Island of Capri, impressions of one day. Beautiful Capri (Italy) - a comprehensive guide to the island Island of capri Italy

This small island is located in the southern part of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The mild climate, beautiful nature and numerous ancient monuments have made Capri one of the world's most popular resorts.

Getting to the island of Capri

Ferry companies: Caremar and SNAV.

  • Approximately 40 minutes by boat from the port of Ischia or Forio to the port of Marina Grande in the north of the island of Capri.
  • Ferries from: 20 departures per day, €16, 40 minutes.
  • Amalfi Ferries, Positano and Sorrento: 15 flights per day, €14, 20 minutes on the road.

On the island of Capri:

  • the funicular from the port of Marina Grande rises to city ​​of Capri
  • Boats depart from the port to Blue Grotto.
  • Buses to the island of Capri: €1.30 per trip, €2.80 - ticket for 60 minutes without restrictions on the number of trips, €6.70 + deposit for the card €1 - unlimited trips within 1 day.

Buses depart:

  • from Marina Grande to Capri: every 15 minutes.
  • from Capri to Anacapri: every 15 minutes (lots of people)
  • from the Marina Grande port to the city of Anacapri and the Blue Grotto - every 15 minutes.

Tourist Office of the Island of Capri

  • Piazza Cerio, 11
  • 081 837 53 08
  • April - October: hedgehog. 8:30 - 20:30
  • November - March: hedgehog. 9:00 - 13:00 and 15:30 - 18:30
  • Capri Island Card - €1
  • Internet - Bar Augusto- 6:00 - 20:00

History of the Island of Capri

The first settlements on the island of Capri arose in the Paleolithic era. In historical times, Capri was colonized by the Phoenicians, later by the Greeks, and in 326 BC. The Roman period began, at the beginning of which the island belonged to a loyal ally. This continued until 29 BC, when Emperor Augustus arrived in Capri. The beauty of the island impressed Augustus so much that he suggested that the Neapolitans exchange Capri for the island of Ischia, which at that time belonged to the Roman Empire. The exchange took place: he received a larger and more fertile island, and the emperor received a small and mountainous island, but fabulously beautiful, on which he built a residence.

Emperor Tiberius, the successor of Augustus, also lived on Capri, but it is difficult to say what held him here more - admiration for beauty or fear of death. After Tiberius' entourage assured him of the impending conspiracy, the emperor built 12 villas on the island, and no one was supposed to know which one he would spend the next night in.

In the Middle Ages, the island of Capri was under a protectorate, and in 866, King Louis II transferred the island to the maritime republic of Amalfi. The island was ruled for a short time by the Lombards, they were replaced by the Normans, then the Suevi came, and in 1230 Capri became the fief of Count Eliseo Arcucci. During the reign of the Angevin and then the dynasties, the island was given many privileges. in the second half of the 19th century, the island became a popular resort among European artists and writers.

Sights of the island of Capri

Above two vast plateaus on which cities are built Capri And Anacapri, mountains rise, the highest of which is Monte Solaro(589 m). The plateaus are connected by a narrow isthmus formed by bays cutting in from the sea - Marina Piccola(Marina Piccola) from the south side and Marina Grande(Marina Grande) - from the north. The latter serves as a starting point for excursions - the building, built in 1928, is located here. port of Marina Grande. Beaches stretch to the west of the port, behind them there is what little remains of the Sea Palace of Emperor Augustus, and on the very shore are the ruins of the Baths of Tiberius.

1. Baths of Tiberius

Baths of Tiberius (Bagni di Tiberio) are the remains of the bathhouse of the Villa Augustus, from which fragments of walls and an open-air temple have been preserved. Initially, the baths were lined with marble, a short staircase led to a small harbor and ponds for breeding fish and shellfish.

Not far from the port on piazza della Vittoria (Piazza della Vittoria) lower station built funicular, connecting Marina Grande with the city of Capri. The funicular covers a distance of 650 m in 5 minutes and delivers passengers to a panoramic platform (138 m above sea level) next to the famous Piazzetta.

2. Church of San Constanza

You can also get to the top on foot by climbing via Colombo (via Colombo), which turns into via Marina Grande (via Marine Grande). The latter stretches to Capri (you can shorten the path slightly by turning closer to the city onto one of the streets), and leads to Anacapri Phenician staircase(Scale Fenicia), starting at the bottom via Marina Grande. stands at the foot of the stairs Church of San Costanzo(XIV century), dedicated to the heavenly patron of the city, St. Konstantin.

