How to find out the reason for a flight cancellation. Why do airlines cancel flights?

Traveling by plane simplifies people's lives and makes it more comfortable. Instead of spending two days by train, a person spends only a few hours on the road. People plan their vacation or business negotiations taking into account the exact flight schedule. If a flight is delayed or canceled altogether, tourists are late for connecting flights and work trips are disrupted.

This happens often. Therefore, you need to know what to do when a flight is canceled and where to apply for compensation for ticket costs.

Airlines do everything possible to ensure that flights are not delayed or canceled without good reason. Sometimes a person finds out about the cancellation of a flight right at the airport. Then you need to contact a representative of the air carrier.

On the day of departure

If a flight is canceled on the day of departure the company is obliged to explain the reason for the cancellation and, if possible, select another flight.

In a situation where a passenger has been checked in, but the flight is delayed from 2 to 4 hours, you can take advantage of some benefits:

  • Make 2 phone calls and send 2 emails at the airline's expense.
  • Get free soft drinks.
  • If the client has children under 7 years old, they can use the children's room for free.
  • If the delay is more than 4 hours, they must provide a free lunch.
  • When a flight is delayed for a long time, passengers must be fed every 6 hours.
  • If the flight is delayed for more than 8 hours during the day and longer than 6 hours at night, the passenger must be provided with a hotel free of charge.

In advance

Airplane tickets are much more expensive than other types of transport, so compensation for an unfulfilled flight is important here. If the flight is canceled 14 days or more in advance, and the passenger has not done anything during this time, the ticket price will not be refunded. If the carrier notified the client 13 days or less before departure, the amount of compensation depends on the duration of the flight.

When the airline informs about the cancellation of a trip several days before the flight, the passenger can choose one of two types of compensation:

  • Receive full money spent on the ticket. In the case of a flight with transfers, only the company responsible for canceling the flight will reimburse the cost;
  • the air carrier can send the tourist on another flight, not necessarily of its own company. The main thing is that the final destination coincides.


A flight cancellation or delay is a serious disruption to the operation of the entire airport. Therefore, any change in the flight schedule is not always the fault of the airline; it is often influenced by a number of unfavorable factors.

Airline wines

What can cause a flight to be canceled due to the fault of the airline:

  • scheduling errors;
  • the inability to register and take on board all passengers due to overbooking, that is, more tickets have been sold than there are available seats on the plane;
  • the employees did not have time to put the aircraft in order before the next flight;
  • not all places have been purchased and it is not financially profitable;
  • the carrier cannot voice compelling reasons for failure to fulfill its obligations to customers.

Other circumstances

There are a number of circumstances in which a flight cannot be operated, but the company is not responsible for this. The air carrier is not to blame if the flight is interfered with:

  • Unsafe weather: thunderstorm, heavy snowfall and so on.
  • Natural disasters: flood, hurricane, volcanic eruption.
  • Introduction of martial law in the country.
  • Restriction of cargo transportation in certain directions, introduction of sanctions.
  • Strike of airline workers responsible for preparing and dispatching aircraft.
  • Identified aircraft defects affecting flight safety.

Cancellation of charter

They organize charter flights travel companies. The flight is possible when enough tickets have been sold to make it profitable for the organizer. Charter flights are often delayed or even postponed indefinitely. This happens because the charter flight is a non-priority flight in the flight schedule.

What if the plane has problems technical problems, then tourists will have to sit and wait until they are eliminated; replacement of the vessel is not provided here.

When canceling a charter, all claims must be made only to the travel agencies that organized it. The contract for the provision of travel agency services must specify the amount of compensation in the event of a postponement or cancellation of a flight.


Canceling a planned flight ruins both personal and business plans of the passenger. But knowing the algorithm of actions in such a situation, you can reduce problems to a minimum.

When a company employee calls in advance and informs about the cancellation, the tourist can choose to fly on another flight or receive a refund for the ticket.

If the news about the flight cancellation caught the air passenger already at the airport, then you need to ask the company employee at the check-in counter about the reason for the postponement or cancellation of the flight. The airline must explain itself. If the carrier’s guilt is confirmed, the tourist will be offered to fly on another flight or receive money for a return ticket.

When flying on another aircraft, you cannot change your original destination.

In the event of a long delay in departure, a company employee must put a mark on the ticket indicating that the flight is delayed. It will make it easier to receive compensation in the future.

When people cannot fly due to overbooking, the carrier is obliged to return money to the “extra” passengers. Additional compensation is also possible, which depends on the flight range.

