gardens. More than 12 million people visit this place every year. (Photo: Osbornb/flickr.com).
20th place. Golden Gate Park is located in San Francisco and covers an area of ​​4.1 square kilometers. It is visited by 13 million people a year. (Photo: Mila Zinkova/Wikimedia).
19th place. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, is visited by 14 million people every year. (Photo: Shutterstock).
18th place. Tokyo Disney Sea is an amusement park whose main theme is various myths and legends associated with the sea. More than 14 million tourists visit it every year. (Photo: JoshBerglund19/flickr.com).
17th place. Golden Gate National Recreation Area in San Francisco. This is an ideal place for a picnic and just relaxing among the greenery. 14.2 million people come there every year. (Photo: Frank Schulenburg/flickr.com).
16th place. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the former residence of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties and contains about 800 palaces. For five centuries the residence was closed to the outside world. Every year 15.3 million people come here. (Photo: Shutterstock).
15th place. Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Every year 16.2 million people have fun there. (Photo: HarshLight/flickr.com).
14th place. Tokyo Disneyland opened in 1983 and was the first Disney amusement park outside the United States. Every year it is visited by 17.2 million people. (Photo: fortherock/lickr.com).
13th place. Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston is a vibrant market where you can buy a variety of goods from around the world. About 18 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Masayuki (Yuki) Kawagishi/flickr.com)
12th place. Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Orlando, which opened in 1971, attracts 18.5 million visitors annually. (Photo: versageek/flickr.com).
11th place. The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico is the largest shrine to the Virgin Mary in the world, with 20 million visitors annually. (Photo: Janothird/wikimedia.org).
10th place. Grand Central Terminal in New York is the largest train station in the world. 21.6 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Rob Young/wikimedia.org).
9th place. A total of 21.6 million people a year come to admire Niagara Falls from the Canadian and American sides. It’s not surprising, because this place makes a huge and indelible impression, regardless of the time of year. (Photo: Michael Muraz/flickr.com).
8th place. Senso-ji is the oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo, built in 628. 30 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Wei-Te Wong/flickr.com).
7th place. Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo was built over 100 years ago in honor of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken. Currently, it is visited by at least 30 million people annually. Despite such a large number of visitors, you can find peace and tranquility there. The temple is surrounded by a forest of more than 100 thousand trees. (Photo: Meiji Jingu/flickr.com).
6th place. The Las Vegas Strip is a section of Las Vegas Boulevard that is approximately 6.8 kilometers long. The Las Vegas Strip is home to nineteen of the twenty-five largest hotels in the world by number of rooms. The Las Vegas Strip attracts 30.5 million visitors annually. (Photo: David Stanley/flickr.com).
5th place. Washington DC's Union Station is ranked fifth among the most visited tourist destinations in the world. 40 million people visit it annually. (Photo: F Delventhal/flickr.com).
4th place. Central Park is the green symbol of New York. Every year, about 40 million people pass through its streets, for whom this is the best place to relax on the grass in a densely built-up city. (Photo: Abir Anwar/flickr.com).
3rd place. Times Square in New York has topped the list of the world's most visited tourist destinations for many years. In the latest ranking, however, he took only third place. This most famous square in the United States is visited by 50 million people every year. (Photo: MK Feeney/flickr.com).
2nd place. The Zocalo (Constitution Square) in Mexico City is one of the largest in the world. It was founded by the conquistadors in the 16th century on the site where the center of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan used to be. Nowadays it is a very busy square where people like to sit on benches, stone steps or high curbs. 85 million people visit it annually. (Photo: David Jones/flickr.com).
The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul took 1st place in the ranking of the most visited tourist places in the world. The Grand Bazaar is a huge labyrinth of thousands of shops, stalls, fountains and cafes, and a mixture of scents, colors and people. At the Grand Bazaar you can buy almost everything: clothes, trinkets, carpets, spices and even aphrodisiacs. Shopping here is a relentless bargaining experience and an interesting adventure. This is probably why the Grand Bazaar is the most visited place in the world. 91.2 million people shop there every year! (Photo: george ruiz/flickr.com).

The most famous man-made monuments in the world

Here are the 10 most famous landmarks in the world. These man-made landmarks and monuments are famous because of their location or special architecture and are of course famous landmarks of the world that would be considered wonderful to visit with the family.

We choose the following landmarks because they are located on six of the seven continents on our planet: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America, and Australia. These world-famous attractions attract millions of visitors every year and are major tourist attractions around the world.

Top 10 Famous Landmarks

This three-story metal tower stands in the center of Paris. It was built for the 1889 Universal Expo in honor of the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The 324 meter tall Eiffel Tower was built by August Eiffel and a team of engineers. If you want to go up to the observation deck of the tower, you need to take 704 steps to get up, but luckily there are elevators. Since its opening, the tower has been visited by more than 250 million people, and in 2016, more than 7 million visitors climbed to the top platform of the tower!