3. Gardens of Augustus

Gardens of Augustus ( Giardini Augusto) have nothing to do with the Roman emperor - they were defeated at the beginning of the 20th century at the request of the entrepreneur Friedrich Krupp.

In the 1930s, the Augustus Gardens also became the property of the municipality, they were landscaped, decorated with sculptures and installed stele, dedicated to Lenin, who visited the island in 1908 (Giacomo Manzu, 1970).

4. Faraglioni Rocks

Scenic road Via Krupp(Via Crupp) descends from the top of a rocky cape and goes along the coast. It was built in 1901 according to the design of Emilio Mayer and connects the Augustan Gardens with the village of Marina Piccola, a resort with good beaches on the romantic southern coast. There is also a “wild” rocky beach called Torre Saracena. From the observation deck located above Via Krupp, there is a magnificent view of the rocky southern coast, the vast sea and cliffs Faraglioni (Faraglioni).\

5.Villa Iovis

Villa Iovis (Villa Iovis, Villa of Jupiter) is located on the top of the mountain Monte Tiberio(334 m) and represents the ruins of a huge structure (more than 6000 m2) on several floors, with corridors, stairs, passages and water storage facilities. In that part of the building from which the most beautiful view opens, the imperial apartments with a magnificent loggia were located.

The center of the city of Capri is considered piazza Umberto I (Piazza Umberto I) or Piazzetta(Piazzetta). You can get to the square through the medieval entrance or from the funicular platform, which offers a beautiful view of the bay (in clear weather you can see the islands of Ischia, Procida and Vivara, the port and villas surrounded by green gardens).

  • Villa Iovis
  • daily 09.00–1 hour before sunset

6. Chiesa di San Stefano

The church staircase overlooks the Piazzetta San Stefano(Chiesa di San Stefano, XVII century), with a baroque façade and stylized “Arab” round domes. Inside is a silver bust of the city's heavenly patron, St. Konstantin.

Opposite the church is Palazzo Cerio(Palazzo Cerio, XVII century), built for the Queen of Naples Giovanna I. Now the building houses a foundation dedicated to the study of the history of Capri.

From the square you can go to the Carthusian monastery San Giacomo(Certosa di S. Giacomo). Construction of the monastery began in 1363 on the initiative of Count Arcucci, who owned the island. The defensive tower was erected later, in the 16th century, when the monastery was repeatedly attacked by pirates. The sudden collapse of the tower in 1806 was perceived by many as a sign of trouble, which soon really happened - in the same 1806, the Napoleonic government abolished the monastery. Having lost their property and privileges, the Carthusians had to leave the island. In 1927, work began on the restoration of the monastery complex, but it continued only in the 1980s. The brothers' cells, a shelter for pilgrims, outbuildings, as well as a monastery of hermits, where a huge water tank with a vaulted ceiling and lunettes have been preserved, have been restored.

7. Matermania Grotto

If you go strictly east from the center of Capri, then, moving along via Matermania, you can go to grotto Matermania(Italian Grotta Matermania - “Great Mother”). The Romans, who gave this natural structure the name of the goddess of earth and fertility, equipped a large hall and several rooms inside the grotto. Perhaps the walls of the hall were lined with marble, and there were seats on the floor. Nearby, framed by dense vegetation, is Natural arch(Arco Naturale) made of sandstone, representing a fragment of a collapsed grotto.

To the top Monte Solaro(Monte Solaro) from the city of Anacapri you can go up by ski lift (10 minutes) or on foot (1.5 hours).

8. Chiesa di S. Maria Cetrella

From the church Santa Maria Cetrella(Chiesa di S. Maria Cetrella, XV century) offers views of Capri, the Gulf of Naples and Salerno, their islands and peninsulas, and in good weather - even the Apennines.

The city of Anacapri is the second largest settlement on the island. This green resort has been especially popular with artists and intellectuals since the 19th century.

9. Villa San Michele

Villa San Michele ( Villa San Michele) was built at the beginning of the 20th century for the Swedish writer Axel Munthe, on the ruins of one of Tiberius’s villas. The owner bequeathed the building and collection of antiquities to the Swedish state, which turned the villa into a museum.