It is important to know that the deadline for filing a complaint for flight disruption on domestic routes is 60 days, on international routes - 7 days. The claim can be submitted by email.

For a complaint to work, lawyers advise:

  • keep the ticket and boarding pass with a note about the delay or cancellation of the flight;
  • checks for unexpected expenses - taxi to the hotel or lunch;
  • take a photo of the line on the board at the airport with information about the cancellation or delay of the flight;
  • invite neighbors on the flight to unite and submit documents together.


The traveler has the right to receive compensation for flight cancellation only due to the fault of the company. By Russian laws a tourist can receive a refund in the amount of 25% of the minimum wage (minimum wage), but not more than half the cost of the ticket. In November 2018, the minimum wage is 11,163 rubles.

Not long ago, Russia began to support the Montreal Convention, which helps passengers resolve conflict situations with air carriers. Under this convention, a tourist can receive compensation for waiting or disrupting a flight at a special SDR rate. It is summed up at the rates of five major world currencies and today amounts to 93 rubles. Based on this, the maximum compensation on an international flight is 4694 SDR, which when translated into rubles exceeds 430 thousand rubles. Compensation in this amount can only be achieved through the courts.

The air carrier has 60 days from the date of filing the application to refund money for an unused ticket. Money may arrive in your account earlier, but this does not happen often.

Upon learning of a flight cancellation or delay, immediately contact a carrier representative. Due to the fact that airlines try to maintain their reputation, they try to deliver the tourist to his destination on another flight as quickly as possible or negotiate a refund of the ticket price.

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Houston, we have problems: what to do if your flight is canceled or delayed

Imagine you are at the airport, looking forward to your trip, approaching the flight schedule board and seeing the words cancelled or delayed. And you still have several flight segments ahead. What to do in this situation? Together with the service for protecting the rights of air passengers Flyhelp, we have sorted out the issue and are ready to tell you about all the nuances!

Flight cancellation

When everything goes smoothly on a trip, it’s a cool journey, but if force majeure happens, it’s already an adventure. One of the most common adventures that can happen to you is a canceled or delayed flight.

According to the Flightstats resource, over the past month alone, about 65 thousand flights (63,183) were canceled in the world - this is 1.5-2% of the total number of flights. With flight delays, things are even worse. Just imagine, over half a million flights were late last month. Half a million! Moreover, large airlines are delayed more often than low-cost airlines.

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What kind of compensation can you expect?

If your flight is canceled or rescheduled, you will receive a letter with all the details two weeks before departure. You will be offered:

  1. Refund the full cost of the ticket within seven days;
  2. Choose another flight for free.

If you have been notified of a flight cancellation less than 14 days before departure, then you can count on compensation. This, of course, is not thousands of euros, but it’s nice!

You'll get:

  • €250 for flights up to 1.5 thousand km. For example, from Kyiv to Minsk, Sofia,;
  • €400 – from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand km. For example, from Kyiv to,;
  • €600 – from 3.5 thousand km. Eg, .

What factors does the payment amount depend on?

“The amount of compensation for flight cancellation is calculated from two factors:

  1. when you were warned about the flight cancellation (7-14 days / up to 14 days);
  2. what alternative route was offered to you (how late you were at your destination);
  3. flight distance (from departure point to final arrival, if you are flying with transfers);

If a flight is cancelled, the airline must offer you an alternative route. If you can be delivered to your destination within 2-4 hours of the scheduled arrival of your canceled flight, your compensation may be reduced by 50%.

If you are provided with a flight that arrives at your destination with a delay of less than two hours, then this generally exempts the airline from paying compensation.

In practice, in most cases you find out about the flight cancellation at the airport and airlines very rarely have the opportunity to offer you a flight with a slight delay. Most likely, you will be offered a flight the next day.

Therefore, in 99% of cases, you can count on the full amounts of compensation (250/400/600 euros), which are shown in the table above. Also, if an alternative flight is operated the next day, you must pay for hotel accommodation and transfer in both directions,” explain experts from the Ukrainian service for protecting the rights of air passengers.

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What to do if the flight is canceled and you are already at the airport?

The first step is to go to the information desk, airline employee or tour operator. They will tell you why the flight was delayed or canceled and propose an action plan. If no one helps, call the airline's call center or OTA (the provider that sold you this ticket). Not on TripMyDream! We are just looking, but we need to call the person who sold the ticket.

“The passenger must contact the airline representative at check-in. If the passenger has further flights and the connection between them is disrupted, then you need to contact the ticket office or call the airline’s call center to reissue a ticket to the final destination.”, recommends Air Astana.

