Medical commission for training in a driving school. How is a medical examination carried out at a driving school?

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The legislation of our country states that individuals who express a desire to manage their personal car, are required to have a driver's license, without which driving is impossible. But before you get permission to drive a car, you must pass a special medical examination for a driving school, and obtain a certificate from the State Traffic Inspectorate, which gives you the opportunity to learn to drive in the appropriate school in practice. It is at this stage of reflection that it arises main question: “Where can I take a medical examination for a driving school?”

Medical examination: when to take place?

Each driving school accepts applications for admission to driving lessons without a doctor's certificate. The entire theory can also be taught without this certificate of fitness of the individual to safely operate a vehicle. Gradually reaching the stage of practical driving training, you should be warned that without the appropriate certificate you will not be allowed to drive a car. You can also take a medical examination for a driving school while studying at a driving school, but if you have any health problems, it is recommended that you take the examination in advance so that you do not have problems obtaining this certificate later.

Medical examination for a driving school: where to go?

A medical certificate confirming your compliance with safe driving is issued at any private medical clinic or at the driving school itself (needs to be clarified). The second version of receiving has its advantages over the first, namely: low prices for services, skip-the-line access, access to all the necessary specialists in one place.

Medical certificate: where to get it?

A certificate granting permission for the “steering wheel” of a car is issued by a doctor in completed form after positive results of the examination, all tests, and fluorography. This certificate must then be stamped and signed by the chairman of the commission.

Medical examination at a driving school: examination by doctors.

The medical board for a driving school is not very extensive, there are only basic doctors: a therapist, an otolaryngologist, a surgeon and a neurologist. Girls will also have to visit a gynecologist. It must be remembered that pregnancy is not an obstacle to obtaining a certificate.

Medical certificate: what is it for?

Driving a vehicle is prohibited without a certificate of successful medical examination; technical inspection of your car will not be carried out without a certificate attached technical passport and rights; in order to pass exams at a driving school, you will also need such a certificate (we have already talked about this a little); when applying for a position as a driver-carrier in some company, they will certainly require a certificate; international licenses are also not issued to an individual without presenting this certificate.

You need a medical certificate for a driving school, a backdated medical certificate for the traffic police, and you don’t know where to go - call us right now! We will tell you how to get a document without much effort and loss of time.

You need to get medical certificate about permission to drive a vehicle. Without this certificate it is impossible to obtain driver's license, and subsequently - passing a technical inspection of the vehicle. Walkthrough medical commission will require only a few hours of your time, and its validity period is 1 year.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Traffic Safety”, one of the measures to ensure road safety is mandatory medical examination driver candidates and vehicle drivers. Receiving without passing a medical examination driver's license, as well as a vehicle technical inspection certificate are impossible. A medical examination for a driving school is carried out in order to determine medical contraindications or restrictions to driving activities among driver candidates. Thus, it is in your best interests to undergo a medical examination for your license in advance to confirm that you do not have any restrictions on driving a car.

Passing a medical examination will not take you much time. At the end of the medical examination, you will be given a medical certificate for drivers of the established form (form 003-в/у), which will indicate the permitted categories vehicles, as well as conditions for admission to their management. A medical certificate for your license is valid for 1 year.

What is needed to pass a medical examination for a license?

  • Valid passport;
  • For citizens liable for military service: registration certificate or military ID.

Don't forget to bring your glasses or contact lenses if you use them!

Which doctors and what examinations need to be completed (category B)

  • Therapist
  • Oculist
  • Expert in narcology
  • Psychiatrist
  • Neurologist (only by referral from a therapist)
  • Electroencephalography (only in the direction of a neurologist)
  • Determination of the presence of psychoactive substances in urine (only with the direction of a narcologist)
  • Qualitative and quantitative determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in blood serum (only upon referral from a narcologist)

Where to get a medical examination for your license

Medical examination is a paid service. It can be completed in medical institutions that are licensed to conduct medical examinations of drivers or candidates for vehicle driver. Currently, most urban and commercial clinics have such licenses. At the same time get a medical certificate is possible in any region, butYou can see a psychiatrist and a psychiatrist-narcologist only in drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries and only at the place of registration (permanent or temporary). It will not be possible to get these doctors through private organizations.

In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, persons expressing a desire to obtain a driver's license are required to undergo a medical examination to determine the candidates' suitability for safe driving. Based on the results of the medical examination, a certificate is issued giving the right to practice driving in a driving school.

When should you start undergoing a medical examination?

A medical certificate is not required to enroll in a driving school. But at the stage of practical driving and at the traffic police during exams, it will be needed, so driver's medical examination You can take it after or before entering a driving school. Applicants with health problems are advised to undergo a medical examination in advance.

Where can I get a medical examination?

Design driver's license You can do it in private medical institutions or directly at a driving school. Advantages of the second option:

Possibility of visiting specialists in one place;
- efficiency;
- no queues;
- affordable prices.

Where to get a medical certificate

A driver's certificate confirming permission to drive a motor vehicle is filled out by a doctor after the medical commission has issued a positive verdict and presented a passport of a citizen of Ukraine or another document identifying the candidate. The certificate is signed by the chairman of the medical commission, the seal of the medical institution is affixed, and restrictions and suitability marks are made regarding the categories of vehicles.