  • Villa San Michele
  • daily May–Sept. 09.00–18.00,
  • March 09.30–16.30,
  • Apr., Oct. 09.30–18.00,
  • Nov.–Feb. 10.30–15.30

10. Chiesa di Santa Sofia

Church of Santa Sofia (Chiesa di Santa Sofia) was built in the 16th century and was rebuilt many times. The chapels date back to the 17th century, and the two bell towers were built in 1878.

In the baroque interior Church of San Michele(Chiesa di San Michele) the floor made of majolica tiles on the plot of “The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise” (1761) deserves attention. The Neapolitan master depicted the animals that inhabited paradise, including a unicorn.

11. Blue Grotto

One of the most famous attractions of the island of Capri is Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra). The color of the water in the grotto is due to the optical effect that occurs when rays of light pass through the water column, penetrating into the grotto through an underwater crevice. You can get inside by boat; due to the low entrance, the grotto is inaccessible in stormy weather.

12. Cape Punta Carena

At Cape Punta Carena ( Punta Carena) - the southernmost point of the island of Capri, separating the southern and western coasts of the island, there is a lighthouse (19th century) that is still in operation today. The cape was of great strategic importance, and its fortifications from different eras rise above the beach area located to the west, called Bathhouse near the lighthouse(Bagni del Foro).

Map of the island of Capri

> > > Naples >

(Capri) is nestled in (Golfo di Napoli) and has always been synonymous with luxury, expensive holidays. But everything can be different: here we will tell you about things that you won’t need to spend a lot of money on. The proximity of Capri to and makes the island a very convenient place to spend time at least for one day. From the mythical High Rocks (Faraglioni) to the Azure Grotto (Grotta Azzurra), from the elite Piazza (Piazzetta) to the villa of Emperor Tiberius (villa dell’Imperatore Tiberio) - absorb the best that has to offer island of Capri.

High Rocks is one of the symbols. This is the name of three massive rocks near the island, which can be reached by boat.

The highest is 109 meters, and in the central one there is a grotto in which you can swim.

Each of the three rocks has its own name. The closest one to the island is called Saetta, the middle one is Scopolo. On Scopolo (as well as on the top of Mount Solaro (Monte Solaro)) lives the rare Blue Lizard, which belongs to the family of ordinary lizards, but has acquired a blue color to match the color of the sea and sky of Capri due to isolation.

Azure Grotto Capri

The famous Azure Grotto of Capri has been known since the time of Emperor Tiberius, who built a road to it from his villa.

Its incredible azure color brought it fame and name: in good weather, it seems as if the water in the sea is illuminated from within, and you can see myriads of silver fish. You can get inside by a small boat that can accommodate no more than 4 people. The height of the entrance is only a meter, so when swimming inside the cave, you need to bend down very much. At the entrance to the grotto, especially during peak season, you can sometimes wait an hour waiting in line: you will be offered sunscreen, a hat and water. The boat tour lasts about 5 minutes, but swimming and diving inside is prohibited.

Mount Solaro in Capri

Mount Solaro, 589m high, is the ideal place to enjoy views of the island at its foot and of distant Naples and Salerno across a stretch of dazzling sea.

Many species of birds nest here, including the pilgrim falcon, and in general the island offers typical Mediterranean flora and fauna.

The best time for this is spring, when the air is filled with the aromas of freesias and wisterias. On the mountain it is worth visiting the Hermitage of St. Mary (Eremo di Santa Maria) - in the past a place of retreat for monks, the Barbarossa fortress (Castello di Barbarossa), supposedly built in the 11th century. and withstood the siege of the Turkish admiral Cairo ad-din in 1535.

Villa Jovis in Capri

Villa Jovis was dedicated to Jupiter by Emperor Tiberius - it is one of the brightest examples of Roman architecture preserved on the Mediterranean coast. This is not the only villa built by the emperor on Capri, but it is definitely one of the most elegant - 7 sq. m. km on the cape at the eastern end of the island.

From here you have views of Ischia and Procida, the Gulf of Salerno and the Cilento coast. The villa was built in the 1st century. and the emperor spent 12 years on it, controlling the destinies of the Empire from the island.

Today it is possible to visit what remains of it: in the center there are large reservoirs for rainwater, and around it there are a series of buildings for the emperor, army and servants, as well as the throne room. The villa was plundered during the Bourbon era and restored in 1932 thanks to the intervention of Amedeo Maiuri, director of the Archaeological Museum of Naples (Museo Archeologico di Napoli).