You will be offered two options:

  • Alternative flight– with a transfer, a different time or day of departure. If an alternative flight departs a few hours from yours, then you will already be considered a passenger on the delayed flight, which means the airline will feed you, drink you and shelter you while you wait.

Catch life hack! If you don’t have the time or desire to wait, then urgently look for tickets for the next flight before others overtake you. The airline must reimburse you for the cost of new tickets. Just don’t break your lip – if you flew with a low-cost airline, no one will compensate you for business class.

  • Ticket refund

The main thing to remember is that the money for the ticket will be returned to you, but subject to certain points. Let's look at a real case: you are flying on the route Kiev - New York.

If all segments are purchased with one ticket, you will receive compensation for the entire route. If you had 2 separate tickets - Kyiv-Amsterdam and Amsterdam-New York, then the money will be returned to you only for the flight that was cancelled, for example Kyiv-Amsterdam. But the Amsterdam-New York ticket will have to be returned according to the fare rules. If you have an economy fare, then don’t expect much compensation, but it’s better to check with the airline.

The same is true with return tickets; if you bought one ticket at the round trip rate (round trip), then the refund will be for all tickets. But, if these are separate (one way) tickets, then the money will be refunded only for the actually canceled flight.

WITH transit flights- similar. If, due to the fault of the airline, you are late for a second flight due to the cancellation of the first, the carrier must either refund the cost of tickets for the entire booking chain, or offer an alternative to get to your destination. In the case of low-cost airlines, being late for the next segment of the flight is, unfortunately, only your problem. Low-cost airlines do not guarantee connections on their flights; each segment is a separate flight, so the air carrier is not involved in your connection.

Is it possible to receive compensation for the cancellation and rescheduling of a low-cost airline flight?

“There is absolutely no connection between the cost of the ticket and the possibility of receiving compensation. Therefore, if you fly with a low-cost airline, you can count on exactly the same amount of compensation, even if you got your ticket for 20 euros.”,” experts from the legal service Flyhelp comment on this issue.

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What else needs to be done? Collect additional evidence

Did you have coffee and a croissant? Have you bought a toothbrush? We don't throw away receipts! They will be needed to receive compensation for additional expenses. Boarding passes will also be useful, luggage tags, information about delays, flight cancellations (can be requested at the check-in desk). Take a photo or video of the departure board. The status of the desired flight and time should be visible in the frame.

If your charter flight is cancelled, upon arrival at the hotel, ask for a certificate of your check-in date - this is the main proof that you missed a certain number of nights of your long-awaited and paid vacation because of the tour operator or air carrier.

With these checks and certificates, contact the air carrier, an intermediary company that deals with compensation, for example, the Flyhelp air passenger rights protection service, or, as a last resort, go to court. Some passengers also demand compensation for moral damage; payments for it rarely exceed UAH 10,000.

Are there any differences in compensation for charter and scheduled flights?

“Charter flights (in terms of cancellation) are no different from regular flights - you are also entitled to compensation. There are several problems with charter flights:

  • Charter companies do not have full-fledged claims departments.
  • You will not find online forms here. Most likely, the case will come down to the need to go to court,” say Flyhelp experts.

Flight delay

The cancellation was sorted out. Now let's figure out what to do when the flight is delayed. If your flight is postponed by 24 hours or more, the airline must provide you with transfer, hotel and meals.
If the flight is delayed by 5 hours or more, there are the following options:
  • get money for a ticket;
  • choose another flight and, if the class is lower, then within 7 days you will receive the difference in price;
  • if the flight class has been reduced, then within seven days the passenger must be reimbursed for the difference: 30% for flights with a range of up to 1.5 thousand km, 50% - from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand km, 75% - for flights of longer range .

Even if the flight is delayed by more than 2 hours, you can count on “bonuses” from the airline - free food and drinks.

If a flight with a range of 1.5 thousand km is delayed by more than two hours, with a range from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand km - by more than three hours, and longer flights - by four hours, the carrier must provide passengers with the necessary number of food and soft drinks.

Is there any monetary compensation for delay?

“The first step when your flight is delayed is to determine whether you are entitled to compensation. In most cases (when departing from Ukraine), compensation for your flight will be determined by EU regulation 261/2004 and the Ukrainian Civil Code. In the first case (EC261) you are entitled to compensation for the delay, in the second you are not. Let's decide when EU 261 applies to citizens of Ukraine.