What is checked during a medical examination at a driving school?

Which doctors should I see? The medical commission includes doctors: a surgeon, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a neurologist, and a therapist. Women are additionally examined by a gynecologist. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for obtaining a certificate.

Procedure for passing a medical examination:

1. Examination by a psychiatrist and narcologist with a possible express test for alcohol and drugs (at the place of residence).
2. Inspection by specialists.
3. Laboratory/instrumental research:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for Rh factor;
  • fluorography;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ECG (as directed by the therapist).

4. Obtaining a certificate.

Why is a driver's medical certificate required?:
- for driving a vehicle;
- to undergo technical inspection;
- to pass the exam at the traffic police;
- to restore lost documents/driver’s license in the traffic police;
- when applying for a driver position;
- to replace documents/driver’s license at the State Traffic Inspectorate;
- upon receipt of an international driving license.

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To be admitted to driving lessons, you must pass a driving medical examination and obtain a certificate of the established form.

When passing the medical examination, you will need 3 photographs (3x4) and a passport. Cadets who come for a medical examination without a passport will not be admitted to the medical examination.

Please note: if you have passed a medical examination with us, the appointment of an instructor occurs automatically. If you pass the medical examination yourself, then you need to submit a certificate and 2 photographs to the driving school. This can be done in the office on Baumanskaya or at your branch on the day when our representative is there and records new listeners.


Why do you need a medical certificate?

A medical certificate is required for admission to practical classes and passing the exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Where can I take a medical examination to get a driver's license?

You can undergo a medical examination at a driving school, as well as in most medical institutions (clinic, hospital, medical center). When undergoing a driver's examination at a medical institution, be sure to make sure that this type activities are mentioned in the license.

When is it necessary to undergo a medical examination?

There are no deadlines for passing the medical examination, but it should be remembered that the later the certificate and photographs (for internal documents) are submitted to the driving school, the later an instructor will be assigned. The driving school strongly recommends that you undergo a medical examination during the first two weeks of training.

When and how can I pass a medical examination at a driving school?

Medical examinations at the driving school are held every week. The cost of a medical examination and obtaining a driver’s license is 700 rubles. Read the details in the memo given to everyone upon registration. Note: do not forget to take your passport and 3 photographs with you to the medical examination.

Do the traffic police check the authenticity of medical certificates?

They check. If it turns out that the medical certificate is fake or issued by an institution that does not have a license to conduct “driving commissions,” then you will not be allowed to take the exam.

Please tell me the full title of the reference.

Medical certificate to be submitted to the State Traffic Inspectorate (form No. 083/u-89, order No. 555).

What is the validity period of a medical certificate?

The period during which the medical certificate is valid is indicated on its title side. Medical certificates are typically issued for three years (for men and women under 55), two years (for those over 55) and one year (for those with certain health limitations).

What photograph should be on the medical certificate?

The photo for reference can be anything (color or black and white; with or without glasses). The only important thing is the size of the photo - “3x4”.

Is it necessary to make a new certificate for category “B” if there is already a medical certificate with a different category?

Yes, because each category has its own specific health requirements.

Should the blood type be indicated on the medical certificate?

Not necessary.

Is it possible to take the traffic police exam with an expired medical certificate?

No, it is prohibited to drive with an expired medical certificate. Based on this, you will not be allowed to take the exam.

What to do if your driver's medical certificate is lost?

You can try to restore the certificate where you received it. To do this, you need to know the certificate number or at least the date of the medical examination. If you cannot restore the certificate, you will have to go through the commission again.

Do I need to undergo a medical examination again if my last name has changed?

If you have a valid medical certificate, then you do not need it.

I want to go to a driving school, but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to pass the medical examination. What should I do?

If you doubt that doctors will allow you to drive a car, go through a medical examination in advance (before enrolling in a driving school).

If you do not undergo a medical examination at a driving school, then which doctors should you visit?

If you are going to undergo a medical examination yourself, then all the information about the medical examination can be obtained from the help desk of the medical institution you are going to.

What diseases will not allow you to pass a medical examination?

Only specialists can give a true assessment of driving suitability. If your health conditions are compatible with driving a car, you will receive a medical certificate.

My eyesight is not very good. Could this be a reason for refusing to issue a medical certificate?

If your vision is corrected to the required level with the help of glasses or contact lenses, then you will be able to obtain a medical certificate, study for a license, take exams and obtain a driver's license.

Will I be issued a driver's license if I'm pregnant?

A certificate will be issued, but with a limitation for the period of pregnancy.

Can I get a driver's license and attend a driving school if I have a disability?

There are special driving schools that teach disabled people how to drive. In order to be allowed to drive a car, you must pass a medical examination. If during the medical examination it turns out that the disease for which you received a disability is not compatible with driving a car, then you will not be able to learn to drive and pass your license.

Do I need a military ID when passing a medical examination?

No, not needed.

I don't have a health insurance card. Will I be able to get a medical certificate without it?

When passing " driver's commission"No medical insurance is required.