Capri Square

Piazza Umberto I is the center of social life in Capri, better known as simply the Square.

People come here to drink coffee, chat and admire the gorgeous panorama from the terrace. Until the end of the last century, there were market stalls on the square, but now it is a symbol of luxurious life, where the cream of the city’s society and tourists gather at tables on the cobblestone street.

The main streets radiate from the Square and one of them, Camerelle, is replete with boutiques of the world's most famous brands. Take a break in the Square and visit the Centro Caprense Ignazio Cerio, a small museum housing some 20,000 archaeological finds from the island.


At the foot of Mount Solaro, a 15-minute bus ride from the Square, is Anacapri - the largest commune of the island, a whirlwind of colorful streets and alleys, squares and beaches.

It is from here that the cable car goes to the top of Mount Solaro, and Pagliaro Street leads to the Cote d'Azur Grotto. If you love wildlife and want to see a magnificent view of the sun setting into the sea, you need to climb Cape Carena (Punta Carena) and its famous Lighthouse (Faro), the tallest in Italy after the Genoese one.

Anacapri also has one of the most beautiful churches in the Neapolitan Baroque style - the Church of St. Michael the Archangel (Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo), where the floor is paved with glazed tiles depicting the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Another attraction that cannot be missed is the Red House (Casa Rossa), the former home of American Colonel John Makoven. Nowadays there are collected paintings depicting island of Capri and Anacapri, written in the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as archaeological finds from the Cote d'Azur Grotto.

Island of Capri - beaches

Quite rocky and there are no large sandy beaches, but there are many ledges from which it is good to dive into the charming transparent depths of green and blue. Capri has both wild beaches and equipped ones - with umbrellas, sun loungers, showers, bars and restaurants.

In the port area, Marina Grande, in a rocky bay, the largest beach of the island is open. There is a wild and equipped area. At the opposite end of the island is Marina Piccola, which can be reached on foot or by bus. Lovers of amazing sunsets should visit the Mayak area.

Sightseeing tour around Capri

The best way to enjoy the beauty of the island is to take a boat on a sightseeing tour around the island. They happen quite often, lasting an hour or two. Most of them include a stop at the Cote d'Azur Grotto (for a fee). The voyage starts from Marina Grande and takes us clockwise, passing important points such as Villa Jovis and the High Rocks. Naturally, all this time, the uniquely beautiful landscapes of lush vegetation and dazzling rocks will not escape your gaze.

What to try in Capri

When talking about Capri, one cannot fail to mention the island’s essential products: tomatoes, mozzarella, olive oil, salt, oregano, basil. Capri cuisine is simple and at the same time unforgettable. Capri homemade ravioli with cheese and marjoram, linguine with fish sauce, lots of fish and seafood, such as squid with potatoes and mussel soup, as well as Capri almond and cocoa cake and Limoncello liqueur.

Where to spend the night in Capri

Certainly, island of Capri has the reputation of not being the cheapest island, but in the off-season you can spend the night in small bed-and-breakfast hotels at reasonable prices. It is clear that during peak season and in expensive hotels prices are alarmingly high. Prices are also influenced by the view from the windows and proximity to the social places of the island (Square, shopping streets). But overall there is a lot of choice: prices start from around 90 euros per night for a double room with breakfast included.

Capri has long been a favorite vacation spot of the Roman emperors. Augustus liked to gather guests here; it is assumed that it was he who founded the world's first paleontological museum at Villa Augustus - Stone Age artifacts discovered by the builders of the villa were exhibited there. Tiberius retired here in 27 and built several villas. In the 19th century The island was discovered by avid travelers from England, then artists and writers from other countries began to visit there. Later, the Russian writer Maxim Gorky lived here for a long time, and after the Second World War the Germans also appeared.

The beauty of Capri is legendary. The length of the island is 6 km, and the maximum width is 2.5 km. Sheer limestone mountain slopes protrude from the water - sometimes over 500 m in height. The landscape of the island is characterized by unusual rock formations, cliffs, but above all - many caves and grottoes, among which Grotta Azzura - the Blue Grotto - is especially famous. In the upper plateau of the island, nature is very pleasant: there is a lot of greenery, orange and lemon groves, and orchards. The landscape is defined by diverse Mediterranean vegetation. The island is divided between two communities: Capri and Anacapri. The town of Capri is a real tourist center with hotels, restaurants and shops. Anacapri, on the other hand, is more like a village. These towns are full of holidaymakers, but the coast between them and in the mountainous part of the island is much more beautiful and calm.