  1. You are flying from Ukraine to an EU country on an EU-registered airline, for example, etc.
  2. You are flying from the EU to Ukraine on any airline (including Ukrainian)
  3. You are flying within the EU on any airline.

In most other cases, the jurisdiction of Ukraine will apply, where compensation for delay is not provided (only for cancellation). This, unfortunately, applies to all popular resort destinations, for example Ukraine, etc.,” Flyhelp experts explain.

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What to do if you miss your connection?

If you are connecting from one flight to another on the same reservation and you are late for the second flight due to the cancellation of the first, the carrier must either refund the cost of tickets for the entire booking chain or offer an alternative to get to your destination. If your flight is canceled at the airport and you are waiting for an alternative flight, you should be provided with the same conditions as in the case of a delayed flight.

“In the event that a passenger is late for his connecting flight due to the fault of the airline, the passenger’s ticket will be rewritten to the final destination on the next available flights or on an alternative route. It is important that if the company does not see the passenger’s connecting flight, the ticket will not be rewritten. This may happen if the passenger’s route is not issued with a single ticket: with different air tickets for different carriers.

It is best for the passenger to contact the airline ticket office at the airport. If there is no ticket office, then contact an airline representative or a 24-hour call center line,” comments Air Astana.

What laws take into account the rights of passengers?

Remember these documents that will help you judge who is right and who is wrong from a legal point of view:

  • Montreal Convention (Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of International air transport) is the main document regulating the rights of passengers flying from Ukrainian airports and using the services of national carriers.
  • “The Airborne Code of Ukraine”, the order “On the approval of the Rules for the airborne transportation of passengers and baggage” and the rules of Ukrainian airlines (include the main provisions of the Montreal Convention);
  • EC Regulation No. 261/2004 (Article 4-9) – for intra-EU flights departing from and arriving in the EU.

How to get compensation for a canceled flight?

There is no universal template for a claim against an airline, but, for example, the European Commission has developed a standard template for a claim against an airline demanding compensation for a canceled, delayed flight or denied boarding. If your English is ok, you can download this template from the European Commission website, fill it out and send it to the airline. But in fact, this document is not needed - on the websites of most airlines there are online forms that allow you to submit such complaints. BUT it will be much more effective to apply for compensation through specialized services.

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In practice, to file a claim against an airline you only need three documents:

  1. electronic ticket (with booking number);
  2. passport photo;
  3. boarding pass;

Also useful:

  1. An airline certificate confirming a problem with the flight. If there is no certificate, but there was an SMS or email, take a screenshot or print it;
  2. photo of a timetable board, receipts for purchases made, unused tickets, hotel reservations - any documents confirming your expenses and losses due to a flight disruption will do;
  3. confirmation of flight delay or cancellation from an independent source. For example, you can use the Flightaware or Flightradar website.

Once the airline has processed your claim, you will receive a response (42 to 90 days, depending on jurisdiction).

The response time depends on the airline’s internal regulations and the seasonal workload of the claims department. Flyhelp can in many cases reduce response time through dedicated communication channels with airlines.

If you receive a positive response, great! All you have to do is coordinate the bank transfer with the airline and receive your legal compensation. This may take a few more weeks.

What to do if you are denied compensation?

“If you receive a refusal, you will receive a response from the airline, which should explain the reason for the refusal. It will look something like this:

Wizz Air flight W6 1568 Kyiv (IEV) 09:00 - Warsaw (WAW) 10:10 (01 February 2019) was canceled due to adverse weather conditions (low visibility caused by fog in Kyiv).

Please consider that Wizz Air as an operating air carrier shall not be obliged to pay compensation, if cancellation or long delay is caused by extraordinary circumstances according to Art. 5. par. (3) of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the council establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights.

Thus, if you receive a refusal, then all the work comes down to verification or refutation of the refusal.

This can be as simple as, for example, when there is a failure bad weather, in some cases it is enough to study weather reports to make sure that the refusal is legitimate.

In less clear-cut situations, you will have to request Additional information from the control room, airport and other sources and conduct a more in-depth analysis. The difficulty lies in the fact that the concept of “flight weather” does not exist and the decision on takeoff/landing is made based on a number of factors (runway capabilities, technical characteristics aircraft, pilot qualification level, etc.)

By law, the airline must provide you with all the information you need to effectively protect your rights. However, you should not hope that the airline will shower you with supporting documents. In most cases, they will be limited to a certificate of bad weather from a free source and, in practice, you will have to collect and analyze the evidence yourself.

  • Natural disasters
  • Airport staff strikes. If airline employees go on strike, this is not force majeure in many cases.
  • What to do if your flight is delayed due to force majeure?