The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It serves as a fence over a very long distance throughout China. The wall is also referred to as the "Long Wall" as it is over 21,196 km in length. It was built from stone, brick and tiles, earth, and wooden material. Construction was completed in 1644, but it took more than 2,000 years to complete. The wall is home to over 20,000 watchtowers that were built to protect the country from incursions by nomads and enemies and to facilitate the collection of duties on goods that were transported along the Silk Road. Today the wall is the most popular attraction in China with more than 10 million visitors a year. Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall cannot be removed from the moon!

The Grand Kremlin Palace is part of the Kremlin complex and is located next to Red Square and St. Basil's Cathedral in the Russian capital Moscow. The Kremlin is a fortress with enclosing walls and built along the Moscow River. The name "Kremlin" means "fortress in the city." The more than 500-year-old Kremlin includes the wall with its 20 towers, as well as four churches and five palaces within the walls. The Kremlin was once the residence of the Tsars. Today this is where the Russian President is located. St. Basil's Cathedral is easily recognizable thanks to its nine bright domes.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the main tourist attractions in Italy. The independent bell tower of the Pisa Cathedral took more than two hundred years to build and was completed in 1399. The original height of the tower was 60 meters, but as it leans, the lowest side is now less than 56 meters. Construction caused many problems as the soil was soft, sandy and unstable. Already during construction, the builders tried to balance the leaning side with columns on the other side, but the tower still leaned, like many other buildings in the area. In 2000, the tower was reinforced with stronger soil.

The Great Pyramid of Giza near Cairo is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one of these wonders of the ancient world that still exists. The pyramids are made of stone and brick and stand near Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt. The Egyptian pyramids were built at a time when there was only manual labor and no equipment for lifting machines. The pyramids were built to house the bodies of the pharaoh who ruled ancient Egypt. Next to the Pyramids of Giza is the Sphinx, the famous monument of a lion's body with the head of a pharaoh. The Pyramids of Giza are about 4,500 years old and are considered one of the largest buildings.

Built in Australia's largest city, the Sydney Opera House is famous for its architecture. The roofs of the theater resemble shells or sails. The opera house was designed by Jorn Utzon from Denmark and was built between 1959 and 1973. The roof is covered with more than 1 million roofing tiles. It was made in Sweden. The opera house has several performance halls, theater and exhibition halls. More than 40 concerts are held here every week. Over 8 million visitors visit this Australian landmark every year! Every evening the rooftop is illuminated with a colorful spectacle.

The Statue of Liberty is 92 meters / 305 feet tall and is made of an iron structure with a copper skin.
Lady Liberty, as the statue is often referred to, was designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, while the woman's massive iron skeleton was designed by Alexander Gustave Eiffel, who also designed the Eiffel Tower.
The statue was built in France in 1884. The monument was then disassembled into 350 pieces and packed into 214 boxes and shipped to New York. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the American people at the American Centennial in 1886. The flame of the torch is covered in gold, the crown has seven rays, representing the seven continents.
The monument stands on Liberty Island on the Hudson River, facing New York City. You can climb 154 steps from the pedestal to the head of the statue, where you can see fantastic views of the "Big Apple", as New York is so often lovingly called.

The Taj Mahal, which means "crown of palaces" in Persian, stands on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra in northern India. In 1632, Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned the construction of a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal contains the wife's grave, as well as a mosque and a guest house. The Taj Mahal was built from white marble and the finest materials sourced from all over Asia. It is decorated with precious and semi-precious stones. Lines from the Koran are depicted on many walls. The main dome of the Taj Mahal is 35 meters high and the minarets are 40 meters high. It is said that over 20,000 workers built the monument and over 1,000 elephants were used to transport heavy material during construction. The mausoleum attracts more than 8 million visitors every year.

Moai on Easter Island / Chile

Moai are huge statues on the Polynesian island of Rapa Nui. The island is usually called Easter Island and belongs to Chile. Easter Island is located more than 2,200 miles from Chile in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The islanders created more than 900 stone carvings between 1250 and 1500. Most of the stone figures with oversized heads were built from tufa stone and compressed volcanic ash. The statues weigh an average of 14 tons, which is the weight of two elephants! However, the size of the statues varies, there are some smaller ones and some larger ones. The heaviest stone weighs 82 tons and is 10 meters high! Most islanders believe that the huge stone statues represent their ancestors. There are over 900 monumental statues and 300 ceremonial sites that are sacred to the Rapa Nui people

Machu Picchu, which means "Old Mountain" in the local Quechua language, is a famous destination in Peru. It is also called the "Lost City of the Incas". The ruins of the Lost City are located in the mountains, at an altitude of more than 2400 meters above sea level. This ruined coastline has over 200 different buildings and structures. The ruins were not discovered by European conquistadors, but only became known in 1911 when an American archaeologist was brought to the site by local residents. While some people believe that Machu Picchu was built as a sacred site, others believe that it was once the summer retreat of the Inca emperor. It was built in the 14th century and probably housed more than 1,000 people. Since the site is being built on a mountain ridge and will therefore always be in danger of sliding downhill during the monsoon, over 600 terraces and a well laid out drainage system have been built around the town. The city is a magical sight and a wonderful example of Incan engineering, as the city's buildings were also built without the use of machinery!

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