What to see

The easiest way to get a first impression of the island and its many grottoes is to take a tour around it by motorboat; during the trip you can sail to Grotta Bianca, Grotta Meravillosa, Grotta Verde and Grotta Rossa.

Be sure to visit the Garden of Caesar Augustus and admire the view of the sea and the Faraglione cliffs. Walk along Via Tebirio to Villa Giovis, the most beautiful and largest of the Roman villas. They say that both Teberius and Caligula staged orgies and tortures here, although perhaps these are all just rumors. In Anacapri you need to see the Villa San Michele and the beautiful garden laid out by Axel Munthe, a Swedish doctor, on the ruins of another Roman villa.

Be sure to visit the famous Blue Grotto, one of several sea caves on the rocky coast. The light reflects off the white sandy bottom, and the water takes on an extraordinary luminous blue hue. Capri is a wonderful place for water sports and diving, or just relaxing on the seafront with a glass of limoncello in hand. Special boats run to and from the Blue Grotto.


Piazza Umberto I, 19 80073 Capri;
Tel.: 08 18 37 04 24;
Fax: 08 18 37 09 18;


From the mainland to Capri there are several daily ferry and hydrofoil services: from Naples, Sorrento, Positano and Amalfi. There is also a sea connection with the neighboring island of Ischia.


In the first week of September, Capri hosts the Settembrata Anacaprese festival, with a large, colorful float procession. Then four quarters of the city of Anacapri compete for the coveted prize - a golden bunch of grapes.

Hello, dear readers. The island of Capri is one of the most romantic places in the Gulf of Naples, this is especially noticed by newly arrived tourists, for whom the most important question is how to spend time here with the greatest benefit and what can you see on the island of Capri.

If you want to carefully look at all the sights, you need to be patient and comfortable shoes. Because walking is the ideal way to explore the island and admire its natural beauty, such as the crystal clear sea and rocky shores.

Alternatively, to get anywhere in Capri you can always use taxis, small buses and funiculars.

In summer, excursions to the island of Capri from the coast and Positano () are very popular. But in July and August it is very hot, and there are so many tourists that this route can become very tiring, so you should calculate your strength in advance and think about whether you can see Capri and its main attractions in one day.

On hot days, the best option to visit the island is early morning or late evening.

Where to stay in Capri

The island of Capri has a large number of small hotels, B&Bs and apartments to suit any budget. But in high season prices can be very high, this is especially true for large expensive hotels. The main criteria influencing the price of hotels are panoramic views and walking distance from the main attractions. I would like to say that the room rates are really so varied that everyone can choose what they like.

I suggest you look at the prices for hotels on the island of Capri, or you can simply compare prices and then book a room:

From the port of Marina Grande You can buy a ticket for a land or boat tour of the island. The boat excursion will undoubtedly include a visit to the Blue Grotto and the Faraglioni. On average, such a walk lasts about 2 hours and costs 10.00 - 20.00 €.

For tourists who only have one day to see Capri, I suggest you familiarize yourself with a short guide and a few of the most popular attractions.

Faraglioni Capri

Faraglioni can be called one of the symbols of Capri. They are three large boulders rising out of the water, which are located in close proximity to the island, but can only be reached by boat or speedboat. The height of one of the rocks is 109 meters, and the smallest one has an arch through which sailboats can easily sail.

Local residents claim that good luck awaits those who swim through the arch. In ancient times, fires were lit on these stones, which served as a kind of beacon for sailors. Not a single tourist leaves Capri without taking at least one photo of the Faraglioni. Each rock has a name: the highest is Star (Stella), the smallest with an arch is Faraglione di Mezzo, the third is Faraglione di Fuori.

Blue Grotto of Capri (Grotta Azzurra)

The Blue Grotto can be called one of the most popular attractions you can see in Capri. Due to the narrow entrance and low height (1 meter), visiting the grotto is only possible on a small boat. But inside it is quite spacious. The main feature of such water caves is the unusually azure water, hence the name.

Many people do not miss the opportunity to swim in the cleanest water and feed the fish that live here, but this is not appropriate during the high season. During the high season in summer, there are a lot of people who want to visit the blue grotto, so you will most likely have to wait a long time for your turn, so don’t forget to bring sunscreen and a hat.