    Everything is the same as in the above situations, but compensation for this is not due.

    Are there any exceptions?

    Sometimes airlines blame unfavorable weather conditions for flight delays that are their fault. If you are sure that this is the case, you need to find confirmation of the meteorological situation on the METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Reports) website - this is a specialized resource used in aviation to determine meteorological conditions. But the information that can be obtained on this site is a code that is not easy for the average person to decipher without outside help. Therefore, this solution is only for those who are not looking for easy ways. It is much more convenient and profitable to resort to the help of special services.

    If you find yourself in any of the above situations, know that you have every right to compensation for the time wasted and the forced change of plans. Delays and cancellations happen every day, so for airlines solving such problems is commonplace, and for the passenger this is not at all as difficult a process as it might seem at first. Just open this article, follow the plan outlined and everything will work out for the best.

    Who should I contact for compensation in case of flight cancellation or delay?

    Flyhelp is a Ukrainian service for protecting the rights of air passengers, working on the principle of “justice as a service” (JaaS – justice as a service).

    With the help of Flyhelp, you can obtain compensation of up to 600 euros for a flight delay or cancellation without any risk to the passenger. The service bears all costs and receives a commission (20%) only upon payment of compensation. No result - no payment.

    Several reasons to seek help from Flyhelp:

    • the lowest commission on the market (20%);
    • The office is located in Kyiv and you can always get advice on the problem that has arisen;
    • you don’t need to do anything - (it will take less than a minute) and calmly wait for the result.

    Compiling ratings of the most punctual airlines is a fairly frequent study by various experts. After all, delays occur regularly. Some of them do not cause any particular inconvenience to passengers, because... are only a few minutes. Others cause serious problems, even leading to the search for new options. However, not everyone knows what to do if their flight is cancelled.

    Postponing or removing a flight from your schedule is not so easy. This state of affairs is influenced by several different reasons. It happens that the carrier is not to blame for this. Of course, the passenger deserves a refund for the flight that was canceled. But you shouldn’t rashly blame the airline - first you should clarify the reason why such a problem occurred.

    Blame the airline

    The air carrier bears full responsibility and is the culprit for canceling the route if:

    • The crew was unable to prepare the liner in time or clean it before departure
    • The passenger cannot be checked in due to the overbooking system (i.e. when significantly more travel documents have been sold than there are seats on the plane)
    • The flight becomes unprofitable for the carrier
    • The airline does not have proper evidence and does not explain the reasons for failure to fulfill its obligations

    In these cases, experts say, the airline is entirely to blame.

    Force majeure

    However, there are also situations when the airline would be happy to send the plane, but for one reason or another cannot do so. These include:

    • Unsuitable weather conditions - in this case, insisting on the plane taking off is tantamount to a potential attempt to kill all passengers and crew
    • Natural disasters, such as tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions
    • Actions of a military nature
    • Introduction of martial law in a particular country
    • The emergence of bans and various kinds of restrictions on the transportation of goods in different directions
    • Strikes by workers of various enterprises in the aviation sector, affecting flight departures
    • Airliner defects that directly affect the safety of passengers

    In this case, departure is physically impossible for reasons beyond the control of the air carrier.

    Time frame

    Flight cancellations are not uncommon. It happens, in some situations, this happens several weeks before the appointed time. Sometimes, and this often happens, a person finds out right at the airport that he will not fly anywhere.

    Cancellation a few days in advance

    If the airline decides to cancel a flight several days or weeks in advance, it may offer the passenger several different options interactions:

    1. Flight of another option: alternatively, it could be another flight of the same carrier, or maybe a flight of another company. In this case, one main condition must be met - the destination must be saved
    2. Full refund of the ticket price. When a passenger purchases a ticket with transfers and connections, he must be refunded all the money for all parts of the route. But if the tickets were purchased in different segments separately, you will be able to get a full refund only for the ticket of the company that is canceling the flight

    But there are also the following nuances. If a flight is canceled 14 days before the departure date, no refund will be given. If the passenger receives 13 days notice of cancellation, you can expect compensation, but depending on the flight distance.

    When replacing a flight within 7-13 days before the first flight with another and canceling the second proposed option, the passenger can demand compensation based on the flight distance and the duration of the delay.

    Cancellation at the airport

    If the flight is canceled while the passenger is already at the airport, the first thing to do is contact the airline counter for complete information. The carrier is obliged to explain itself to its customers according to the law. If a flight is canceled due to the fault of the airline, the passenger is entitled to compensation.

    But you can’t count on any big money. According to the Air Code of the Russian Federation, it will be possible to receive only 25% of the minimum wage, and the amount should not exceed 50% of the ticket price.

    When to file a complaint

    According to the law, you can file a complaint against the actions of the air carrier within 6 months from the date of flight cancellation.

    When will the money be returned?

    The airline has 60 days to issue a refund Money per ticket. At the same time, no one can name the exact date when the money will arrive in the account - this can happen either 2 weeks after submitting the corresponding application or after 2 months. Moreover, in no way - neither complaints, nor threats, nor appeals to supervisory authorities - will it be possible to speed up the process.

    What to do if the charter is canceled

    Charter flights are quite popular among carriers. But problems with them occur quite often. Charter flights are not that rare and are rarely cancelled. After all, they depart depending on how full they are - and if the tour operator (namely, he is the organizer of such a tour) was unable to sell enough tickets, then the departure of such a plane would be inappropriate. And it will most likely be cancelled.

    In this case, all questions should be addressed specifically to the organizer of the transportation, and not to the company that provided its aircraft for charter. But often difficulties can arise with such tickets.

    What documents to collect for a complaint?

    If the airline refuses to receive compensation and does not explain the reasons for canceling the flight, you can collect documents and file a complaint, resolving the issue pre-trial.

    Among the documents it is desirable to have:

    • A ticket with a flight cancellation stamp on it
    • Receipts and checks for expenses that had to be made due to flight cancellation, for example, taking a taxi, etc.
    • Letters and invitations if the flight was to take place for an official celebration within the family or with friends, for example, for a wedding, or when flying to a business event

    Naturally, you will need to write a statement. Such a claim is presented to a representative of the airline or through the airline’s website. An excellent solution would be to send everything by registered mail with a receipt stamp.

    The carrier must review the complaint and provide a response within 30 days. All correspondence should be saved so that if the case cannot be resolved peacefully, it can be used in court.

    If the airline refuses to resolve the issue amicably, you should go to court.

    Canceling a flight isn't such a big deal. a rare occurrence, as it may seem at first glance. Just recently, two flights were canceled at once: Perm-Moscow and the return one. Moreover different airlines. S7 moved my morning flight an hour later, which was not suitable for my next connection to Europe. Transaero canceled the night flight and offered to fly 20 hours later. I didn't want to hang around the airport for an extra 20 hours. I requested a cancellation through the agency I purchased from. A couple of days later I got my money back minus the agency commission.

    There are many reasons for cancellation. If a flight is canceled shortly before departure, it is likely that technical faults or weather conditions were to blame. However, the flight can be canceled several weeks before departure and even a month. We will tell you below in the article what to do in any of these cases.

    The flight was canceled before departure

    If the check-in board located opposite your flight lights up with the word “Canceled”, then first you need to contact an employee of the airline operating the flight. It is located at the airline ticket office, at the check-in desk at the airport; if it is not there, you should check with the airport staff.

    He will give you options and then explain the plan of action ahead. However, if you want to return your ticket, you will need to contact the ticket seller from whom you purchased it.

    The flight was canceled a couple of days, weeks, etc. before departure

    In this case, you need to immediately contact the place where you purchased the ticket. Only the agent who issued the ticket can return or exchange the ticket. If the ticket was purchased from an airline, then you need to contact them; if you bought it from an agency, then directly to the agent. Most airlines are unable to exchange or refund tickets purchased through agents. Only the seller has the right to do this.

    It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that, regardless of where the ticket was purchased, the airline will have to confirm the forced refund, and it does this very slowly. As a rule, you will need to wait up to 3 months for the money to arrive in your account. In extremely rare cases, this period can extend up to six months.

    What should you expect if your flight is cancelled?

    The airline, according to the rules, must offer the passenger a choice of the following options:

    1. Alternative flight.

    Typically, this carrier offers alternative routes, for example, a flight with a transfer on a different departure day or at a different time. Options are subject to availability.

    Please note that it will not be possible to change the final destination of the route. That is, if the Moscow-Washington flight is cancelled, it cannot be changed to Moscow-New York. If an alternative flight departs several hours after the original flight, the time between the new flight and the original flight is counted as a flight delay and you may be entitled to the same benefits as other passengers who experienced a flight delay.