Your stay inside the cave will last approximately 5 minutes. Entrance to the cave is paid, its cost will be 13.00 € (payment for the services of the boatman is not included here), payment is made immediately before the entrance, at the floating ticket office. Working hours grotto from 9:00 to 17:00. It is not recommended to visit the cave on cloudy, not sunny days, as the color of the water on such days is significantly different. Visiting is prohibited during rain and wind.

Monte Solaro in Capri

Monte Solaro is 589 meters high and is the ideal place to see the entire island in all its glory from the highest point of Capri, also overlooking the Bay of Naples and the city of Salerno. On the mountain you can see all the beauty of the Mediterranean flora and fauna; there are also many attractions that are definitely worth seeing.

Just below the highest point is the Cetrella zone (La zona di Cetrella) where you can see medieval chapel and a church that served as a place of spiritual retreat for the monks of the Franciscan order. Another local attraction is the ruins of Barbarossa Castle (Il Castello di Barbarossa).

The best time to visit Monte Solaro is spring. There is a bus from the port of Marina Grande to Anacapri, and from there you can take a funicular to Mount Solaro, the whole journey will take just over 10 minutes, while the walk will last about an hour.

It should be remembered that cable car open in summer from 9:30 to 17:00, in winter from 9:30 to 15:30. Lift ticket price 10.00 € (ascent and descent), 7.00 € (ascent only). The main note is that you should not go to the mountain with small children in your arms or animals; although the chairs on the cable car are equipped with seat belts, they are still single.

Another stunning place that is definitely worth seeing on the island of Capri is Villa Jovis, built in the first century. The building is the ruins of a classical, ancient Roman fortress, which has been well preserved to this day. Villa Jovis was discovered in the 18th century during the reign of Charles of Bourbon.

Many of the exhibits found here and of historical value are today kept in the halls of the Archaeological Museum of Naples and in the Church of Santo Stefano on the island of Capri. Entrance to the ruins of Villa Jovis is paid - 2.00 €. Opening hours: in summer from 10:00 to 18:00, in winter from 10:00 to 16:00. A ticket for the Funicular from Capri to Villa Giovis costs €1.80.

Villa San Michele

The villa is the home of the Swedish doctor and writer Axel Munthe, who built it 320 meters above sea level, on the site of the former church of San Michele and a Roman imperial villa. And now anyone can see this attraction on the island of Capri for themselves.

Munthe devoted most of his life to improving the villa and garden. Over the years, he collected a collection of valuable artifacts, some of the most important being the head of a jellyfish that adorned the Temple of Venus in Rome, a bust of Emperor Tiberius and the Egyptian Sphinx.

Also in the house is valuable rare furniture 18th century, paintings and Roman sculptures. They say that if you put your left hand on the sphinx and make a wish, it will definitely come true. In the garden you can see a variety of plants and trees typical of the Mediterranean. And of course, there is a beautiful view of the Bay of Naples from here. The museum is open daily, ticket price is 7.00 €.

La Piazzetta

Piazza Umberto I is considered the heart of the city of Capri, and is known throughout the world as the "Piazzetta". This is the main place for walks and meetings, this is where there is a wonderful cafe where you can chat with friends, drink a cup of Italian coffee and admire the views from the terrace. Coffee here is quite expensive: 4 - 5 € per cup, a cocktail will cost more than 10 €.

As a rule, in summer the Piazzetta is always crowded with tourists. Square symbol undoubtedly is a small but very original bell tower, the bells of which ring every 15 minutes.


Anacapri is a city located on an island. Getting there is as easy as shelling pears, by bus from Marina Grande or by funicular to the city of Capri and then by bus to Anacapri, the journey will take 10 minutes, in summer buses leave every 15 minutes.

Unlike the city of Capri, center of Anacapri calmer and wider. It is here that buses stop in Piazza Victoria, where there is a funicular nearby that takes you to Mount Solaro or along Via Pagliaro you can walk to the Blue Grotto.

In Anacapri there is a very beautiful church built in the Baroque style, the Temple of San Michele Arcangelo. Another attraction worth visiting is the Red House, formerly owned by an American colonel, today the house is a museum. It houses a permanent exhibition of paintings depicting life on the island, as well as archaeological finds from Grotta Azzurra.