    2. Refund of the ticket price in full, that is, a forced refund.

    In this case, there are some subtleties that need to be paid attention to. For example, if a flight with a transfer is purchased on one ticket (Moscow-Vienna-Berlin), then a refund can be received for full route. In the case of 2 separate tickets - Moscow-Vienna and Vienna-Berlin, a refund can only be received for the canceled flight, for example, Moscow-Vienna. Another Vienna-Berlin ticket will need to be returned according to the fare rules.

    A similar situation will occur with return tickets; if you bought one ticket at a round trip fare, then the refund will be for both the outward flight and the return flight.

    When purchasing 2 separate tickets, the refund will be for the actually canceled flight, for example, the outbound flight, the return ticket will need to be returned according to the fare rules.

    If the flight is canceled halfway through the journey, then you have the opportunity to demand compensation for the part of the route that you already had to cover. For example, you are flying on a through ticket Moscow-Vienna-Berlin. Arriving in Vienna, you learn that the flight to Berlin has been cancelled. If you are not provided with an alternative flight, the carrier must provide a return ticket, as well as compensation for the Vienna-Berlin and Moscow-Vienna flights. But in this case, you will have to provide evidence that your trip is no longer relevant due to flight cancellations.

    Are passengers provided with compensation due to flight cancellations?

    In certain cases - Yes.

    The EU airline has the following rules:

    1. Compensation is not due if the passenger is notified of cancellation two weeks or more before departure.
    2. If the cancellation is not reported 13 to 7 days before departure, provided that the flight is canceled due to the fault of the carrier and you are offered another route that allows you to depart no more than 2 hours earlier than scheduled and arrive less than 4 hours later at your final destination appointments.
    3. If you are notified of a flight cancellation less than 7 days before departure and you are offered an alternative route that allows you to depart no more than 1 hour earlier than scheduled and arrive less than 2 hours later at your final destination.

    The compensation amount is as follows.

    Not all tourists know what to do if their flight is cancelled. In the absence of an official appeal to airport employees, no one will offer compensation or other services prescribed in the code. Therefore, it is worth knowing what you can count on if your paid flight is delayed or completely cancelled.

    Modern legislation tries to protect the interests of passengers as much as possible and give them more chances in disputes with airlines. And yet, people often do not know what exactly they are supposed to receive in certain cases. Therefore, we will describe the information in as much detail as possible.

    Who is guilty?

    There are different reasons why a flight may be cancelled. It is important to distinguish between those for which the carrier itself is to blame and force majeure that affected not only your plans, but also the airline’s work schedule. So, you can count on compensation and other bonuses only in the following cases:

    1. Incorrect flight schedule, inconsistencies.
    2. The plane's crew did not prepare the cabin in time.
    3. When overbooking, that is, when more tickets are sold than there are seats.
    4. If the owners of the company decide that this flight is unprofitable in financially.
    5. Other situations in which airport staff cannot provide a clear explanation as to why the flight is delayed.

    But it also happens that there is no one to blame for the flight cancellation, and both parties suffer losses. You need to clearly understand in which cases you cannot demand any compensation or compensation from the airline:

    • if the flight is impossible due to the weather, for example, heavy rain or snow, blizzard, hail, etc.;
    • natural disasters (hurricane, earthquake, volcanic eruption);
    • martial law was declared in the country;
    • cases of terrorist attack;
    • upon termination or significant limitation of the amount of permissible cargo;
    • airport or airline staff strikes;
    • serious technical problems with the aircraft that threaten the lives of all passengers.

    What can you expect?

    If the flight is cancelled, then you need to contact the check-in desk and find out the reason. When a flight is canceled by an airline due to its fault, then there are several options for what you can claim:

    1. Refund of the ticket, its full cost or partial compensation for moral damage. There are many situations here that are different from each other.
    2. Offering an alternative to how to get to your destination - the services of another carrier, a flight at a different time or day, a changed route, for example, with transfers.

    It is advisable for you to record any in an accessible way the very fact of flight cancellation or delay. To do this, make a note on the ticket at the check-in counter at the airport, receive the appropriate certificate, and you can take a photo electronic scoreboard, which indicates that the flight has been cancelled.

    In this case, airline employees are obliged to immediately offer several options for an alternative route, change tickets for free, or you can apply for a refund and compensation. The exact rules by which this is done depend on the country where the flight was cancelled.

    In Russia there are “ General rules air transportation" and " Air Code" There are also differences in internal laws for each airline. More often budget companies indicate from the outset that they completely disclaim any responsibility for the disrupted flight. IN European countries The Montreal Convention and other local laws are in force, implying a more loyal attitude towards passengers.

    So, if a flight is canceled while traveling within Russian Federation, then the Air Code promises to return compensation in the amount of 25% of the minimum wage, but not more than half the cost of the ticket itself. For 2017, the minimum wage was 7,800 rubles. That is, your expectations may be quite modest.

    If it was an international flight, then, according to the Montreal Convention, the carrier is obliged to pay compensation, which is calculated at the special borrowing rate (SDR). Currently, the maximum amount of such payment is 380,000 rubles.

    When purchasing tickets with a transfer, losses can be reimbursed for the entire route at once. But if you purchased separate sections independent of each other, then more often compensation is paid only for that part of the journey where the flight was cancelled. In Europe, the amount of payments may differ depending on how many days you were warned about this and the distance of the flight. More often the amount ranges from 100-600 euros.

    In case of long flight delay

    If you are already at the airport and your flight is delayed for some time, then, regardless of the reason for the circumstances, you are entitled to some Additional services:

    • When waiting for a plane for two hours, passengers are provided with drinks, but not alcoholic ones. You can also use the phone and make two calls lasting no more than five minutes or send two emails.
    • If you have to wait for your flight for more than 4 hours in a row due to a delay due to objective circumstances, then all passengers are required to be given a hot meal. And if you wait longer, it is served every 6-8 hours.
    • If the flight is delayed by 8 hours during the day or 6 hours at night, a hotel room is provided. And you have every right to demand a separate room so as not to live with strangers. In addition, the airline pays for transfer to the hotel and back.
    • When traveling with children under 7 years of age, the staff is required to open the mother and child room.

    All these privileges are not given automatically. You will have to demand them and independently remind the airport staff of such responsibilities. Therefore, even before taking a flight, it is better to check all consumer protection laws and study the Air Code in order to know exactly what you can count on in various unforeseen situations.

    Will the money be returned?

    With the same delays in European countries, airlines promise to compensate for moral damages in the form of monetary compensation. Its dimensions differ depending on the travel distance and the duration of the flight delay:

    1. If you wait at the airport for three hours or less, you will not receive any payment.
    2. But if this time lasts longer, and the flight is made at a distance of up to 1500 km, then the compensation is 250 euros.
    3. For a longer flight it increases to 400.
    4. A slightly smaller cash payment (300 euros) is issued to those who had a ticket in a direction of about 3500 km, and had to wait from 3 to 4 hours.
    5. If the delay occurs for 4 hours or longer, and the distance to the final destination is at least 3,500 km, then you can expect to pay a maximum amount of 600 euros.

    There is a rule according to which if a flight is delayed for a long time by more than five hours, the airline is obliged to pay the full cost of the ticket.

    It is important that the application for compensation is made in the exact country where the delay or cancellation of the flight occurred. It must be submitted as early as possible. Each airline has its own terms for processing such claims, and refunds are made within a week or a month from the date of application.

    At the same time, write a statement and collect all the documents confirming that you have suffered losses:

    • copies of tickets or boarding passes;
    • other papers proving that due to a flight cancellation you missed an important event (concert, competition);
    • hotel reservation, etc.

    Along with this, you must provide copies of your passport, and you can also attach a photo of a board with information about the delay or cancellation of the flight to your application. It is important to submit your complaint in writing because an email or verbal conversation with airport officials is not considered a formal complaint.

    Sometimes you have to prove your case through court. Although major international airlines try to refund the cost of tickets before a legal dispute, if you submit your claim within the stipulated time and provide all the evidence. In the case where the air tickets were purchased through tourist agency, as well as upon cancellation charter flight, you should expect compensation from your tour operator.

    Special third-party services also deal with similar issues, for example, and others. They help to file all claims in the required form and achieve payment. But they will require a fee for their services, which is usually about 25% of the amount paid. If compensation for losses cannot be achieved, then no payment is made.

    Video: what to do if your plane is cancelled?


    Quite often, a situation occurs when you cannot be boarded on a flight due to the sale of more tickets than expected. Airline employees assume this on the assumption that some passengers cancel the flight at the last minute. In this case, a person may arrive at the airport to check in and find that all the seats are already taken. What to do in this case?

    Then they offer the following solutions to the problem:

    1. If there are free seats in business class, you will be transferred to the best part of the cabin at no additional cost.
    2. They will offer to change the flight to a similar one.
    3. If it is impossible to complete the first and second steps, the airport employee is obliged to put a special note on the ticket with which you apply for compensation for losses.

    To prevent such a situation, it is better to start checking in for your flight as soon as the opportunity opens. To do this, arrive at the airport in advance or use an online service with which you can complete this procedure without even leaving your home.