Beaches of Capri

The island of Capri is very unique and diverse, with both sandy beaches and rocky coves. The main feature is cleanest coast and azure water. The island has both free and paid beaches equipped with everything you need - umbrellas, showers, bars and restaurants.

The largest beach on the island is located near the port of Marina Grande; it is a rocky bay with a gorgeous view and blue sea.

If there is a place on earth where, with a clear conscience, you can give in to your weaknesses and indulge in sweet idleness, then this is, of course, the island of Capri. This “temple of divine nature” has long attracted attention, and from Emperor Augustus it even received the name Apragopolis or “town of sweet idleness.” It is difficult to simply list the names of the “greats” of this world who succumbed to the charms of Capri: Amedeo Modigliani, Thomas and Heinrich Mann, Ivan Bunin, Pablo Neruda, Oscar Wilde, Emperor Tiberius and many others lived here in different eras.

Capri is a small island, only 6.7 km long and 2.7 km wide. If you set yourself a goal, you can walk around the island length and breadth in the most literal sense, because there are about 10 square kilometers of habitable land here. It is formed by a limestone rock, which over time gave Capri a mountainous topography, and is located on an island in the western part of the country near the Sorrento coast.

Against the backdrop of the three- and four-thousander Apennines, Mount Monte Solare does not particularly shine in height - only 589 meters. As they approach the water surface, the hill slopes become gentler and gradually form two wide plateaus. A mountain range separates them from each other, and at the same time separates the two ports (Marina Grande for a large number of visitors and Marina Piccola for a small number) from each other. The coastline of the Italian island of Capri is heavily indented with bays, cliffs, gorges, grottoes and picturesque reefs peeking out of the water. The natural beauty of the island has undergone human improvements: lush thickets of grass, flowers and bushes have been “diluted” with citrus trees, olives and grapes.

Island of Capri. A little history

The history of the tourist island of Capri dates back to the Paleolithic period; at least, it was from this time that finds testifying to human presence on this piece of land date back. But active writing of a masterpiece named Capri began only during the Roman Empire. The then Neapolitan owners of the island received an offer from Emperor Augustus: to exchange the island of Capri for, located 30 kilometers northwest on the other side of the Bay of Naples. The exchange took place, and Augustus founded his residence on the island, in which his successor on the throne, Tiberius, also “lived.” With the collapse of the Roman Empire, the island of Capri in Italy returned to its former owners, and a little later even came into the possession of the government of the republic. At all times, there were enough people who wanted to own one of the corners of paradise: among its owners were the Svens, the Normans, and the Lombards. And G. Pellegrino completely acquired ownership of the Italian island.

Island of Capri. About the resort

The rather mild Mediterranean climate has given Capri lush subtropical vegetation; the local flora has 850 species. As per order, there are very few cloudy, let alone rainy days a year in Capri, and the Italian sun is kind to both visitors and the local population. The average temperature during the tourist season ranges from 21 to 29 degrees, and therefore no one languishes from the intense heat here. And the almost complete absence of rain brings here those who suffer from lung diseases.

The landscape paintings of the island are unique. Just the view of Vesuvius against the backdrop of the Bay of Naples is worth it! But the most wonderful thing about Capri is the sea. It is piercingly blue and transparent here, so much so that the clean sandy bottom can be seen at 8-10 meters. It was for this sea that emperors, industrial magnates, Arab sheikhs, Hollywood actors and mere mortals came to vacation on the island of Capri.

Sights of the island of Capri

Despite the miniature size of the resort, the island of Capri is truly rich in memorable places. You can get to it by ferry, and next to the port tourists are greeted by the first attractions of the island of Capri. In Plaza Victoria, located next to the Marina Grande port, there is the starting station of the local funicular, built more than 100 years ago in 1907. In just 7 minutes, comfortable carriages will cover a distance of 650 meters and lift you to a height of 138 meters, where there is an observation deck. And the first thing a tourist will see when ascending the funicular is Piazza Umberto I - the central city square, otherwise called the Piazzetta or small square. It has long become a favorite place for all visitors, because here you can always have a snack, dance and take part in various noisy entertainments. Another local attraction, the snow-white Church of St. Stephen, can be reached via the steps of a flowering staircase. The church was built in the 17th century in Baroque style by the Amalfi architect Marziale Desiderio. Until 1818, the Church of St. Stephen was the Cathedral. And to the right of it is the Cherio Palace. The austere and massive building of the palace with a more than modest facade was erected in the 14th century for the wealthy Arcucci family. Somewhat later, the building became a shelter, then a hotel. And today there is a research center on the island of Capri named after. Dr. Edwin Cerio.

Among the monuments of antiquity, it is worth spending time on the Villa Damekuta, the ruins of which were discovered in 1937 - 1938. The time of its construction has not yet been established: scientists suggest that the villa was built during the time of Emperor Tiberius or Augustus. But there was also evidence that a person left the villa after the eruption of Vesuvius in 79. The destructive influence of hot lava and subsequent looting do not allow us to draw a plan of the Damecuta villa, but here you can examine the watchtower, which was erected, however, much later in the 12th century.

Another attraction of ancient times is the Phoenician Staircase, carved into the rock somewhere in the 7th - 6th centuries. BC. It connects the cities of Anacapri and Capri. In order to sell their goods at the port and buy food, women had to move along rather narrow, albeit safe, steps with bales on their heads. The ascent of the 921 steps of the Phoenician Stairs over a distance of 1.7 km will take about one and a half hours, and the descent – ​​about forty minutes. Here, between the two cities, at the end of the stairs, is the Church of St. Michele, built in the 17th-18th centuries. in baroque style. It was built near the Teresian monastery named after St. Michael and founded by the nun Serafima di Dio. A distinctive feature of the monastery itself is the octagonal dome, and it also has a marble iconostasis with ornamental stones, painted wooden altars and ancient canvases from the late 17th century. But the most remarkable thing is the floor from 1761, covered with majolite tiles by a Neapolitan master. The mosaic depicts the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden, filled with animals. The Carthusian Monastery of St. James and the Chapel of St. Anthony, built near the city of Capri by order of Giacomo Arcucci, are also worthy of a visit.

One of the main attractions of the second large city (as far as the size of the island itself allows) of Anacapri is the Villa San Michele. It was this building that once inspired the Swedish physicist Axel Munthe to write the bestseller “The Legend of San Michele.” The narrow streets of the town lead to its historical center, Le Boffay Caprillet. Anacapri also has its own cable car leading from the city to Mount Solaro. Well, those who like to feel like a part of history should look at the “hermit” villa of Curzio Malaparte, a journalist and writer from the times of fascist Italy, standing alone on Cape Massulo. This two-story red building with a flat roof, accessed by a wide staircase, was built in 1938-1949. Its simplicity against the backdrop of majestic nature allows tourists to feel the harmony of contrasts reigning here.

Among the miraculous attractions of the island of Capri are the Natural Arch and the Blue Grotto. Arco Naturale (Natural Arch) is a naturally formed, luxurious looking stone arch located at a height of 200 meters. It’s rare that a selection of photos of the island of Capri is complete without its unofficial symbol - the Blue (Azure) Grotto. This is not surprising: the most beautiful cave, located on the very seashore, is very popular among tourists. The length of the Blue Grotto reaches 57 meters, the width is 30 meters, and the highest height is 15 meters. The grotto was named because of the piercing blue color of sea water, warmed by the sun's rays. However, due to its proximity to the sea, the Blue Grotto is inaccessible to tourists during a storm. And, of course, the “faraglioni” - mysterious rocky colossi protruding from the depths of the sea. These three reefs have long been an integral part of Capri landscape photos. The highest rock reaches 111 meters.

Island of Capri. Recreation and entertainment

In addition to sightseeing and historical monuments, Capri offers more modern activities. So, here you can always charter a yacht and take a boat trip around the island, stopping at the places you like. Climbers and cavers will also appreciate the opportunities the island offers them. The former will be able to conquer the local peak of Monte Solare, and the latter will explore the numerous local coves and caves.

Those tourists who are unable to sit in one place for a long time can go on an excursion to Naples, Sorrento or the island of Ischia . Often excursions are carried out on the territory of the island of Capri itself, for example, to visit the factory producing the most famous Italian liqueur, Limoncello.

If you are not a fan of excessive activity during your vacation, you can purchase branded goods in local shops and enjoy the abundance of menus in local restaurants, which will take gourmets away from the drabness of everyday life. People come to the island of Capri not just on vacation, they come here in anticipation of a deep “dive” into the atmosphere of a fairy tale. And the paradise island in Italy has never let anyone down.